MCSP - 060 Project Proposal ON: Indira Gandhi National Open University

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MCSP – 060

(Online Electronic Store)


[Enrollment No. :166248840]

Under Guidance

Submitted to the School of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU

in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110068.


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2. Title of the Project .………..…………………………………………………….

3. Name and Address of the Guide …..………………………………………………………….


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I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude toward all the people who
have in various ways, helped in the successful completion of my project.

I must convey my gratitude to prof. Gayatri Kumari for giving me the constant sources
of inspiration and help in preparing the project , personally correcting my work and
providing encouragement through the project.

I also thank me all faculty members for steering me through the tough as well as easy
phases of project in a result oriented manner with concern attention.

Thanking You

Sales and Inventory Management System is one of the basic problems in almost every
company. Before computer age and integration, paper tables and paperwork solutions were
being used as inventory management tools. These we very far from being a solution,
took so much time, even needed employees just for this section of organization. There was
no an efficient solution available in the many companies during these days. Every process
was based on paperwork, human fault rate was high, the process and the tracing the
inventory losses were not possible, and there was no efficient logging systems. After the computer
age, every process is started to be integrated into electronic environment. Now we have
qualified technology to implement new solutions to these problems. Software based
systems bring the advantages of having the most efficient control with less effort and
employees. These developments provide new solutions for also inventory systems in
this context. In this paper, a new solution for Sales and Inventory System(SIMS) is
designed and implemented.
The Sales and Inventory System is an automated version of manual sales
and inventories system. It can handle all details about an Inventory. The details
includes Inventory personnel details, Sales details, Products details, Annual transection
details ,etc. In case of manual system they need a lot of time, manpower etc. Here
almost all work is computerized. So the accuracy is maintained. It is the job of the
administrator to insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log into the system, He
would only view details of the Inventory. He can't perform any changes. Sales and
Inventory Management System is software which is helpful for Inventories. In the
current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and
costly. Our Sales and Inventory Management System deals with the various activities
related to the Inventories.
There are mainly 2 modules in this software
• Inventory Module
• Sales Module
Online Sales and
Inventory Management
MCSP – 060


(Online Electronic Store)


[Enrollment No. :166248840]

Under Guidance

Submitted to the School of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU

in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110068.
Enrollment No. 166248840

Table of Contents
1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………...….....................04
1.2 Objective………………………………………………………………………...….....................05
1.3 Purpose and Scope of Project…………………………………………………...….....................06
2. System Analysis
2.1 Identification of Need……………..……………………………………...…………………....…07
2.2 Preliminary Investigation…………………………………………………………...…….............07
2.3 System Study……………………………………….…………………………….........................08
2.4 Feasibility Study……………………………………….……………………………....................09
2.5 Project Planning……….……………………………………………………………………........10
2.6 Project Scheduling………………………..…………………………….....……………………...11
2.7 Software Requirement Specification…………………………………………….....……….........12
3. Data Model
3.1 Data Flow Diagram……………..…………………………………………...…………………....13
3.2 Context Flow Diagram………..…………………………………………...……………………..18
3.3 Design Flow Chart………..…………………………………………...………………..………..19
3.4 Entity Relationship Model…………………………………………………………...……...........20
3.5 Use Case Diagram……………………………………….……… ……………….........................21
3.6 Class Diagram……….…………………………………………………………………................23
3.7 Activity Diagram……………………………………….....………...............................................24
3.8 State Diagram……………………………………………………………………………….........25
4. System Design
4.1 Modularization Detail…………………………………………………….……………................26
4.2 Data Dictionary………..………………………………………………………………..…..........31

Online Electronic Store 1

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4.3 Procedural Design……………………………………………………………….........................33

4.4 User Interface Design…………………………………………………………….......................34
4.5 Test Cases……………………………………………………….................................................43
5. Coding
5.1 Complete Project Coding…………………………………………………….………..................45
5.2 Standardization of Coding………………………………………………………..….................117
6. Testing
6.1 Testing Technique and Strategy Used……………………………….……….............................118
6.2 Testing Plan Used…………………………………….................................................................120
6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases ………………………………............123
6.4 Testing Procedure….……………...............................................................................................125
7. System Security Measure
7.1 Database Security……………………………….………............................................................127

8. Cost Estimation of the Project along with Cost Estimation Model…………………………….........128

9. Future scope and further enhancement of the Project……………………………………………..132

10. Bibliography……………………………………………….……………………………....……….133

11. Conclusion………………………………………………….……………………………….….…..134

12. Appendix……………………………………………….…………………………………..………135


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Enrollment No. 166248840

List of Figure & Table

Figure 1 : Gantt Chart for Sales and inventory management system……………………………..……..11

