RPP Adverbial Clause

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Nama Madrasah : MA NU BANAT KUDUS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/Gasal
Pertemuan ke : 6
Alokasi Waktu :1 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi Menulis dan Membaca
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana
berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar : Menulis dan Membaca
Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika teks tulis esai
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks
berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure
1. Mengetahui pola dan mengidentifikasi adverbial clause dan main clause
2. Menggunakan adverbial clause dalam kalimat

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran:
1. Peserta didik dapat mengetahui pola dan mengidentifikasi adverbial clause dan main
2. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan adverbial clause dalam kalimat

B. Karakter yang dikembangkan

1. Disiplin
2. Tanggung Jawab

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Adverbial Clause

Before you study about adverbial clause you have to know adverb and adverb
phrase first.
1. What is an adverb?

Basically, most adverbs tell you how, where, or when something is done. In other words,
they describe the manner, place, or time of an action. Here are some examples:

Type Adverb Example

Manner slowly Tom drives slowly.
Place here The party is going to
take place here.
Time yesterday I called him yesterday.

2. What is an adverb phrase?

An adverb may be a single word, such as quickly, here or yesterday. However, adverbs
can also be phrases, some made with prepositions, others made with infinitives. The basic types
of adverb phrases (sometimes called “adverbial phrases”)

Adverb phrases made with prepositions. All kinds of adverb phrases can be made with
prepositions. Here are some examples:

Type Adverb phrase Example

Manner with a hammer The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer.
Place next door The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Time before the holidays We must finish our
project before the holidays.
Frequency every month Sally buys two CDs every month.
Purpose for his mother John bought the flowers for his mother.

3. What is an adverb clause?

Adverbs can also be clauses, containing a subject and a full verb. This page will explain
the basic types of adverb clauses (sometimes called “adverbial clauses”) and how to recognize

Adverbs, adverb phrases, and adverb clauses Look at these sentences:

I saw the movie yesterday.
I saw the movie on Friday.
I saw the movie before I left for Paris.

In the first sentence, “yesterday” is a one-word adverb, “on Friday” is an

adverbphrase, and “before I left for Paris” is an adverb clause. All of them answer the
question “When?”, but the adverb clause has a subject (“I”) and a full verb (“left”). It is
introduced by “before”, so it is a dependent clause. This means that it cannot stand alone:
“Before I left for Paris” would not be a full sentence. It needs a main clause (“I saw the movie”)
An adverb clause, then, is a dependent clause that does the same job as an adverb or an adverb


Before lisa studied, she had washed the dishes

Adverbial clause main clause

Lisa had washed the dishes before she studied.

Main clause adverbial clause

After I had watched tv, I went to bed

Adverbial clause main clause

I went to bedafter I had watched tv

Main clause adverbial clause

Punctuation : Put a comma at the end of an adverbial clause when the adverbial clause comes
first in a sentence (come in front of the main clause).
Adverbial clause, + main clause
Main clause (no comma) + adverbial clause

Here are some other examples

Main clause Adverbial clause

1. I had lived in Jakarta Before i moved here

2. Lucy had locked the door Before she went out

Adverbial clause Main clause

1. After vita had left The phone rang
2. After Rosa had finished She watched Tv
her homework

Conjunctions: Before and after can be followed by a noun phrase.

Main Clause + before/after+ gerund phrase

Before/ after + gerund phrase + main clause
Main Clause Before/ After Gerund Phrase
1. Putri ate breakfast Before Going to School
2. Brian went to the After Preparing the equipment
Before/ after Gerund Phrase Main Clause
1. Before Watching TV, Vita studied all the
2. after Passing the exam, lessons
Hendry continued his
study at the university.

D. Metode Pembelajaran
 Discussion
 Three Pass Technique

Langkah –Langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1) Orientasi.
Mengawali kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan berdoa terlebih dahulu.

2) Apersepsi.
Menyakan beberapa pertanyaan kepada peserta didik mengenai adverbial clause

3) Motivasi.
Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik

2. KegiatanInti
1) Meminta peserta didik membuat kelompok dengan teman satu deretan bangku,
terdiri dari 4 peserta didik
2) Memberikan media belajar kepada peserta didik berupa rangkuman materi yang
akan dilengkapi oleh para peserta didik
3) Memberikan instruksi kepada peserta didik untuk menyusun rangkuman materi
1) Menjelaskan materi mengenai adverbial clause
2) Membagikan lembar kerja kepada peserta didik
3) Meminta peserta didik mengerjakan lembar kerja tersebut dalam kelompok
1) Meminta peserta didik mengumpulkan lembar kerja tersebut
2) Membahas jawaban secara singkat bersama sama

3. Kegiatan penutup
1) Meminta peserta didik untuk mempelajari materi tentang adverbial clause
lebih lanjut dirumah

E. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
1) Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester Gasal oleh Nuryanto S.Pd
2) Summary
3) Lembar Keja
4) Internet http://www.learn4good.com/languages/evrd_grammar/adverb.htm

F. Penilaian
 Teknik : Tes tertulis
 Aspek : Psikomotor, Afektif
 Bentuk : Menjawab pertanyaan.

Identifying Adverb Clauses.Underline the adverb clause in each sentence. Circle the main
clause. Example:
As we approached the intersection,. we saw the Nelsons' car

1. When I delivered the newspaper, I saw Mrs. Sampson at the window.

2 Because that clerk was so helpful, I praised her to the store manager
3. You may have piano lessons if you will practice an hour a day.
4. If the jacket is too big for you, I can alter it.
5. Mother took a nap while Amy and I went bicycling.
Fill in the following blanks with: when, whenever, while, since, before, as soon as, till, after!
6. Don’t come in _______ I call you
7. I’ve known him________ he was a baby
8. He promises to come ________ he has time
9. _______ I had done all I had to do, I left room
10. I’ll be ready to help you ______ you ask me.
KriteriaPenilaian Skor
Jawaban Benar (Main Clause dan 2
Adverbial Clause benar)
Main Clause atau Adverbial Clause saja 1
yang benar
Main Clause dan Adverbial Clause salah 0

 Jumlah nilai maksimal 20

𝑺𝒌𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒏
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒊 = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝑺𝒌𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍

Kudus, 17September 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Praktikan

Siti Muznifati,S.S Hastindra Laila Fitriana

NIP. (201032077)

Kepala Madrasah MA NU BANAT

Drs. H. Moh. Said

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