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LUMINOUS ry LUMINOUS CARE [SOLAR NXG 1100 UPS ‘LUMINOUS: ieha® ear Customer, Solar Power is the best alternate source of renewable energy and solar oweris anever ending & abundant resource. Inindathe Solar insolation is Bost similar all across the country. With technology advancement solar power is becoming affordable and avalable to 2 larger section of the Society. Luminous Solar UPS range is designed in such a way that you wil have the access to this solar eneray at an affordable price with less dependency on iid supp Luminous Solar UPS range is having an artificial inteligence but in to harness solar eneray & reduce your electricity bil whore grid supply is also avalabie. Solar UPS consumes solar energy as the fst preference over Grid Supp Unite conventional fossil fuels solar panels dont emit CO, emissions ‘which resuits into reduction in global warming and provides a cleanor fe ae, te al wa ra a aa na a ee a eH A TON sa 8 acer eB ae he eee Bee A aa LB ahh nb ae ea Pee ees a Wh #1 ae where agg fer aera rs be wee ba er # aS ah arenes at a oH STH afer ae he so su eat rr see Fg xara et afta sta tee sere ve ah an ea a Pts alo es re tH gatas ra a gsr shee aha CO, wry hae oT eT ce ere LUMINOUS CARE LUMINOUS aru WARRANTY REGISTRATION FORM CUSTOMER DETAILS Name’ ‘Address Address2... City State: PIN: sesnsnennnnnnns MOBI. Occupation: How did you fist hear about our product Birthday (optional) 1} Oo} DD owM yvyyy + Please rate how you felt? (please circle appropriate option) During the sales presentation © @ @ ©Oe@ At the time of installation The Product has boon instal o my satisfaction. (Pease refer tothe Istalaion Procedure and safely measures outined in accompanying que for user) Yes No Customer Signature & Date 18 ‘LUMINOUS: aha This Portion Is To Be Filled By The Dealer Product Details: About The Solar UPS ModelRating: Solar NXG 1100 Seta No ‘About the battery Battery Model & Capacity Battery Seria No Date OF Installation: Signature of Service Personne! DEALER DETAILS (Please il affx, your stamp) Name Address Address2. city State Pincode Mobile E-mail Dealer Signature & Date v7 Do's and Don'ts o's related to UPS: 'Y Unplug and switch off the UPS before touching or cleaning the surfaces \Y Unplug the UPS from the wall outlet durin a lightening storm, Don'ts related to UPS. X Don't block the side ventilation slots by cloth or other material it ‘may resutin fre hazard X Dont place the UPS near rasiation or heat source 2 Dont install the UPS near htchen sink laundry, wash bow, bath tub. Do's related to battery ‘¥ Wear safety gloves and goggles. '¥_ Usebattery grade water only for batery refiling Install battery in proper ventilated area, -¥ Apply petroleum jlly to terminals of batteries. '¥ Place battery horizontal & handle with care, Koop out of reach of chien ‘¥ Connect correct polarity of wires from UPS with battory Don'ts related to battery 2 Don't adel impure or mineral water in battery X Dont add acid to the battery as itcan cause damage. 2 Don't keep near a moisture area orin ect sunlight X Dont keep the cell cape lose or open. X Don't increase the length of batty wire 2 Dont place the battery t height. XX Never short the terminals ofthe battery, X Don't over fil tho battory cel > Keep amay flammable things tothe battery 2 Dont aspose of batteries in fire, 2% Don't open or mutiate batteries. 