Figure 2 : Context Level DFD ……………………………………………………………………..........14
Figure 3 : Level “0” DFD……………………………………………………………………………......14
Figure 4 : Level “1” DFD……………………………………………………………………..................15
Figure 5 : Level “2” DFD …………………………………………………………………….................16
Figure 6 : Context Flow Diagram………..……….……………………………………..........................18
Figure 7 : Design Flow Diagram …………...………………………………………………..................19
Figure 8 : Entity Relationship Diagram…………………………………................................................20
Figure 9 : Use Case Diagram………………….……………………………...........................................21
Figure 10 : Class Diagram………………………………………………................................................23
Figure11 : Activity Diagram …………………………………….............................................................24
Figure12 : State Diagram ……...…………………………………...........................................................25
Figure13 : Procedural Design…...…………………..……………...........................................................33
Figure14 : User Interface Design…...…………..…..……………..........................................................35
Figure15 : Data Dictionary/ Table...…………..…..……………............................................................33

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Enrollment No. 166248840

❖ 1.1 Background :

The “Sales and Inventory Management System” has been developed to override the problem prevailing
and practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in the same cases reduce the
hardship faced by the existing system. Moreover this system is designed for the Particular Need of
Company to carry out operation in a smooth and effective manner.

Every Organization, whether big or small, has challenge to overcome and managing the information of
Customer, Inventory, Sales, Supplier, Payment. Every “Sales and Inventory Management System” has
Different inventory needs, Therefore we design exclusive employee management system that are
adapted to your managerial requirement. This is design to assist in strategic planning, and will help you
ensure that yourorganization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your future
goal. Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go. Which will allow you to manage your
work force anytime at all times. This system will ultimately allow you to better manage resource.

“Sales And Inventory Management System” as describe above, can lead to error free, Secure reliable
and fast Management system. It can assist to user to concentrate on their other activities rather to
concentrate on the record keeping. Thusit willhelp Organization in better utilization of resources.

The “Sales and Inventory Management System” has been developed to override the problems prevailing
in the practicing manual system. Moreover the system is designed for the particular need of the company
to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner.

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Enrollment No. 166248840

❖ 1.2 Objective :

The main objective of “Sales and Inventory Management System” is to manage the detail of Purchasing,

Payment, Supplier, Customer, Sales. It manage all the information about Purchasing, Inventory, Sales,

Purchasing. The Project is totally built at administrative end and thusonly the administrator is guarantee

to access. The purpose of project build and application program to reduce the manual work for

managing the purchasing, Payment, Inventory, Supplier.

Some of the following Objectives as follow:-

➢ To provide Searching Facilities to based on various factor. Such as Purchasing, Supplier,

Customer Sales.

➢ Manage the information of Inventory.

➢ It Generate the report on Purchasing, Payment, Inventory.

➢ To offer easy, simple and quick booking experience to the guests.

➢ Manage the information of customer.

➢ You can easily export PDF for purchasing, Inventory, customer.

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Enrollment No. 166248840

❖ 1.3 Purpose :

The purpose of the project is to build asales and inventory management software in order to reduce

the manual work for maintaining the details of purchasing, inventory and many more tasks. This

software will help the Electronic Store to complete all works fast and efficient without time wastage.

It provide all features and help to both hotel and its subsidiaries.

❖ 1.3 Scope :

It may help collecting perfect management in detail. In a very short time, the collection will be

obvious , Simple & sensible. It will help person to know the management of passed year

perfectly and vividly. It will also help in current all works and relative to “Sales and Inventory

Management System”. It will also reduced the cost of collecting and management & Collection

Procedure will go on smoothly.

Our Project aim at Business process automation, i.e, we have tried to computerize various

process of “Sales and Inventory management System”.

• In Computer System the person to fill the various forms and number of copies of the forms

can be easily generated at a time.

• In Computer System , It is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly print it, which

saves our time.

• To utilize resource in efficient manner by increasing their productivity through automation.

• The system Generate types of information that can be used for various purpose.

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❖ 2.1 Identification Of Needs :

Online Electronic Store (Sales and Inventory Management System) describe above can lead to error
free, secure reliable and fast management system for shopping.
It can assist the staff to concentrate on their related (for shopping) activities rather to
concentrate on record and report of issues Product, registration, and supplier. This will help
organization in better utilization of human resources.
In this phase, the user identifies the need for new or improve system. In large organization this
identification may be a part of a system planning Process.

❖ 2.2 Preliminary Investigation :

Benefit to Organization :
The Organization will obviously be able to gain benefit such as a saving in operation cost,
reduction in paper work, better utilization of human resources and more represent able image
increase goodwill. The other benefit are improved services and faster and better access to up-to
date information.

Initial Cost :
The initial cost of setting up the system will include the cost of hardware (server/client, Network
adapter and related hardware), Software (Server OS , add-on software, utilization) & labor (setup
&maintenance ). The same has to bear by the organization.

Running Cost :
Besides, the initial cost the long term cost will include the running cost for system including
the AMC, Product Charges, Cost for human resources, Cost for update/renewals of various
related software.

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❖ 2.3 System Study :

System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and
their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all problems exist in
the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or manager
begins a study of the program using existing system.
During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and transactions
handled by the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are Data Flow Diagram,
interviews, etc. Training, experience and common sense are required for collection of relevant
information needed to develop the system. The success of the system depends largely on how clearly
the problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out through the choice of solution.
A good analysis model should provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding but also the
frame work of the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system.
Then the proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs. System analysis
can be categorized into four parts.
• System planning and initial investigation
• Information Gathering
• Applying analysis tools for structured analysis
• Feasibility study
• Cost/ Benefit analysis.

