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Nadine Salinas B-52

Timeline Unit 2

Tristan  and  Isolde ​is a legend of a medieval

romance of the tragic love-triangle: King
1313-1375  Mark, his wife Isolde and his nephew Tristan.
12th Century   King Mark wants to marry Isolde, but she
loves Tristan and he loves her, so they will
fight to be together. In fact, they have a
terrible end.

  Dante  Alighieri ​was an Italian poet. HIs

best-known work was ​The Divine Comedy,​
considered the greatest literary work
13th and 14th Centuries  composed in Italian. He is seen as the father
of modern Italian.

  The  Divine Comedy ​is a poem written by Dante

among 1304 and 1308. Dante named
Commedy because it can’t be a tragedy
14th Century  because have a happy end. Was Boccaccio
who added ‘divine’. It is about hell, purgatory
and paradaise.

  Petrarch ​was an Italian poet in the

Renaissance and one of the earliest
humanists. He is best-known for his Italian
14th Century   poetry. One of his best-known works is ​Il

  Giovanni  Boccaccio​, born in 1913, ​was an

important author, poet and Renaissance
humanist. He is, with Petrarch and Dante,
14th Century   one father’s literature. His best-known work is
the ​Decameron​.

  The  Decameron ​is a book which have hundred

of stories finished by Giovanni Boccaccio
between 1351 and 1353. The main themes of
14th Century  this book are love, intelligence and fortune.

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