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PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 ISSUE 2971/2019

DECISIONS Press Metal is The Edge BRC’s
Company of the Year 6  7 H O M E B U S I N E S S

Amhari: Najib
paid me tens of
thousands in cash
for secret missions


Syed Mokhtar buys

another 8% of Media
Prima from Umno’s
Altima — sources GREEN LIGHT

Kok: Malaysian firms

will not be protected
if Indonesian forest
fire claims are true INTO BROADBAND
10 H O M E B U S I N E S S Minister’s endorsement
Eco World comes after pioneer project’s
Development 3Q ‘demonstrated results’ and amid
earnings jump 81% plans to liberalise power sector.
Ahmad Naqib Idris has the
EVERY FRIDAY! story on Page 3.
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free copy of
Jomo: Not too late to cancel ECRL
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According to a 1MDB trial witness, it was mooted to bail out the fund
personal copy at 8 HOME BUSINESS
2 FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

For breaking news updates go to

Global economy seen One of the world’s
top investors
just rang the
sliding towards weakest alarm, again

‘Inaccurate’ to
blame haze
on palm oil
growth in decade SINGAPORE: The head of one
of the world’s largest sovereign
wealth funds wants to get one
thing straight — markets are
becoming increasingly dire and
investors face a very uncertain
Govts are not doing enough to prevent long-term damage — OECD future.
Lim Chow Kiat, chief execu-
tive officer of Singapore’s GIC Pte
BY W ILLIAM HOROBI N growth at a mere 2.9% this year. stimulus will be needed to ensure Ltd, has again sounded the alarm
“Our fear is that we are entering their efforts won’t be futile. about the state of the world’s
PARIS: Intensifying trade conflicts an era where growth is stuck at a very Manufacturing has borne the economy, decrying populism,
have sent global growth momentum low level,” OECD chief economist brunt of the economic crisis brought trade protectionism and a decline
tumbling towards lows last seen Laurence Boone said. “Governments about by a tit-for-tat trade war be- in the ability of governments and
during the financial crisis, and gov- should absolutely take advantage of tween the US and China. The ser- markets to deliver broad-based
ernments are not doing enough low rates to invest in the future now vices sector has proved unusually prosperity.
to prevent long-term damage, the so that this sluggish growth doesn’t resilient to the malaise so far, but “In these factious times, in-
Organisation for Economic Coop- become the new normal.” the OECD warned that “persistent vestors are hard put to find their
The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd eration and Development (OECD) The OECD is the latest institution weakness” in industry will weigh footing,” he said yesterday at
Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, said in its latest outlook. sounding the alarm over the state on the labour market, household the start of GIC Insights, the
Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, The Paris-based organisation of the global economy. In the past incomes and spending. group’s annual thought lead-
Selangor, Malaysia cut almost all economic forecasts it two weeks, the Federal Reserve, the Additional risks stem from a ership event. “They face rising
made just four months ago, as pro- European Central Bank, the Peo- sharper slowdown in China and a uncertainty but falling returns.
tectionist policies take an increas- ple’s Bank of China and numerous no-deal Brexit that could push the By some measures, uncertain-
Publisher and Group CEO Ho Kay Tat ing toll on confidence and invest- of their peers have eased policy to UK into a recession and would con- ty about economic prospects
ment, and risks continue to mount shore up demand, urging govern- siderably reduce growth in Europe, is currently highest on record.
For News Tips/Press Releases on financial markets. It sees world ments at the same time that fiscal according to the report. — Bloomberg Further, policymakers seem to
Tel: 03-7721 8219 Fax: 03-7721 8038 have limited ammunition to re-
Email: flate economies.” — Bloomberg
Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris

Khazanah divests stake in

Executive Editors Ooi Inn Leong,
Kathy Fong, Jenny Ng, Diana Khoo
Senior Editors Cindy Yeap,
Jose Barrock, Kang Siew Li, Joyce Goh Dr M: Malaysia
Associate Editors R B Bhattacharjee,
Vasantha Ganesan, Adeline Paul Raj
Deputy Editor Tan Choe Choe
Assistant Editors Khairie Hisyam
Indonesia toll concession to CPPIB will speak the
truth at UNGA
Aliman, Kanagaraju S Sithambaram
Chief Copy Editor Felyx Teoh BY CHESTER TAY Baskhara Utama Sedaya (BUS). sia would deepen its commitment
Assistant Chief Copy Editor As BUS is an existing owner of to the Asia-Pacific region as well PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia will speak
Melanie Proctor KUALA LUMPUR: Khazanah Na- a 45% stake in LMS, the acquisi- as its focus on investments in new the truth at the UN General As-
Associate Copy Editor Teoh Hock Siew sional Bhd is divesting its entire tion will increase the company’s markets with attractive return and sembly (UNGA) in New York next
Copy Editors Tham Kid Cheng,
Tham Yek Lee 55% stake in PT Lintas Marga Se- stake to 55%. risk characteristics. week, Prime Minister Tun Dr Ma-
Art Director Sharon Khoh daya (LMS), the concession hold- CPPIB did not disclose the ac- CPPIB managing director and hathir Mohamad said.
Chief Graphic Designer Cheryl Loh er and operator of Indonesia’s quisition price, but Bloomberg re- head of infrastructure Scott Law- “We will criticise where we
Design Team Valerie Chin, Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) toll ported last Friday that Khazanah rence said the Cipali toll road pro- need to criticise and we will also
Mohd Yusry, Aaron Boudville,
Aminullah Abdul Karim, road, to the Canada Pension Plan received an offer of about US$500 vides CPPIB access to a vital infra- praise certain things done by the
Noorain Duasa, Tun Mohd Zafian Investment Board (CPPIB) and PT million (RM2.1 billion) for its stake structure development supported UN,” he said when asked about
Mohd Za’abah Astra Tol Nusantara (Astra Infra). in the 117km toll road by rising motorisation rates in one the issues that he would raise at
The 55% stake in LMS is cur- CPPIB said yesterday that the of the most densely populated and the assembly.
Manager Katherine Tan rently held by PLUS Expressways transaction is expected to be economically productive regions Speaking at a news conference
Senior Coordinator Maryani Hassan International Bhd, a subsidiary completed in the fourth quar- in Indonesia. after chairing the Special Cabinet
of UEM Group, which is wholly ter, subject to customary closing “We are pleased to invest in Committee on Anti-Corruption
CORPORATE owned by Khazanah. conditions, including regulatory the Cipali toll road alongside As- meeting here yesterday, Dr Ma-
Chief Operating Officer
Lim Shiew Yuin In a statement yesterday, CP- approvals. tra Infra, a knowledgeable and hathir said he would not be meet-
PIB said it will take up a 45% stake CPPIB senior managing di- sophisticated local partner, and ing US President Donald Trump
ADVERTISING & MARKETING in LMS, while the remaining 10% rector and head of Asia-Pacific look forward to a successful long- while in New York. “I will not meet
To advertise contact stake will be taken up by Astra Suyi Kim said the fund’s first in- term relationship between our two Trump but I will make a speech
GL: (03) 7721 8000
Fax: (03) 7721 8288 Infra’s wholly-owned unit PT frastructure investment in Indone- organisations,” he said. there of course, I will meet many
Chief Commercial Officer leaders also,” he said. — Bernama
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056
General Manager
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831
Senior Sales Manager
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 Putrajaya committed to further strengthening Malaysia-US ties — Miti
Head of Marketing Support & Ad Traffic
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 BY JUSTIN LIM partnership and they form a strong 809 manufacturing projects with “This is strengthened by the fact
foundation for our future growth. participation from the US were im- that we have received commitment
OPERATIONS KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is com- The working visit by Prime Min- plemented in Malaysia with a total from existing US investors in Ma-
To order copy mitted to boost bilateral ties with ister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad investment of RM74 billion. These laysia that they will continue to un-
Tel: 03-7721 8052 / 8050 / 8037 the US amid the challenging eco- to the US is expected to generate projects have created 204,536 em- dertake significant reinvestment in
Fax: 03-7721 8282
Email: nomic environment, the govern- further momentum that will result ployment opportunities, said Miti. further expansion, diversification
ment said yesterday, ahead of a in greater economic cooperation Meanwhile, for the first half of as well as research and develop-
visit to the US by Prime Minister between the two countries, as we 2019, Miti said Malaysia approved ment — which further highlights
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. forge ahead, together, in this chal- a total of RM11.7 billion of invest- their confidence in the outlook of
Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief Noting that the two countries lenging economic environment,” ments from the US in the manufac- Malaysian economy,” said Miti.
Au Foong Yee
Executive Editor Sharon Kam
have over six decades of strong said Miti in a statement. turing sector. Miti also said it has and will con-
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng bilateral ties, the ministry of inter- Malaysia’s bilateral trade with “The decision made by notable tinue to actively engage and collabo-
national trade and industry (Miti) the US grew by 1.2% in 2018 to American companies such as Intel rate with US companies in Malaysia
MARKETING & ADVERTISING said Malaysia is committed to con- RM155.76 billion — which consti- Corp, Western Digital, Honeywell, as well as the American Malaysian
Associate Account Director,
Advertising & Marketing
tinue working with the US for mu- tutes 8.3% of Malaysia’s total trade Boston Scientific, Motorola and Spir- Chamber of Commerce and US-Ase-
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880 tual benefits. in that year. Exports to the US in- it Aerospace to establish their op- an Business Council to gather con-
“The decades of close cooper- creased 2.4% to RM90.81 billion erations in Malaysia speaks volume structive feedback that will help en-
& CUSTOMER ADVISORY ation between Malaysia and the — the highest recorded since 2008. about our country’s strength as an sure the business climate in Malaysia
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay US transcend beyond economic As at December 2018, a total of attractive investment destination.” remains conducive.

Green light for TNB’s Dr M: Need

for direct

entry into broadband for certain

PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir
Mohamad said yesterday it
cannot be denied that there is
Minister’s endorsement comes amid plans to liberalise the power sector a need for the government to
conduct direct negotiation for
procurements or purchases in
BY A H M AD NAQ I B I D RI S some cases.
The prime minister said this
KUALA LUMPUR: Tenaga Nasional has to be done "when something
Bhd (TNB) has expressed its interest is essential for a certain purpose",
in the wholesale broadband sector, for example in the armed forces.
which could be the earnings driver “They (the armed forces) iden-
for the national utility company, tify [a] particular equipment
given the government’s imminent and, if the particular equipment
plans to liberalise the power sector. comes from only one company,
Gobind believes TNB
Communications and Multime- then they can have direct nego-
would be able to play
dia Minister Gobind Singh Deo said tiation.
a very important role.
TNB’s pioneer broadband project in “But they must state the rea-
Photo by Suhaimi Yusuf
Jasin, Melaka, which was completed son they want to have direct ne-
in January with the provision of high- gotiation and they have to get
speed broadband (HSBB) access to the permission of the ministry of
1,100 homes, has produced results. finance,” he told a news confer-
“The project has shown positive ence after chairing a meeting of
results and it demonstrates that, if the Special Cabinet Committee
TNB is interested in pursuing this on Anti-Corruption here.
venture, I think that they would be Asked about a viral letter on
able to play a very important role, a RM450 million construction
given that they already have exist- project in Kota Baru, Kelantan,
ing infrastructure stretching across which was allegedly awarded
Peninsular Malaysia. liberalisation in the power industry, to end-users in the future. plans on ventures related to broad- through direct negotiation, Dr
“I was also informed that they which was outlined by Energy, Sci- Yeo pointed to the competitive band at the time. Mahathir denied that it was a
have commenced new initiatives. ence, Technology, Environment and retail market in Singapore, with dif- He talked of plans to divide the direct-negotiation project.
In Melaka, they are now targeting Climate Change Minister Yeo Bee ferent packages on offer such as fixed different parts of TNB’s operations “But you have seen the notes
to provide broadband services to Yin during a briefing on Monday. tariff and charges that are lower than across the value chain into individ- because [they have] been vi-
11,000 homes and are also targeting The details have yet to be ironed the regulated tariff set by the coun- ual subsidiaries, with the possibility ralled. You have seen the note
other states — Kedah, Perak and Jo- out, but the key reform initiatives in- try’s power sector regulator. of seeking listings for them, provid- that I wrote — it is a continuation
hor — if I’m not mistaken,” he said clude allowing generators to source However, Yeo stressed that the ing financial transparency to dispel of a project that has been given to
at a press conference yesterday, fol- their own fuel to optimise costs, reforms will not be an overnight criticisms that it secures power plant this party. Whether it was direct
lowing the launch of the National moving from the power purchase switch that “will pull the rug from projects by tendering at more com- negotiation or whatever.
Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan agreement regime to a capacity under TNB’s feet”. petitive rates while subsidising the “So, what I said there, that if
(NFCP). and energy market, establishing a The national utility company lower margin with its transmission this company is willing to reduce
“I hope that TNB will look at the third-party access framework and will lose its dominant position, al- and distribution arms. the cost and if it is a continuation
potential of providing broadband network charges for grid to allow though Yeo said that it may not be In terms of the opening up of of the previous project, I think it
services in other states as well,” add- third-party usage of the infrastruc- that easy to compete with the in- supply to the retail segment, TNB is is not direct negotiation. It is only
ed Gobind. ture and the facilitation of green cumbent player. looking at allowing third parties to because the company is already
Gobind said TNB’s initiatives are energy producers and consumers. In an interview with The Edge Ma- ride on its infrastructure and provide doing that it is a continuation,”
in line with the NFCP’s goals of im- These reforms will have impli- laysia weekly in June, TNB chief ex- differentiated products, as seen in he said.
proving connectivity nationwide but cations on TNB’s operations, as in- ecutive officer Amir Hamzah Azizan many countries including the UK, A letter from contractor PDM
did not specify whether the company dependent power producers will be acknowledged the shifting landscape the US, Australia and Singapore. Builders Sdn Bhd to Dr Mahathir
was included in the five-year plan. able to source coal and gas from third and talked about the corporatisa- TNB’s share price rose two sen or on the construction of Bangunan
The potentially bigger involve- parties instead of TNB to optimise tion of TNB, which he said is part 0.15% to RM13.62 yesterday, giving Gunasama Persekutuan (Federal
ment of TNB in providing broad- costs, while the retail segment will and parcel of evolving the company. the company a market capitalisation Common User Building) at Tun-
band services comes amid talk of also be allowed to supply electricity However, he did not mention any of RM77.46 billion. jong, Kelantan, went viral. The
letter also carries Dr Mahathir's
handwritten note.
The note states: “YB Ment-

YTL Communications to expand Terragraph network eri Kewangan, projek ini telah
diberi kpd PDM Builders. Jika
mereka dapat kurangkan kos,
tender baru tidak perlu.” (Min-
BY A H M AD NAQ I B I D RI S government and city council, which delivered our service to 50 Wi-Fi plagues other telecommunication ister of Finance, this project has
was why we could move very fast. hotspots, and because it is based on companies. been awarded to PDM Builders.
PUTRAJAYA: YTL Power Interna- “Wherever we go, if we have full strong millimetre wave technology, This is why YES is able to pro- If they can reduce the cost, a new
tional Bhd’s 60%-owned YTL Com- support from the local authorities, we managed to deliver speeds of vide cheaper pricing for its prepaid tender is unnecessary.)
munications Sdn Bhd (YES) is eye- we can move fast,” said Wing on the 170Mbps at these Wi-Fi hotspots. and postpaid products, Wing said, The letter also indicates that
ing the deployment of its 5G-ready sidelines of the launching of the Na- “Using Terragraph, we are able adding that the government’s move the contract was approved by
Terragraph network in more cities tional Fiberisation and Connectivity to deliver broadband services to to reduce the duplication, via infra- the finance ministry on April 20,
in Malaysia, following the success Plan (NFCP) here yesterday. businesses and hotels in George structure sharing, will contribute 2018, “secara tender terhad selek-
of its pilot project in George Town, He explained that the Terragraph Town, compared with the case in the to making cheaper packages going tif” (as a selective limited tender).
Penang. network is the first millimetre wave past where they were suffering from forward. On criticism that his son, Da-
YES chief executive officer Wing network as well as the first large-scale the copper wire Streamyx service He said the company hopes to tuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, still
K Lee said the service provider is in IPv6 network of its kind in Malaysia which only provided them 2Mbps to see strong enforcement and gov- own shares in Opcom Holdings
discussions with several cities, which — the two foundations to support 4Mbps. Now they are getting more ernance in ensuring the sharing of Bhd which is involved in govern-
have been “very keen” to adopt the 5G capabilities. than 100Mbps,” said Wing. infrastructure between the players ment projects, Dr Mahathir said:
technology, with the group in the The company launched the giga- YES’ seven-month experience in in the country. "I did not sign anything. Did I sign
midst of making preparations. bit-speed network in George Town in George Town has provided the com- “The duplication of resources is anything to recommend that?”
“We will be making a few an- March, making Malaysia the second pany the necessary knowledge, with not helpful, which is why the sharing Dr Mahathir said that as far
nouncements over the next few country in the world to test the new Wing adding that it is ready to sup- of framework is very crucial. We are as he knows, Mukhriz has given
months. The city that is the easiest technology after Hungary. port 5G technology, given that the happy to see the strong commitment up his business because he is
to work with will get the technolo- “We have had the opportunity group’s network is all-IP and all-LTE, from the government to encourage now the menteri besar of Kedah.
gy up and running the soonest. We over the past seven months to test which means that it is not weighed sharing and we would like to see "So, if you give me some infor-
were able to deploy in George Town, the technology in a real-world sit- down by legacy technologies such the governance framework that will mation, I' m going to ask him,”
with strong support from the state uation, in George Town. We have as 2G and 3G infrastructure, which bring that into reality,” said Wing. he said. — Bernama

Amhari involved

in embezzlement,
defence claims
Ku Nan wants judge to recuse
himself from RM1m graft case Shafee connects witness to company linked to bond guarantee
BY PAW A I C H I N judge had made his remarks by
stressing that corruption is a very BY ADAM AZ I Z Amhari testified that he was sent
KUALA LUMPUR: Former feder- serious crime as it undermines by Najib to Abu Dhabi sometime
al territories minister Datuk Seri the country’s social and econom- KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Na- in 2016 to meet with Khaldoon Al
Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor ic development and adversely jib Razak’s former aide Datuk Am- Mubarak, the CEO of Mubadala In-
(pic) has filed an application re- affects the fabric of society. hari Efendi Nazaruddin could be vestment Co — the parent of IPIC
questing High Court Justice Mohd “In addition, the media involved in the conspiracy to em- — to facilitate a settlement agree-
Nazlan Mohd Ghazali to recuse had also reported that Tan bezzle 1Malaysia Development Bhd 1MDB-TANORE ment between 1MDB and IPIC and
himself from hearing the former’s
RM1 million graft case which was
Eng Boon agreed to testify as
a prosecution witness in my
(1MDB) monies and transfer them
into a fake entity in 2012 and 2014,
TRIAL to avoid an international arbitration.
In April 2017, the government an-
scheduled to start yesterday. upcoming trial. the High Court was told yesterday. nounced that it will pay off the out-
This followed Tengku Adnan “Justice must not only be Such claims by the defence team holder of Aerosphere, the name he standing US$1.2 billion to IPIC and
claiming that the judge, who had done, but must also be seen to are based on the fact that Amhari is used when opening an account in assume the liability for the two bonds.
fined a businessman RM1.5 mil- be done,” Ku Nan added. an indirect shareholder of Aabar In- BSI Singapore. According to the opening state-
lion for abetting him in receiving In reply to the defence’s ap- vestments PJS Ltd (BVI), which was The BSI account was opened ment of the 1MDB-Tanore trial,
the money, will not give the for- plication, deputy public pros- misidentified as a unit of Abu Dhabi’s under the instruction of Low Taek US$577 million out of the US$1.75
mer minister a fair trial. ecutor Julia Ibrahim said the International Petroleum Investment Jho — commonly known as Jho billion raised from the first tranche
Tengku Adnan, popularly prosecution needs more time Co (IPIC) — a company that guaran- Low — in 2012 “as standby for GE13 of the bonds was meant to be paid
known as Ku Nan, filed the mo- to file the affidavit-in-reply as teed two tranches of bonds worth a to- (13th general election)”. to IPIC as security deposits for the
tion yesterday afternoon with his it had merely received the ap- tal of US$3.5 billion issued by 1MDB. Muhammad Shafee then ac- guarantee granted. That money was,
supporting affidavit. plication yesterday. Amhari, the eighth prosecution cused Amhari of “manoeuvring however, siphoned through Aabar-
This is Ku Nan’s second cor- Justice Mohd Nazlan or- witness in the 1MDB-Tanore trial, his way” into being sent by Najib to BVI to Jho Low-linked Blackstone
ruption case and was supposed dered the prosecution to sub- however, denied the allegation. facilitate 1MDB’s settlement agree- Asia in 2012.
to be jointly tried with business- mit the replying affidavit by The connection was made by ment with IPIC. On the US$1.75 billion raised from
man Datuk Tan Eng Boon. 3pm yesterday, and he will hear lead defence counsel Tan Sri Mu- “Now that I have shown your the second tranche of the 1MDB
However, in an unexpected the recusal application today. hammad Shafee Abdullah, who relationship with Tycoon Gain, you bonds, about RM3 billion (estimated
turn of events, the property devel- On Nov 15 last year, Eng is representing the former prime went to Abu Dhabi to prevent the to be US$730 million) was transferred
oper, who is also the co-accused Boon, 70, a director of a prop- minister in the 1MDB-Tanore trial. rotten smell of the company from to Aabar-BVI. The transferred money
in this case, pleaded guilty two erty development company, It was revealed by Muhammad coming out to [Najib]. This is so you was supposed to be paid to IPIC as
days ago to an alternative charge pleaded not guilty to a charge Shafee in court that Aabar-BVI’s can conceal this aspect of your in- security deposits for its guarantee.
for abetting Ku Nan in receiving a of giving a bribe to Ku Nan, 68, by shareholder is Tycoon Gain Ltd, volvement [in the 1MDB-IPIC deal],” Najib faces four charges of abuse
RM1 million bribe. Eng Boon was depositing a RM1 million Public which is also the sole shareholder said Muhammad Shafee. of power and 21 counts of money
let off with a fine after he agreed Bank cheque belonging to Pekan of Aerosphere Ltd. Recall that IPIC, as the guaran- laundering involving billions of
to testify as a prosecution witness Nenas Industries Sdn Bhd into Tycoon Gain is in turn tor of the US$3.5 billion ringgit in 1MDB funds.
in Ku Nan’s trial in exchange for Ku Nan’s CIMB Bank account. a company that is owned bonds, had to fork out
not serving a jail sentence. It was allegedly a reward by Amhari, Muhammad US$1.2 billion after Amhari (left) denied the
Lawyer Datuk Tan Hock for Ku Nan for approving an Shafee pointed out during 1MDB was unable defence’s assertion that he was
Chuan, who represents Ku Nan, application by Nucleus Prop- the witness’ cross-exam- to commit to its involved in the embezzlement of
told the High Court that his client erties Sdn Bhd (now known as ination earlier yesterday. obligations to the 1MDB funds. Photo by Sam Fong
is very concerned that he would Paragon City Development Sdn Amhari previously tes- debt papers.
not get a fair trial, as the judge Bhd) to increase the plot ratio tified that he is the share-
had already heard the facts of Eng for the development of Lot 228,
Boon’s case during sentencing. Jalan Semarak here.
Apart from requesting the On the same day, the Putra-
judge to recuse himself, Ku Nan jaya member of parliament also
also wants his case to be trans- pleaded not guilty to a charge
ferred to another High Court pre- of corruptly receiving RM1 mil-
sided by a different judge, claim- lion from Eng Boon to approve
ing that there are another four a company’s application to in-
judges who can hear his case. crease the plot ratio for a devel-
In his supporting affidavit, Ku opment in Jalan Semarak here.
Nan expressed doubts that Justice Ku Nan was charged under
Mohd Nazlan may be influenced Section 24(1) of the Malaysian
by the facts of Eng Boon’s case, Anti-Corruption Commission
after having sentenced the busi- Act. If convicted, he could be
nessman on Tuesday. jailed up to 20 years and fined five
The former minister said the times the gratification amount.

Najib still powerful enough to create ‘instability’ in my livelihood, says witness

BY H AF I Z YATI M, A DA M AZIZ prosecution witness in the 1Ma- cause I do not feel the threats from office in the land. However, he denied that the
& EM I R ZA I NU L laysia Development Bhd-Tanore Datuk Seri Najib as a former PM, Amhari said regardless of whatev- threats came from the Malaysian Anti-
(1MDB-Tanore) trial, said while he has the power to at least create er he does, there are always threats Corruption Commission (MACC)
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Amhari he was never personally threat- instability... in my livelihood,” he from “stakeholders” in the trial. which is investigating the case.
Efendi Nazaruddin, a former aide ened by Najib, he knew the former told senior deputy public prose- “I consider myself to be stuck in
of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, said his premier still had enough clout in cutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram the middle,” a slightly emotional Witness believed Najib
ex-boss was still powerful and influ- the country. during his re-examination. Amhari said in response to ques- The witness also told the court that
ential enough to create “instability” “[The threats] may come from His revelation follows his de- tions from Sri Ram. he did not warn Najib about Jho
in his livelihood during his testi- the previous government, not nec- scription of the threats he faced “Either route I take, as I look Low’s possible wrongdoing in the
mony in the High Court yesterday. essarily from Najib but his people while testifying against his former back at my religion, it would save alleged 1MDB dealings as he ini-
Amhari, who is the eighth or supporters ... I reacted to this be- boss, who once held the highest me,” he added. CON T I N UES N EX T PAGE

PetroSaudi email proves Jho Low Witness implies Najib

may have misled
manipulated Najib, defence argues Dewan Rakyat on
1MDB in 2015
BY A DA M A ZI Z “I am suggesting there was the possibil- Amhari denies Jho Low-1MDB
ity that your own prime minister was being documents kept for ‘insurance’ BY E MIR Z A IN UL & H A F IZ YAT IM
KUALA LUMPUR: An email between Pet- manipulated,” Muhammad Shafee added. In the trial yesterday, Amhari disagreed with
roSaudi International Ltd (PSI) executives “I agree … there’s a possibility,” Amhari Muhammad Shafee’s allegation that he pur- KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s
in August 2010 which touched on points replied. Amhari also agreed with Muham- posely kept 1MDB-related documents that former aide Datuk Amhari Efendi Naz-
discussed with the alleged 1Malaysia De- mad Shafee that in his witness statement, were given to him by Jho Low as insurance in aruddin has implied that the former prime
velopment Bhd (1MDB) fiasco mastermind he referred to only Jho Low as a “master case the 1MDB fiasco blew out in the open. minister may have misled the Dewan
Low Taek Jho (Jho Low) indicates that for- manipulator” while Najib was not involved Jho Low had instructed Amhari to shred Rakyat when he said that Low Taek Jho
mer prime minister (PM) Datuk Seri Najib in the manipulation of 1MDB. all documents in relation to their discussions, (Jho Low) has never worked for 1Malay-
Razak was also manipulated by the fugitive Previously, Amhari testified that he was but Amhari kept some in his cousin’s property sia Development Bhd (1MDB).
businessman, claimed Najib’s lawyer Tan Sri one of the two officials in the Prime Minis- along Persiaran Tropicana. The documents In a re-examination of the prosecu-
Muhammad Shafee Abdullah. ter’s Office who frequently met Jho Low in were eventually seized by the Malaysian au- tion’s eighth witness yesterday, senior
From the email between PSI executives secret meetings on 1MDB matters. thorities after the last general election in 2018. deputy public prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal
Patrick Mahony and Tarek Obaid, it is shown Amhari also testified that Najib instructed “You decided to work with MACC (the Sri Ram referred to a document recovered
that the two men plotted with Jho Low not him — as the sole secret envoy for the then- Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com-
to tell Najib that 1MDB will incur a US$500 prime minister — to go to China to facilitate so that your own problems will be treated mission, which contains answers to fre-
million loss on investment from the 1MDB- 1MDB’s bailout, and to Abu Dhabi to resolve leniently, for offences that you obviously quently asked questions (FAQs) related to
PSI business collaboration. 1MDB’s debt woes with Mubadala Investment committed,” said Muhammad Shafee. 1MDB that was prepared by the missing
Instead, they would convince Najib of how Co in a bid to prevent the dispute from land- The Edge Financial Daily reported on June businessman — who is also known as Jho
important it was for 1MDB to quickly invest ing in the International Arbitration Court. 26, 2018 that one of Najib’s special officers re- Low — for Najib in 2015.
another US$500 million with them. It has been reported that Najib ceived RM62 million originating from 1MDB Sri Ram: What is the purpose of this
Muhammad Shafee cited The Edge Malay- was informed of what Jho Low from the former premier through digital document?
sia weekly cover story in June 2018 “How Pet- did in relation to 1MDB since media agency Orb Solutions Sdn Bhd Amhari: The purpose of this document
roSaudi executives plotted what to tell Najib”, as early as March 2015, but did from 2011 to 2014. is basically to give an update of what are
which published the email. not act upon the information The 1MDB-Tanore trial revealed that the answers to the questions raised with
“Things were done behind the PM’s back provided. Amhari was the founder and the largest regard to 1MDB and related matters.
in complete dishonesty by Mahony, Obaid shareholder of Orb Solutions. Sri Ram: So in other words, this is the
and Jho Low … This is an example of what Things were done behind the PM’s “I mean, you are still not charged. This answers to the FAQs?
you meant, that Jho Low was a master ma- back in complete dishonesty is a tit-for-tat, where you provide Amhari: Correct.
nipulator,” said Muhammad Shafee during by Mahony, Obaid and some information for them Sri Ram: One of the answers is —
cross-examination of Najib’s former special Jho Low, said that would incriminate my “Jho Low was one of the many advisers
officer Datuk Amhari Efendi Nazaruddin in Muhammad Shafee. client,” said Muhammad appointed by Tuanku Agong — at that
the 1MDB-Tanore trial yesterday. Photo by Sam Fong Shafee. Amhari disagreed. time — to TIA (Terengganu Investment
Authority) in January 2009 to May 2009,
together with many other local and in-
ternational advisers.
Amhari: Najib paid me tens of thousands in cash for secret missions Another answer says that “Jho Low
does not have any role in 1MDB”.
Now is that an accurate statement? Is
BY HAFIZ YATIM, ADAM AZIZ & EMIR ZAINUL anteed the bonds — to pay US$1.2 billion. Amhari: It was paid to me in cash at his it a true statement?
“I did not inform our embassy officials house. Amhari: It is not correct.
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Amhari Efendi in Abu Dhabi when I arrived. I went straight Sri Ram: Normally for the trips, you Sri Ram: Are you aware that the ac-
Nazaruddin told the High Court that he to meet Khaldoon at the Mubadala office.” would submit claims? cused, in answering a question put to him
received “berpuluh ribu” (tens of thou- Meanwhile, Amhari went to China in Amhari: Yes, normally I would submit in the Dewan Rakyat, said that Jho Low
sands) in cash from former prime minister June that year to meet the republic’s state claims to JPM (Prime Minister’s Depart- was not an employee of 1MDB?
(PM) Datuk Seri Najib Razak after he em- officials to negotiate their investments in ment). However, for these [trips] I did not Amhari: I cannot remember the par-
barked on “secret missions” to Abu Dhabi major infrastructure projects including the submit any claims as [they were] secret liament session.
and China over 1Malaysia Development East Coast Rail Link and the Trans-Sabah missions which I had to go on. It was previously reported that in a
Bhd (1MDB) matters in 2016. Gas Pipeline, which the witness had claimed Sri Ram: Is this normal? written reply to the then Wangsa Maju
He revealed during re-examination by was to bail out 1MDB and its subsidiary SRC Amhari: No. member of parliament Datuk Dr Tan Kee
senior deputy public prosecutor Datuk Seri International Sdn Bhd from their debts. Sri Ram: How much were you paid? Kwong back in March 2015, Najib said
Gopal Sri Ram in the 1MDB-Tanore trial that The witness said Najib had summoned Amhari: Berpuluh ribu (tens of thou- that Jho Low has no involvement in the
he was paid the amount at Najib’s home — his aide to his home to tell him about the sands). wholly government-owned strategic de-
although he did not say if it was his private trips. “The meeting at the house lasted for Amhari added that he handed the notes velopment company.
residence in Jalan Langgak Duta here or his 15 to 20 minutes,” the witness said. or reports prepared by Jho Low from the “Low Taek Jho has never worked in
official home in Seri Perdana, Putrajaya. The 43-year-old witness had earlier told meetings in China to his boss. 1MDB and all decisions and transactions
Amhari, the former prime minister’s the court that before the trips, he would “He (Najib) asked me whether are made by the company’s management
special officer, said he did not make any receive pointers on what to say via email everything was real over there. Najib want- and board of directors,” Najib said.
claims for the trips from the Prime Minis- from Low Taek Low (Jho Low). Jho Low also ed to verify whether Jho Low could secure Tan, in Parliament on March 12, want-
ter’s Department as they were considered accompanied him and participated in his projects from China. I said ‘correct’ as ed to know if there were any connection
“secret missions”. meetings in China. there had been meetings,” he explained. between Jho Low and 1MDB.
The eighth prosecution witness had Amhari said while he had reservations While the prosecution may have completed This means that Najib may have used
gone to Abu Dhabi to meet Mubadala In- about his orders to attend the meetings, their re-examination of Amhari yesterday, his the answers from the document to reply to
vestment Co chief executive officer (CEO) his loyalty to Najib won out. presence is still required on Monday — when the 1MDB-related question in Parliament.
Khaldoon Al Mubarak to facilitate a set- Sri Ram: Who paid for the trips to those the trial resumes before Justice Collin Lawrence According to Amhari, Jho Low had in
tlement agreement for its bond dispute. countries? Sequerah — to answer any further questions. fact prepared a list of FAQs about 1MDB for
1MDB was unable to meet its obliga- Amhari: The PM paid or reimbursed The next witness after Amhari would be Najib, when the company started drawing
tions to bonds worth US$3.5 billion, forcing me for them. Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi who unwanted attention, which included a state-
Mubadala’s subsidiary International Petro- Sri Ram: How was [the reimbursement] was the Terengganu Investment Authority ment denying his involvement in 1MDB.
leum Investment Company — which guar- paid to you? CEO and the first 1MDB CEO. The FAQ was one such example given
by the 43-year-old witness to demon-
strate the influence the Penang-born
businessman allegedly wielded over the
FROM PR EV I O U S PAG E Court judge asked the witness if, when Na- Abdullah if the reason why he was incrimi- former premier.
tially felt that what the former premier was jib was the premier, he could have relied on nating his former boss was to avoid charges Earlier in his witness statement, to il-
doing was right. intelligence reports at his disposal and have from the MACC, which he denied. lustrate Jho Low’s involvement in 1MDB,
“Initially, I think it was a political con- control over them. Amhari claimed that Jho Low instructed
spiracy against him [when the 1MDB] is- “He controlled all government agen- the change of the members of the board
sues cropped up. cies, the Special Branch, MIO (Military Follow the trial of directors in 1MDB, which comprised
“There were certainly issues with it. I had Intelligence Organisation) from the army live as it unfolds at mostly individuals from the private sec-
served Najib a little bit longer. and also intelligence from the Prime tor, to individuals from the government
“I tried to be the best officer for him by Minister’s Department,” he said, add- najibs-1mdb-trial- sector, as part of the 1MDB rationalisa-
going for the trips to Abu Dhabi and Chi- ing that Najib also had access to the reporting or tion plan in 2015.
na. My colleagues knew where my loyalty MACC as well. by scanning this When Amhari checked with Najib
stood,” he said. Earlier yesterday, Amhari was asked by QR code about the proposal, he said the former
Sri Ram, who was formerly a Federal Najib’s lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee prime minister confirmed the directives.





Dr Mahathir (centre), flanked by Tong (on his right) and Ho (on his left), with BRC winners. Photo by Kenny Yap CIM

Press Metal is Dr M: Private sector needs to Air

step up and invest more den

The Edge BRC’s

BY S UPR IYA S UR E N D R A N 2018 from the RM101 billion profit Om
& W O N G E E L IN you made,” he said. and
“The equation is simple – the more Ibr
KUALA LUMPUR: While the gov- money you make, the more the in- Tan
ernment is faced with many limita- crease in government revenue and sion

Company of the Year

tions to invest and spend as a result the more development fund will be Tan
of debts inherited from the previous available. Profit and prosperity [are] Ho
administration, Tun Dr Mahathir then shared,” he added. Tan
Mohamad has called on the private Dr Mahathir noted that some Gro
sector to “step up and invest more”. quarters have mistaken the concept co-
“All of you own and run compa- of Malaysia’s new economic model
nies, so you will know what I am talk- of Shared Prosperity, saying that it par
ing about when I say the debt burden somehow contradicts the premise tion
QL Resources chairman Dr Chia named Outstanding weighs very heavily on the govern- of profit or economic maximisation, spo
ment and limits our ability to invest while some said it sounds like so-
CEO & Value Creator and spend more. cialism and that it will result in less firs
“Herein lies the role of the pri- efficiency, or less economic compet- bes
vate sector. In fact, it is hoped that itiveness for Malaysia. bee
BY C I N DY Y EA P, SUP R IYA Sri Paul Koon Poh Keong also re- before, even as earnings came off. you will step up and invest more. Dr Mahathir, however, said “it is bes
SU REN D RA N & W ONG EE LIN ceived the award from the prime BRC members made a collective The private sector is best placed to none of [those things]”. con
minister, who was accompanied pre-tax profit of RM101.32 billion know what works and what does “It is to ensure that Malaysia con- for
PETALING JAYA: Press Metal Al- by Tong and The Edge Media in financial year 2018 (FY18), be- not,” the prime minister said in tinues its path of sustainable de- sign
uminium Holdings Bhd won the Group publisher and CEO Da- low RM123.19 billion in FY17 and his address to the corporate elite velopment based on the equitable the
coveted The Edge Billion Ring- tuk Ho Kay Tat. RM108.6 billion in FY16. Collec- of Bursa Malaysia at The Edge Bil- growth of each value chain, class, We
git Club (BRC) Company of the When met by The Edge Fi- tive net profit was RM73.37 billion, lion Ringgit Club (BRC) Awards and community and geography. The of t
Year award, while QL Resources nancial Daily after receiving skidding from RM90.7 billion in Gala Dinner 2019 here last night. growth will not be lopsided,” he said, bot
Bhd executive chairman Dr Chia his award, Press Metal’s Koon FY17 and RM81.6 billion in FY16. The prime minister also assured adding that shared prosperity will futu
Song Kun was named this year’s said: “We feel very honoured, “While we will recognise many the audience that the government also create a sense of harmony and CE
Outstanding CEO & Value Creator. but this honour goes to all our successful companies tonight, the is determined to fight corruption. stability among the people by 2030. ing
Prime Minister Tun Dr Ma- employees, because they are the hard truth is that over the past six He stressed that the government “Really efficient and successful be
hathir Mohamad graced the ones that contribute and make years, many companies listed on is prepared to review policies and companies are what they are because for
event, which started 10 years the company what it is today. So, Bursa Malaysia have not done regulations and even make changes they are able to give more to both que
ago to honour Corporate Malay- a big thank you to all of them. well. This is evident by the con- and introduce new ones if the private workers and owners. Why? It is only acu
sia’s crème de la crème, with the “We also believe that with the tinuous decline in profit margins,” sector can convince the government when all stakeholders are aligned that nes
aim of encouraging Malaysian award and honour, we will con- said Tong, who also noted how that these changes will lead to more mutual interests will be achieved and
companies to be even better at tinue to work harder to reward Malaysian companies have not investments and economic activities seen,” said Dr Mahathir. offi
what they do, to grow, to invest, shareholders and the investors,” invested enough to become more and create new and better paying Hence, he noted that in the same ma
to create jobs as well as be social- he added. efficient by embracing technol- jobs, especially for young Malaysians. manner, if the government together po
ly responsible. That, in turn, is After winning The Edge Bil- ogies and new opportunities, so “Big companies have the capacity with the private sector help to better sta
hoped to inspire others to excel. lion Ringgit Club Company of that profit margins will increase to invest, to take risks and to connect the lives of all Malaysians, instead of the
“To be recognised and to win the Year award back in 2011, QL’s and the companies will be better with the global supply chain. And allowing wider wealth disparities, Ma
awards, companies must grow Chia said winning this year’s Out- placed to compete and remain the success of each creates a mul- then all Malaysians would be willing din
their profits, be more efficient, standing CEO & Value Creator is competitive. tiplier effect, a ripple effect through to work towards making Malaysia a pre
invest in technologies, exhib- “out of [his] expectations”. That said, BRC members con- the rest of the supply chain, creat- greater and better country. and
it high returns to shareholders “I believe, with this award, we tinue to be major taxpayers, paying ing opportunities for other smaller Dr Mahathir also reiterated that ma
through dividends and stock have to work harder to deliver and an estimated RM26.04 billion in companies the government is committed to the &O
price,” The Edge Media Group create more value for our stake- taxes in FY18. “Such opportunities will encour- fight corruption.
chairman Datuk Tong Kooi Ong holders, especially for our coun- The awards are in its 10th in- age innovations and further im- “I appeal to corporate Malaysia and
said in his welcome address. try at this difficult time, we have stalment this year. Companies provements, creating not just jobs to help the government fight the fas
A total of 60 awards were pre- to pay more tax, and create more with at least RM1 billion mar- but also profits to be reinvested,” scourge of corruption, both in the tigi
sented to 43 companies. A spe- employment,” he said. ket capitalisation as at March said Dr Mahathir. public and private sectors. It is good hav
cial award for contribution to There are 168 The Edge BRC 31 each year are added to the He also acknowledged the con- for our well-being and the well-being mo
nation building was presented to members this year, down from annual The Edge-BRC mem- tribution of The Edge BRC members of our children and their children. cer
The Employees Provident Fund 170 last year. The all-time high bership list automatically and (companies with market capitali- “Companies which provide in- par
(EPF), whose chairman Tan Sri was 185 in 2011. are evaluated on growth in prof- sation of RM1 billion or more) to formation on corruption will be
Samsudin Osman accepted the At RM1.55 trillion, the total mar- it, return to shareholders and the government’s coffers. protected. They will not be dis- and
award from Dr Mahathir. ket capitalisation of the 168 compa- corporate responsibility (CR) “All the BRC members paid RM26 criminated against by government in a
Chia and Press Metal group nies was below RM1.69 trillion last commitments, among others. billion in taxes to the government in agencies,” he added. 30 i
chief executive officer (CEO) Tan year and RM1.59 trillion the year CO NTINUE S NE XT PAGE

“Our awards, like BRC, are coveted
by Corporate Malaysia, because the
Winners Of The Edge Billion Ringgit
methodology and criteria are trans- Club Corporate Awards 2019
parent and independently audited
— [they] cannot be bought,” Tong
said. “[Just as The Edge is] trusted by COMPANY OF THE YEAR
our readers because we are credible Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd Healthcare Sector REIT Sector
and honest”. Highest return on equity over Highest return on equity over
Last year, Petronas Dagangan Bhd VALUE CREATOR three years three years
was named Company of the Year, outstanding ceo of malaysia Hartalega Holdings Bhd IGB Real Estate
trailing AirAsia Bhd which received Dr Chia Song Kun Investment Trust
the award in 2017. Nestle (Malaysia) Executive chairman, QL Resources Bhd Highest growth in profit after
Bhd was the award recipient in 2016 tax over three years Highest growth in profit after
while Tenaga Nasional Bhd won it in SPECIAL AWARD Hartalega Holdings Bhd tax over three years
2015. Prior to that, it was Dutch Lady contribution to nation building MRCB-Quill REIT
Milk Industries Bhd (2014), DiGi.Com The Employees Provident Fund Highest return to shareholders
Bhd (2013), Genting Bhd (2012), QL over three years Highest return to shareholders
Resources Bhd (2011) and Supermax Apex Healthcare Bhd over three years
Corp Bhd (2010). BEST CR INITIATIVES Maxis Bhd YTL Hospitality REIT
Past winners of the Value Crea- Super big-cap company Highest growth in profit after
tor: Outstanding CEO of Malaysia tax over three years
award are Public Bank Group chair-
above rm40 billion market
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd Industrial Products
man Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow, former
capitalisation & Services Sector Technology Sector
Malayan Banking Bhd Highest return on equity over Highest return on equity over
CIMB group chairman Datuk Seri Highest return to shareholders
Nazir Razak, AMMB Holdings Bhd over three years three years three years
chairman Tan Sri Azman Hashim,
BEST CR INITIATIVES Hong Leong Bank Bhd ATA IMS Bhd (formerly Denko ViTrox Corp Bhd
AirAsia group CEO Tan Sri Tony Fer- Big-cap companies Industrial Corp Bhd)
nandes, former S P Setia Bhd presi- rm10 billion to rm40 billion Highest growth in profit after
dent and CEO Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, market capitalisation Highest growth in profit after tax over three years
former Malayan Banking Bhd pres- IOI Corp Bhd big-cap companies tax over three years ViTrox Corp Bhd, GHL Systems
ident and CEO Tan Sri Abdul Wahid rm10 billion to rm40 billion Press Metal Aluminium Bhd, Pentamaster Corp Bhd &
t Omar, Axiata Group Bhd president BEST CR INITIATIVES market capitalisation Holdings Bhd Frontken Corp Bhd
and group CEO Tan Sri Jamaludin below rm10 billion market Highest return on equity over
e Ibrahim, Sunway Group chairman three years Highest return to shareholders Highest return to shareholders
capitalisation over three years over three years
- Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah, Khazanah Na- DiGi.Com Bhd
d sional Bhd former managing director Carlsberg Brewery Press Metal Aluminium Pentamaster Corp Bhd
e Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Westports Malaysia Bhd Highest growth in profit after Holdings Bhd
] Holdings Bhd executive chairman tax over three years
Tan Sri G Gnanalingam and Dialog Press Metal Aluminium
Holdings Bhd Telecommunications
e Group Bhd executive chairman and super big-cap companies Plantation Sector & Media Sector
t co-founder Tan Sri Ngau Boon Keat. above rm40 billion market
el OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, a key Highest return to shareholders Highest return on equity over Highest return on equity over
capitalisation three years three years
t partner since the award’s inaugura- over three years
e tion in 2010, returned as the main Highest return on equity over Press Metal Aluminium IOI Corp Bhd DiGi.Com Bhd
n, sponsor for the 10th year. three years Holdings Bhd
- “It’s been a decade now since we Highest growth in profit after Highest growth in profit after
s first started honouring the best of the tax over three years tax over three years
- best, and the winners have always Construction Sector Highest return to shareholders IOI Corp Bhd Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd
been worthy of the high honours Highest return on equity over over three years
s bestowed on them. Our heartiest three years Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd Highest return to shareholders Highest return to shareholders
congratulations to this year’s winners Sunway Construction over three years over three years
- for going the distance and improving Group Bhd Far East Holdings Bhd TIME dotCom Bhd
- significantly on all counts including
e the important area of sustainability. Highest growth in profit after Financial Services
s, We must all continue to ride the crest tax over three years Sector
e of the wave we are on in order to be Kerjaya Prospek Group Bhd (rm10 billion and above Property Sector Transportation
d, both viable and meaningful for the
market capitalisation) (RM3 billion and above & Logistics Sector
Highest return to shareholders Highest return on equity over market capitalisation) Highest return on equity over
ll future,” OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Bhd
d CEO Datuk Ong Eng Bin said, not- over three years three years Highest return on equity over three years
0. ing how the awards have grown to Kerjaya Prospek Group Bhd Public Bank Bhd three years Lingkaran Trans Kota
ul be recognised as the gold standard UOA Development Bhd Holdings Bhd
e for showcasing Corporate Malaysia’s Highest growth in profit after
h quest to mesh outstanding business tax over three years Highest growth in profit after Highest growth in profit after
y acumen with sustainability, inclusive- Consumer Products CIMB Group Holdings Bhd tax over three years tax over three years
at ness and corporate responsibility. & Services Sector UEM Sunrise Bhd Lingkaran Trans Kota
d Mercedes-Benz Malaysia is the Highest return on equity over Highest return to shareholders Holdings Bhd
official car while Swiss luxury watch- three years over three years Highest return to shareholders
e maker Jaeger-LeCoultre is the sup- British American Tobacco Hong Leong Bank Bhd over three years Highest return to shareholders
r porting sponsor. The year’s out- (Malaysia) Bhd UOA Development Bhd over three years
r standing CEO was presented with Malaysia Airports
f the Master Ultra Thin Réserve de Highest growth in profit after Holdings Bhd
s, Marche timepiece. Present at the tax over three years Financial Services
g dinner were Mercedes-Benz Malaysia AirAsia Group Bhd Sector Property Sector
(below rm10 billion market (below rm3 billion market
a president and CEO Dr Claus Weidner,
and Iñigo Ohlsson, Jaeger-LeCoultre Highest return to shareholders capitalisation) capitalisation) Utilities Sector
t managing director of Southeast Asia over three years Highest return on equity over Highest return on equity over Highest return on equity over
e & Oceania. Guan Chong Bhd three years three years three years
“I thank OCBC, Jaeger-LeCoultre Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Matrix Concepts Gas Malaysia Bhd
a and Mercedes-Benz for their stead- Keluarga Bhd Holdings Bhd
e fast support of the BRC. This pres- Highest growth in profit after
e tigious annual gathering would not Energy Sector Highest growth in profit after Highest growth in profit after tax over three years
d have become Corporate Malaysia’s Highest return on equity over tax over three years tax over three years Gas Malaysia Bhd
g most anticipated corporate awards three years Syarikat Takaful Malaysia IGB Bhd
ceremony without these excellent Petron Malaysia Refining Keluarga Bhd Highest return to shareholders
- partners,” Ho said. & Marketing Bhd Highest return to shareholders over three years
e Details on The Edge BRC members Highest return to shareholders over three years Mega First Corp Bhd
- and award winners will be published Highest growth in profit after over three years Matrix Concepts
t in a special supplement in the Sept tax over three years AEON Credit Service (M) Bhd Holdings Bhd
30 issue of The Edge Malaysia weekly. Dialog Group Bhd

Jomo: Not too late Government

should consider GLC
to cancel ECRL stake divestment
strategy — IDEAS
According to a 1MDB trial witness, it was mooted to bail out the fund BY TA N XUE Y IN G to increase wages up to a new
monthly living wage of RM2,500
KUALA LUMPUR: The Institute per employee.
BY TAN XUE YING & for Democracy and Economic To ensure that employees can
NAZUIN ZULAIKHA KAMARULZAMAN Affairs (IDEAS) has proposed share the wealth of the country,
that Putrajaya perform a review IDEAS said the government could
KUALA LUMPUR: Economist Pro- of government-linked compa- use the establishment of an em-
fessor Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram Jomo: The whole nies (GLCs) to form the basis ployee equity scheme.
said it is not too late to cancel the project (ECRL) of a divestment strategy, which Under this scheme, employers
East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project was intended targets a gradual disposal of its will be incentivised to allocate shares
in the wake of the testimony by a basically for shareholding in the GLCs to 10% to employees, who will be encour-
key witness in the ongoing 1Malay- fundraising, of the companies’ total market aged to hold on to these assets rather
sia Development Bhd (1MDB) trial to cover up. capitalisation by 2030. than sell them for easy cash.
that the megaproject was mooted Datuk Amhari’s At present, the government “We propose both these policies
to bail out 1MDB. testimony was has a large shareholding in listed to be introduced in the forthcom-
He said the government is now quite clear. GLCs, which account for more ing budget and recommend they
presented with a huge opportunity Photo by than 40% of the total market be paid for through rationalisation
to reopen the question of whether to Sam Fong capitalisation of the Malaysian of existing investment incentives,”
proceed with the project, which he stock exchange. Moreover, Pu- said Todd.
claims would be a “white elephant”. trajaya holds a majority stake On a broader scale to reduce the
“All my position [against the in more than 70 entities, point- budget deficit, IDEAS suggested
ECRL] in the past has been based ed out IDEAS research director that a capital gains tax at an initial
on publicly available information. Laurence Todd. rate of 5% be introduced in the
But now we have a very important Following renegotiations by the Jomo said money should be put “This high government pres- longer term, with a tax-free allow-
disclosure about the circumstances Pakatan Harapan government, the into infrastructure projects that ence creates concerns over com- ance of RM50,000.
under which the ECRL was hashed cost has now been revised to RM44 will ensure an effective and viable petition and the lack of liquidity “The government should launch
out,” he told reporters on the side- billion. public transportation system in in Malaysia’s capital markets. We a consultation on the introduction
lines of a public forum held by the “The whole project was intended the country, rather than a railway believe that the time has come to of this new tax in Budget 2020,”
Institute for Democracy and Eco- basically for fundraising, to cover system that is going to be tremen- transition from this model,” Todd he added.
nomic Affairs yesterday. up. Datuk Amhari’s testimony was dously underutilised, and heavily said yesterday at IDEAS’ public
Jomo was referring to statements quite clear,” said Jomo. subsidised not just in construction forum ahead of Malaysia’s Budget ‘Rearranging deck chairs
made by former prime minister “It was very clear what the whole but also in its maintenance. 2020 announcement on Oct 11. on the Titanic’
Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s former scam was about. I think that forces He said the east coast states of Todd suggested that the first Professor Dr Jomo Kwame Sunda-
special officer Datuk Amhari Efendi this country to take very seriously Peninsular Malaysia have other step is to clarify what the different ram, research adviser at Khazanah
Nazaruddin in the High Court last what the ECRL was about. It is still pressing matters related to the peo- objectives are across the GLCs Research Institute, likened current
week that the ECRL and two other not too late to cancel it or to have a ple’s well-being, such as water and given the various objectives at debates surrounding the forthcom-
projects that sought investments thorough investigation,” he added. sanitation issues, that require more play including the desire for in- ing national budget to “rearranging
from China — Trans-Sabah Gas Jomo, who is research adviser attention. dustrial development, achieving deck chairs on the Titanic”.
Pipeline and Multi-Product Pipe- at Khazanah Research Institute, “I think we now have a huge New Economic Policy goals, or He stressed that the government
line — were proposed to bail out said Putrajaya must therefore not opportunity to reopen the whole purely investment returns. needs to begin to think about what
1MDB and its former subsidiary be complicit in continuing to cover question. I do believe this is the “One of the challenges is that needs to be done as domestic de-
SRC International Sdn Bhd. up what the previous government, time when we should not commit it is not always clear which in- mand poses a serious problem.
“Nobody has refuted that and or at least its leaders, were trying ourselves. It is not a trivial amount. vestments were serving which “An expansionary fiscal poli-
certainly [Najib’s lead defence coun- to do with public funds. “I am sure President Xi Jinping, objectives … The government cy is now necessary. It would be
sel] Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Ab- This is especially so as he be- who has been very tight, strict about can continue to support indus- prudent, not profligate. And the
dullah, in interrogating the witness, lieves there will be a “permanent corruption in China, will not want trial development without having main reason for this is because if
did not fundamentally challenge the albatross” on the Malaysian econ- to be associated with any kind of majority stakes in a whole bunch you stimulate the economy now,
statements he made,” said Jomo, omy, as the government will have corruption — international cor- of different companies,” he said, as the world economy deteriorates
who has been a strong critic of the to continue subsidising the railway, ruption — which will also destroy adding that this can be achieved further, we will be better off. We
ECRL project that was originally unless it is built to be left unused, the reputation of the Belt and Road by using incentives, for instance. won’t be able to avert the interna-
slated to cost RM81 billion. which defeats the purpose. Initiative,” he added. Additionally, Todd said a gov- tional economic recession, which
ernment divestment strategy, is very likely to take place, but at
where the investments are then least we would be slightly better
reinvested in different markets, off,” he said.
Syed Mokhtar buys another 8% of Media Prima would be better in generating
long-term returns and savings.
Jomo explained that fiscal con-
solidation being the public’s watch-
from Umno’s Altima — sources Also present at the forum was word is a discredited view, as theo-
Setiawangsa member of parlia- retically, the less the public sector
BY C H E ST ER TAY mandatory general offer for the re- raising its shareholding to 23.26% ment Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, spends, the worse the recession
maining shares not owned by him. or 258.02 million shares. who pointed out the government becomes.
KUALA LUMPUR: Tycoon Tan Sri Bloomberg data shows that The purchase was done in a sin- should focus more on regulation, “Countercyclical fiscal policy
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is be- 7.96% or 88.29 million shares in gle off-market transaction on Tues- rather than on companies. has a greater role to play in eco-
lieved to have bought another 7.96% Media Prima crossed off-market day, at 60 sen apiece, valuing the “Where there are no strate- nomic stabilisation today. Mon-
of Media Prima Bhd through di- in two transactions at 4.49pm. block at RM18 million. gic interests for the government etary policy options are limited,
rect business transactions yester- The shares consisted of a block of This was the same price paid by to be in a particular sector, the and inadequate to challenge, and
day from Umno-linked Altima Inc, 87.84 million shares and another Aurora Mulia since July 2, the day it government will still play a role there are no good macroeconomic
raising his ownership in the media of 451,200 units. Both transactions bought 123.02 million shares from through the regulators. reasons to pursue austerity during
group to more than 31%. were done at 60 sen apiece, valuing another Umno-linked company, “For example, when we talk downturns, recessions.
By selling the balance 7.96%, the two blocks at RM52.98 million. Gabungan Kesturi Sdn Bhd. about aviation, we have the “Fiscal consolidation can and
Altima appears to have disposed Media Prima’s annual report Including yesterday’s two blocks, whole debate about MAS (Ma- should be delayed under such cir-
of all its interest in Media Prima. for financial year ended Dec 31, Syed Mokhtar would have spent laysia Airlines Bhd). Wheth- cumstances. The risk of fiscal po-
Through his private vehicle Au- 2018 showed that as at Feb 28 this an estimated RM207.79 million to er or not we (the government) sition worsening can be checked
rora Mulia Sdn Bhd, Syed Mokhtar year, Altima was its fourth-largest acquire the 346.32 million Media should be there is a question, but by growth from fiscal spending,”
is believed to be the buyer in recent shareholder holding 88.29 million Prima shares. where we should really empower he said in his presentation.
blocks of Media Prima shares sold, shares or 7.96%. Media Prima’s share price has is Mavcom (Malaysian Aviation However, he stressed that any
and according to corporate sources, On Tuesday, Aurora Mulia, been hovering between 46 sen and Commission),” he said. fiscal spending should not be a
was also involved in the 7.96% stake whose board members include 50 sen since July 2 this year. The IDEAS’ Budget 2020 propos- measure solely to buffer short-term
yesterday. The latest acquisition Syed Mokhtar’s son Syed Danial counter closed unchanged at 47 als include a new living wage tax economic downturn, but to lay the
takes him closer to the 33% mark, Syed Mokhtar Shah, acquired 2.7% sen yesterday, with a market cap- credit, under which employers foundations for medium-term eco-
which if reached would trigger a or 30 million shares in Media Prima, italisation of RM521.32 million. are incentivised but not required nomic development as well.

