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The following is an example of a dialog that uses the words should,
should be, should have, will, will be, will have

Should, Should be, and Should have

Dialog 1
Beny : Hei Anton, why do you look so sad?
Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.
Beny : Really? Where did you lose it?
Anton : Hmm… Maybe in the park.
Beny : I think you should be more careful with your belongings.
Anton : Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.
Beny : Don’t be sad Anton. I hope you can find it really soon.
Anton : Thank you Beny. Do you have any suggestion for me?
Beny : If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it
more detail.
Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you have
another suggestion?
Beny : Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to find
it and also announce it to the visitors.
Anton : Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your
Beny : You are welcome Anton. Next time, it is better for you to keep
your important stuffs in a safe place.
Anton : Certainly Ben.
Dialog 2
Fabio: Hi, dude, what happened to you?
Shoji: It's fine, I just lost my phone.
Fabio:What ??? are you sure you lost it there ?
Shoji: Yeah, positive. What should I do?
Fabio: Well, you should report to the school.
Shoji: I did.
Fabio: Oh, OK, then you should contact Apple Store to block your
number and track it down.
Shoji: Okay, but is it really possible for it now?
Fabio: Yes, oh another one, you shouldn't be doing nothing now. Do
it now then, hopefully they can get your phone back.
Shoji: Thanks man

Dialog 3
Andi : I’m sorry, Sir. I am late. You must be waiting for me for a long
Mr. Budi : Yeah. I am very annoyed. Why did you come late? You
should have been here earlier.
Andi : Err… There was a traffic jam on the way here. So I couldn’t
drive fast. That’s the truth, Sir.
Mr. Budi : OK. Haven’t you washed this car? It’s very dirty. It’s your
duty, isn’t it?
Dialog 1
Jessy : Well it’s an amazing Sunday, isn’t it?
Justin : Yeahh it’s true, and this weekend will be our last amazing
Jessy : Why?
Justin : Because next week we gonna have a final exam. Haa. I am
afraid if I can’t pass the exam.
Jessy : No, you will. If you study with all of your effort, you will
definitely pass the exam.
Justin : hahaha yaah I know, but feel lazy to study that hard.
Jessy : Then if you do so, you know the answer.
Justin : (Bubbling)…. I won’t pass the exam if don’t study hard.
Jessy : There you got it.
Justin : Ok, I’ll do my best. Because I will have a big party if I pass the
Jessy : Waoww don’t forget to invite me, huh!
Dialog 2
Janet : Have you ever imagined living abroad?
Dessy : That is one of my goal of my life.
Janet : Which country do you want to live?
Dessy : If I can speak English better, I will go to England.
Janet : But you can speak English, can’t you?
Dessy : I can but I need a lot of improvement to prepare my IELTS
Janet : How many score that you have to achieve?
Dessy : 7.0. If I get that score, I will go to England
Janet : Terrific! Awesome!
Dessy : How about you Jane? What is your plan?
Janet : I have dream to live in Japan.
Dessy : Do you also need IELTS to go there?
Janet : Nope, I just need to learn Japanese language and do some
other requirement. I will go to Japan if I speak Japanese well.
Dessy : Yayyy, do better for our brighter future.

Dialog 3
A: “Emily, how was the meeting?”
B: “It went well. But I’m afraid I need to leave for London. I need to
discuss with the manager of our restaurant there.”
A: “How long will you be away?” (pertanyaan future tense karena
belum terjadi)
B: “I won’t get back until Friday night or Saturday afternoon, at
A: “Can you please try to come home on Friday? Our son is turning 1
next Friday.”
B: “Oh my God! I really forget about his birthday! Sure, I will try to
come home before Friday.” (mengindikasikan niat untuk pulang
sebelum hari Jumat)
A: “Well you work too hard that your forget your own son’s
B: “I work for you and our son. For us.”
A: “I know it. Will you also buy something for him as a present?”
(kalimat pertanyaan future tense terkait rencana will mencari kado
ulang tahun)
B: “Of course. I look for something food in London before I come
home.” (jawaban atas pertanyaan future tense)
A: “That’s great. He will be very happy.”

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