Courageous Living Coach Certification

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coach training + community + marketing training + in-person retreat + continuing education

You & CLCC.
How is this different?
Who shows up here?
Are you a fit?
A different kind of training.
What training looks like
About the team
What will we learn?
What about marketing?
The retreat weekend
Tuition & Installments
How to apply
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page title
Welcome The Courageous Coaching Training
My name (CCTP)
is Kate is a 9-month
Swoboda. training
I’m the Director of the Courageous
Living Coach for people who
Certification, want
a life to create
coach training program that takes a holistic,
a life coaching
craft-driven approachcareer where they
to coaching. feel want to learn the coaching skill-set
If you
amongconnected, confident,
a connected and courageous
community and feel confident about your ability to do
with clients.
we welcome you.

In our program, you’ll be challenged in the best possible way to step into a
bolder version of yourself. We’ll ask you to start learning about becoming a
masterful coach, by practicing courage in the same way your clients will be
asked to practice courage.

We include an in-person retreat in California and marketing training in our

program, as well as several continuing education offerings, even after you
graduate. We don’t teach “factory coaching” with one way that you “have to”
do it. We want you to learn a coaching skill-set and then expand outward,
to include your own stylistic elements as a coach.

Our graduates have built businesses and used our certification to land
salaried positions that integrate coaching. Even after graduation, our
community stays connected. We’re so excited to welcome you to the
TeamCLCC family.

Let’s be part of a courageous community of people committed

to changing the world, one client at a time, with the practices
of courage and work that makes a difference.

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Just a Few of Our TeamCLCC Grads

Shila Soni Julie Houghton Meredith Noble

Yoga teacher. Leads virtual Your Courageous Career Coach who focuses on working Upending the diet paradigm, rocking HAES,
Purpose sessions. Featured on podcasts. with moms who are redefining their careers and reminding you that you deserve to love
Courage in Action tele-summit co-organizer. after motherhood. every curve.

Loha Raphael Allie Tymockzo Paula Jenkins

Committed to helping people quit the Opening of the new website. Life coach, HuffPo Contributor and her pod-
#fauxlife. Started a Facebook group + rocks Creator of the Soul Ablaze E-book and Work- cast (Jump Start Your Joy) was named New +
one-on-one sessions. book. Host of the #SoulSparkleChat Twitter Noteworthy 8 weeks after its debut.
conversations held every Tuesday. (All this
while becoming a first-time mother!).

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page title

You: empathic, open, & desiring to make a difference.

You might often find yourself listening, care-taking, or strategizing with friends.
That kind of connection lights you up, precisely because it leaves you feeling
connected, expansive, and generous.

You’ve got heart.

You’re willing to face fear, & practice courage.

There’s no part of you that wants to live your life, halfway.

The Courageous Living Coach Certification (CLCC) is a training program for people
who want to create a life coaching career where they feel connected, confident, and
courageous in their work with clients.

We’re enrolling for our sixth year of the training,

which begins in January 2019.
This training is intensive. The work is hard, but we believe that it’ll be worth it.

© 5
how is this different?
There are many life coaching training programs out there. If you’re Our central question is a bold one:
interested in coaching training, you’re probably wondering how to go about What more is possible for you, if
choosing one. Here are a few things that make this program different: courage is the core of your life?
This is a question that participants–like
• We’ll be using your own growth and development as the basis for
you–will be asking of themselves, as
learning how to coach others. You won’t be learning a “bag of tricks”
they participate in a year-long path of
to “use” with clients. You’ll be receiving coaching as part of this process.
self-exploration, a University of You that
• You’ll build confidence as a coach, immediately putting coaching paves the way for learning the essential
skills into practice starting with our introductory weekend. You can skills needed to support your clients as
immediately start taking on clients. they change their own lives.

• You’ll go beyond cognitive-behavioral techniques with our holistic

training methodology.

• Learn the marketing techniques that get you booking clients without
feeling inauthentic or out of integrity. You’ll learn how to talk about what
you do with confidence, both on your website and in person.

• We integrate small-group masterminds into our training. Too many

coaches are leaving training programs without any ongoing support. Your
peer mastermind will be the team that you can turn to for years to come, for
business questions, impromptu coaching support, and knowing that you’re
never alone.

The CLCC cares about all of these

aspects of the training process.

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TeamCLCC Classes


2015 2016
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2017 2018
who shows up here?
You want freedom and fulfillment in your career.

You want to do work that helps others.

You want to wake up in the morning and call the shots in your life and in your day.

These aren’t crazy things to want, and they are attainable.

Watch a video where our graduates

share why they became life coaches.

© 9
are you a fit?
This program is for you if… This program is not
• You can make the commitment to the training. You can commit to 10 or for you if:
more hours weekly for the course content and coaching clients during the training.
• You get wiggly around commitment
• You’re jazzed about working closely with the other participants and and don’t trust yourself to complete
coaches. You wouldn’t want this to be a solo process; you want to reach out the training program.
and connect.
• You envision life coaching as an easy
• You understand that learning involves periods of awkwardness or way to make money from home, by
uncertainty. You’re willing to ride those waves with our group, and support doling out “advice.”
others in the same.
• You aren’t willing to work on your
• You see life coaching as a career that gives back to the world as much personal successes or challenges,
as it gives you. You understand that it takes skill and learning. The idea of nor would you be willing to reveal
having a thriving coaching career feels more like a calling, than a job description. much about yourself to others.

Are you already a life coach taking • You’re plagued by bills and debt.
on clients, but you never attended
• You notice that your life is chronically
training, or you know there are gaps
chaotic, and it shows up in a lot of
in your training? Or are you an
different ways: Despite good
acupuncturist or yoga teacher who
intentions, the house is always a
would like to add life coaching to her
mess, or you’re perpetually forgetting
offerings for clients? Are you simply
to pay a bill or call a friend back, or
excited by the idea of a long-term
you tend to say “yes” to too many
personal growth opportunity, even if
things and then not follow-through.
you don’t want to have a life coaching
certification at this time? You, too, are
welcome to apply.