Kok: M’sian firms will Stop blaming palm oil

producers and developing
not be protected if nations — CPOPC

Jakarta claims are true

KUALA LUMPUR: It is inaccurate spreading,” he said in a statement.
to direct much of the blame for Yusof said forest fires are global
the recent haze in Southeast Asia problems, citing recent wildfires
towards the palm oil industry, as in Russia, Australia and Califor-
oil palm plantations are general- nia. He noted that there were no
ly not the source of burning, said calls for bans or boycotts of either
the Council of Palm Oil Producing Russian products or of Australian
Countries (CPOPC). beef and sugar cane.
Indonesia govt should conduct investigations, produce evidence Fires recorded in plantation
areas have generally spread there
In Southeast Asia, governments
— notably Singapore and Indone-
from neighbouring areas, where sia — have held the responsible
PUTRAJAYA: The government Malaysian companies, with subsid- she said, adding that the records small fires started, said its execu- actors to account, he said.
will not protect the four Malay- iaries in Indonesia, were responsi- were based on internationally rec- tive director Tan Sri Yusof Basiron. They have acted against pulp
sian companies alleged to have ble for several cases of forest fires ognised certifications comprising Expressing the need to correct companies responsible for many
caused the forest fires in Indone- in the former’s territory resulting the Malaysian Sustainable Palm the misconception, he said a re- of the Sumatra fires.
sia if such claims are proven true, in the haze, as the fires had origi- Oil certification, Roundtable on ductionist approach that simply “Yet it has been palm oil prod-
said Primary Industries Minister nated from plantations used by the Sustainable Palm Oil certification, blames oil palm farmers is neither ucts — not paper products — that
Teresa Kok. subsidiaries. and the International Sustaina- accurate nor constructive. have borne much of the criticism
As Indonesia had not provided The four are IOI Corp Bhd, Sime bility and Carbon Certification “A double standard that criti- outside the region,” he said.
concrete evidence with regard to Darby Plantation Bhd, TDM Bhd system. cises developing countries, while Yusof explained that smallhold-
these claims, it was difficult for her and Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd. Kok said the allegations by the ignoring other, bigger, fires, else- ers had used burning as part of
team to take further action, Kok Kok said while no official in- Indonesian authorities against the where, is troubling. The ‘blame “swidden” agriculture for centu-
said, adding: “These claims have structions had been issued to the four companies were serious and game’ — after the fact — doesn’t ries in Asia, Europe and the rest of
been made by Indonesia, so the four conglomerates to provide an- had put their reputations at risk, help. A more serious and analytical the world. Fire clears vegetation
Indonesian government should swers to her ministry or the Indo- while indirectly hurting the image approach is needed that puts re- and the ash leaves nutrients in the
conduct investigations and pro- nesian government, she had tak- of Malaysia as a palm oil-produc- sources into preventing fires from soil. — Bernama
duce the evidence”. en note of the statements issued ing country.
“This ministry will not protect by them. She added that it was difficult
the companies involved if it is “Until concrete evidence is put to believe that companies which
proven that they have committed
wrongdoing,” she told reporters
forward, the Indonesian claims
appear to be baseless given the
engaged in sustainable practices
would conduct open burning on
Prinsiptek, QSE to jointly develop
after the ministry’s monthly as- records of all the Malaysian com- their estates as such activities would Langat 2 water treatment plant
sembly yesterday. panies which have adhered to negatively impact them as well as
Indonesia has alleged that four sustainable oil palm cultivation,” their licences. — Bernama BY ARJ U N A C H A N D R A N S H A N K A R rusan Aset Air Bhd in June.
Under the JV, Prinsiptek is enti-
KUALA LUMPUR: Prinsiptek Corp tled to 92.5% of the contract value of
THE EDGE FILE PHOTO Bhd has teamed up with QSE Con- RM24.9 million. Additionally, QSE
struction Sdn Bhd to jointly develop will be the contract manager for the
the Langat 2 water treatment plant project, while Esa is slated to be the
and water reticulation system in contractor and project manager.
Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The JV agreement will be for 24
Prinsiptek said the joint venture months and will commence oper-
(JV) is an opportunity for the group ations immediately.
to capitalise on its experience and “The estimated total cost of
expertise in construction projects, the project is expected to be up to
which is in line with its strategy to 90% of the contract sum, which is
develop and grow its construction expected to be incurred over the
segment. project period,” Prinsiptek said,
In a bourse filing yesterday, adding that it will fund the project
Prinsiptek said its indirect whol- through internal funds and/or bank
ly-owned subsidiary Esa Pile Sdn borrowings.
Bhd had entered into a JV agree- Prinsiptek believes that the JV
ment to jointly undertake the pro- would enhance the group’s growth
ject, which was awarded by Pengu- potential.

PUC partners Smuzcity to fortify

online-to-offline services
AirAsia Group paid RM14.16 million to MAHB, while AXX paid RM27.39 million. BY WO NG S W E E MAY “Shoppers will only need to
scan a QR code to enter the un-
KUALA LUMPUR: PUC Bhd has manned store, pick their favourite
AirAsia, AAX pay MAHB RM41.55m in uncollected PSC teamed up with local technology
firm Smuzcity Bhd to market and
products off the shelves and walk
out from the store.
sell Jingdong Logistics Group X “The product payment will then
BY CH E ST E R TAY ee show cause order dated Aug 23. form of enforcing a judgment debt Department (JDX) products on be charged to their account ac-
Both companies said the pay- against a creditor to recover mon- the Presto digital platform and cordingly,” PUC group managing
KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Group ment was made to defray the gar- ey. Put simply, the court directs a further strengthen the company’s director and chief executive officer
Bhd and AirAsia X Bhd (AAX) have nishee execution proceedings and third party that owes money to the online-to-offline (O2O) services. Cheong Chia Chou said in a sep-
collectively paid RM41.55 million without prejudice to their rights, judgement debtor to instead pay In a bourse filing yesterday, arate statement.
to Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd including rights in appeals made the judgment creditor. The third PUC said its wholly-owned sub- He added that the company is
(MAHB) in uncollected passenger in relation to the judgment order party is called a ‘garnishee’. sidiary PUC Ventures Sdn Bhd enhancing the financial element
service charges (PSC). dated July 18, as well as any con- On July 18, the High Court ruled had entered into a memorandum of the Presto ecosystem by intro-
In filings with Bursa Malaysia nected interlocutory applications. that AirAsia Group and AAX would of understanding with Smuzcity ducing credit and more payment
yesterday, AirAsia Group said it On Sept 6, MASSB served gar- have to pay at least RM40.6 million to set up a Jingdong unmanned features for greater user exposure.
paid RM14.16 million to MAHB’s nishee show cause orders on three in unpaid PSC to MASSB. technology-enabled store in Quill Smuzcity is the first partner of
wholly-owned subsidiary Ma- banks that serve AirAsia and AAX, AirAsia Group’s share price fell City Mall here for the Jingdong China's JD Logistic Group’s logis-
laysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn directing the banks to set aside one sen or 0.56% to RM1.79 yester- unmanned supermarket project. tics innovation lab known as JDX
Bhd (MASSB), while AAX paid certain funds for the purposes of day, valuing it at RM5.98 billion, The store will display and sell in conducting the Jingdong X un-
RM27.39 million, both being the payment of the judgment sums. while AAX closed unchanged at products from China and Asean manned business project in Ma-
amounts specified in the garnish- A garnishee order is a common 17 sen. via the O2O model. laysia.
10 H O M E B U S I N E S S FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Eco World LBU urges continuation

of PDP model for Pan
Development 3Q Borneo Highway

earnings jump 81%

BY AR J UN A C H A N D R A N S H A N K A R 55% to 63% completed.
LBU highlighted that the section
KUALA LUMPUR: Lebuhraya Bor- of Batang Rajang (Durin) Bridge un-
neo Utara Sdn Bhd (LBU), the pro- der WPC 07 in Sibu was 87.2% com-
ject delivery partner (PDP) for the pleted as at end-August.
Sarawak portion of the Pan Borneo LBU explained that each work
Highway, is hoping that the infra- package ranges between 60km and
structure project can be completed 95km in length and the mainline
EWI, meanwhile, sees its net profit rise by more than four times using the PDP model. consist of 115 pairs of bridges, 25
In a statement, LBU said it had interchanges, traffic barriers, road
forecasted that the construction signage, overhead pedestrian bridges,
BY C H E ST ER TAY “Revenue recorded by the model would not be changed. rest and service areas, lay-bys, and
group’s joint-ventures totalled “Market talk of termination of the bus shelters.
KUALA LUMPUR: Eco World De- RM892.85 million, of which the PDP surfaced following the change “The cost per kilometre for road-
velopment Group Bhd’s (EcoW- group’s effective share [uncon- in government in mid-2018. LBU work on the Pan Borneo Highway
orld) third-quarter (3Q) net profit solidated] amounted to RM629.33 had anticipated that it would not Sarawak is estimated at RM15.97
jumped 81.6% to RM50.48 million million,” it said. be terminated after having achieved million, covering utilities relocation
from RM27.8 million a year ago, EWI said future revenue attrib- a potential savings of RM2 billion and road furniture across various
thanks to higher proportion of utable to it in its JVs amounted to and driving its contractors to meet terrain, including deep foundations
completed or near completion RM5.76 billion as at Aug 31, and their respective project progress and soft ground conditions mainly
units sold and a higher percentage is anticipated to be translated into timeline,” it said. found in central Sarawak. Inclusive
of completion attained by various revenue and share of profits in The company added that it had of costs to construct bridges and in-
ongoing projects. FY19 and FY20. worked closely with both the Sar- terchanges, the cost per kilometre
Earnings per share (EPS) for the “The group is maintaining its awak and federal governments on all would then be RM19.36 million,”
quarter ended July 31, 2019 rose to sales target of RM6 billion to be aspects of the project delivery such noted the company.
1.71 sen, from 0.94 sen previously. achieved over FY19 and FY20. Po- as design, planning, governance, The main contractors undertaking
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, tential BtR deals in the UK that are procurement, monitoring progress, the work were pre-qualified based
EcoWorld attributed its improved being pursued are expected to be ensuring quality, capacity building on pre-set and agreed-on technical
earnings to a higher share of results the key sales driver in these two and bumiputera participation. and commercial selection criteria.
from its Malaysian and interna- financial years. The two-year sales LBU explained that as a PDP, it LBU said it has seen Sarawak
tional joint ventures (JVs). target is to allow management the acts as a partner and an extension bumiputera participation exceed
The group said quarterly reve- requisite time to negotiate the best arm of the government. 32.34% of the project’s total contract
nue grew 14.7% to RM521.37 mil- possible terms on potential en “You cannot do as you like. The value, equivalent to RM5.2 billion of
lion, from RM454.65 million a year bloc BtR sales to institutional in- government is the decision-maker; work having been identified to be
earlier. vestors,” it said. PDP does the groundwork and drives Sarawak bumiputera contractors.
For the nine-month period of Teow says the group is on track to hand In a separate statement, EWI implementation,” it said. “Rumours in the market got all
financial year 2019 (9MFY19), the over all the remaining residential blocks president and chief executive of- The PDP noted that the first parties involved in the project jit-
group’s net profit rose by 51.2% to at London City Island and Embassy ficer Datuk Teow Leong Seng said phase of the Pan Borneo Highway tery. It certainly affected the good
RM121.97 million from RM80.69 Gardens. The Edge file photo the group is on track to hand over in Sarawak involves the construc- progress rate achieved in previous
million in the previous corre- all the remaining residential blocks tion of a four-lane dual carriageway, months. This is very sad as all this
sponding period, while revenue at London City Island and Embas- measuring 786km in length from disruption may affect the continu-
grew 2.1% to RM1.56 billion from change showed that its revenue for sy Gardens, and will be handing Telok Melano to Miri. The construc- ation and overall completion of the
RM1.52 billion. the quarter was RM224,000. The over Wardian London and both tion has been divided into 11 work highway,” the PDP opined.
EPS for 9MFY19 rose to 4.14 sen, group did not record any revenue Australian projects, namely West packages, which comprise 25 indi- In a report on Sept 6, sources had
from 2.74 sen previously. in the year-ago 3Q. Village in Sydney and Yarra One vidual sections. indicated to The Edge Financial Dai-
Going forward, EcoWorld said EWI derives most of its revenue in Melbourne next year. As at the end of August, over ly that the government had moved
the future revenue attributable to from its JV projects and the group “Our BtR blocks in Kew Bridge 160km of the Sarawak Pan Borneo to terminate the PDP model for the
the group amounted to RM5.86 said the higher profitability was have also achieved Golden Brick, Highway’s first two carriageways Sarawak stretch of the Pan-Borneo
billion as at end-August, which mainly due to higher recognition of which enabled the project to start have been partially completed to Highway citing cost saving.
would be translated into profit revenue and profit by its JV projects recognising revenue and profits. divert live traffic. It was forecasted The decision to terminate the
within the next three years. in the UK, following completion FY19 and FY20 will therefore be that by the end of the year, a total of PDP agreement was made after the
Of this future revenue, RM4.3 and commencement of handover very strong years for EWI, as the 396km of the first carriageway will cabinet’s deliberation at a meeting
billion is from Malaysian projects of units sold to customers. bulk of our RM5.8 billion future be opened to traffic. a few days prior.
and RM1.56 billion from projects Additionally, the group also at- revenue as at Aug 31 is translated “At the same time, work will con- The highway is slated for comple-
abroad. tributed its performance in the into revenue and share of profits tinue unhindered on completing the tion by the end of December 2021.
Revenue from overseas projects quarter under review to the com- from JVs — this provides our share- second carriageway,” the PDP said. Works Minister Baru Bian indicat-
came from the group’s 27%-owned mencement of revenue and profit holders with very good near-term As at Aug 25, overall actual work ed that as of July this year the first
Eco World International Bhd recognition of EcoWorld London’s earnings visibility,” he said. progress by work package contrac- phase of the Pan Borneo Highway
(EWI), which saw its 3Q net prof- built-to-rent (BtR) sales and un- EWI’s share price closed un- tors (WPCs) for the 25 sections had in Sarawak was 45% completed,
it shoot up by more than four times realised foreign exchange (forex) changed at 63.5 sen yesterday, with reached an average completion ahead of the scheduled completion
to RM57.94 million, from RM12.85 gain reported in the current quar- a market capitalisation of RM1.52 rate of 45%, with some sections rate of 43%.
million a year ago. EPS rose to 2.41 ter, as opposed to unrealised fo- billion, while EcoWorld also re-
sen, from 0.54 sen previously. rex loss reported in the previous mained unchanged at 64.5 sen,
EWI’s filing with the stock ex- corresponding quarter. valuing the group at RM1.9 billion.
KAB subsidiary offers energy
efficiency services to KL mall
Lion Air investigating passenger data breach BY C H O N G J IN H UN velopment and investment compa-
ny Foremost Wealth Management
BY H AR RY SU H A RTON O its data service provider Amazon Web information hacked since 2018. In KUALA LUMPUR: Kejuruter- Sdn Bhd.
Services Inc and e-commerce part- October, Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific aan Asastera Bhd’s (KAB) whol- KAB said: “This is an expansion-
JAKARTA: PT Lion Mentari Airlines, ner GoQuo to look into the breach. Airways Ltd disclosed that hackers ly-owned subsidiary KAB Technol- ary strategy for KAB to establish a
Indonesia’s biggest private carrier, “We are still investigating the ex- accessed personal information on ogies Sdn Bhd (KABT) is offering steady stream of recurring revenue
is investigating a breach that led tent of the problem,” Daniel Putut, 9.4 million customers, making it the its energy efficiency expertise to to the group through its subsidiary
to personal data of passengers on a director at the Indonesian carrier, world’s biggest airline data breach the Bandar Mahkota Cheras Mall KABT that specialises in energy effi-
its Malaysian and Thai units being said by phone. “It is only affecting the at the time. here under an agreement to un- ciency. This allows the group to offer
leaked online. Malaysian and Thailand operations.” Malindo does not store any pay- dertake an energy performance a more diverse range of services.”
Malindo Airways’s passenger Airlines have been the subject of ment details, it said in the statement. contract via chiller optimisation “The agreement shall com-
information, which is hosted on several high-profile data breaches in The carrier is notifying relevant au- at the retail property. mence on the date of the agree-
cloud-based services, may have been recent years, with hundreds of thou- thorities including CyberSecurity In a statement to Bursa Malaysia, ment and shall continue [to be] in
compromised, the carrier said in a sands of British Airways and Delta Malaysia about the breach, it said. KAB said KABT yesterday signed force for a period of six years from
statement. Malindo is working with Air Lines Inc customers having their — Bloomberg the agreement with property de- the date of first payment,” it added.
P R O P E RT Y 1 1

This lesser-known Singapore ‘Blackstone

nears US$2.9b
deal for

property play pays 51% Great Wolf’



terbridge Partners is nearing a
Data centre REITs are now a globally popular investment deal to sell indoor water-park
operator Great Wolf Resorts
Inc to Blackstone Group Inc,
BY A N DY M U K H ERJEE according to people with
knowledge of the matter.
Any transaction would val-
ue Great Wolf at at least US$2.9
Filepic of the central
billion (RM12.15 billion), in-
business district in
HONG KONG: Singapore is a major cluding debt, said one the peo-
Singapore. Singapore
Asian refining hub, though it does ple, who requested anonymity
offers predictable
not have a drop of crude petroleum. because the talks are private.
rule of law and
Now, the tiny country is punching Any deal would likely be led
infrastructure to
above its weight in data. The upshot by Blackstone’s real estate in-
give tech companies
for investors: An asset class that vestment arm, another per-
a comfort level for
pays 51% in a world where earning son said.
storing their most
even zero is increasingly a luxury. No transaction has been
valuable resource.
There is a limit to how many bits finalised and talks between
Photo by Reuters
and bytes even a busy financial the buyout firms could still
centre of 5.6 million people can fall through, the people said.
produce. Yet, measured by pow- Representatives for Black-
er supply, Singapore is now the stone and Centerbridge de-
world’s largest repository for stor- clined to comment.
ing and processing data. Facebook turns have been 51%. Keppel data to heat up. The ideal storage cen- local storage mandatory, mining New York-based Center-
Inc alone is setting up an 11-storey centre will use the newly-raised tre would be in a place where the tycoon Gautam Adani wants to in- bridge is considering options
facility, its first such custom-built funds to expand its portfolio to electricity consumed in keeping vest US$10 billion (RM41.9 billion) including a sale for Great Wolf
centre in Asia. Data-centre real es- S$2.58 billion, spread across 17 servers cool is not as high as in in server farms in just one state. after receiving unsolicited
tate investment trusts (REITs), or data centres globally. tropical Singapore. Every watt of He is waiting to sign up the likes takeover interest, Bloomberg
landlords who take money from power that goes into computing of Inc and Google. reported in April.
public shareholders to own and A landlord for data as much as 0.78 watts has to be set Alphabet Inc’s Google, which Blackstone is familiar with
manage server farms for rent-pay- A world awash in cash helps boost aside to beat the year-round heat has no data centres in China, has theme park companies, which
ing technology (tech) clients, are the attractiveness of REIT dividends and humidity. been in talks with Tencent Holdings are benefitting from higher
now a globally popular investment. for small savers who would other- Neither does it help that real Ltd and several other Chinese firms consumer spending on travel
Singapore has unique attrac- wise have to lunge for risk to earn estate is scarce. Even with land to bring in its cloud services. How- and leisure. The firm nearly
tions. Some are technical, such as decent yields. Not surprisingly, Ma- reclaimed from the sea, Singapore ever, in China’s case, an additional tripled its money on a sev-
low-latency connectivity. Anoth- pletree Industrial Trust increased remains smaller than Rhode Island. complication is the trade war. It is en-year investment in SeaWor-
er is that its investors are wealthy the size of its private placement Still, Singapore’s long-term ad- not clear if Alphabet’s plans to offer ld Entertainment Inc. In June,
and old. Assured returns today to S$400 million after it was cov- vantage comes from being tiny, Google Drive and Google Docs on Blackstone agreed to help buy
excite them more than uncertain ered 6.3 times. The Singapore REIT, especially if Hong Kong founders the mainland will proceed apace the owner of Legoland theme
growth tomorrow. If global tech which wants to acquire data cen- as a rival. amid increasing scrutiny by a hawk- parks for about US$6.1 billion.
is a gold rush, Singaporeans are tres in North America, has handed Sprawling data centres in China’s ish establishment in Washington. — Bloomberg
happy to pour money into the 30% returns to investors over the Inner Mongolia, as well as India Singapore, run by the same polit-
picks and shovels. past year. or Indonesia, will primarily serve ical party since 1959, offers predict-
Consider two current deals. Kep- Will the good times last? Singa- domestic digital content and com- able rule of law and infrastructure
pel Data Centre REIT, which is seek-
ing a combined S$478.2 million
pore has its drawbacks. The island
became the “Houston of Asia” be-
merce. They will also be fraught
with politics. Populous countries
to give tech companies a comfort
level for storing their most valua-
Japan’s land
(RM1.45 bilion) from a private sale cause it had a deep-water seaport will insist on being able to trace ble resource. On land costs alone, prices rise for
of shares and a preferential issue, and a large rig-building industry. their citizens’ online behaviour in neighbouring Malaysia would be
saw the placement fully covered The oil of the 21st century is a dif- the name of national security. Lo- cheaper. But when deciding to set second year
within the first hour of bookbuild- ferent industry. Data travels along calisation is one price global tech up a data centre, investors assign a
ing at the top of the price range. copper wires and gets stored in firms will have to pay to access these far bigger weight to future risks. And BY L E IK A K IH A R A
Shares have risen 44% over the past micro-thin wafers of metal com- sizeable markets. With New Delhi that is where small, stable Singapore
year. Including dividends, the re- pounds, which have a tendency weighing a law that would make earns its big pay-off. — Bloomberg TOKYO: Japanese land prices
rose for the second straight
year in the year to July with
the increase spreading be-

Portugal is Europe’s hottest property market yond big cities, a govern-

ment survey showed, a sign
the benefits from the central
bank’s ultra-low interest rate
BY H EN R I Q UE A L MEI DA flip side for people like Guerreiro have been blamed for increasing where Ana Guerreiro works, a line policy are broadening.
is that they have become collateral prices because they target visitors of new condominium developments The 0.4% increase in av-
LISBON: Ana Guerreiro points across damage with no prospect of prices who can afford to pay more than is emerging behind colourful murals erage land prices was faster
the street at a handful of housing cooling any time soon. locals. and graffiti-covered walls, luxury than the previous year’s 0.1%
projects in Lisbon’s up-and-coming Foreign investors have pumped According to the latest figures, homes marketed mainly to a new gain and driven partly by ris-
riverside neighbourhood of Marvi- €4.3 billion into Portuguese real Portuguese property prices increased generation of foreign residents. ing property prices in region-
la. It is where she moved in with her estate through the residency pro- 9.2% in the first quarter of the year, Variations on Portugal’s incentives al Japan, the survey showed
mother last year after soaring rents gramme since it began in 2012. Prime the biggest gain in the euro region have been adopted across Europe yesterday, underscoring the
meant she could no longer afford Minister Antonio Costa, who is widely and the steepest rise in the Euro- and in countries around the world strength of the economy’s re-
to live alone. expected to win a second term in an pean Union after Hungary and the — from the US and Canada to Spain covery.
“Prices have gone through the roof election next month, has signalled Czech Republic, according to data and Greece. They tend to last until a The survey by the land
here,” said Guerreiro, 33, stepping the country needs the incentives to compiled by Eurostat. critical mass of vocal opponents con- ministry captures the price of
outside the cafe where she waitress- continue to bring in money. Foreign “They just can’t afford to say clude the costs outweigh the benefits, land on July 1 and compares
es for a break. Minister Augusto Santos Silva even no,” said Tiago Caiado Guerreiro, a and politicians drop them. the rate of growth against the
Portugal is western Europe’s most called the programmes a “sovereign lawyer here who specialises in tax Portugal’s particular circumstanc- same period a year earlier.
dynamic property market thanks to right.” legislation. “These incentives have es may forestall that outcome for Land prices are among
tax incentives for foreign buyers and Lisbon has become a magnet for turned cities here into a magnet for longer than in other places as there data closely watched by the
a so-called golden visa programme, tourists in Europe as many investors foreign investors who helped put are still plenty of properties in need Bank of Japan to gauge how
which offers residence permits in renovate properties and turn them the city on the map as a top tourist of renovation, and prices remain its ultra-loose monetary pol-
return for a minimum €500,000 into short-term rentals through sites destination.” relatively reasonable compared with icy is affecting the economy
(RM2.32 million) investment. The like Airbnb. The short-term rentals Indeed, a short distance from other parts of Europe. — Bloomberg and asset prices. — Reuters
12 H O M E FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Body cameras for law enforcers IN BRIEF

‘Rahmatan Lil Alamin’

concept to be presented
to cabinet next month
Government agrees to implement the measure to prevent misconduct — PM matan Lil Alamin concept is
expected to be adopted as a
new government policy once
PUTRAJAYA: The government has it is approved by the cabinet,
agreed to implement the use of said Minister in the Prime Min-
body cameras on law enforcement ister’s Department Datuk Seri
officers such as police, immigration Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa. Muja-
and customs to overcome issues of hid said the working paper on
misconduct, Prime Minister Tun Dr the concept will be presented
Mahathir Mohamad said. in a cabinet meeting by early
He said the proposal for the use October. The Rahmatan lil Al-
of body cameras had been accepted amin concept, which means
as there had been various allega- “Mercy to All Creations”, had
tions of misconduct by officers on been approved by the Rulers’
duty, such as beating the person Council and the Islamic Na-
being investigated. tional Council for Islamic Reli-
“The officer on duty will wear gious Affairs Malaysia, he said
body cameras and when he or the at the launch of the Rahmatan
client (the person being investigat- lil Alamin International Semi-
ed) talks, it will be captured by the nar at the International Islamic
cameras. We can see what the of- University Malaysia here yes-
ficer is doing to the client,” he told terday. — Bernama
reporters after chairing a Special
Cabinet Committee on Anti-Cor- Malaysia offers to
ruption meeting here yesterday. help fight Indonesian
However, Dr Mahathir said the forest fires
date of implementation of the use PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has nev-
of body cameras had yet to be fi- er asked Indonesia why it did
nalised as it would incur certain not accept its offer of assistance
costs for the government. Dr Mahathir (centre) at a press conference after chairing a Special Cabinet Committee on Anti-Corruption meeting at Perdana Putra to combat the haze-causing for-
Besides the use of body cam- yesterday. Also present were Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ismail Bakar (right) and director-general of the National est fires in the republic, Prime
eras, he said that in the meeting, Centre for Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed. Photo by Bernama Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mo-
it was also agreed that the use of hamad said after chairing a
technology by the Royal Malaysian meeting of the Special Cabinet
Customs Department should be artificial intelligence technology. lems of officers and a lack of mod- the country and the Immigration Committee on Anti-Corruption
stepped up through the setting up of He said this would address the ern technology at checkpoints. Department’s detention depots here yesterday. He said Malay-
a control centre to monitor through issue of the country losing between Dr Mahathir said monitor- to facilitate stricter checks and in- sia had offered assistance to
closed-circuit television (CCTV) and RM3 billion and RM5 billion a year ing through CCTV would also be crease the efficiency of the depart- tackle the forest fires in Indo-
use more scanning machines with in revenue due to integrity prob- stepped up at all entry points in ment and its officers. — Bernama nesia as it had water-bombing
equipment. When asked at a
news conference why Indone-
sian President Joko Widodo was
Peninsular API
readings down,
Mestecc awaits go-ahead from cabinet not willing to accept Malaysia’s
offer, Dr Mahathir said: “I don’t
know why.” — Bernama
Sarawak’s worsen to draft Transboundary Haze Act Liew: Defence ties with
Japan must go deeper
KUALA LUMPUR: While the Air KUALA LUMPUR: Defence ties
Pollutant Index (API) readings PETALING JAYA: The energy, sci- Royal Malaysian Air Force at its it effective in addressing the haze between Malaysia and Japan
in most parts of Peninsular Ma- ence, technology, environment and Subang base here yesterday. problem,” she said. should not be limited only to
laysia had dropped as of noon climate change ministry (Mestecc) is Yeo said among the provisions to However, Yeo said even if laws are purchases of defence equip-
yesterday, the air quality in six waiting for the green light from the be provided for in the law would be enacted, regional and international ment, said Deputy Defence Min-
areas of Sarawak continued to cabinet to draft the Transboundary the power to have Malaysian-owned cooperation is still needed to resolve ister Senator Liew Chin Tong, as
worsen with Mukah being the Haze Act. plantations that cause fires overseas the transboundary haze issue. it should also lead to cooper-
latest area to reach a very un- Minister Yeo Bee Yin said the be tried in Malaysian courts. She said communications among ation in the defence industry,
healthy API level. According to matter had been discussed in the “I will seek advice from the at- Asean countries are important, add- which is much deeper and for a
the Malaysian Air Pollution In- cabinet meeting on Wednesday and torney-general on how we can draft ing that she would seek a telecom- longer period of time. “A deep-
dex Management System por- if the cabinet was to agree, the min- this act and what we can do to make munications session with the Asean er relation is necessary, taking
tal, Mukah recorded a reading istry would immediately proceed to secretary-general to express Ma- into account the availability of
of 208, a rise from 197 at 8am. enact the act as a long-term reso- laysia's views for an effective a civil and commercial supply
The API in Kuching and Sa- lution in solving haze problems in Yeo says even if laws are mechanism at the Asean lev- network with the presence of
marahan remained very un- the country. enacted, regional and el and long-term solutions. Japanese companies in Malay-
healthy with readings of 270 “It (the act) is to take action international cooperation Meanwhile, she said sia,” he said through a statement
and 224 respectively. Other ar- against Malaysian companies that is still needed to resolve the cloud seeding opera- issued by the defence ministry
eas of Sarawak that recorded have caused haze not only in Indo- the transboundary haze tion yesterday was made yesterday. — Bernama
very unhealthy readings were nesia but elsewhere abroad,” she issue. Photo by possible due to favourable
Sibu (245), Sarikei (237) and told reporters after a briefing on Bernama cloud conditions. — Two million face masks
Sri Aman (212). In Peninsular cloud-seeding operations by the Bernama distributed to students
Malaysia, most areas showed KUALA LUMPUR: Approxi-
a decline in the API, includ- mately two million face masks
ing Johan Setia in Klang with have been distributed to stu-
a reading of 169 (unhealthy),
compared with 260 (very un-
Miros sheds light on road safety during haze dents in areas affected by haze
across the country, Deputy
healthy) at 3pm on Wednesday. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr
But the number of areas re- KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian in bad weather is also high due the visibility of other road users. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said
cording unhealthy air quality Institute of Road Safety Research to slippery road conditions and “Avoid using the high beams yesterday. The government
with readings above 101 in- (Miros) has advised the public to be low visibility. because water particles in the air through the National Disaster
creased to 39 yesterday, com- more careful when driving to avoid In this regard, Miros has provided can absorb and reflect that light, Management Agency had so far
pared with 35 on Wednesday. road accidents during the haze. some road safety guidelines to help and only use the high beams when sent 500,000 face masks to Sar-
An API of zero to 50 indicates Its director-general Dr Siti Za- road users drive and ride in these necessary. If visibility is low, turn awak and 1.5 million to other
good air quality, followed 51 harah Ishak said although records unfavourable weather conditions. on the fog lights,” she said in a state- affected states, she told report-
to 100 (moderate), 101 to 200 in the Royal Malaysia Police da- “Due to low visibility, road users ment here yesterday. ers after distributing 2,000 N95-
(unhealthy), 201 to 300 (very tabase show that more accidents are urged to make sure all vehicle She said a high illumination rate type face masks to the public
unhealthy), and 301 and above occur during good weather due to lights are functioning properly of fog lamps could increase the vis- at Kuala Lumpur Sentral here.
(hazardous). — Bernama high speed, the risk of accidents and to turn them on to increase ibility rate. — Bernama — Bernama
14 B R O K E R S’ C A L L FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Healthy profitability, Most of TNB

profits expected
to remain intact,

asset quality seen in banks regulated under

current IBR
Utilities sector
Maintain neutral: It was reported
in the press that the government
Banking sector BNM acknowledged weak demand We still have a there is an observed gravitation had approved Malaysia Electric-
Maintain neutral: We attended a for credit in the small and medium towards the latter since the imple- ity Supply Industry (Mesi) 2.0,
briefing in conjunction with the enterprise segment. The banks were ‘neutral’ view mentation of Malaysian Financial a 10-year master plan to reform
release of Bank Negara Malaysia’s also bolstered by better trading and on the banking Reporting Standards 9, but this is the domestic power industry. Al-
(BNM) first-half Financial Stabil- investment income arising from bet- sector, with limited not mandated by BNM. Measures though there is still a lack of de-
ity and Payment Systems Report ter bond valuations. Asset quality, to reduce the variability among the tails, Energy, Science, Technol-
on Wednesday evening and came although deteriorating recently (the earnings catalysts banks’ IRB models are ongoing, so ogy, Environment and Climate
away with a “neutral” view. Ma- gross impaired loan ratio had risen to given moderating it is expected to fall over time. We Change Minister Yeo Bee Yin has
laysian banks exhibited reasona- 1.6% as at end-June 2019 from 1.5% economic growth, note that the introduction of the revealed some insights. Changes
bly healthy profitability and asset as at end-December 2018) for specif- Basel 4 international regulatory will be implemented gradually but
quality, with more than sufficient ic corporates in the manufacturing cautious sentiments framework in the future would also ultimately, the key objective is to
capital buffers against potential and agriculture sectors, is sound with and an increasingly seek to address this. lower overall tariffs for end users,
stress despite thinning margins sufficient loan loss buffers against competitive market. We still have a “neutral” view on in our view. We reiterate “neutral”.
and some credit pullbacks. Several BNM’s multi-year stress tests. the banking sector, with limited earn- There will be drastic changes
sectors on the corporate front also BNM has expressed concerns ings catalysts given moderating eco- to purchasing power agreements
saw signs of recovery, notably oil about the current overhang of hous- nomic growth, cautious sentiments (PPAs) for new power plants as the
and gas (deleveraging) and con- ing and commercial properties, date of the net stable funding ra- and an increasingly competitive mar- government intends to shorten the
struction (a return of major infra- which are both expected to persist tio (NSFR) requirements is July ket. Although non-interest income is tenure of a PPA from the typical
structure projects and improving beyond the immediate term. Nota- 1, 2020. For now, 85% of Malay- currently buoying banking revenue, 21 years. New PPAs will no longer
order books), translating into better bly, substantial new office and retail sian banks are in compliance, with it remains to be seen if this can hold be entitled to lock up guaranteed
debt protection metrics. space is expected over the next two a banking-system NSFR level of up beyond the immediate term. Mar- electricity payments as independ-
However, BNM highlighted sev- years, which could displace older 108.5%. Separately, BNM has no gins and loan growth are unencour- ent power producers will be able
eral risks, notably an expanding glut properties and exert further stress plans to change its view on coun- aging, with potential headwinds from to procure their own fuel sources
in commercial real estate supply, on the banks despite growing de- tercyclical buffers currently at 0%. policy action and further softening and the single buyer will then in
softening global growth impact- mand for properties priced below The central bank expects to release of the credit cycle. Deposit competi- theory procure electricity from the
ing corporate earnings, elevated RM300,000 and with few outward the final form of its guidelines for tion will likely persist until the NSFR cheapest generator. Although the
household debt levels for lower signs of eroding commercial values. domestic systematically important compliance deadline, albeit at less move will likely lower the guar-
income households and risks from However, the banking sector’s over- banks buffers by end-2019. Further aggressive rates compared with 2018 anteed return of new PPAs, it will
cyberattacks. all exposure to property develop- updates on BNM’s digital banking levels. We are more selective in our help to promote competition and
In BNM’s view, the banks had ers with unsold housing units and framework will likely to only be picks, preferring banks with resil- efficiency among generators. We
continued to show strong profita- commercial real estate (specifically available towards year end. ient earnings profiles and potential view the decision to move to a hy-
bility even amid narrower net in- offices and shopping centres) is rel- On the potential convergence near-term upsides. Our top picks are brid model as positive as the gov-
terest margins and slowing credit atively small at 2% and 3% of total between the standardised and In- BIMB Holdings Bhd, RHB Bank Bhd ernment still controls and restricts
growth, fuelled by lower provisions system loans respectively. ternal rating-based (IRB) approach- and Hong Leong Bank Bhd. — Alli- the overall availability of capacity,
and better cost efficiencies. Of note, The official implementation es towards credit risk measurement, anceDBS Research, Sept 19 limiting the risk of an overcapac-
ity. Current PPAs will be allowed
to be completed based on their
existing terms.

Better q-o-q performance expected for Hartalega The changes to Tenaga Nasional
Bhd (TNB) under Mesi 2.0 did not
come as a surprise as TNB shared
some of these changes earlier when
Hartalega Holdings Bhd Hartalega Holdings Bhd it announced its reorganisation
(Sept 19, RM5.29) CAGR
surge in demand experienced by plan. We are delighted that the gov-
Upgrade to neutral with a higher FYE MARCH (RM MIL) 2018A 2019A 2020F 2021F 2022F (%) glove makers. ernment agrees with transmission
target price (TP) of RM5.20 from Revenue 2,405.6 2,827.2 2,958.7 3,329.6 3,645.8 11.0 Plant 5 of the NGC was fully and distribution remaining as a nat-
RM4 previously: We believe that commissioned in the first half (1H) ural monopoly (by not introducing
Gross profit 614.8 708.2 758.5 815.0 889.4 9.7
the oversupply episode faced by of CY19. Plant 6’s (+4.7 billion new players), and as such believe
glove makers previously is now Op profit 534.4 561.4 542.5 615.2 674.3 6.0 pieces per annum) construction that the bulk of TNB’s profits will re-
done and dusted, and the oper- Pre-tax profit 526.4 550.8 541.5 615.3 673.9 6.4 works are under way, with a tar- main intact and regulated under the
ating environment is improving. Net profit 438.9 455.2 443.3 506.8 555.1 6.0 get to commission its first line in current Incentive Based Regulation
Based on our channel checks, EPS (sen) 13.1 13.5 13.2 15.1 16.6 6.2 1QCY20. As for Plant 7 (+3.4 billion (IBR). Although the government is
glove makers are experiencing PER (x) 40.0 38.6 39.6 34.7 31.7 pieces per annum), the first line is breaking up TNB’s monopoly role
an uptick in demand. We believe DPS (sen) 7.8 8.1 7.9 9.0 10.0 expected to be commissioned by as the main retailer and fuel pur-
that the pickup in sales is par- 2HCY20. In light of the recent for- chaser, the drop in its profit will
Dividend yield (%) 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.9
tially due to the US-China trade eign worker shortage issue faced likely be marginal for the midterm.
Sources: Company, PublicInvest Research estimates
war as some Chinese manufac- by many manufacturers, we find To further incentivise demand
turers are diverting their orders comfort that Hartalega has already for renewable energy, the gov-
to other countries to avoid tariffs secured approvals from the rele- ernment will create a framework
imposed by the US government. er price-earnings multiple of 35 higher nitrile prices. Nitrile prices vant authorities for the required for third-party access to allow re-
However, due to a delay in the times, which is near one standard have been on the rise as suppliers amount of foreign workers to run newable energy (RE) plants to sell
commissioning of Plant 6, Har- deviation of its five-year histor- are cutting back on production, Plant 6 once operations begin. On their power directly to end users,
talega Holdings Bhd is not able ical mean. As such, we upgrade in view of a sluggish global auto- a side note, Hartalega has set aside bypassing the single buyer (TNB).
to fully capture and benefit from Hartalega to “neutral”. motive sector. capital expenditure of RM630 mil- We believe that this could help to
the uptick in demand in fore- Following the oversupply con- Note that in the first quarter lion to grow its manufacturing fa- lower the tariffs for domestic users
cast financial year 2020 (FY20F). dition previously, some glove mak- (1Q) of FY20, Hartalega’s average cility in CY20 to CY22, in addition despite an increased contribution
We revise downwards our FY20 ers have pushed back their expan- utilisation rate fell to 76% due to to RM115 million for investment from RE as those who prefer RE
earnings forecast by 14% after sion plans from CY19 to CY20 to a conscious effort to scale down in information technology and can negotiate directly without bur-
factoring in lower margins due rebalance demand and supply. production as the low prices of automation solutions. dening the system, given that RE
to higher cost per unit. For FY21 The deferment of their expansion nitrile gloves were unfavoura- We expect a slight decline in tends to be more expensive than
to FY22, we forecast 10% to 14% plans has resulted in less intense ble to the manufacturers. The full FY20 results. While we expect conventional generated power.
earnings growth, mainly due to competition among glove produc- current uptick in demand for ni- to see gradual quarter-on-quar- Under the current single buyer
higher sales volumes as capacity ers. Glove makers have also been trile gloves has lifted the average ter (q-o-q) improvements in the system, all users contribute to the
expansion kicks in. Considering seeing a surge in demand for ni- utilisation rate to 85%, with the group’s performance from this fund to procure RE based on overall
the improving operating land- trile gloves from June. In view of lines in the Next Generation In- point onwards due to a higher usage. RE plants under Large Scale
scape as we move into 2020, we the increase in demand, we be- tegrated Glove Manufacturing utilisation rate, we believe that on Solar Photovoltaic Plant 1 (LSS1)
raise our TP to RM5.20, from RM4 lieve that average selling prices Complex (NGC) running at an a year-on-year basis, the full-year and LSS2 can start selling directly
previously, rolling over our val- (ASPs) can be revised upwards above 90% utilisation rate. We performance will be weaker due as early as the first quarter of 2020
uation to forecast calendar year easily to accommodate and fully expect the high utilisation rate to a high base effect. — PublicIn- for a combined 100mw. — Affin
2020 (CY20F) and pegging a high- pass on increases in gas cost and to be sustained, following the vest Research, Sept 19 Hwang Capital, Sept 18
B R O K E R S’ C A L L 15

Potential rerating Customer project commissioning could

offer revenue support for Telekom

catalyst seen for Media

Telekom Malaysia Bhd into the mobile segment. We be-
(Sept 19, RM3.52) lieve a likely hurdle to this imple-
Maintain outperform with an mentation could be the upcom-
unchanged target price (TP) of ing assignment by the Malaysian
RM3.95: Telekom Malaysia Bhd’s Communications and Multime-

Prima if there is MGO

revenue for its first half of finan- dia Commission (MCMC) of the
cial year 2019 (1HFY19) declined 700 megahertz (MHz), 2300MHz
4% year-on-year (y-o-y), mainly and 2600MHz spectrums by 2H20.
due to lower voice and Internet However, the mobile business is
demand (fewer Streamyx sub- not an entirely new venture for
scribers but buffered a growing Telekom as it has been ongoing
Unifi base). We believe the guid- since January 2018.
ance for a low to mid-single digit Also, during the recent MCMC
Media Prima Bhd and Sept 17, all valued at 60 sen a operations. We concur with its decline in FY19 should still hold, public inquiry, the group ex-
(Sept 19, 47 sen) share. This is substantially higher view that there is still value in as demand for the group’s main pressed its suitability to be allo-
Maintain reduce with an un- than the price on the market, which print media. Star Media Group products will likely be weaker on cated the entire spectrum blocks
changed target price (TP) of 38 has been stuck at about 47 to 48 sen Bhd (add at 87 sen) has shown stiffer competition. With new rates to facilitate 5G in the future, be-
sen: Media Prima Bhd’s Sept 18 fil- for the past three months. that newspapers can remain prof- being offered since September cause of its extensive nationwide
ing with Bursa Malaysia stated that Since Aurora Mulia first emerged itable at this stage of the digital 2019, heeding the government’s fibre coverage. However, reiterat-
Aurora Mulia Sdn Bhd, a company as a substantial shareholder of Me- onslaught, provided that readers call to make Internet more assess- ing views from our Sept 10 sector
indirectly owned by tycoon Tan Sri dia Prima, neither company has and advertisers see the value in able, it will be interesting to see report “Spectrum Inquiry; The
Syed Mokhtar Albukhary, bought gone public with Aurora Mulia’s the editorial content. consumer response to the brand. Word is Out”, we believe that con-
30 million shares of the integrated plans, such as value-enhancing At the 1HFY19 results briefing, However, this could dent aver- densing spectrum licences may
media group off-market on Sept corporate exercises or strategic Media Prima management ex- age revenue per user (Arpu) num- not make the most commercial
17. The block of shares constitutes changes to pull the media group pressed its scepticism that Aurora bers in the second half of 2019 sense as it does not give other
2.7% of Media Prima’s share capital. out of the sea of red it has been Mulia would trigger a mandatory (2H19) (versus the second quar- operators equal ground to experi-
This is the fourth time Aurora bathing in since its financial year general offer (MGO) in the future. ter of 2019 when Streamyx was of- ment the most efficient use of the
Mulia has purchased Media Prima 2016 (FY16). But it may be a different story fered at RM86 and Unifi at RM177). spectrums. Additionally, monop-
shares via off-market transactions. The only clue left by the man- for Aurora Mulia’s end-beneficiary. That said, the commissioning of olistic issues may arise.
With the latest transaction, Aurora agement was at Media Prima’s first The Edge Malaysia Weekly and The customer projects in 2H19 could Our TP, based on a weighted
Mulia now holds a 23.3% stake in half of financial year 2019 (1HFY19) Straits Times have reported that Me- offer some revenue support. average capital cost of 9.5% and
Media Prima. results briefing on Aug 22, when dia Prima’s second-largest share- Yield from the group’s perfor- terminal growth rate of 1.5% im-
The filing, however, did not state the group conceded that “some- holder, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial mance improvement plan should plies an enterprise value to for-
how much Aurora Mulia paid for thing needs to be done” with its Group Inc, is holding the shares on continue to trickle into 2HFY19 ward earnings before interest, taxes,
the Media Prima shares, but a check 98%-owned news producer The behalf of Syed Mokhtar. If the reports results, albeit at a lower rate than depreciation and amortisation of
on Bloomberg showed only one New Straits Times Press (Malay- are anything to go by, Syed Mokhtar 1HFY19 due to the operations 5.5 times against our FY20E earn-
off-market trade of Media Prima sia) Bhd (NSTP). NSTP accounted would now own 36.1% of Media Pri- being traditionally back-loaded. ings, with no change to our FY19E/
stock on Sept 17. And that direct for more than two-thirds of Media ma, based on our estimates on the Recall that the group registered FY20E assumptions in this note. We
business transaction was valued Prima’s 1HFY19 core net loss of reported stakes purchased by him. operating expenditure (opex) im- had earlier rerated the stock from
at RM18 million, or 60 sen a share. RM51.6 million. The only near-term potential re- provements of 11% in 1HFY19, “market perform” in our above-
In total, Aurora Mulia has paid Whatever that “something” is, rating catalyst lies in Syed Mokhtar which translated into earnings mentioned sector update. Reiter-
RM155 million for the Media Prima the management ruled out that it triggering an MGO. — CGS-CIMB before interest and tax (Ebit) of ating our call premise, we believe
shares purchased between July 2 would close down NSTP’s print Research, Sept 19 RM777.9 million (+75% y-o-y) and Telekom’s share price weakness
margin of 14% (+6.3 percentage following its management’s in-
points). We are banking on mar- tention to move aggressively into
Media sector comparison
gins to persist at this robust level, the mobile segment could be over-
but caution that 2H19 projects done. Any loss of cost savings could
(RM) (RM) (RM MIL) (X) (X) (X) (%) could undermine direct costs. In be exaggerated as its existing mo-
CY19F CY20F CY19F CY20F CY19F CY20F CY19F CY20F the meantime, the compressed bile business has been operational
Media Prima Reduce 0.47 0.38 521 NA NA 1.0 1.2 NA NA NA NA Arpu could also contribute to since January 2018, and granted the
Media Chinese Int'l Reduce 0.18 0.15 295 11.6 13.1 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.5 4.7 3.8
weaker margins, but we believe scale, it may not incur as significant
it would be highly unlikely for the amount in start-up costs.
Star Media Group Add 0.55 0.87 97 36.0 43.8 0.5 0.5 4.5 5.4 5.4 5.4
group to miss its FY19 Ebit guid- Risks to our call include weak-
Astro Malaysia Add 1.41 1.80 1,756 11.0 10.6 9.2 7.5 5.7 5.7 6.8 7.1 ance of being better than FY18. er-than-expected voice and Inter-
Malaysia average 23.8 28.4 0.5 0.5 2.6 2.9 5.1 4.6 Market has been abuzz on net demand; stronger-than-expect-
As at Sept 18, 2019 the recent news that the group is ed opex; and stiffer competition.
Sources: CGS-CIMB Research estimates, Bloomberg, company reports looking to venture aggressively — Kenanga Research, Sept 19