2 Dont keop tools or meta pats ontop of battoris 2 ‘LUMINOUS: 0 4 eee ‘LUMINOUS aa 1. FRONT PANEL DescRIPTION: ovmue o are cree rats ste RHE ae eh oe ET A ae on ae ee ore ahd fe lB ae eee ae a i re {oe 2 eel cary eh #1 ae Boe A pH we ee ay Se = age @ oe ft ry eet Png ee Ph ye are a Rn ote tetas Fert & he aera aE a aH Pe He wy Se ge Eat 4 UES feast end ae we 81 gah a er A tee & peo a 2 [ON MAINS Mans avetable wen Sater ee ge a feet orators We wes Fey a wh ae a 3 [souar cnc, | Solar power avaiable | _CmEginS hroush {age ate aa aed me a rae AeA a re A TA eT aT goRIG “ Beeeent et 4 [mains cnc. aye BE TEA gee #8 ore ee a seh ge ae 5 [POWER SAVER_| Power Saver active BS art ara aoe No pastes sett SERVICE Sater having proven} feta 8 26 oe & ro a 6 [fssisrance [contact unos serve cee ceed grap op pe ay ae Teco Sjrtomis ECO Node sreareare ee eg TPS ring arts arte rf er ee ate ea si |onsare: ‘on batory eee @ meh et tnd ga ee eh eRe | 3 [BATT Low [Battery powers exiaustnd Battery Tow pre-alarm afr ee te sorte ee a RRM, Garret Pe m [wrod aarnSion se Sid al are are se A ah ee AIT TTT I 10 foverror | overoaa Protection [Sort creuttat Sins) Fart 3 a hen a fe exer web eh eh ae to ee = aes = = Rae pr eke a REE ge a /ait Fea are 1 [atavats Ram Seca dem oo dee wn ee oh ee : fF el ete oh are eh eee te ea s ae ‘ata orae See es Weare cee ot Bete tH owe 8 atten eee ae ¢ | __ a beta Be cee ent ag te ie Aft oft aneezerr & oP dae a a ta fer ge at . = ee 1 weer ee ere eee et AT on cee oe 2 ae a ay bare wea as ae eT BL 7 Teen gine 2 eater Beet erage at ear ae eee eon, Ra of AR te ae e [aman ee seem meen th a ‘ raion ar See wee aA ae yf a Sale ag emawck Baton © eed avon a ge Pooh outa A ed wand uew 2 8 we 10 | ataccie siectentort [aa eae enna 16 ‘LUMINOUS Joke waranty LUMINOUS POWER TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. warrant is Solar UPS to be tre ‘tom defects in matvals and werimanship fora par of two years after ita ‘lvery. This obsaition limited to soning ay instrament or bar returned 0 the authored service cere for that purpose and to moking goed ony ports threo whien sal within the waranty pee, be retumed tothe Company oF [utnorsee Service Conte under a wttten intimation 3d which othe company = Sausfaction be found defective. The company veserwes the right to decide a to “shethor the repair wok ebouldbe caredout nthe compary'serviee entre ora Ste or at any ther place. The telght inured fr to and espateh tthe ‘efectvemateralwithave tobe boreby the customer andthe ranstisk forthe trateral iret win the purchase. Tho warranty doesnot extond to any pats of the instrument which hae boon Iijected to eine or accent Further tia waranty does hot ern to inrroment wascn hae boon tampered with by any agency not autboaed by the ihe warranty wil last fora period of 24 months from the date of int “elverydapate ofthe instrament use within Ws speciation. The warranty fortherepiaces compenent wi lapse long wth that the mainnstument indesign and specications without nati and without any ebigaton #0 ial ‘uch changer on unt previous supped Detrbutorealors fine for consequential or incdentl damages ofr ‘expanses Incrred by the bujer or use, ue to Use or sale of products sak by DistrbutorDealeror any thraparty net speretdelethereie ort cortractal fon this warranty made exprestyn lou ofall ther abies an obligations on part of LUMINOUS POWER TECHNOLOGIES PVE LTD. Tile tote insturnent pastes tothe bayer son elveryto tha common cori. Important Inthe event ofan instrument requring servicing atau authorized service center, ‘thefotoning procedure shouldbe adopted 1 "he instrument must be securely pace, preferbiy ints original packing 2. Theinstumont shou be dspatchod on Froht-propald bass Oy insured 5. One of or Serieafnes Eases shoul be informed of the Goods Receipt No. ane det of lpaten along with the name of tho car 4, Tho above procedure should only be adopted onthe advice of ene of cur ServceSses Executive o Daler. 