Science Rubrics

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Research Paper Rubric Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Score
Category Evidence
Title Evidence of four Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less Absent
Your Name, Teacher’s Name,
Title Page Course Period,
Date, Neatly finished-no
Clearly and concisely states Clearly states the paper’s States the paper’s purpose in a Incomplete and/or unfocused. Absent,
the paper’s purpose in a single purpose in a single sentence. single sentence. no
Thesis Statement sentence, which is engaging, evidence
and thought provoking.
The introduction is engaging, The introduction states the The introduction states the There is no clear introduction Absent,
states the main topic and main topic and previews the main topic but does not or main topic and the structure no
Introduction previews the structure of the structure of the paper. adequately preview the of the paper is missing. evidence
paper. structure of the paper.
Each paragraph has thoughtful Each paragraph has sufficient Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to Not
Body supporting detail sentences supporting detail sentences supporting detail sentences. develop the main idea. applicable
that develop the main idea. that develop the main idea.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical Paragraph development Logical organization; No evidence of structure or Not
Structural and subtle sequencing of ideas present but not perfected. organization of ideas not fully organization. applicable
through well-developed developed.
Development of paragraphs; transitions are
the Idea used to enhance organization.
The conclusion is engaging The conclusion restates the The conclusion does not Incomplete and/or unfocused. Absent
Conclusion and restates the thesis. thesis. adequately restate the thesis.
No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. punctuation, capitalization capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
Mechanics and spelling. capitalization and spelling.
No errors sentence structure Almost no errors in sentence Many errors in sentence Numerous and distracting Not
Usage and word usage. structure and word usage. structure and word usage. errors in sentence structure applicable
and word usage.
All cited works, both text and Some cited works, both text Few cited works, both text Absent Not
visual, are done in the correct and visual, are done in the and visual, are done in the applicable
Citation format with no errors. correct format. correct format.
Inconsistencies evident.
Done in the correct format Done in the correct format Done in the correct format Done in the correct format Absent or
with no errors. Includes more with few errors. . Includes 5 with some errors. Includes 4 with many errors. Includes 3 the only
than 5 major references (e.g. major references (e.g. science major references (e.g. science major references (e.g. science sites are
science journal articles, journal articles, books, but no journal articles, books, but no journal articles, books, but no internet
Bibliography books, but no more than two more than two internet sites. more than two internet sites. more than two internet sites. sites.
internet sites. Periodicals Periodicals available on-line Periodicals available on-line Periodicals available on-line
available on-line are not are not considered internet). are not considered internet). are not considered internet
considered internet sites) sites.)
Portfolio Rubric Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score
Appearance Creative and attractive Contains title page, table of Contains 3 of 4 criteria for No organization, missing Absent structure
cover with color and contents, section dividers, meets; and /or poorly significant 2 of 4 criteria. and organization.
graphics, clear organization, and three ring binder. organized and difficult to
readable and neat, title page, read;
table of contents, section lacking neatness.
dividers, and three ring
Contents All required information is Contains: Contains 5 – 6 of criteria for Contains less than 5 criteria Absent contents,
discerned with clarity and application, abstract, meets; and /or poorly for meets. structure and
precision and contains all research paper, lab report, organized organization.
items listed in Meets observation log, reflective
category essay, guide and rubrics.

Reflective Essay Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score
Reflect personal Shows great depth of Relates learning with Does not go deeply into the Little or no explanation or Shows no evidence
learning stretch knowledge and learning, research and project, reflection of learning, reflection on learning, no or of learning or
reveals feelings and personal and general generalizations and limited few details to support reflection.
in Science Project thoughts, abstract ideas reflections included, uses insight, uses some detail. reflection.
reflected through use of concrete language.
specific details.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical Paragraph development Logical organization; No evidence of structure or
Structural and subtle sequencing of present but not perfected. organization of ideas not organization.
ideas through well- fully developed.
Development of developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to
enhance organization.
Conclusion The conclusion is engaging The conclusion restates the The conclusion does not Incomplete and/or
and restates personal learning. adequately restate the unfocused.
learning. learning.
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not applicable
capitalization and spelling. punctuation, capitalization capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation,
and spelling. capitalization and spelling.

Usage No errors in sentence Almost no errors in Many errors in sentence Numerous and distracting Not applicable
structure and word usage. sentence structure and word structure and word usage. errors in sentence structure
usage. and word usage.
Lab Report Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Score
Title Page Contains: Missing 1 component Missing 2 – 4 components Missing more than 4
Title components
Your Name, Teacher’s Name,
Course Period,
Date, Neatly finished-no errors
Question Clear and concise problem Identifies the question in an Identifies only part of the The question is not testable no
stated that is testable. unclear manner, but is still question, but is still testable matter how clear and concise
testable. the question is.
Hypothe sis Follows “if…then… because” Follows “if…then… because” Follows “if…then… because” Follows “if…then… because”
format. format. format. format.
Is related to the question. Is related to the question. Is related to the question. Is related to the question.
Clearly defines controls vs. Defines controls vs. variables in Defines controls vs. variables in Defines controls vs. variables in
variables in “if” portion. “if” portion in an unclear “if” portion in an unclear “if” portion in an unclear
Predicts with correct facts. manner. manner. manner.
Predicts with correct facts Predicts with some facts. Predicts with no facts
Materials Lists all materials and Lists most materials and Lists some of the materials & Lists wrong materials or
equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment.
Procedure Lists all steps in a detailed, Lists all steps in a sequential Lists all steps in a sequential Lists steps in an order that are
sequential order that are easily order that are not easily order that are not easily not sequential, not easily
followed. followed. followed. followed, or incomplete.
All safety precautions and All safety precautions and All safety precautions and Some safety precautions and
warnings are provided. warnings are provided. warnings are missing. warnings are not provided.
Provides diagrams of all set Provides diagrams of all set Provides some diagrams of set Provides some diagrams of set
ups. ups. ups. ups.
Results All data is recorded and All data is recorded and All data is recorded and Incorrect data is provided
organized in a clear manner. organized in a clear manner. organized in a clear manner. regardless of inclusion or
All visible observations are All visible observations are Visible observations are presentation of all other criteria.
provided. provided. missing.
Complete and correct analysis Analysis of data is provided Analysis of data is provided
of data is provided. with a few errors. with a few errors.
Errors of Experimentation are Errors of experimentation are Errors of experimentation
provided. provided. are provided.
Conclusion Restates the hypothesis, Restates the hypothesis and Supports or refutes the Does not address the hypothesis
supports or refutes it and supports or refutes it hypothesis without restating it
explains the role of the test in
making the decision
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting
capitalization and spelling. punctuation, capitalization and capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation,
spelling. capitalization and spelling.