Bursa’s BMD stake buy seen mildly positive on FY20 profit

Bursa Malaysia Bhd Group) on Sep 16. CMEGSI is a the transaction, BMD will become Bursa Malaysia Bhd
(Sept 19, RM6.05) wholly-owned subsidiary of CME Bursa Malaysia’s wholly-owned
Maintain hold with a high- Group. CMEGSI acquired the 25% subsidiary. FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
er fair value of RM6.70, from equity interest on Nov 30, 2009 Based on the audited finan- Revenue 550.0 523.9 549.2 573.8
RM6.50 previously: Our valuation for RM55 million. cials for FY18, profit and net as-
Core net profit 224.6 206.8 225.0 242.7
is based on financial year 2020 The acquisition price has been sets attributable to the 25% eq-
(FY20) price-to-earnings (PE) of fixed at RM162.4 million, to be uity interest in BMD amounted FD core EPS (sen) 27.9 25.7 27.9 30.1
24 times its five-year historical av- fully satisfied by cash together to RM6.57 million and RM12.2 FD core EPS growth (%) (33.1) (7.9) 8.8 7.9
erage PE. We continue to see the with an additional sum to be de- million respectively. Consensus net profit - 202.6 214.4 224.8
stock as fairly valued, trading at termined later based on 25% of This transaction is expected to be DPS (sen) 33.6 23.9 25.9 28.0
23 times FY20 PE. We raise both 70% of BMD operating profit be- completed by early December 2019. PER (x) 21.9 23.8 21.9 20.3
our FY20/21 by 4% to RM225 mil- fore tax for the second and third Hence, it will not have any mate- EV/Ebitda (x) 14.2 15.3 14.7 13.6
lion/RM243 million by removing quarters of FY19 (2QFY19 and rial impact on FY19 earnings per
Dividend yield (%) 5.5 3.9 4.2 4.6
the minority interest following the 3QFY19). Any dividend payments share (EPS). However, for FY20 and
announcement by Bursa Malay- by BMD for 2QFY19 and 3QFY19 FY21, the acquisition is accretive ROE (%) 26.0 25.1 28.9 30.5
sia to acquire the remaining 25% will reduce the amount for the and slightly positive on EPS with Source: AmInvestment Bank
equity interest in Bursa Malaysia additional sum. the removal of minority interest.
Derivatives (BMD). Funding for the acquisition will Meanwhile on the proforma
Bursa Malaysia will be acquir- be from the disposal of quoted impact on its FY18 balance sheet, per share to 90 sen from RM1.08. Bursa Malaysia and CME have
ing the 25% stake, or 12.5 mil- shares outside of Malaysia which the initial settlement of RM162.4 Bursa Malaysia will still col- agreed to make variations to the
lion shares, in BMD that it does are owned by Bursa Malaysia. million will decrease Bursa Malay- laborate with CME for deriva- Globex Services Agreement (GSA)
not own from CME Group Stra- Hence, it will not have any impact sia’s retained earnings by RM150.2 tives with the latter continuing executed on Sept 17, 2009, which
tegic Investments LLC (CMEG- on the group’s gearing position. million and non-controlling inter- to host BMD products on CME remains effective until Sept 19,
SI) through the exercise of put Presently, Bursa Malaysia owns est by RM12.3 million. These will Globex electronic trading plat- 2020. — AmInvestment Bank,
option by CME Group Inc (CME 75% of BMD. On completion of consequently lower its net asset form (Globex). Sept 19
16 C O M M E N T FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Asia’s haze a danger for everyone

Plantation fires in Indonesia are becoming a global crisis. They need a global response
BY A DA M MI NTER remains the world’s biggest buyer. A

better strategy would be to leverage
toxic haze is hover- Europe’s considerable trading clout.
ing over Malaysia Since 2016, Indonesia and the EU
this week, snuffing have been haggling over a free trade
Visitors standing
out sunlight, forcing agreement. Both sides want it, but
on the KL Tower
school closures, cre- there is little question that develop-
Sky Deck as the
ating a public health ing Indonesia needs it more.
Petronas Twin
crisis and contributing to climate With that in mind, the EU should
Towers (centre)
change. My apartment in Kuala Lum- require that — as a precondition for
and other
pur is home to two large air filters further talks — Indonesia enforce
buildings are
that run day and night, and remind its own Supreme Court ruling and
shrouded in haze in
me that my young son has not been release the plantation data in the
Kuala Lumpur last
able to safely play outdoors in weeks. interests of product transparency
Wednesday. Photo
None of this comes as a surprise and climate change mitigation.
by Bloomberg
to locals. Every year, neighbouring Dragging policy disputes into
Indonesia sets late summer fires trade talks is not always a great idea.
on a huge scale to clear forests and But in recent years, the EU has been
farmlands. The smoke then drifts leveraging such agreements to push
over Southeast Asia, lingering for for climate action with some suc-
months. It is a perennial disaster. cess. In August, France’s Emmanuel
But for decades, the region’s gov- emit huge amounts of toxic, car- they will be put out before October. in 2017. There is a good reason for Macron threatened to block a deal
ernments have failed to address it. bon-rich smoke. In drought years, Indonesia’s government has largely that. A recent audit found that 81% of with the Mercosur trade bloc unless
Doing so now will likely require a this can be catastrophic. The 1997 failed to confront this crisis. In 2015, plantations are flouting regulations. Brazil did more to fight fires in the
global effort — and the European fires — the worst on record — are Indonesian President Joko Widodo Revealing their details would Amazon. Brazil objected, but the
Union (EU) may be perfectly posi- estimated to have burned as much said that he needed three years to not only put the owners at risk — threat generated global attention
tioned to help. as 19,300 sq miles and put 200,000 tackle it. Yet the positive steps he Singapore, for instance, asserts the and placed significant pressure on
The annual fires started in the people in the hospital. In 2015, fires has taken — including a morato- right to prosecute foreign compa- the government to act.
early 1980s, around the time that were responsible for 100,000 prema- rium on new palm oil plantations nies and individuals who contribute A similar demand might finally
palm oil plantations and large-scale ture deaths and emitted more carbon — clearly have not been enough. to haze that drifts into its borders get the attention of Indonesia’s gov-
commercial logging became domi- on a daily basis than the entire EU. There is not even a consensus on — but also the corruption and pa- ernment. It would help publicise
nant industries in Indonesia. What This year looks to be worse: Be- who is responsible for the fires, large tronage networks that allow them a regional calamity that is starting
makes them so dangerous is that the tween January and August, 1,270 agribusinesses or small farmers. And to start fires in the first place.This to have global effects, and it would
islands of Borneo and Sumatra are sq miles of Indonesian forest and the government has long refused to is where the EU can step in. surely be welcomed by Southeast
rich in peatlands, a type of swamp farmland have been consumed, release documents detailing plan- Anti-palm oil sentiment runs Asia’s long-suffocating populations.
that covers about 3% of the planet’s and that is before the peak burn tation ownership, boundaries or high in Europe, but local boycotts A little transparency, in fact,
terrestrial surface but contains about season. Nearly 3,000 fires are cur- licences, even after the country’s will not make much difference to could go a long way to clear the
21% of its carbon. When burned they rently raging, with little hope that Supreme Court ordered it to do so Indonesia’s forests so long as China haze. — Bloomberg

Germany having an existential crisis about cars

BY C H R I S B RYA N T Volkswagen AG were upstaged by ernment and carmakers are strug-
climate protesters who accused them gling to keep everyone happy. Riding
US automakers hit rock bottom with of not doing enough to end their ad- a bike and car-sharing have become
the public when their executives diction to diesel and gasoline engines. a genuine alternative in cities such
went to Washington in 2008 to beg On the eve of the show four pe- as Berlin. But for those who still feel
for a bailout — in corporate jets. Now destrians were struck and killed by a they need a car, electric vehicles
it is the German car industry’s turn sport utility vehicle (SUV) in Berlin, tend to be more expensive and their
to suffer an image crisis and, as with prompting a fierce debate about the driving range can be limited (for
General Motors Co and Chrysler a “social utility” of these gas-guzzling, now, at least). The climate package
decade ago, it could not be happen- tank-like cars. Featuring a picture the German government is due to
ing at a less auspicious moment. of a Porsche SUV on its cover this announce today will doubtless try
Amid trade wars and plunging week, Der Spiegel magazine declared to address this by including more
China sales, the number of cars a “new object of hate”. Meanwhile, incentives for EV and infrastructure.
rolling off Germany’s production the organisation that one might usu- As the industry wrestles with such
lines has dropped by 12% this year ally expect to defend the German A view of the all-new BMW X6 Series. With the climate crisis intensifying, the auto epochal challenges, it helps that Ger-
and exports by 14%. European auto car giants — the VDA lobby group industry’s split personality is getting more incongruous and indefensible by the day. many’s automakers have all recently
sales fell 3% in the first eight months — was preoccupied with the abrupt Photo by Bloomberg appointed new bosses. They are far
of 2019. With demand expected to resignation of its president Bernhard from united, however, on how aggres-
remain weak for a couple of years, Mattes. This fuelled speculation that sively to abandon the combustion
the German parts supplier Conti- the industry was unhappy about its vehicles sold climbed for the second suggesting that the industry may engine. Volkswagen is going “all-in”
nental AG is not ruling out cuts to loss of political influence and in- year in a row last year, in part because be looking at a difficult future. Yet on battery cars (it is targeting 40% of
working hours and jobs. It is a bad creasing stigmatisation. of SUV sales. That is one reason why claims that Germans have fallen out electric sales by 2030), while BMW is
time to be having a public relations The German car industry provides Germany is set to miss its 2020 carbon of love with the automobile feel over- more cautious. The latter thinks hy-
crisis too, but that is what is hap- more than 800,000 jobs in the country pollution reduction targets. Passen- blown. They still bought about 3.4 drogen fuel cells might have a future,
pening in the country that invented and it accounts for a big chunk of its ger cars account for about 11% of its million new vehicles last year, pretty though VW is not a fan.
the internal combustion engine. manufacturing production and ex- greenhouse gas emissions. decent by historic standards. About Yet even VW plans to use the prof-
This month’s Frankfurt Motor ports. Past governments fought hard Stringent European Union emis- 95% of them had a combustion en- it from selling large SUVs such as its
Show was meant to give Germany’s to protect their industry crown jewel sion targets, and massive fines for gine. More than one-quarter were three-row “Atlas” to fund investments
mighty automobile industry a plat- from troublesome regulations. That non-compliance, have been put in SUVs. Nor does the government have in green alternatives. At last week’s
form to show off its expensive plans is no longer always the case. First, the place already. A German federal any desire to kill its golden goose. show in Frankfurt, EV like the Por-
to build more electric vehicles (EV). Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal government led by the Greens (not Earlier this year officials rejected sche Taycan and Volkswagen ID3 sat
But many international carmakers made it unwise for politicians to go unimaginable given the party’s poll attempts by campaigners to man- alongside gas-guzzling monsters like
chose to stay away and Karl-Thomas easy on companies that put profits surge) would be tougher still. After date a speed limit on the autobahn. the BMW X6 and Mercedes AMG GLE
Neumann, the ex-boss of Opel/Vaux- above public health. And second, the deadly accident in Berlin, there With this contradiction between Coupe. With the climate crisis inten-
hall, declared the event a “huge fail”. Germans have become alarmed by were calls to ban SUVs from cities. the public’s anxiety about climate sifying, the industry’s split personality
Compounding the misery, Daim- climate change and the industry’s role The average age of a new car buy- change and its fondness for big vehi- is getting more incongruous and in-
ler AG’s Mercedes, BMW AG, and in that. The average emissions of new er in Germany has climbed to 53, cles, it is not surprising that the gov- defensible by the day. — Bloomberg
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 17

Saudi Arabia
Huawei tries to overturn IN BRIEF

Trump is biggest risk to

US ban that cites

world economy, says Phil-
diesel and ippine central bank

jet fuel after is the biggest risk to the world

‘cyber-exploitation’ risk
economy today? It is the US pres-

attacks ident, Philippine central bank

governor Benjamin Diokno told
a panel discussion in Singapore,
with the audience bursting into
BY HEESU LEE, JACK WITTELS laughter at his candid answer. A
& SA K ET S U N D RI A former economics professor who
took the helm of the central bank
PORE: Saudi Arabia, the world’s
Telecom giant says it is being illegally punished by US law in March, Diokno said the US
economy is growing due to the
biggest crude exporter and a tax cut enacted under President
powerhouse of the oil refining BY EDVARD P ETTER SSO N Donald Trump, but the policy
industry, is scouring global fuel will exacerbate debt in the long
markets for cargoes in the wake LOS ANGELES: Huawei Technolo- run. The Filipino central banker
of unprecedented attacks on its gies Co is making a desperate bid may have a reason for his quip:
energy industry. to undo a US law that prohibits When the US sneezes, the rest
Aramco Trading Co, which federal agencies and contractors of the world catches a cold, as
buys and sells fuels on behalf from buying or using the Chinese the saying goes. — Bloomberg
of the state oil company, pur- telecommunication giant’s equip-
chased diesel cargoes and also ment because of the alleged risk Singapore will do ‘what
sought one-off supplies of avi- of “cyber exploitation” by China. needs to be done’ to aid
ation fuel this week, accord- Lawyers for Huawei were due in economy — minister
ing to people involved in those federal court yesterday to convince SINGAPORE: Singapore’s gov-
markets. Fuel oil, which can be a judge that the law is an unconstitu- ernment is ready to do “what
used instead of crude for pow- tional attempt by Congress to drive needs to be done” to support the
er generation, has also been the company out of the country by struggling economy, Finance
bought. Exports of naphtha — imposing a “death penalty” over al- Minister Heng Swee Keat said
a building-block product for leged past misdeeds and associations yesterday, when asked whether
making gasoline and plastics with the Chinese government. he was considering expanding
— have also been disrupted. If Huawei prevails and gets the spending to boost growth. “We
While the kingdom does im- ban overturned, it may have ram- are ready to do what needs to
port fuels from time to time ifications for the US-China trade Filepic of a Huawei logo seen on a cell phone screen in its store at Vina del Mar, Chile. be done at the right time,” Heng,
anyway, traders say the scale war. While the Trump adminis- Photo by Reuters who is also deputy prime minis-
of its current purchasing is well tration has given mixed messages ter, told an investor conference
above normal. On Saturday, on whether its security concerns in Singapore. Heng is widely ex-
vital oil-production facilities at about Huawei could be addressed China’s biggest technology com- luctant to second guess the gov- pected to succeed Prime Min-
Abqaiq were attacked, resulting as part of a trade deal, the sanctions pany may have an uphill battle con- ernment’s evaluation of a national ister Lee Hsien Loong as Singa-
in a temporary halt to a large against the company provide the vincing US District Judge Amos Maz- security risk. In a case with some pore leader after elections that
swath of the nation’s output ca- US with leverage in the trade talks, zant in Sherman, Texas, that it was parallels to Huawei’s, the US court are expected to take place in a
pacity. To keep crude flowing said Alan Sykes, a law professor at punished “without a hearing or trial” of appeals in Washington last year few months. — Reuters
to customers, Saudi Arabia cut Stanford University. by Section 889 of the 2019 Nation- affirmed that Kaspersky Lab, a Rus-
processing at its own refineries “At times it has sounded like al Defense Authorization Act. The sian cybersecurity company, was Microsoft unveils US$40b
by one million barrels a day, Trump is willing to trade on the measure prohibits federal agencies not unlawfully targeted by a similar stock buy-back, boosts
and stepped up fuel imports. sanctions,” Sykes said in a phone and contractors from using routers, law that excluded it from federal dividend
interview. “If this somehow goes switches and other equipment made computer systems because of its SEATTLE: Microsoft Corp, the
away, then the opportunity to trade by Huawei and China’s ZTE Group. close relationship with the Russian world’s largest software maker,
Aramco also bought it will also go away.” Federal judges are usually re- government. — Bloomberg said it will repurchase as much
as US$40 billion (RM167.69 bil-
at least two high- lion) of shares in a new buy-
sulfur fuel oil back programme and boosted
its quarterly dividend by five US
cargoes, people Temasek’s Vertex closes record US$305m SE Asian fund cents to 51 US cents a share. The
with knowledge of repurchase authorisation has no
the matter said. BY YOOLIM LEE expiration date, and may be ter-
minated at any time, Redmond,
SINGAPORE: Vertex Venture Hold- Washington-based Microsoft
ings Ltd, a unit of Singapore’s Te- said on Wednesday in a state-
“If you take off a good por- masek Holdings Pte, has closed its ment. The company’s stock has
tion of Middle Eastern refinery fourth Southeast Asia and India risen 36% so far this year and its
capacity then there’s a void in fund at a record US$305 million market capitalisation remains at
the market and it needs to be (RM1.28 billion). more than US$1 trillion. Its pre-
filled,” Eugene Lindell, head The amount raised was a record vious buy-back plan, unveiled
of downstream analysis at JBC for an early-stage investment vehicle in September 2016, was also
Energy GmbH, said by phone. in the region, underscoring growing for US$40 billion. — Bloomberg
“Luckily, we just happen to interest in its start-up scene. The new
have ramping up of Asian ca- fund of Vertex Ventures Southeast Parts shortage leads
pacity — particularly in Chi- Asia and India — the first institution GM to lay off 1,200
na — and that will help fill the to back ride-hailing giant Grab — temporarily in Canada
void.” far exceeded its original target of BENGALURU/MONTREAL/
Aramco purchased cargoes US$230 million. WASHINGTON: The strike
of diesel early this week. The Vertex is among Southeast Asia’s Vertex’s office in Singapore. The company is among the region’s best-performing VC firms. against General Motors Co’s
company was also seeking to best-performing venture capital Photo by Bloomberg US operations has led to a parts
defer some supplies of naph- (VC) firms. The first Vertex Ventures shortage, the automaker said
tha to its customers, according Southeast Asia and India fund had on Wednesday, and as a result
to a buyer who received such returned 19.1% as of March, the sec- talise on opportunities beyond the are raising money but none of them it announced the temporary
a request from Aramco. Sepa- ond fund returned 24.3% and the US and China, the primary focus has the global platform like Vertex,” lay-offs of 1,200 workers at its
rately, it was also seeking spot third 36.4%, according to the firm. of deals in recent years. Given the said Schmitz. Oshawa assembly plant in Can-
supplies of jet fuel, according That is “what caused us to contin- slowdown in China, they are fo- Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia ada. The plant, which makes
to traders who buy and sell ue our relationship in the fourth cusing on outfits with strong track and India has made 40 investments the Chevy Silverado and GMC
the aviation oil. Aramco also fund with a larger commitment records internationally, said Alex so far, including in Instarem and Sierra pickup trucks, ran out of
bought at least two high-sulfur amount,” Roque Velasco, managing Schmitz, managing partner and Validus Capital. The company plans parts on Tuesday. The lay-off
fuel oil cargoes, people with partner of Galdana Ventures, said head of Asia-Pacific at Capstone to continue investing in Series announcement came three days
knowledge of the matter said. in a statement. Partners, which helped with fund- A-stage start-ups in enterprise tech- after about 48,000 hourly work-
— Bloomberg Investors are putting money into raising for Vertex’s new fund. nology, financial technology and ers went on strike across GM
the region’s venture firms to capi- “Many VC players in the region consumer internet. — Bloomberg facilities in the US. — Reuters
18 W O R L D B U S I N E S S FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Apple spars with EU as €13b Purdue

Irish tax dispute drags on seek to halt
opioid suits
Case centres on tax rulings granted by Ireland to two Apple businesses in the country BY TO M H A L S & MIK E S PEC TO R

BY FO O YU N C H EE But Apple and Ireland, whose “The [European] Commission than Apple. This is Ireland’s repu- OxyContin maker Purdue Phar-
economy benefits from hosting went out of its way to tell a fairy tation which has been so severely ma LP on Wednesday asked a
LUXEMBOURG: Apple accused a number of multinational firms, story about supposed benefits to criticised,” he said. US bankruptcy judge to halt
the European Commission (EC) of are appealing against the deci- employment. It has no evidence, EC lawyer Paul-John Loewen- for roughly nine months more
misunderstanding its business on sion at Europe’s General Court, it is wrong. There was no sense thal rejected criticism that the EU than 2,600 lawsuits alleging the
day two of the iPhone maker’s ap- its second highest. of any special deal. Ireland prop- executive had not taken up Apple’s company and its controlling
peal against a €13 billion (RM60.3 Central to the dispute is the im- erly and correctly taxed the Irish offer to visit its operations in Cork, Sackler family helped fuel the
billion) tax order, in a dispute that portance of the Irish businesses, branches. There was no deroga- Ireland, saying this was not nec- US opioid crisis, according to
is key to the European Union’s with Apple lawyer Daniel Beard tion from the normal rules,” essary. “What would a site visit court documents.
(EU) drive to collect more taxes arguing on Wednesday they were he said in his closing ar- accomplish?” he asked. In addition to seeking a pause
but which could also run for years. not as significant as the EC had gument. The case is about Apple’s in widespread litigation against
The case centres on tax rulings asserted. Ireland’s lawyer, Irish tax deal and has noth- it, Purdue also asked US Bank-
granted by Ireland to two Apple “Yes, Apple chief executive of- Paul Gallagher, said ing to with the mismatch ruptcy Judge Robert Drain to
businesses in the country, Apple ficer Tim Cook (pic) said there were the EU executive between tax regimes in shield the wealthy Sacklers from
Sales International and Apple Op- decisions taken in Ireland, but not had failed to prove different countries or US related opioid lawsuits they face.
erations Europe. The rulings re- strategic decisions,” he said, re- its case and tar- deferred tax rules, EC Purdue filed for Chapter 11
duced Apple’s tax burden for more ferring to Cook’s testimony at a nished the coun- lawyer Richard Lyal said bankruptcy protection on Sun-
than two decades — to as low as US Senate hearing in 2013 which try’s reputation. in closing remarks. day after reaching an outline
0.005% in 2014, according to the formed a key element of the EC’s “ They haven’t Ireland ended of a deal it estimated to be val-
EC, although Apple disputes this. case. shown one company the tax rul- ued at more than US$10 billion
The EC ordered the US com- Apple did not do a special Irish which has been ings in (RM41.9 billion) with states
pany in 2016 to pay €13 billion of tax deal in return for creating jobs, treated less 2015.— and local governments that
taxes it said was owed to Ireland. Beard added. favourably Reuters brought the bulk of the cases.
They allege the company de-
ceptively marketed opioids by
overstating benefits and down-
Datadog raises Tesla Model 3 wins top-tier safety playing risks.
Purdue has been accused of
US$648m in US award from insurance group contributing to a public health
crisis that was marked by nearly
IPO priced 400,000 overdose deaths be-
above target BY CHESTER DAW SO N Elon Musk has for years crowed
about the safety of Teslas, some-
The scrutiny has not deterred
Musk. On Tesla’s support page out-
tween 1999 and 2017, accord-
ing to the latest US data.
SOUTHFIELD: Tesla Inc’s Model 3 times to the chagrin of US regula- lining its referral programme, which Purdue and the Sacklers
BY C RYSTA L T SE earned a coveted Top Safety Pick+ tors. The National Highway Traffic rewards customers for recommend- have denied they are liable for
award from the Insurance Institute Safety Administration (NHTSA) ing its cars to others, the company the opioid epidemic.
NEW YORK: Datadog Inc raised for Highway Safety (IIHS), after the sent the chief executive officer a says it “makes the safest cars in the Purdue said in Wednesday’s
US$648 million (RM2.72 billion) sedan performed better in a crash cease-and-desist letter last year re- world according to US testing.” court filing that an injunction
in its US initial public offering, test than the Model S. garding claims the company made NHTSA specifically tells auto- halting litigation would pre-
pricing its shares above an al- The Model 3 earned “good” about the probability of motorists makers to avoid using the word serve money that would other-
ready increased target range. crash ratings in each of IIHS’ tests, being injured in the Model 3. “safest” to describe how the agency wise be drained through pro-
The New York-based soft- including one that measures how Tesla’s boasts were inconsistent rates the safety of their vehicles. longed legal battles. — Reuters
ware company sold 24 million vehicles perform in front, driv- with NHTSA’s advertising guide- The Model 3 is one of 48 vehicles
shares on Wednesday for US$27 er’s-side-corner collisions. The lines, and the agency told Musk it currently sold in the US that have
each after marketing them at Model S fell short in the small over- would ask the Federal Trade Com- earned IIHS’ top safety accolade.
US$24 to US$26, according to
data compiled by Bloomberg.
lap test in 2017, with the group
finding drivers could sustain a
mission to investigate whether the
company’s statements were unfair
Its standard front-crash preven-
tion system earned a “superior”
AT&T, Dish said
The range had been increased skull fracture. or deceptive. grade. — Bloomberg ‘not in talks’ over
from US$19 to US$22 earlier.
The listing values Datadog DirecTV deal
at US$7.83 billion based on the
total number of shares to be BY K E N N E T H L I
outstanding as listed in its fil- & N E H A MA L A R A
ings. Class A shareholders will
get one vote per share, while NEW YORK/BENGALURU:
owners of Class B shares will AT&T Inc and Dish Network
get 10 each, the filings revealed. Corp are not in discussions
Software companies that over a deal due to regulatory
power business processes issues, a source familiar with
have delivered some of this the matter said on Wednesday,
year’s best initial public of- after the Wall Street Journal re-
fering (IPO) debuts thanks to ported the wireless carrier was
their high margins. The value considering parting ways with
of Zoom Video Communi- its satellite TV division DirecTV.
cations Inc and Crowdstrike AT&T has also considered
Holdings Inc have more than a spin-off of DirecTV into a
doubled since they began separate public company, the
trading and are among the report said.
10 best-performing offerings Last week at a conference,
this year, alongside meat al- AT&T chief financial officer
ternative maker Beyond Meat John Stephens cited regulatory
Inc and some biotechnology hurdles for any deal.
firms, according to data com- DirecTV has been bleeding
piled by Bloomberg. satellite TV subscribers with
Datadog reported a 74% users shifting to cheaper online
gross margin on US$153 mil- streaming services like Netf-
lion in revenue for the first half A Tesla Model 3 electric vehicle on display during the press day of the Seoul Motor Show in Goyang, South Korea early this year. lix Inc and Inc’s
of 2019. — Bloomberg Photo by Bloomberg Prime service. — Reuters
20 W O R L D B U S I N E S S FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

Fed cuts interest rates US trade

groups urge
Congress to
rein in ‘Tariff
US central bank signals a higher bar to further reductions in borrowing costs Man’ Trump
dozen US lobbying groups
WASHINGTON: The US Federal Re- have joined forces to try to
serve (Fed) cut interest rates again rein in US President Donald
on Wednesday to help sustain a Trump’s power to unilaterally
record-long economic expansion A screen displaying impose tariffs amid growing
but signalled a higher bar to further Fed interest rates concern about the negative
reductions in borrowing costs, elic- as traders were economic impact of his trade
iting a fast and sharp rebuke from working at the policies.
US President Donald Trump. New York Stock Led by the National For-
Describing the US economic out- Exchange in the eign Trade Council (NFTC),
look as “favourable”, Fed chair Je- US on Wednesday. the groups on Wednesday
rome Powell said the rate cut was de- The quarter-point said they had formed the Tar-
signed “to provide insurance against rate cut drew iff Reform Coalition to urge
ongoing risks” including weak global dissent from three Congress to wrestle back
growth and resurgent trade tensions. of the 10 voting greater control over trade
“If the economy does turn down, policymakers. policy and increase its over-
then a more extensive sequence Photo by Reuters sight of the president’s use
of rate cuts could be appropriate,” of tariffs.
Powell said in a news conference Trump, who has dubbed
after the Fed announced it had himself “Tariff Man”, has im-
lowered its benchmark overnight posed or planned tariffs on
lending rate by a quarter of a per- steel, aluminium and near-
centage point to a range of 1.75% ly all US$500 billion (RM2.1
to 2.00%. It was the second Fed rate trillion) in products imported
cut this year. from China each year, as he
But, Powell said “what we think we “We are going to be highly da- central bank chief had “No ‘guts’, no from three of the 10 voting policy- pursues an “America First”
are facing here is a situation which ta-dependent ... We are not on a sense, no vision!” makers. policy aimed at rebalancing
can be addressed, which should be preset course, we are going to be “A terrible communicator,” Kansas City Fed president Esther US trade ties.
addressed, with moderate adjust- making decisions meeting by meet- Trump tweeted before Powell had George and Boston Fed president NFTC president Rufus Ye-
ments to the federal funds rate”, not- ing,” Powell said, adding that the Fed even begun his news conference. Eric Rosengren called for no rate cut, rxa said the US Constitution
ing that the US labour market was would stop cutting rates “when we Underscoring divisions within and St Louis Fed president James gave Congress the power to
strong and inflation was likely to think we’ve done enough”. the central bank, the quarter-point Bullard wanted a bigger half-point regulate commerce, and law-
return to the Fed’s 2% annual goal. Trump blasted Powell, saying the rate cut on Wednesday drew dissent rate cut. — Reuters makers should ensure that
tariffs were used only in ex-
ceptional circumstances.
“Not since the 1930s has
‘Deutsche Bank
has discussed
Hong Kong central bank tracks Fed our country relied so heavi-
ly on tariffs in an attempt to
pick winners in the US market
adding assets to cut, hopes for calm amid protests while overlooking the broader
consequences for other in-
bad bank’ dustries and our economy as a
whole,” he said in a statement.
BY NOAH SIN The Fed cut rates on Wednes- cial, economic and financial activ- The 23 groups outlined
BY M ATT SC U FFHA M day “to provide insurance against ities to carry on as normal,” HKMA their concerns in a letter to
HONG KONG: Hong Kong’s cen- ongoing risks” such as weak global chief executive Norman Chan told the two congressional com-
NEW YORK: Some senior tral bank lowered interest rates growth and the Sino-US trade war. reporters yesterday. “This can help mittees that oversee foreign
Deutsche Bank AG officials yesterday in step with a rate cut The HKMA also followed the Fed Hong Kong better deal with the trade, the House Ways and
have discussed the possibility by the US Federal Reserve (Fed), to cut rates for the first time since overall difficult circumstances.” Means Committee and the
of putting additional prob- just as months of anti-government the 2008/09 global financial crisis Chan said HKMA is working Senate Finance Committee.
lematic assets worth billions protests and fallout from US-China last month. with the banking industry to alle- “It is clear that many of the
of euros into a unit it created trade tensions start to take a toll on Yesterday’s cut comes after more viate pressure on financing costs of administration’s tariff actions
earlier this year, if the bank is the economy. than 100 days of anti-government small and medium enterprises. Hong over the past two years have
able to sell assets already held The city’s monetary policy has protests in the city, with violence and Kong’s economy is expected to slip had significant collateral ef-
within that “bad bank”, ac- to follow the US’ as its currency is police response escalating over the into recession in the third quarter. fects on domestic prices and
cording to three bank sources. pegged to the greenback. summer. That has added to pressure To ease the economic pain, the have led to extensive retaliation
The discussions in recent The Hong Kong Monetary Au- from the trade tensions on the Hong Hong Kong government could beef against our exports,” the groups
weeks, which have not been thority (HKMA) lowered its base Kong economy. up the HK$19.1 billion (RM10.23 wrote, warning that measures
previously reported, are pre- rate charged through the overnight HKMA’s chief expressed hopes billion) relief package it announced still under consideration could
liminary, the sources said, discount window by 25 basis points for the city to return to calm. last month, Financial Secretary Paul inflict further harm.
adding that there is nothing to 2.25% after the Fed cut by the “I hope we can restore order as Chan signalled on Wednesday. — The letter was signed by
imminent. A Deutsche Bank same margin. soon as possible, to allow commer- Reuters large US trade associations,
spokesman said the bank has including the Grocery Man-
no plans to add additional ufacturers Association, the
assets into the so-called cap- National Retail Federation,
ital release unit, or bad bank.
Deutsche Bank needs
‘Brexit has cost London 1,000 investment bank jobs so far’ the Association of Global Au-
tomakers, and the American
more capital to be able to International Automobile
absorb the losses that will BY SILLA BRUSH That contrasts with some estimates of and assets to the continent than Dealers Association.
likely come from shedding tens or even hundreds of thousands expected,” Omar Ali, UK financial The initiative comes as
problematic assets, such as LONDON: With just over six weeks shifting to the EU as a result of Brexit. services leader at EY, said in the re- frustration has grown on
long-dated derivatives, that until the UK is due to quit the Euro- EY said the recent slowdown in port, which tracked 222 firms’ com- both sides of the political aisle
are still on its books, the peo- pean Union (EU) with or without a activity followed the decision to de- ments on Brexit. about the president’s use of
ple said. deal, the expected rush of investment lay Brexit at the end of March and The sluggish pace has already unilateral measures to impose
But, after raising €29.3 bil- bank jobs out of London is still just a reflected the industry’s confidence prompted regulators to urge banks tariffs, often citing “national
lion (RM135.9 billion) in cap- trickle, according to a study. in its prior preparations for a messy to prepare themselves faster for every security concerns”, and to con-
ital over the past nine years, Banks have moved 1,000 posts to divorce. form of Brexit, amid heightened con- clude trade agreements with
it does not have room to ask rival hubs like Frankfurt and Paris “Financial services firms have cerns in Brussels that the UK will little to no consultation with
investors for more, the sourc- since the referendum in June 2016, the building blocks in place, but crash out on Oct 31 with no deal to Congress. — Reuters
es added. — Reuters a report by Ernst & Young (EY) said. have so far transferred fewer staff ease the transition. — Bloomberg
W O R L D 21

US, Chinese
trade Trump orders more IN BRIEF

‘Trump communication with

foreign leader caused

Iran sanctions
whistle-blower complaint’

face off in Donald Trump’s promise to a

foreign leader so troubled an

Washington official in the US intelligence

community that it prompted
them to file a whistle-blower
complaint, the Washington Post
BY DAVI D L AWDER Saudi says drones, missiles were sponsored by Tehran reported on Wednesday. The
Post, which cited two former
WASHINGTON: US and Chi- REUTERS officials familiar with the matter,
nese deputy trade negotiators BY STEP HEN KALIN nian Delta Wing unmanned aerial said it was not immediately clear
were set to resume face-to-face & PARISA HAFEZI vehicles were used in addition to which foreign leader Trump
talks yesterday for the first time cruise missiles. was speaking with or what he
in nearly two months as the JEDDAH/DUBAI: US President Don- Proof of Iranian responsibility, pledged to deliver. The com-
world’s two largest economies ald Trump ordered a major increase and in particular firm evidence that munication was a telephone
try to bridge deep policy differ- in sanctions on Iran on Wednesday the attack was launched from Iranian call, one former official said, ac-
ences and find a way out of a as Saudi Arabia displayed remnants territory, could pressure Riyadh and cording to the Post. Intelligence
bitter and protracted trade war. of drones and missiles it said were Washington into a response. Both Community Inspector General
The negotiations yesterday used in a crippling attack on its oil nations, however, were stressing the Michael Atkinson determined
and today are aimed at laying the sites “unquestionably sponsored” need for caution. that the complaint was credi-
groundwork for high-level talks by Tehran. Trump has said he does not want ble and troubling enough to be
in early October that will deter- Trump gave no explanation in a war and is coordinating with Gulf considered a matter of “urgent
mine whether the two countries Twitter post announcing the order, and European states. Crown Prince concern,” a legal threshold that
are working towards a solution but it followed repeated US asser- Mohammed Salman (pic) said the requires notification of congres-
or are headed for new and high- tions that the Islamic Republic was strike was a “real test of the global sional oversight committees, the
er tariffs on each other’s goods. behind Saturday’s attack and came will” to confront subversion of the Post said. — Reuters
A delegation of about 30 hours after Saudi Arabia said the phere in the Gulf, the Houthis also international order.
Chinese officials, led by Vice strike was a “test of global will”. said they had dozens of sites in the His envoy to London, Prince Tokyo court clears ex-
Finance Minister Liao Min, “I have just instructed the Secre- United Arab Emirates, Riyadh’s top Khalid Bander, told the BBC the Tepco execs of negligence
were set to launch talks yes- tary of the Treasury to substantially Arab ally, listed as possible targets attack was “almost certainly” Ira- over Fukushima
terday morning at the US Trade increase sanctions on the country of for attacks. nian-backed: “We’re trying not to TOKYO: A Tokyo court cleared
Representative’s (USTR) office Iran!” he wrote. In an attempt to bolster its asser- react too quickly because the last yesterday three former Tokyo
near the White House. The US Iran again denied involvement tion that Iran was responsible, Saudi thing we need is more conflict in Electric Power (Tepco) execu-
side is expected to be led by in the Sept 14 raids, which hit the Arabia showed drone and missile the region.” tives of negligence for the 2011
Deputy USTR Jeffrey Gerrish. world’s biggest crude oil processing debris it said amounted to undeni- The Islamic Republic dismissed Fukushima disaster. Former
The discussions are likely to facility and initially knocked out half able evidence of Iranian aggression. the allegations. Tepco chairman Tsunehisa
focus heavily on agriculture, in- of Saudi output. Saudi Arabia is the A total of 25 drones and missiles “They want to impose maximum Katsumata and one-time ex-
cluding US demands that China world’s leading oil exporter. were used in the attacks sponsored ... pressure on Iran through slander,” ecutives Sakae Muto and Ichiro
substantially increase purchases Responsibility was claimed by by Iran but not launched from Yem- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Takekuro were all found not
of American soybeans and oth- Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group, en, defence ministry spokesman said. guilty by the Tokyo District
er farm commodities, a person which on Wednesday gave more Colonel Turki al-Malki told a news “We don’t want conflict in the Court. A woman sitting in the
with knowledge of the planned details of the raid, saying it was conference. region ... Who started the conflict?” public gallery, where about 100
discussions told Reuters. launched from three sites in Yemen. “The attack was launched from he added, blaming Washington and people were seated, shouted
In a remark that may further strain the north and unquestionably spon- its Gulf allies for the war in Yemen. “unbelievable”, on hearing the
The negotiations an already tense political atmos- sored by Iran,” he said, adding Ira- — Reuters verdict. Outside the court were
yesterday and today displaced residents and pro-
testers. The trial, which started
are aimed at laying in June 2017, was conducted
the groundwork for by state-appointed lawyers af-
high-level talks in Trudeau ter prosecutors decided not to
early October. apologising, bring charges. — Reuters
for wearing
US lawmakers cite
make-up in 2001,
progress in US-Mexico-
Two negotiating sessions over to reporters on
Canada trade deal
the two days will cover agricul- the Liberal party WASHINGTON: Democratic
tural issues, while just one will leader’s election and Republican US lawmakers
be devoted to texts covering core campaign jet in on Wednesday cited progress in
changes to strengthen China’s Halifax, Nova talks with the Trump adminis-
intellectual property protections Scotia, Canada tration aimed at ensuring pas-
and end the forced transfer of on Wednesday. ‘I sage of a new US-Mexico-Can-
US technology to Chinese firms. deeply regret that I ada trade agreement, but said
“Sessions on agriculture will did that,’ a shaken more work was needed. House
get a disproportionate amount Trudeau told Ways and Means chairman
of air time,” the source said, reporters. Photo by Richard Neal, a Massachusetts
adding that one of these ses- Reuters Democrat, and the ranking Re-
sions also will include a fo- publican on the committee,
cus on US President Donald Kevin Brady of Texas, separate-
Trump’s demand that China ly told reporters the two sides
cut off shipments of the syn- were exchanging information.
thetic opioid fentanyl to the US.
Trump is eager to provide
Trudeau apologises for wearing ‘brownface’ make-up in gala — Reuters

export opportunities for US ‘Too late for European

farmers, one of his key political BY THEOP HILOS ARGITI S Wednesday. “I should have known election. He has already seen his Council to negotiate
constituencies who have been & DAV ID SCANLAN better but I didn’t.” support wane over the past year Brexit deal’
battered by China’s retaliato- The photograph of Trudeau, first amid an ethics scandal involving PARIS/BRUSSELS: Time to
ry tariffs on US soybeans and OTTAWA/TORONTO: Justin published by Time Magazine, ap- SNC-Lavalin Group Inc, has made agree a Brexit deal is running
other agricultural commodi- Trudeau’s re-election bid was dealt peared in the yearbook of West diversity a central tenet of his gov- out and it will be too late for Eu-
ties. US Treasury Secretary Ste- a serious blow after the Canadi- Point Grey Academy, the private ernment. ropean leaders to iron out a deal
ven Mnuchin, who will partic- an prime minister was forced to school in Vancouver where he once The photograph, along with a at a European Council meeting
ipate in the October talks along apologise for wearing “brownface” taught. The photograph shows report from Canada’s ethics com- in Brussels in mid-October, a
with USTR Robert Lighthizer make-up at an “Arabian Nights” Trudeau wearing an ornate white missioner last month that Trudeau French diplomatic source said
and Chinese Vice Premier Liu theme party in 2001, saying it was turban, with his face and hands broke conflict of interest laws by yesterday. The French warn-
He, has said that currency is- racist and a dumb thing to do. darkened. He was then 29. seeking an out-of-court settlement ing comes after President Em-
sues will be a focus of the new “I deeply regret that I did that,” The picture is a potentially crip- on SNC’s behalf, may give a boost manuel Macron met the Finn-
rounds of talks. — Reuters a shaken Trudeau told reporters pling set back for Trudeau, just to Trudeau’s opponents in a tight ish prime minister in Paris on
on his campaign plane late on weeks before an Oct 21 federal election race. — Bloomberg Wednesday. — Reuters
live it!


by numbers
20.09.19 to 22.09.19
Your quick guide to rest and relaxation. By Lakshmi Sekhar

2 exciting exhibitions

Dust and the Silence in the Sun

Cheong Kiet Cheng presents her third solo exhibition with Wei-Ling Contempo-
rary, Dust and the Silence in the Sun. Her artworks explore spirits in our world and Bunga di Hati
their relationship with the rest of the universe. Looking into the future and into the Artist Marisa R Ng presents Bunga di Hati. Trained in figurative painting, Ng studied
spiritual realm, Cheng’s exhibit is largely a self-reflection. The artist uses her own art at the National Academy of Arts, Culture & Heritage in Kuala Lumpur. Expanding
technique of meditative drawing, with a study of black ink that creates monochro- her horizons by training under renowned Malaysian abstract artists Suzlee Ibra-
matic visuals. Using a round canvas, Cheng’s figures contort to the atypical shape. him and Ismadi Sallehudin, Ng has truly found her sense of style and vision. Ng is
Cheng has previously won the 2018 UOB Painting of the Year in Malaysia and is among the handful of female abstract expressionist painters in Malaysia. Her works
the recipient of the 2018 UOB-Fukuoka Asian Art Museum Artists Residency Pro- include tools such as pencils, crayons, charcoal sticks, brushes, pallet knives and
gram. Dust and the Silence in the Sun is supported by UOB Malaysia. This exhibit oils. This exhibition is on until next Tuesday, from 11am to 7pm. Visit ZHAN Art |
runs until Sunday, from 11am to 7pm at Wei Ling Contemporary, RT01, Sixth Floor, Space, 100-G.025, Block J, The School, Jaya One, No 72A, Jalan Universiti, Petaling
The Gardens Mall, Kuala Lumpur. For more information, visit Jaya. For more information, visit

1 waste-free workshop
Kombucha workshop
Ever wanted to make your own kombucha? The Hive invites you to try your
hand at brewing some tasty kombucha with artisanal producer Gillian as
your guide. With a step-by-step guide, you will be able to brew your own
batch at home. Participants will have an explanation of the benefits of kom-
bucha, brewing techniques and a guide for second fermentation flavouring.
The price is RM150, which includes presentation materials, a kombucha
kit, complimentary Boocha Kombucha and pudding from Rawsome. For
the class tomorrow at 10am to noon, head to The Hive TTDI, No 4A, level,
1, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, or for the
class on Sunday at 10am to noon, go to The Hive Bulk Foods, 92A, Lorong
Maarof, Bangsar Park, Kuala Lumpur. For more information or to book your
spot, visit
live it! 23


3 musical masters
Clinton Chua & Pete Kallang
Taking over the No Black Tie stage is Clinton Jerome
Chua and Pete Kallang. Chua is a new soul, R&B and
jazz singer all the way from Sarawak. Nurturing his love
for music while at church, he spread his vocal talents
to conferences in Borneo and finally releasing two sin-
gles in 2013. Kallang is the joyful prince of soul from
Borneo who has continuously impressed audiences
with his emotional renditions. Spend an evening with
these two talented musicians tomorrow at 10pm and
on Sunday at 9pm. Tickets are RM53 or RM174.80 with
dinner. No Black Tie is located at 17 Jalan Mesui, off
Jalan Nagasari, Kuala Lumpur. For more information,
Raiders of the Lost Ark in Concert
Fans of Indiana Jones will be excitied to hear that the
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) will be show-
casing Raiders of the Lost Ark in Concert. This concert
Sharizan Borhan presents live accompaniment to the screening of the
Head down to Bobo KL for Malaysia’s King of Swing, blockbuster movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The
Sharizan Borhan. Making his Bobo KL debut with pop, MPO has previously done live accompaniments for
classics and our local favourites, Borhan will have movies such as Psycho, Home Alone, Casablanca, Ola
you snapping your fingers to the beat. His smooth Bola, Ratatouille, and Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times
vocals and exciting personality really take over a stage. and The Gold Rush. This live show, conducted by Gerard
Backing this star up is Tok Kohn on the Bobo grand, Salonga, will be playing tomorrow at 8.30pm and on
Wan Gigi on guitar, Fly Halizor on bass and Sudin Sunday at 3pm. Tickets are RM226, RM179, RM150 and
on drums. Playing today and tomorrow at 9.30pm, RM113. Visit Dewan Filharmonik Petronas/Malaysian
tickets are priced at RM60 or RM45 for Bobo diners. Philharmonic Orchestra, Level 2, Tower 2, Petronas Twin
Visit Bobo KL at 65-1, Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar, Kuala Towers, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Kuala Lumpur. To
Lumpur. For tickets, call (03) 2092 5002. book tickets, call (03) 23317007 or visit

2 performances
for a laugh
2 cultural events
Hachi Hachi Bon Odori
To celebrate its eighth anniversary,
Publika is hosting a themed event
named Hachi Hachi Bon Odori. To
fully mark this milestone year in the
mall retail business, UEM Sunrise Bhd
has themed its event around the Daru-
ma Doll. This cultural Japanese event
includes a line-up of performances
such as Malaysian and Japanese cul-
tural dances, an Olympic Ondo dance,
a parade and much more. Kicking off at
4pm tomorrow, the evening ends with
fireworks at 10pm. It will be held at The
Square, Publika, Jalan Dutamas, Sola-
ris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur. For more
Ollie Horn information, visit Publika’s Facebook
UK-born Ollie Horn graces the Crackhouse stage with side-splitting jokes and stories. page @PublikaGallery.
Coming from Japan, Horn is thought of as a gifted storyteller with his razor-sharp
humour and great jokes. He is the founder of Japan’s first bilingual comedy troupe
and has worked for Stuart Goldsmith, Brendon Burns and Steve Hofstetter. He is a
finalist in Shanghai and Seoul comedy competitions, and has taken his new show Tour de Force
Pig in Japan to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Performing today and tomorrow at Gracing the klpac stage are 20 in-
9pm, tickets are RM50 or RM60 at the door. For more information, visit Crackhouse credible dancers of Ballet Manila
Comedy Club’s Facebook page @crackhousekl. performing Tour de Force, a pres-
entation of great achievement
and undeniable skills. Artistic
director Lisa Mecuja Elizalde and
Danny Cho co-artistic director Osias Barroso
For his first performance at have concocted a performance
The Joke Factory, Danny Cho like no other. With elements from
brings his unapologetic sense various eras of ballet, Tour de
of humour and rants. Kore- Force encapsulates the electrify-
an-American Cho started per- ing beauty of dance and the im-
forming stand-up in univer- pressive techniques and energy
sity. Becoming a star with the the dancers bring. Presented by
Asian-American community City Ballet Performing Arts, this
through YouTube, he land- performance takes place tomor-
ed a role in MADtv. Cho has row at 8pm and on Sunday at
been in many commercials 2pm. Tickets come in three cate-
and movies since, and has re- gories: Bronze for RM108, Silver
cently written a screenplay en- for RM158 and Gold for RM208.
titled Ktown Cowboys, which Visit Pentas 1, klpac, Sentul Park,
won best feature at the Los Jalan Strachan, Kuala Lumpur.
Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival 2010. Cho is performing today and tomorrow For more information, visit kl-
at 8.30pm. Visit The Joke Factory, Lot 26, Level G3, Publika Shopping Gallery, Jalan, or for bookings, call (03)
Dutamas 1, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur. For tickets, visit 4047 9000.
2 4 S P O RT S FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

PSG show character and IN BRIEF

Mouratoglou: Age not

an obstacle to Serena’s

personality in crushing Real

pursuit of 24th major
BENGALURU: Serena Williams
is getting faster and fitter in her
hunt for an elusive 24th Grand
Slam title and the 37-year-old
still has time on her side de-
spite missed opportunities,
the American’s coach, Patrick
French team win against 13-time European champions Mouratoglou, has said. Williams
suffered her fourth consecu-
tive defeat in a Grand Slam fi-
BY JU L I EN PRETOT nal at the US Open earlier this
month as she again came ag-
PARIS: Paris St Germain (PSG)’s onisingly close to Australian
crushing of Real Madrid (Real) in Paris St Margaret Court’s all-time re-
their Champions League opener was Germain’s cord of 24 majors before falling
not a warning to their European ri- Thomas Meunier in straight sets. “She is getting
vals — it was more a self-confidence (second from back in shape, and the more
booster on the French side’s return left) scores their in shape she will be, the more
to the biggest stage after another third goal during dangerous she will be. I think
humiliation. the Champions she has started to play really
PSG suffered an embarrassing League match good tennis,” Mouratoglou told
last-16 exit against a low-key Man- against Real at Sky Sports. — Reuters
chester United following a shock Parc des Princes,
3-1 home defeat last season, and Paris, France
Sepang Circuit ready to
on Wednesday, they had a point to on Wednesday.
host Endurance World
prove to themselves. Photo by Reuters
While a 3-0 home win against KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian
the 13-time European champions motorsports will add anoth-
in Group A will not wipe off three er feather to its cap by hosting
consecutive last-16 eliminations, another international motor-
the Parc des Princes game showed sports event that marks another
that PSG have grown as a squad. huge work of midfielders Marco with much-needed stamina since ria while keeper Keylor Navas, who milestone for the country and
Thomas Tuchel’s side were with- Verratti, Marquinhos and Idrissa Blaise Matuidi left for Juventus in joined from Real, is expected to give the Sepang International Cir-
out their magic trio of Kylian Mbappe, Gueye, with the Senegalese proving 2017, proving essential with defen- the defence some peace of mind. cuit on the world motorsports
Edison Cavani — both injured — and his worth after joining from Everton sive tackles and impressive bursts “We have a great team, with calendar. This time, it would
Neymar, who was suspended, yet during the close season. going forward. more personality now,” said Tuchel. be the FIM Endurance World
they produced a collective perfor- “He’s a machine. He’s the type With the ‘MCN’ trio out, Argentine PSG, however, are well aware Championship, another form of
mance to be remembered. of player we were missing, he never striker Mauro Icardi, loaned from that group stage wins will mean endurance race for two wheels,
Angel Di Maria showed his class stops running,” said Tuchel. Inter Milan, harassed the Real de- nothing when the knockout phase scheduled to be held from Dec
and flair with a brace, helped by the Gueye provided the midfield fence and created space for Di Ma- comes in the winter. — Reuters 13 to 15. The very first edition of
the Sepang round, named the
Eight Hours of Sepang, would

