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Parekh International School

2018- 2019

Cycle test 2 portion Class: IX

Subject Chapters

ENGLISH 1. Writer’s effect

2. Summary writing

ENGLISH Unseen passage and analysis

HINDI Environment and Geography
Art of Writing
Bhashan Lekhan and Blog lekhan
FRENCH Units 1, 2 & 3

MATHEMATICS Algebra – Chapter 2

Number – only sequences and number pattern

PHYSICS Chp1 -Making Measurements

1) Making measurements of Length, volume and Time
2) Increasing the precision of measurements of length and time
3) Determining the densities of solids and liquids
Chp2-Describing motion
1) Interpreting distance against time and speed against time graphs
2) Calculating Speed and distance
3) Calculating acceleration
Chp 3.Forces and Motion
1)We have lift-off
2)Mass, weight and gravity
3)Falling and turning
4)Force, mass and acceleration
5)The Idea of momentum
6) More about Scalar and vectors
Chp 4 Turning effects of forces
1)The moment of force calculating moments
CHEMISTRY States of matter
Separating substances
Atoms and elements
Atoms combining
Reacting masses and chemical equations
Using moles
The periodic table
BIOLOGY 1)Movement in and out of cells
Active transport
2) The chemical of life
3) Enzymes
Biological catalyst
Properties of enzyme
4) plant nutrition
Typeds of nutrition
uses of glucose
Test for starch
limiting factors
importance of photosynthesis

ICT File Management and Images – Theory

BUSINESS STUDIES Chap 6- Motivating workers

Chap 7- Organisation and management
Chap 8 Recruitment, Selection and training of workers

GLOBAL Topic: Migration

PERSPECTIVE Migration and Crime
Migration and development
Anit-migration sentiments
Topic : Law and Criminality
Importance of Law
Preventing Crime
Dealing with international crime
ACCOUNTING Introduction to Accounting
Double Entry Bookkeeping (Part B)
Trial Balance
Petty Cash Book

ECONOMICS Ch. 5 - Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Ch. 6 - The role of markets in allocating resources
Ch. 7 - Demand
Ch. 8 - Supply
Ch. 9. Price Determination
Ch. 10. Price Changes
ENVIORNMENTAL Chapter 1: Rocks and minerals and their exploitation
MANAGEMENT Chapter 7: Atmosphere and Human Activities

ART & DESIGN Shopping bag with some of its content spilling out
Trash or Treasure (interpretative assignment)

Mrs. Sapna Nair

Class teacher

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