In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the Inventory and want to enter
the details of the Inventory and the marks manually. In this system only the teacher or the school
authority views the mark of the Inventory and they want to enter the details of the Inventory. This is
time consuming and has much cost.

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❖ 2.4 Feasibility Study :

At this stage, the analyst estimate the urgency of the project and estimate the develop cost.
In feasibility analysis, we have to study following :

➢ Technical Feasibility :
Technical Feasibility is concern with the availability of hardware and software required for the
development of the system, to see compatibility and maturity of the technology proposed to be
used and to see the availability of the required technical manpower to develop the system.
After the study we come to conclusion that we proceed further with the tool and
develop environment chosen by us. This was important in our cases as we were working on
two various phases of the department that will need to be integrated in future to make an
extended system.

➢ Operational Feasibility :
Operational Feasibility is just about problem that may arises during operation. There are two
accept related with this issue :
• What is the probability that the situation developed may not be put to user or may not
work ?

➢ Economic Feasibility :
It is the measure of cost effectiveness of project. The economic feasibility is nothing but
judging whether the possible benefit of solving the problems is worthwhile of not. At the
feasibility study level, it is impossible to estimate the cost because member’s requirement and
alternative situation has not been identified at this stage. However, When the specific
requirement and situation has been identified, the analyst weight the cost and benefit of all
situation, this is called “Cost benefit analysis.”

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❖ 2.5 Project Planning :

Software Project Planning can be viewed as following :

1.Within the Organization : How the Project is to be implemented ? What various constrain
(time cost, staff)? What is market strategy ?

2. With respect to the customer :weekly or timely meeting with the customer with presentation
on status report. Customer feedback is also taken and further modification and developments.
Are done. Project milestone and deliverables are also present to customer.
For a successful software project, the following step can be followed :
• Select a project :
➢ Identifying project’s aim and objective
➢ Understanding requirement and specification
➢ Method of analysis , design and implementation
➢ Testing Technique
➢ Documentation
• Project milestone and delivered
• Budget Allocation
• Project Estimate
➢ Cost
➢ Time
➢ Size of Code
➢ Duration
• Resource Allocation
➢ Hardware
➢ Software
➢ Previous relevant project information
➢ Digital shopping

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❖ 2.6 Project Scheduling:

Gantt Chart :
Gantt chart are a project control technique that can be used for several purpose including scheduling
and planning. Gantt chart is also known bar chart with each box representing an activity.

Gantt charts mainly used to allocate resources to activities. The resources allocated to activities include
staff, hardware, and software. Gantt charts (named after its developer Henry Gantt) are useful for
resource planning. A Gantt chart is special type of bar chart where each bar represents an activity. The
bars are drawn along a timeline. The length of each bar is proportional to the duration of the time
planned for the corresponding activity.

Work Break down Time taken in days

1 week---2week-------3week--------4week---------------- 5week-----

Preliminary Investigation








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❖ 2.7 Software Requirements Specification :

The Software Requirements Specification is produced at the culmination of analysis task. The
function and performance allocated to software as part of system engendering are refined by
establishing a complete information description, a detailed function and behavioral description , an
indication of performance requirement and design constrain, appropriate validation criteria, and
other data patient to requirement.
➢ The main aim of this system is to keep records of the complete inventory.
➢ It support for inventory management helps you record and track material on the basis of
both quantity and value.
➢ It improves cash flow , visibility, and decision making.
➢ For warehousing management, you can track quantity and value of all your material,
perform physical inventory, and optimize your warehouse resources.

Functional Requirement :
• Input Output :-
➢ System shall have a from to accept the customer detail.
➢ System shall have a form to accept the plant details.
➢ System shall display transaction details.
➢ System should provide facility for changes of address.
Processing :
➢ System should automatically generate the bill.
➢ System should inform the pending order and makes changes if the order is dispatched.
Error Handling :
➢ Should report any error on duplicate primary keys.
➢ Should report any data type mismatch any field on the form.
➢ Should report on any ‘Invalid dates’.
➢ Should report any violantation of authorization of right.
➢ Should report any Invalid Login Error.

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❖ 3.1 Data Flow Diagram :

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
Information System. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of Data Processing. It is
common practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction between
the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the
system being modeled.
A DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are commonly used during
problem analysis. It views a system as a function that transforms the input into desired output. A DFD
shows movement of data through the different transformations or processes in the system.
Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where the data they
input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system from order to dispatch to restock
how any system is developed can be determined through a dataflow diagram. The appropriate register
saved in database and maintained by appropriate authorities.
DATA Diagram Notation





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Transaction Primary Detail Inventory

Salesman Manager

Report Report Review

Sales and
Inventory Transaction Checking
Report Review

Sales Manager
Admin Feedback
Account Detail

DFD level : Context Level Diagram

Log In System

Username, Password Feedback

New Info User Information

Change Create New
Info Admin User
Feedback Feedback

New/Categories Detail
Change Item Add New
Price Item
Feedback Feedback

DFD LEVEL 0 - Application Process : Administrator

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LogIn Admin
System Detail
User t
Username, Feedback