Woods and McIlroy to clash

be held alongside the FIA World
Touring Car Cup, an all-new
Fifa tells Iran it dual event for two- and-four-

in new format
wheel races. — Bernama
is time to allow IAAF confirms 1,900-plus
women into world championship
stadiums BY OSSIAN SHINE Japan Skins’ will tee off on Oct 21 at “I haven’t been back to Japan BENGALURU: More than 1,900
the Accordia Golf Narashino Coun- since 2006 and the golf fans there athletes from 209 countries will
BY B R I A N HOMEWOOD LONDON: Tiger Woods will clash try Club in Chiba, and will be played are some of the best in the world. be in action at this month’s
with Rory McIlroy, Jason Day and under the “skins” format. It’s a unique format and a top field World Athletics Champion-
ZURICH: Fifa president Gianni Hideki Matsuyama in a high-stakes, The format, designed to encour- with Rory, Jason and Hideki. I can’t ships, with American sprinter
Infantino has told Iran it is globally televised golf challenge in age aggressive play from start to wait to play against them on a glob- Allyson Felix looking to extend
time to allow women into foot- Japan next month. finish, forces players to win a hole al stage.” her record medal tally in Doha.
ball stadiums and the global The four will go toe-to-toe in outright to take a “skin”, with tied Matsuyama hopes local support The International Association
soccer body expects “posi- an extravaganza featuring special holes resulting in a “push” of the might give him an edge, while Day of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
tive developments”, starting in-match challenges and surpris- skin to the next hole. says the winner will be the player confirmed 1,928 entries in a pro-
with their next home match es, floodlit finishes with holes “After discussing The Challenge who best executes an aggressive visional list released yesterday.
in October. assigned increasing monetary with Discovery and GOLFTV, I strategy on every hole. All 30 of the Diamond League
While foreign women value. wanted to be a part of it,” 15-times McIlroy is eager to embrace a champions have confirmed par-
have been allowed limited The event, called ‘The Challenge: golf major champion Woods said. format he says he loves. — Reuters ticipation, while 38 individu-
access to matches, Iranian al winners from the London
women have been banned championships two years ago
from stadiums when men’s will defend their titles in Doha.
teams have been playing,
since just after the 1979 Is-
Haas confirm Grosjean in unchanged 2020 F1 line-up — Reuters

lamic revolution. Tottenham making same

Infantino said in a Fifa BY ABHISHEK TAKLE “Having been here since the seven races remaining. old mistakes, says Kane
statement he was hopeful very beginning and seen the work Meanwhile, Singapore Grand BENGALURU: Tottenham Hot-
that the Iranian football fed- SINGAPORE: French driver Romain both [owner] Gene Haas and [prin- Prix organisers are stocking up spur striker Harry Kane said he
eration and the government Grosjean will stay at Haas next sea- cipal] Guenther Steiner put into on disposable face masks to sell fully understands manager Mau-
had been receptive to “our son with Dane Kevin Magnussen in the team to make it competitive, to spectators if the worst air pol- ricio Pochettino’s frustration
repeated calls to address this an unchanged line-up for a fourth I’m naturally very happy to con- lution in three years threatens with the team, asserting that
unacceptable situation.” straight year, the Formula One team tinue to be part of that.” to taint the city-state’s marquee they had failed to learn from past
He added, “Our position is announced yesterday. Haas, who have a close techni- sports event. mistakes following Wednesday’s
clear and firm. Women have Magnussen, 26, already had a cal partnership with Ferrari, en- Organisers will be keeping tabs 2-2 Champions League draw at
to be allowed into football contract for 2020 while 33-year-old tered Formula One in 2016 with on haze readings as the US$100 Olympiakos Piraeus. “You can
stadiums in Iran. Now is the Grosjean had faced an uncertain Grosjean alongside Mexican Este- million (RM419 million) Formu- see why the manager is frus-
moment to change things and future at the US-owned outfit. ban Gutierrez before Magnussen la One street race kicks off today, trated. He has been here for five
Fifa is expecting positive de- “I’ve always stated that it was arrived a season later. just days after Singapore author- years now and we’re still mak-
velopments starting in the next my desire to remain ... and keep They are currently ninth out of ities warned already-unhealthy ing similar mistakes as we were
Iran home match at October.” building on the team’s accomplish- 10 in the constructors’ standings levels could worsen and advised the first year,” Kane, who scored
— Reuters ments,” Grosjean said in a state- with only struggling former cham- people to reduce outdoor activi- Spurs’ opener from the penalty
ment at the Singapore Grand Prix. pions Williams below them and ty. — Reuters spot, told reporters. — Reuters
Markets 2 5

Bursa Malaysia YEAR

0.940 0.565 0.940 0.910 7168 PRG 0.935 0.025 2132 0.926 — — 339.4
Sectorial Movement 0.708 0.410 0.665
0.305 0.190 0.215

0.920 0.686 0.710 0.710 7134 PWF 0.710 UNCH 11.5 0.710 9.39 3.52 123.5
INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG 2.100 1.319 2.100 2.040 7237 PWROOT 2.050 0.010 1127.6 2.054 25.72 4.05 828.0
FBM KLCI 1,596.28 -3.21 -0.20 CONSTRUCTION 206.27 -1.25 -0.60 7.575 5.986 7.050 6.990 7084 QL 7.040 0.050 542 7.023 51.09 0.64 11,422.0
0.420 0.270 0.290 0.280 9946 REX 0.290 -0.005 3 0.283 — — 71.5
FBM ACE 4,525.54 -5.49 -0.12 CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 647.06 -0.92 -0.14 0.238 0.175 0.175 0.175 0037 RGB 0.175 UNCH 308 0.175 7.92 4.00 270.7
FBM TOP 100 11,109.44 -24.31 -0.22 ENERGY 1,125.64 13.91 1.25 0.845 0.652 — — 5278 RHONEMA 0.700 — — — 14.20 4.29 127.8
FBM EMAS 11,276.59 -22.88 -0.20 FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,423.09 -26.96 -0.17 0.700 0.276 0.665 0.635 0183 SALUTE 0.635 -0.020 2830.5 0.646 — 3.78 246.4
0.300 0.165 0.170 0.165 5252 SASBADI 0.165 -0.005 127.7 0.165 86.84 — 69.2
FBM MID 70 13,963.43 -38.75 -0.28 HEALTH CARE 1,258.49 0.06 UNCH 0.450 0.260 0.270 0.270 5157 SAUDEE 0.270 UNCH 30 0.270 — — 37.1
FBM MIDS CAP 14,175.34 40.10 0.28 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES 154.37 -0.21 -0.14 0.675 0.577 0.630 0.630 9792 SEG 0.630 -0.005 5 0.630 18.21 4.37 796.7
FBM SMALL CAP 13,067.32 20.43 0.16 PLANTATION 6,786.12 -38.97 -0.57 1.560 1.199 1.450 1.430 5250 SEM 1.440 UNCH 759.7 1.440 30.06 1.67 1,776.1
0.660 0.440 0.660 0.630 7180 SERNKOU 0.640 -0.005 1362.5 0.647 13.28 — 153.6
FBM FLEDGLING 14,293.31 -18.37 -0.13 PROPERTY 784.91 -2.18 -0.28 5.900 4.770 5.200 5.200 5517 SHANG 5.200 0.160 10 5.200 37.06 2.88 2,288.0
FTSE4GOOD BURSA M’SIA 888.92 -1.38 -0.16 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 1,006.99 1.41 0.14 0.710 0.415 — — 7412 SHH 0.500 — — — — — 25.0
0.565 0.315 0.475 0.455 7246 SIGN 0.470 0.010 343 0.460 47.00 3.19 112.9
FBM PALM OIL PLANTATION MYR 11,519.07 -144.68 -1.24 TECHNOLOGY 34.42 -0.02 -0.06
2.646 2.022 2.360 2.290 4197 SIME 2.310 -0.030 7105.5 2.311 16.50 3.90 15,709.9
FBM EMAS SHARIAH 11,832.17 -29.53 -0.25 TELECOMMUNICATION & MEDIA 709.82 -0.73 -0.10 0.470 0.180 0.180 0.180 8532 SINOTOP 0.180 -0.015 23.8 0.180 150.0 — 71.1
FBM HIJRAH SHARIAH 13,153.11 -39.33 -0.30 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 775.73 -5.64 -0.72 0.250 0.105 0.150 0.140 9776 SMCAP 0.145 UNCH 181 0.145 — — 31.0
0.310 0.210 — — 7943 SNC 0.235 — — — — — 15.5
FBM MIDS CAP SHARIAH 13,495.10 23.15 0.17 UTILITIES 974.17 -0.14 -0.01 0.345 0.200 0.260 0.255 5242 SOLID 0.255 -0.005 32.4 0.255 70.83 0.78 100.1
2.400 1.965 2.290 2.290 7103 SPRITZER 2.290 0.060 0.1 2.290 18.25 1.53 480.9
0.680 0.582 — — 0301 SUPREME 0.680 — — — 15.70 0.62 81.6

Bursa Malaysia Main Market 0.780 0.500

0.267 0.175 0.190
0.420 0.240







1.702 1.294 1.370 1.370 4405 TCHONG 1.370 UNCH 30.4 1.370 7.17 2.92 920.6
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/– VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.550 0.695 — — 7439 TECGUAN 1.050 — — — 5.02 — 42.1
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 0.335 0.210 0.265 0.255 7200 TEKSENG 0.265 0.010 144.5 0.261 — — 92.3
CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 1.391 0.697 1.150 1.120 7252 TEOSENG 1.120 -0.020 455.5 1.132 6.52 4.91 336.0
0.985 0.700 — — 0012 3A 0.830 — — — 11.46 2.41 408.4 1.150 0.866 — — 9369 TGL 1.090 — — — 7.06 4.59 44.4
0.315 0.165 0.175 0.165 5238 AAX 0.170 UNCH 22770 0.170 — — 705.2 0.588 0.440 — — 7230 TOMEI 0.460 — — — 10.95 2.17 63.8
0.490 0.335 0.370 0.360 7120 ACOSTEC 0.370 0.020 6.3 0.361 — — 72.0 0.460 0.300 0.310 0.310 7176 TPC 0.310 -0.010 30.8 0.310 5.50 — 72.5
1.919 1.345 1.500 1.470 6599 AEON 1.480 UNCH 688.9 1.484 17.39 2.70 2,077.9 5.988 4.177 5.060 4.970 4588 UMW 5.000 UNCH 49 5.000 16.32 1.50 5,841.5
0.185 0.115 0.125 0.125 7315 AHB 0.125 -0.005 142 0.125 14.53 — 22.0 2.305 1.977 2.200 2.200 7757 UPA 2.200 0.020 1 2.200 17.13 3.64 175.1
2.404 1.950 2.090 2.010 7090 AHEALTH 2.090 0.070 188.1 2.054 17.42 1.65 985.8 0.970 0.770 0.885 0.870 7240 VERTICE 0.885 UNCH 532 0.879 — — 167.1
2.157 1.309 1.800 1.780 5099 AIRASIA 1.790 -0.010 3865.4 1.791 10.41 13.41 5,982.1 1.253 0.910 — — 7203 WANGZNG 0.960 — — — 14.12 4.17 153.6
21.403 16.020 16.900 16.320 2658 AJI 16.880 0.500 2.6 16.41 17.36 2.78 1,026.3 2.268 2.021 — — 5016 WARISAN 2.120 — — — — 1.89 142.5
6.765 5.391 5.980 5.930 6351 AMWAY 5.930 0.010 3.2 5.971 14.30 3.37 974.8 0.160 0.070 0.085 0.080 5156 XDL 0.080 UNCH 1111.1 0.080 9.64 — 144.4
0.030 0.005 0.010 0.010 5194 APFT 0.010 -0.005 513 0.010 0.81 — 13.4 0.535 0.320 — — 7121 XIANLNG 0.380 — — — — — 30.4
4.072 3.550 3.870 3.850 6432 APOLLO 3.850 UNCH 5.2 3.853 18.72 5.19 308.0 2.340 1.769 2.150 2.140 5584 YEELEE 2.140 UNCH 41.8 2.150 12.88 1.87 410.0
0.160 0.105 0.125 0.125 1481 ASB 0.125 UNCH 115.5 0.125 — 2.00 116.1 1.206 0.924 1.010 1.000 5159 YOCB 1.010 0.010 4.1 1.002 7.07 4.46 161.6
0.570 0.325 0.500 0.500 7722 ASIABRN 0.500 UNCH 10 0.500 10.64 — 116.3 3.272 2.210 2.300 2.290 7178 YSPSAH 2.290 -0.010 35 2.296 12.97 3.06 319.6
2.628 2.316 2.390 2.380 7129 ASIAFLE 2.390 UNCH 12.8 2.390 9.40 5.86 465.5 1.659 1.135 1.570 1.520 5131 ZHULIAN 1.530 0.010 45.8 1.528 11.43 5.23 703.8
4.740 3.871 — — 7048 ATLAN 4.190 — — — 26.84 3.58 1,062.8 3.272 2.210 2.410 2.410 7178 YSPSAH 2.410 -0.010 10.2 2.410 11.69 2.90 336.4
0.325 0.115 0.120 0.115 8885 AVI 0.120 -0.005 686.2 0.120 — — 113.3 1.659 1.135 1.560 1.560 5131 ZHULIAN 1.560 UNCH 1 1.560 11.65 5.13 717.6
0.170 0.160 — — 0301 BABA 0.170 — — — — — 38.2 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES
37.306 18.340 20.240 19.840 4162 BAT 20.000 -0.320 556.5 19.96 13.37 7.15 5,710.6 0.100 0.070 0.070 0.070 7086 ABLEGRP 0.070 UNCH 50 0.070 — — 18.5
2.780 1.659 2.330 2.290 5248 BAUTO 2.300 UNCH 6156.5 2.311 10.24 6.52 2,675.7 0.605 0.350 0.530 0.510 7191 ADVENTA 0.530 0.025 17 0.525 — — 81.0
1.799 1.264 1.490 1.460 5196 BJFOOD 1.480 0.020 69.8 1.473 23.91 2.70 565.6 2.250 1.740 2.160 2.040 9148 ADVPKG 2.090 -0.090 281.7 2.062 204.9 2.87 42.9
0.305 0.150 0.205 0.195 4219 BJLAND 0.200 -0.005 1974.7 0.199 7.84 — 1,000.1 0.140 0.080 — — 7146 AEM 0.095 — — — — — 31.3
2.780 1.908 2.700 2.650 1562 BJTOTO 2.700 0.040 269 2.673 20.53 5.93 3,647.8 0.710 0.385 0.525 0.520 5198 AFUJIYA 0.525 0.005 8 0.522 19.37 — 94.5
0.353 0.201 0.265 0.260 9288 BONIA 0.265 -0.005 80.3 0.265 11.47 1.89 213.7 0.335 0.200 — — 2682 AISB 0.255 — — — — — 36.8
0.305 0.055 0.180 0.155 9474 BRAHIMS 0.175 0.015 3820.6 0.172 — — 41.3 0.630 0.400 0.410 0.405 7609 AJIYA 0.405 -0.005 67 0.407 5.61 — 123.4
0.868 0.400 0.415 0.405 7174 CAB 0.405 -0.010 339.9 0.407 20.56 1.23 266.8 0.895 0.420 0.500 0.485 2674 ALCOM 0.485 -0.005 24 0.493 23.66 — 65.2
0.595 0.320 0.425 0.395 7154 CAELY 0.410 UNCH 610.7 0.411 65.08 1.22 67.1 1.293 0.920 — — 7083 ANALABS 1.070 — — — 30.57 1.87 128.5
0.295 0.210 — — 7128 CAMRES 0.210 — — — 16.28 — 41.3 0.614 0.440 0.470 0.465 4758 ANCOM 0.470 UNCH 29.3 0.465 6.84 — 113.2
2.300 1.500 2.150 2.120 5245 CARING 2.120 -0.090 11.8 2.132 22.25 2.36 461.5 1.814 1.110 1.350 1.270 6556 ANNJOO 1.290 UNCH 599.1 1.320 29.93 9.30 722.3
26.790 16.463 25.300 25.120 2836 CARLSBG 25.140 0.020 6.1 25.18 26.95 3.68 7,686.5 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.025 9342 ANZO 0.030 0.005 290.2 0.030 — — 26.4
2.000 1.230 1.350 1.350 2925 CCB 1.350 0.020 1 1.350 — — 136.0 0.880 0.500 — — 5568 APB 0.580 — — — — — 65.5
0.847 0.355 0.500 0.495 7035 CCK 0.500 UNCH 377.3 0.496 13.40 2.50 315.4 3.342 2.311 2.430 2.330 5015 APM 2.430 0.110 5.2 2.345 14.85 4.94 489.9
0.390 0.270 0.330 0.305 7209 CHEETAH 0.330 0.030 20.4 0.326 103.13 1.21 42.1 0.630 0.475 0.475 0.475 7214 ARANK 0.475 -0.020 10 0.475 6.56 4.88 80.5
1.850 1.210 — — 2828 CIHLDG 1.290 — — — 10.97 7.75 209.0 0.605 0.186 0.325 0.310 7181 ARBB 0.325 0.010 3319.5 0.318 1.73 — 76.2
0.095 0.060 0.065 0.065 5104 CNI 0.065 UNCH 833.4 0.065 — 4.62 46.8 0.872 0.581 0.700 0.695 7162 ASTINO 0.700 0.010 69.3 0.697 9.27 1.43 191.9
0.065 0.025 0.040 0.040 5188 CNOUHUA 0.040 UNCH 84.8 0.040 — — 26.7 1.826 1.301 1.360 1.340 8176 ATAIMS 1.350 0.010 349.9 1.350 14.66 2.44 1,625.9
2.143 1.800 — — 7205 COCOLND 1.900 — — — 12.93 3.16 434.7 0.850 0.410 0.430 0.410 7099 ATTA 0.430 UNCH 4 0.420 18.22 — 91.7
0.085 0.005 — — 0301 CRG 0.065 — — — 12.04 — 52.4 0.918 0.580 0.615 0.610 7579 AWC 0.615 0.005 314.7 0.615 8.65 1.22 182.4
1.282 1.010 1.050 1.040 7202 CSCENIC 1.040 -0.010 13.5 1.044 16.10 6.73 125.3 0.405 0.295 0.305 0.295 5021 AYS 0.305 0.005 96.3 0.295 11.13 6.56 116.0
0.540 0.400 — — 9423 CWG 0.450 — — — 10.95 3.33 56.8 1.400 1.120 — — 8133 BHIC 1.300 — — — — 2.69 323.0
0.040 0.025 0.030 0.030 7179 DBE 0.030 UNCH 80 0.030 — — 80.3 0.515 0.260 0.300 0.300 7005 BIG 0.300 -0.010 30.4 0.300 15.15 — 14.4
1.050 0.760 — — 7119 DEGEM 0.760 — — — 24.92 1.32 101.8 0.170 0.110 0.120 0.120 6998 BINTAI 0.120 UNCH 198.8 0.120 3.03 — 34.8
3.266 2.062 2.550 2.540 5908 DKSH 2.550 0.010 7 2.548 13.07 3.92 402.0 0.325 0.245 0.260 0.255 3395 BJCORP 0.260 UNCH 5127.1 0.258 — — 1,355.9
64.500 56.200 57.560 56.200 3026 DLADY 57.560 0.860 41.5 56.61 31.85 1.74 3,683.8 0.766 0.485 0.580 0.565 0168 BOILERM 0.565 -0.010 153.5 0.571 10.37 3.54 291.5
1.480 0.898 1.370 1.340 7148 DPHARMA 1.350 0.010 720.4 1.352 16.28 4.07 918.1 0.060 0.040 0.045 0.040 7036 BORNOIL 0.045 UNCH 1132.8 0.044 — — 240.3
3.000 1.600 2.470 2.440 1619 DRBHCOM 2.440 UNCH 3387.1 2.452 20.02 1.23 4,717.1 1.350 0.865 — — 6297 BOXPAK 1.120 — — — — — 134.5
0.155 0.075 0.090 0.090 2097 EASTLND 0.090 -0.005 214.2 0.090 — — 26.5 1.128 0.833 0.990 0.985 5100 BPPLAS 0.990 0.010 18.2 0.989 8.88 5.56 185.8
0.675 0.530 — — 5081 EIG 0.580 — — — 14.95 5.17 137.6 0.220 0.140 0.170 0.170 9938 BRIGHT 0.170 -0.005 7 0.170 — — 34.9
0.075 0.035 0.050 0.045 7182 EKA 0.050 0.005 327.5 0.045 — — 15.6 0.445 0.260 0.335 0.300 7221 BSLCORP 0.305 -0.030 35.8 0.302 15.97 — 29.9
0.215 0.150 0.165 0.160 9091 EMICO 0.160 0.005 190.4 0.163 13.68 — 16.9 1.933 0.995 1.070 1.040 2771 BSTEAD 1.050 -0.020 1283.9 1.054 — 4.76 2,128.3
0.130 0.090 — — 0302 ENEST 0.130 — — — 18.84 — 60.5 0.175 0.070 0.105 0.105 7188 BTM 0.105 UNCH 39.8 0.105 — — 14.8
1.120 0.797 0.870 0.855 7149 ENGKAH 0.870 -0.130 15.5 0.857 7.95 6.90 61.6 3.941 1.807 3.170 3.170 5105 CANONE 3.170 UNCH 4.7 3.170 4.06 1.26 609.1
0.195 0.155 — — 0302 ETH 0.190 — — — — — 46.7 0.015 0.010 — — 5229 CAP 0.010 — — — — — 13.6
0.205 0.080 0.100 0.095 7208 EURO 0.095 UNCH 520.4 0.098 — — 25.4 1.354 0.815 0.825 0.815 7076 CBIP 0.815 -0.010 109.3 0.820 22.70 4.91 438.7
0.700 0.320 — — 7094 EUROSP 0.400 — — — — — 17.8 2.168 1.490 1.520 1.490 2879 CCM 1.500 -0.010 108.5 1.508 11.22 4.00 251.5
37.314 28.688 35.860 35.100 3689 F&N 35.600 0.200 511.8 35.43 30.84 1.62 13,057.3 0.845 0.630 — — 8435 CEPCO 0.845 — — — — — 63.1
0.959 0.620 0.620 0.620 2755 FCW 0.620 UNCH 1.6 0.620 43.66 16.13 155.0 0.290 0.260 — — 0302 CETECH 0.285 — — — 17.70 0.35 98.6
0.505 0.428 0.500 0.490 6939 FIAMMA 0.490 -0.015 1.1 0.491 7.21 4.59 249.9 1.360 0.900 — — 8044 CFM 1.110 — — — — — 45.5
0.523 0.277 0.395 0.390 8605 FIHB 0.395 UNCH 54 0.390 5.91 — 43.1 0.850 0.420 — — 8052 CGB 0.525 — — — — — 47.3
1.955 1.247 1.650 1.630 9172 FPI 1.630 -0.010 211.2 1.637 10.16 6.13 403.2 0.435 0.275 0.285 0.275 7187 CHGP 0.280 UNCH 508 0.281 40.58 — 83.2
3.170 0.680 2.850 2.460 7184 G3 2.840 0.380 1045.3 2.703 — — 1,177.9 0.910 0.618 0.785 0.775 5273 CHINHIN 0.785 0.005 1475.1 0.781 17.96 3.18 436.8
4.196 1.979 4.080 4.000 5102 GCB 4.030 -0.020 594.7 4.031 8.68 0.74 1,935.0 1.945 1.508 1.680 1.670 5007 CHINWEL 1.680 UNCH 16 1.674 8.58 4.67 503.2
0.520 0.400 — — 5592 GCE 0.475 — — — — 4.21 93.6 1.720 1.320 1.380 1.380 5797 CHOOBEE 1.380 -0.070 2 1.380 13.44 3.62 181.7
4.784 2.604 3.100 3.040 4715 GENM 3.060 -0.040 14473 3.065 — 3.59 18,170.4 0.500 0.221 0.430 0.420 7016 CHUAN 0.425 -0.010 136.1 0.426 7.54 2.59 71.7
7.909 5.730 5.810 5.730 3182 GENTING 5.770 -0.030 6760.9 5.757 14.43 2.51 22,369.7 0.045 0.035 — — 7018 CME 0.035 — — — — — 20.4
0.415 0.100 0.180 0.175 5079 GETS 0.180 0.005 594.7 0.175 — — 22.7 3.824 2.260 2.300 2.260 2852 CMSB 2.280 -0.010 159.7 2.279 11.43 3.25 2,449.6
0.165 0.105 0.135 0.125 0136 GREENYB 0.135 0.010 177.3 0.130 9.85 — 45.1 0.545 0.365 — — 7986 CNASIA 0.465 — — — 31.21 — 23.2
4.013 2.110 2.490 2.420 7668 HAIO 2.470 0.020 204.3 2.473 15.03 5.26 741.7 1.370 0.735 0.945 0.940 5071 COASTAL 0.940 -0.010 28.9 0.942 34.18 — 500.0
3.780 3.227 — — 5008 HARISON 3.620 — — — 10.60 5.52 247.9 0.180 0.045 0.075 0.060 7195 COMCORP 0.060 -0.005 6.1 0.061 — — 8.4
0.135 0.055 — — 5187 HBGLOB 0.085 — — — 2.56 — 39.8 1.040 0.741 0.795 0.790 2127 COMFORT 0.795 UNCH 12.1 0.791 15.41 1.89 463.4
25.200 17.019 24.300 24.020 3255 HEIM 24.100 UNCH 18.4 24.10 24.48 3.98 7,280.6 0.030 0.015 0.020 0.020 5037 COMPUGT 0.020 UNCH 8731.9 0.020 — — 49.0
11.600 8.153 10.600 10.420 3301 HLIND 10.500 -0.100 5.9 10.45 10.08 3.81 3,443.0 1.194 0.939 1.010 1.010 5094 CSCSTEL 1.010 0.010 7 1.010 20.57 3.96 383.8
0.727 0.545 0.660 0.635 5160 HOMERIZ 0.660 0.030 888.3 0.653 8.27 5.30 198.0 0.630 0.350 — — 7157 CYL 0.355 — — — — 11.27 35.5
1.048 0.890 0.935 0.920 5024 HUPSENG 0.920 -0.010 242.9 0.932 17.49 6.52 736.0 0.400 0.280 0.300 0.300 5082 CYMAO 0.300 0.020 2 0.300 — — 22.5
0.375 0.240 — — 8478 HWATAI 0.255 — — — — — 19.1 1.736 1.250 1.320 1.320 5184 CYPARK 1.320 -0.010 51.2 1.320 7.54 2.95 617.0
0.490 0.180 0.320 0.305 9113 ICONIC 0.310 -0.010 5156.1 0.311 — — 100.4 2.370 1.550 1.710 1.700 8125 DAIBOCI 1.710 0.020 59.7 1.702 44.76 1.96 560.7
0.080 0.020 0.030 0.025 7243 IMPIANA 0.030 UNCH 1411.6 0.030 — — 167.9 0.655 0.361 0.505 0.495 5276 DANCO 0.500 -0.005 99 0.500 9.43 3.50 152.0
1.510 0.770 0.790 0.790 5107 IQGROUP 0.790 0.005 1 0.790 — — 69.5 0.355 0.120 0.215 0.205 7212 DESTINI 0.210 UNCH 2487.7 0.208 — — 242.6
0.070 0.030 0.050 0.045 7223 JADI 0.050 0.005 100.5 0.045 10.00 — 51.8 0.755 0.325 0.380 0.380 7114 DNONCE 0.380 0.010 2.1 0.380 — — 99.3
1.100 0.770 0.960 0.940 7152 JAYCORP 0.950 0.015 407.9 0.949 6.50 3.16 130.4 0.280 0.080 0.170 0.165 5835 DOLMITE 0.165 -0.015 525 0.168 — — 47.0
0.420 0.325 0.335 0.325 8931 JERASIA 0.325 -0.025 10.6 0.325 11.78 3.08 26.7 0.170 0.070 0.105 0.095 5265 DOLPHIN 0.100 -0.005 1011.1 0.102 — — 24.4
1.577 0.800 1.410 1.390 7167 JOHOTIN 1.410 0.020 254.7 1.399 9.51 4.61 437.8 1.326 1.181 — — 7169 DOMINAN 1.260 — — — 9.12 5.56 208.2
0.380 0.260 — — 8672 KAMDAR 0.280 — — — 254.5 — 55.4 2.620 1.823 2.620 2.530 7233 DUFU 2.610 0.090 3938.3 2.585 14.24 1.38 687.0
0.798 0.375 0.455 0.445 5247 KAREX 0.450 UNCH 2728.1 0.452 173.0 1.11 451.1 2.000 0.485 0.550 0.545 7165 DWL 0.545 UNCH 129.4 0.545 — — 126.9
2.250 1.180 1.300 1.260 7216 KAWAN 1.280 -0.010 56.7 1.272 27.06 1.95 460.2 0.380 0.075 0.080 0.080 5178 DYNACIA 0.080 UNCH 219 0.080 — — 38.4
0.225 0.080 — — 8303 KFM 0.165 — — — — — 11.3 3.500 2.235 3.380 3.350 1368 EDGENTA 3.370 -0.010 17.4 3.357 18.38 4.15 2,802.6
0.656 0.165 0.310 0.300 6203 KHEESAN 0.305 -0.005 1563.2 0.303 6.84 3.28 34.9 0.260 0.165 0.175 0.170 0064 EFFICEN 0.170 UNCH 37 0.170 — — 120.6
1.880 1.400 — — 7062 KHIND 1.630 — — — 34.53 — 65.3 0.565 0.355 0.405 0.395 8907 EG 0.395 UNCH 171.2 0.402 8.23 — 108.6
1.940 1.566 1.820 1.810 0002 KOTRA 1.820 0.020 5 1.814 11.30 3.30 262.2 1.565 1.158 1.380 1.360 5208 EITA 1.360 -0.020 23 1.370 8.49 4.41 176.8
0.980 0.295 0.925 0.885 7130 KPOWER 0.915 0.035 232 0.912 435.7 — 69.7 0.990 0.710 — — 9016 EKSONS 0.765 — — — — 6.54 125.6
0.140 0.055 — — 5172 KSTAR 0.100 — — — — — 42.6 0.565 0.345 0.360 0.345 7217 EMETALL 0.360 0.015 15 0.348 100.0 — 67.8
0.195 0.050 0.085 0.080 4847 KTB 0.085 UNCH 14 0.084 — — 34.2 0.996 0.580 0.600 0.590 5056 ENGTEX 0.595 -0.015 753.6 0.596 — 1.26 263.8
0.660 0.410 0.500 0.490 1643 LANDMRK 0.490 -0.010 112 0.496 — — 259.2 0.470 0.315 0.370 0.370 7773 EPMB 0.370 0.010 0.1 0.370 — — 61.4
4.065 2.850 3.000 2.960 7006 LATITUD 2.990 0.030 9 2.978 15.04 1.00 290.7 0.580 0.245 0.275 0.260 5101 EVERGRN 0.270 -0.005 1003.7 0.266 — 1.78 228.5
0.708 0.325 0.420 0.415 9385 LAYHONG 0.420 UNCH 1473.7 0.420 32.06 1.19 277.3 1.330 1.050 1.240 1.240 2984 FACBIND 1.240 UNCH 38.3 1.240 93.94 — 105.6
1.051 0.630 0.700 0.685 8079 LEESK 0.700 UNCH 21.2 0.692 11.48 3.57 117.5 2.850 2.091 2.710 2.700 7229 FAVCO 2.700 -0.010 26.6 2.708 7.31 5.00 602.3
1.161 0.702 0.815 0.805 6633 LHI 0.805 -0.010 708.2 0.811 14.22 — 2,938.3 0.320 0.305 — — 0302 FBBHD 0.320 — — — 26.67 — 69.1
3.140 2.438 3.140 2.970 7089 LIIHEN 3.130 0.170 635.7 3.055 7.87 4.95 563.4 0.580 0.330 — — 0149 FIBON 0.440 — — — 15.22 1.70 43.1
0.630 0.100 0.110 0.105 7126 LONBISC 0.105 -0.005 2621.4 0.107 33.87 — 30.5 1.886 1.630 — — 3107 FIMACOR 1.780 — — — 7.74 7.02 436.6
1.389 0.774 1.350 1.350 7085 LTKM 1.350 UNCH 37.6 1.350 7.52 1.48 175.6 0.560 0.365 0.395 0.385 9318 FITTERS 0.395 0.005 1296.7 0.388 10.51 — 189.8
6.500 3.767 6.500 6.170 7087 MAGNI 6.400 0.230 331.7 6.396 9.37 2.19 1,041.5 1.810 1.000 1.070 1.050 5197 FLBHD 1.070 0.020 52.9 1.060 6.64 13.55 114.2
2.880 1.659 2.880 2.840 3859 MAGNUM 2.840 -0.020 509.2 2.857 29.55 5.99 4,083.2 0.420 0.199 0.415 0.395 5277 FPGROUP 0.415 0.010 8972.6 0.405 18.20 2.41 215.9
0.140 0.110 0.115 0.115 3514 MARCO 0.115 UNCH 130 0.115 8.71 2.61 121.2 1.100 0.415 0.500 0.440 7197 GESHEN 0.500 0.070 6 0.449 — — 40.0
0.015 0.005 — — 5189 MAXWELL 0.010 — — — — — 4.0 0.545 0.350 0.375 0.365 5220 GLOTEC 0.375 UNCH 114.3 0.372 — — 100.9
1.270 0.748 — — 5886 MBG 1.250 — — — 74.85 1.20 76.0 0.285 0.145 0.175 0.160 7192 GOODWAY 0.175 0.015 30.2 0.160 — — 21.3
4.470 1.774 4.170 4.130 5983 MBMR 4.140 -0.010 632.1 4.147 7.01 3.62 1,618.3 0.145 0.080 — — 7096 GPA 0.115 — — — — — 112.8
0.430 0.185 0.415 0.390 7234 MESB 0.410 0.005 637.9 0.404 7.78 — 33.6 0.259 0.160 — — 5649 GPHAROS 0.195 — — — 92.86 6.51 26.7
0.235 0.177 — — 0301 MFGROUP 0.235 — — — 391.6 — 75.2 0.613 0.400 0.470 0.470 3247 GUH 0.470 UNCH 14.1 0.470 61.84 — 130.6
0.877 0.435 0.600 0.580 3662 MFLOUR 0.585 0.010 2970.6 0.586 13.48 3.76 587.0 10.180 8.946 9.880 9.790 3034 HAPSENG 9.820 -0.080 105 9.818 38.51 3.56 24,448.7
0.820 0.600 — — 7935 MILUX 0.800 — — — — — 43.5 6.722 4.503 5.290 5.200 5168 HARTA 5.290 0.020 1318.4 5.255 41.52 1.55 17,774.4
0.120 0.035 0.090 0.085 5166 MINDA 0.085 UNCH 945.3 0.087 — — 105.4 7.060 4.290 4.860 4.780 4324 HENGYUAN 4.860 0.050 330.3 4.824 — — 1,458.0
3.640 1.100 1.180 1.130 5202 MSM 1.140 -0.010 1036.3 1.151 62.64 — 801.4 0.864 0.501 0.535 0.520 5095 HEVEA 0.520 -0.015 680.5 0.524 21.76 9.23 292.4
0.025 0.005 0.010 0.010 5150 MSPORTS 0.010 UNCH 1050 0.010 — — 6.1 1.050 0.650 — — 5151 HEXTAR 0.730 — — — — — 599.1
0.255 0.145 0.195 0.190 3891 MUIIND 0.195 UNCH 333.1 0.195 — — 571.8 0.806 0.637 0.720 0.715 3298 HEXZA 0.715 UNCH 6.3 0.718 17.88 6.99 143.3
2.650 1.620 2.030 2.000 3905 MULPHA 2.000 UNCH 17.1 2.020 — — 639.2 0.440 0.190 0.195 0.195 5072 HIAPTEK 0.195 UNCH 85.5 0.195 — 2.56 262.1
1.519 1.311 1.360 1.360 5275 MYNEWS 1.360 -0.020 39.8 1.360 31.41 1.10 927.7 1.360 0.760 0.990 0.975 5199 HIBISCS 0.985 -0.010 10166 0.984 6.80 — 1,564.4
148.98 140.07 146.10 145.40 4707 NESTLE 145.800 -0.700 51 145.86 52.32 1.92 34,190 1.655 1.030 1.050 1.050 7033 HIGHTEC 1.050 0.020 0.8 1.050 10.79 1.90 42.6
2.979 2.437 — — 7060 NHFATT 2.740 — — — 14.49 3.65 226.5 0.654 0.447 0.505 0.505 8443 HIL 0.505 -0.015 20 0.505 11.88 3.47 168.7
0.065 0.020 0.055 0.050 7139 NICE 0.055 UNCH 11 0.055 — — 38.6 0.810 0.400 0.550 0.550 5165 HOKHENG 0.550 UNCH 4.2 0.550 — — 48.4
0.267 0.145 0.160 0.155 7215 NIHSIN 0.155 UNCH 828.3 0.155 — — 49.8 0.572 0.316 0.360 0.350 5291 HPMT 0.350 -0.010 176 0.350 — — 115.0
0.583 0.385 0.430 0.405 5066 NTPM 0.425 0.005 435.5 0.423 55.19 3.76 477.4 1.290 0.735 0.775 0.735 0185 HSSEB 0.745 -0.030 1855.3 0.750 — — 369.4
0.580 0.300 0.430 0.420 5533 OCB 0.425 -0.040 19.4 0.426 — — 43.7 0.300 0.130 0.145 0.135 2739 HUAAN 0.140 0.005 5243.7 0.137 15.91 — 157.1
0.567 0.395 0.420 0.410 0049 OCNCASH 0.420 UNCH 31 0.413 17.80 2.17 103.0 1.690 0.456 1.100 1.090 5000 HUMEIND 1.100 0.010 149.9 1.091 — — 543.0
0.888 0.623 0.670 0.670 7107 OFI 0.670 0.005 105 0.670 12.34 2.99 160.8 0.135 0.075 0.080 0.075 9601 HWGB 0.080 UNCH 69.9 0.075 — — 28.6
0.135 0.090 — — 3018 OLYMPIA 0.105 — — — 15.22 — 107.5 2.330 1.850 2.220 2.200 7222 IMASPRO 2.220 UNCH 493.7 2.208 296.0 1.58 177.6
6.670 5.528 6.500 6.490 4006 ORIENT 6.500 UNCH 12.4 6.498 10.10 3.08 4,032.6 0.680 0.380 — — 5673 IPMUDA 0.390 — — — — — 28.3
1.028 0.460 0.560 0.540 5260 OWG 0.545 -0.015 414.8 0.545 — — 155.4 0.160 0.075 0.100 0.095 7183 IRETEX 0.100 UNCH 18.1 0.099 1.37 — 18.5
5.765 3.066 3.780 3.650 7052 PADINI 3.780 0.080 50.8 3.734 15.52 2.65 2,486.9 1.250 0.950 — — 7043 JADEM 1.120 — — — — — 142.0
39.072 35.184 37.900 37.820 3719 PANAMY 37.820 0.040 4.7 37.86 21.25 5.98 2,297.4 0.125 0.100 — — 8648 JASKITA 0.105 — — — — — 47.2
0.460 0.291 0.340 0.340 5022 PAOS 0.340 UNCH 10 0.340 82.93 4.71 61.6 1.635 1.304 — — 0058 JCBNEXT 1.450 — — — 16.88 2.76 199.8
0.350 0.230 — — 9407 PARAGON 0.310 — — — — — 21.7 0.220 0.120 — — 9083 JETSON 0.145 — — — — — 30.7
0.445 0.195 0.215 0.210 5657 PARKSON 0.210 -0.005 661.6 0.210 — — 229.7 0.190 0.115 — — 0054 KARYON 0.125 — — — 14.71 3.60 59.5
0.635 0.185 0.430 0.420 6068 PCCS 0.420 -0.010 2097.7 0.422 5.65 2.38 88.2 0.630 0.480 — — 7199 KEINHIN 0.500 — — — 15.38 2.00 54.4
0.565 0.285 0.360 0.355 5231 PELIKAN 0.360 -0.010 20 0.358 25.00 — 218.9 1.707 1.337 1.640 1.610 6491 KFIMA 1.640 0.030 16.3 1.613 7.75 5.49 462.9
0.590 0.340 0.395 0.395 9997 PENSONI 0.395 UNCH 9.6 0.395 91.86 — 51.2 1.410 0.877 1.330 1.300 0151 KGB 1.320 UNCH 446.4 1.311 17.74 1.36 411.1
0.685 0.220 0.655 0.650 7080 PERMAJU 0.655 0.005 3327.3 0.655 — — 128.3 0.300 0.130 0.220 0.210 6211 KIALIM 0.215 -0.005 63 0.218 — — 13.3
27.850 21.069 23.500 23.360 5681 PETDAG 23.460 UNCH 259.2 23.45 29.85 2.98 23,306 1.360 1.080 1.150 1.100 5371 KIMHIN 1.150 0.020 19 1.113 — 4.35 179.0
0.170 0.130 0.130 0.130 4081 PMCORP 0.130 UNCH 6 0.130 — — 100.5 0.010 0.005 — — 5060 KINSTEL 0.005 — — — — — 5.2
0.120 0.035 0.055 0.055 1287 PMHLDG 0.055 -0.010 43.7 0.055 — — 51.1 1.520 0.775 1.410 1.410 9466 KKB 1.410 0.020 41.2 1.410 15.63 2.84 363.5
0.555 0.431 0.525 0.520 5080 POHKONG 0.520 0.005 28.2 0.520 8.81 1.92 213.4 0.440 0.070 0.420 0.400 7164 KNM 0.415 0.020 83542 0.411 — — 1,081.2
1.597 1.250 1.590 1.550 7088 POHUAT 1.560 0.020 484.5 1.563 6.25 2.56 376.1 0.800 0.350 — — 5035 KNUSFOR 0.590 — — — — — 58.8
19.516 16.607 18.260 18.060 4065 PPB 18.220 UNCH 737.7 18.20 26.19 1.54 25,919 1.730 1.180 1.570 1.560 6971 KOBAY 1.560 -0.010 102.9 1.569 8.54 — 159.3
0.434 0.326 — — 7190 PPG 0.340 — — — 52.31 1.47 34.0 0.390 0.120 0.370 0.340 7017 KOMARK 0.340 -0.020 41083 0.355 — — 58.8
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 6 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
4.529 3.543 4.210 4.160 7153 KOSSAN 4.190 UNCH 834.7 4.187 23.59 1.43 5,358.7 6.722 4.503 5.290 5.200 5168 HARTA 5.290 0.020 1318.4 5.255 41.52 1.55 17,774.4
1.269 0.700 0.725 0.715 5843 KPS 0.715 -0.010 128.4 0.721 — 5.94 384.2 5.950 4.517 5.790 5.640 5225 IHH 5.650 -0.100 1651.5 5.671 82.00 0.53 49,573.0
0.565 0.470 0.480 0.480 9121 KPSCB 0.480 -0.010 15 0.480 9.39 — 71.0 4.529 3.543 4.210 4.160 7153 KOSSAN 4.190 UNCH 834.7 4.187 23.59 1.43 5,358.7
4.937 3.854 4.540 4.540 3476 KSENG 4.540 UNCH 9 4.540 21.65 2.20 1,641.1 1.940 1.566 1.820 1.810 0002 KOTRA 1.820 0.020 5 1.814 11.30 3.30 262.2
0.590 0.281 0.460 0.460 5192 KSSC 0.460 -0.005 5 0.460 — 1.09 44.2 1.119 0.870 0.905 0.895 5878 KPJ 0.900 UNCH 4678.3 0.900 21.53 2.22 3,995.0
0.530 0.225 0.345 0.340 6874 KUB 0.340 -0.005 204.8 0.341 — 2.94 189.2 2.947 1.931 2.480 2.420 7081 PHARMA 2.460 0.030 132.4 2.435 13.24 6.30 642.6
0.430 0.220 0.270 0.255 8362 KYM 0.270 UNCH 1.6 0.256 15.25 — 40.5 0.135 0.075 0.080 0.080 0302 SMILE 0.080 -0.010 710 0.080 27.59 1.50 76.0
4.570 1.800 3.350 3.310 3794 LAFMSIA 3.310 -0.090 53.7 3.324 — — 2,812.5 2.005 1.400 1.610 1.580 7106 SUPERMX 1.580 -0.020 3332.7 1.587 16.74 2.30 2,149.3
0.615 0.440 0.480 0.480 9326 LBALUM 0.480 -0.020 15 0.480 9.82 3.13 119.3 0.825 0.665 0.675 0.670 0101 TMCLIFE 0.670 -0.010 71 0.671 35.45 0.27 1,167.1
4.852 2.460 2.780 2.740 5284 LCTITAN 2.740 -0.040 387.2 2.754 16.18 6.20 6,323.3 6.246 4.265 4.790 4.710 7113 TOPGLOV 4.740 -0.040 2390 4.732 31.29 1.79 12,137.2
0.609 0.387 — — 5232 LEONFB 0.480 — — — 7.80 3.13 148.8 0.500 0.230 — — 0301 TOPVISN 0.500 — — — 49.02 — 127.8
0.250 0.100 — — 8745 LEWEKO 0.195 — — — — — 62.8 3.272 2.210 2.300 2.290 7178 YSPSAH 2.290 -0.010 35 2.296 12.97 3.06 319.6
0.160 0.085 0.120 0.110 7170 LFECORP 0.110 -0.025 5.4 0.111 — — 22.5 FINANCIAL SERVICES
0.775 0.375 0.400 0.400 8486 LIONFIB 0.400 UNCH 47.5 0.400 10.05 — 92.6 4.248 2.900 3.070 3.030 2488 ABMB 3.050 0.010 2107.3 3.047 9.86 5.48 4,721.7
1.050 0.375 0.405 0.395 4235 LIONIND 0.395 -0.005 1944.1 0.399 — — 283.6 17.114 14.393 15.200 15.140 5139 AEONCR 15.180 -0.020 7.9 15.17 75.52 2.94 3,808.6
0.420 0.250 — — 9881 LSTEEL 0.290 — — — — — 37.1 2.397 1.930 1.990 1.980 5185 AFFIN 1.980 -0.010 23.9 1.983 6.68 2.53 3,932.3
0.100 0.065 0.070 0.070 5068 LUSTER 0.070 UNCH 164 0.070 11.86 — 138.3 14.980 11.361 14.380 14.300 1163 ALLIANZ 14.300 UNCH 1.1 14.33 7.54 2.80 2,527.8
0.614 0.476 0.485 0.480 5143 LUXCHEM 0.480 -0.005 97 0.480 10.93 4.69 429.3 4.482 3.533 4.130 4.070 1015 AMBANK 4.130 0.020 746.5 4.102 8.02 4.84 12,448.6
2.823 2.191 — — 9199 LYSAGHT 2.400 — — — 11.57 2.92 99.8 1.215 0.780 — — 5088 APEX 0.780 — — — 15.57 — 166.6
0.660 0.340 0.405 0.395 5098 MASTEEL 0.400 -0.005 499.6 0.401 — — 170.9 4.750 3.252 4.010 3.940 5258 BIMB 3.990 0.030 1066.8 3.998 9.08 3.88 7,039.5
1.480 0.560 1.460 1.430 7029 MASTER 1.450 -0.010 831.8 1.441 8.21 2.41 79.2 7.586 5.817 6.150 6.050 1818 BURSA 6.050 -0.060 1773.8 6.077 25.10 3.64 4,891.4
1.400 0.873 1.240 1.230 5152 MBL 1.240 0.010 12.2 1.232 7.26 3.63 132.3 5.943 4.940 5.040 5.000 1023 CIMB 5.040 0.030 5519.3 5.022 9.63 4.96 49,026.2
0.790 0.435 0.570 0.570 7004 MCEHLDG 0.570 -0.070 10 0.570 — — 25.3 0.345 0.235 — — 2143 ECM 0.265 — — — — — 127.2
0.190 0.090 0.125 0.125 3778 MELEWAR 0.125 UNCH 50 0.125 1.50 — 44.9 1.700 1.088 1.650 1.650 5228 ELKDESA 1.650 UNCH 104.2 1.650 14.27 4.24 490.1
0.700 0.435 — — 5223 MENTIGA 0.560 — — — — — 39.2 21.497 16.200 16.620 16.300 5819 HLBANK 16.460 -0.040 387 16.45 12.63 2.92 35,680.6
1.738 1.487 — — 6149 METROD 1.500 — — — 25.95 4.00 180.0 10.100 7.327 — — 5274 HLCAP 9.600 — — — 34.04 1.98 2,370.2
0.425 0.220 0.295 0.275 5001 MIECO 0.275 -0.020 2090 0.279 — — 144.4 19.819 16.000 16.440 16.260 1082 HLFG 16.260 -0.160 103.4 16.34 9.69 2.58 18,658.6
0.070 0.045 0.050 0.050 7219 MINETEC 0.050 -0.005 650 0.050 — — 46.1 0.900 0.645 0.815 0.805 3379 INSAS 0.805 -0.010 114.3 0.810 6.52 2.48 558.1
0.424 0.245 0.255 0.245 5576 MINHO 0.255 0.005 32.2 0.250 9.41 — 86.8 0.130 0.070 0.080 0.080 3441 JOHAN 0.080 UNCH 3 0.080 — — 49.8
0.998 0.785 0.820 0.820 5916 MSC 0.820 0.005 50 0.820 7.52 2.44 328.0 0.720 0.486 0.500 0.495 6483 KENANGA 0.500 0.005 30.7 0.500 52.63 2.20 361.4
0.105 0.050 0.055 0.050 0043 MTRONIC 0.055 UNCH 5285 0.055 — — 62.3 2.150 1.540 1.840 1.810 2186 KUCHAI 1.840 0.040 25 1.822 101.66 0.54 227.7
2.147 1.457 1.620 1.590 3883 MUDA 1.590 UNCH 131.3 1.594 6.38 2.83 485.0 16.422 14.641 15.820 15.700 8621 LPI 15.800 -0.020 13.4 15.76 19.44 4.37 6,294.4
0.450 0.225 — — 5087 MYCRON 0.260 — — — — — 85.0 1.003 0.375 0.820 0.820 1198 MAA 0.820 -0.020 17 0.820 — 10.98 224.3
0.640 0.345 0.400 0.390 7241 NGGB 0.395 UNCH 859.1 0.392 — — 198.0 2.850 2.244 2.700 2.700 1058 MANULFE 2.700 -0.020 0.2 2.700 17.51 2.59 546.4
0.145 0.060 0.080 0.075 5025 NWP 0.080 UNCH 365 0.076 — — 34.2 9.197 8.261 8.720 8.640 1155 MAYBANK 8.640 -0.060 6754.4 8.676 11.87 6.60 97,125.4
0.709 0.555 0.605 0.590 4944 NYLEX 0.600 UNCH 122.5 0.602 — 3.33 116.6 1.025 0.820 0.860 0.850 1171 MBSB 0.850 UNCH 400.1 0.853 12.46 5.88 5,706.4
0.789 0.539 0.625 0.620 7140 OKA 0.625 -0.005 113 0.623 13.86 5.92 153.4 1.290 0.845 1.120 1.090 6459 MNRB 1.100 -0.010 231.3 1.097 7.62 — 843.8
1.171 0.858 0.935 0.935 5065 ORNA 0.935 -0.005 13 0.935 7.38 2.67 70.4 1.250 0.985 1.090 1.050 5237 MPHBCAP 1.060 -0.010 36.9 1.064 21.46 — 757.9
0.075 0.045 0.060 0.055 7225 PA 0.060 UNCH 2100.8 0.055 24.00 — 112.2 0.989 0.937 0.975 0.970 6009 P&O 0.975 UNCH 31.3 0.972 — 6.41 279.8
0.592 0.421 0.475 0.470 8419 PANSAR 0.475 0.005 1703.1 0.475 37.11 2.11 219.5 24.467 20.000 20.180 20.140 1295 PBBANK 20.160 UNCH 2629.5 20.16 14.16 3.47 78,263.9
0.597 0.395 0.495 0.490 5125 PANTECH 0.495 0.005 736.7 0.490 8.33 4.00 371.6 1.667 1.304 1.580 1.570 9296 RCECAP 1.580 UNCH 43.9 1.570 5.59 5.70 582.8
9.845 6.750 7.720 7.650 5183 PCHEM 7.700 0.010 4725 7.691 13.74 3.77 61,600.0 5.833 4.824 5.640 5.580 1066 RHBBANK 5.600 -0.020 3240.4 5.609 9.41 4.55 22,456.3
1.300 0.651 1.110 1.110 5271 PECCA 1.110 -0.010 96.4 1.110 12.27 4.95 208.7 0.665 0.537 0.645 0.645 4898 TA 0.645 UNCH 76 0.645 — 6.36 1,104.2
4.879 4.175 4.510 4.500 5436 PERSTIM 4.500 UNCH 29 4.500 11.03 6.67 446.9 7.180 3.348 5.940 5.860 6139 TAKAFUL 5.940 0.080 2928 5.923 13.92 2.53 4,911.1
1.570 0.950 1.250 1.180 5219 PESTECH 1.230 UNCH 1668.9 1.209 11.73 — 940.1 0.765 0.502 0.610 0.595 5230 TUNEPRO 0.600 -0.005 1310.1 0.601 9.17 5.00 451.1
19.386 14.596 16.600 16.380 6033 PETGAS 16.540 0.080 715.4 16.51 17.82 4.35 32,728.2 PROPERTY
8.395 5.190 5.600 5.510 3042 PETRONM 5.540 -0.080 47.2 5.548 8.61 3.61 1,495.8 0.300 0.225 — — 7131 ACME 0.245 — — — 6.11 — 58.5
1.200 0.925 — — 3611 PGLOBE 1.080 — — — 192.8 — 201.6 0.644 0.464 0.500 0.490 1007 AMPROP 0.500 0.020 32.4 0.492 12.89 6.00 305.1
0.160 0.090 0.125 0.120 7201 PICORP 0.120 UNCH 139.6 0.120 66.67 4.17 79.0 0.335 0.220 — — 1007PA AMPROP-PA 0.260 — — — — 7.69 74.6
1.703 1.070 1.220 1.160 7095 PIE 1.180 0.030 747.7 1.190 12.02 2.03 453.2 1.280 0.870 1.060 1.060 5959 AMVERTON 1.060 UNCH 11 1.060 5.49 — 387.0
0.325 0.100 — — 7163 PJBUMI 0.210 — — — 16.41 — 17.2 0.650 0.270 — — 7007 ARK 0.270 — — — — — 13.1
4.254 3.040 3.220 3.200 7172 PMBTECH 3.220 0.050 10.2 3.218 54.30 0.62 674.9 0.170 0.110 0.120 0.120 4057 ASIAPAC 0.120 -0.005 125 0.120 3.56 — 124.5
5.111 3.958 4.940 4.890 8869 PMETAL 4.930 0.030 2636.3 4.915 37.07 1.22 19,907.9 5.144 4.020 4.200 4.090 2305 AYER 4.200 0.020 3 4.161 20.52 1.19 314.4
0.570 0.450 0.550 0.535 6637 PNEPCB 0.540 -0.005 5759.2 0.543 — — 71.0 0.390 0.220 0.270 0.265 6602 BCB 0.270 UNCH 40 0.268 2.76 — 111.4
0.490 0.260 — — 8117 POLY 0.390 — — — 12.38 — 62.4 0.585 0.285 0.345 0.345 6173 BDB 0.345 UNCH 0.5 0.345 — — 104.8
0.675 0.390 0.655 0.640 8273 PPHB 0.645 -0.005 82 0.648 5.91 — 121.7 0.300 0.110 — — 9814 BERTAM 0.170 — — — — — 35.1
0.778 0.410 0.450 0.425 9873 PRESTAR 0.425 -0.015 55.6 0.444 — 3.53 87.1 0.340 0.245 0.305 0.290 3239 BJASSET 0.305 UNCH 50 0.303 — — 780.2
0.080 0.035 0.050 0.045 7123 PWORTH 0.045 -0.005 4611 0.045 — — 184.3 1.580 1.090 — — 5738 CHHB 1.250 — — — 3.81 — 344.6
0.850 0.710 — — 7544 QUALITY 0.750 — — — — — 43.5 1.405 1.150 — — 6718 CRESNDO 1.200 — — — 8.33 5.00 336.6
0.350 0.190 — — 7498 RALCO 0.225 — — — — — 10.4 1.590 1.108 — — 5049 CVIEW 1.250 — — — 1.64 4.00 125.0
0.520 0.165 0.200 0.190 5256 REACH 0.195 UNCH 2112.9 0.195 — — 213.8 0.565 0.220 0.405 0.400 3484 DBHD 0.405 UNCH 144.2 0.402 5.56 — 128.9
0.350 0.241 0.350 0.325 7232 RESINTC 0.340 -0.005 205.4 0.342 11.18 7.35 46.6 0.095 0.050 0.060 0.055 7198 DPS 0.060 UNCH 57.1 0.057 — — 35.3
0.245 0.145 0.155 0.155 9954 RGTBHD 0.155 0.005 50 0.155 14.76 — 89.4 1.327 0.730 0.745 0.730 3417 E&O 0.730 -0.015 559.5 0.738 18.96 4.11 1,063.6
1.100 0.491 0.535 0.525 9741 ROHAS 0.525 -0.010 163.8 0.530 15.91 4.76 248.1 0.335 0.285 0.335 0.320 3557 ECOFIRS 0.335 0.010 427 0.334 11.28 — 270.8
0.584 0.412 0.505 0.495 7803 RUBEREX 0.500 0.005 66.6 0.501 19.76 4.00 126.1 1.280 0.625 0.650 0.630 8206 ECOWLD 0.645 UNCH 7643.2 0.639 10.63 — 1,899.1
3.925 3.531 3.580 3.580 5134 SAB 3.580 UNCH 1 3.580 25.00 1.40 490.2 0.500 0.270 — — 6076 ENCORP 0.320 — — — — — 98.1
8.640 6.949 8.090 8.050 9822 SAM 8.050 UNCH 25.4 8.050 13.75 2.17 1,088.1 1.998 0.882 1.210 1.110 8613 ENRA 1.210 0.010 139.7 1.165 — 2.48 164.8
0.921 0.550 0.595 0.580 5147 SAMCHEM 0.580 -0.005 234.8 0.586 7.73 5.17 157.8 0.785 0.550 — — 6815 EUPE 0.615 — — — 2.34 — 78.7
0.836 0.654 0.710 0.700 7811 SAPIND 0.700 UNCH 22 0.706 10.92 7.14 50.9 0.735 0.491 0.655 0.630 7249 EWEIN 0.645 0.015 974.1 0.647 4.25 0.78 194.5
0.510 0.205 0.265 0.260 5170 SCABLE 0.265 UNCH 43.6 0.264 — — 84.0 1.110 0.600 0.640 0.630 5283 EWINT 0.635 UNCH 531.5 0.635 16.67 — 1,524.0
1.500 0.760 0.990 0.965 7247 SCGM 0.990 0.025 101.6 0.975 — 1.52 191.7 0.400 0.325 0.340 0.330 6041 FARLIM 0.340 0.005 57 0.338 — — 57.3
1.270 0.300 1.100 1.090 9237 SCIB 1.100 0.010 344 1.100 — — 94.5 0.414 0.345 0.375 0.360 5020 GLOMAC 0.370 0.005 23.8 0.370 16.89 2.16 296.0
1.771 0.733 0.935 0.905 0099 SCICOM 0.930 0.020 3212.7 0.919 16.34 5.91 330.6 0.370 0.240 — — 9962 GMUTUAL 0.260 — — — 16.56 1.92 97.7
9.269 7.998 8.410 8.350 4731 SCIENTX 8.370 0.010 33.6 8.382 14.32 2.39 4,312.7 0.230 0.155 0.180 0.170 1147 GOB 0.180 0.005 125.1 0.180 — — 81.8
0.240 0.105 — — 7239 SCNWOLF 0.150 — — — — — 14.4 0.225 0.135 0.180 0.175 7077 GSB 0.175 -0.005 165.7 0.175 159.09 — 96.7
0.405 0.155 0.185 0.175 7073 SEACERA 0.180 UNCH 4692.1 0.180 — — 85.4 0.829 0.645 0.695 0.670 1503 GUOCO 0.690 -0.010 20.1 0.690 — 2.90 483.3
0.375 0.090 0.375 0.365 5145 SEALINK 0.365 -0.005 2655.8 0.372 — — 182.5 1.300 1.200 1.260 1.230 7105 HCK 1.260 0.010 218 1.253 48.28 — 532.9
0.520 0.180 0.500 0.500 5163 SEB 0.500 UNCH 61.3 0.500 — — 40.0 0.725 0.520 — — 7010 HOOVER 0.585 — — — — — 23.4
0.995 0.746 — — 5181 SIGGAS 0.950 — — — 84.82 0.53 178.1 0.465 0.300 0.340 0.330 5062 HUAYANG 0.340 0.005 130.1 0.331 — — 119.7
0.690 0.410 — — 7115 SKBSHUT 0.500 — — — 6.30 — 20.0 0.485 0.300 0.305 0.305 4251 IBHD 0.305 0.005 138.8 0.305 11.09 5.74 309.4
1.440 0.945 1.050 1.040 7155 SKPRES 1.040 -0.020 1252.3 1.047 14.55 3.69 1,300.2 0.734 0.147 — — 5084 IBRACO 0.590 — — — 9.05 3.81 292.9
1.420 0.809 — — 7248 SLP 1.410 — — — 17.67 3.90 446.9 1.760 0.990 1.490 1.480 9687 IDEAL 1.480 -0.020 85.1 1.482 4.55 0.68 686.1
0.530 0.330 0.360 0.360 7132 SMISCOR 0.360 UNCH 1 0.360 — — 16.1 2.868 2.176 2.700 2.700 5606 IGBB 2.700 UNCH 20.6 2.700 7.60 0.37 1,862.5
1.460 0.720 0.960 0.940 5665 SSTEEL 0.950 UNCH 102.8 0.952 — 3.68 412.0 1.685 1.081 1.160 1.140 5249 IOIPG 1.150 -0.010 1548.8 1.150 9.58 2.61 6,332.1
0.850 0.400 0.450 0.410 6904 SUBUR 0.440 -0.015 24.1 0.420 — — 92.0 0.290 0.175 0.185 0.185 5175 IVORY 0.185 -0.005 10 0.185 205.56 13.51 90.7
1.120 0.520 0.995 0.965 7207 SUCCESS 0.985 -0.010 592.8 0.980 15.34 1.02 245.3 1.320 0.365 0.905 0.880 1589 IWCITY 0.885 -0.015 9798 0.892 — — 741.1
1.720 1.318 1.650 1.630 5211 SUNWAY 1.650 0.010 3017.2 1.642 11.69 3.02 8,141.0 0.360 0.250 0.300 0.300 8923 JIANKUN 0.300 UNCH 10 0.300 24.79 — 50.1
1.370 0.740 0.830 0.820 7235 SUPERLN 0.825 -0.005 164.7 0.824 12.75 2.79 132.0 0.090 0.070 — — 6769 JKGLAND 0.070 — — — 63.64 1.43 159.2
2.005 1.400 1.610 1.580 7106 SUPERMX 1.580 -0.020 3332.7 1.587 16.74 2.30 2,149.3 0.125 0.075 0.085 0.085 3115 KBUNAI 0.085 UNCH 109.7 0.085 94.44 — 491.0
0.360 0.180 0.260 0.250 5149 TAS 0.260 0.005 21 0.251 11.45 — 46.8 0.840 0.537 — — 7323 KEN 0.600 — — — — 2.50 115.0
6.800 4.050 — — 4448 TASEK 5.310 — — — — — 656.4 0.960 0.675 0.805 0.800 5038 KSL 0.800 -0.005 103.3 0.803 3.35 — 830.0
0.235 0.110 0.120 0.115 7097 TAWIN 0.120 UNCH 1263 0.119 — — 42.9 0.185 0.130 0.155 0.150 3174 L&G 0.150 -0.005 451 0.154 10.34 6.67 446.0
1.020 0.660 0.735 0.725 5289 TECHBND 0.735 0.015 29.8 0.732 23.86 — 169.1 0.784 0.416 0.650 0.645 8494 LBICAP 0.645 -0.005 75.1 0.648 5.13 7.75 65.5
0.840 0.365 0.390 0.365 8702 TEXCHEM 0.365 -0.025 114.7 0.380 — 27.40 45.3 0.819 0.486 0.520 0.510 5789 LBS 0.510 -0.010 1123 0.512 11.41 3.53 799.2
2.720 2.004 2.490 2.470 7034 TGUAN 2.490 -0.010 170.6 2.482 6.69 3.21 439.6 0.350 0.220 0.255 0.250 3573 LIENHOE 0.250 -0.005 265.2 0.252 — — 90.4
1.493 0.983 — — 7374 TIENWAH 1.260 — — — — 6.35 182.4 1.250 0.800 1.050 0.995 7617 MAGNA 1.050 0.020 111 0.998 — — 351.7
0.680 0.396 — — 7854 TIMWELL 0.600 — — — 8.93 3.33 53.4 1.045 0.780 0.805 0.780 8583 MAHSING 0.785 -0.015 2127.6 0.789 12.76 5.73 1,905.7
0.740 0.430 0.475 0.465 7285 TOMYPAK 0.475 0.005 641 0.470 — 0.63 199.4 0.695 0.390 0.490 0.485 6181 MALTON 0.490 -0.005 498.6 0.489 9.63 4.08 258.8
4.066 2.470 2.550 2.520 5010 TONGHER 2.550 UNCH 9 2.547 10.90 7.84 401.4 1.971 1.720 1.920 1.900 5236 MATRIX 1.900 -0.010 84.9 1.907 6.45 6.45 1,563.3
6.246 4.265 4.790 4.710 7113 TOPGLOV 4.740 -0.040 2390 4.732 31.29 1.79 12,137.2 1.827 1.360 — — 7189 MBWORLD 1.570 — — — 5.14 5.16 247.1
1.009 0.558 0.690 0.650 7173 TOYOINK 0.680 0.020 1.8 0.678 19.10 2.94 72.8 0.800 0.210 0.240 0.220 5182 MCT 0.225 UNCH 2035.1 0.231 4.76 — 327.8
0.814 0.543 — — 5167 TURBO 0.630 — — — 12.91 3.17 68.0 0.480 0.290 0.350 0.330 1694 MENANG 0.350 -0.020 30.3 0.332 — — 168.3
2.982 2.303 2.810 2.790 7100 UCHITEC 2.790 -0.020 31.2 2.799 17.03 5.02 1,258.0 0.420 0.065 0.070 0.065 5040 MERIDIAN 0.070 0.005 2216 0.068 — — 36.7
0.800 0.385 0.495 0.480 7133 ULICORP 0.480 -0.015 113 0.491 — — 104.5 0.350 0.180 — — 8141 MJPERAK 0.180 — — — 11.92 — 46.3
2.494 1.840 — — 7137 UMS 2.000 — — — 26.39 3.00 81.4 1.410 1.110 1.220 1.210 6114 MKH 1.210 UNCH 140.7 1.215 9.08 2.89 709.7
1.068 0.850 — — 7227 UMSNGB 0.880 — — — 11.52 3.41 70.4 0.220 0.165 0.170 0.165 8893 MKLAND 0.165 -0.005 135.5 0.165 31.73 — 199.2
1.450 0.905 1.300 1.270 7091 UNIMECH 1.290 -0.010 84 1.275 10.02 2.95 204.8 0.165 0.070 0.100 0.100 6548 MPCORP 0.100 -0.005 32 0.100 — — 28.8
0.750 0.300 — — 4995 VERSATL 0.310 — — — — — 44.0 1.125 0.558 0.765 0.735 1651 MRCB 0.735 -0.025 2639.5 0.744 90.74 2.38 3,242.9
1.744 0.610 1.360 1.330 6963 VS 1.350 -0.010 9845.2 1.344 15.96 2.96 2,484.5 0.540 0.370 — — 9539 MUH 0.400 — — — — — 22.6
1.150 0.595 0.645 0.635 5142 WASEONG 0.645 -0.005 129.3 0.639 9.21 — 499.8 0.280 0.160 0.170 0.160 3913 MUIPROP 0.165 -0.005 2817.3 0.162 7.17 — 126.1
0.950 0.400 — — 7226 WATTA 0.485 — — — — — 41.0 1.440 0.430 0.970 0.950 5073 NAIM 0.960 UNCH 7789.7 0.960 2.78 — 493.2
1.277 1.068 1.170 1.160 7231 WELLCAL 1.160 UNCH 109.4 1.160 15.63 4.83 577.6 2.280 1.970 — — 5827 OIB 2.180 — — — 5.94 3.67 337.6
0.700 0.460 — — 7692 WIDETEC 0.560 — — — 17.34 — 25.1 0.949 0.792 0.935 0.920 5053 OSK 0.930 0.010 160.8 0.926 4.95 5.38 1,948.6
0.824 0.435 0.455 0.450 7050 WONG 0.455 UNCH 35.5 0.450 14.49 3.30 52.1 1.752 1.261 1.340 1.320 1724 PARAMON 1.320 -0.020 215.3 1.327 10.29 4.77 800.8
0.830 0.550 — — 7025 WOODLAN 0.615 — — — 62.76 — 24.6 0.460 0.320 0.370 0.350 6912 PASDEC 0.350 -0.010 2 0.354 — — 140.1
1.700 1.020 — — 5009 WTHORSE 1.150 — — — — — 276.0 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.005 4464 PHB 0.010 0.005 498.1 0.005 — — 72.0
0.696 0.404 0.480 0.465 4243 WTK 0.465 -0.010 455.4 0.472 — 3.23 223.8 1.690 1.020 — — 7055 PLB 1.100 — — — 112.24 — 123.6
0.410 0.160 0.225 0.215 7245 WZSATU 0.220 UNCH 930.2 0.218 — — 102.3 1.580 1.300 1.360 1.330 5075 PLENITU 1.360 0.040 54.1 1.342 12.36 3.31 518.9
0.695 0.530 — — 5048 YILAI 0.620 — — — — — 90.3 6.100 5.210 5.960 5.660 7765 RAPID 5.960 0.080 28.5 5.947 190.42 — 637.1
0.220 0.090 0.100 0.100 7020 YKGI 0.100 UNCH 1.4 0.100 — — 35.1 0.840 0.585 0.600 0.600 4596 SAPRES 0.600 -0.050 10 0.600 — — 83.8
0.360 0.200 — — 7014 YLI 0.215 — — — — — 22.1 0.630 0.400 0.460 0.460 5207 SBCCORP 0.460 0.035 1 0.460 7.63 2.17 118.7
CONSTRUCTION 0.732 0.582 0.630 0.620 2224 SDRED 0.625 UNCH 78.5 0.625 10.43 3.20 266.3
0.485 0.241 0.410 0.400 5281 ADVCON 0.405 UNCH 721.8 0.406 16.46 2.47 163.2 0.400 0.285 — — 4286 SEAL 0.325 — — — 3.89 — 79.0
0.575 0.274 0.380 0.375 7078 AZRB 0.380 UNCH 206.2 0.377 25.85 2.34 227.2 2.426 2.038 — — 6017 SHL 2.310 — — — 9.86 6.93 559.3
0.250 0.140 0.150 0.145 5190 BENALEC 0.150 UNCH 97 0.145 — — 129.3 1.199 0.790 0.870 0.850 5288 SIMEPROP 0.870 0.010 4406.2 0.857 39.73 2.30 5,916.7
0.295 0.120 0.135 0.130 5932 BPURI 0.135 0.010 1398.9 0.130 122.7 — 51.6 0.220 0.130 0.135 0.135 4375 SMI 0.135 UNCH 101 0.135 42.19 — 28.3
0.811 0.706 — — 8761 BREM 0.785 — — — 14.95 5.10 271.2 0.545 0.190 0.240 0.225 5213 SNTORIA 0.230 -0.010 1991.4 0.232 12.23 — 130.5
1.156 0.755 0.980 0.965 8591 CRESBLD 0.970 UNCH 52.7 0.969 2.54 4.64 171.6 2.713 1.390 1.480 1.430 8664 SPSETIA 1.470 UNCH 2757.5 1.449 25.93 5.82 5,942.4
1.808 1.572 — — 7528 DKLS 1.700 — — — 34.55 1.76 157.6 0.950 0.580 0.695 0.650 3743 SUNSURIA 0.670 UNCH 135.3 0.665 3.84 — 600.3
0.880 0.360 0.815 0.780 5253 ECONBHD 0.780 -0.015 8535.5 0.795 41.05 2.05 1,043.3 0.487 0.320 0.415 0.405 1538 SYMLIFE 0.405 -0.010 183 0.409 1.97 2.47 239.1
1.040 0.411 0.815 0.805 8877 EKOVEST 0.805 -0.005 8570.7 0.809 12.68 1.24 2,137.1 0.330 0.190 0.295 0.280 4022 TADMAX 0.285 0.005 5061.2 0.286 12.13 — 223.4
0.520 0.300 0.365 0.360 7047 FAJAR 0.365 0.005 418.8 0.361 9.46 4.11 136.5 0.273 0.222 0.240 0.235 5158 TAGB 0.240 UNCH 88.9 0.236 25.00 6.67 1,277.2
0.960 0.475 0.730 0.700 9261 GADANG 0.705 -0.020 736.9 0.716 10.73 4.26 513.3 0.055 0.025 0.035 0.035 2259 TALAMT 0.035 UNCH 248.6 0.035 50.00 — 150.3
3.978 1.918 3.560 3.530 5398 GAMUDA 3.550 UNCH 3683.4 3.550 20.85 3.38 8,779.0 0.867 0.666 0.765 0.750 5191 TAMBUN 0.760 0.005 72.1 0.753 6.49 6.45 329.4
1.540 0.658 1.290 1.260 5226 GBGAQRS 1.290 UNCH 573 1.274 13.12 3.04 638.0 0.085 0.040 0.060 0.050 2429 TANCO 0.055 UNCH 9819.6 0.055 — — 40.8
1.380 0.717 1.070 1.040 3204 GKENT 1.040 -0.010 364.9 1.051 7.32 4.81 585.8 0.295 0.175 0.205 0.200 7889 THRIVEN 0.200 UNCH 385 0.201 3.78 — 109.4
0.695 0.280 0.525 0.510 5169 HOHUP 0.520 -0.005 396.5 0.516 8.25 — 194.9 0.100 0.030 0.055 0.050 7079 TIGER 0.050 -0.005 1409.8 0.050 — — 63.5
1.575 1.262 1.330 1.330 6238 HSL 1.330 UNCH 29.2 1.330 12.98 1.80 775.0 0.355 0.285 0.300 0.290 5239 TITIJYA 0.300 UNCH 62.3 0.293 11.54 0.83 403.7
2.510 1.361 2.230 2.200 3336 IJM 2.220 -0.030 704 2.214 19.29 1.80 8,079.2 0.868 0.754 0.845 0.820 5401 TROP 0.845 0.030 205.6 0.834 7.15 3.29 1,242.5
0.290 0.090 0.130 0.120 5268 IKHMAS 0.120 -0.005 2507 0.125 — — 70.6 1.020 0.620 0.705 0.690 5148 UEMS 0.695 UNCH 175.9 0.693 28.25 — 3,153.5
0.630 0.444 — — 8834 IREKA 0.500 — — — — 4.00 93.4 2.350 1.733 2.000 1.990 5200 UOADEV 1.990 -0.010 6.1 1.993 8.84 7.04 3,914.6
1.080 0.405 0.750 0.730 4723 JAKS 0.735 -0.005 5618.8 0.737 8.56 — 472.7 0.170 0.085 0.090 0.085 6378 WMG 0.085 -0.005 104.7 0.088 — — 36.2
1.490 0.975 1.390 1.380 7161 KERJAYA 1.380 -0.010 24.7 1.386 12.06 2.54 1,713.9 0.995 0.650 — — 7003 Y&G 0.850 — — — 21.79 — 169.5
1.460 0.972 1.270 1.260 5171 KIMLUN 1.270 0.010 14.1 1.264 6.11 2.91 431.6 2.800 1.040 2.470 2.380 3158 YNHPROP 2.430 -0.060 232 2.443 64.29 — 1,285.5
1.060 0.735 — — 9628 LEBTECH 0.860 — — — — — 117.4 0.820 0.190 0.215 0.205 7066 YONGTAI 0.210 0.005 2233.6 0.209 — — 144.7
0.622 0.405 — — 5129 MELATI 0.420 — — — 56.00 2.38 50.4 0.425 0.295 0.305 0.300 2577 YTLLAND 0.300 0.005 944 0.300 — — 253.3
1.060 0.700 — — 8192 MERCURY 0.725 — — — 7.49 — 29.1 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
1.810 0.270 — — 5006 MERGE 0.915 — — — — — 61.3 9.005 6.481 8.800 8.660 5014 AIRPORT 8.780 UNCH 1418.7 8.737 32.47 1.59 14,567.7
0.905 0.640 — — 7595 MGB 0.675 — — — 17.53 — 335.7 1.400 1.120 — — 8133 BHIC 1.300 — — — — 2.69 323.0
0.432 0.216 — — 9571 MITRA 0.285 — — — — 5.26 255.4 4.962 3.660 3.720 3.660 5032 BIPORT 3.660 -0.050 29.5 3.678 10.36 4.37 1,683.6
0.250 0.115 0.185 0.185 5924 MTDACPI 0.185 0.010 1.6 0.185 — — 42.9 0.435 0.275 0.285 0.275 7187 CHGP 0.280 UNCH 508 0.281 40.58 — 83.2
0.470 0.200 0.225 0.200 5085 MUDAJYA 0.205 -0.015 1012.3 0.213 — — 124.1 0.665 0.360 0.415 0.400 7117 CJCEN 0.405 -0.010 95.8 0.412 — 1.85 159.7
3.108 2.370 2.430 2.370 5703 MUHIBAH 2.420 -0.010 81.7 2.397 8.36 3.10 1,174.1 0.930 0.449 — — 5136 COMPLET 0.735 — — — 9.52 — 93.3
0.370 0.220 0.245 0.235 7071 OCR 0.245 0.005 1573.4 0.240 — — 80.3 0.605 0.310 0.425 0.405 5259 EATECH 0.420 0.010 590.7 0.414 — — 211.7
0.900 0.730 0.810 0.810 5622 PEB 0.810 -0.020 0.6 0.810 — — 56.0 0.718 0.497 0.605 0.600 7210 FREIGHT 0.600 UNCH 10.7 0.601 12.32 5.83 167.5
0.307 0.163 0.215 0.215 8311 PESONA 0.215 -0.005 134.2 0.215 13.03 4.65 149.4 0.445 0.255 0.305 0.290 0078 GDEX 0.295 UNCH 4979.1 0.296 50.00 0.68 1,664.2
0.390 0.183 0.255 0.245 5070 PRTASCO 0.250 UNCH 194.5 0.250 — 2.40 123.8 0.420 0.265 0.290 0.280 7676 GUNUNG 0.290 UNCH 11 0.281 — — 68.5
0.170 0.095 0.145 0.140 7145 PSIPTEK 0.140 -0.005 4738.9 0.142 16.47 — 59.8 0.760 0.560 — — 2062 HARBOUR 0.685 — — — 11.87 1.46 274.3
3.430 1.986 3.400 3.360 9598 PTARAS 3.370 -0.020 89.1 3.376 21.46 5.93 559.0 0.065 0.030 0.050 0.045 7013 HUBLINE 0.045 -0.005 1937.3 0.046 34.62 — 171.9
0.545 0.270 0.285 0.275 6807 PUNCAK 0.275 -0.010 6.1 0.282 — 1.82 123.6 0.580 0.270 — — 5614 ILB 0.370 — — — — — 72.2
0.810 0.390 0.410 0.405 5205 SENDAI 0.405 -0.005 451 0.407 5.74 — 316.3 4.891 3.516 4.550 4.400 6645 LITRAK 4.540 0.020 1030.9 4.478 9.64 5.51 2,410.0
2.156 1.246 2.060 2.050 5263 SUNCON 2.060 -0.010 24.4 2.051 19.40 3.40 2,663.4 0.115 0.055 0.075 0.070 5078 M&G 0.070 -0.005 28 0.074 — — 50.7
0.285 0.210 0.230 0.225 9717 SYCAL 0.230 0.005 15 0.227 67.65 — 95.8 0.785 0.410 0.745 0.720 5077 MAYBULK 0.730 -0.015 2106.7 0.733 1.77 — 730.0
0.741 0.426 0.480 0.460 5054 TRC 0.480 0.015 500.8 0.466 7.55 3.96 230.6 8.040 5.244 7.970 7.770 3816 MISC 7.780 -0.020 1839.6 7.792 21.85 3.86 34,728.3
0.595 0.295 — — 5042 TSRCAP 0.400 — — — — — 69.8 1.425 0.780 1.080 1.060 2194 MMCCORP 1.070 UNCH 341.8 1.071 11.59 3.74 3,258.2
0.890 0.180 — — 0301 UNIWALL 0.890 — — — 32.13 0.02 325.5 0.380 0.160 — — 9806 NATWIDE 0.160 — — — — — 19.7
1.170 0.800 0.860 0.850 7070 VIZIONE 0.860 UNCH 109.5 0.856 7.27 — 483.6 0.050 0.025 — — 6254 PDZ 0.030 — — — — — 20.5
0.730 0.465 0.515 0.505 3565 WCEHB 0.505 -0.010 142.3 0.509 24.88 — 506.4 3.650 1.220 1.760 1.720 4634 POS 1.720 -0.040 1147.5 1.732 — 2.33 1,346.4
1.220 0.647 0.930 0.925 9679 WCT 0.930 UNCH 436.5 0.926 14.72 3.16 1,318.8 0.610 0.295 — — 8346 PRKCORP 0.390 — — — — — 39.0
0.410 0.150 0.330 0.320 7028 ZECON 0.320 UNCH 526.2 0.323 — — 46.1 0.375 0.090 0.375 0.365 5145 SEALINK 0.365 -0.005 2655.8 0.372 — — 182.5
0.125 0.025 0.080 0.080 2283 ZELAN 0.080 UNCH 997.8 0.080 — — 67.6 1.009 0.795 0.870 0.805 7053 SEEHUP 0.870 UNCH 12 0.845 — 3.62 70.0
HEALTH CARE 1.500 1.176 1.400 1.350 6521 SURIA 1.350 -0.020 120.6 1.360 9.47 4.01 466.9
0.605 0.350 0.530 0.510 7191 ADVENTA 0.530 0.025 17 0.525 — — 81.0 0.345 0.240 0.265 0.260 5173 SYSCORP 0.265 -0.005 216.1 0.263 — — 318.0
2.404 1.950 2.090 2.010 7090 AHEALTH 2.090 0.070 188.1 2.054 17.42 1.65 985.8 0.360 0.180 0.260 0.250 5149 TAS 0.260 0.005 21 0.251 11.45 — 46.8
1.480 0.898 1.370 1.340 7148 DPHARMA 1.350 0.010 720.4 1.352 16.28 4.07 918.1 1.692 0.968 — — 5140 TASCO 1.110 — — — 23.92 4.50 222.0
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
Markets 2 7

HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.040 0.420 0.485 0.480 8397 TNLOGIS 0.480 UNCH 157.4 0.481 — — 221.2 0.440 0.070 0.420 0.400 7164 KNM 0.415 0.020 83542 0.411 — — 1,081.2
1.150 0.430 — — 7218 TOCEAN 0.505 — — — — — 20.7 0.970 0.495 0.870 0.850 5186 MHB 0.865 -0.005 357.1 0.860 — — 1,384.0
4.270 3.172 4.100 4.060 5246 WPRTS 4.070 -0.020 1204.2 4.074 23.36 3.21 13,878.7 1.260 0.340 1.140 1.070 5133 PENERGY 1.110 0.040 2756.8 1.101 36.27 1.80 357.1
0.930 0.245 0.485 0.470 5267 XINHWA 0.470 -0.010 473.7 0.474 35.07 2.13 101.5 0.540 0.175 0.325 0.315 7108 PERDANA 0.325 0.005 4090.5 0.320 — — 253.0
PLANTATION 0.045 0.005 — — 0047 PERISAI 0.005 — — — — — 6.3
0.210 0.120 0.125 0.120 7054 AASIA 0.125 0.005 95 0.122 — — 82.5 8.395 5.190 5.600 5.510 3042 PETRONM 5.540 -0.080 47.2 5.548 8.61 3.61 1,495.8
17.332 15.400 15.700 15.600 1899 BKAWAN 15.700 0.020 402.2 15.69 18.51 3.50 6,844.4 0.520 0.165 0.200 0.190 5256 REACH 0.195 UNCH 2112.9 0.195 — — 213.8
7.540 5.700 — — 5069 BLDPLNT 5.850 — — — — 0.51 547.0 0.467 0.251 0.295 0.280 5218 SAPNRG 0.290 UNCH 104035 0.287 — — 4,633.9
1.108 0.646 0.680 0.670 5254 BPLANT 0.680 0.005 76.2 0.675 53.97 8.09 1,523.2 0.145 0.040 0.080 0.070 7158 SCOMI 0.080 0.010 9115.4 0.076 — — 87.5
0.736 0.505 0.510 0.505 8982 CEPAT 0.510 UNCH 51.5 0.507 — 2.94 162.4 0.140 0.030 0.090 0.075 7045 SCOMIES 0.090 0.015 9020.5 0.082 — — 210.8
7.297 6.030 — — 1929 CHINTEK 6.500 — — — 15.93 2.46 593.9 4.529 3.453 4.400 4.340 5279 SERBADK 4.360 -0.010 403.5 4.358 14.59 2.05 6,402.7
0.499 0.394 0.420 0.415 3948 DUTALND 0.420 0.005 87 0.417 32.81 — 355.4 0.045 0.005 0.030 0.025 1201 SUMATEC 0.030 UNCH 4479.1 0.025 — — 127.6
2.976 2.501 — — 5029 FAREAST 2.690 — — — — 1.12 1,597.4 0.579 0.297 0.465 0.455 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.460 UNCH 590.2 0.460 50.55 1.09 230.7
1.560 0.630 0.955 0.925 5222 FGV 0.930 -0.005 7114.5 0.938 — — 3,392.8 0.075 0.025 0.065 0.060 7206 THHEAVY 0.065 0.005 846.2 0.061 0.67 — 72.9
10.631 8.935 10.000 9.900 2291 GENP 9.990 -0.090 110.8 9.960 80.50 1.18 8,964.6 1.510 0.550 0.940 0.850 7250 UZMA 0.925 0.070 31957 0.912 9.97 — 296.0
0.460 0.335 0.395 0.370 7382 GLBHD 0.370 -0.025 0.9 0.373 — — 82.5 0.340 0.165 0.310 0.300 5243 VELESTO 0.305 UNCH 24530 0.305 — — 2,505.8
0.820 0.530 0.710 0.530 2135 GOPENG 0.690 -0.020 13 0.640 46.00 3.62 185.6 1.150 0.595 0.645 0.635 5142 WASEONG 0.645 -0.005 129.3 0.639 9.21 — 499.8
0.800 0.340 — — 7501 HARNLEN 0.580 — — — — — 107.6 7.208 4.018 6.700 6.650 7293 YINSON 6.700 UNCH 406.6 6.672 32.73 0.90 7,328.9
2.268 1.400 1.410 1.410 5138 HSPLANT 1.410 UNCH 21 1.410 114.63 1.06 1,128.0
2.576 1.283 1.500 1.480 2216 IJMPLNT 1.480 -0.040 152 1.493 — 1.35 1,303.3
0.694 0.550 0.600 0.570 2607 INCKEN 0.600 0.020 36.5 0.574 — 1.78 252.5
0.798 0.580 0.650 0.650 6262 INNO 0.650 -0.025 30 0.650 65.66 1.54 311.3
4.698 4.064 4.480
0.685 0.430 0.480
25.611 23.000 23.420 23.060
4.400 43.78
0.474 —
23.31 45.77
Ace Market
3.950 3.100 3.600 3.600 2453 KLUANG 3.600 0.040 0.3 3.600 — 0.27 227.4 YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/– VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP
1.285 1.080 1.130 1.120 5027 KMLOONG 1.120 -0.010 30 1.125 22.49 5.36 1,047.7 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.460 0.365 0.380 0.380 1996 KRETAM 0.380 UNCH 34.1 0.380 — — 884.5
1.110 0.680 0.710 0.710 6572 KWANTAS 0.710 -0.030 20 0.710 — — 221.3 CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES
0.950 0.690 0.700 0.700 4936 MALPAC 0.700 -0.005 5 0.700 — 14.29 52.5 0.740 0.325 0.525 0.505 0098 BAHVEST 0.510 -0.005 4957.8 0.511 58.62 — 624.7
0.731 0.546 0.560 0.555 5026 MHC 0.555 -0.015 11.6 0.559 693.75 2.70 109.1 0.265 0.190 0.200 0.190 0179 BIOHLDG 0.190 Unch 323.5 0.194 15.83 0.58 163.4
2.000 1.680 — — 5047 NPC 1.900 — — — — — 228.0 0.350 0.150 0.160 0.155 0205 DPIH 0.155 Unch 107.3 0.155 7.14 — 75.4
3.490 3.082 — — 2038 NSOP 3.320 — — — — 1.81 233.1 0.395 0.095 0.365 0.355 0116 FOCUS 0.365 0.010 8392 0.360 — — 745.8
0.690 0.140 0.275 0.275 1902 PINEPAC 0.275 -0.010 1 0.275 — — 41.2 0.477 0.113 0.415 0.390 0157 FOCUSP 0.410 0.020 980 0.406 8.93 4.59 90.2
1.310 0.700 0.730 0.700 9695 PLS 0.730 -0.045 135.8 0.714 — — 256.0 0.125 0.075 0.095 0.095 0074 GOCEAN 0.095 0.005 257.8 0.095 — — 27.5
0.290 0.135 0.145 0.135 5113 RSAWIT 0.140 UNCH 305.3 0.137 — — 198.6 0.090 0.035 0.065 0.060 0170 KANGER 0.065 Unch 628 0.060 9.42 — 58.1
3.701 2.732 — — 2542 RVIEW 2.830 — — — 658.14 1.41 183.5 0.428 0.241 0.315 0.310 0210 KHJB 0.310 -0.005 43.9 0.311 11.88 — 117.8
3.178 2.740 — — 2569 SBAGAN 3.000 — — — — 0.67 199.0 0.205 0.130 0.150 0.145 0180 KTC 0.145 0.005 232.2 0.145 6.22 — 74.0
0.460 0.240 — — 4316 SHCHAN 0.255 — — — — — 33.6 0.165 0.090 0.105 0.105 0182 LKL 0.105 0.015 0.1 0.105 — — 45.0
5.299 3.934 4.920 4.800 5285 SIMEPLT 4.840 -0.060 1289.9 4.834 95.28 2.12 33,321.3 0.250 0.100 0.140 0.135 0140 MACPIE 0.140 0.005 208.5 0.139 — — 49.5
2.791 1.919 2.090 2.070 5126 SOP 2.070 0.010 43.4 2.083 32.91 2.42 1,181.7 0.600 0.277 0.595 0.565 0201 NOVA 0.580 -0.005 880.6 0.580 15.72 0.86 184.3
1.844 1.310 1.460 1.460 5135 SWKPLNT 1.460 -0.040 2 1.460 23.17 3.42 408.8 0.155 0.100 0.125 0.110 0153 OVERSEA 0.120 0.010 135.9 0.119 — — 29.6
2.720 1.882 2.190 2.140 5012 TAANN 2.140 -0.050 66.1 2.158 13.33 4.67 952.0 0.125 0.060 0.090 0.075 0022 PARLO 0.085 0.005 1743.3 0.080 — — 30.9
0.260 0.145 0.170 0.165 2054 TDM 0.165 -0.005 738.3 0.170 — — 277.6 0.400 0.185 0.185 0.185 0171 PLABS 0.185 Unch 219.1 0.185 10.28 — 39.7
0.700 0.340 0.345 0.345 5112 THPLANT 0.345 -0.005 10 0.345 — — 304.9 0.539 0.434 0.520 0.515 0158 SCC 0.520 0.010 69 0.517 11.85 6.54 73.4
1.177 0.865 0.900 0.885 9059 TSH 0.900 UNCH 14 0.897 32.61 1.11 1,243.6 0.225 0.075 0.100 0.100 0148 SUNZEN 0.100 -0.010 75.8 0.100 — — 53.5
6.105 5.000 5.150 5.150 2593 UMCCA 5.150 UNCH 7.5 5.150 — 1.55 1,079.9 0.387 0.255 0.280 0.260 0197 WEGMANS 0.280 0.020 778.4 0.268 8.89 1.79 140.0
27.000 24.006 25.300 25.180 2089 UTDPLT 25.180 -0.160 80.9 25.23 15.97 1.59 5,240.8 0.235 0.120 0.220 0.215 0095 XINGHE 0.220 Unch 2882.2 0.215 — — 106.0
TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA 0.300 0.210 0.235 0.220 0122 AIM 0.235 -0.035 46 0.228 — — 62.5
0.180 0.100 — — 0159 AMEDIA 0.135 — — — — — 32.3 0.095 0.055 0.065 0.060 0105 ASIAPLY 0.065 -0.005 190.2 0.061 — 7.69 29.5
0.700 0.605 — — 7031 AMTEL 0.615 — — — 9.40 — 33.3 0.065 0.040 0.045 0.040 0072 AT 0.045 0.005 499 0.045 — — 20.9
1.670 0.999 1.430 1.390 6399 ASTRO 1.420 0.010 2192.4 1.408 12.06 5.63 7,404.3 0.250 0.140 0.145 0.140 0187 BCMALL 0.145 Unch 220 0.145 10.00 1.38 61.1
5.280 3.161 4.300 4.240 6888 AXIATA 4.300 UNCH 3169.7 4.272 — 2.21 39,253.3 0.245 0.130 0.135 0.135 0163 CAREPLS 0.135 Unch 160 0.135 — — 71.7
0.375 0.100 0.185 0.170 6025 BJMEDIA 0.185 0.010 36 0.185 — — 43.5 0.155 0.075 0.090 0.090 0102 CONNECT 0.090 Unch 0.8 0.090 — — 29.6
5.050 3.852 4.760 4.660 6947 DIGI 4.760 -0.020 1802.8 4.713 24.60 4.01 37,009.0 0.300 0.180 0.230 0.225 0190 ESAFE 0.230 Unch 25.7 0.226 41.82 7.83 55.3
0.355 0.180 0.200 0.200 0059 ECOHLDS 0.200 -0.020 5 0.200 12.90 — 42.3 0.204 0.105 0.180 0.160 0100 ESCERAM 0.165 0.010 373 0.168 44.59 3.64 33.9
0.730 0.300 0.730 0.705 0082 GPACKET 0.725 0.020 22245 0.718 — — 660.7 0.548 0.326 0.355 0.345 0039 GFM 0.350 0.005 1276 0.350 12.87 3.14 165.0
5.756 4.964 5.700 5.590 6012 MAXIS 5.700 0.050 1007 5.673 28.08 3.51 44,576.8 0.235 0.105 0.150 0.145 0175 HHGROUP 0.145 -0.005 294.8 0.145 — — 49.2
0.600 0.325 0.470 0.470 4502 MEDIA 0.470 UNCH 478.2 0.470 — — 521.3 0.155 0.080 0.105 0.105 0160 HHHCORP 0.105 Unch 249.5 0.105 12.07 — 35.0
0.265 0.165 0.180 0.175 5090 MEDIAC 0.175 UNCH 571 0.175 0.77 6.69 295.3 0.260 0.115 0.215 0.190 0188 HLT 0.215 Unch 26 0.190 — — 110.1
0.665 0.400 0.640 0.620 0172 OCK 0.625 UNCH 4226.8 0.629 20.03 — 544.7 0.085 0.035 0.040 0.040 0024 JAG 0.040 0.005 10 0.040 — — 60.6
0.434 0.326 — — 7190 PPG 0.340 — — — 52.31 1.47 34.0 0.405 0.178 0.405 0.390 0193 KAB 0.400 0.005 2392.7 0.399 17.94 2.50 141.6
0.300 0.165 0.170 0.165 5252 SASBADI 0.165 -0.005 127.7 0.165 86.84 — 69.2 0.145 0.080 — — 0167 MCLEAN 0.125 — — — — — 22.3
0.700 0.470 — — 9431 SJC 0.530 — — — — — 21.5 0.240 0.090 0.110 0.105 0081 MEGASUN 0.110 0.005 282 0.105 42.31 — 27.6
0.876 0.540 0.550 0.540 6084 STAR 0.540 -0.010 121.5 0.545 — 5.56 398.8 0.210 0.105 0.120 0.115 0207 MESTRON 0.115 -0.005 343.4 0.116 — — 90.9
9.350 7.329 9.030 9.000 5031 TIMECOM 9.000 0.040 1012.8 9.005 16.60 1.03 5,269.8 0.115 0.040 0.040 0.040 0177 PASUKGB 0.040 -0.005 100 0.040 — — 32.6
4.680 2.097 3.680 3.520 4863 TM 3.520 -0.140 5231.5 3.572 42.11 0.57 13,253.9 0.210 0.105 — — 0038 PTB 0.120 — — — — — 22.4
0.310 0.045 — — 5754 UTUSAN 0.055 — — — — — 6.1 0.380 0.165 0.200 0.190 0196 QES 0.195 0.005 5893.6 0.195 19.12 — 147.9
TECHNOLOGY 0.180 0.040 0.050 0.045 0133 SANICHI 0.050 0.005 182 0.045 — — 55.4
0.700 0.605 — — 7031 AMTEL 0.615 — — — 9.40 — 33.3 0.180 0.090 0.100 0.100 0161 SCH 0.100 0.005 110 0.100 — — 55.6
0.190 0.115 0.130 0.120 5195 CENSOF 0.125 0.005 739.5 0.124 416.67 — 62.7 0.982 0.429 0.870 0.845 0001 SCOMNET 0.850 -0.005 772.6 0.856 32.69 1.18 546.6
0.330 0.160 0.180 0.175 0051 CUSCAPI 0.175 UNCH 606.9 0.176 — — 150.4 0.290 0.115 0.160 0.150 0028 SCOPE 0.160 Unch 243 0.150 — 3.13 99.1
0.985 0.490 0.560 0.545 7204 D&O 0.555 0.010 970.3 0.552 19.47 1.80 616.9 0.120 0.080 0.085 0.085 0055 SERSOL 0.085 Unch 20 0.085 — — 18.3
0.285 0.160 0.175 0.165 8338 DATAPRP 0.170 UNCH 464.6 0.169 — — 74.4 0.580 0.260 0.285 0.270 0211 TASHIN 0.270 -0.010 348.3 0.276 7.14 — 94.2
0.080 0.040 0.045 0.045 0029 DIGISTA 0.045 UNCH 100 0.045 — — 29.6 0.496 0.241 0.305 0.295 0084 TECFAST 0.305 0.010 31.1 0.299 21.48 3.28 69.6
0.447 0.192 0.295 0.270 4456 DNEX 0.290 0.020 28632 0.283 16.29 1.72 509.8 0.663 0.360 0.370 0.365 0089 TEXCYCL 0.365 -0.005 12 0.370 14.26 1.64 93.5
0.950 0.280 0.935 0.910 5216 DSONIC 0.920 0.010 5074 0.923 28.75 2.45 1,242.0 0.390 0.215 0.265 0.255 0162 WIDAD 0.265 0.005 3630.1 0.260 26.77 — 650.5
0.775 0.380 0.435 0.425 5036 EDARAN 0.430 0.010 195 0.431 — — 25.8 0.180 0.115 0.120 0.120 0025 YBS 0.120 -0.010 3.2 0.120 16.44 — 29.0
0.813 0.367 0.680 0.660 0065 EFORCE 0.665 -0.010 7565.4 0.666 40.06 1.88 409.2 TECHNOLOGY
1.414 0.747 0.890 0.875 0090 ELSOFT 0.880 -0.010 1124 0.885 18.97 5.11 587.9 0.380 0.175 0.300 0.280 0181 AEMULUS 0.285 -0.010 2414.6 0.289 190.0 0.70 156.6
1.760 0.566 1.760 1.710 0128 FRONTKN 1.740 0.020 7674.7 1.741 27.71 1.03 1,833.0 0.195 0.075 0.095 0.090 0119 APPASIA 0.095 0.005 742.2 0.095 — — 32.8
0.240 0.080 — — 9377 FSBM 0.095 — — — — — 13.4 0.300 0.135 0.140 0.135 0068 ASDION 0.140 Unch 86.4 0.136 — — 17.9
1.860 1.240 1.370 1.320 0021 GHLSYS 1.330 -0.030 351.6 1.341 36.44 — 996.4 0.465 0.200 0.280 0.265 0195 BINACOM 0.265 -0.010 1147.1 0.275 12.86 3.77 68.9
0.730 0.300 0.730 0.705 0082 GPACKET 0.725 0.020 22245 0.718 — — 660.7 0.347 0.180 — — 0191 CABNET 0.195 — — — 7.56 4.10 34.9
0.300 0.176 0.260 0.260 0056 GRANFLO 0.260 0.005 40 0.260 12.68 1.92 125.6 0.180 0.090 — — 0152 DGB 0.095 — — — — — 71.8
2.489 1.350 1.890 1.780 7022 GTRONIC 1.840 0.060 5779.9 1.860 21.62 1.49 1,231.8 0.105 0.065 0.095 0.090 0131 DGSB 0.090 Unch 535.8 0.091 36.00 — 67.1
1.440 0.340 1.230 1.170 5028 HTPADU 1.190 0.020 6138.9 1.202 — — 120.5 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0154 EAH 0.010 Unch 2063.6 0.010 — — 50.7
2.319 1.184 1.780 1.750 0166 INARI 1.760 0.010 11858 1.766 29.19 2.95 5,595.3 0.075 0.015 0.060 0.055 0107 EDUSPEC 0.055 -0.005 2075.8 0.057 — — 60.6
0.353 0.242 0.270 0.265 0192 INTA 0.265 -0.005 425.5 0.265 5.65 2.83 141.8 2.015 1.040 1.110 1.060 0104 GENETEC 1.090 0.040 160.3 1.078 36.70 4.59 46.1
0.145 0.070 — — 9393 ITRONIC 0.095 — — — — — 12.7 0.100 0.045 0.065 0.060 0045 GNB 0.060 -0.005 569 0.060 — — 17.3
0.290 0.155 0.170 0.165 5161 JCY 0.165 -0.005 196.9 0.168 — 3.03 342.7 1.590 0.635 1.590 1.510 0208 GREATEC 1.540 0.040 9679.4 1.551 20.16 — 964.0
17.016 6.660 7.280 7.100 9334 KESM 7.250 0.150 16.2 7.214 20.42 0.41 311.9 0.050 0.015 — — 0174 IDMENSN 0.020 — — — — — 5.4
0.220 0.075 0.080 0.075 0143 KEYASIC 0.080 UNCH 594 0.076 — — 76.0 0.506 0.180 0.310 0.305 0023 IFCAMSC 0.305 -0.005 1232.2 0.309 16.76 3.28 185.5
0.405 0.310 — — 0302 MCOM 0.405 — — — 36.82 — 76.4 0.120 0.045 0.055 0.055 0094 INIX 0.055 Unch 9259.9 0.055 — — 14.9
3.321 1.442 2.250 2.130 5286 MI 2.170 0.010 4390.1 2.193 23.90 2.76 1,085.0 0.195 0.125 0.150 0.145 0010 IRIS 0.145 Unch 2711.1 0.146 13.18 — 430.1
1.262 0.585 0.665 0.635 0113 MMSV 0.640 UNCH 3180.7 0.651 19.16 3.13 130.4 0.275 0.150 0.190 0.180 0209 ISTONE 0.185 0.005 18664 0.185 15.04 — 226.0
12.837 8.330 9.100 9.050 3867 MPI 9.100 -0.260 20.2 9.084 13.48 2.97 1,909.9 1.020 0.640 0.790 0.770 0146 JFTECH 0.770 -0.020 65.4 0.773 48.43 — 161.7
1.930 0.950 1.070 1.050 5011 MSNIAGA 1.050 -0.010 17.3 1.054 — — 63.4 1.450 0.805 1.220 1.170 0127 JHM 1.190 0.030 1615.5 1.199 17.95 1.68 663.5
1.794 0.779 1.470 1.430 0138 MYEG 1.440 -0.020 7490.1 1.448 60.00 1.32 5,193.1 0.292 0.190 0.200 0.195 0111 K1 0.195 -0.005 400.3 0.200 17.26 — 142.1
0.257 0.177 0.200 0.195 0041 MYSCM 0.200 0.005 498.7 0.195 — — 63.7 0.080 0.030 — — 0036 KGROUP 0.035 — — — — — 18.2
0.743 0.460 0.540 0.530 0083 NOTION 0.535 0.005 202.5 0.536 5.05 1.87 178.2 0.737 0.496 0.635 0.620 0176 KRONO 0.625 -0.005 3968.1 0.628 13.35 3.20 305.8
0.450 0.320 0.405 0.405 9008 OMESTI 0.405 -0.010 55 0.405 — — 193.8 0.160 0.050 0.055 0.050 0018 LAMBO 0.055 Unch 255 0.052 7.14 — 115.6
4.160 1.532 4.160 4.000 7160 PENTA 4.140 0.120 3622 4.090 26.20 — 1,966.0 0.545 0.275 0.350 0.340 0075 LYC 0.340 0.005 2550.6 0.341 — — 110.5
1.080 0.255 0.465 0.445 5204 PRESBHD 0.460 0.015 3719.2 0.456 — 3.70 222.6 0.070 0.035 — — 0017 M3TECH 0.045 — — — — — 26.4
0.535 0.240 0.490 0.430 9075 THETA 0.490 0.050 38.5 0.448 — — 52.5 0.425 0.205 0.265 0.265 0155 MGRC 0.265 Unch 4.5 0.265 — — 27.4
0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0118 TRIVE 0.015 UNCH 665.2 0.010 — — 35.2 0.700 0.305 — — 0126 MICROLN 0.590 — — — 34.50 — 98.7
0.200 0.105 — — 4359 TURIYA 0.110 — — — — — 25.2 0.324 0.175 0.200 0.195 0112 MIKROMB 0.200 0.005 20.1 0.195 20.41 4.00 117.8
3.233 1.920 2.100 2.050 5005 UNISEM 2.060 -0.030 164.6 2.071 18.93 4.00 1,511.7 0.065 0.035 0.040 0.035 0085 MLAB 0.040 Unch 11.1 0.036 — — 26.8
1.630 1.100 1.600 1.560 5292 UWC 1.570 0.010 3331.8 1.578 15.89 — 575.9 0.290 0.200 0.275 0.265 0034 MMAG 0.275 Unch 243.5 0.272 — — 195.6
8.444 5.667 7.200 7.150 0097 VITROX 7.190 UNCH 27 7.180 32.07 0.80 3,386.2 0.120 0.035 0.120 0.110 0103 MNC 0.115 0.005 33618 0.114 — — 55.0
1.090 0.884 1.020 1.020 5162 VSTECS 1.020 0.010 21 1.020 6.89 4.90 183.6 0.165 0.095 0.105 0.100 0156 MPAY 0.105 Unch 293.3 0.100 — — 74.6
0.601 0.325 0.400 0.385 0008 WILLOW 0.385 -0.015 60 0.399 13.28 2.60 191.0 0.050 0.020 0.025 0.025 0070 MQTECH 0.025 Unch 829.1 0.025 — — 16.1
UTILITIES 0.130 0.050 0.090 0.080 0092 MTOUCHE 0.080 -0.010 6026.4 0.083 — — 40.7
0.270 0.090 0.150 0.140 7471 EDEN 0.145 -0.005 982.2 0.145 — — 58.5 1.202 0.691 0.735 0.715 0108 N2N 0.735 -0.010 133.9 0.725 29.64 2.72 439.4
2.960 2.587 2.840 2.840 5209 GASMSIA 2.840 UNCH 25 2.840 20.00 4.86 3,646.6 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.005 0020 NETX 0.015 0.005 44501 0.010 — — 49.1
0.923 0.695 0.845 0.835 5264 MALAKOF 0.840 -0.005 643.7 0.840 14.29 7.07 4,200.0 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 1010 0.010 — — 31.1
4.007 2.973 3.900 3.830 3069 MFCB 3.860 0.020 382 3.871 12.35 1.04 1,637.9 0.185 0.080 0.085 0.085 0026 NOVAMSC 0.085 -0.005 498.5 0.085 — — 63.9
1.253 1.002 1.130 1.110 5041 PBA 1.130 0.010 30.5 1.125 — 3.10 374.3 0.880 0.435 0.730 0.685 0035 OPCOM 0.700 -0.005 14095 0.709 — 4.64 112.9
19.386 14.596 16.600 16.380 6033 PETGAS 16.540 0.080 715.4 16.51 17.82 4.35 32,728.2 0.364 0.267 0.350 0.335 0040 OPENSYS 0.335 -0.005 246.7 0.341 10.06 3.73 99.8
1.440 0.584 1.270 1.240 5272 RANHILL 1.250 -0.030 487.1 1.252 27.29 3.46 1,332.5 0.230 0.050 0.080 0.075 0079 ORION 0.075 -0.005 2290.1 0.080 — — 53.0
0.298 0.211 0.225 0.220 8567 SALCON 0.225 UNCH 366 0.225 53.57 3.42 190.6 0.730 0.240 0.360 0.320 0006 PINEAPP 0.360 0.040 8 0.321 — — 17.5
1.013 0.845 0.930 0.915 8524 TALIWRK 0.920 0.005 3329.1 0.920 20.67 5.22 1,854.6 0.100 0.045 0.055 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.050 -0.005 166 0.052 — — 27.9
15.385 11.240 13.700 13.600 5347 TENAGA 13.620 0.020 964 13.63 25.47 3.89 77,455.4 1.730 0.867 1.520 1.480 0200 REVENUE 1.490 Unch 729.9 1.498 38.40 — 347.1
1.250 0.965 0.980 0.970 4677 YTL 0.980 0.010 2341 0.976 40.33 4.08 10,771.6 0.750 0.525 0.615 0.615 0106 REXIT 0.615 0.005 2.4 0.615 14.01 4.88 116.4
1.056 0.685 0.740 0.730 6742 YTLPOWR 0.730 UNCH 5110.2 0.733 12.19 6.85 5,955.5 0.345 0.200 0.245 0.240 0202 RGTECH 0.240 -0.005 217.5 0.240 42.11 — 126.0
CLOSED-END FUNDS 0.310 0.090 0.125 0.120 0178 SEDANIA 0.125 0.005 684.7 0.121 — — 31.0
2.780 2.300 2.370 2.370 5108 ICAP 2.370 0.010 22 2.370 82.58 — 331.8 0.610 0.370 0.470 0.470 0203 SMETRIC 0.470 -0.030 1 0.470 142.4 — 114.5
EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 0.155 0.090 0.095 0.095 0117 SMRT 0.095 Unch 149.9 0.095 — — 38.7
1.222 1.100 — — 0800EA ABFMY1 1.219 — — — — 1.91 1,576.1 0.260 0.055 0.260 0.250 0169 SMTRACK 0.250 -0.005 34594 0.254 — — 40.9
6.140 5.220 5.710 5.690 0829EA CHINAETF-MYR 5.710 UNCH 13.1 5.700 — — 9.4 0.150 0.080 — — 0093 SOLUTN 0.085 — — — — — 26.0
1.345 1.345 — — 0829EB CHINAETF-USD 1.345 — — — — — 0.9 0.340 0.195 0.215 0.205 0129 SRIDGE 0.215 0.010 320 0.213 — — 30.2
1.950 1.780 — — 0822EA CIMBA40 1.830 — — — — 3.74 4.9 0.325 0.155 0.160 0.155 0050 SYSTECH 0.155 -0.005 65 0.160 — 1.29 53.9
1.690 1.450 — — 0823EA CIMBC50 1.560 — — — — — 11.2 0.125 0.045 0.055 0.050 0132 TDEX 0.055 Unch 49.3 0.050 — — 32.5
1.910 1.675 1.710 1.710 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.710 UNCH 8 1.710 — 1.93 2.9 0.160 0.085 — — 0145 TFP 0.090 — — — — — 18.7
1.070 0.940 — — 0826EA METFAPA 0.945 — — — — — 17.0 0.340 0.125 0.135 0.125 0005 UCREST 0.130 -0.010 9354.4 0.132 8.78 — 60.3
1.000 0.790 — — 0825EA METFSID 0.835 — — — — 2.38 73.5 0.330 0.108 0.160 0.160 0060 VC 0.160 Unch 86.5 0.160 — — 62.4
1.180 0.900 — — 0827EA METFUS50 1.160 — — — — — 15.1 0.775 0.305 0.415 0.380 0120 VIS 0.410 0.025 4651.8 0.404 11.42 2.44 69.4
1.200 1.020 — — 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.060 — — — — 2.30 290.3 0.030 0.015 0.015 0.015 0069 VIVOCOM 0.015 -0.005 472.7 0.015 — — 85.0
0.255 0.085 0.100 0.085 0066 VSOLAR 0.085 -0.010 51068 0.093 — — 32.8
1.200 1.040 — — 0824EA MYETFID 1.110 — — — — 2.49 44.0 0.045 0.035 — — 0141 WINTONI 0.035 — — — — — 18.0
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 0.145 0.100 0.110 0.110 0086 YGL 0.110 Unch 119 0.110 — — 25.6
0.820 0.654 — — 4952 AHP 0.800 — — — 12.12 7.29 176.0 TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA
1.550 1.150 1.510 1.490 5116 ALAQAR 1.490 -0.030 37 1.496 12.06 5.94 1,096.6 0.465 0.200 0.280 0.265 0195 BINACOM 0.265 -0.010 1147.1 0.275 12.86 3.77 68.9
0.935 0.731 0.900 0.890 5269 ALSREIT 0.890 UNCH 0.2 0.895 12.29 6.06 516.2 0.720 0.420 0.445 0.440 0147 INNITY 0.440 -0.010 19 0.442 28.76 — 61.2
0.552 0.486 0.505 0.500 5120 AMFIRST 0.500 UNCH 460.2 0.500 16.18 7.88 343.2 0.070 0.035 — — 0017 M3TECH 0.045 — — — — — 26.4
0.834 0.780 0.805 0.780 5127 ARREIT 0.790 -0.015 597.6 0.791 34.20 7.30 452.8 0.120 0.035 0.120 0.110 0103 MNC 0.115 0.005 33618 0.114 — — 55.0
1.215 1.040 1.070 1.050 5130 ATRIUM 1.060 UNCH 145.5 1.052 12.20 6.92 216.9 0.130 0.050 0.090 0.080 0092 MTOUCHE 0.080 -0.010 6026.4 0.083 — — 40.7
1.990 1.349 1.860 1.830 5106 AXREIT 1.850 UNCH 2437.8 1.849 14.99 5.14 2,289.0 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 1010 0.010 — — 31.1
1.097 0.919 1.080 1.050 5180 CMMT 1.070 0.020 3478.6 1.070 24.65 6.29 2,195.4 0.880 0.435 0.730 0.685 0035 OPCOM 0.700 -0.005 14095 0.709 — 4.64 112.9
1.142 0.955 1.000 0.990 5121 HEKTAR 0.995 -0.005 97.5 0.994 15.14 8.38 459.7 0.100 0.045 0.055 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.050 -0.005 166 0.052 — — 27.9
2.100 1.534 2.050 2.030 5227 IGBREIT 2.050 UNCH 570.8 2.045 21.22 4.50 7,269.0 0.165 0.060 0.070 0.060 0007 PUC 0.070 0.005 17471 0.066 15.91 — 154.1
0.863 0.698 0.845 0.840 5280 KIPREIT 0.845 0.005 155.5 0.842 12.54 7.14 427.0 0.460 0.146 0.455 0.435 0032 REDTONE 0.445 Unch 3640.6 0.444 18.24 — 337.6
8.388 7.060 8.210 8.000 5235SS KLCC 8.050 -0.030 1945.3 8.072 19.93 4.34 14,532.9 0.355 0.130 0.130 0.130 0173 REV 0.130 -0.015 2 0.130 — — 17.5
1.080 1.010 1.030 1.010 5123 MQREIT 1.020 -0.010 122.8 1.018 16.94 7.07 1,093.2 0.310 0.090 0.125 0.120 0178 SEDANIA 0.125 0.005 684.7 0.121 — — 31.0
1.900 1.447 1.870 1.810 5212 PAVREIT 1.820 -0.010 989.5 1.821 19.00 4.86 5,534.8 0.340 0.195 0.215 0.205 0129 SRIDGE 0.215 0.010 320 0.213 — — 30.2
1.980 1.534 1.930 1.900 5176 SUNREIT 1.910 UNCH 2649.9 1.915 14.45 5.02 5,625.1 0.070 0.040 0.050 0.045 0165 XOX 0.050 Unch 1675.5 0.050 — — 54.6
0.909 0.813 0.865 0.850 5111 TWRREIT 0.865 0.005 55.1 0.852 26.29 6.86 242.6 FINANCIAL SERVICES
1.425 1.187 1.320 1.300 5110 UOAREIT 1.300 -0.020 158 1.302 15.20 7.02 549.7 0.075 0.040 0.050 0.045 0150 FINTEC 0.045 -0.005 585 0.049 1.66 — 28.5
1.390 1.073 1.360 1.330 5109 YTLREIT 1.360 0.040 367.5 1.340 22.11 5.68 2,318.0 0.600 0.390 0.430 0.415 0053 OSKVI 0.420 0.005 20 0.425 — — 83.0
0.51 0.480 — — 5270 RSENA 0.505 — — — — — 505.0 0.245 0.130 0.135 0.135 0163 CAREPLS 0.135 Unch 160 0.135 — — 71.7
ENERGY 0.165 0.090 0.105 0.105 0182 LKL 0.105 0.015 0.1 0.105 — — 45.0
0.155 0.056 0.100 0.090 5115 ALAM 0.100 UNCH 4860.2 0.095 — — 95.7 0.425 0.205 0.265 0.265 0155 MGRC 0.265 Unch 4.5 0.265 — — 27.4
0.605 0.145 0.345 0.315 5210 ARMADA 0.345 0.030 177411 0.328 — — 2,027.4 0.600 0.277 0.595 0.565 0201 NOVA 0.580 -0.005 880.6 0.580 15.72 0.86 184.3
0.165 0.025 0.035 0.030 7251 BARAKAH 0.035 UNCH 606.1 0.033 — — 29.3 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
1.100 0.207 1.080 1.030 5257 CARIMIN 1.070 0.040 6013.2 1.063 8.69 2.80 250.2 0.110 0.055 0.060 0.060 0048 ANCOMLB 0.060 Unch 20 0.060 — — 28.4
1.370 0.735 0.945 0.940 5071 COASTAL 0.940 -0.010 28.9 0.942 34.18 — 500.0 0.285 0.195 0.205 0.200 0080 STRAITS 0.205 Unch 1250.8 0.205 19.34 — 133.4
0.035 0.005 0.010 0.005 0091 DAYA 0.010 UNCH 102 0.005 — — 20.4 0.500 0.295 — — 0199 TRIMODE 0.380 — — — 18.27 2.63 63.1
1.750 0.500 1.580 1.500 5141 DAYANG 1.580 0.050 12384 1.542 7.88 — 1,524.4 CONSTRUCTION
1.281 0.786 1.030 0.980 5132 DELEUM 1.030 0.045 1120.3 1.009 14.71 3.54 413.6 0.348 0.205 0.300 0.295 0198 GDB 0.295 Unch 166 0.296 6.94 6.78 184.4
3.615 2.703 3.500 3.470 7277 DIALOG 3.480 -0.020 6563.4 3.484 36.59 0.95 19,632.9 0.392 0.230 0.250 0.245 0206 NADIBHD 0.250 -0.005 116.1 0.250 5.92 — 188.3
0.510 0.275 0.385 0.380 7253 HANDAL 0.380 UNCH 48 0.381 — — 83.2 0.050 0.010 0.035 0.030 0109 SCBUILD 0.035 Unch 473.2 0.033 17.50 — 30.9
7.060 4.290 4.860 4.780 4324 HENGYUAN 4.860 0.050 330.3 4.824 — — 1,458.0 PLANTATION
1.360 0.760 0.990 0.975 5199 HIBISCS 0.985 -0.010 10166 0.984 6.80 — 1,564.4 0.080 0.065 0.065 0.065 0189 MATANG 0.065 Unch 440 0.065 72.22 3.08 117.7
0.300 0.130 0.145 0.135 2739 HUAAN 0.140 0.005 5243.7 0.137 15.91 — 157.1 UTILITIES
0.175 0.045 0.055 0.045 5255 ICON 0.050 0.005 2546.8 0.050 — — 58.9 0.347 0.172 — — 0011 BTECH 0.210 — — — 12.88 7.62 52.9
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 8 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.100 0.065 0.090 0.085 5199C7 HIBISCS-C7 0.085 -0.010 250 0.985 1.000 18.78 30/06/2020
0.155 0.115 0.140 0.135 5199C8 HIBISCS-C8 0.135 -0.015 471 0.985 1.000 23.45 31/03/2020
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PR’M EXPIRY 0.665 0.275 0.305 0.300 5199WC HIBISCS-WC 0.305 Unch 1967.8 0.985 1.060 38.58 19/03/2021
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.080 0.003 — — 5819CO HLBANK-CO 0.005 — — 2.358 22.000 836.17 23/10/2019
0.555 0.220 0.340 0.320 70342 A50CHIN-C42 0.325 -0.015 7483.2 7.940 8.018 7.13 31/12/2019 0.145 0.030 0.055 0.055 0188WA HLT-WA 0.055 -0.010 0.4 0.215 0.200 18.60 27/12/2022
0.175 0.090 0.090 0.090 70346 A50CHIN-C46 0.090 Unch 10 7.940 9.515 23.24 20/02/2020 0.180 0.015 0.020 0.020 5160WA HOMERIZ-WA 0.020 Unch 137 0.660 0.920 42.42 09/07/2020
0.210 0.130 0.175 0.165 70348 A50CHIN-C48 0.165 -0.010 50 7.940 9.355 20.94 31/03/2020 0.315 0.125 0.215 0.185 5160WB HOMERIZ-WB 0.215 0.025 7114.4 0.660 0.540 14.39 03/07/2022
0.410 0.275 0.355 0.335 70350 A50CHIN-C50 0.340 Unch 6210 7.940 8.286 10.78 31/03/2020 0.008 0.003 — — 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.005 — — 0.045 3.160 6,933 04/11/2019
0.390 0.200 0.235 0.225 70333 A50CHIN-H33 0.235 0.005 118.7 7.940 7.217 -4.67 31/03/2020 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 7013WB HUBLINE-WB 0.005 Unch 1.3 0.045 0.200 355.56 20/12/2020
0.090 0.010 0.015 0.010 5238WA AAX-WA 0.010 Unch 614.4 0.170 0.460 176.47 08/06/2020 0.055 0.020 — — 9601WD HWGB-WD 0.030 — — 0.080 0.320 337.50 15/03/2021
0.080 0.015 0.020 0.020 2488C1 ABMB-C1 0.020 Unch 20 3.050 3.880 29.18 14/02/2020 0.045 0.005 — — 4251WA IBHD-WA 0.005 — — 0.305 1.410 363.93 08/10/2019
0.055 0.050 0.055 0.050 6599CU AEON-CU 0.050 -0.100 0.2 1.480 1.750 27.70 26/03/2020 0.870 0.290 0.420 0.410 9687WB IDEAL-WB 0.410 -0.025 37.5 1.480 1.000 -4.73 30/03/2021
0.200 0.040 0.040 0.040 509983 AIRASIAC83 0.040 Unch 150 1.790 1.971 14.06 31/10/2019 0.020 0.005 — — 0174WA IDMENSN-WA 0.005 — — 0.020 0.200 925.00 14/07/2020
0.275 0.120 0.125 0.125 509985 AIRASIAC85 0.125 0.005 10 1.790 1.711 8.94 20/12/2019 0.140 0.015 0.050 0.050 522512 IHH-C12 0.050 -0.020 140 5.650 5.500 1.77 14/10/2019
0.145 0.040 0.040 0.040 509987 AIRASIAC87 0.040 Unch 900 1.790 2.326 33.78 31/01/2020 0.115 0.050 0.050 0.050 522513 IHH-C13 0.050 -0.020 1 5.650 5.880 8.50 04/11/2019
0.100 0.040 0.050 0.050 509988 AIRASIAC88 0.050 -0.005 74.8 1.790 2.053 21.36 29/05/2020 0.170 0.105 0.115 0.110 522514 IHH-C14 0.110 -0.025 120 5.650 5.400 5.31 31/03/2020
0.065 0.060 0.060 0.060 509991 AIRASIAC91 0.060 -0.005 400 1.790 2.280 36.09 16/03/2020 0.120 0.115 0.120 0.115 522515 IHH-C15 0.115 -0.035 20 5.650 5.600 9.29 15/05/2020
0.090 0.075 0.080 0.080 509992 AIRASIAC92 0.080 0.005 920 1.790 1.950 20.56 31/03/2020 0.125 0.110 0.110 0.110 522516 IHH-C16 0.110 -0.015 10 5.650 6.100 14.78 31/03/2020
0.145 0.125 0.145 0.145 501412 AIRPORT-C12 0.145 0.020 0.2 8.780 8.800 13.44 26/03/2020 0.195 0.075 0.095 0.095 333629 IJM-C29 0.095 -0.010 25 2.220 2.150 9.68 31/03/2020
0.140 0.135 0.140 0.135 501413 AIRPORT-C13 0.135 Unch 119.2 8.780 9.000 14.04 31/03/2020 0.210 0.100 0.100 0.100 333630 IJM-C30 0.100 -0.005 40 2.220 2.000 3.60 29/11/2019
0.105 0.010 0.045 0.045 5014C4 AIRPORT-C4 0.045 Unch 100 8.780 8.350 -0.28 30/09/2019 0.100 0.085 0.085 0.085 333633 IJM-C33 0.085 -0.005 10 2.220 2.550 25.59 31/03/2020
0.185 0.100 0.150 0.150 5014C9 AIRPORT-C9 0.150 -0.005 0.2 8.780 8.000 4.78 30/04/2020 0.105 0.005 — — 16626 INARI-C26 0.005 — — 0.285 1.850 554.39 30/09/2019
0.185 0.055 0.060 0.060 7609WA AJIYA-WA 0.060 -0.005 41.8 0.405 0.920 141.98 28/08/2021 0.410 0.125 0.320 0.310 16633 INARI-C33 0.315 0.010 751.1 1.760 1.300 0.71 31/10/2019
0.070 0.035 0.045 0.040 5115WA ALAM-WA 0.040 -0.005 3072.2 0.100 0.120 60.00 28/03/2022 0.180 0.040 0.095 0.090 16637 INARI-C37 0.095 0.010 180.6 1.760 1.700 7.39 31/12/2019
0.090 0.020 0.030 0.025 101516 AMBANK-C16 0.030 Unch 200 4.130 4.500 11.86 31/03/2020 0.125 0.065 0.070 0.070 16642 INARI-C42 0.070 Unch 0.2 1.760 1.900 17.90 23/01/2020
0.095 0.030 0.045 0.040 0119WA APPASIA-WA 0.040 0.005 436.9 0.095 0.130 78.95 23/12/2024 0.125 0.080 0.105 0.105 16643 INARI-C43 0.105 Unch 2000 1.760 1.780 22.02 31/01/2020
0.260 0.090 0.260 0.225 521051 ARMADA-C51 0.260 0.035 616.5 0.345 0.235 5.80 30/06/2020 0.180 0.120 0.175 0.165 16644 INARI-C44 0.175 0.010 700 1.760 1.500 11.08 31/01/2020
0.130 0.065 0.130 0.125 521052 ARMADA-C52 0.130 0.015 593 0.345 0.300 24.64 11/02/2020 0.125 0.100 0.125 0.125 16645 INARI-C45 0.125 Unch 3426 1.760 1.880 28.13 30/06/2020
0.115 0.075 0.115 0.110 521053 ARMADA-C53 0.115 0.010 300.1 0.345 0.280 14.49 27/04/2020 0.090 0.050 0.090 0.090 16646 INARI-C46 0.090 0.010 480 1.760 1.800 15.06 28/02/2020
0.035 0.005 0.005 0.005 0105WA ASIAPLY-WA 0.005 Unch 158.5 0.065 0.100 61.54 13/12/2020 0.105 0.070 0.105 0.100 16648 INARI-C48 0.100 Unch 4665.1 1.760 1.850 21.02 31/03/2020
0.135 0.075 0.110 0.105 639918 ASTRO-C18 0.110 0.010 0.5 1.420 1.400 10.21 30/06/2020 1.880 0.710 1.240 1.220 0166WB INARI-WB 1.220 Unch 200.8 1.760 0.533 -0.38 17/02/2020
0.285 0.140 0.170 0.160 7579WA AWC-WA 0.160 -0.010 49.6 0.615 0.880 69.11 25/12/2023 0.060 0.010 0.015 0.015 0094WA INIX-WA 0.015 -0.005 415 0.055 0.100 109.09 16/11/2020
0.295 0.090 0.105 0.100 688836 AXIATA-C36 0.105 Unch 3294.5 4.300 3.750 0.64 23/10/2019 0.180 0.025 0.040 0.030 3379WB INSAS-WB 0.035 Unch 926.4 0.805 1.000 28.57 25/02/2020
0.230 0.105 0.110 0.110 688838 AXIATA-C38 0.110 Unch 230 4.300 4.440 18.60 30/04/2020 0.008 0.005 — — 196120 IOICORP-C20 0.005 — — 0.402 5.000 1,149 07/10/2019
0.180 0.050 0.060 0.060 688839 AXIATA-C39 0.060 Unch 1070 4.300 4.880 22.56 31/01/2020 0.020 0.005 — — 0024WB JAG-WB 0.005 — — 0.040 0.150 287.50 15/11/2020
0.100 0.035 0.035 0.035 688844 AXIATA-C44 0.035 Unch 2259.3 4.300 5.380 30.00 14/02/2020 0.685 0.150 0.495 0.480 4723WB JAKS-WB 0.485 -0.010 210.9 0.735 0.640 53.06 13/12/2023
0.120 0.055 0.065 0.065 688845 AXIATA-C45 0.065 -0.005 652.3 4.300 4.880 25.58 28/08/2020 0.170 0.050 0.080 0.080 0111WC K1-WC 0.080 Unch 239.9 0.195 0.300 94.87 30/12/2021
0.330 0.085 0.170 0.170 7078WA AZRB-WA 0.170 Unch 50.6 0.380 0.630 110.53 13/05/2024 0.030 0.015 0.015 0.015 3115WC KBUNAI-WC 0.015 Unch 111.5 0.085 0.131 71.76 20/10/2023
0.485 0.170 0.295 0.290 0098WA BAHVEST-WA 0.295 0.005 1916 0.510 0.430 42.16 20/08/2024 0.345 0.140 0.270 0.270 7161WB KERJAYA-WB 0.270 -0.005 41 1.380 1.600 35.51 28/02/2023
0.095 0.050 0.070 0.065 4162CP BAT-CP 0.070 Unch 600 19.99 23.50 26.26 15/05/2020 0.025 0.005 — — 0036WB KGROUP-WB 0.005 — — 0.035 0.200 485.71 01/05/2020
0.140 0.100 0.115 0.110 4162CQ BAT-CQ 0.110 -0.005 150 20.00 20.00 22.00 28/08/2020 0.400 0.210 0.340 0.260 5171WA KIMLUN-WA 0.340 -0.040 1.3 1.270 1.680 59.06 12/03/2024
0.180 0.060 0.075 0.075 5248C4 BAUTO-C4 0.075 0.005 20 2.300 2.318 10.29 28/02/2020 0.350 0.160 0.190 0.185 5027WB KMLOONG-WB 0.190 0.005 5.9 1.120 1.400 41.96 10/04/2025
0.009 0.004 — — 5248C5 BAUTO-C5 0.005 — — 0.254 2.800 1,008 14/02/2020 0.315 0.010 0.205 0.195 7164WB KNM-WB 0.200 0.005 33497 0.415 1.000 189.16 21/04/2020
0.395 0.115 0.245 0.235 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.235 -0.005 897.5 3.990 4.720 24.19 04/12/2023 0.100 0.010 0.095 0.085 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.085 -0.010 632.6 0.340 0.230 -7.35 21/01/2020
0.070 0.015 0.020 0.015 6998WA BINTAI-WA 0.020 -0.005 174 0.120 0.200 83.33 15/06/2020 0.110 0.055 0.055 0.055 7153CZ KOSSAN-CZ 0.055 -0.010 400 4.190 4.250 8.00 23/10/2019
0.135 0.055 0.060 0.055 0179WA BIOHLDG-WA 0.055 -0.005 61 0.190 0.220 44.74 05/01/2022 0.040 0.035 0.040 0.035 5878CV KPJ-CV 0.040 -0.110 111.5 0.900 0.980 17.78 29/05/2020
0.070 0.030 0.030 0.030 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.030 Unch 189 0.260 1.000 296.15 22/04/2022 0.310 0.125 0.150 0.150 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.150 Unch 639.9 0.420 0.400 30.95 13/10/2021
0.095 0.050 0.055 0.055 3395WC BJCORP-WC 0.055 Unch 1240 0.260 1.000 305.77 29/05/2026 0.260 0.135 0.160 0.150 8494WB LBICAP-WB 0.150 -0.005 415 0.645 0.500 0.78 24/06/2024
0.200 0.105 0.130 0.125 1562CZ BJTOTO-CZ 0.130 0.010 160 2.700 2.600 5.93 28/02/2020 0.355 0.055 0.060 0.055 5789WB LBS-WB 0.060 -0.010 39.6 0.510 0.560 21.57 04/10/2020
0.025 0.010 0.020 0.015 7036WC BORNOIL-WC 0.020 0.005 1779.3 0.045 0.070 100.00 08/11/2025 0.085 0.010 0.015 0.010 6633CC LHI-CC 0.015 Unch 25.1 0.805 1.100 39.44 31/03/2020
0.045 0.005 — — 7188WA BTM-WA 0.005 — — 0.105 0.940 800.00 20/12/2019 0.040 0.005 0.005 0.005 6633CD LHI-CD 0.005 Unch 100 0.745 1.350 82.21 31/03/2020
0.115 0.030 0.030 0.030 181826 BURSA-C26 0.030 Unch 20 6.050 6.880 16.20 14/02/2020 0.185 0.170 0.175 0.175 6633CL LHI-CL 0.175 Unch 20 0.805 0.750 14.91 28/08/2020
0.675 0.225 0.225 0.225 7174WA CAB-WA 0.225 -0.025 1 0.405 0.170 -2.47 08/02/2020 0.075 0.070 0.075 0.070 6633CM LHI-CM 0.075 Unch 280 0.805 0.900 24.84 30/04/2020
0.435 0.150 0.230 0.200 7154WA CAELY-WA 0.220 0.010 293.5 0.410 0.190 0.00 22/04/2021 0.126 0.005 — — 7126WA LONBISC-WA 0.005 — — 0.105 0.800 666.67 26/01/2020
0.130 0.005 — — 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.005 — — 0.485 2.400 395.88 06/11/2019 0.350 0.135 0.215 0.180 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.180 -0.025 6 1.050 0.900 2.86 04/09/2020
0.205 0.070 0.095 0.090 7035WA CCK-WA 0.095 Unch 130 0.500 0.900 99.00 18/06/2023 0.125 0.055 0.060 0.060 858321 MAHSING-C21 0.060 0.005 79.9 0.785 0.880 19.75 28/08/2020
0.045 0.005 — — 5195WB CENSOF-WB 0.005 — — 0.125 0.460 272.00 07/10/2019 0.075 0.005 0.005 0.005 8583WC MAHSING-WC 0.005 -0.005 100 0.400 2.100 426.25 21/02/2020
0.430 0.110 0.210 0.190 8125WB DAIBOCI-WB 0.205 -0.025 33 1.710 2.500 58.19 19/06/2022 0.025 0.005 — — 526420 MALAKOFC20 0.005 — — 0.212 1.000 375.24 30/09/2019
0.440 0.175 0.250 0.245 5276WA DANCO-WA 0.245 Unch 143.2 0.500 0.300 9.00 22/05/2022 0.260 0.045 0.050 0.045 5236WA MATRIX-WA 0.050 -0.005 174.3 1.900 2.400 28.95 20/07/2020
0.140 0.030 0.075 0.065 3484WA DBHD-WA 0.075 Unch 134 0.405 0.580 61.73 27/11/2020 0.090 0.040 0.060 0.060 601210 MAXIS-C10 0.060 0.005 6.9 5.700 5.600 3.51 31/12/2019
0.070 0.005 0.010 0.010 0152WB DGB-WB 0.010 Unch 231.6 0.095 0.120 36.84 27/06/2021 0.140 0.065 0.105 0.095 601212 MAXIS-C12 0.105 0.005 701 5.700 5.400 3.95 29/11/2019
0.085 0.040 0.055 0.050 727744 DIALOG-C44 0.050 0.010 198.2 3.480 3.400 3.45 31/12/2019 0.125 0.080 0.120 0.115 601214 MAXIS-C14 0.120 0.010 180 5.700 5.580 8.42 28/02/2020
0.140 0.060 0.060 0.060 727745 DIALOG-C45 0.060 -0.005 10 3.480 3.600 7.76 31/10/2019 0.005 0.005 — — 5189WA MAXWELL-WA 0.005 — — 0.010 0.400 3,950 24/03/2020
0.205 0.140 0.165 0.160 727747 DIALOG-C47 0.160 -0.005 0.4 3.480 3.150 4.31 31/03/2020 0.145 0.050 0.055 0.055 115557 MAYBANKC57 0.055 0.005 0.1 8.640 9.300 10.82 20/12/2019
0.005 0.005 — — 727751 DIALOG-C51 0.005 — — 0.267 3.680 1,287 30/04/2020 0.060 0.035 0.040 0.035 115559 MAYBANKC59 0.035 -0.005 107.5 8.640 9.000 7.81 30/04/2020
0.140 0.050 0.055 0.055 694729 DIGI-C29 0.055 0.005 50.4 4.760 4.800 5.46 31/03/2020 0.150 0.125 0.145 0.145 115560 MAYBANKC60 0.145 Unch 400 8.640 8.880 11.17 31/03/2020
0.140 0.060 0.095 0.090 694730 DIGI-C30 0.095 Unch 449.9 4.760 4.600 8.61 30/04/2020 0.535 0.250 0.420 0.415 5152WA MBL-WA 0.420 0.025 12 1.240 0.800 -1.61 28/11/2022
0.160 0.050 0.075 0.070 694732 DIGI-C32 0.075 -0.005 602.6 4.760 5.000 12.13 06/01/2020 0.500 0.180 0.380 0.380 5983CI MBMR-CI 0.380 -0.005 100 4.140 3.880 12.08 11/02/2020
0.090 0.040 0.050 0.050 694734 DIGI-C34 0.050 Unch 0.5 4.760 5.550 21.32 28/02/2020 0.365 0.130 0.290 0.275 5983CJ MBMR-CJ 0.280 -0.005 408.3 4.140 3.180 3.86 30/04/2020
0.040 0.015 — — 0029WB DIGISTA-WB 0.020 — — 0.045 0.260 522.22 04/04/2023 0.185 0.140 0.150 0.150 5983CK MBMR-CK 0.150 Unch 320 4.140 4.600 27.42 31/03/2020
0.150 0.045 0.070 0.060 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.070 0.005 13631 0.290 0.500 96.55 30/07/2021 0.105 0.045 — — 5040WA MERIDIAN-WA 0.085 — — 0.070 0.500 735.71 13/08/2021
0.415 0.100 0.130 0.130 7114WA DNONCE-WA 0.130 Unch 100 0.380 0.250 0.00 25/11/2020 0.030 0.005 — — 5040WB MERIDIAN-WB 0.015 — — 0.070 0.900 1,208 22/04/2022
0.060 0.015 0.020 0.020 5265WA DOLPHIN-WA 0.020 -0.005 88.1 0.100 0.800 720.00 29/03/2021 0.035 0.005 0.010 0.010 5040WC MERIDIAN-WC 0.010 Unch 639.2 0.070 0.800 1,058 24/08/2024
0.590 0.095 0.310 0.310 161970 DRBHCOMC70 0.310 Unch 45 2.440 1.800 -0.82 31/10/2019 0.200 0.050 0.200 0.195 7234WA MESB-WA 0.200 0.005 640.6 0.410 0.300 21.95 27/12/2022
0.330 0.065 0.160 0.155 161975 DRBHCOMC75 0.155 Unch 305 2.440 2.000 1.02 31/12/2019 1.940 1.010 1.650 1.580 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.630 0.050 137.2 3.860 2.220 -0.26 08/04/2020
0.230 0.070 0.075 0.075 161976 DRBHCOMC76 0.075 Unch 400 2.440 2.380 6.76 14/10/2019 0.570 0.125 0.280 0.265 3662WC MFLOUR-WC 0.265 Unch 314.2 0.585 0.680 61.54 23/01/2024
0.320 0.110 0.160 0.150 161977 DRBHCOMC77 0.150 -0.005 1235 2.440 2.100 4.51 26/11/2019 0.230 0.025 0.075 0.065 5286CD MI-CD 0.065 Unch 435 2.170 2.250 17.17 26/11/2019
0.285 0.060 0.130 0.130 161979 DRBHCOMC79 0.130 0.005 80 2.440 2.200 6.15 28/02/2020 0.165 0.085 0.130 0.130 381621 MISC-C21 0.130 -0.005 201.8 7.780 7.000 4.18 26/11/2019
0.240 0.095 0.105 0.100 161980 DRBHCOMC80 0.100 -0.005 1200.2 2.440 2.500 14.75 23/12/2019 0.105 0.050 0.105 0.075 381623 MISC-C23 0.100 Unch 26.4 7.780 7.500 5.40 29/05/2020
0.215 0.075 0.085 0.080 161981 DRBHCOMC81 0.080 -0.005 345 2.440 2.700 19.84 20/12/2019 0.140 0.050 0.065 0.065 9571WE MITRA-WE 0.065 Unch 0.4 0.285 0.940 252.63 17/04/2023
0.310 0.090 0.145 0.140 161982 DRBHCOMC82 0.145 0.005 82.6 2.440 2.100 3.89 29/11/2019 0.010 0.003 — — 0085WB MLAB-WB 0.005 — — 0.040 0.150 287.50 10/09/2020
0.260 0.115 0.145 0.145 161983 DRBHCOMC83 0.145 0.005 59.9 2.440 2.100 9.84 29/05/2020 0.120 0.055 0.110 0.100 0034WB MMAG-WB 0.100 -0.010 193.5 0.275 0.200 9.09 27/11/2022
0.195 0.075 0.080 0.075 161986 DRBHCOMC86 0.075 Unch 2051 2.440 3.080 34.84 31/03/2020 0.125 0.095 0.100 0.100 219414 MMCCORPC14 0.100 0.005 90 1.070 1.200 30.84 31/07/2020
0.265 0.130 0.135 0.130 161987 DRBHCOMC87 0.130 Unch 60 2.440 2.480 17.62 30/04/2020 0.025 0.005 0.020 0.015 0103WA MNC-WA 0.015 Unch 6199.2 0.115 0.100 0.00 05/11/2021
0.210 0.090 0.095 0.095 161988 DRBHCOMC88 0.095 0.005 40 2.440 2.880 29.71 08/05/2020 0.070 0.040 0.070 0.060 0103WB MNC-WB 0.060 -0.005 517.2 0.115 0.060 4.35 05/09/2024
0.085 0.065 0.065 0.065 161990 DRBHCOMC90 0.065 Unch 500 2.440 3.380 45.18 31/03/2020 0.025 0.005 — — 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.005 — — 0.025 0.100 320.00 21/11/2021
0.145 0.135 0.135 0.135 161992 DRBHCOMC92 0.135 Unch 260 2.440 2.300 12.52 16/03/2020 0.375 0.010 0.035 0.035 165141 MRCB-C41 0.035 -0.005 200 0.735 0.800 13.61 29/11/2019
0.450 0.050 0.435 0.425 5216WA DSONIC-WA 0.430 0.010 2717.3 0.920 1.090 65.22 05/07/2023 0.105 0.045 0.075 0.075 165152 MRCB-C52 0.075 0.005 200 0.735 0.980 46.60 30/04/2020
0.850 0.170 0.210 0.195 7165WA DWL-WA 0.205 -0.005 497.5 0.545 0.600 47.71 07/04/2021 0.105 0.090 0.090 0.090 165155 MRCB-C55 0.090 -0.015 0.2 0.735 0.780 24.49 27/04/2020
0.015 0.005 — — 0154WD EAH-WD 0.005 — — 0.010 0.050 450.00 25/10/2022 0.370 0.180 0.220 0.215 1651WB MRCB-WB 0.220 -0.005 215.9 0.735 1.250 100.00 29/10/2027
0.320 0.070 0.210 0.195 5253WA ECONBHD-WA 0.200 -0.005 2378.6 0.780 1.250 85.90 02/01/2023 0.030 0.005 0.010 0.005 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.010 Unch 456.2 0.080 0.480 512.50 16/03/2020
0.030 0.010 0.015 0.010 8206CV ECOWLD-CV 0.015 Unch 2569 0.645 0.880 41.09 30/04/2020 0.045 0.005 0.015 0.015 0092WC MTOUCHE-WC 0.015 Unch 579.8 0.080 0.200 168.75 02/11/2020
0.300 0.120 0.145 0.140 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.140 -0.005 147.2 0.645 2.080 244.19 26/03/2022 0.040 0.010 0.015 0.010 0043WA MTRONIC-WA 0.015 Unch 4745 0.055 0.080 72.73 16/04/2022
0.080 0.030 0.050 0.045 7471WB EDEN-WB 0.050 Unch 419.9 0.145 0.300 141.38 13/08/2021 0.010 0.005 — — 5703CJ MUHIBAH-CJ 0.005 — — 0.309 3.880 1,162 07/10/2019
0.140 0.110 0.140 0.140 1368CH EDGENTA-CH 0.140 0.005 40 3.370 3.300 10.39 29/05/2020 0.390 0.115 0.185 0.185 13860 MYEG-C60 0.185 -0.010 0.6 1.440 1.100 2.08 29/11/2019
0.300 0.060 0.080 0.075 8907WC EG-WC 0.080 -0.005 55 0.395 0.500 46.84 03/11/2020 0.220 0.060 0.060 0.060 13861 MYEG-C61 0.060 -0.005 700 1.440 1.300 2.78 30/09/2019
0.095 0.040 0.040 0.040 8877CU EKOVEST-CU 0.040 Unch 2448.6 0.805 1.100 48.57 20/12/2019 0.240 0.085 0.090 0.090 13863 MYEG-C63 0.090 -0.005 110 1.440 1.200 2.08 23/10/2019
0.165 0.090 0.090 0.090 8877CV EKOVEST-CV 0.090 Unch 400 0.805 1.080 62.11 09/12/2019 0.195 0.015 0.020 0.015 13865 MYEG-C65 0.020 Unch 86 1.440 1.500 8.06 30/09/2019
0.145 0.075 0.090 0.085 8877CX EKOVEST-CX 0.090 Unch 232.5 0.805 0.880 31.68 30/04/2020 0.200 0.080 0.080 0.080 13866 MYEG-C66 0.080 -0.005 20 1.440 1.350 10.42 29/11/2019
0.155 0.100 0.100 0.100 8877CY EKOVEST-CY 0.100 Unch 683.1 0.805 0.830 27.95 29/05/2020 0.240 0.100 0.115 0.110 13871 MYEG-C71 0.115 Unch 220 1.440 1.350 9.72 29/11/2019
0.325 0.090 0.100 0.100 5283WA EWINT-WA 0.100 Unch 140 0.635 1.450 144.09 04/04/2022 0.150 0.050 0.060 0.060 13873 MYEG-C73 0.060 -0.005 5 1.440 1.500 20.83 30/04/2020
0.050 0.005 — — 06505W FBMKLCI-C5W 0.005 — — 322.55 1,730 437.44 30/09/2019 0.140 0.085 0.090 0.090 13877 MYEG-C77 0.090 -0.005 3410 1.440 1.750 39.03 31/03/2020
0.125 0.055 0.055 0.055 06505Z FBMKLCI-C5Z 0.055 -0.010 18 1,596 1,688 9.19 31/01/2020 0.075 0.040 0.040 0.040 13878 MYEG-C78 0.040 Unch 200 1.440 1.980 45.83 28/02/2020
0.080 0.005 — — 06507A FBMKLCI-C7A 0.005 — — 323.53 1,650 411.08 31/10/2019 0.095 0.055 0.060 0.055 13879 MYEG-C79 0.055 Unch 449.8 1.440 2.080 55.14 31/03/2020
0.110 0.020 0.020 0.020 06507B FBMKLCI-C7B 0.020 Unch 170 1,277 1,625 28.32 29/11/2019 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 13882 MYEG-C82 0.115 Unch 210 1.440 1.450 23.06 31/03/2020
0.150 0.100 0.105 0.100 06507D FBMKLCI-C7D 0.100 Unch 26 1,596 1,690 7.75 31/12/2019 0.305 0.170 0.205 0.200 0108WB N2N-WB 0.205 0.005 32 0.735 0.830 40.82 08/01/2024
0.145 0.035 0.065 0.065 06508D FBMKLCI-H8D 0.065 Unch 290 1,596 1,625 4.65 29/11/2019 0.008 0.003 — — 0096WA NEXGRAM-WA 0.005 — — 0.015 0.100 600.00 16/05/2022
0.175 0.105 0.140 0.140 06508K FBMKLCI-H8K 0.140 0.005 300 1,596 1,689 14.58 30/06/2020 0.010 0.005 — — 0096WB NEXGRAM-WB 0.005 — — 0.015 0.260 1,667 21/07/2023
0.575 0.145 0.160 0.155 522267 FGV-C67 0.160 0.005 98.7 0.930 0.800 3.23 31/10/2019 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 0096WC NEXGRAM-WC 0.005 Unch 1925.6 0.015 0.100 600.00 15/01/2024
0.150 0.025 0.030 0.025 522276 FGV-C76 0.025 Unch 141 0.930 1.150 29.03 28/02/2020 0.335 0.060 0.130 0.125 7241WA NGGB-WA 0.125 Unch 623.5 0.395 0.600 83.54 18/10/2020
0.060 0.015 0.020 0.020 522277 FGV-C77 0.020 0.005 132 0.930 1.380 54.84 31/01/2020 0.045 0.010 0.030 0.025 7139WB NICE-WB 0.030 Unch 410 0.055 0.060 63.64 22/01/2024
0.085 0.025 0.030 0.030 522278 FGV-C78 0.030 0.005 820 0.930 1.180 35.59 31/01/2020 0.095 0.045 0.055 0.050 7215WB NIHSIN-WB 0.055 Unch 1064.4 0.155 0.138 24.52 13/05/2022
0.135 0.120 0.130 0.120 522281 FGV-C81 0.120 -0.005 975 0.930 0.950 20.22 31/03/2020 0.375 0.150 0.195 0.190 0083WC NOTION-WC 0.195 Unch 126.4 0.535 0.840 93.46 14/03/2023
0.035 0.015 — — 0150WB FINTEC-WB 0.015 — — 0.045 0.150 266.67 03/12/2022 0.150 0.060 0.130 0.115 0172WA OCK-WA 0.115 -0.010 6898.8 0.625 0.710 32.00 15/12/2020
0.190 0.125 0.190 0.180 0128CA FRONTKN-CA 0.185 Unch 3051.3 1.740 1.380 11.21 30/06/2020 0.100 0.020 0.020 0.020 7071WC OCR-WC 0.020 -0.005 209 0.245 0.500 112.24 24/07/2021
0.140 0.090 0.140 0.130 0128CB FRONTKN-CB 0.140 0.005 1899.1 1.740 1.680 20.69 30/06/2020 0.125 0.045 0.060 0.060 7071WD OCR-WD 0.060 0.005 50 0.245 0.220 14.29 18/02/2022
0.110 0.070 0.100 0.095 0128CD FRONTKN-CD 0.095 Unch 1403 1.740 1.880 24.43 31/03/2020 0.145 0.020 0.045 0.040 0079WA ORION-WA 0.040 Unch 199.3 0.075 0.170 180.00 26/07/2022
0.125 0.105 0.105 0.105 0128CE FRONTKN-CE 0.105 Unch 13.7 1.740 1.750 18.68 26/03/2020 0.130 0.020 0.025 0.025 5053WC OSK-WC 0.025 Unch 26 0.930 1.200 31.72 22/07/2020
0.095 0.075 0.095 0.090 0128CF FRONTKN-CF 0.095 0.005 4774.8 1.740 2.180 41.67 16/03/2020 0.365 0.100 0.165 0.155 5260WA OWG-WA 0.160 Unch 885 0.545 0.800 76.15 29/09/2023
3.000 0.580 2.580 2.340 7184WA G3-WA 2.540 0.290 73.8 2.840 0.100 -7.04 02/10/2022 0.240 0.190 0.215 0.195 8419WA PANSAR-WA 0.215 Unch 12.3 0.475 0.630 77.89 06/06/2023
0.450 0.075 0.210 0.205 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.210 -0.005 357 0.705 1.060 80.14 29/11/2021 0.150 0.045 0.075 0.075 5125WA PANTECH-WA 0.075 Unch 20 0.495 0.500 16.16 21/12/2020
0.285 0.175 0.185 0.185 539868 GAMUDA-C68 0.185 Unch 30 3.550 3.050 11.97 31/03/2020 0.160 0.060 0.110 0.090 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.110 -0.010 6.5 0.495 0.500 23.23 21/12/2021
0.260 0.120 0.130 0.130 539869 GAMUDA-C69 0.130 Unch 500 3.550 3.250 6.20 29/11/2019 0.080 0.030 0.045 0.045 5022WA PAOS-WA 0.045 -0.005 1.5 0.340 0.500 60.29 14/12/2021
0.125 0.100 0.105 0.100 539876 GAMUDA-C76 0.105 0.005 80 3.550 4.000 25.99 30/04/2020 0.305 0.200 0.210 0.210 1724WA PARAMON-WA 0.210 Unch 13.5 1.320 1.790 51.52 28/07/2024
0.520 0.125 0.275 0.270 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 0.270 -0.005 468 3.550 4.050 21.69 06/03/2021 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.030 7225WB PA-WB 0.030 -0.005 1386.3 0.060 0.060 50.00 17/12/2022
0.520 0.135 0.380 0.375 5226WB GBGAQRS-WB 0.375 -0.005 278.4 1.290 1.120 15.89 26/09/2023 0.150 0.005 — — 129530 PBBANK-C30 0.005 — — 2.332 26.500 1,040 23/10/2019
0.225 0.065 0.115 0.115 5102CB GCB-CB 0.115 -0.010 400 4.030 3.650 3.41 23/10/2019 0.100 0.010 0.015 0.010 129533 PBBANK-C33 0.010 Unch 294.5 13.440 23.000 72.25 31/01/2020
0.200 0.040 0.045 0.045 5102CE GCB-CE 0.045 -0.020 119 4.030 4.180 8.19 07/10/2019 0.315 0.035 0.165 0.155 6068WA PCCS-WA 0.160 Unch 2291.5 0.420 0.600 80.95 25/12/2022
0.250 0.050 0.145 0.135 5102CF GCB-CF 0.135 Unch 524.5 4.030 3.500 0.25 14/10/2019 0.200 0.005 — — 518330 PCHEM-C30 0.005 — — 2.487 8.900 259.17 23/10/2019
0.160 0.130 0.145 0.140 5102CG GCB-CG 0.140 Unch 789.4 4.030 4.100 19.11 15/05/2020 0.085 0.010 0.015 0.015 518333 PCHEM-C33 0.015 Unch 50 7.700 8.880 17.08 31/01/2020
0.145 0.125 0.135 0.135 5102CH GCB-CH 0.135 Unch 40 4.030 4.380 24.43 31/03/2020 0.075 0.020 0.045 0.045 518334 PCHEM-C34 0.045 Unch 50 7.700 8.880 20.00 30/06/2020
0.060 0.025 0.030 0.025 0078CO GDEX-CO 0.025 -0.005 501.5 0.295 0.350 27.12 28/02/2020 0.085 0.040 0.085 0.085 518336 PCHEM-C36 0.085 Unch 1000 7.700 8.180 13.96 07/02/2020
0.190 0.025 0.035 0.030 0078WB GDEX-WB 0.030 -0.005 1023.9 0.295 0.383 39.83 05/02/2020 0.115 0.060 0.115 0.110 518337 PCHEM-C37 0.115 Unch 920 7.700 7.800 11.01 26/03/2020
0.300 0.030 0.045 0.030 471550 GENM-C50 0.040 -0.005 983.6 3.060 3.077 4.37 31/10/2019 0.170 0.090 0.160 0.155 518338 PCHEM-C38 0.160 Unch 365.9 7.700 6.950 6.88 15/05/2020
0.250 0.060 0.065 0.060 471552 GENM-C52 0.060 -0.010 216 3.060 2.813 1.50 30/09/2019 0.120 0.100 0.120 0.115 518339 PCHEM-C39 0.120 Unch 120 7.700 7.600 11.17 29/05/2020
0.150 0.020 0.020 0.020 471554 GENM-C54 0.020 -0.005 461 3.060 3.565 19.05 31/12/2019 0.185 0.115 0.180 0.180 518340 PCHEM-C40 0.180 Unch 30 7.700 7.300 8.83 31/03/2020
0.150 0.015 0.015 0.015 471556 GENM-C56 0.015 -0.005 590 3.060 3.500 16.58 26/11/2019 0.165 0.145 0.160 0.160 518341 PCHEM-C41 0.160 -0.005 49.6 7.700 7.380 12.47 28/08/2020
0.250 0.060 0.065 0.060 471557 GENM-C57 0.060 -0.005 1991.7 3.060 3.300 15.69 28/02/2020 0.200 0.060 0.075 0.075 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.075 0.005 0.1 0.395 0.600 70.89 20/01/2024
0.185 0.010 0.015 0.010 471558 GENM-C58 0.010 -0.005 1370.1 3.060 3.650 20.33 31/10/2019 0.400 0.195 0.400 0.400 7160CA PENTA-CA 0.400 0.035 210 4.140 2.700 3.86 29/05/2020
0.175 0.050 0.050 0.050 471559 GENM-C59 0.050 -0.005 170.1 3.060 3.880 32.52 28/02/2020 0.365 0.170 0.365 0.365 7160CB PENTA-CB 0.365 0.045 45 4.140 2.920 5.80 29/05/2020
0.100 0.065 0.065 0.065 471560 GENM-C60 0.065 -0.005 103 3.060 4.280 47.52 31/03/2020 0.300 0.160 0.300 0.270 7160CC PENTA-CC 0.290 0.020 1059.6 4.140 3.400 6.64 31/01/2020
0.150 0.125 0.130 0.125 471563 GENM-C63 0.125 -0.005 2930.8 3.060 3.400 26.63 30/04/2020 0.200 0.115 0.200 0.185 7160CD PENTA-CD 0.200 0.020 416 4.140 3.500 6.28 20/02/2020
0.090 0.065 0.065 0.065 471564 GENM-C64 0.065 Unch 40 3.060 3.400 19.61 15/05/2020 0.265 0.125 0.265 0.240 7160CE PENTA-CE 0.255 0.020 1649.4 4.140 3.400 6.76 28/02/2020
0.145 0.115 0.120 0.115 471565 GENM-C65 0.115 -0.010 230 3.060 2.900 9.80 29/05/2020 0.210 0.110 0.210 0.190 7160CF PENTA-CF 0.200 0.020 1980.1 4.140 3.880 10.63 16/03/2020
0.110 0.090 0.090 0.090 471567 GENM-C67 0.090 -0.020 0.2 3.060 3.300 19.61 27/04/2020 0.215 0.145 0.215 0.200 7160CG PENTA-CG 0.205 0.020 392.3 4.140 4.080 14.89 13/03/2020
0.125 0.035 0.035 0.035 2291CI GENP-CI 0.035 -0.005 100 9.990 10.500 7.91 29/11/2019 0.120 0.005 0.005 0.005 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.005 -0.005 31.2 0.215 0.250 18.60 27/01/2020
0.375 0.010 0.010 0.010 318265 GENTINGC65 0.010 Unch 20.1 1.680 7.880 370.24 04/11/2019 0.100 0.020 0.035 0.035 5681CY PETDAG-CY 0.035 -0.005 9.7 23.460 25.000 11.04 31/01/2020
0.165 0.010 0.015 0.010 318268 GENTINGC68 0.015 Unch 400 5.770 6.600 15.68 29/11/2019 0.120 0.015 0.040 0.040 6033CT PETGAS-CT 0.040 0.005 0.1 16.540 17.880 11.73 31/01/2020
0.130 0.030 0.030 0.030 318270 GENTINGC70 0.030 Unch 296.9 5.770 6.700 19.76 30/04/2020 0.130 0.050 0.130 0.120 6033CU PETGAS-CU 0.130 0.030 13.7 16.540 16.000 4.59 30/06/2020
0.150 0.030 0.035 0.030 318272 GENTINGC72 0.030 -0.005 360.4 5.770 6.680 18.89 14/02/2020 0.160 0.075 0.135 0.135 886927 PMETAL-C27 0.135 -0.005 0.2 4.930 4.300 0.91 31/12/2019
0.100 0.070 0.075 0.070 318275 GENTINGC75 0.075 -0.005 104 5.770 6.300 16.98 15/05/2020 0.175 0.150 0.170 0.170 886930 PMETAL-C30 0.170 Unch 50 4.930 4.880 16.23 28/08/2020
0.245 0.085 0.105 0.100 0039WC GFM-WC 0.105 0.005 1802.1 0.350 0.380 38.57 28/01/2022 0.130 0.110 0.130 0.125 886931 PMETAL-C31 0.125 -0.005 0.4 4.930 5.000 11.56 30/06/2020
0.170 0.040 0.045 0.045 5220WA GLOTEC-WA 0.045 Unch 6.2 0.375 0.720 104.00 17/12/2021 0.150 0.140 0.150 0.145 886933 PMETAL-C33 0.150 Unch 110 4.930 4.600 8.52 15/05/2020
0.270 0.050 0.270 0.260 0082WB GPACKET-WB 0.270 0.005 68432 0.725 0.400 -7.59 24/11/2023 0.620 0.395 0.580 0.540 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.560 0.025 466.1 1.560 1.000 0.00 21/10/2020
0.070 0.015 0.045 0.040 7096WA GPA-WA 0.045 -0.005 2558 0.115 0.100 26.09 03/06/2025 0.240 0.005 0.010 0.010 463433 POS-C33 0.010 Unch 763.9 1.720 2.000 17.44 31/10/2019
0.140 0.065 0.110 0.095 7022C1 GTRONIC-C1 0.100 0.015 1353.7 1.840 1.880 13.04 14/02/2020 0.115 0.025 0.045 0.045 463435 POS-C35 0.045 -0.005 2444 1.720 1.900 20.93 20/12/2019
0.105 0.065 0.075 0.075 7022CX GTRONIC-CX 0.075 0.010 21 1.840 2.080 25.27 06/01/2020 0.150 0.110 0.140 0.135 463437 POS-C37 0.135 -0.005 370.3 1.720 1.600 16.57 27/04/2020
0.150 0.120 0.130 0.120 7022CY GTRONIC-CY 0.120 -0.015 0.4 1.840 1.700 11.96 23/01/2020 0.215 0.210 0.215 0.210 463439 POS-C39 0.210 Unch 60 1.720 1.300 12.21 30/04/2020
0.120 0.030 0.040 0.035 7676WB GUNUNG-WB 0.040 0.005 25.5 0.290 0.400 51.72 02/10/2020 0.210 0.040 0.110 0.090 8966WA PRLEXUS-WA 0.090 -0.020 76.6 0.635 1.200 103.15 14/06/2021
0.100 0.010 0.030 0.030 516822 HARTA-C22 0.030 0.010 26.1 5.290 5.400 4.91 29/11/2019 0.100 0.035 0.060 0.060 5070WA PRTASCO-WA 0.060 0.010 1 0.250 0.750 224.00 25/04/2023
0.210 0.100 0.115 0.115 516824 HARTA-C24 0.115 0.005 930 5.290 4.800 2.69 26/11/2019 0.080 0.010 0.035 0.035 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.035 -0.005 2281 0.140 0.100 -3.57 16/11/2019
0.170 0.005 0.075 0.075 516825 HARTA-C25 0.075 Unch 40 5.290 5.000 1.61 14/10/2019 0.135 0.025 0.040 0.030 0186WA PTRANS-WA 0.030 -0.010 2288.9 0.210 0.235 26.19 19/09/2020
0.170 0.075 0.105 0.100 516826 HARTA-C26 0.105 Unch 701.6 5.290 5.000 4.44 29/11/2019 0.120 0.040 0.040 0.040 0007WA PUC-WA 0.040 Unch 23 0.070 0.100 100.00 25/12/2024
0.295 0.200 0.250 0.250 7105WA HCK-WA 0.250 Unch 15 1.260 0.960 -3.97 26/09/2027 0.760 0.210 0.685 0.680 7237WA PWROOT-WA 0.685 0.010 225 2.050 1.540 8.54 24/07/2023
0.170 0.030 0.035 0.035 432410 HENGYUANC10 0.035 Unch 600.2 4.860 6.300 36.83 23/12/2019 0.070 0.005 — — 7498WB RALCO-WB 0.005 — — 0.225 1.000 346.67 13/12/2019
0.190 0.040 0.045 0.040 5072WB HIAPTEK-WB 0.045 0.005 196.7 0.195 0.500 179.49 23/06/2021 0.135 0.040 0.050 0.045 5256WA REACH-WA 0.050 Unch 561 0.195 0.750 310.26 12/08/2022
0.110 0.075 0.075 0.075 5199C2 HIBISCS-C2 0.075 -0.015 10 0.985 1.200 37.06 30/06/2020 0.730 0.330 0.625 0.610 0200WA REVENUE-WA 0.615 0.005 838.5 1.490 1.250 25.17 14/01/2024
0.070 0.050 0.055 0.055 5199C5 HIBISCS-C5 0.055 -0.005 1025 0.985 1.230 38.83 31/03/2020 0.105 0.055 0.060 0.060 8567WB SALCON-WB 0.060 Unch 690.3 0.225 0.300 60.00 19/07/2025
Markets 2 9