5. We reserve the ight o charge the consignee for any damage incarred during 15 wminous aasoe* 2.BACKPANEL DESCRIPTION 1. Mains Fuse (Resettable) Connected at the input of the UPS and wil trip in case of short-circuit or ‘overload atoutput in ains mode 2. Outputsocket For connecting lead through Solar UPS. ‘3. Mains Lead (Input 230V- SOH2) ‘Toconnectinput AC supply (the commercial supply) to the UPS. 4: PositiveBattery Lead ‘The psitveterminalof the batteryisconnected to this lead 5. NegativeBattery Lead ‘The Negative rerminalof the batteryisconnected to thislead 6. Battery Selection Switch This switch should be selectedas per battery type connectedtothe UPS, 7.Operation Mode Switch Ups Mode : To run computers & sensitive appliances use UPS Mode. The ‘Voltage window willbe 180V to 260V approx ECO Mode: Kesp Switch in this made f computer isnot to be used. The Voltage window willbe 90V to 290 approx 8.F-charge On/ort Function CHARGE facitates high charging current selection for faster battery Charging, n ON condition battery is charged by 1A from arid with Power Saver mode deacthated: While n OFF condition, the charging current I limited to TOA from arid with Power Saver mode activated. This switch shouldbe selected as per requirement, default poston wil be -charge OFF. 9-yerminalBlock-PV input, ‘Thisis provided for connecting PV Panelinput. Connections shouldbe as per polarity marking. leas tighton the screws propery. 4 ‘LUMINOUS: aha 5 t3a 8 arene 4 697 Hear: 3 1 tae een erg # tae tate aie menos Hansege ates maw oe 2, amaege ate Save gta aed wee wae RL 2. emote fone 0 es Jace ed GE cara a De 4. wea te uate a orate 5 ae tf re Bana Ren Thee “ Te staeee ae Rea eens BE ta dee owed ort # Be ere foe ess Let Eres wo ee Aan te an ape eT ee ‘fea ae om a Bene IEA eee ne Sa FH Oe meen co Stevie eer eater eter et Reh eo et 0 ae ats) a fw ssa aw te er dat en wend Soc wa ba oe eaten we tres ce er ee se toed isaac guanian emegriea Soren Seam €or Sed aperaeie oh Hera waa eN © stim ate oa ge tebe ee ee See when ee pr es ‘Luminous art son/charamathvaugh | ON Maite (ED Seadyr Wane CHG.TED] in Solar ‘Steady Solar CHG, LED binking/steady [Battery charging thvaugh | Solar CHG. LED blinking + Mains CHG. Solar iy LEDOFF ror charged & SSIs MIRON Mamne TED ON + Maing CHG TED OF [Sean preatrm “Soe eee load peala™ ication |_GN Bat. + Ovtioad LED slow Bn lin ues mode. 2 [overload shutdown aon In UPs mode [orc nan ‘Overload LED steady “Sveroad LED Yast Bing [oN Mans « Power Saver LED ON + ON BT TB Gn s Solar Ge eS ing Mains power saving mode interna ou Service Assistance LED ON. {CO mode selection ECO LED ON [UPS mode selection ECO LED OFF BUTTER SOUND NOTATONS [owrbare 5 beep approx see tana Battery rear attery low hut down. [overtoad pre-alarm incieaTon, [Qverioad shutdown indication [short crcut COWES SelScon TBeap at every 30 sec. interval T0-see, continuous ON TBeep at every 2 sec. interval TO see, continuous ON 10 see. continuous ON [seconds of continuous press (7 Beeps) TSERSELECTARLE SWITCHES Se arg we TOA (-CHG. OFF] TSA (CCRGORY [Battery type selection switch Tubular lat Pate/Gel-VRLA [Ris ngutwadow slcion tcl ECO (100V-250V)_/ UPS (TOV. 2EOV) PANSICAL [Rex weight RS) TEKS [erose-werght (Kay T27 Ks. jmensions (CxWer) CH Tesi DROME [operating Tempera CAST EEON jority D-BS5E RH non-condensihg (ete aren ine mpoRT he STERNS eA ae WN EE 14 wwmmous @ee"—wummous waar 9 TectniclSpecitieations {Product typical installation Pred I Saar TOOT seve armen geet INPUT. —s eRe ara ay Sate pane TEV TOOGvIp wIROCVAW = - ECOMODE wens 2 TE aie nga ove TOV, Ele: Lie} we rain eat OE SevETOT [E: fo 1. 2 ots [Mains low cut Toov=10v “= = i ain ow ct Tao Tov Tov a = WSNODE frome nano eave Tov, ‘4.Unpacking & Placement foe sh cee ase ‘Cane ines tov unpacking: On receiving your LUMINOUS Solar US, ans igh cit Tea 550 107 pack the system ar check for any physea damages cured the ins ow ca Ta0v 107 ‘Stam during anspor Aso check te warrenty ard ond Manual ae [Mains low cut recovery, T90V = 10V —aee 3) ace Yor iatlation: The UPS shall be kept at a place which ura protected from du woter, temperature and hurt. avd incined Staal a er Panes for incatation Fammatie shou netbepresentnear the prey ——— a ‘the instalation pace. lout ae — ~ ~ tien w ante & ten Frter ———— eee 41. om eiterd @ Rear Pree fer shore aioe Plt ve weed ther wh fhe ater ewe Tok FOR 4 SHS Sheree pee sea oe pat Se ge ow Ses wa 120% FOR TH bhi overload Handing ee 2 gerd a ye eh A ‘200% FOR 1 SEC - a aa] SINSTALLATIONOIAGRAMS protections [Earcam Dera ompemaetmanaTan| SL INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS FRONT PANEL DISPLAY INDICATIONS. aGTiON Batery platy must be checked before connection. Wrong seh on eaton SeitchLED OW pay connect oat UbS wi on of Reverse rotecion use ay [oN att inccation OW att. LED Steady KodtoFetasards wba pre ar TEMO[ON BRC LED Steady + at Low LED BEAGTG] _Intallaton shal be done by qualified technician, Rains OV indication OW Mans LED steady sate precautons whe comacting te batter able tothe battery pot, Battery chorgina tvough | ON Wns UEDsteady« WansCFE—| °'Satery ternal and tne et, should be cleaned and propery : LED steady jastenedotherase ray guetake ndcntons ofbsttry charged anion 13 battery tp. 6 ‘tuminoUs 2). BATTERY CONNECTIONS wir ups. ‘CONNECTION DIAGRAM WITH MAINS: obler sible Cause (5) ‘Action Problem) Possible Cause (S) | pecommended >The UPS 7 Reduce the load [Sin the battery |mode all incicators are off but the OVER| [LOAD LED is on. has tripped due to lovertoad condition and reset on/off Sitch fon te front panel for one time 6.STEPS FORUPSINSTALLATION: 27 select Power Saver mode place i-charge switch in OFF. position, in-charge ONmode Power Saver modowil remain deactivated + Tobedone bya competent Sknowleagesble person, ! Snitch OFF the supply tothe distribution pont to which the UPS is to be * Check the builing wiring. Improper wiring will not prevent the UPS from ‘Sperating but wil imi Rs protection capably. Improper bulding wing buldresultin equipment damage that isnot coveredin warranty. S Conneet tho batterybatteres #9 UPS asper ts corect pol Keep the rontewitchof Urs on OFF postion, Sitch ON the front switch & moacure the output voltage on output Sgt t shel apr specication Saute othe Ur. «Connect the Load wire tothe ine point (right hale) of Output plug & ingart tr outpurplugiito socketlocaed ontheenr panelof BS, > 1"Switeh ON the font Suitch ofthe UPS. £ Gradual put the eadon UPS. + Conneetiaput wires to commercialmainssocketin