© 10
a different kind of training
We start with an introductory training weekend in California, from
January 11-14, 2019. It’s a time for us to connect as a group, learn
foundational skills that will influence the remaining months of training,
and you’ll immediately start learning–and practicing–coaching in real-time.
But let’s not confuse this with desks in rows and attendance reports–this
kick-off training weekend will be taking place in California’s Sonoma Valley,
in the heart of wine country. If we want to set the stage for how you help your
clients to create joyful lives, there’s no reason why this shouldn’t start with us creating
a joyful weekend. A bit of hot tubbing, a bit of time in nature, a glass of wine, a bit of
photo snapping, journaling, or creative expression–this opening weekend will give you
solid skills in coaching, and offer you some downtime for connection, creativity, and
rejuvenation while you also get excited about the journey you’re about to undertake.

© 11
what training looks like
Monday: Each week’s topical lesson goes live in the exclusive CLCC
Lesson Library. Some weeks your assignment involves reading and an audio,
other weeks a video, other weeks a swapped coaching session. We keep the
format diverse and mix it up to provide new challenges.

Thursday: Our weekly lesson calls are held 5:30-7:30 Pacific time
(with a short mid-way break). Our conference call service creates a
virtual classroom where students can raise hands and even break into
smaller groups within the call.

Saturday: Our “Field Work” calls are held from 10am-noon Pacific
on Saturdays. This is your opportunity to practice and receive feedback on
your coaching, as participants give and receive live coaching on real topics.
Some weeks, we’ll meet as one group, other weeks in small groups and
sometimes you’ll swap sessions. We dive in, modeling and giving feedback.

The overall scope of the program:

• Skill-set Phase: January – June

• Independent Learning: June – August

• Portfolio Review & Graduation: October

Click here for the complete program calendar.

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about the team
Kate Courageous
Kate Swoboda is the Director of the CLCC, creator of Your Courageous Life, and author of The Courage Habit, which has
been endorsed by best-selling authors Daniel Pink, Susan Piver, SARK, Sarah Knight, and more. Kate has more than a
decade of experience as a professional coach. Kate was deemed one of the top 50 bloggers making a difference in fitness,
health, and happiness by Greatist. She’s been a contributor to pieces appearing in USA Today, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The
Daily Love and MindBodyGreen.

Lead Coach Lead Coach Mentor Coach Coordinator

Valerie Tookes Lara Heacock Liz Applegate
Valerie is the holistic Lara is an award- Liz is a life coach,
health and lifestyle winning Executive Life podcaster and
coach at Her Holistic Coach and head of community builder at
Health, a practice,
devoted to providing women with sup- where she uses her degree in psychology She helps moms with children moving into
port in creating and maintaining a healthy and MBA to curate a community with adulthood redefine their changing roles,
relationship with their bodies, and living resources for self-kindness in the world learn to care for needs first and turn their
their best lives. and in their work. “maybe someday” dreams into a reality.

Mentor Coaches

Shila Soni Lisa Chartrand Andraya Dara Paoletti Sarah Silvas- Grace Howes
Stender Bernstein
© 13
personal attention
We model our program after a coach- throughout our program. Kate facili- to discuss their unique path during their
client relationship, which is to say that tates the majority of all calls. You’ll be time in our program.
we want to offer personal attention on some calls with all of us, others that
And, by the way? We do not assign you
and support during all phases of the are small-group breakout sessions, and
to a member of our team, at which point
process (without, of course, nannying you’ll also have the option to receive a
you never interact with other facilitators
or monitoring you—just as in a coach- (free) coaching session with a member
or trainees! You’ll be engaging weekly
client relationship, that dynamic of the Leadership Team shortly after our
with Kate, Valerie, Lara, and all of the
wouldn’t be healthy). January retreat. Every graduate of our
other members of the Leadership Team.
program has a one-on-one call with a
You’ll be working with Kate and the We know that each of us brings different
member of our Leadership Team in order
other Lead and Mentor Coaches ways of coaching to the process, and
we want you to learn from diverse in-
structors, so that you can intuitively find
your unique way of coaching clients.

We limit how many trainees we work

with, each year, and we maintain
a teacher-student ratio of at least
one teacher per ten students. We
go above and beyond the International
Coach Federation’s requirements for
“synchronous” training hours.

Leadership Team

© 14
what will we learn?
As part of the Courageous Living
Coach Certification, you’ll be using
Here’s What We Cover:
Focus, Integrity,
yourself and your own personal devel- Co-Creating the Vision:
opment as the starting point for how you
work with clients. The skill-set for great
relationship: Help your clients make core shifts
rather than superficial life shifts, remain
coaching doesn’t come from a “how-to” Establish trust and intimacy with your
accountable to themselves, and find in-
manual of tips and tricks. It starts with clients through meeting them where
spiration and motivation when things get
going deeply within. In this sense, the they’re at in a way that feels natural for
difficult. We invite clients to go deeper,
training becomes not just nine months of your coaching style. Learn how to use
seeing how what they desire fits into the
building your future coaching career—it goal-setting as a helpful framework—
broader perspective of their lives.
also acts as a powerful, intensive, and without turning it into the totality of the
in-depth exploration of who you truly are coaching process. We integrate active
and what you desire for your own life. listening, keeping the focus on the Working with fear:
client’s agenda, asking powerful
No coaching training program can We teach you about working with
questions, and more.
guarantee International Coaching long-standing fears that have become
Federation certification for their trainees, habits, and “faux fears” that often
but the CLCC models its curriculum to present challenges for clients yet remain
cover the ICF Core Competencies and difficult to pin-point. We also look at how
we offer at least 70 hours of real-time to work with even resistant clients, those
instructor contact. Trainees complete at people the coaching industry typically
least 60 hours of one-on-one coaching labels “un-coachable,” and how to help
hours and complete a portfolio review them to drop the resistance.
and one-on-one exit call as part of
the CLCC’s graduation process.
We do not charge any extra fees
for certification.

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Sometimes, the past (a belief system,
an old way of being, etc.,) is very much
showing up in the present. We work on
how to release from the past, without
using it as a crutch.