Japan — Nikkei climbs close to this Chubu Electric Power Co Inc gained 1.7%.Federal Reserve (Fed) policymakers cut Expectations of lower rates have supported
year’s peak after Fed rate cut Railway operators were also in favour.
interest rates by a quarter of a percentage Wall Street’s rally this year, with the benchmark
Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd closed at a
point, as expected, but gave mixed signals S&P 500 up almost 20% year to date and about
TOKYO: Japanese shares rallied to close in near three-decade high, ending 1.6% higher.
about their next move. 1% below its record high close in July.
on this year’s peaks yesterday, with domestic Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd rose 2.4%. With continued economic growth and The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose
demand-led shares leading gains after a rate Despite lingering worries about the US-
strong hiring “the most likely outcomes,” 0.13% to end at 27,147.08 points, while the
cut by the US Federal Reserve (Fed) helped China trade war, hopes that the worst may
the Fed nevertheless cited “uncertainties” S&P 500 gained 0.03% to 3,006.73. The Nasdaq
boost risk sentiment. be over soon are supporting the market, about the outlook and pledged to “act as Composite dropped 0.11% to 8,177.39.
The Nikkei Share Average rose as much especially in the battered semi-conductor
appropriate” to sustain the expansion. Six of the 11 major S&P sectors climbed,
as 1.34% to 22,255.56 points, edging near its sector. Advantest Corp rose 1.5% and Shin- New projections showed policymakers led by a 0.5% increase in the S&P utilities
year-to-date high of 22,362 hit in late August. Etsu Chemical Co Ltd went up 0.6%. at the median expected rates to stay within index and a 0.4% rise in the financial index.
It closed up 0.38% at 22,044.45. Broader electronics makers also did well,
the new range through 2020, bad news for The interest-rate sensitive S&P 500
The broader Topix gained up to 1.24% with Fujitsu rising as much as 3.3% to hit a
investors hoping for additional cuts to help banks index rose 0.7%. The central bank
to 1,626.52, coming within reach of its Aug 21-month high and Oki Electric Industry Co
blunt global economic fallout from the US- also widened the gap between the interest
17 peak of 1,633.96. It ended 0.56% higher Ltd gaining 1.8%. China trade war. it pays banks on excess reserves and the
at 1,615.66. Still, while signs that Washington and Stocks sold off immediately after the Fed’s top of its policy rate range, a step taken to
The market’s gains were trimmed after Beijing are ready to resume their trade talks
announcement but rebounded during Fed smooth out problems in money markets that
the Bank of Japan (BoJ) kept its policy on have helped to ease investor sentiment in
chairman Jerome Powell’s press conference. prompted a market intervention by the New
hold, a widely expected decision but still recent weeks, many market players are not
He told reporters the Fed was prepared to York Fed this week.
disappointing some players who had bet convinced how far the Nikkei’s rally canbe “aggressive” if necessary. FedEx shares tumbled 12.9%, posting their
the BoJ to act in step with the Fed and the continue. “He did a very good job conveying the deepest one-day percentage drop since the
European Central Bank in easing. “In the past, you were better off selling
view that this was a mid-cycle adjustment, financial crisis after the company blamed
The Fed cut interest rates for a second when the market has risen on hopes of a but that obviously the Fed is ready to act if US-China trade tensions and a split with
time this year, although it signalled further trade deal,” said Naoya Oshikubo, seniorit needs to do more,” said Mike O’Rourke, Inc for its dismal full-year
rate cuts are unlikely as the labour market manager of research at Sumitomo Mitsui chief market strategist at JonesTrading. profit forecast.
remains strong. Trust Asset Management. The late-session rebound could be partly Roku slumped 13.7% after Comcast Corp
Japanese index players were taking Japan Tobacco bucked yesterday’s trend,
the result of short sellers covering their said it will offer its own streaming media
profits as the indices neared the peaks, while falling 0.7% after India banned the sale of
positions after the earlier dip, O’Rourke said. set top box for free to its US Internet-only
other players were rebalancing into shares electronic cigarettes. Of the stock bounce, Cherry Lane customers.
dependent on domestic demand. Among Investments partner Rick Meckler said, “The Beyond Meat dropped 3.9% after
them, Recruit Holdings Co Ltd gained 3.1%, US — S&P 500 ends slightly higher after bottom line is (Powell) didn’t say anything that Restaurant Brands International Inc’s Tim
while Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd rose 2%. Fed gives mixed signals negative. You think about what he presented, Hortons cut the faux meat maker’s burgers and
High-yielding power company shares it’s status quo. People thought about it, they sandwiches from its menu in most Canadian
were also bought after the US interest rate cut. NEW YORK: The S&P 500 Index ended thought about the fact that rates are going provinces, months after a nationwide roll-out
Kansai Electric Power Co Inc rose 2.7% and marginally higher on Wednesday after US lower, that normally is supportive for stocks.” at the breakfast chain. — Reuters

