Breeding Amazons Captivity: Treasure Island. Not

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Breeding Amazons In Captivity

By Dale R. Thompson
Canyon Country, California


T he group of parrots known species a total ban, of wild-caught

as Amazons has been very imports, the importance of repro-
popular for many years. Their pet ducing the Amazon group is even
both in literature and in personal
communication, that Amazons are
difficult to breed. This statement
qualities have been noticed for more critical. is made in general and not for
centuries. One only has to remem- The purpose of this paper is the individual pair. Amazons are
ber the green parrot in Treasure to give captive reproductive tech- being produced but not in ade-
Island. Zoos and animal parks niques for the more common quate numbers. For years the
have used Amazons in their shows (often labeled as commercial) Am- Double Yellow-headed Amazon
depicting their intelligence and azon species. But the guidelines was the most commonly repro-
personalities. can also be used for the Amazon duced Amazon. The census of
Why the popularity of Ama- species that are both rare in cap- both Traffic USA 1990/1992 and
zons? Why has the demand tivity and in the wild. the Amazona Society shows this
become so great that literally hun- The common Amazon species clearly. But many pairs of Amazons
dreds of Amazons of several include the Yellow-crowned, do not produce anything but frus-
species have been illegally smug- Amazona o. ochrocephala; Dou- tration. Many will not even inspect
gled across the Mexico/USA ble Yellow-headed, A. o. oritrix; the nest box while others lay in-
border? It is because of the 'Am- Yellow-naped, A. o. auropalliata, fertile eggs, often breaking them.
azon Personality.' This group of Blue-fronted, A. aestiva; Red- Even though I feel a combina-
parrots has endeared itself to the lored, A. autumnalis; Orange- tion of avicultural gUide-lines will
human intellect because of their Winged, A. amazonicaj Mealy greatly enhance the production of
beautiful coloration, their outgo- (group), A. farinosa; Green- Amazons in the next few years,
ing, often clownish characteristics cheeked (Mexican Red-head), A. the main emphasis should be in
and their great ability to mimic viridigenalis; Lilac-crowned, A. the area of the Amazons' diet and
the human voice and many other finschi; and White-fronted, A. al- exercise.
sounds. Some Amazons can have bifrons. Acquisition
over a hundred word vocabulary. In my opinion the captive re- Because so many Amazons en-
The operatic singing Amazon is productive success of the Amazon tered the pet trade, it is from this
always a favorite in any bird show. group of parrots is one of the group that most Amazons are now
Phillip Samuelson, consulting poorest among the common par- being acqUired for breeding. Many
technical editor of Bird Talk mag- rot groups now bred in captivity breeders feel that pet Amazons are
azine has written several excellent (i.e. macaws, greys, cockatoos, a safer choice medically. They gen-
articles on the Amazon parrot in- eclectus, etc.). By this I mean the erally have been kept in captivity
cluding 'Amazon Antics' (Bird numbers of young produced com-
for several years and thus have
Talk, August 1990) and 'Popular pared to the total number of pairs been isolated- from so many of the
Amazon Parrots' (Bird Talk, July set up for breeding. The Traffic, avian viruses and other medical
1992). Bird Talk readership has USA's (World Wildlife Fund) 1991 problems. Whether newly ac-
responded with hundreds of let- Psittacine Captive Breeding Sur- quired Amazons have been
ters on the popularity of pet vey by Kirt A. Johnson, seems to purchased from other breeders,
Amazons. bear this out. Though a small rep- zoos, import stations of pet own-
Large numbers of Amazons resentative of the total, it contains ers, they all should be quarantined
have been imported over the past the best census numbers ever pub- before they enter your breeding
years, but serious efforts towards lished. The Amazon group had facility.
reproducing the common Ama- very low reproductive rates for
zons has only just begun. This both the total pairs set up and Sexing Amazons
does not in any way disregard the the total numbers of proven pairs. With the exception of the
efforts of many serious Amazon All Amazon species showed less White-fronted Amazon, all Ama~
breeders, but the total numbers than one baby hatched for every zons should be sexed. Although
of captive reared Amazons now pair set up for breeding with the behavior, with the head size and
being bred falls seriously short of exception of the Double Yellow- color intensity are often used to
the demand. With the threat of headed which had 1.049 hatch/set sex Amazons, they are only indi-
continued smuggling and the se- up pairs. cators. Accurate sexing should be
rious reduction, for many parrot Statements have been made, done either by:
• Laparoscopic sexing: This is infertile egg-laying mate. gether.
a surgical procedure done Amazons should have the op-
by an avian veterinarian portunity to choose their own
where a small incision is mates. Because of the aggressive As most Amazons have a pro-
made on the left side of the nature of many male Amazons, al- pensity to gamIng weight