Emotions & Process

Have you ever gone 24 hours without
experiencing an emotion? We haven’t,
Identifying internal either. Yet the coaching industry often Health, Money,
bypasses emotion in favor of purely
narratives: cognitive-behavioral tools, affirmations, Relationships:
We look at what drives human beliefs and to-do list tasks. At the CLCC, we These three aspects of life and living
and behaviors, and how to question value those tools as part of the larger influence so much of our lives. The
those belief systems with clients and coaching skill-set, but we want to equip CLCC training will incorporate
shift those belief systems without turning our coaches to be skilled at allowing discussions on these topics in a
to “faking it” through affirmations. emotions to come up within a session, holistic way, using the methodology
while we also trust ourselves enough to of client-centered inquiry and examining
know when it’s time to refer a client out
When the Past Arises due to strong emotional responses.
Stories and internal narratives, to unlock
those places where challenges in the
in the Present: areas of health, money, and relationships
contribute to an overall feeling for our
The life coaching industry has a tendency
clients of being “stuck.”
to say that “therapy is about the past,
and coaching is about your future.” We
disagree. We think that humans are a
matrix of past experiences and future
desires—and that the most important
work is in the present moment.

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what about marketing?
Marketing training is essential to having a Advanced marketing
successful career as a life coach. covers this, and more:
We offer both basic and advanced marketing training, to fit the needs of • Further refining of your intended
trainees at all levels. clientele and how to communicate
your message.

Basic marketing covers this, and more: • Targeted newsletter content that
cultivates engaged clients.
• Identifying who you want to work with: the problems they’re facing, and ways
to talk about how you can help. • How to save time by automating
newsletter and other admin aspects of
• Writing the content for your coaching sales page, bio, and other aspects of
running a business.
your website.
• Repurposing blog content for work
• Options for hosting, setting up domain names, establishing social media accounts.
shop, course, and passive income
• Newsletter and social media basics (that help you to avoid overwhelm). offerings.

• The Coaching Blueprint digital marketing program, which covers marketing, With time and consistency, we’ve seen
time management, and more. our graduates building coaching prac-
tices that also start to support them
financially. We’re not into “get rich quick”
schemes. Coaching is a business, just
like any other, and building a business
requires time and attention. We’re
excited to help you begin that process.

© 17
airport to our retreat area, which is about coaching–that you have to have all

45 minutes north of San Francisco. of “your stuff” figured out in advance.
There’s not a life coach out there who

What’s the weekly doesn’t have some place where she

gets stuck. The skill-set that life coaches
time commitment? learn is not “how to be perfect,” it’s how
to set a container for, and hold space
Approximately 8-10 hours for training
for, other people who are experiencing
calls, completing homework, and sched-
How do I apply? uling 1-2 peer coaching sessions. See
life challenges.

Read through the FAQs, then check the calendar for the dates when we’re In addition, remember that the heart
out page 27. planning to have calls. of this training is you, working on you.
That means that if you’re committed to

What if I need to miss What’s the timeline changing them, the challenges you bring
to the beginning of this training will have
a call? for completion? shifted by the end of our time together.

Trainees can miss up to three calls, or We work together weekly, January

six total hours of training time. through June. During the summer Who are the
months, you move into more indepen-
dence completing self-study and you
What if I can’t make can add optional major concentration You’ll be interacting with myself (Kate)
it to the retreat training in Executive Coaching, Health & and a leadership team of other Lead
Wellness, Career Coaching, or Somatic Coaches and past graduates of our
training weekend? Coaching. In Oct + Nov we work with program who volunteer their time as
you on portfolio review and graduation. mentor coaches.
The retreat training weekend is required.
This is a program of personal support
What airport would I have my own life and attention. We do not do what we

I use for the retreat problems. Wouldn’t know other programs do—assign you to
someone, at which point you rarely ever
weekend? that mean that I’m interact with anyone else. All of our in-

San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

not really qualified structors engage and teach all trainees.

is best. It’s the only airport that has a to help others?

shuttle bus that will take you from the
This is one of the biggest myths about

© 18
Is this program If there is no My teaching style is highly-collaborative,
using a transparency model where we
endorsed by any governing body for learn by actually getting in there and

coaching institution? life coaches, then why doing, with pauses to point out insights
or examples that are relevant to the
The CLCC models its training require- should I get training? entire group, and lots of modeling.
ments after the International Coaching CLCC students will also be utilizing
We believe that having a solid coaching
Federation requirements (in other words, training resources (books, videos,
skill-set, especially one that required
the CLCC requires the same number handouts) to supplement what we do
one-on-one coaching hours with clients
together as a group.
of training hours that they recommend, and that involved guidance from expe-
covers topics the ICF requires, and re- rienced coaches, is critical. That’s what
quires all trainees to accrue one-on-one makes you best for your clients. I’m international.
training time with real clients), but is not
Can I still participate?
specifically endorsed by the ICF.
What’s the teaching Absolutely! We’ve had graduates from
There is no licensing board or governing
body for the life coaching industry. Ad-
style? Italy, Canada, Guatemala, the U.K., the
Phillipines, Australia, and all across the
ditionally, no training program can offer I’ve been a life coach since 2006,
United States. For those participants
automatic “ICF certification”; training or- working with clients from all around the
who are in different time zones, real-time
ganizations only ever offer their coaches world, and since 2011, I’ve taught fellow
call participation is expected (so that
the training skill-set, which coaches then life coaches strategies for developing
might mean a very early morning!) but
take to the ICF to apply for certification. their businesses. I’ve got more than
we’ve absolutely seen people do this
You do not need to attend training en- a decade of experience as a college
successfully. Our kick-off retreat in
dorsed by a coaching institution such as professor, interacting with hundreds of
California, is also a required part of the
the ICF, in order to apply for certification students, and this included experience
total certification hours for the program.
as a coach. You do not have to be certi- with curriculum design. I’ve lead
fied, in order to become a coach. numerous workshops and seminars in

CLCC trainees who desire to become

addition to planning and leading retreats What if I change my
certified through an institution such as
in Italy and California, as well as devel-
oping course content and teaching in
mind, halfway
the ICF will be welcome to do so, and
would utilize the ICF’s “ACC Portfolio
a distance-learning format with a variety through the training?
Accreditation Path” if you desire their
of e-courses.
Can I quit?