Nikkei 225 Shanghai Composite Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index

Index points Index points Index points
Index points
24500 5800 27500 3900
20400 4825 23025 3415
16300 3850 18550 2930
10,172.06 10,403.79
12200 +83.74 2875 14075 27,147.08 2445 3,528.04

8100 1900 9600 1960

Mar 1, 2010 Sept 19, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 19, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 18, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 18, 2019

Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives

Main Market & Ace Market Warrants
0.015 0.005 — — 0133WC SANICHI-WC 0.005 — — 0.050 0.630 1,170 24/09/2019 0.175 0.050 0.050 0.050 486352 TM-C52 0.050 -0.005 0.2 3.520 4.900 46.31 20/02/2020
0.030 0.005 0.010 0.010 0133WE SANICHI-WE 0.010 Unch 5 0.050 0.100 120.00 13/12/2021 0.150 0.015 0.025 0.020 486353 TM-C53 0.020 -0.005 3160 3.520 4.680 35.80 28/02/2020
0.055 0.040 0.050 0.050 521878 SAPNRGC78 0.050 Unch 10 0.290 0.380 48.28 11/02/2020 0.125 0.060 0.065 0.065 486354 TM-C54 0.065 -0.005 200 3.520 4.880 46.95 28/02/2020
0.145 0.040 0.130 0.120 521879 SAPNRGC79 0.120 -0.015 1124.2 0.290 0.300 24.14 31/07/2020 0.170 0.090 0.095 0.095 486355 TM-C55 0.095 0.005 0.2 3.520 4.300 35.65 26/03/2020
0.080 0.065 0.070 0.070 521880 SAPNRGC80 0.070 -0.005 30 0.290 0.280 20.69 28/08/2020 0.135 0.060 0.070 0.070 486356 TM-C56 0.070 Unch 0.4 3.520 4.200 29.26 30/06/2020
0.180 0.085 0.120 0.115 5218WA SAPNRG-WA 0.115 -0.005 15127.9 0.290 0.490 108.62 23/01/2026 0.125 0.085 0.110 0.100 486357 TM-C57 0.100 -0.010 431.1 3.520 3.880 24.43 15/05/2020
0.150 0.015 — — 7247WA SCGM-WA 0.055 — — 0.990 3.960 305.56 31/07/2020 0.100 0.075 0.095 0.085 486358 TM-C58 0.085 -0.010 68 3.520 4.180 30.82 29/05/2020
0.075 0.020 0.030 0.030 0161WA SCH-WA 0.030 Unch 56 0.100 0.100 30.00 04/12/2021 0.175 0.160 0.175 0.160 486359 TM-C59 0.160 Unch 620 3.520 3.550 21.31 31/03/2020
0.085 0.010 0.015 0.015 4731CF SCIENTX-CF 0.015 0.005 335.5 8.370 8.880 7.53 29/11/2019 0.280 0.060 0.075 0.075 7285WA TOMYPAK-WA 0.075 0.005 35 0.475 0.930 111.58 21/06/2021
0.125 0.120 0.125 0.125 4731CG SCIENTX-CG 0.125 Unch 40 8.370 8.200 9.92 29/05/2020 0.100 0.010 0.010 0.010 711348 TOPGLOV-C48 0.010 Unch 300 4.740 5.000 6.75 29/11/2019
0.065 0.005 0.030 0.025 7158WB SCOMI-WB 0.025 Unch 324.6 0.080 0.210 193.75 18/02/2023 0.245 0.095 0.095 0.095 711352 TOPGLOV-C52 0.095 -0.015 10 4.740 4.280 0.32 30/09/2019
0.530 0.370 0.530 0.525 0001WA SCOMNET-WA 0.530 Unch 145.2 0.850 0.650 38.82 19/06/2024 0.260 0.080 0.090 0.080 7173WB TOYOINK-WB 0.085 Unch 3347.7 0.680 1.500 133.09 06/11/2023
0.060 0.010 0.010 0.010 7073WC SEACERA-WC 0.010 Unch 36 0.180 1.000 461.11 21/01/2021 0.010 0.005 — — 0118WB TRIVE-WB 0.005 — — 0.015 0.090 533.33 28/08/2020
0.185 0.100 0.110 0.110 5279CQ SERBADK-CQ 0.110 -0.005 100 4.360 4.000 4.36 26/11/2019 0.120 0.080 0.085 0.085 458819 UMW-C19 0.085 Unch 150 5.000 5.680 22.10 08/05/2020
0.170 0.085 0.100 0.095 5279CT SERBADK-CT 0.100 Unch 339 4.360 4.150 4.36 31/10/2019 0.090 0.030 0.040 0.040 0060WB VC-WB 0.040 Unch 22 0.160 0.150 18.75 06/05/2024
0.180 0.150 0.155 0.155 5279CW SERBADK-CW 0.155 -0.005 50 4.360 4.580 17.49 31/03/2020 0.125 0.070 0.070 0.070 524327 VELESTO-C27 0.070 Unch 60 0.305 0.210 -1.31 30/09/2019
0.330 0.185 0.300 0.295 7180WA SERN-WA 0.295 Unch 148.9 0.640 0.400 8.59 20/03/2023 0.170 0.050 0.120 0.115 5243WA VELESTO-WA 0.120 0.005 3987.3 0.305 0.395 68.85 18/10/2024
0.075 0.020 0.040 0.040 419733 SIME-C33 0.040 0.015 9.9 2.310 2.350 6.93 31/12/2019 0.355 0.100 0.130 0.110 0120WB VIS-WB 0.125 0.020 635.1 0.410 0.750 113.41 16/11/2022
0.090 0.020 0.030 0.030 419734 SIME-C34 0.030 0.010 98 2.310 2.400 7.79 14/10/2019 0.010 0.005 — — 0069WC VIVOCOM-WC 0.005 — — 0.020 0.070 275.00 22/01/2020
0.125 0.050 0.085 0.080 419737 SIME-C37 0.085 -0.005 0.6 2.310 2.200 4.44 31/03/2020 0.005 0.001 — — 0069WD VIVOCOM-WD 0.005 — — 0.020 0.070 275.00 08/07/2020
0.009 0.005 — — 5285CK SIMEPLT-CK 0.005 — — 0.377 6.180 1,547 07/10/2019 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 0069WE VIVOCOM-WE 0.005 Unch 16.3 0.015 0.050 266.67 22/08/2023
0.135 0.070 0.105 0.105 5285CL SIMEPLT-CL 0.105 -0.005 30.8 4.840 4.650 6.92 30/04/2020 0.670 0.310 0.360 0.360 7070WC VIZIONE-WC 0.360 Unch 36.5 0.860 0.700 23.26 05/02/2022
0.175 0.040 0.150 0.140 5213WB SNTORIA-WB 0.150 Unch 30.1 0.230 0.600 226.09 09/01/2025 0.185 0.085 0.170 0.170 696315 VS-C15 0.170 Unch 12 1.350 1.080 5.19 29/11/2019
0.060 0.025 0.030 0.030 0093WA SOLUTN-WA 0.030 -0.005 11 0.085 0.200 170.59 04/07/2021 0.105 0.045 0.070 0.065 696316 VS-C16 0.070 Unch 500 1.350 1.200 1.85 14/10/2019
0.130 0.040 0.050 0.050 0129WA SRIDGE-WA 0.050 -0.005 200 0.215 0.180 6.98 24/02/2023 0.130 0.075 0.125 0.125 696319 VS-C19 0.125 Unch 983 1.350 1.250 15.74 31/01/2020
0.185 0.090 0.105 0.100 0080WA STRAITS-WA 0.105 Unch 653 0.205 0.115 7.32 10/08/2022 0.150 0.080 0.140 0.140 696320 VS-C20 0.140 -0.010 210 1.350 1.280 15.56 30/06/2020
0.040 0.005 0.020 0.015 1201WA SUMATEC-WA 0.020 Unch 399.8 0.030 0.320 1,033 03/03/2021 0.105 0.060 0.100 0.100 696321 VS-C21 0.100 -0.005 2600 1.350 1.280 17.04 11/02/2020
0.350 0.005 0.020 0.015 3743WA SUNSURIA-WA 0.020 Unch 5.1 0.670 1.500 126.87 22/07/2020 0.110 0.095 0.110 0.105 696322 VS-C22 0.110 Unch 119.8 1.350 1.420 21.48 29/05/2020
0.450 0.210 0.345 0.330 5211WB SUNWAY-WB 0.345 0.010 5 1.650 1.790 29.39 03/10/2024 0.100 0.080 0.100 0.095 696323 VS-C23 0.100 Unch 2125 1.350 1.400 23.70 30/04/2020
0.110 0.005 — — 710662 SUPERMX-C62 0.005 — — 0.375 1.950 423.33 30/09/2019 0.140 0.085 — — 967919 WCT-C19 0.095 — — 0.930 1.100 36.67 20/12/2019
0.009 0.005 — — 710663 SUPERMX-C63 0.005 — — 0.190 2.080 1,002 30/09/2019 0.170 0.110 — — 967920 WCT-C20 0.120 — — 0.930 1.060 39.78 29/05/2020
0.130 0.020 0.030 0.030 710666 SUPERMX-C66 0.030 Unch 474 1.580 1.700 11.39 31/12/2019 0.200 0.045 0.075 0.065 9679WE WCT-WE 0.070 -0.005 2207.1 0.930 2.080 131.18 27/08/2020
0.065 0.045 0.050 0.050 710673 SUPERMX-C73 0.050 -0.005 150 1.580 1.800 21.84 11/02/2020 0.180 0.085 0.110 0.095 0197WA WEGMANS-WA 0.110 0.015 1196.4 0.280 0.300 46.43 13/01/2022
0.140 0.100 0.125 0.120 710675 SUPERMX-C75 0.120 -0.005 90 1.580 1.500 15.44 31/03/2020 0.180 0.050 0.085 0.080 0162WA WIDAD-WA 0.085 Unch 1324.6 0.265 0.350 64.15 05/08/2023
0.045 0.005 — — 7082WB SYF-WB 0.005 — — 0.190 0.700 271.05 11/11/2019 0.160 0.135 0.140 0.140 5246C1 WPRTS-C1 0.140 -0.005 0.2 4.070 4.000 10.32 23/01/2020
0.435 0.050 0.225 0.225 6139CC TAKAFUL-CC 0.225 0.015 50 5.940 4.600 0.17 29/11/2019 0.120 0.080 0.100 0.080 5246C2 WPRTS-C2 0.100 Unch 90 4.070 4.000 8.11 29/05/2020
0.320 0.065 0.110 0.100 6139CE TAKAFUL-CE 0.110 0.010 160.5 5.940 5.300 0.34 31/01/2020 0.125 0.060 — — 5246CZ WPRTS-CZ 0.060 — — 4.070 4.180 7.86 14/10/2019
0.125 0.025 0.035 0.035 6139CG TAKAFUL-CG 0.035 -0.005 60 5.940 7.700 32.87 28/02/2020 0.165 0.070 0.110 0.110 7245WA WZSATU-WA 0.110 Unch 360 0.220 0.380 122.73 28/10/2024
0.040 0.015 0.020 0.020 2429WB TANCO-WB 0.020 Unch 1634.4 0.055 0.050 27.27 23/08/2021 0.030 0.005 — — 5156WD XDL-WD 0.010 — — 0.080 0.180 137.50 17/01/2022
0.055 0.030 0.050 0.045 7097WA TAWIN-WA 0.050 Unch 40 0.120 0.200 108.33 05/08/2022 0.150 0.005 — — 7003WA Y&G-WA 0.005 — — 0.045 1.000 2,133 16/11/2019
0.125 0.015 0.050 0.040 7200WA TEKSENG-WA 0.050 0.010 1106.2 0.265 0.250 13.21 29/01/2020 0.240 0.155 0.155 0.155 7293C1 YINSON-C1 0.155 -0.005 220 6.700 6.600 12.39 31/01/2020
0.135 0.010 0.055 0.055 534754 TENAGA-C54 0.055 0.005 42 13.620 13.800 4.55 23/10/2019 0.135 0.085 0.085 0.085 7293C2 YINSON-C2 0.085 -0.005 30 6.700 6.750 9.63 29/05/2020
0.170 0.030 0.110 0.110 534757 TENAGA-C57 0.110 Unch 15 13.620 12.600 0.59 31/01/2020 0.155 0.075 — — 7293C3 YINSON-C3 0.075 — — 6.700 7.800 23.69 20/02/2020
0.195 0.120 0.120 0.120 534759 TENAGA-C59 0.120 Unch 200 13.620 13.200 5.73 06/01/2020 0.160 0.115 — — 7293C4 YINSON-C4 0.115 — — 6.700 6.880 18.13 30/04/2020
0.165 0.105 0.120 0.120 534760 TENAGA-C60 0.120 0.010 0.4 13.620 12.800 2.79 30/04/2020 0.125 0.100 — — 7293C5 YINSON-C5 0.100 — — 6.700 7.880 29.55 08/05/2020
0.090 0.045 0.050 0.050 534763 TENAGA-C63 0.050 Unch 150.1 13.620 15.000 14.54 20/02/2020 0.575 0.095 — — 7293CW YINSON-CW 0.470 — — 6.700 4.350 0.00 31/12/2019
0.130 0.090 0.095 0.095 534764 TENAGA-C64 0.095 0.005 120 13.620 13.880 10.28 08/05/2020 0.130 0.095 — — 7293CX YINSON-CX 0.395 — — 6.700 5.280 8.28 07/10/2019
0.140 0.120 0.120 0.120 534766 TENAGA-C66 0.120 Unch 59 13.620 13.580 11.16 31/03/2020 0.425 0.065 — — 7293CY YINSON-CY 0.325 — — 6.700 4.750 0.00 14/10/2019
0.460 0.040 0.050 0.045 7252WA TEOSENG-WA 0.050 Unch 47.2 1.120 1.350 25.00 29/01/2020 0.470 0.285 0.320 0.320 7293CZ YINSON-CZ 0.320 -0.005 97.9 6.700 5.500 3.58 23/01/2020
1.300 0.705 0.940 0.925 7034WA TGUAN-WA 0.930 0.005 165.7 2.490 1.500 -2.41 09/10/2019 0.040 0.005 — — 7020WB YKGI-WB 0.010 — — 0.100 0.500 410.00 28/05/2020
0.025 0.005 — — 7079WC TIGER-WC 0.015 — — 0.050 0.320 570.00 11/02/2021 0.475 0.030 0.035 0.030 7066WA YONGTAI-WA 0.035 Unch 20.1 0.210 0.500 154.76 24/06/2020
0.840 0.115 0.495 0.495 486337 TM-C37 0.495 -0.010 2 3.520 2.150 3.27 30/09/2019 0.130 0.005 — — 467723 YTL-C23 0.005 — — 0.498 1.250 152.01 29/11/2019
0.330 0.065 0.120 0.115 486340 TM-C40 0.115 -0.020 2043.4 3.520 3.100 2.77 23/10/2019 0.180 0.145 — — 467725 YTL-C25 0.180 — — 0.980 1.100 30.61 29/11/2019
0.260 0.030 0.030 0.030 486341 TM-C41 0.030 -0.010 29 3.520 3.500 3.69 30/09/2019 0.150 0.035 — — 467726 YTL-C26 0.035 — — 0.980 1.180 27.55 31/03/2020
0.255 0.050 0.075 0.065 486342 TM-C42 0.065 -0.010 1061 3.520 3.580 10.94 04/11/2019 0.075 0.040 — — 467727 YTL-C27 0.040 — — 0.980 1.280 38.78 09/12/2019
0.485 0.170 0.220 0.220 486343 TM-C43 0.220 -0.005 200 3.520 2.800 4.55 31/03/2020 0.045 0.010 — — 467728 YTL-C28 0.030 — — 0.980 1.080 17.86 08/05/2020
0.520 0.195 0.260 0.255 486344 TM-C44 0.260 -0.025 335 3.520 2.680 5.68 30/04/2020 0.125 0.015 — — 6742C8 YTLPOWR-C8 0.015 — — 0.730 0.900 25.34 29/11/2019
0.270 0.075 0.095 0.090 486347 TM-C47 0.090 -0.010 1370 3.520 4.000 25.14 31/01/2020 0.020 0.005 — — 6742C9 YTLPOWR-C9 0.005 — — 0.730 1.080 49.32 04/11/2019
0.230 0.060 0.070 0.060 486348 TM-C48 0.060 -0.010 267.4 3.520 3.750 15.06 30/04/2020
0.210 0.050 0.060 0.055 486350 TM-C50 0.055 -0.010 6543.4 3.520 4.600 37.71 31/01/2020
Please refer to the Bursa Malaysia website for the prices of loan stocks, bonds and overseas structure warrants
3 0 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE FI N AN C I AL DAI LY


Insider moves (Filings on September 18, 2019) Trading themes

Insider Moves show what substantial shareholders are doing with their stakes, which could be a signal of their views on the company’s outlook. Pangolin product seizures from Africa
(DISPOSED) SHAREHOLDER AFTER CHANGE DATE Major seizures of pangolin products shipped from African countries that weigh more
AEMULUS (800,000) AEMULUS VENTURE 42,128,749 13 & 18/9 than half a tonne are increasing, as is Nigeria’s role in the illicit trade.
AEON CO. (M) 500,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 190,288,700 12/9
AIRASIA GROUP 250,000 DATO’ ABDEL AZIZ 539,500 17/9
AURORA MULIA 30,000,000 AURORA MULIA 258,024,270 17/9
BOUSTEAD (397,400) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 188,993,292 12/9
COASTAL CONTRACTS 300,000 NG CHIN HENG 243,038,601 17/9
DIGI.COM (100,000) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,007,555,690 12/9
GAMUDA 489,800 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 174,892,934 17/9
ICONIC WORLDWIDE 670,000 DATO TAN KEAN TET 54,764,454 17/9
INVESTMENT TRUST Smaller weather events are becoming costlier
JAKS RESOURCES 150,000 ANG LAM POAH 76,969,062 13/9 The insured losses caused by “secondary perils” such as hails, wildfires and torrential rains
KLCC PROPERTY (447,100) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 93,520,530 13/9 are now much higher than insured losses from “primary perils” such as earthequakes
INVESTMENT TRUST and hurricanes, according to Reuters analysis of Swiss Re Institute data.
LTKM 314,100 LADANG TERNAKAN KELANG 96,995,306 17/9
M N C WIRELESS (300,000) CITA REALITI 36,374,000 13 & 17/9
MALAYAN BANKING (2,000,000) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEE 3,864,640,493 13/9
MISC (2,631,400) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 254,816,711 10/9
RANHILL (279,300) LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 56,042,800 17/9
SERBA DINAMIK 1,750,000 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEE 70,000,000 13/9
SERBA DINAMIK (1,000,000) DATO DR IR MOHD ABDUL 345,776,400 17/9
SIME DARBY (6,290,000) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEE 2,846,316,900 12 & 13/9
SIME DARBY (475,300) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 670,248,575 12/9 Stocks closest to year high Stocks closest to year low
SIME DARBY PLANTATION 1,000,000 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 380,138,378 17/9 (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000) (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000)
(DIPERBADANKAN) ECOFIRS 0.335 0.320 0.335 427 GTRONIC-CY 0.130 0.120 0.120 0.4
PETGAS-CU 0.130 0.120 0.130 13.7 IJM-C33 0.085 0.085 0.085 10
SUNWAY (1,166,600) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 358,037,176 12/9
SYARIKAT TAKAFUL (M) (2,100,000) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 64,464,500 12/9 AEON-CU 0.055 0.050 0.050 0.2 TEXCHEM 0.390 0.365 0.365 114.7
KELUARGA PRG 0.940 0.910 0.935 2132 MUDAJYA 0.225 0.200 0.205 1012.3
TELEKOM MALAYSIA 265,900 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 627,698,900 12/9 LIIHEN 3.140 2.970 3.130 635.7 WMG 0.090 0.085 0.085 104.7
TENAGA NASIONAL (160,800) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 866,869,482 12/9 ARMADA-C51 0.260 0.225 0.260 616.5 E&O 0.745 0.730 0.730 559.5
TIGER SYNERGY 3,000,000 DATO’ TAN WEI LIAN 84,146,534 12/9 GPACKET 0.730 0.705 0.725 22245.3 MAHSING 0.805 0.780 0.785 2127.6
DUFU 2.620 2.530 2.610 3938.3 AEON-CU 0.055 0.050 0.050 0.2
V.S. INDUSTRY (736,200) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 204,678,675 17/9 IGBB-PA 1.220 1.220 1.220 19.3 GENM-C65 0.120 0.115 0.115 230
(DIPERBADANKAN) KPJ-CV 0.040 0.035 0.040 111.5 GENP-CI 0.035 0.035 0.035 100
VELESTO ENERGY 2,257,400 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 559,751,506 12/9 PENTA-CA 0.400 0.400 0.400 210 CAB-WA 0.225 0.225 0.225 1
VIZIONE 335,000 DATO’ NG AUN HOOI 143,010,632 17/9 PENTA-CB 0.365 0.365 0.365 45 CCM 1.520 1.490 1.500 108.5
WESTPORTS (378,900) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 189,602,100 12/9 PENTA-CF 0.210 0.190 0.200 1980.1 GENTINGC68 0.015 0.010 0.015 400
PENTA 4.160 4.000 4.140 3622 GENTINGC75 0.075 0.070 0.075 104
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information presented is not an exhaustive list and is not an official record of shareholder GENM-C50 0.045 0.030 0.040 983.6
PENTA-CE 0.265 0.240 0.255 1649.4
filings. Direct and indirect share are combined due to space constraints. Readers who are interested should check the official filings filed with
Bursa Malaysia. Note: * denotes Ace Market PENTA-CC 0.300 0.270 0.290 1059.6 MYEG-C65 0.020 0.015 0.020 86
AIRPORT-C12 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.2 PLS 0.730 0.700 0.730 135.8
POS-C39 0.215 0.210 0.210 60 MRCB-C55 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.2
SMTRACK 0.260 0.250 0.250 34594.6 HSI-C7V 0.695 0.665 0.665 40

Local event to watch out for today PENTA-CG

This table shows stocks that are trading near their year high. This This table shows stocks that are trading near their year low. This
could suggest a build-up in buying momentum, or the possibility that could suggest a build-up in selling momentum, or the possibility that
• Nil profit-taking activities could set in later. bargain hunting could set in later.

Foreign exchange rates


NZ $ 0.570 0.631 0.626 0.507 0.838 0.869 0.869 0.929 2.6491 4.480 53.203 4.260 2.319 8,876 45.020 68.156 5.644 32.963 2.303 2.368 6.117 19.273 4.944
EURO 1.753 1.107 1.097 0.888 1.470 1.524 1.524 1.629 4.6443 7.854 93.273 7.468 4.066 15,560 78.927 119.489 9.894 57.789 4.037 4.152 10.723 33.789 8.668
US $ 1.584 0.903 0.991 0.803 1.328 1.376 1.376 1.471 4.1950 7.094 84.250 6.745 3.673 14,055 71.291 107.929 8.937 52.199 3.647 3.750 9.686 30.520 7.829
SWISS FR 1.598 0.912 1.009 0.810 1.340 1.389 1.389 1.485 4.2340 7.160 85.033 6.808 3.707 14,186 71.954 108.933 9.020 52.684 3.681 3.785 9.776 30.804 7.902
STERLING £ 1.973 1.126 1.246 1.235 1.655 1.715 1.715 1.834 5.2274 8.840 104.984 8.406 4.577 17,514 88.836 134.491 11.136 65.045 4.544 4.674 12.070 38.031 9.756
CANADA $ 1.193 0.680 0.753 0.746 0.604 1.037 1.037 1.108 3.1594 5.343 63.451 5.080 2.766 10,585 53.692 81.285 6.731 39.313 2.747 2.825 7.295 22.986 5.896
BRUNEI $ 1.151 0.656 0.727 0.720 0.583 0.965 1.000 1.069 3.0480 5.154 61.214 4.901 2.669 10,212 51.799 78.419 6.493 37.926 2.650 2.725 7.038 22.175 5.689
SINGAPORE $ 1.151 0.656 0.727 0.720 0.583 0.965 1.000 1.069 3.0480 5.154 61.214 4.901 2.669 10,212 51.799 78.419 6.493 37.926 2.650 2.725 7.038 22.175 5.689
AUSTRALIA $ 1.076 0.614 0.680 0.673 0.545 0.902 0.935 0.935 2.8509 4.821 57.256 4.584 2.496 9,552 48.449 73.348 6.073 35.474 2.478 2.549 6.583 20.741 5.321
MALAYSIA RM 0.377 0.215 0.238 0.236 0.191 0.317 0.328 0.328 0.351 1.0000 1.691 20.083 1.608 0.876 3,350 16.994 25.728 2.130 12.443 0.869 0.894 2.309 7.275 1.866
100 CHINESE RMB 22.322 12.733 14.096 13.966 11.312 18.717 19.401 19.401 20.742 59.1340 1,188 95.086 51.774 198,124 1,004.945 1,521 125.978 735.809 51.408 52.868 136.537 430.219 110.363
100 BANGLAD’H TAKA 1.880 1.072 1.187 1.176 0.953 1.576 1.634 1.634 1.747 4.9792 8.420 8.006 4.360 16,683 84.619 128.106 10.608 61.957 4.329 4.452 11.497 36.226 9.293
100 DANISH KRONER 23.476 13.391 14.825 14.688 11.897 19.684 20.404 20.404 21.814 62.1900 105.17 1,249 54.450 208,363 1,056.88 1,600 132.49 773.83 54.06 55.60 143.59 452.45 116.07
100 UAE DIRHAM 43.115 24.592 27.226 26.976 21.849 36.151 37.472 37.472 40.063 114.2149 193.15 2,294 183.65 382,668 1,941 2,939 243.32 1,421 99.29 102.11 263.71 830.95 213.16
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.011 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0298 0.050 0.599 0.048 0.026 0.507 0.768 0.064 0.371 0.026 0.027 0.069 0.217 0.056
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.221 1.267 1.403 1.390 1.126 1.862 1.931 1.931 2.064 5.8843 9.951 118.177 9.462 5.152 19,715 151.392 12.536 73.219 5.115 5.261 13.586 42.810 10.982
100 JAPAN YEN 1.467 0.837 0.927 0.918 0.744 1.230 1.275 1.275 1.363 3.8868 6.573 78.060 6.250 3.403 13,022 66.054 8.280 48.364 3.379 3.475 8.974 28.278 7.254
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 17.719 10.107 11.190 11.086 8.980 14.857 15.400 15.400 16.465 46.9400 79.379 943 75.478 41.098 157,269 797.716 1,208 584.078 40.807 41.966 108.381 341.504 87.605
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 3.034 1.730 1.916 1.898 1.537 2.544 2.637 2.637 2.819 8.0366 13.590 161.402 12.923 7.036 26,926 136.577 206.766 17.121 6.987 7.185 18.556 58.469 14.999
100 QATAR RIYAL 43.422 24.768 27.421 27.168 22.005 36.409 37.739 37.739 40.348 115.0292 194.523 2,310 184.964 100.713 385,396 1,955 2,959 245.056 1,431 102.841 265.595 836.874 214.681
100 SAUDI RIYAL 42.223 24.084 26.663 26.418 21.397 35.403 36.697 36.697 39.234 111.8518 189.150 2,246 179.855 97.931 374,751 1,901 2,878 238.287 1,392 97.238 258.259 813.758 208.751
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 16.349 9.325 10.324 10.229 8.285 13.708 14.209 14.209 15.192 43.3100 73.240 869.812 69.641 37.920 145,107 736.026 1,114 92.267 538.909 37.651 38.721 315.094 80.830
100 THAI BAHT 5.189 2.960 3.277 3.246 2.629 4.351 4.510 4.510 4.821 13.7451 23.244 276.048 22.102 12.034 46,052 233.589 353.635 29.282 171.031 11.949 12.289 31.737 25.653
100 HK$ 20.226 11.537 12.773 12.655 10.250 16.959 17.579 17.579 18.795 53.5815 90.610 1,076.099 86.158 46.913 179,521 910.584 1,379 114.149 666.719 46.581 47.904 123.716 389.823
Note: Run your finger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your finger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The figure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1

Index futures Money market

Long Rolls - KLCI futures US Dollar Klibor
Index points 0QFO*OUFSFTU Index points USD Index Implied interest rate (%)
1980 18.00 105.0
90000 2.00
1,589.50 4.5
(-2.50) (Unch)
1785 68000 4.75 96.5

1590 46000 -8.50 88.0

(-0.307) 2.5
1395 24000 -21.75

1200 2000 -35.00 71.0 1.5

Jan 4, 2010 Sept 19, 2019 Jan 4, 2010 Sept 19, 2019 Oct 2, 2006 Sept 19, 2019 Oct 1, 2000 Sept 19, 2019

KLCI futures close lower in FBM KLCI futures Swiss franc set for biggest Klibor
line with weaker cash market INDEX AND FUTURES
jump in a month MONTH SETTLEMENT

The FBM KLCI futures contract on Bursa FBMKLCI 1,596.28 -3.21 102.8M The Swiss franc rallied against its major peers OCT9 96.40 — — —
DEC9 96.40 — — —
Malaysia Derivatives closed lower yesterday, SEP 19 1,589.50 -2.50 4,180 30,335 91 yesterday and is on track to post its biggest MAR0 96.40 — — —
OCT 19 1,591.00 -2.50 86 431 84
in line with the underlying cash market. daily jump versus the greenback in a month JUN0 96.40 — — —
DEC 19 1,593.50 -3.00 18 536 -2
September 2019 and October 2019 fell 2.5 MAR 20 1,590.50 -1.00 19 170 3
after the Swiss National Bank (SNB) declined SEP0 96.40 — — —
points each to 1,589.5 and 1,591 respectively; TOTAL to match the European Central Bank and the DEC0 96.40 — — —
4,303 31,472 176
MAR1 96.40 — — —
December 2019 eased three points to 1,593.5 US Federal Reserve (Fed) in easing policy. JUN1 96.40 — — —
and March 2020 reduced one point to 1,590.5. FUTURES
The SNB kept its policy rate unchanged SEP1 96.40 — — —
Turnover decreased to 4,303 lots from at -0.75%, as expected by most analysts in a DEC1 96.40 — — —
4,830 lots on Wednesday, while open interest FUTURES FAIR VALUE Reuters poll. It maintained the rate it charges MAR2 96.40 — — —
JUN2 96.40 — — —
narrowed to 31,472 contracts from 31,823 CONTRACT
SEP 19
1.54 7.75 -6.21
on the excess cash it holds for commercial SEP2 96.40 — — —
contracts previously. OCT 19 43 5.87 9.23 -3.36 banks at -0.75%, though it raised the threshold DEC2 96.40 — — —
The benchmark KLCI was 3.21 points ROLL’S FAIR 2.85 at which the negative rate charges kick in. MAR3 96.40 — — —
lower at 1,596.28. “The SNB was a surprise and they will focus JUN3 96.40 — — —
SEP3 96.40 — — —
Most Southeast Asian stock markets on FX intervention,” said Kenneth Broux, a
DEC3 96.40 — — —
closed lower yesterday, with Thailand strategist at Societe Generale based in London. MAR4 96.40 — — —
leading the pack, after the US Federal Reserve Against the US dollar, the Norwegian crown JUN4 96.40 — — —
thwarted hopes of further policy easing. which had gained 0.2% after the decision, JAN-00 — — — —
Thai shares extended falls into a second with energy and telecommunications stocks erased gains and was broadly flat on the day JAN-00 — — — —
session and closed at a three-week low, accounting for most of the losses. — Agencies at 8.94 crowns per US dollar. — Reuters

Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.

CPO & Open Interest CPO vs Soyoil Crude Oil Gold

CPO RM/tonne 0QFO*OUFSFTU CPO RM/tonne Soyoil US$/Ibs US$/bbl US$/troy oz
4200 6400 0.700 155.00 1980
2,243 1,501.20
(-17) (-7.90)
3450 5075 1660
152500 0.3004 0.525 121.25
2700 3750
59.16 1340
105000 0.350 87.50 (+1.05)

1950 57500 2425 0.175 53.75 1020

1200 10000
1100 (-17) 0.000 20.00
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 19, 2019 Apr 10, 2007 Sept 19, 2019 Aug 31, 2008 Sept 19, 2019
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 19, 2019

Palm oil extends losses CPO futures Oil rises as Saudi supply Commodities

tracking related edible oils CONTRACT

5,799 -465
risks come into focus AGRICULTURE
2,243 -17
RUBBER SEN/KG MRB 553.00 -0.50
NOV-19 2,210 -19 3,866 28,939 -909
Malaysian palm oil futures extended losses Oil prices rose sharply yesterday, CORN USC/BSH CBOT 370.50 -0.75
DEC-19 2,243 -17 19,990 49,526 1,350
yesterday due to a drop in related vegetable JAN-20 2,279 -14 7,436 41,900 -1,450 supported by supply risks brought about
WHEAT USC/BSH CBOT 491.00 1.50
oils and weak exports, though a weaker FEB-20 2,309 -10 1,433 14,342 253 by last weekend’s drone attacks on Saudi oil LIVE CATTLE USC/IBS CME 106.15 0.85
ringgit restricted the downside. CPO FUTURES CPO/SOYOIL infrastructure and a cut in US interest rates. COCOA US$/TON NYBOT 2,423 14
The benchmark palm oil contract for INDICATIVE ROLL-OVER CURRENT FUTURES BASIS (USD) International benchmark Brent crude oil COFFEE USC/IBS NYBOT 103.25 -0.70
OCT/NOV -29 -97.85
November delivery on Bursa Malaysia OCT/DEC -62 3 MONTHS AVERAGE -112.20
futures gained US$1.40 to US$65 a barrel, SUGAR USC/IBS NYBOT 12.07 0.00
Derivatives lost 0.75% at RM2,243 per tonne OCT/JAN while US West Texas Intermediate crude COTTON USC/IBS NYC 61.48 0.26
-98 6 MONTHS AVERAGE -113.23
at the close, after falling 1% on Wednesday. NOV/DEC -33 oil futures were up US$1.05 at US$59.16 a METAL & PRECIOUS METALS
TIN US$/TON KLTM 16,900 200
The ringgit, palm oil’s currency of trade, SGS & ITS EXPORT ESTIMATES (TONNES) barrel. COPPER USC/IBS CMX 2.6040 -0.0035
weakened against the US dollar by 0.19% to SHIPMENT DAYS JUN’19 JUL’19 AUG’19 The attacks knocked down more than GOLD US$/TROY OZ CMX 1,501.20 -7.90
4.19, making it more cheaper for foreign buyers. 1 - 10TH DAYS 377/377 366/368 476/512 half of Saudi Arabia’s crude production and PLATINUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 930.50 -5.50
“With falling ringgit, palm oil should have 1 - 15TH DAYS 656/637 658/656 752/765
severely limited the country’s spare capacity, PALLADIUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 1,579.10 -3.10
been trading on higher side, but weakness 11 -- 20TH DAYS
926/909 984/1028
1,151/1,124 1,379/1,365
a cushion for oil markets in any unplanned SILVER USC/TROY OZ CMX 17.65 -0.17
in competing oils is not allowing it to rise,” FULL MONTH outage. ALUMINIUM RMB/TON SHF 14,105 -105
1,372/1,358 1,438/1,380 1,662/1,645
ZINC RMB/TON SHF 18,890 -205
said a Kuala Lumpur-based futures trader. MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD “Global available spare capacity is
The January soyoil contract on the China’s MAY’19 JUN’19 JUL’19 AUG’19 extremely low at present following the ENERGY
Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) fell PRODUCTION 1,671 1,519 1,738 1,822 weekend attacks, leaving little room for HEATING OIL USC/GAL NYMEX 2.0035 0.0329
1.62%, while the DCE January palm oil EXPORT STOCKS
additional outages, which tends to be NATURAL GAS US$/MMBTU NYMEX 2.649 -0.016
contract dropped 2.23%. Soybean oil on price supportive,” UBS oil analyst Giovanni BRENT CRUDE US$/BBL ICE 65.00 1.40
MPOB palm oil physical
the US Chicago Board of Trade fell 0.53%. Staunovo said. — Reuters GAS OIL US$/TON ICE 618.25 7.25
Palm oil stocks were depleting in the last (IN RM/TON) AUG’19 SEP’19 OCT’19

few months but that pace could moderate CPO DELD

2,103.00 2,170.00 NO TRADE
Centrifuged Latex Rubber - M’sia SMR 20
as exports have started to falter, said a palm CPKO DELD 2,305.00 2,331.50 2,403.00 Sen/Kg
oil trader based in Kuala Lumpur. RBD P.OIL FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 1100 1900
Malaysia’s palm oil stockpiles at the end of RBD P.OLEIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE
August declined 5.3% from the previous month RBD P. STEARIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 900 440.00 1475 553.00
to 2.25 million tonnes, industry regulator the MPOB FFB REF PRICE (MILL GATE PRICE) 

Malaysian Palm Oil Board said last week. REGION GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C 700 1050
But exports of Malaysian palm oil products NORTH 20.00% 419 19.00% 398 18.00% 378
for Sept 1 to Sept 15 fell 6.8% to 700,935 tonnes SOUTH 20.00% 426 19.00% 405 18.00% 384
500 625
from 752,470 tonnes shipped during Aug 1 to CENTRAL 20.00% 424 19.00% 403 18.00% 382
Aug 15, cargo surveyor Societe Generale de EAST COAST 20.00% 421 19.00% 400 18.00% 380 300 200

Surveillance said on Wednesday. — Reuters SABAH SARAWAK

22.00% 410
22.00% 413
21.00% 391
21.00% 394
20.00% 372
20.00% 375
Jan 7, 2007 Sept 19, 2019 Jan 7, 2007 Sept 19, 2019
32 FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 0 , 2 0 1 9 • TH E EDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY

F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
G L O BA L M A R K E T S PA G E 2 9

KLCI 1,596.28 3.21 FBM ACE 4,525.54 5.49 FTSTI 3,158.80 8.04 NIKKEI 22,044.45 83.74 HANG SENG 26,468.95 285.17 DOW JONES 27,147.08 36.28

“If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing Market movers

would get done. — Rita Mae Brown
Daily top 20 active stocks
FBM KLCI & KLCI futures intraday (‘000) (RM) (%) (RM) RATIO YIELD (%)
STOCK VOLUME CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE HIGH LOW ARMADA 177,411.5 0.030 9.52 0.345 — 1.07
('000) (%) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) MNC-PA 150,338.4 -0.005 -12.50 0.035 — 0.00
Index point
1600.0 MNC-PA 150,338 -12.50 -0.005 0.035 0.045 0.035 SAPNRG 104,035.5 UNCH UNCH 0.290 — 2.44
1598.7 GPACKET-WB 68,432 1.89 0.005 0.270 0.270 0.260 KNM 83,542.9 0.020 5.06 0.415 — 0.00
1597.4 1,596.28 HSI-C7J 64,646 -12.00 -0.030 0.220 0.260 0.210 GPACKET-WB 68,432.2 0.005 1.89 0.270 — 0.00
(-3.21) HSI-C7F 54,815 -12.09 -0.055 0.400 0.470 0.375 HSI-C7J 64,646.0 UNCH UNCH 0.220 — 0.00
1594.8 ,-$PNQPTJUF*OEFY NETX 44,502 50.00 0.005 0.015 0.015 0.005 HSI-C7F 54,815.1 UNCH UNCH 0.400 — 0.00
KOMARK 41,084 -5.56 -0.020 0.340 0.370 0.340 VSOLAR 51,068.8 -0.010 -10.53 0.085 — 0.00
HSI-H6S 37,134 19.35 0.030 0.185 0.200 0.145 NETX 44,501.6 0.005 50.00 0.015 — 0.00
1592.2 1,589.50
(-2.50) SMTRACK 34,595 -1.96 -0.005 0.250 0.260 0.250 KOMARK 41,083.5 -0.020 -5.56 0.340 — 0.00
1590.9 ,-$*GVUVSFT KNM-WB 33,497 2.56 0.005 0.200 0.205 0.195 HSI-H6S 37,133.9 -0.005 -2.63 0.185 — 0.00
1589.6 DNEX 28,633 7.41 0.020 0.290 0.295 0.270 SMTRACK 34,594.6 -0.005 -1.96 0.250 — 0.00
1588.3 HSI-H8B 28,256 10.77 0.035 0.360 0.380 0.310 MNC 33,618.8 0.005 4.55 0.115 — 0.00
1587.0 AAX 22,771 0.00 0.000 0.170 0.175 0.165 KNM-WB 33,497.4 0.005 2.56 0.200 — 0.00
8:45 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:15
HSI-C7E 18,004 -11.63 -0.025 0.190 0.230 0.185 UZMA 31,957.9 0.070 8.19 0.925 9.21 0.00
PUC 17,471 7.69 0.005 0.070 0.070 0.060 DNEX 28,632.9 0.020 7.41 0.290 15.17 1.85
Daily FBM KLCI SAPNRG-WA 15,128 -4.17 -0.005 0.115 0.120 0.115 HSI-H8B 28,255.9 -0.015 -4.00 0.360 — 0.00
DNEX-WD 13,631 7.69 0.005 0.070 0.070 0.060 VELESTO 24,530.4 UNCH UNCH 0.305 — 0.00
AAX 22,770.5 UNCH UNCH 0.170 — 0.00
,-$PNQPTJUF*OEFY .PWJOHBWFSBHFEBZ Table above is from Reuters Volume break 3x 5-day average volume, meaning the total number of shares
GPACKET 22,245.3 0.020 2.84 0.725 — 0.00
2030.0 traded for a particular counter on the previous trading day is more than triple the average volume for the
(-3.21) last 5 trading days. The table captures the build-up of interest in these companies and is thus a gauge of
market expectations for these counters. Top gainers and losers (ranked by RM)

1,599.69 KLCI ends lower on US rate UP


outlook as CPO prices fall

1425.0 TASEK-PA 7.430 1.710 NESTLE 145.800 -0.700
DLADY 57.560 0.860 BAT 20.000 -0.320
AJI 16.880 0.500 MPI 9.100 -0.260
G3 2.840 0.380 HSI-C7V 0.665 -0.185
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI ended 3.21 points or 0.2% G3-WA 2.540 0.290 HLFG 16.260 -0.160
820.0 lower to 1,596.28 yesterday after the US Federal Reserve (Fed) MAGNI 6.400 0.230 UTDPLT 25.180 -0.160
Jan 2, 2008 Sept 19, 2019
cut interest rates on Wednesday but indicated a higher bar F&N 35.600 0.200 TM 3.520 -0.140
to further reductions. The ringgit weakened against such LIIHEN 3.130 0.170 ENGKAH 0.870 -0.130
900 sentiment. SHANG 5.200 0.160 KPJ-CV 0.040 -0.110
KESM 7.250 0.150 HLIND 10.500 -0.100
In theory, interest rate cuts are good for the stock market
600 PENTA 4.140 0.120 IHH 5.650 -0.100
and bad for currencies. In currency markets, the ringgit HSI-H8G 1.080 0.115 AEON-CU 0.050 -0.100
300 weakened to 4.1912 versus the US dollar at the time of writing.
Reuters reported that Asian shares extended declines Top gainers and losers (ranked by%age)
0 yesterday after the Fed signalled a higher bar to further

easings, while the Bank of Japan (BoJ) also held off from UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
offering more stimulus as some had hoped.
FBM KLCI futures It was reported that the Fed cut rates for the second PHB 0.010 100.00 KPJ-CV 0.040 -73.33
HSI-C5S 0.010 100.00 AEON-CU 0.050 -66.67
time this year as global growth risks intensified, forcing
SIME-C33 0.040 60.00 PESONA-WC 0.005 -50.00
SEP 19 1,589.50 -2.50 1,594.50 1,587.50 policymakers around the world to step up efforts to stimulate NETX 0.015 50.00 MAHSING-WC 0.005 -50.00
OCT 19 1,591.00 -2.50 1,596.50 1,590.50 their economies. It was reported that earlier in the day, the SIME-C34 0.030 50.00 HSI-C5Q 0.015 -40.00
DEC 19 1,593.50 -3.00 1,598.00 1,593.50
BoJ kept policy steady as expected, though there were some SCIENTX-CF 0.015 50.00 APFT 0.010 -33.33
expectations the Japanese central bank would ramp up its HARTA-C22 0.030 50.00 GENM-C58 0.010 -33.33
FBM KLCI sensitivity* already massive stimulus. HSI-C5V 0.020 33.33 GCB-CE 0.045 -30.77
FGV-C77 0.020 33.33 IHH-C12 0.050 -28.57
KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME According to Reuters, Asian equities were already on the
POINTS (RM) (RM) ('000) BORNOIL-WC 0.020 33.33 IHH-C13 0.050 -28.57
MAXIS 0.61 0.050 5.700 1007.0
back foot after Fed Chairman Jerome Powell took a more PETGAS-CU 0.130 30.00 VIVOCOM 0.015 -25.00
CIMB GROUP 0.45 0.030 5.040 5519.3 guarded approach to any further reductions in borrowing costs. TASEK-PA 7.430 29.90 INIX-WA 0.015 -25.00
PETRONAS GAS 0.25 0.080 16.540 715.4 “The Fed cut interest rates to 1.75% to 2% in a 7-3 vote
PRESS METAL 0.19 0.030 4.930 2636.3 but signalled further cuts are unlikely as the labour market Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by%age)
TENAGA NASIONAL 0.18 0.020 13.620 964.0 remains strong. The rate cut was widely expected, but the split
GENTING -0.18 -0.030 5.770 6760.9 UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
IOI CORPORATION -0.20 -0.020 4.400 2152.8
vote has raised some concern about predicting the future CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
DIGI.COM -0.24 -0.020 4.760 1802.8 path of monetary policy,” Reuters reported. — by Justin Lim HSI-C5S 0.010 100.00 KPJ-CV 0.040 -73.33
NESTLE MALAYSIA -0.26 -0.700 145.800 51.0
World equity indices SIME-C33 0.040 60.00 AEON-CU 0.050 -66.67
HONG LEONG FINANCIAL -0.29 -0.160 16.260 103.4 SIME-C34 0.030 50.00 PESONA-WC 0.005 -50.00
HAP SENG CONSOLIDATED -0.31 -0.080 9.820 105.0 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE SCIENTX-CF 0.015 50.00 MAHSING-WC 0.005 -50.00
SIME DARBY -0.32 -0.030 2.310 7105.5
DOW JONES 27,147.08 36.28 INDONESIA 6,244.47 -32.16 HARTA-C22 0.030 50.00 HSI-C5Q 0.015 -40.00
GENTING MALAYSIA -0.37 -0.040 3.060 14473.3
S&P 500 3,006.73 1.03 JAPAN 22,044.45 83.74 HSI-C5V 0.020 33.33 GENM-C58 0.010 -33.33
SIME DARBY PLANTATION -0.64 -0.060 4.840 1289.9
NASDAQ 100 7,888.56 -0.23 KOREA 2,080.35 9.62 FGV-C77 0.020 33.33 GCB-CE 0.045 -30.77
MAYBANK -1.05 -0.060 8.640 6754.4
FTSE 100 7,314.05 -6.35 PHILIPPINES 7,911.32 -3.97 BORNOIL-WC 0.020 33.33 IHH-C12 0.050 -28.57
IHH HEALTHCARE -1.36 -0.100 5.650 1651.5
AUSTRALIA 6,717.50 35.90 SINGAPORE 3,158.80 -8.04 PETGAS-CU 0.130 30.00 IHH-C13 0.050 -28.57
CHINA 2,999.28 13.62 TAIWAN 10,894.70 -34.75 TASEK-PA 7.430 29.90 INIX-WA 0.015 -25.00
HONG KONG 26,468.95 -285.17 THAILAND 1,640.66 -13.48 HSI-H6Q 0.110 29.41 PTRANS-WA 0.030 -25.00
INDIA 36,093.47 -470.41 VIETNAM 997.10 1.95 TEKSENG-WA 0.050 25.00 HSI-C5W 0.015 -25.00
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day

Published by The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd (266980-X) Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Printed by Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd (62208-H) Lot 2, Jalan Sepana 15/3, Off Persiaran Selangor, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 . ISSUE 2971/2019 . PP19055/06/2016(034530) PRINT + DIGITAL



Chris Bosse From

Universal Design — combining neglected
for EcoWorld’s JL99 to launch technology plot to
projects going 99 Residence in and nature’s land of
forward Taman Wahyu wisdom harvest

royal allure
Klang folks are pretty loyal when it comes
to their hometown as they continue to
prop up housing demand in Selangor’s
royal town. See Pages 4 and 5.

to pullout
for FREE!