DFD LEVEL 1.1 - Functional Process : LogIn System


Feedback Save New

New Info
Change Admin

DFD LEVEL 1.2 - Functional Process : Change Information


Create Feedback
User Info
Admin Create a
new user

DFD LEVEL 1.3 - Functional Process : Create a New User

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Sales New
Item Feedback

Item’s Detail
Admin Add New

DFD LEVEL 1.4 - Functional Process : Add New Items

LogIn System

Username, password User detail

Feedbac View Report
Change Admin View
Informatio Report
New Info
n Report Detail


Chec Inventory status

Check Inventory

DFD LEVEL 2 – Inventory Manger

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Username/password Feedback

Sales Manager Check

Bills Detail

Exception Create

Reports Sales recoerd

DFD LEVEL 2 – Sales Manger

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❖ 3.2 Context Flow Diagram (CFD):

A Context Flow Diagram is a top level (also known as level 0) data flow diagram. It only contains
one process node (process 0) that generalizes the function of the entire system in relationship to external
entities. A Context Flow Diagram is a diagram that shows the inputs and output of a system. It shows all
the external entities with the system and the data flows between these entities and the system.

Gives order to, enquire give order to

n Admin Supplier
Supply Provide
products goods
Add View products,
details, Order ,
Generate bills,
Supplier Bill,report
details s

Sales and

Data base

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❖ 3.3 Design Flow Chart :


Input Username
& password

Check Username
password on users Display Error
table on db


Check user status

True Status =1

Display Status=2
Administrator main

Display Sales Status=3


Display Inventorary


LogIn Function of Sales & Inventorary Management System

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❖ 3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram :
An Entity Relation(ER) Diagram is a specialized graphics that illustrates the interrelationship between
entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent 3 different types of information.
Boxes are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships
and ovals are used to represent attributes.


User_name Log In
Role id
User_mob user has roles

User_add n Per role id

cus_name module
manag Inv_date
Pay_date Inv_num
Cus_mobil inventory
e custome Inv_id
Cus_add ha Inv_ite
s m


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❖ 3.5 Use Case Diagram :

❖ Use Case Diagram for Supplier : -

Login Id and Pwd


Tracks Order

Dispatch Order On

Send Invoice

Update Record

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❖ Use Case Diagram for Customer : -

Studies Requirement

Make list of

Place the Order

Makes Payment


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❖ 3.6 Class Diagram :

Addcust() Order_no.
Updatecust() Ordercredate
Getcustdet() Order_Status
Payment Shipment_date
Payment Date Calcbilltotal()

Order Detail
Credit/Debit Cash On Delivery Materialqty
Expiry Date



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❖ 3.7 Activity Diagram :


Login PAGE

Register Username & Password


Enter Name ,email, phone Username & Password

no. to login

Receive Conformation

Search Product List Select itemto purchase

Click button to view Item

Click on Add to Purchase

Fill their detail & booked Item

Receive Conformation


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❖ 3.8 State Diagram :

Supplier Transaction Customer Invoice


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❖ 4.1 Modularization Detail :
➢ Modules of Login

➢ Design Assumption:
This module is designed with the intension to provide security to user. The Login contains
the necessary information of the tables and forms included in the applications.

➢ Identification of Module
• Username:
Allows user to enter their name.

• Password:
Allows user to enter their valid password.

➢ Structure chart showing the hierarchy of modules:

Structure chart is a graphical representation of the control logic of processing functions or modules
representing a system. It is one of the most commonly used methods for system design.
In a structure chart, each program module is represented by a rectangular box. Modules at the top level
of the structure chart call the modules at the lower level. The connections between modules are
represented by lines between the rectangular boxes. The connection describes data flows between the
called and calling modules.



➢ Data structures shared among modules:

Tables used are listed as follows:

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➢ Modules of Category :

Design Assumption:

This module of Application will displays the category of the product under which it belongs. It also
maintains the measure type which displays how different types of products are measured

➢ Identification of Modules:

Category Id : Id of category.
Category Name : It displays the category name.
Measure Name : Name of the measurement
➢ Structure chart showing the hierarchy of modules.




➢ Modules of product :
Design Assumption:
This module is used to add ,save ,delete the products .This module is also used view the whole stock
by the use of grid.

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➢ Identification of Modules:

Product Id : This number is allocated for particular product.

Product Name : Describes the name of the product.
Category : The category of the products can be extracted.
Quantity : The quantity of the products.
Product Price : Price of the product.
Product description :Description of the product.

➢ Structure chart showing the hierarchy of modules:





➢ Data structures shared among modules:

Tables used are listed as follows

➢ Modules of Customer:
Design Assumption:
This module stores and maintains the details of the customers.

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➢ Identification of Modules:

Order No : It generates the order number.