bird. A laparoscope is in- most no one puts several Amazons (especially the larger species), it
serted and the sex is visually in a large flight for mate choosing. is important to give them space
determined. This method al- Most breeders will 'force pair' to exercise. Although Amazons sel-
lows for a qUick answer for dom fly, but would rather crawl
their Amazons by placing any two
the sex of your bird, but beak to foot, it is still important
birds of the opposite sex together.
the bird must be several to give them activity space. There
It is very unwise to flock new should be a sound combination of
months old to assure accu- Amazons together during their
rate sexing. correct diet and sufficient exercise
breeding season. They should be for the successful reproduction of
• Feather sexing: A blood placed together in a large flight Amazons. I have seen many Am-
feather (sometimes several only in the fall and early winter. azon pairs kept in three foot cube
are needed) is used to de- Flocking Amazons should only be cages. Although this may be suf-
termine the chromosomes. done when the natural or artificial ficient for the very small species
The blood fea'ther is placed light is decreasing. August to early and larger Amazons have been
in a special medium and December for Amazons which are found to breed in this size cage,
sent to a lab. Lab: Avian Ge- kept outdoors, It is also unwise I feel larger cages are important
netics SeXing Laboratory, to flock Amazons when only two for overall increased Amazon pro-
Marc Valentine, 6551 Stage males are included with several duction.
Coach Drive, Suite 3A, Bart- females. A minimum of three Ramon Noegel from Seffner,
less, TN 38134. males is best as each male is then Florida, who is best known for his
• Blood sexing: Blood taken out-numbered. When only two work with endangered Amazons
from a clipped toenail is males are present, they will often including the St. Vincent Amazon,
used to determine the sex. conflict with each other trying to worked with the suspended cage
This is also a chromo-some establish dominance. over twenty years ago. The sus-
test. A vial of blood is The pair bonding flight should pended cage is now used
placed in ethanol alcohol as not contain any nest boxes as then everywhere and is ideal for Am-
a fixative and sent to a spe- normal hormone levels may be in- azon breeding. A completely
cial lab. Lab: Zoogen, Ioc., creased. There should be plenty wired cage is suspended above
Joy Halverson, DVM, 1105 of perch space and several feeding the ground either by supports
Kennedy Place, Suite 4, and watering stations placed in dif- from the ceiling beams or elevated
Davis, CA 95616. ferent areas of the flight. I have by pipes or wooden supports from
used a bonding flight measuring the ground. Usually a larger wire
The latter two methods do not 12 ft. square x 8 ft. high and one grid is used on the bottom, so
require any invasive surgical pro- measuring 8 ft. wide x 16 ft. long that old food and fecal matter can
cedure. They are more costly than x 8 ft. high. It is important to give drop completely through to the
the laparoscope method and two plenty of space when flocking Am- floor.
to three weeks are needed to get azons. I also band all males on the Recommended sizes are taken
a result. right leg and females on the left. from very successful Amazon
Magic markers are used to mark breeders. The best include John
C()lll]J2lti1>ilitlr the birds if needed. Most of the and Pat Stoodley from England,
Amazons can be quite different time it is easy to identify Amazons noted for their extensive work
than most of the other South by their size and color differences. with Pionus and Amazons, who
American parrot species (macaws, Studies have shown that Amazon have two sizes of Amazon cages.
Pionus and conures) when it pairs in the wild have a very high The small to medium sized Am-
comes to their mate choosing be- percentage of fertility. Captive Am- azons are kept in horizontal 3 ft.
havior. Many sexed Amazon pairs azon pairs are known to have a wide x 6 ft. long x 3 ft. high cages
get along but will not breed as low percentage. A very good Am- while the medium to large species
they are not truly bonded. They azon breeder estimates that are kept in 3 ft. wide by 8 ft.
will sleep side by Side, but can infertility could be as high as 50% long x 3 ft. high cages. The
often be seen at opposite ends in U.S. aviculture. Wild Amazon Stoodleys do not have set sizes
of their cage during the active pairs get to choose their mates for certain speCies. They observe
hours. Other pairs have males that while captive pairs are most often the pairs and know their needs.
are very pushy and aggressive to 'forced.' If one bird of a certain pair tends
their mates, perhaps not to the Correctly bonded captive Ama- to become overweight, a larger
point of hurting her, but the dy- zons show a great deal of cage is prOVided. If a certain pair
namics of this type of pair is a togetherness. They defend their shows signs of increased mate ag-
very submissive female who often territory together with the males gression, they are moved to a cage
shows fear. There are many pairs being the more aggressive. They with more internal space.
that have a sluggish male with an preen, wing-stretch and eat to- I personally have kept all Am-

