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Quiz 2

Name___________________ Regn# __________________________________

1. A vane of 80 mm diameter and 160 mm height has been pushed onto an in situ soft clay at
the bottom of a bore hole. The torque required to rotate the vane was 76 N-m. . Determine the
undrained shear strength of the clay. After the test the vane was rotated several times, and the
ultimate torque was found to be 50 N-m. Estimate the sensitivity of the clay.

2. A triaxial sample was subjected to an ambient pressure of 200 kN/m2 , and the pore
pressure recorded was 50 kN/m2 . In this state the sample was found to be fully saturated. Then,
the cell pressure was raised to 300 kN/ m2 . What would be the value of pore pressure? Then, a
deviator stress of 150 kN/m2 was applied to the sample. Assuming the pore pressure parameter A
to be 0.50 determine the pore pressure value.

3. In a triaxial test on a saturated clay, the sample was consolidated under a cell pressure of
160 kN/m2. After consolidation, the cell pressure was increased to 350 kN/m2, and the sample was
then failed under undrained condition. If the shear strength parameters of the soil are c3 = 15.2
kN/m2/ȹ = 260 , B=1, and A1 = 0.27, determine the effective major and minor principal stresses at
the time of failure of the sample.

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