All Proceeds Wil Go To The Victims of Hurricane Starlo

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Year 6
Six Weeks
The local council has just announced that they want to build

all new houses to be able to withstand an earthquake. They

want the houses to be made out of as much recycled
material as possible and they have asked our school for
help. In groups of four, you need to design and create a
model house that the council could choose!

This house will need to be able to withstand the table

underneath it being shook with a large amount of force -

simulating an earthquake. The house must stay standing

without anyone holding it. The house must look like a
house, with four walls, a door, windows and a roof.

You will need to research different housing structures from

around the world. You will also need to research houses
and precautions that have been used in other countries to
withstand earthquakes. What do they have in common?
What componets does your house NEED to have? What
materials could you use to build your house?

Design two different houses in your group. Make sure


these diagrams are labelled, detailing what materials you

are going to use to make particular parts. Discuss which
parts of the house you want to focus on and how ypu
might want it to look. Look at both of your designs and
choose the best parts from each to create a final design!
The house must be made out of as much recycled material as

possible. These materials could include newspaper,

cardboard, cereal boxes, milk cartons, egg cartons and water

Each group member must contribute to the building of the
The house must stand alone and be able to withstand the
strong shaking of the table.
The house must actually resemble a house.

You will have to decide what material you are going to use.
You will need to arrange how you are going to collect these


You will need to organise who is going to be in charge or

bringing the different materials.
Once all of this is organised, your group can start
constructing your house!
You might need to make chnages and alterations along the

Once your house is completed and your group is happy with the

final result, your group will need to come up with a name for your
house. The house will then be placed on the 'earthquake
simulator' at the front of the classroom. The table will be shaken
and the houses will be inspected by the council officer to see if
they meet the guidelines!

Once your house is finished you will need to evaluate your work.

Did your house stay standing and in tact when the table was
Were there any particular parts of the house that withstood the
shakes better than others?
What might you do differently next time?
What was your favourite part about the project?

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