Customer Name : It allows to enter customer name
Address : It allows to enter customer address.
PhoneNo : It allows enter customer telephone number.
Product Name : It allows to enter name of the product.
Price : It allows to enter price of the product.
Qty : It allows to enter quantity of the product.
Order Date : It allows to enter order date of the product.

➢ Structure chart showing the hierarchy of modules:




➢ Data structures shared among modules:

Tables used are listed as follows,
Customer Order

➢ Modules of Payments and Bill Maintenance Module:

Design Assumption:
This module is used to keep track of all the payments done by each and every customer.

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➢ Identification of Modules:

Bill No : It generates bill.

CName : It generates customer name.
CAdd : It generates customer address.
PName : It generates name of the product.
Cat : It generates category of the product.
Qty : It generates quantity of the product.
Price : It generates price of particular product.
Tax : Allows to enter rate of tax.
Total : It generates total amount to pay.

➢ Data structures shared among modules:

Tables used are listed as follows,

➢ Security Module :-

• User access permission based on role.

• Pages can be encrypted using SSL and Sales-Inventory can be configured to only display pages using
SSL to ensure that all information passing over the internet is encrypted.
• Users can be defined to see only certain modules on the main menu - so menu options that they will
not have access to be not even displayed on screen.
• HTTP security can be configured over the top of the inbuilt security to provide two levels of security
- the first to access the web-server at all and the second to actually get into the Sales-Inventory.
• An audit trail of which users did what is retained and is automatically maintained based on how long
the information is required to be kept.
• All inputs are sanitized to prevent SQL injections and cross site scripting.

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❖ 4.2 Data Dictionary:

Database design maintains the data required by the system. One of the key design issues involve in the
database to design is the distribution of data in a way that minimizes transactions traffic. Another key
design issues is the choice of the database management system. Database tables used are described in
the following section.

Login Table

Field name Type Size Description Constraint

username varchar 50 username Not Null
password varchar 50 password Not Null

Category Table

Field name Type Size Description Constraint

cat_id varchar 50 Category id Not Null
cat_name varchar 50 Category name Not Null
mesure_name varchar 50 Measurement name Not Null

Product Table

Field name Type Size Description Constraint

p_id varchar 50 Product id Not Null
p_name varchar 50 Product name Not Null
cat_name varchar 50 Category name Not Null
p_price numeric 18,0 Product price Not Null
p_desc varchar 50 Product description Not Null
p_quantity numeric 18,0 Product quantity Not Null
mesure_name varchar 50 Measurement name Not Null

Online Electronic Store 31

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Customer order Table

Field name Type Size Description Constraint

orderno varchar 50 Order number Not Null
c_name varchar 50 Customer name Not Null
address varchar 50 Address Not Null
phone_no numeric 18,0 Phone number Not Null
p_name varchar 50 Product name Not Null
price numeric 18,0 Price Not Null
qty numeric 18,0 Quantity Not Null
order_date datetime - Order date Not Null
delivery_order datetime - Delivery date Not Null

Supplier order Table

Field name Type Size Description Constraint

o_no numeric 18,0 Order date Not Null
s_name varchar 50 Supplier name Not Null
p_name varchar 50 Product name Not Null
qty numeric 18,0 Quantity Not Null
odate datetime - Order date Not Null
ddate datetime - Delivery date Not Null
status varchar 50 Status Not Null

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❖ 4.3 Procedural Design:

Logic Diagram : -

Log In

Log In User Finish

Manage Patient Process

Detail Detail

Post Detail to
View patient database

Treat Patient Review

Patient Detail


Online Electronic Store 33

Enrollment No. 166248840
❖ 4.4 User Interface Design:
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It is
concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the eventually
presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and messages is called a

The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design: -

• The system user should always be aware of what to do next.

• The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions and
messages always appear in the same general display area.
• Message, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
The system user to read them.
• Use display attributes sparingly.
• Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be
• A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
• The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.

1. Primary Design Phase: In this phase, the system is designed at block level. The blocks are
created on the basis of analysis done in the problem identification phase. Different blocks are
created for different functions emphasis is put on minimizing the information flow between
blocks. Thus, all activities which require more interaction are kept in one block.

2. Secondary Design Phase: In the secondary phase the detailed design of every block is
The general tasks involved in the design process are the following:
• Design various blocks for overall system processes.
• Design smaller, compact and workable modules in each block.

Online Electronic Store 34

Enrollment No. 166248840
• Design various database structures.
• Specify details of programs to achieve desired functionality.
• Design the form of inputs, and outputs of the system.
• Perform documentation of the design.
• System reviews.
❖ Features of the project Doctor Appointment System:-
• Product and Component based
• Creating & Changing Issues at ease
• Query Issue List to any depth
• Reporting & Charting in more comprehensive way
• User Accounts to control the access and maintain security

Screen Layout of Online Electronic Store (Sales & Inventory Management System) : -

➢ Home Page :

Online Electronic Store 35

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Online Electronic Store 36

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➢ Single Product Page :

Online Electronic Store 37

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➢ Checkout Page :

Online Electronic Store 38

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➢ Payment Page :

Online Electronic Store 39

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➢ Login Page :

Online Electronic Store 40

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➢ SignUp Page :

➢ Purchase Detail :

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❖ 4.5 Test Cases:
The steps in the software testing : -
The steps involved during Unit testing are as follows:
• Preparation of the test cases.
• Preparation of the possible test data with all the validation checks.
• Complete code review of the module.
• Actual testing done manually.
• Modifications done for the errors found during testing.
• Prepared the test result scripts.