© 19
We’ve got to have only the most
committed people in this program, the
which means you’ll be asked to investi-
gate your own resistance, stuck spaces,
I’m not interested in
people who know that even if they don’t celebrations, joys, all of it—as a basis for becoming a coach,
have the entire plan mapped out in their
head, they’re crystal clear that their
how you work with clients. If you step
into this program from the perspective
but the curriculum
current career isn’t cutting it and that that you’re learning about yourself in looks amazing and
life coaching is something they are
passionately drawn to. If leaving the door
order to do a deeper level of work with
clients, that’s going to differentiate this
I just want to follow
open to quit is a strong concern for you, program immediately from other along. Can I do that?
we invite you to take it as a sign that this training programs.
program is not right for you. Yes! Not everyone who attends
Also, check out the this program will ultimately want the

I’ve already attended course content. full-fledged coaching practice, and may
choose to treat this training program as
and completed We cover some questions that other a personal growth experience. With that

coaching training, programs might not cover: said, CLCC certification is only offered
to those who complete all program
elsewhere, yet I feel • What do you do if a client wants requirements, and participation is
to work on issues from her past?
drawn to completing expected from all participants on our
group calls, regardless of whether or
• How do we help our clients
this training program. with dysfunctional relationships? not they intend to utilize the program

How do I know if this • What’s the difference between the

to become a life coach.

is right for me? resistant client and the truly

Does this program
“un-coachable” client?
We’ve worked with several participants
who joined our program to gain additional • How do you really get to the core
make me choose a
coaching skills that their first training belief systems that clients are coaching niche?
struggling with?
program wasn’t offering. The CLCC
differs from many other training
Do I have to have a
• How do we work on deeper issues
programs in that we aren’t teaching a
like emotions, shame, and fear?
niche, in order to be
topical, formulaic approach to coaching.
We’re using your personal growth—
a coach?”
We don’t make you choose a niche, and

© 20
we don’t believe that you must have a
niche, in order to be a coach. One of the
You’re still meeting with your mastermind
group once a month, accruing your one-
I’ve heard you talk
things that we emphasize is immersing on-one hours, and putting together your about Major Con-
yourself in the curriculum so that you
can authentically figure out what you’re
final Portfolio for certification through our
program. We include real-time marketing
centrations, and how
truly drawn to—which may be a specif- training in our program, but by the sum- someone who wants
ic niche, or may be no niche at all. We
help you figure out what works for you
mer you’re ready to start implementing
more of what you’ve learned and build
to have a coachin
through our course requirements, as well out your business. niche might use them.
as through our marketing training.
What are the Major
Want to learn more about this “Niche” Does this training Concentrations?
question? Here’s a video >
cover intersectionality In the same way that colleges or uni-

Regular lesson calls or multi-cultural versities offer a core, general education

run January through aspects of coaching? curriculum, and students can pick a ma-
jor specialization, we offer what we call
Major Concentrations. All CLCC partici-
June. Certification We are always thinking about how to
approach our course content from an pants complete our core, holistic coach-
happens in the fall. intersectional space. We don’t believe ing curriculum. Major Concentrations are
optional, and only for those who know
What are we doing that coaches should tell clients, “If you
believe you can, that’s all there is to it,” they want addtional training in a specific
during the summer? while denying the very real challenges of niche. Many of our coaches prefer to
race, class, gender, etc., that people can remain generalized life coaches without
When designing the CLCC, one thing we
face when changing their lives. With that adding a niche.
heard over and over from graduates of
said, our emphasis is on the coaching
other programs was that training ended, Major Concentrations are offered each
skill-set and this is not a learning inten-
and once that structure was gone, it was year, during the month of August. This
sive focused around theories of inter-
difficult to suddenly adapt and figure allows all participants to spend Janu-
sectionality or multiculturalism. Topically,
things out on your own. ary-June learning the core of our curricu-
we are focused on teaching a holistic
lum, and discovering more about them-
We set up our summer months as a approach to the coaching skill-set.
selves as coaches. We think that this
time to more slowly adapt to being an
time of being open and seeing what calls
independent coach and business owner.
to you, is important. It’s not uncommon

© 21
for someone to start our program certain within a specific niche, get specialized Kate faciliates most of the live Lesson
that they want to be a Health and Well- training in that niche. You don’t need to Calls. Other members of our Leadership
ness Coach, and then discover through decide on a Major Concentration, right Team facilitate topics that they are more
our intensive process that they’d actually now (and we won’t force you to “pick a experienced in, and most of the Field
like to get into Career Coaching. niche” at any time during the program). Work calls. And still other members of
We suggest that you approach this train- our team come in for bonus calls to talk
We offer Major Concentrations in Career
ing with a beginner’s mind and let your about building confidence as a coach,
Coaching, Health and Wellness, and
curiosity and intuition guide you towards systems for staying organized, or how
Executive Coaching and plan to offer
a major…or not! It’s absolutely possible to create a functional mastermind. The
additional Majors in future years of the
to be a life coach without having a niche. schedule of bonus calls (all included with
your tuition) is given to participants at
Because the Major Concentrations are
offered during the month of August, they
Do you “assign us” our retreat.

don’t conflict with the regular lesson to learn from another How many people
calls taking place earlier in our training
year. We stagger the scheduling of calls
coach, and that’s just are typically in each
and coursework for the Concentrations who we are learning cohort, and how can
so that trainees can double-major, if
they want to learn about more than one
from, for the duration I get personalized
discipline. Major Concentrations are not of the program? instruction among
included in the overall CLCC tuition.
They are an additional, separate charge
Nope. We’ve been told that there are
some programs where, after enrolling,
the group?
of $495 per major, so that we can pay
you are assigned to one member of their We would never accept more than 60
our facilitators. Major Concentrations
staff and that’s the person you learn from trainees during any given training year,
are only available to CLCC participants/
for the duration of your time in training— and we maintain a student-teacher ratio
but that’s not how we roll. We want you of at least 1 teacher per 10 students. We
Someone can absolutely graduate from to learn from everyone on our Leader- have smaller breakout groups through-
our program, fully certified and working ship Team, because we don’t want you out the year so that we can connect with
with clients, without completing one to learn one way of coaching…we want each participant. All of our graduates
of the Major Concentrations. They are you to find your way of coaching. Expo- participate in a coaching exercise where
optional and are intended to help those sure to different coaching styles helps they coach and receive feedback from
who know that they want to coach with this. our lead coaches on their coaching,

© 22
and all of our graduates have a one-on- over one another. We have other calls
one exit call with a member of our team where we break out into smaller groups
where we give specific feedback on their with different people on different calls,
coaching. for a more intimate environment. And
last, you’ll have other calls where we

Will I be required to will partner you up with someone else

or match you with a small-group mas-
pay the Leadership termind. This is in addition to swapping

Team for one-on-one practice sessions with other trainees.

