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Nasa used five social media platforms to connect, engage and spread awareness around Earth’s day.

They used
different media platforms to tap into different audiences with the use of images, and hashtags.

Facebook/Flickr/Google+/Instagram: NASA primarily used Facebook. On the platform, the participants commented
on each other’s selfies while appreciating images from around the world. Young generations were tapped in by
Nasa over Facebook. The #GlobalSelfie event page on Facebook, #GlobalSelfie Google+ event page, or the
#GlobalSelfie group on Flickr .

Twitter: They made a Global Selfie page dedicated to the hashtag #globalselfie that captured all of the selfies used
in NASA’s photo.

Instagram: NASA previewed one photo directly to Instagram, where it generated over 100,000 likes in only a few

To add another unique aspect to the campaign besides the hashtag, NASA’s social media team created a
downloadable sign for everyone to use if they did not want to create one themselves, and it comes in more than
20 languages, for people to write on all over the world and get their selfie recognized and used as a pixel in the
world’s selfie.

 Globalization: More than 50,000 selfies were tagged using the hashtag #globalselfie from
almost everywhere around the world. This way, the whole world was able to contribute to their
campaign. When people feel like they are involved with and are contributing to something
motivates them to engage and that is exactly what happened with the #GlobalSelfie.
 No Hard Sell – No inundating people with promos and messages rather created something fun to get
people talking and participating. They did not bombard people with promos and messages rather
encouraged people by creating or giving them some fun to do.

 Visualization- Used visual across social media platforms to engage with people in a meaningful way. Stats
shows that visuals are more power than mere text. For example, tweets with images receive 18% more
clicks, 89% more favourites and 150% more retweets, and images and photos are the most important
tactic in optimizing social media posts. Pictures speak to an individual way more than a text and in this
fast-paced era where time is a scarcity for people, having a campaign where an image is involved and
more over a “selfie” is involved made the campaign even more interesting and engaging for the audience.
Participating in a visual social media campaign is easy and fun, and a great way to get people excited and
spreading the word about what you do.

 Media Influence- Garnered lots of social media conversations and picked up many mentions in
the mainstream press.
 Multi-Platform - Took 36,422 of selfies to create an entire Earth, symbolizing how everyone on this
planet is a part of it.
 Call to Action - Gave their audience a direct call to ask (Share photos using(#GlobalSelfie)

 Down to the Public – Bridge the gap between itself and its public

 Catch the Selfie Trend – Utilized and turned the Selfie obsession into a campaign for noble cause.
Tapping into the world’s obsession with selfies and social media, NASA did a fantastic job in capturing a
trend to highlight the beauty of the world around us.

 No Language Barrier – Being an international campaign it did not have language barrier. Connected
countless people to form this huge picture of the Earth

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