14 May/June 1995
azon species in 3 ft. wide x 6-8 mote defensive attitudes. producing every year.
ft. long x 4 ft. high cages. The Amazon nests can be made of
suspended height of these cages Nest Boxes thick pine wood or thick (two
is very important. All Amazons I feel Amazons should have nest inches) wood planks. I do not rec-
should be able to look down on boxes made of wood. If cheWing ommend plywood, unless it is very
their keeper. When they are on material in the form of pine wood thick as it is easier to peel and
their perches, they should be well is not supplied at all times to Am- strip away. Vertical nest boxes are
above the eye level of any person azons, they will destroy their most often used, although boot,
approaching their cage. Two nests. At Aviculture Institute an slant and Z boxes are sometimes
perches are used for each cage average of one to three wooden offered. Sizes range from aD) 12
and are kept at different heights. nests had to be replaced in any . in. x 12 in. x 36 in. to 8 in. x
The rear perch (made of eucalyp- given year in a collection of over 8 in. x 18 in. I was surprised at
tus) by the nest is elevated two 50 pairs of Amazons. This collec- how small and narrow John
to four inches above the forward tion had an average of 35 pair Stoodley's Amazon nest boxes
perch (made of 2 in. x 4 in. pine).
The birds can easily chew the pine
perch and it also can easily be
replaced being in the front of the
All cages should be designed CONTROL DISEASE
so no human hand can enter it. WITH
Amazons are very territorial and
if any hand or fingers become ac- VfittODlttE V.18
cessible, they will often be VfittODUtE Vol8 IS AN IODINE BASED DISINFECTANT-CLEANER
water bowls should be placed PRESENCE OF ALL WARM BLOODED CREATURES.
through small external openings
in the front part of the cage. En- ECONOMICAL - ONLY ONE TSP. PER GALLON OF WATER.
tering an Amazon's cage space can TIME SAVER - NO RINSING REQUIRED.
often produce unseen anxiety EFFECTIVE - TESTED AND PROVEN AGAINST - E. COLI -
which in turn can possibly add - STAPH - SALMONELLA - STREP - PSEUDOMONAS - CANDIDA -
to increased male aggression and - ASPERGILLUS - AND MANY MORE! -
I have found that solid visual 8 OZ. EASY PUMP DISPENSER -- $16.95 8 OZ. REFILL -- $14.95
partitions placed between Amazon MAKES 32 GALLONS
16 OZ. EASY PUMP DISPENSER -- $21.95 16 OZ. REFILL -- $19.95
breeding cages helps in decreasing MAKES 64 GALLONS
any aggression caused by seeing 32 OZ. EASY PUMP DISPENSER -- $30.95 32 OZ. REFILL -- $28.95
neighbors in an adjacent cage. If MAKES 128 GALLONS
this cannot be done, the rear half
or third should be visually blocked MAKES 512 GALLONS
so each Amazon pair can feel more
secure around their nest box. RECOMMEttDED FOR WfiSHlttG CfiGES. FLIGHTS.
If several pairs of Amazons are ttEST BOXES. FOOD & WfiTER VESSELS. ETC.
housed in one building, I recom-
mend separating like species and
subspecies. This is especially true
• [VISA] iii
if they can observe each other. I ----ViSA, MASTERCARD, AND DISCOVER ACCE'PTED ----
feel that the ochracephala group TO ORDER BY PHOttE CfiLL TOLL FREE 1-800-364-3431
next to each other. Placing pairs TO ORDER BY MAIL - MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO
of Blue-fronteds, Red-Ioreds, Mex- FIRETHORti SOPPLY
ican Red-heads and even Pionus UTAH RESIDENTS ADD 6.125% SALES TAX
and/or Yellow-nape pairs will help
to eliminate any aggressive behav-
ior between the males in adjoining FIRETHORN SOPPLY PHONE: 801-364-3420
165 REGENT STREET FAX: 801-364-1409
cages. In fact, I would keep all
ochracephala subspecies sepa-
rated. I have observed behavioral
disturbances between adjoining fiLSO fiVfilLABLE : BRIGHT & HEfiLTHYTM SPIROLlttfi
Double Yellow-headed and Yel-
low-nape pairs. The yellow head
coloration may be enough to pro-
were. They were made of thick incubation process as most cock- When placed in captivity, Am-
(modified two inches) wood atoos do. In the normal Amazon azons become very sedentary.
planks and were either 8 in. x 8 nesting process the male defends Unlike macaws and conures, cap-
in. or 10 in. x 12 in. on the inside the nest Vigorously and can usually tive Amazons do not maintain an
widths and were 16 in. to 20 in. be found just outside the nest even weight naturally by burning
deep. opening. During the first week or excess weight through exercise
The entrance holes of Amazon two the male generally feeds the and nervous energy. Although the
nests should be narrow. I have female who in turn feeds the medium and large Amazon species
them made to just fit the diameter young. The female will then spend seem to have more problems with