Other the course of the training, you’ll
sessions, in order to have the opportunity to connect with all

be certified? of the trainees.

No, unlike other certification programs,

we do not have this requirement.

Do we interact with
all of the other train-
ees? Or only some
of them?
You’ll have the opportunity to interact
with all of the other trainees over the
course of the training, at different times.
We have some calls where everyone is
on the call at the same time. How do
we teach in that environment? With a
conference call service that allows us to
see “raised hands” and call on partici-
pants (just as you would in a traditional
classroom) so that everyone isn’t talking

© 23
the retreat weekend
watch the training in action

Training kicks off with an in-person retreat

at a beautiful hotel in Sonoma County.
We immediately begin putting coaching into direct practice, and you’ll be
connecting with the other trainees. Fly into San Francisco International Airport if you
live out of town (this is the only airport that we recommend flying into, as it has the
easiest shuttle options to our retreat site).

Schedule your flight to arrive by 1pm Pacific on Friday and catch the shuttle to
arrive at our retreat site by 3pm Pacific. We start our training that evening, and
then continue on Saturday and Sunday from 9-6pm. Your lodging is included in
the program tuition and is paid for all the way through to Monday morning
check-out, so we encourage you to relax on Sunday evening and fly out Monday
morning (suggestion: arrange a flight that leaves at 11am Pacific or later, to avoid
rush-hour traffic getting to the airport).

© 24
2019 CLCC Program Calendar

January February March

2 2

11 12 7 9 7

13 14 14 16 14 16

24 26 21 23 21 23

29 31 28 28 30

April May June

2 4 1

11 13 8 9 6

18 20 15 16 18 13

25 27 22 23

29 30

Intro Retreat Weekend: Jan 11-14, in California Retreat Weekend Program Calls
Phone Calls: Thursday calls held at 5:30pm, Pacific Time. Wednesday calls held at 5:30pm,
Advanced Marketing Calls
Pacific Time. Saturday calls held at 10am Pacific Time. All calls have a mid-way break.
Foundational Marketing Calls
During the summer months, we’ll break from weekly calls and you’ll focus on finishing your
one-on-one client hours and building your business. Portfolio review begins in September, Field Work Calls
with graduation complete by November.
Orientation Call
*dates subject to modification

© 25
tuition & installments
Our program tuition is half of what most other Included in tuition
programs charge, and includes our in-person • A retreat training weekend in

retreat. We don’t charge anything to go through Sonoma county, California, at a

gorgeous boutique hotel;
our personalized certification process—that’s
• Lodging and catered meals during
included, too. our retreat weekend;

2019 program tuition: $5,850 • All books and materials;

You know how some programs charge you interest, or make you pay more in total • Both basic and advanced Blueprint
because you elected to pay in installments? We don’t do that, here. No interest is Circle marketing training ($1500 value);
assessed on installments, and you won’t pay extra fees, just because you’re utilizing
an installment plan. • The Coaching Blueprint digital
marketing program ($175 value);
We cap each year’s training, to ensure personal attention for our trainees.
The program closes when full, or by the application due date: end-of-day, • The Courageous Living Program
December 10th. ($125 value);

Installments Most importantly?

You’ll be receiving hours and hours of
• $1050 non-refundable deposit to register free coaching to do your own personal
growth work, through the exercises, les-
• Two payments of $450
sons, and peer training coaching swaps
• Ten payments of $390 to pay off the remaining balance that are integrated into our curriculum.

© 26
how to apply
1 2 3
Use the link below, to If your application is After the phone call,
Registered trainees will
submit an application. accepted, we’ll invite you we’ll send you a get a welcome from us,
What are we looking to a one-on-one phone followup email to review and as we get closer to
for? Among other things, call, to ask questions. any further aspects of the training start date,
authenticity, warmth, This isn’t an “audition” our program and give we’ll be sending a travel
and the desire to be call, nor will it be a sales you the link to register guide to the area and
who you are in a call full of “FOMO”. We’ll a deposit. If you decide getting you ready to
community of peers. be opening the floor for not to register, at that begin the adventure!
you to ask any and all point? Nothing more
questions you have. to do.

Applications accepted between September 10th

and end-of-day December 10th
To access the application click this link:

or email to reach a member of our team, and we can help.

We look forward to reviewing your application!

© 27
Sarah Silvas

Before CLCC I thought that
I needed to know all there is
to know about all life circumstances so
that I could give excellent advice as a
coach. What I learned is that Coura-
geous coaching is far less about giving
advice and much more about honing the
Kris work the training in around my marriage, skills and sharpening tools of holding
When I first considered signing my family, my very full time job. It was a space, listening with intention, engag-
up for CLCC, the registration big commitment, it was overwhelming at ing in meaningful exercises, and asking
period was not open. I put myself on times....and it was without a doubt one provocative questions. CLCC provided
the waitlist, and then over the next few of the best things I’ve ever done in my both the education and space for me to
months gradually let the idea of coach entire life. deepen into the art of coaching, allowing
training fall away, rationalizing all the rea- me to find my own voice and presence
From the very beginning of the program,
sons it would not work and I shouldn’t while working with clients. This program
Kate and her team guided us step by
do it. Was I really going to leave my job takes a steep turn away from a cook-
step through an amazing and intensive
to become a coach? Did I really have ie-cutter template of coaching, rather
process of exploration, learning, self-dis-
what it takes to help somebody else? (I encouraging you to apply your own in-
covery, courage, and relationship. I’ve
don’t even have my own stuff together - tuition and wisdom to showing up in the
said that Kate is some kind of curriculum
how could I help somebody else???) world - and with clients.
genius, and I mean it. At every step,
Then, I got the email from CLCC that she seemed to know what we would be Loha Raphael
the registration for the next class was feeling and what we needed. And she Becoming a part of the CLCC
open. I read through the materials and created a powerful community among family has been one of the
again felt an incredible pull toward this the participants. I’ve truly never felt so best decisions of my life. I have trans-
program. After a lot of internal pushing supported in all my life, and my life is formed my life as a woman, a coach, a
and pulling, after getting up the nerve changed for the better. I don’t know at friend, a daughter, a citizen, a colleague
to talk to my husband about this and this time what I’ll do with my training - - pick a relationship and my life has
work out the details of whether we could still don’t know if I’ll ever have my own changed. In truth, it’s not that the peo-
make it work, I finally let the feeling that coaching business. And that’s okay. ple in my life have changed but rather
I really, really..... REALLY wanted this to I am forever grateful that this program I have expanded. I now have a clearer
have it’s say, and I jumped. I applied, got and I found each other and that I took understanding of who I am and learning
accepted, and then figured out how I’d this journey. Without question, 100% about who others are has deepened the
worth it!

