Immediate Family Extended Family

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immediate family

parents and siblings (brothers and sisters)

extended family
includes all your relatives
your family members
family tree
distant relative.
have a loving family or a close-knit family
everyone loves each other and helps each other
had a carefree childhood
If you were raised in a loving family
had nothing to worry about when I was young
dysfunctional family
a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
had a troubled childhood.
If the children experience abuse, poverty, or problems with the law
the parents went through a bitter divorce
bad/angry feelings between the husband and wife
have a messy divorce
a prolonged legal battle involving lots of conflicts about the separation of the former couple’s assets (money and possessions)
divorce settlement
The decisions about the separation of assets are made
broken home
A family in which there are divorces or separations
fight over custody of the children
grant joint custody or sole custody
Share the responsibility
award sole custody to the mother
father has to pay child support
regular payments to help with expenses for the kids.
was a mutual divorce/separation
no conflict no fighting
they will probably stay on good terms with each other
a woman gets pregnant
a single mother
have an abortion
due date
the woman has the baby
or gives birth to the baby)
the baby is given to the adoptive parents
will raise the child /bring up as if it was their own
adopted child
find their birth mother
make friends.
have a number of casual acquaintances
general friends not very close
become good friends or close friends
believe in love at first sight
fall in love
they have strong chemistry
the feeling is not mutual
she’s just not my type
unrequited love
childhood sweetheart or high school/college sweetheart
mutual friend
make a commitment, the man proposes to the woma
the couple is happily married
has an affair
they are cheating on their husband/wife
is absolutely gorgeous (extremely attractive handsome beautiful)
has long, sleek, jet-black hair
has long, sleek, jet-black hair
pale blue eyes (pale = light color)
a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy)
compliment her on her hourglass figure
a woman has large breasts and hips, but a small waist
ask her what the secret is to maintaining such a slender waist (a thin waist).
round face with an upturned nose
she bears a striking resemblance to a famous singer.
is hideously ugly
has curly, shoulder-length hair that looks rather unkempt = messy hair
has a square face and a ruddy complexion (reddish skin)
deep-set eyes
hidden under his bushy eyebrows
he sports a thick mustache and a huge, shaggy beard (his facial hair )
he has an athletic build (body with a lot of muscles)
with broad shoulders (wide shoulders)
and muscular arms
trim his beard and comb his hair
was painfully shy (extremely shy)
had a vivid imagination (had a creative and colorful imagination)
had a more outgoing personality (friendly and sociable)
a good sense of humor (ability to make other people laugh)
Unfortunately he was also brutally honest
sometimes hir comments hurt my feelings (made me sad, upset, or angry)
I was fiercely loyal to him
he showed his true colors (revealed her true personality)
I bore a grudge (continued feeling angry) against her
she had low selfesteem (she considered herself inferior)
and a bit of a mean streak (a “streak” is a tiny bit of someone’s personality)
I've come out of my shell (become less shy)
I have a thicker skin (I’m less sensitive to criticism)
people speak their minds (say exactly what they think, withoutconsidering the effects of the words on others).
I have a tendency to be arrogant
I have a superiority complex (consider myself superior to others)
hard for me to swallow my pride (stop being arrogant)
put others first
ts (money and possessions)
s on others).

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