of the largest bird of the pair. progressively more time outside being overweight in captivity, this
Sometimes the male can be seen the nest and both parents partic- also occurs in small species.
to physically squeeze through the ipate in feeding the young. Most Pet Amazons are especially
opening. The hole should be this Amazon breeders will either re- prone to being overweight as they
small to assist the female in keep- move eggs for artificial incubation are often clipped and given a rich,
ing the male from entering the or remove the young between high carbohydrate diet. As many
nest chamber after she has laid seven and 14 days of age. pet Amazons are used as breeders
her eggs. So many Amazon eggs Incubation can either be done (after they become unmanage-
are broken or eaten because the by artificial incubation, parental able) their weight problems are
male has disturbed the incubating incubation or by foster incubation. even more noticeable.
mate. This advise is not given for Fertile Amazon eggs can be fos- Obesity can be a detriment to
the successful pairs, but for the tered to infertile egg laying the overall health of a parrot. Mur-
problem pairs. Why work so hard Amazon pairs or given to non-re- ray E. Fowler, DVM in his article
to get fertile eggs only to have lated species such as Pionus. 'Nutrition in Injured and Diseased
them broken. This is also true for Amazons also can be good foster Birds' (proceedings of the Avian
some pairs where one or the other parents of non-related species Pediatric Seminar-January 28,
will chew a newly hatched baby. such as macaws. It was a delight 1990) wrote, "This can compro-
to see a four week Great Green mise these birds during an illness
Reproduction (Buffon's) Macaw being raised by episode because obesity can de-
Amazons are very seasonal with a Yellow-crowned Amazon pair, press the body's resistance to
their outdoor season generally run- owned by John Stoodley. insulin and impair the output of
ning from March to July. There Amazons, as with any psitta- growth hormone. Obesity must
is an occasional pair that will cines, often have to learn also be considered as a stressor
hatch young earlier or later. This parenting techniques when they because there is an increased pro-
is more true for pairs located in are new at it. I have made a policy duction of adrenocorticosteroids.
high humidity areas. Many in Cal- to allow my parrots time to be- Fatty infiltration of the liver may
ifornia and other non-tropical come good parents. If they feed inhibit the production of B vita-
states will get only one and pos- poorly the first time, I will pull mins and the metabolism of other
sibly two clutches from their the babies early and you'd be sur- nutrients." No wonder many of
Amazons each year, while Florida prised to see how the parents our Amazons do not breed! This
breeders may get two and possibly become better the next time. is an excellent article to re-read
three clutches. and hopefully trigger one's moti-
Most large Amazons (and many Diet vation to trim down obesity-prone
of the medium to small species) Although many factors are parrots. Then supply a nutrition-
become increasingly defensive needed for successful Amazon re- ally balanced diet!
when their breeding season ap- production, the dietary require- The term obesity well describes
proaches and this continues ments are probably the decisive many of our Amazons. Many do
through the nesting period. Males factor. not become slightly overweight,
will often visit the nest box first Amazons are heavy bodied par- but become supremely over-
thus encouraging their mates. rots with 'rounded' Wings. In the weight.
There is then a period of time wild they can be seen flying with All newly acqUired Amazons
when both birds can be seen vis- rapid Wing beats and generally in should be weighed upon receiving
iting the box followed by the a straight line. They are not soar- them. This is the basis of knOWing
laying and incubation period when ing birds and when turns are done how much is lost on a monitored
only the female is in the box. This they do them quickly and sharply. weight-loss program. Appearances
courtship varies between species In the Wild, Amazons often fly can often be deceiving.
and even between pairs of the long distances to forage for food. Any weight-loss program for
same species. Depending upon the ripening of Amazons should be started in the
After an incubation period rang- the different frUits, berries, palm non-breeding season. This way,
ing between 21 and 28 days the nuts, etc., Amazons will frequent any weigh-ins will not disturb any