© 28
The community created through CLCC

is deep, and that is what continually
inspired and guided me through. The
entire process helped me become more
connected to myself and my life, which
made it so much more than a certifi-
cate program. I don’t think there is any
other training out there that provides the
compassion I feel and show myself and program, my relationship with my partner connection and community I needed to
others. The shifts I have experienced was on some really shaky ground, I was become a coach and entrepreneur.
as a result of being in such a positive, exhausted and lost in my life. I’m now
supportive, and dynamic community better at setting my boundaries and let- Lisa Chartrand
has allowed me to expand my heart and ting things go that aren’t a priority right CLCC is a challenging pro-
mind in ways I could have never imag- now. My relationship has made a com- gram that offers so many ben-
ined. No question is too silly, no event plete u-turn, which I can credit to a great efits if you put in the work. It allows you
too minuscule to discuss, no experience couple’s counselor, but also to the skills, to not only learn the craft of coaching
too ugly to share. The guidance is rich, insights and awesome peer coaching but also learn about yourself. By working
the expertise is vast, and the support is I’ve received through this program. I’m through the program I have been able to
real. I truly know that the Courageous more clear about who I am and what I better understand and appreciate myself
Living family wants me to succeed in my want, and more able to communicate it. as well as gain clarity around how I truly
life and my business. This program has given me my self back, want to show up in the world each day.
something that I didn’t comprehend The skills, tools, knowledge and connec-
Doña Bumgarner tion you gain in the program are beyond
was missing until I found it again. It is so
I joined the CLCC program to expectation. It’s both an intense and
much easier to explain to my clients the
learn to be a coach and how beautiful journey that I am grateful for!
potential value of coaching, because I’ve
to start a business, and the program
seen it in my own life.
delivered these skills in spades. But that
wasn’t the best stuff I got out of these Nena Natasha
last few months. More importantly, my I never thought that I would
life has shifted in some profound ways. gain such an awesome sup-
I’m stronger, clearer, more confident in all port network while simultaneously
areas of my life. At the beginning of the examining my personal development.

© 29
Michelle Crank

I have found the CLCC to be
honestly life changing. Not
only have I gained the critical skills to
support me as a life coach, I have also
been given access to critical information
about how to run my business. As a
newbie to self-employment, I have found
Lara Heacock been reconnecting with my passion for the content and support from Kate and
My CLCC class is comprised coaching. I arrived to this training utterly the CLCC mentors to be more valuable
of a team of like-minded exhausted, feeling over it and ready to than I could have ever imagined. Their
women who are honest, focused and throw in the towel on what I thought was expertise and guidance have been so
real. They are inspirational and being my dream career, after a year of doing all very helpful and include everything from
on this journey together has given me the right things and attending the best how to do basics like scheduling and
ideas, encouragement and friendship. webinars and not seeing much move- contracts to detailed marketing support
The course itself is so well laid out that ment. Within days of CLCC training I felt and best practices. Additionally, the skills
even in moments of overwhelm, I know ready to take on the world again be- learned through the weekly assignments
it’s manageable. Resources are always cause Kate provided me solid tools and and calls are provided in a format that
available and participants are encour- support system to run the business my allows you to engage on many levels:
aged to ask for what they need. Feed- way, make my vision come true and be reading materials, homework ques-
back from peers and leadership is hon- successful at it. tions, audio/video formats and even live
est and relevant, and the entire program coaching practice. The diversity in the
Mandy Grier
just gives the feeling that everyone really homework kept each week exciting and
Enrolling in CLCC has been
wants me to succeed. For a decade, I interesting, while also really challenging
the best choice I have ever
couldn’t find a Coaching training course me to become more precise and
made, both career wise, and soul wise.
that really spoke to me. The moment focused in my coaching. It has chal-
I have already learned so much about
I saw the email about CLCC, I knew it lenged me to be a better person while
myself, and how I can spread love,
was the course I’d been seeking and I supporting my growth and desire to
discovery and light with others. I have
can’t launch my own practice. The CLCC is
more confidence, ease, and peace when
recommend it more highly. definitely unique and personalized (and
it comes to sharing a safe space with
SO worth it!).
Natalia Chouklina others both in coaching and my personal
The CLCC has been an life. As a bonus, I have met an amaz-
amazing experience for me. ing group of women who I hope to stay
The most incredible benefit for me has friends with for a very long time.