The unit testing done included the testing of the following items : -
• Functionality of the entire module/forms.
• Validations for user input.
• Checking of the Coding standards to be maintained during coding.
• Testing the module with all the possible test data.
• Testing of the functionality involving all type of calculations etc.
• Commenting standard in the source files.

Online Electronic Store 43

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❖ Test Procedure and Implementation :

Testing presents an interesting anomaly for software engineering. During earlier software
engineering activities, the engineering attempts to build software form an abstract concepts to a
tangible project. Now comes to testing , The engineer creates a series of taste cases that are
intendment to “demolish” the software that has been built. In fact, testing is one step in the
software process that could be viewed as destructive rather than constructive.
Software engineer are by their nature constructive people. Testing required that the
developer discard preconvience notation of the “correctness” of software just develop and
overcome a conflict of interest that occur when error are in covered.
If testing is conduct successfully (according to the objective stated previously) , it

will uncover error in the software. As a secondary benefit testing demonstrate that software
function appear to working according to specification, that behavioral and performance
requirement. Appear to have been met. In Addition, data collecting as testing is conducted provide
a good indication of software reliability and some indication of software quality as a whole. But
testing cannot show the absence of error and defect, it can show .

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❖ 5.1 Complete Project Coding:

➢ signup.php :

$sql = "select * from user_details where username='$username'";

$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Username Already Taken. Try With Other

$query="insert into user_details (first_name,last_name,phone,username,password)

echo $query;

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echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Account Created Successfully.')</script>";

echo "error".mysql_error();

<title> Sign Up </title>
.main-agileits {
margin: 2% auto;
background: rgba(125, 63, 152, 0.52);
width: 32%;
font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
.sub-head {
font-size: 38px;
padding: 42px;
color: white;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: 3px;

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position: absolute;
left: 51px;
font-size: 18px;
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top: 327px;

.sub-main input[type="text"],.sub-main input[type="password"] {

outline: none;
font-size: 1.1em;
margin: 4px 0px 18px 1px;

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color: black;
padding: 10px 38px;
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border-radius: 2px;
width: 68%;
font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
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margin: 3px;
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-o-transition:0.5s all;
-moz-transition:0.5s all;

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-ms-transition:0.5s all;

color: red;



<div class="main-agileits">
<h2 class="sub-head"></h2>
<div class="sub-main">
<form method="post">
<input placeholder="First Name" name="firstname" class="name" type="text" required="">
<span class="icon1"><i class="fafa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><br>

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Enrollment No. 166248840
<input placeholder="Last Name" name="lastname" class="name2" type="text" required="">
<span class="icon2"><i class="fafa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><br>
<input placeholder="Phone Number" name="phone" class="number" type="text" required="">
<span class="icon3">
<i class="fafa-phone" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><br>
<input placeholder="Username" name="username" class="mail" type="text" required=""><span
class="icon4"><i class="fafa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><br>
<input placeholder="Password" name="password" class="pass" type="password"
required=""><span class="icon5"><i class="fafa-unlock" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="sign up">
</form></div><br><br><div class="clear"></div>
<center><a href="index.php"><button type="button" class="btnbtn-success">Back To

Online Electronic Store 50

Enrollment No. 166248840
➢ admin_page.php :
if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Please Login To Check Cart')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=login.php');
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('ok.')</script>";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('ok.')</script>";
echo "Your test function on button click is working";

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

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body {font-family: Arial;}

/* Style the tab */

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overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
background-color: #f1f1f1;

/* Style the buttons inside the tab */

.tab button {
background-color: inherit;
float: left;
border: none;
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 14px 16px;
transition: 0.3s;
font-size: 17px;

/* Change background color of buttons on hover */

.tab button:hover {
background-color: #ddd;

/* Create an active/current tablink class */

.tab {
background-color: #ccc;

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/* Style the tab content */

.tabcontent {
display: none;
padding: 6px 12px;
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border-top: none;
box-sizing: border-box;

input[type=text], select, textarea {

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label {
padding: 12px 12px12px 0;
display: inline-block;

input[type=submit] {
background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
padding: 12px 20px;
border: none;

Online Electronic Store 53

Enrollment No. 166248840
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
float: right;

input[type=submit]:hover {
background-color: #45a049;

.container {
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: #f2f2f2;
padding: 20px;

.col-25 {
float: left;
width: 25%;
margin-top: 6px;
.col-75 {
float: left;
width: 75%;
margin-top: 6px;
/* Clear floats after the columns */
.row:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;

Online Electronic Store 54

Enrollment No. 166248840
/* Responsive layout - when the screen is less than 600px wide, make the two columns stack on
top of each other instead of next to each other */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.col-25, .col-75, input[type=submit] {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 0;
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mp;subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container">
<div class="tab">
<button class="tablinks" onclick="openCity(event, 'London')">User Detail</button>