young begin hatching at intervals. many different areas. They also chances for reproduction. A
This is because the female does now depend on cultivated crops, weight loss program should not
not begin the incubation process often raiding maize fields. Ama- be drastic; it often will take sev-
with the first egg laid. The Amazon zons, in their native habitats, are eral months. Overall weight losses
male does not participate in the very trim and solid in muscle tone. of 8 to 10% are very common for
16 May/June 1995
the larger pet Amazons and some and brought to boil in the morning amounts of food to my Amazon
males may need more. I have for 20 minutes. pairs by 50%. Each pair is treated
found males tend to become more The ingredients for my Amazon differently. Some need continued
obese than females. This may be diet does include some high car- weight monitoring while others
why so many female Amazons will bohydrate ingredients but it is fed may not even have a weight prob-
visit the nest box alone and lay in limited quantities. A mainte- lem. Dominating males or even the
infertile eggs, while outside the nance diet for a breeding pair of occasional female who consume
lethargic male is disinterested. Double Yellow-headeds is 1/2 cup most of the food while pushing
Dry seeds are easy to feed to of the soft food diet, 1/2 teaspoon away a mate, should be fed with
parrots, but they can be disadvan- of parakeet mix and a fresh fruit separate bowls in two far corners.
tageous to Amazons. Oil or vegetable (apple, carrot, citrus When I observe this behaVior, I
producing seeds (sunflower and fruit only once a week, etc.). This seriously consider re-bonding the
safflower) should be eliminated sounds like a small amount, but pair. Good producing pairs feed
from the Amazon diet. I have it does maintain their weight. Vi- together.
found that Amazons can gain tamins, calcium and minerals (all
weight on dry parakeet mix (ca- in a dry powder form) are mixed Conclusion
nary, millet and oat groats) even into the soft food every day. The importance in Amazon
when it is fed with a soft food This food is increased in volume breeding management can not be
diet. Amazons metabolize foods when babies are due to hatch. stressed enough. With such a low
differently when compared to Other foods are added during the production rate of many Amazons
other large parrots. For instance, baby-feeding process and these in- now in captivity, we must all begin
a very successful African Grey Par- clude many oil and high fat to make corrective changes. With
rot breeding facility feeds a 100% content foods such as corn-on-the- the importation ban of most Am-
pelletized diet and hundreds of cob. This is not the time to skimp azons, the smuggling of these
baby Greys are produced. The on any food items or the total delightful birds is bound to in-
same diet in the same amounts amount. crease. A true deterrent for this
are also fed to many types of Am- As I do encounter cold winters would be to supply the pet de-
azon pairs and their production in the high desert area of Southern mand of Amazons with captive
rate is under 5%. What is surpris- California (20 to 60 days with bred birds. But to do this, we must
ing is that very few even laid night temperatures dropping increase our production through
infertile eggs; most did not lay below freeZing) I increase the total better management. :+
eggs at all.
There are many types of parrot
diets, but Amazons should be
given foods that are low in fat-
prodUcing ingredients. Even a fJ{J ~@@W~fJ
nutritionally balanced parrot diet
may put weight on an Amazon if CROP NEEDLES
it is fed in too much quantity. If Straight, Curved &..
Custom-made Needles
there is any food left in the bowl available. All reusable.
of an Amazon pair in my collec-
tion, I reduce the total amount.
Bonivet Plexi Syringe
The follOWing is a parrot diet that • Unbreakable
I feed to all of my parrots: Sterilisable to
160 degrees C
Soak and Cook-45% • Exchangeable Luer
(mixed by a seed mill) Lock Adaptor
Rolled Corn-20% • Spare Washers
(flushed under a water faucet) Available
Pigeon Mix-lO% (cooked)
Canary Seed-5% (soaked or cooked)
Extruded Diet-15% (Pretty Bird
Breeder Select) An easy &.. economical solu-
tion to a recurrent problem

Birdy Banquet-5% (Pretty Bird) in bird treatment

Ingredients of Soak and Cook: A val/able In various

sizes &. quantities.
Soy Beans-45%
Popcorn-5% Local &.. Overseas Agents and Distributors required

Winter Red Wheat-15% ~[3WO(K] @@@)@)W

Paddy Rice-20% 117 Goollelal Dr, Kingsley, WA 6026 AUSTRALIA
Soak and Cook is soaked overnight

afa W A TCHBIRD 17

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