© 30

Before I joined CLCC, I could
sense my talents that I had
touched long ago in childhood + my young
adult life, but for years I only saw walls of
Limitations all around me: “I can’t do that –
business is unethical.” “Entrepreneurship is
too risky.” “It’s not possible for me to earn
Julie Evans to launch my business. Most importantly, money doing something that I love.” I’m just
I knew CLCC was the right CLCC has helped me catalyze the gift of a couple months into launching my holistic
coaching program for me as believing in myself. Life Coaching business while writing my
soon as I read about the certification dissertation and moving between countries
Vanessa Soto
process. Kate’s emphasis on coach- – and yet I now feel brightly confident that
We should call it Adventures
ing the whole person, working with fear it is possible for me to earn money from me
in the CLCC­—because that’s
rather than against it and upholding the creating programs that I am inspired by. I
what my experience has been, utterly an
values of courage, empathy and integrity used to *hate* social media, but through
adventure. An adventure into who I am,
are what sold me. CLCC with Kate has the Coaching Blueprint’s program, I’ve now
who I want to become, who I’ve found
surpassed my expectations: some of become fascinated with how I can use
myself already expanding into, and
the highlights have been the first social media to connect with and create
above all else – who I can be in guiding
retreat weekend where I connected with communities grounded in the passions and
others through their own life choices
like-minded, passionate and supportive values that I share. Exchanging peer coach-
and challenges. The CLCC has been an
women who have since become more ing hours with participants has multiplied
often exciting, always challenging, and
like sisters; Kate’s excellence in teaching the significance of CLCC in my life. Not only
ultimately wonderfully rewarding
and role-modeling beautiful coaching, have I practiced my coaching skills, but I’ve
adventure that has also turned me into
and consistently providing a comfortable learned alongside other women who share
an incredibly well trained, and pretty
yet challenging learning environment with my coaching values and CLCC coaching
darned confident newbie Life Coach.
the emphasis on real coaching practice. approaches. In the process we’ve co-creat-
The Courageous Coaching Training
Through directly receiving coaching as ed a sisterhood of trusted like-minded Life
Program (CLCC) is a 9-month training
part of the program, I’ve been able to Coaches. I feel more confident in my own
program for people who want to create
transform so many parts of my personal coaching work because I know the results
a life coaching career where they feel
life that were sorely needing my attention of my peers’ work with me, and that I could
connected, confident, and courageous
and am living my life with a renewed not more highly recommend. With CLCC,
in their work with clients.
vision and purpose. As a new coach, I’ve discovered the possibilities and creative
I’ve been given so many skills and tools joy of embarking on creating my own biz
based on Coaching.

© 31
going on, you are completely accepted

and loved in all your imperfection. In fact,
it is your imperfection that is celebrated.

Addie K. Martin
Being a part of the CLCC has
helped me to gain more clarity
around who I am and what I truly want
Liz Applegate • I have learned that I have the power out of life. Not only have I learned how to
Taking Courageous Living to meet my own needs, which is true be a better coach, but I’ve also learned
Coach Certification training empowerment. so much about myself in the process.
has been one of the best decisions I This course tackles not only professional
• I have learned the art of gentleness, growth but also personal growth, which
made for my business and for my own
especially with myself. is exactly what I was looking for in a
personal growth. The guidance from
Kate, the lead coaches and the men- coaching program.
• I have learned that nothing is more
tors is phenomenal and the friendships embracing than having a group of wom- Aurora M. Suarez
formed with other trainees has had me en who support you wholeheartedly, I did my research on many
feeling truly supported every step of the without the “high school feeling” all over training programs. What
way. Thank you, Kate for an awesome again. appealed to me about the CLCC was its
program! focus on courage, taking responsibility
• I have learned the value of having a
Ann Birchmeier and building your life coaching prac-
life coach in your life, it is through this
I have learned so much from tice as a business. When I entered the
program I personally experienced the
this program. I would need program, I thought I would get the skills
positive effects of being coached.
way more room to list it all, but I will try. to be an amazing life coach (like knowing
Here goes... I could go on but this is what I found ex- the right questions to ask and being able
traordinary about this particular program. to move a session along in a way that
• I have learned that I do not need to felt organic and supportive for the client),
have control or know the end result, if I You are encouraged and even chal-
but I got so much more. I got clarity as
trust myself. lenged to show up. Be there 100%,
to my strengths as a coach and as a
including the good, the bad and the ugly
person, the kinds of clients I wanted to
• I have learned that it is my choices about you. Scary right? Except while be-
help and what I wanted for my business.
that give me power and this realization ing scary, it releases this abundance of
Did I mention the support you get from
has set me on a renewed personal jour- courage that propels you forward toward
Kate, the lead and mentor coaches and
ney to live the life I choose. the life you want to lead. AND as if that
my fellow classmates? Making the deci-
isn’t already super cool, while all this is

© 32
Kate Stevick

As I researched coach training
programs (and I researched
a lot of them), the thing that stood out
most to me about the CLCC was the
in-person retreat weekend that kicks
off the program. I had a feeling that the
energy of being in the same place at
sion to choose the right training program fiercely loving community of women--to the same time with like-minded women
was difficult but there’s no doubt in my walk (and dance!) the talk of courage, would be a wonderful thing. I was right!
mind that I chose the right one for me. growth, and intentional action. I’ve been Even more wonderful is the fact that that
empowered to choose acceptance and energy continues now all these months
Vanessa Soleil
joy in the now. I feel excited and filled later. Those three days we spent to-
Before starting the Coura-
with possibility. I am willing to feel fear gether in January laid the foundation for
geous Living Coach Certifi-
and risk the unknown in order to let my openness, support, and encouragement
cation, I felt stuck in my job & clung to
creative fire burn brightly and pursue my that can be seen every day in our online
a sad hope that something else was
passions. I am grateful. forums, on our calls, and in relationships
possible for my life. From the moment
forged between myself and my CLCC
our opening retreat started and we were Shila Soni
sisters. I know that long after the CLCC
asked to show up vulnerably, I knew my Training with CLCC to follow
ends, I will continue to be a part of this
life was about to change for the bigger my dream of becoming a life
tribe of amazing and passionate women!
and bolder. I immediately felt the com- coach was one of the wisest decisions
mitment and dedication to the trainees I’ve ever made. I gained confidence Paula Jenkins
and this process from Kate and the lead learning a rock solid coaching skill set, CLCC was the perfect fit for
& mentor coaches, and knew I was met amazing soulful women who share me as the groundwork for
being called to step up and stop doing my passion for soul work, and most coaching. It’s a great balance of prag-
the things and thinking the thoughts that importantly, I felt fully supported, chal- matic coursework, support, and intro-
were keeping me stuck and self-critical. lenged, and inspired to build a life and duction to marketing, while at the same
In CLCC, I’ve learned the nitty gritty career that feel authentic, empowering, time providing the opportunity to jump
skills of life coaching. I have gotten me- and beautifully me. I’m incredibly grate- in and practice coaching right away. I
ga-support--emotional and practical--to ful to Kate, the brilliant lead and mentor love that we have been working on our
follow my passion & start my business. coaches, and my tribe for their wisdom, own issues and fears as we go, and that
More so, I’ve gotten totally challenged- care, and love. there are so many loving, like minded la-
-through inspiration, inquiry, and a dies in the program. From a training and