Click or tap to visit our digital archive!


Matrix Concepts
ventures into HOC for foreigners via MM2H an effort
Matrix Concepts Holdings Bhd is
to restore economy — Zuraida
venturing into the healthcare sector
by signing a Management Agree- The proposed Home Ownership ers to build more affordable homes to restore the economy and the
ment for operational management Campaign (HOC) for foreigners in the country. housing industry.
of the Pusat Hemodialisis Mawar’s through the Malaysia My Second “To those who criticised “If it remains frozen, there
(PHM) specialist hospital division, Home (MM2H) programme is the proposal, it could are 140 downstream industries
hemodialysis centre and clinics meant to resolve the issue of un- be because they don’t that are affected by the housing
in Bandar Sri Sendayan, Negeri sold luxury homes and is part understand the con- industry.
Sembilan. of efforts to restore the coun- cept of the country’s “So, by liquidating the econ-
Under the terms of the agree- try’s economy, said Housing economy, whereby omy with the sale of the houses,
ment, which was signed between and Local Government Min- in this kind of situ- the banks will be getting repay-
Matrix Concepts’ subsidiary Matrix ister Zuraida Kamaruddin. ation, we should try ments from developers. This will
Medicare Sdn Bhd and PHM on She noted that the sale to solve it by liq- activate economic activities,
The Edge Property Sdn Bhd
(1091814-P) Tuesday, Matrix Medicare will ex- of the unsold hous- uidating the create employment, etc,” she
Level 3, Menara KLK, clusively manage the centres for 30 es would provide c o u n t r y ’s told reporters after the declara-
No. 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara
Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,
years, providing services relating more opportuni- economic tion of Seberang Perai as a city
Selangor, Malaysia to non-clinical matters including ties for develop- situation, on Monday.
financial, administration and man-
agement of resources.
“This partnership will also pro- For the alternative charge made oper said in a recent financial re-
vide us with an ideal platform to fa- Get BREAKING under Section 165 of the Penal sults press statement.
Managing Director/Editor-in-chief
Au Foong Yee miliarise ourselves with the hospital PROPERTY Code, Tan can be sentenced to a The company announced a net
NEWS delivered
EDITORIAL industry, as we look forward to the maximum of two years jail or a fine profit of RM3.46 million for the
to you daily via
Executive Editor Sharon Kam establishment of a major medical or both, if convicted. quarter ended July 31, 2019, up from
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng WhatsApp!
centre in the Central Business Dis- RM1.01 million a year earlier, on
Deputy Chief Copy Editor
James Chong
Copy Editor
trict of our Bandar Sri Sendayan TO SUBSCRIBE Glomac to launch lower revenue of RM51.87 million.

Arion Yeow
township,” said Matrix Concepts 1. Add +6018 290 2116 RM903m properties
Senior Writer
chairman Datuk Haji Mohamad to your contact
in 2HFY20 Country Heights CEO
Rachel Chew
Haslah Mohamad Amin. list as EdgeProp
Glomac Bhd targets to acceler-
resigns after failing
News. Or scan
Natalie Khoo, Shawn Ng,
Developer ˎned this QR code. ate the pace of new launches in to restructure debts
Chin Wai Lun, Chelsey Poh
Art Director Sharon Khoh
Senior Designer Jun Kit
RM1.5m for abetting 2. Send us a WhatsApp the second half of this financial
year ending April 30, 2020 (FY20)
Country Heights Holdings Bhd
group CEO Datuk Low Kok Thai
Designer Rajita Sivan Ku Nan’s bribery case message with "NEWS" and
your full name included. featuring a diverse range of prod- has resigned, just six months after
For New Launches/Events/ B u s i n e s s m a n D a t u k Ta n E n g ucts with a total estimated gross being appointed to the post.
Press Releases/News Tips Boon was fined RM1.5 million by development value (GDV) of RM903 According to the company’s fil-
Tel: (03) 7721 8211 Fax: (03) 7721 8280 the High Court here on Tuesday the hearing of his case, which is million. ing to Bursa Malaysia on Wednes-
after he pleaded guilty to a charge to be heard jointly with Tengku “The upcoming launches will day, the reason of his resignation
Associate Account Director,
for abetting the former Federal Adnan’s case. remain in the mid-market and af- is “due to his unsuccessful efforts
Advertising & Marketing Territories Minister Datuk Seri The property developer, how- fordable segments while the land- in assisting Country Heights and
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880 Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor in ever, made a sudden change by ed residential projects in town- its grou p of companies in restruc-
Senior Account Manager
Ian Leong (012) 359 1668
receiving a RM1 million bribe. pleading guilty to the alternative ships such as Saujana Perdana and turing debts after exhausting all
Cecilia Too (012) 319 7666 The High Court was supposed to charge prior to the trial which was Saujana KLIA continue to sustain avenues with local financial insti-
Account Manager hear Tan’s application to postpone scheduled to commence yesterday. steady sales,” the property devel- tutions”.
Joane Tan (012) 377 2885

Marketing Support & Ad Trafˎc

Madeline Tan (03) 7721 8218 trending How do I get past issues of this weekly pullout?

Manager Nimalen Parimalam
now Go to to download for free

Account Manager Stannly Tan

Executive Nurfarah Diyana Mohd
LAUNCHES + EVENTS If you have any real estate-related events, email us at
Events listed here will also appear on
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay 75 & 1874, Jalan Delima / KU1, for preview from Sept 21. In its You Vista Sales Gallery.
Associate Omar Nawawi,
Ayesha Hannah Amer Ezani Off Jalan Kapar, Klang, Selangor conjunction with the mid- Come together to celebrate the
Contact: (03) 3358 2747 autumn festival, there will occasion with your loved ones
For enquiries and listings
Paramount Property invites all be plenty of family-friendly and enjoy activities such as
Tel: (03) 7733 9000 to celebrate the Mid-autumn activities and workshops. mooncake- and lantern-making.
Festival at Berkeley Uptown. pullout is published
by The Edge Property Sdn Bhd. It is Lots of exciting activities await Chin Hin Property Serini Melawati Street
available with The Edge Financial you and your family such as Mid-autumn Festival Food Weekend
Daily every Friday. The pullout Gamuda Cove test driving the latest Mercedes Celebration Date: Sept 22 (Sun)
is also distributed at more than
200 ofˎces, shopping complexes,
Grand Opening Benz cars, Chinese tea-brewing Date: Sept 22 (Sun) Time: 10am to 4pm
condos, medical centres and F&B Date: Sept 21 (Sat) session, mooncake-making Time: 10am to 5pm Venue: Serini Melawati, Tower 1,
outlets in the Klang Valley. You can
Time: 11am to 9pm workshop and many more! Venue: 8th & Stellar Sales Level 8, Sime Darby Property at
also download it for free at Venue: Gamuda Cove Experience Gallery, Wisma Chin Hin, KL East, Off Middle Ring Road 2,
Gallery, Persiaran Cove No. 2, Jalan 1/127, Off Jalan Desa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur
The Edge Malaysia Sentral, Bandar Gamuda Kuchai Lama, Kuala Lumpur Contact: (03) 4162 1788
Cove, Banting, Selangor Contact: (03) 7984 7878 Sime Darby Property is hosting
Publisher and Group CEO Contact: (016) 299 1666 Chin Hin Property Development a street food weekend at its
Ho Kay Tat
Come celebrate the grand will be hosting a Mooncake Serini Melawati Sales Gallery
EDITORIAL opening of Gamuda Cove Festival filled with activities featuring an assortment of
Editor-in-chief Azam Aris Experience Gallery with the such as bubble milk tea and yummy delights. Visitors also
Chief Operating Ofˎcer
first 30ft giant Pinkfong in mooncake workshops, and more. get a chance to check out the
Lim Shiew Yuin Malaysia. Enjoy exclusive M Arisa Show Units Preview freehold serviced apartment,
ADVERTISING & MARKETING attractions such as a comedy Date: Sept 21 & 22 (Sat & Sun) You City III Mid-autumn Serini Melawati, plus other
Chief Commercial Ofˎcer
show with Harith Iskander, hot Time: 11am to 5pm Celebration rebates and packages.
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056
General Manager air balloon rides and more. Venue: M Arisa Sales Gallery, Date: Sept 21 & 22 (Sat & Sun)
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831 S-G-07 Maxim Citylights Time: 10am to 6pm
Senior Sales Manager Mid-autumn Fiesta Sentul, 25, Jalan Sentul Pasar, Venue: You Vista, VG-01 &
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 at Berkeley Uptown Sentul, Kuala Lumpur VG-02, Jalan Persiaran You City,
Head of Marketing
Support & Ad Trafˎc Date: Sept 21 (Sat) Contact: (03) 9212 8310 Taman Suntex, Cheras, Selangor
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 Time: 10am to 9pm Mah Sing’s M Arisa is currently Contact: (03) 9081 9900
Venue: Paramount Property opened for registration and OSK Property will be hosting
Gallery @ Berkeley Uptown, Lot the show units are planned a mid-autumn celebration at


Universal Design for EcoWorld’s

projects going forward
BY S H AWN N G Ho (left) and Chang seamless and convenient lifestyle,
sharing EcoWorld’s the developer is continuously up-
PETALING JAYA: Future projects future plans at the Eco grading its app, which allows a res-
by Eco World Development Group Sanctuary Gallery ident to be connected to the amen-
Bhd (EcoWorld) will be based on ities in their respective townships.
Universal Design principles which “The app now allows one to com-
aim to create holistic and sustain- municate with their security per-
able living environments for resi- sonnel, apply for access permis-
dents of all ages. sion for their guests and to book
Universal Design is a design ap- facilities. Later on, we want it to be
proach towards creating a built connected to the amenities in the
environment that can be accessed, township, such as schools, trans-
understood and used to the great- port system, restaurants and health-
est extent possible by all people care centres,” he said.
regardless of their age, size, ability “Digital technology makes a lot
or disability. of difference. So the next step for
A memorandum of understand- EcoWorld is to create integrated
ing was inked between the devel- health and wellness communities
oper and Kaohsiung Medical Uni- which are connected digitally,” he
versity Hospital (KMUH) of Taiwan offered.
earlier in February this year which chairs to be manoeuvred easily,” Phase two of The Universal Design elements
will enable EcoWorld to leverage Chang told reporters at a recent Artezza by will be added to the developer’s up-
KMUH’s expertise in healthcare media tour held at Eco Sanctuary The Parque, coming projects, including phase
and wellness services as well as in near Kota Kemuning, Selangor. which will two of Artezza by The Parque.
creating properties that are all-ag- This is in line with EcoWorld’s features Targeted to be launched by
es-friendly. goal to create a truly holistic and some end-September or October, it is a
“We are very lucky to work to- sustainable community across all Universal unique four-storey module devel-
gether with KMUH, which is an es- its developments. Design opment that features two premium
tablished and reputable wellness, To achieve that, the developer elements is duplexes on the first two levels and
care and medical service provider had earlier this year included the expected to two penthouse units on the third
in Taiwan. They are teaching our element of holistic living into the unveil soon. and fourth floors, said divisional
team to understand the needs of DNA of EcoWorld developments, general manager Ho Kwee Hong.
looking after children and the el- noted Chang. Located on a 10-acre site, there
derly,” said EcoWorld president “Together with great infrastruc- will be 41 modules offering 164
and CEO Datuk Chang Khim Wah. ture; innovative lifestyle amenities units targeted for completion in
“We also learnt some tips from for all age groups; and sustainable have been very successful. So, Life sultation and other healthcare and 2022. The duplexes come in built-
KMUH about Universal Design township design concepts, this new Space and Care Hub will be part medical services upon residents’ ups of 2,492 sq ft or 2,759 sq ft and
which will be adopted in the design element will bring in health and of EcoWorld’s project DNA going request. Life Space, on the other are priced from RM1.5 million.
of our future projects in order to wellness components as well as forward, where most of our high- hand, is a space where the com- The penthouses atop the duplexes
really improve the quality of living digital technology that will con- rise residential developments munity can participate in a series will feature built-ups of more than
and create a holistic living environ- nect the residents to amenities in will have a Care Hub and every of activities that are open to all ages 3,000 sq ft with prices from RM1.7
ment in our developments. the respective townships. township will have a Life Space,” such as cooking, baking, painting million.
“These design elements in- “The pioneering projects of Life he elaborated. and dancing classes. “There are also plans to launch a
clude ramps, slopes at entrances Space and Care Hub at Eco Ardence Care hub offers 24/7 nurse-on- Meanwhile, to enable the res- small scale landed housing project
and bathrooms that allow wheel- and Eco Sanctuary, respectively call service, monthly doctor con- idents in its townships to enjoy a in November,” she added.

Millions in England one pay cheque away

from homelessness
BY A D E L A S U L I M A N dren were being forced to sleep in in temporary accommodation in Thomson Reuters Foundation on
Wo orking peo oplle are
noow cau ught in ann converted shipping containers and England, such as hostels and shel- Thursday.
LONDON: Almost three million guesthouses, in often dangerous ters, as at the end of March 2019 - “We’re committed to building
people in England are one pay en
ndlesss cyclle of payin ng environments. the highest figure since 2007. the homes this country needs.”
cheque away from losing their grrosslyy expeenssiv
ve privvate “Millions of working people are The introduction of the Home- Most European countries have
homes because they cannot pay rennts th
hey caan ba arely now caught in an endless cycle of lessness Reduction Act in 2018, also seen a rise in homelessness in
the rent, housing charity Shelter paying grossly expensive private which increased the obligations the past decade, fuelled by fallout
said on Thursday.
fford — witth alll the rents they can barely afford — with of local authorities, had prevented from the global financial crisis and
Just under half of working people inssecurrity th
hatt brringss. all the insecurity that brings,” said some 58,290 households from be- an influx of migrants from Africa
living in privately rented homes in Polly Neate, chief executive of Shel- coming homeless in the last year, and the Middle East.
England would be unable to afford ter, in a statement. according to the government. “(This study) provides yet further
rent for more than a month if they when you scratch the surface so “Many are terrified that even a The government also said it evidence that our housing market is
lost their job, the charity said in a many people are living month to short-term dip in income could result had committed over 400 million simply not working for many people,”
new report. month.” in them losing their home for good.” pounds (RM2.9 billion) to help Darren Baxter, housing policy man-
“I work two jobs, but I’m still in The charity found the situation Homelessness has been increas- reduce homelessness and rough ager at the Joseph Rowntree Foun-
a precarious position. If for some was particularly bleak for working ing in England for nearly a decade sleeping — along with pledging dation, an anti-poverty charity, told
reason I lost my job, I worry how families with children, and called amid rising private rents, a freeze to deliver an additional 250,000 the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
quickly we’d end up homeless,” for more affordable social housing on welfare benefits and a shortage affordable homes by March 2022. “For those on low incomes, the
Zoe, a 44-year-old single mother, as an alternative to private renting. of social housing. “Our reforms have increased the high cost of rents coupled with low
told Shelter. A report by the Children’s Com- Official figures released by the amount of social housing stock by pay is seriously constraining their
“I know it’s the same for thou- missioner for England in August government this month showed 79,000 since 2010,” Britain’s hous- ability to save for difficult times.”
sands of other people like me — found thousands of homeless chil- that 84,740 households were living ing minister Esther McVey told the — Reuters


Klang has
recorded over
3,600 residential
transactions in 2018.

According to the National Property

Information Centre (Napic), Klang saw
a total of 3,666 residential property
transactions in 2018. Of these, more
than 85% or 3,127 concluded deals
were residential properties, about
70.5% or 2,567 were terraced hous-
es, 500 were high-rise residential,
178 were semidees and 90 were de-
tached houses.
The number of transactions were
higher than those recorded in more
popular property hot spots such as
Cheras in Kuala Lumpur (308 trans-
actions), Subang (508) and Puchong/
Kinrara in Selangor (1,855).
Although many people may not
consider moving to Klang, Khoo has
observed that the town’s housing de-
PA INTERNATIONAL mand is strong as it is supported by

B Y TA N A I LEN G local Klangites who want to continue
living there.
rom mouth-watering Many who have lived there all their
bak kut teh (herbal pork lives or for most of their lives, would
soup), crispy and flaky still prefer to buy and live within Klang
layered roti canai, the although they often choose newer
flavourful nasi lemak projects or areas. A majority of new
and kopi-kaw to refresh- homebuyers are family starters, those
ing yoyo ice (ice-blend- who purchase for their children or
ed fruit juice), as well upgraders, Khoo adds.
as delicious layer cakes, Klang in “For people who do not live in Klang,
Selangor is a food haven and is one Khoo: For people who they may visit it for the authentic food
of the most popular day-trip destina- do not live in Klang, it offers and the nostalgic feel it exudes,
tions for foodies from Kuala Lumpur they may visit it for the especially in Klang old town. But there’s
(KL) and Petaling Jaya (PJ). authentic food it offers still something lacking when it comes
However, ask anyone who currently and the nostalgic feel it to persuading them to purchase a prop-
does not work or stay in Klang to buy exudes. erty here,” she elaborates.
and set up home here and they will Compared with the previous year,
probably tell you “No”. the number of residential proper-
Property consultancy PA International METRO REC ty transactions in Klang in 2018 has
head of research and project marketing declined, although housing prices
consultant Evelyn Khoo says the continued to rise. This, Khoo says, is
mature and self-sustaining port city a sign of the market’s stability.
that lies southwest of the Klang Valley Metro Rec Sdn Bhd senior real es-
is usually not on a homebuyer’s list tate negotiator Alan Wong concurs
when they go property-hunting. that demand is supported by the lo-
“An old rundown distant place with cal population who are involved in
a lack of entertainment activities is the robust commercial and industrial
how most Klang Valley folks perceive activities in Klang.

the town,” she tells “Owners [in Klang] have strong
Demand is high for A look at recent property transac- holding power and are not too in-
Bandar Botanic and tion data however, tells a more positive Wong: Housing values clined to lower their asking prices.
Ambang Botanic story of the hidden value of Selangor’s are likely to be stable in Hence, housing values are likely to
houses due to their Royal Town, for property investors the short and medium be stable in the short and medium
lifestyle offerings. and homebuyers. terms. terms,” he says.


Top 5 most expensive... Some iconic

(RM psf, in 2018) AVERAGE PRICE Klang
...terraced house projects in Klang Being the
(RM) Selangor, the
Ambang Botanic 494 multicultural
Kampung Bukit Kapar 472 city is a home
to 861,189
Alam Villas Eco Residences 469
people and the
Bandar Bukit Tinggi 439
growing young
Bandar Botanic 425 population
has supported
...semidee house projects in Klang local housing
Ambang Botanic 489
Ridgewood Canary Garden 470
@ Bandar Bestari
Bandar Puteri Klang 459
Taman Mutiara Bukit Raja 357
Bandar Parklands 350

...detached house projects in Klang

Ambang Botanic 481
Taman Sri Istana 403
Taman Alam Kemuning 357

Taman Teluk Pulai 328
Bayuemas 283


offer stable long-term capital appre- Realty believes demand for terraced
Klang residential property prices are on an overall uptrend ciation. And 90% of the properties in houses in Klang will continue to grow
Klang are freehold, says Lim. due to their affordability. She also fore-
Hence the transactions and price sees rising interest from upgraders for
Detached house Semidee house growth of high-rise residential prop- the homes in the above-mentioned
erties in Klang have not moved as fast established townships.
Terraced house Condominium as those of terraced houses. The con- For those who prefer newer de-
Average price (RM psf)

300 dominium and serviced apartment velopments, Lim sees strong capital

segment saw 65 units sold in 1H2019 growth potential in Bandar Bestari

which were transacted at an average and Berkeley Uptown, especially upon
200 price of RM210,373 or RM230 psf. completion of the Light Rail Transit 3
Among the new high-rise projects Lim sees strong capital (LRT3) and KSL Mall, the largest shop-
in Klang are Trio by Setia in Bandar growth potential in ping mall in Klang which is slated to
Bukit Tinggi, GM Remia Residence in Bandar Bestari and be ready in three years.
100 Bandar Botanic, Maple Residences at Berkeley Uptown, The 37km LRT3 line connects Ban-
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1H2019 Canary Garden and Gravit8 in Kota especially upon dar Utama in Petaling Jaya to Johan
Bayuemas. These new offerings em- completion of the Setia in Klang with expected comple-
phasise safety and lifestyle features, LRT3 and KSL Mall. tion in 2024. Meanwhile, The West
targeting the younger generation of Coast Expressway is also expected to
Demand for terraced houses in Klang remains strong buyers in Klang. create greater vibrancy in this part of
5,000 Nevertheless, Khoo from PA Selangor upon completion in 2022.
International says upgraders in Klang The famous Chong Kok The expressway project involves the
Number of transactions (unit)

4,000 certainly consider high-rises located Kopitiam is just a short development of a 233km tolled high-
within township developments that walk away from the way from Banting, Selangor to Taip-
3,000 boast quality living environments Klang train station. ing, Perak.
with recreational facilities, lifestyle
2,000 elements and safety features.
Indeed, residential properties in
existing township developments in

Klang that have the above elements,

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1H2019 especially those that address safety
Condominium 468 659 653 808 574 504 500 65 and security concerns, continue to
enjoy capital appreciation and healthy
Terraced house 2,658 3,223 3,294 2,760 2,650 2,781 2,567 325
demand such as in Bandar Botanic,
Semidee house 322 339 271 200 220 219 178 26
Ambang Botanic, Bandar Bukit Raja
Detached house 96 122 97 73 80 59 90 7 and Bandar Bukit Tinggi. data shows that the
above townships received the highest
In terms of affordability, Klang has Preference for landed number of housing transactions in
a slight price advantage over neigh- homes 2018. Bandar Botanic saw 251 landed
bouring areas such as Subang Jaya and Klang area specialist Emily Lim, who homes change hands while Bandar
Shah Alam, especially for buyers who is also The Roof Realty Sdn Bhd pro- Bukit Tinggi and Bandar Bukit Raja
are looking for large, landed houses. bationary estate agent, says Klang has recorded 176 and 220 landed residen- data revealed that bucked the trend whilst the overall tial transactions respectively.
the average transacted price of ter- Malaysian property market has slowed Metro Rec’s Wong concurs that
raced houses in Klang as at 1H2019 since 2015. Klang is currently experiencing a surge
was around RM441,776 or RM283.50 “In more established areas like in demand in these mature township
psf based on land size. Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and developments as well as in the newer
In the first half of this year, a to- Subang, we see more properties put Bandar Bestari.
tal of 26 semidees were sold at an up for auction in the current slow “Demand for secondary residential
average transacted price of RM1.13 market, but Klang auction properties properties in these areas are strong
million or RM364.50 psf. As many as are fewer in comparison,” she notes. as upgraders or young families pre-
seven bungalows changed hands at Klang folks are conservative prop- fer properties in gated-and-guarded
the average price of RM2.45 million erty investors who tend to choose neighbourhoods,” he adds.
or RM391 psf. landed and freehold properties that Going forward, Lim from The Roof


JL99 to launch 99 Residence

in Taman Wahyu
B Y R AC HE L CHE W during peak hours,” he pointed out.
The flyover is slated for completion
KUALA LUMPUR: Boutique prop- before the handover of 99 Resi-
erty developer JL99 Group will be dence in three-and-half-years’ time.
unveiling its latest project called Taman Wahyu is also current-
99 Residence @ KL North with an ly served by Taman Wahyu KTM
estimated gross development value station. The construction of Sri
(GDV) of RM750 million, on Sept Delima MRT station about 2km away
28 and 29. is expected to be completed in 2021.
The leasehold serviced apart- The current package by 99 Res-
ment project, which takes up sev- idence offers free shuttle service to
en acres of a 17-acre site owned by MRT and KTM train station, free door
the developer in Taman Wahyu, grill, kitchen cabinet, air-con, water
Kuala Lumpur, fronts the Middle heater, smart lock and RFID guard-
Ring Road 2 (MRR2) and will have house car access system. The devel-
1,421 units spread evenly over four oper is also running a RM3-million
blocks. -worth-of-prizes lucky draw campaign.
According to JL99 group chair- “JL99 is building affordable lux-
man Datuk Seri Jeff Lee, the de- ury homes for the people. We will
veloper will be building a private Lee: JL99 is building affordable 99 Residence is a residential project with a private ːyover that continue to stamp our mark on the
access road from the project to the luxury homes for the people. provides direct access to MRR2. industry in elevating urban living
MRR2. standard.
The units at 99 Residence come roof top level. Located on level 1 is perspective, with features such as Exclusive access road “This is why we need to hit the
in four design layouts with built-ups The Park which will have a jogging an additional direct access vehicle straight to MRR2 sweet spot — the value added to
ranging from 900 sq ft to 1,380 sq path and a scenic walkway, while speed ramp to designated car park While recognising the stiff com- the money spent on a property.
ft. Every unit has at least three bed- the Aqua, the Garden, the Harmo- levels for residents’ convenience, petition from other new projects The key to survival in such tough
rooms and two bathrooms. Each ny and Energetic Zone are located as well as the space efficiency de- in Taman Wahyu, Lee is confident times is to sell a project as soon as
comes with at least two side-by- on level 10 with facilities such as a sign,” Lee explained. 99 Residence will do well, given its possible to shorten the turnover
side car park bays. Prices start from lagoon pool and lap pool, garden, He noted that the project’s com- location. time, so that we can move on to
RM498 psf with stamp duty exemp- children’s playground, fitness sta- mon areas and facilities are more “Our project is strategically lo- the next project with resources in
tion for those eligible under the tion, aerobics room, squash court, spacious than the standard require- cated right beside the MRR2 and hand,” said Lee.
National Home Ownership Cam- and a multipurpose hall with bad- ments. For instance, the corridors Jalan Kuching, 13km away from He added that 99 Residence and
paign which is running until end minton court. (8ft), the vehicle ramp (12ft), the KLCC. Residents get to enjoy the the remainder of the 17-acre plot
-December 2019. There is also an infinity sky pool multipurpose hall (7,400 sq ft) and view of the majestic Batu Caves and will keep the team busy for the next
“99 Residence is designed to on level 53A which will also offer sky gym (4,500 sq ft) are all wider unobstructed KL city centre views. seven years.
cater for own-stay, hence the con- the Sky BBQ area, the Sky Party than normal. “Another feature that makes our “The next phase will also be a
temporary dynamic design with Lounge, Sky Bridge (linking Block “We have lower density and larg- project different is the private flyo- high-rise residential project. We
more than 48 common facilities B with Block C) and the Sky Pavil- er areas for common facilities and ver access road (ingress and egress) will also have some commercial
and spacious common areas,” Lee ion, just to name a few. services, hence we are sacrificing from the MRR2, which gives our res- units but the details are yet to be
told “Besides the extensive facili- our net saleable space and GDV in idents another option when Jalan finalised,” he revealed. The group is
There are five facility zones lo- ties for residents of all ages, we de- return for the comfort of residents,” Kuching, the main access road to also looking to launch a Residensi
cated on level 1, level 10 and the signed this project from the user’s said Lee. Taman Wahyu, is too congested Wilayah project in Sri Rampai soon.

Portugal’s property market getting too hot for some

B Y H EN R IQ UE A LM EIDA a magnet for foreign investors who en visa and tax breaks to attract
helped put the city on the map as wealthy foreign residents and in-
LISBON: Ana Guerreiro points a top tourist destination.” vestors. At the time, about 12,000
across the street at a handful of Variations on Portugal’s incen- buildings were in poor condition
housing projects in Lisbon’s up- tives have been adopted across or in ruins, according to city coun-
and-coming riverside neighbour- countries around the world. They cil estimates.
hood of Marvila. It’s where she tend to last until a critical mass of Now, Lisbon’s hilltop palaces
moved in with her mother last year vocal opponents conclude the costs are being restored, and hundreds
after soaring rents meant she could — soaring housing prices, absentee of buildings converted into hotels,
no longer afford to live alone. homeowners and allegations of cor- short-term rental apartments and
“Prices have gone through the ruption — outweigh the benefits, luxury stores. Investment in real
roof here,” said Guerreiro, 33. and politicians drop them. estate and the tourism industry
Portugal is western Europe’s Portugal’s particular circum- has broken records, boosting the
most dynamic property market stances may forestall that outcome Portuguese economy.
thanks to tax incentives for for- for longer than in other places as Ana Pinto, the president of the
eign buyers and a so-called gold- Street art murals, including the Barcelos rooster, adorn the side of there are still plenty of properties Association of Residents of the Coun-
en visa programme, which offers residential buildings in Lisbon’s Marvila district. in need of renovation, and prices ty of Marvila, can see benefits of more
residence permits in return for a remain relatively reasonable com- money coming into her town.
minimum 500,000-euro (RM2.3 Minister Antonio Costa has signalled of the year, the biggest gain in the pared with other parts of Europe. But she complains that some of
billion) investment. The flip side for the country needs the incentives to euro region and the steepest rise in Not long ago, as Europe recov- the more than 600 members of her
people like Guerreiro is that they continue to bring in money. the European Union after Hungary ered from the global financial crisis, association are moving elsewhere
have become collateral damage Lisbon has become a magnet for and the Czech Republic, according Portugal lagged behind its neigh- after home prices rose 88% in the
with no prospect of prices cooling tourists in Europe as many investors to data compiled by Eurostat. bours in attracting investment — first quarter from a year earlier,
any time soon. renovate properties and turn them “They just can’t afford to say and it showed. Buildings in Lisbon according to Portugal’s National
Foreign investors have pumped into short-term rentals through sites no,” said Tiago Caiado Guerreiro, were crumbling. Statistics Institute in Lisbon.
4.3 billion euros into Portuguese like Airbnb. According to the latest a lawyer in Lisbon who specialises All that began to change after the “Real estate prices have simply
real estate through the residency figures, Portuguese property prices in tax legislation. “These incentives government scrapped rent controls become unbearable for us,” said Pinto.
program since it began in 2012. Prime increased 9.2% in the first quarter have turned cities like Lisbon into in 2012 and introduced the gold- “What can we do?” — Bloomberg


Chris Bosse

nvironmental issues are
becoming more pressing
these days as humanity
tries to address the prob-
lems plaguing Mother
Earth. With the high vol- — combining technology
and nature’s wisdom
ume of carbon emissions stemming
from the building industry, architects
are now occupying the driver’s seat in
the fight to save the environment.
Architecture can contribute in a big

way to create a liveable environment
in the urban sprawl using the latest
technology, and German-born archi-
tect Chris Bosse has a large say in how
this can be done.
Bosse was a key designer of China’s Bosse: Sustainability
Beijing National Aquatics Centre, also is not a question of
known as the Water Cube. Currently ecological outlook,
based in Sydney, Australia, he is a co- but sheer necessity.
founder of and director at Laboratory
for Visionary Architecture (LAVA)
that oversees Asia Pacific operations.
He is also an Adjunct Professor of
Architecture at the University of
Technology Sydney (UTS).

Learn from nature

Global warming, as well as land and
water pollution are major headaches
in the 21st century. “An additional two
billion people will require housing
with a necessity for efficient, sustain-
able, and creative solutions. Sustain-
ability is not a question of ecological
outlook, but sheer necessity,” Bosse
He believes that architecture has
to serve people and reflect the society Bosse was a And technology plays an important digitally. It should enable you to gener- He hopes to “cross-fertilise” ideas
it is in. The way people live, work and key designer of role in trying to make use of nature’s ate a new environment,” he explains. and experiences at the event so that
communicate is changing radically, yet China’s Beijing wisdom. “Technology has transformed Bosse is keen to share his ideas on people learn from each other, and audi-
mainstream architecture is still wide- National the way we think about space, and the merging man, technology and nature ences are stimulated to think about how
ly based on outdated technologies, Aquatics way we create it. It is the vehicle that to create synergy in the urban environ- design can transform the way we live.
Bosse says. Centre (more allows architects and designers to re- ment during the Indoor Design Confer- Bosse will also be sharing insights
“The solution is there right before commonly define or renegotiate the way we live ence 2019 (IDCON 2019). Co-organised into how geometries in nature create
us — nature. Nature has optimised its called the our day-to-day lives — the spaces we by Panasonic and Gain City, IDCON both efficiency and beauty, and what
systems and processes. Its principles Water Cube). inhabit, and more precisely, how we 2019 will be held from Sept 27 to 29 at architecture can learn from nature in
don’t change, but it can adapt quickly experience them. Samanea Home Living Centre in Glo the areas of structure, material and
when environments change,” he says. “It’s not just a tool that helps do things Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. building skin.


Q&A with Chris — How can one achieve both aesthetic

value and sustainability of a building?
Architecture and sustainable building design This can be achieved through basing the design on
naturally evolving systems, such as bubbles, spider
webs and corals. These geometries in nature create
What is your philosophy in building What is your definition of a sustainable both efficiency and beauty.
design? building? They generate new building typologies and
LAVA’s creative process for all our projects, big or Sustainability is multi-dimensional. It is not only structures — such as membranes, minimal sur-
small, is: Mankind, Nature and Technology. about the fundamentals of conservation, renewal faces, inflation/pneumatic structures, branching,
Humans are at the centre of everything we and maximisation of resources. Sustainability has adaptive structures, cellular structures and evo-
design, whereas nature is our inspiration for form, to be looked at beyond just energy consumption. lutionary structures.
structure and sustainability as well as wellbeing. Moreover, sustainability is certainly not about the By combining digital workflow, nature’s struc-
For us, nature holds all the answers. application of fancy technology on the outside but tural principles and the latest digital fabrication
Think of a tree that filters the air, filters water, about developing a building from the inside out. technologies we build MORE WITH LESS: more
produces oxygen, and is self-generating. It carries More broadly, sustainability exists at func- architecture with less material/energy/time/cost.
leaves and fruits, a multiple of its own structural tional, structural and social levels. Think of fu-
weight. Think of a coral reef where thousands of ture-proofing, adaptability, flexibility and inclusiv- What are you working on currently,
species thrive in coexistence with each other and ity. Our vision is to design buildings that are open, and what is your next goal and
the elements, air, water and sun. versatile, adaptable and reactive to external forces, aspirations?
For technology, computation allows people to contemporary times and changing needs. LAVA projects currently under construction include
simulate natural behaviour, such as growth and An important example of a sustainable building a university master plan and headquarters in
adaptation of species. It is often misunderstood design are the building envelopes — no building skin Riyadh, mixed-use projects in Berlin, Ho Chi Minh
as superficial mimicry, but the potential is in un- today approaches the performance of the biological City and Hangzhou. We have a number of large-
derstanding the principles behind nature, not only world. The traditional curtain wall is passive, lacking scale projects coming up in Vietnam — a new 16ha
the appearance. the power to adjust to the fluctuating external envi- Central Park in Ho Chi Minh City, and we just built
We live in a world where things change rapidly ronment. But like a skin of a snake or a spacesuit for an eco-kindergarten.
and often, the cheapest and less innovative is the a new environment, the facade of the future can react My goal for the next 12 months is to increase A design proposal for Bionic Tower,
choice of the day. Researching, testing, apply- to the environment, temperature, humidity and air exponentially, not necessarily in size but in speed Hong Kong: The design creates a
ing, and even failing, are all necessary steps to pressure, and can have embedded layers of technolo- and in progress. The prediction is that all inven- fully integrated intelligent facade
a better future. Innovation doesn’t happen over- gy and sustainability, saving water, producing energy tions in the world will be reinvented in the next that responds to its environment to
night, but the consequences are enormous for and communicating information to occupants inside decade. So, there will be more inventions than create maximum energy efˎciency
our future. the building as well as to the outside world. there has been in the history of humankind! and user comfort.

coming in
to help at
TTDI Edible

16,000-sq ft plot of
land which has been
left abandoned for
some time at the end
of Lorong Burhanud-
din Helmi 11, Taman
Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) is flourishing
with all sorts of vegetables, thanks to
a group of volunteers who are passion-
ate about sustainable urban farming.
Known as the TTDI Edible Com-
munity Garden, there was a previous
attempt to work the land in 2012 but


it could not be sustained due to a lack
of manpower. However, in 2017, a sub-
branch under the purview of the TTDI
Residents’ Association was formed to
lead the rejuvenation of the land.
One of its active volunteers Mar-
garet Lee shares with
that the passion among the volunteers
was ignited following a visit to another
community garden in Subang Jaya to
see how it was run.
“After coming back from the visit, I

From neglected plot to

said, let’s work on our garden while the
iron is still hot. So, we cleared the land
that was filled with construction waste

land of harvest
at that time. While we were doing that,
we were also trying to figure out how to
go around setting up this community
garden officially,” Lee recalls.
Subsequently, they managed to get
in touch with City Hall’s (DBKL) Local
Agenda 21 (LA21) department tasked
to facilitate urban farming projects as
well as provide support.
“When we met with LA 21, they were
so excited to hear about what we want- and wood for the compost,” Lee adds. among residents has grown when it during the weekend,” Kernail enthuses,
ed to do and asked us to proceed with Volunteers come in three times a comes to disposing their food and kitch- adding that proceeds go back to sus-
our urban farming plan, which was week every Tuesday, Thursday and en waste as they now know that it can taining the farm.
very encouraging to us, as it gave us Saturday for two sessions in the morn- be turned into compost for the plants. Lee explains that in order to encour-
the assurance that the project would ing from 9.30am to 11.30am and in the “The only thing the soil needs is age zero-wastage, a waste-solution
not be stopped halfway. evening from 4pm to 6.30pm with oc- compost because it comes built-in with provider company called iCYCLE Ma-
“Setting this garden up was not easy, casional visits from non-governmental enzymes, pesticide and nutrients that laysia headed by a TTDI resident col-
but definitely very fulfilling. The garden organisations such as AIESEC as well as the plants need. Every Saturday, we lects food waste every Thursday from
grew as more residents chipped in. We colleges and universities. Visitors are have a garden sale of our organic veg- the houses in TTDI.
started with backyard composting, then Lee and a advised to schedule or check with the etables and fruits such as long beans, “We also have a collection bin on
we had netting and now we are waiting friend helping committee before they drop by. petolas, lady fingers, bananas, spinach site so they can just deposit their food
for the mulches to come in so that it out in the According to volunteer and garden and papayas. Some people place their waste into the bin anytime they want.
aids with the cutting of leaves, branches garden. manager Kernail Singh, awareness orders during the week and collect them There are many expatriates and resi-
dents who are not living in TTDI who
also drop their food waste at our col-
TTDI Edible lection bin,” highlights Lee.
Community Garden Aside from the urban farming and
volunteers (from left) composting activities, classes and work-
Joey Kee, Lee and shops are also conducted for adults
Kernail. and children on seed planting, build-
ing bug hotels and sand play, among
others. They have also been recently
approached by schools and organisa-
tions to conduct classes and workshops
on food composting for a fee which
will be used to fund the maintenance
of the garden.
“We have also recently come up with
a book exchange programme which
takes place every fourth Saturday of the
month. We are hoping to start a book
or reading club soon but we are still
Edible waiting for the right time. As of now,
Community what we lack in the garden is electric-
Garden ity and water, so hopefully we will get
sits on an that up soon,” Lee says.
L-shaped For some residents, taking care
plot of land of the garden has been therapeutic.
measuring Kernail shares about a lady who was
some going through depression and a diffi-
16,000 sq ft cult time who said she felt better after
in size, volunteering at the garden.
“To hear it from someone directly
how the gardening has helped her is
really encouraging to us,” Kernail says.

S POTLIGH T F R I DAY AU G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
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RM600,000 RM1,500,000 RM835,000 RM1,750,000

Casa Tropicana, Tropicana, Kiara 1888, Mont’Kiara, Faber Towers, Taman Desa, Subang Bestari, Selangor
Selangor Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Type: Semidee house Tenure: Leasehold
Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Built-up: 4,200 sq ft Land size: 4,950 sq ft
Built-up: 1,188 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Built-up: 4,125 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 5 Built-up: 1,100 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 5

Ann Soh (REN 03232) Ann Soh (REN 03232) Ann Soh (REN 03232) Aiman (REN 20482)
+6018 369 8650 +6018 369 8650 +6018 369 8650 SDN BHD (VE (1) 0294) +6014 669 6250

RM8,800,000 RM2,002,288 RM750,000 RM3,000,000

Tiong Nam Industrial Park, Aria Luxury Residence, KLCC, Taman Putra Sulaiman, Ampang, Ferringhi Heights, Batu Ferringhi,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor Kuala Lumpur Selangor Penang
Type: Factory Tenure: Leasehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Leasehold Type: Semidee house Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 12,849 sq ft Land size: 13,083 sq ft Built-up: 1,159 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Built-up: 2,200 sq ft Land size: 1,646 sq ft Built-up: 3,604 sq ft Land size: 3,014 sq ft
Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 6

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+6012 333 0073 (E (1) 1197/12) +6012 390 9498 +6012 303 3788 +6018 278 3154

RM570,000 RM459,888 RM500,000 RM400,000

Menara Polo, Desa Pandan, Sri Hijauan, Shah Alam, Selangor Kinrara Puteri, Puchong, Selangor Residensi Gombak 126, Setapak,
Kuala Lumpur Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Kuala Lumpur
Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 1,162 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 2 Built-up: 825 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 2 Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 1,485 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Built-up: 672 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2
Bathroom: 2

Jimmy Ng (REN 02015) John Oh (REN 07002) Kelvin Tan Khai Yik (REN 31324) Kenny Lew (REN 25411)
+6016 257 0886 +6012 298 6266 +6016 403 2222 +6012 247 4805

RM950,000 RM260,000 RM1,550,000 RM895,000

Cloudtree Residence, Bandar Taman Prima, Bandar Bera, Seksyen 3 Bandar Baru Bangi, Desa Bistari, Damansara,
Damai Perdana, Cheras, Selangor Bera, Pahang Bangi, Selangor Kuala Lumpur
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Leasehold Type: Bungalow Tenure: Leasehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 1,815 sq ft Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 4 Built-up: 1,000 sq ft Land size: 2,800 sq ft Built-up: 3,500 sq ft Land size: 9,000 sq ft Built-up: 1,227 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3
Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 8 Bathroom: 5

Lim Yuan Ling (REN 25667) Mohamad Nazeri Aziz (REN 22743) Mohd Faiz (REN 04003) Royston Lau (PEA 1570)
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RM1,900,000 RM550,000 RM860,000 RM580,000

Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur Soho Suites, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Venture Heights, Cheras South, Taman Nusantara Prima,
Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Office Tenure: Freehold Selangor Nusajaya, Johor
Built-up: 2,100 sq ft Land size: 1,870 sq ft Built-up: 628 sq ft Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 2,532 sq ft Land size: 1,400 sq ft Built-up: 2,245 sq ft Land size: 1,680 sq ft
Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 4 Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 4

Segar Xavier Kuppusamy (REN 04972) Suzanne Shoo Kim Looi (E2069) Terence Tih (REN 01644) Usha Sha (REN 17124)
+6014 338 3381 +6016 248 1679 +6017 668 2669 +6016 720 0135


RM1.58 million deal
(about RM842 psf)
Concerto North Kiara condominium
in Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur
Concluded by: Amy Chia (REN 05534) of Big Plus Properties
Sdn Bhd (+6012 289 7265) When: February 2019
RM4,700/mth RM865,000
Eco Sanctuary, Kota Kemuning, Located at Jalan Dutamas North Kiara. Glomac Damansara Residence,
Selangor Noteworthy Raya in Dutamas, Concerto “Another feature that Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala
Type: Shoplot Tenure: Leasehold
North Kiara is a freehold caught the buyer’s eyes was Lumpur
Built-up: 1,500 sq ft Land size: 1,600 sq ft • Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
luxury condominium the private lift lobby to his
Bathroom: 2 • 3+1 bedrooms and 5 Built-up: 1,102 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2
bathrooms project that consists of 440 unit offering privacy and
Wilson Lim (REN 29646) units by BCB Bhd. exclusivity. Concerto North Yat Min (REN 31294)
• Built-up: 1,876 sq ft
ONE WSM PROPERTY SDN BHD (E (1) 1823) The units come in Kiara is the only project WTW REAL ESTATE SDN BHD.(E (1) 0507/6)
• Partially furnished five layouts that offer that has such a feature in
+6016 353 0201 +6018 661 3088
and fully fitted with
3+1 bedrooms and 5 the Dutamas area,” she
kitchen appliances
bathrooms with built-ups added.
• Easy access to various
from 1,707 sq ft to 2,084 The average asking
expressways, namely
sq ft, according to the price for a unit at Concerto
the Duta-Ulu Kelang
Expressway (DUKE), developer’s website. North Kiara was about
New Klang Valley The project is only RM1.19 million or RM631 psf,
Expressway (NKVE) 2.4km away from Publika according to 95 sale listings as
and Sprint Expressway Shopping Gallery, at Aug 26 on
MATRADE Exhibition and Based on 49 rental
Convention Centre, Garden listings on the property
International School and portal, average asking
Mont’Kiara International monthly rent was RM4,205
RM1,026,000 School. per month or RM2.41 psf,
Amy Chia of Big Plus translating to an indicative
Avanti Residences, Sungai Buloh, Properties Sdn Bhd, the rental yield of 3.95%. M City, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Selangor negotiator who concluded There were four Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Type: Semidee house Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 1,018 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2
the deal, shared that the transactions at Concerto
Built-up: 2,750 sq ft Land size: 3,200 sq ft
buyer, who bought the North Kiara last year (2018)
Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 2
unit for his own use, liked with an average transacted
Aiman (REN 20482) the low density living price of some RM1.25 Elvie Ho (REN 22102)
FML ZI VALUERS & PROPERTY CONSULTANTS environment at Concerto million or RM731 psf. REAPFIELD PROPERTIES (KL) SDN BHD (E (1) 0451/1)
SDN BHD (VE (1) 0294) +6014 669 6250 +6012 303 3788

RM5,855,250 RM8,800,000 RM279,888 RM550,000

Tropicana Indah Bungalow Land, Commercial land, Jalan Sg Besi, Sri Kesidang, Puchong, Selangor Atmosfera Condominium,
Tropicana, Selangor Pudu, Kuala Lumpur Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Puchong, Selangor
Type: Land Tenure: Leasehold Type: Land Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 850 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Land size: 15,825 sq ft Built-up: 9,246 sq ft Built-up: 1,280 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 2

Ian Tang (REN 22803) Jimmy Ng (REN 02015) John Oh (REN 07002) Kelvin Tan Khai Yik (REN 31324)
+6018 278 3154 +6016 257 0886 +6012 298 6266 +6016 403 2222

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