Usage No errors sentence structure Almost no errors in sentence Many errors in sentence Numerous and distracting
and word usage. structure and word usage. structure and word usage. errors in sentence structure and
word usage.
Oral Presentation: Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Select the box which most describes student performance. Alternatively you can "split the indicators" by using the che ck boxes before each indicator
to evaluate each item individually.
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standards Does Not Meet Standard Score
Language Use q Effectively uses eye contact. q Maintains eye contact. q Some eye contact, but not q Uses eye contact ineffectively.
and Delivery q Speaks clearly, effectively and q Speaks clearly and uses suitable maintained. q Fails to speak clearly and
The student confidently using suitable volume and pace. q Speaks clearly and unclearly in audibly and uses unsuitable
communicates volume and pace. different portions. pace.
ideas effectively q Fully engages the audience. q Takes steps to engage the q Occasionally engages audience. q Does not engage audience.
audience. q Dresses inappropriately.
q Dresses appropriately, q Dresses appropriately. q Selects words inappropriate for q Dresses inappropriately.
q Selects rich and varied words for q Selects words appropriate for context; uses incorrect grammar. q Selects words inappropriate for
context and uses correct context and uses correct context; uses incorrect grammar.
grammar. grammar.
Organization q Introduces the topic clearly and q Introduces the topic clearly. q Introduces the topic. q Does not clearly introduce the
and creatively. topic.
Preparation q Maintains clear focus on the q Maintains focus on the topic. q Somewhat maintains focus on q Does not establish or maintain
The student topic.. the topic. focus on the topic.
exhibits logical q Effectively includes smooth q Include transitions to connect q Includes some transitions to q Uses ineffective transitions that
organization. transitions to connect key points. key points. connect key points. rarely connect points.
q Ends with logical, effective and
relevant conclusion. q Ends with coherent conclusion q Ends with a conclusion based on q Ends without a conclusion.
based on evidence. evidence.
Content q Clearly defines the topic or q Clearly defines the topic or q Defines the topic or thesis. q Does not clearly define the topic
The student thesis and its significance. thesis. or thesis.
explains the q Supports the thesis and key q Supports the thesis and key q Supports the thesis with q Does not support the thesis with
process and findings with an analysis of findings with evidence. evidence. evidence.
findings of the relevant and accurate evidence
project and the q Provides evidence of extensive q Presents evidence of valid q Presents evidence of research q Presents little or no evidence of
resulting and valid research with multiple research with multiple sources. with sources. valid research.
learning. and varied sources
q Provides evidence of complex q Provides evidence of problem q Provides some evidence of q Shows little evidence of problem
problem solving and learning solving and learning stretch. problem solving and learning solving and learning stretch.
stretch. stretch. q Shows little evidence of the
q Combines and evaluates existing q Combines existing ideas to form q Combines existing ideas. combination of ideas.
ideas to form new insights. new insights.

Questions and Demonstrates extensive knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of the Demonstrates some knowledge of Demonstrates incomplete
Answers of the topic by responding topic by responding accurately and the topic by responding accurately knowledge of the topic by
confidently, precisely and appropriately to questions and and appropriately to questions and responding inaccurately and
appropriately to all audience feedback. feedback. inappropriately to questions and
questions and feedback. feedback.
Backboard Name: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score
Clarity of Topic Includes a clear title which Includes a title which Includes a title that gives Missing a title or Not present
gives specific information gives information about some information about statement of the main
about main topic. the main topic. the main topic. topic.
Details of Includes all details from Includes most details from Includes some details Includes only a few details No details from research.
Research research and has clear research and has clear from research and has from research using labels
labels, phrases, or labels or phrases. labels or phrases. or phrases.
sentence descriptions.
Effectiveness Viewer has a thorough Viewer has an Viewer has some Viewer has difficulty Backboard does not
understanding of topic understanding of the topic understanding of the topic understanding topic communicate topic
researched. Backboard researched. Backboard researched. Backboard researched. Backboard researched.
includes specific examples includes examples and /or includes some examples includes few examples
and/or illustrations in an illustrations. and/or illustrations. and/or illustrations.
organized manner.
Quality Includes illustrations and Includes illustrations and Includes illustrations and Does not include Work is haphazard and
labels. Content is edited labels. Content is edited labels. Content is not illustrations and labels careless. Has none of the
for spelling and for spelling and edited for spelling and and/or contains more than required elements.
punctuation and has no punctuation and has less punctuation and has more 3 errors in spelling and
errors. than 3 errors. than 3 errors. punctuation.

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