© 33
testimonials I have been provided with fantastic tools,
knowledge and the confidence to be a
phenomenal coach; I really had no idea
I would be getting this much attention
and expertise. I had heard it was a great
program but in fact, it is one of the most
educational standpoint, I find that I’m Iman Boussaada valuable programs I have ever taken and
getting more out of it than I did in many Being a part of the CLCC has I can’t think of a better step to becoming
grad school courses--Kate and the team actually changed my life is a coach. To me this is real life learning
are honestly that good. I’m thrilled at the ways I could not have imagined be- for the real life coach. Kate is definitely
foundation I’m building for a sustainable fore joining the course. I have gained COURAGEOUS and she will reveal you
practice, and could not be happier with 30 comrades who share all my joys to yourself in ways that will leave you in
my choice to join the CLCC tribe. and struggles and whom I can call on awe.
for support at any time! It is like I have
Julie Houghton Helen McLaughlin
gained this amazing support network
I had been coaching for a year The CLCC is the best thing
that “gets me” and that I have never ever
before starting CLCC but I I’m doing for myself, much like
had at any other time in my life or with
wanted to strengthen my skill set so I getting plenty of nourishment through
any other program. I know these are
could be a more confident coach. CLCC water and sleep. The decision to pursue
friends and colleagues for the long haul.
has been everything I hoped for and life coaching came swiftly for me, and
more. I have gained so many concrete No matter what stage of growth you are with a sense of certainty. I needed this.
tools both for being a more skillful coach in, this program will turbo boost you to And the benefits are not unlike those
as well as for growing my business. The your greater self and bring an awareness of water and rest: I function better as a
community is truly amazing and is what I to you that I am sure would take years if person -- partner, daughter, sister, friend
yearned for in that first year when I often not a lifetime otherwise. It is so beautiful -- because I’m learning that honoring
felt isolated. Now I have a whole tribe of the way Kate and the mentor coach- myself is something that has to happen
like-minded women who I can not only es propel you forward and also stand everyday, something that takes aware-
bounce ideas off of when it comes to next to you, guiding you and providing ness and consistency, in order to reap
coaching or business stuff, but also a a support and comfort that feels above the rewards. My Inner Critic and I are
group of friends who I’ve really grown and beyond any expectation. They show finally cordial (okay, most of the time);
with on this journey and can turn to for you the way and they believe in you with I hold more conversations with myself
support in my personal life as well. a trust and faith in each student, they because, whether or not I’m afraid, there
watch as you rise to your potential. It is is always an opportunity to become
artful and touching to experience. more Me; and with practice, I’m taking a
© 34
ticipant in the sacred learning and loving

arms of CLCC 2015. I only hope that
my contributions have matched what I
have received.

CLCC has been more than I could have

hoped for. When I first joined, I had no
idea what I was in for and was terrified of
whole lot less personally because I get to point, I love nothing more than coach- taking the chance on finding work that I
choose to imbue something with mean- ing clients and feeling the power of their truly love.
ing -- or not. I’ve gained a like-minded bravery and honest looking. Every single person from the coaches
tribe, too, and I’ve gotten comfortable to my peers have wholeheartedly sup-
Ann Nguyen
showing up as myself amongst them. In ported me show up in my life in a more
Additionally, by having access
short, the CLCC has given me more life, powerful way than I could ever imagined
to all of my peer coaches, I’ve
better life, because it has reminded me for myself. On top of all that, I truly feel
gained further insight and clarity around
why I’m here...and convinced me that confident in my skills as a life coach, and
some of my personally crafted limita-
it’s enough. now have a tribe I can lean on forever.
tions. From when I began the program
Lexi Koch to today, I feel entirely different in my Jidi Xu
There are many specific ben- mind, body and soul. Part of it is finding The training has made me
efits that I have gained from a calling and part of it is unwinding deep, more present by embracing
the CLCC. The first and most important old spools of pain that I was stuck in. the ego, instead of cursing it away. The
to me currently is the answer to a call- Through my peer coaching relationships, tools which we learned during our train-
ing I’ve had for a very long time. I’ve I’ve been able to be brutally honest with ing not only helped me guide my clients,
been searching for the tools that best where I”m at all the while knowing I’ve but they helped me guiding myself as
fit me while holding space for others got sisters who’ve got my back no mat- well. I have become more gentle with
and believe I have found them through ter what terrain I explore. my ego and use it as an ally, instead of
my learning in the CLCC. I love know- seeing it as an enemy. With this, I have
And thanks to you specifically Kate.
ing that my job first and foremost is to learned and am still practicing that I am
There have been many times that I’ve
support the client. I don’t need to figure safe and that I am beautiful just as I am.
been super inspired by your profession-
it out for them but instead help empower And the sisterhood which I have met
alism mixed with on the ground realness
them to believe that they know the way through this has been amazing.
mixed with total devotion to what is true
down the path and that all they see and
in integrity to you. I so congratulate you Thank you so much again for this
witness along the path is information,
on all the successes that are blooming experience. BEST decision ever.
juice, helping guides FOR them. At this
around you. I’m so grateful to be a par-

© 35
This is a unique invitation to learn a valuable skill-set and start doing work
that you’re actually excited about, work that also helps people to live better
lives. This is part of being a world-changer. You’ve certainly heard someone
say before that change starts within, and it starts with one person.
One person is…you. Your gifts and contributions are the change the
world is asking for.
You’re probably already someone who would describe herself
as having a lot of empathy, perhaps even a knack for sensing where
someone’s “at” emotionally, even if they can’t verbalize it, themselves.
You’re a great listener, care-taker, or strategizer (in other words,
you’re already putting into practice, for free, elements of being
a life coach).
To get started, see the page on how to apply. We hope to hear from you!

© 36
Our team believes:
in the power of coaching. that courage is where it’s at.
that marginalized voices need to be heard—now. in
what you’re capable of. in you. that expanding who
you are gives you the capacity to empower others.
in pragmatic, research-backed behavior change.
in totally unstructured, spontaneous woo. that no
one is truly free unless we are all free. that coaching
skills can be applied to social change movements.
in practical wisdom. that we all deserve to have
careers that we love. that connecting as a community
is the backbone of our growth. that self-responsibility
is potent. that creative expression is truth-telling.
that sometimes, only the f-bomb will suffice. that
sometimes, gentleness has more impact than profanity.

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