<div id="London" class="tabcontent">
<div class="container">
<form method="POST">

Online Electronic Store 55

Enrollment No. 166248840
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="fname"> Product</label>
<div class="col-75">
<select class="option-w3ls" name="product" onchange="myFunction()">
$sql = "select * from products";
echo "<option>".$row['Product_Name']."</option>";

<input type="submit" name="test" id="test" value="RUN" />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="lname">Product Quantity</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['Last_Name'];

<div class="row">

Online Electronic Store 56

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<div class="col-25">
<label for="lname">Product Price</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['Phone']; ?>">
<center><div class="row">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update">
functionopenCity(evt, cityName) {
var i, tabcontent, tablinks;
tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent");
for (i = 0; i <tabcontent.length; i++) {
tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";
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tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", "");
document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block";
evt.currentTarget.className += " active";

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➢ dbconnection.php :
$host = "localhost";
$uname = "root";
$pass = "";

$con = mysql_connect("$host","$uname","$pass");
if ($con)
echo "success";
echo "Connection Failed";

Online Electronic Store 58

Enrollment No. 166248840
➢ user_detail.php :
if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Please Login To Check Cart')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=login.php');
// $username=$_SESSION['Username'];
$sql1="update user_details set First_Name='$firstname',
Last_Name='$lastname',Phone='$phone' where Username='$username'";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Updated Successfully.')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=logout.php');
echo "error".mysql_error();

Online Electronic Store 59

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {font-family: Arial;}

/* Style the tab */

.tab {
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
background-color: #f1f1f1;

/* Style the buttons inside the tab */

.tab button {
background-color: inherit;
float: left;
border: none;
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 14px 16px;
transition: 0.3s;
font-size: 17px;

/* Change background color of buttons on hover */

.tab button:hover {
background-color: #ddd;

Online Electronic Store 60

Enrollment No. 166248840
/* Create an active/current tablink class */
.tab {
background-color: #ccc;

/* Style the tab content */

.tabcontent {
display: none;
padding: 6px 12px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: none;
box-sizing: border-box;

input[type=text], select, textarea {

width: 100%;
padding: 12px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
resize: vertical;

label {
padding: 12px 12px12px 0;
display: inline-block;

input[type=submit] {

Online Electronic Store 61

Enrollment No. 166248840
background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
padding: 12px 20px;
border: none;
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
float: right;

input[type=submit]:hover {
background-color: #45a049;

.container {
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: #f2f2f2;
padding: 20px;

.col-25 {
float: left;
width: 25%;
margin-top: 6px;

.col-75 {
float: left;
width: 75%;
margin-top: 6px;

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/* Clear floats after the columns */
.row:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;

/* Responsive layout - when the screen is less than 600px wide, make the two columns stack on
top of each other instead of next to each other */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.col-25, .col-75, input[type=submit] {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 0;
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fontawesome-all.css">
<link href="css/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />

mp;subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet">

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<div class="container">

<div class="tab">
<button class="tablinks" onclick="openCity(event, 'London')">User Detail</button>
<button class="tablinks" onclick="openCity(event, 'Paris')">Order History</button>


<div id="London" class="tabcontent">

<div class="container">
<form method="POST">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="fname"> Name</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" value="<?php echo
$_SESSION['First_Name']; ?>" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="lname">Last Name</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['Last_Name'];

<div class="row">

Online Electronic Store 64

Enrollment No. 166248840
<div class="col-25">
<label for="lname">Phone</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['Phone']; ?>">


<center><div class="row">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update">


<div id="Paris" class="tabcontent">

<div class=" container">
<div class="privacy py-sm-5 py-4">
<div class="container py-xl-4 py-lg-2">
<!-- tittle heading -->

<!-- //tittle heading -->

<div class="checkout-right">

<form method="POST">
<div class="table-responsive">

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<table class="timetable_sub">
<th>SL No.</th>
<th>Product Name</th>


<th>Total Amount</th>
<th>Delivery Address</th>

$sql = "select c.SL_NO,c.Product_Name,c.Product_Quantity,p.Product_Price,c.Delivery_Address from
cart c, Products p where c.Product_Name=P.Product_Name and c.user='$username' and

echo "<tr class=rem1>

<td class=invert>".$count."</td>";

echo "<td class=invert>".$row['Product_Name']."</td>";

echo "<td class=invert>".$row['Product_Quantity']."</td>";

Online Electronic Store 66

Enrollment No. 166248840

echo "<td class=invert>

<div class=quantity>
<div class=quantity-select>

<div class=entry value>



echo "<td class=invert>

<div class=quantity>
<div class=quantity-select>

<div class=entry value>



echo "<td class=invert>

<div class=quantity>
<div class=quantity-select>

<div class=entry value>

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functionopenCity(evt, cityName) {
var i, tabcontent, tablinks;
tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent");
for (i = 0; i <tabcontent.length; i++) {
tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";