correctpolarity. auten ear & at: SRE pro 088 Beant Ree ate eh a a ha ee ‘eer ot Ee ge a eI ee eeend wre we ‘Foeeah heoraee @ mea gee of ows eae chen rea fe 4 hve we ee fw st wt ae oe date dae acetate see Nace or aaege tea ote se {areryess ett a wae age age dee WP) 7 [4 Call indication and] Jnumber is glowing, [internal fault in ups. + Please callin call ‘enter and file a complaint, [s: Backup not | PV wire not Connect the PV satisfactory with PV |connected property. |wires in correct lconnected, inthe input terminal, | terminal with correc polarity as per marking properly |. Pv panel position |. The PV pane! not as recommended.| should be mounted properly with correct angle of tt and position. |. Pv panel rating is | Contact dealer. Jnot adequate. ere amit ewer | eenara dS qa paaaetaieen | qi swae | aeeaman tae Je we sheets Ca | foene ng re starts (we tt lata ee, le wia aerate [o gig Naaed aun [> sta deed wia we lsat es ste fea od ate oem fe Mame eye cine |» aA mee meee facies tame [Awa aaee nea) [RNa mee we ta mei Pre nga ee a es ts itrers |e a tre sh we A = ders segare ae 81 | erase gare ste aa aera et ere ee wat ore ee aii 12 wmmnous come ‘Rear EME “eet ‘iene rer | eemerré gar 4 Reet era aaa Ys rg at vor ter | «aT HS coer at Seri rar @ tam) a raatttersto | eq acca at | + abe ¥ aes ote garam aa |e, ame atte ona wage (ice jaa [12 FHT ata e ate ateee [+ tera rage diet | saerdmag [a mee) whe oa0 Retat wera t @fiatar fo tte Reatevae | area my Raa i) pre et me Ta) ae efemer ora [> Sisege on far 81] © atsege wr we were we ammeye aa) sat > srsege RA wm |» aR ake eT ete wert Fa a were a ftp are @ id wi Zamee ee! | aganaae | trash agri ta feat 81 rl a a ra he weer ate Bow ral & tert we SARE Ls get tester |e woh tf heer te al moet or ahé) | a, st are quer ey " uumnous soe ‘7. Recommended panel mounting structure for solar panels For a& b dimensions refer tothe manual of solar panel in mind for best performance and. South-east 0-45" Ta Teter Duce sake ate bara & fg wae det Agata at Set | wmmous sur 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING Problem Possible Cause (5) | peg Action, 1, The mains supply = Line cord plugs] Fit the fine cord normal but | igose. PY Talug propery aVTHEMAINS | . Dead wall socket. |- Check the socket eleatoriwoft-The | “2224 wall socket, J- Check the socket. Upsis ener woring on battery (Urs ON indicator bey exhaued GATTERY Low is Sowing + Mains input ‘voltage out of range. «The reset switch has tripped, |. wait for mains to normalize. |. Press the Reset [switch on rear side lof product b) The MAINS indicator is glowing but no output is + Output plug may be loose. Fi the Output plug Property. eas waeta othe Geen @ fey wea Pret Gane wT ere ies a ee ing era ar at gore was rat oe ae aaa e tea fas an ors oa Baa A ae ae oT aa torr gee neet al retin wa apa area oT Rage ea SA Ge afta fe ae eit ta fe cas ea 6 fey awe a1 are, oat @ sowpas & trae RR aaa ade Smo wpe ew Wpree aT sai ha rte @ anoWpd scoowp we # tra oP no at a ° available. + Output relay is |. If service assistance ot working. fhumber is ON contact authorized service person. 2, No output. “The battery may _|- Recharge the in the battery have got discharged battery after mains ‘mode all indicators are off but the BATTERY LOW LED glows. from recent use. +The battery Connections may got loose or corroded, restoration or by solar during day ime. + Check and clean all battery [connections, 10

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