Online Electronic Store 68

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tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks");
for (i = 0; i <tablinks.length; i++) {
tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", "");
document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block";
evt.currentTarget.className += " active";


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Enrollment No. 166248840
➢ login.php :
$sql = "select * from user_details where username='$username' and password='$password'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ( $row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Login Successful.')</script>";
//echo "login success";
$_SESSION['Username'] = $row['Username'];
$_SESSION['User'] ="Welcome ".$row['First_Name']." ".$row['Last_Name'];
// header('location:index.php');
header('Refresh:0.5; url=index.php');
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Invalid Username Or Password.')</script>";

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<title> Login</title>
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margin-bottom: 1em;
letter-spacing: 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;

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.login-form h2{
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text-align: center;
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margin: 0 auto;
background: #fff;
max-width: 400px;
padding: 3em 2em 2em;
text-align: center;

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color: #666;

:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */

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color: #666;
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/*-- //main --*/

/*-- copyright --*/

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Enrollment No. 166248840
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/*-- //copyright --*/
color: red;



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<!-- main -->
<div class="main">
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elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Oppo A37") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Apple iPhone X") {

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elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Sony Bravia 101.6 cm") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Portronics POR-280 Sound Pot Wireless Bluetooth Speaker") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Philips MMS-4545B 2.1 Channel Speakers System") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="Lenovo 520 22IKU AIO 21.5-inch All-in-One Desktop") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="DELL Vostro 3568 15.6-inch Laptop") {
elseif ($row['Product_Name']=="HP 15 DR0006TX 2018 15.6-inch Laptop") {
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<h4 class="pt-1"><a href="protony.php">Portronics Bluetooth Speaker</a></h4>
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<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Portronics POR-280 Sound Pot Wireless Bluetooth
Speaker" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="349.00" />
<input type="hidden" name="discount_amount" value="1.00" />
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➢ apple.php :
$product="Apple iPhone X";
$sql = "select * from products where Product_Name='$product'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ( $row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "error".mysql_error();
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$sql1="insert into cart (Product_Name,Product_Quantity,User) values
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Successfully Added To Cart')</script>";
echo "error".mysql_error();

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<h3 class="mb-3">Apple iPhone X (Space Grey, 3GB RAM, 64GB Storage, 12 MP Dual
Camera, 458 PPI Display)</h3>
<p class="mb-3">
<span class="item_price"><?php echo "Rs." .$price; ?></span>
<!--<del class="mx-2 font-weight-light">$280.00</del>-->
<label>Free delivery</label>
<span class="item_price"><?php echo "Quantity In Stock:".$quantity; ?></span>
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<li class="mb-3">Cash on Delivery Eligible.</li>
<li class="mb-3">Shipping Speed to Delivery.</li>
<li class="mb-3">EMIs from Rs.1500/month.</li>
<li class="mb-3">Bank OfferExtra 5% off* with Axis Bank Buzz Credit CardT&C</li>
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<i class="far fa-hand-point-right mr-2"></i>
<label>1 Year</label>Manufacturer Warranty</p>
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Memory, Storage & SIM: 3GB RAM | 64GB storage | Single nano SIM

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<li class="mb-1">Display: 14.73 centimeters (5.8-inch) Full HD</li>
<li class="mb-1">Camera: 12+12 MP Dual rear camera</li>
<li class="mb-1">Battery: 2716 mAH lithium ion battery providing talk-time of 21 hours</li>
<li class="mb-1">Operating System and Processor: iOS v11.1.1 </li>
<p class="my-sm-4 my-3">
<i class="fasfa-retweet mr-3"></i>Net banking & Credit/ Debit/ ATM card
<div class="occasion-cart">
<div class="snipcart-details top_brand_home_detailsitem_add single-item hvr-outline-out">
<form method="post">
<TD><INPUT TYPE="number" name="req_qty" value="" SIZE="20" required ></TD>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to cart" class="button" />
<!-- //Single Page -->

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➢ payment.php :
mysql_query("START TRANSACTION");

$sql1="insert into cart (Product_Name,Product_Quantity,User) values

$sql2="update Products set Product_Quantity='$update_qty' where Product_Name='$product'";

$a1 = mysql_query($sql1);
$a2 = mysql_query($sql2);

if ($a1 and $a2) {

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Successfully Added To Cart')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} else {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Failed')</script>";
//echo $sql2;

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➢ logout.php :
if (isset($_SESSION['Username']))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Logged Out Successfully')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=index.php');
// header('Location:index.php');

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❖ Checkout.php :
if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Please Login To Check Cart')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=login.php');
$result=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as total from cart where User='$username' and
// echo $data['total'];
$sql1="delete from cart where SL_NO='$SL_NO' and User='$username'";

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Item Successfully Removed')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); }

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mysql_query("START TRANSACTION");
$sql = "select * from cart where User='$username'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(".$prod_name.")</script>";
$sql3="select * from products where Product_Name='$prod_name'";
$result1 = mysql_query($sql3);
if ( $row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1))

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Required Stock Not Available')</script>";
header('Refresh:0.5; url=checkout.php');
//echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(".$update_qty.")</script>";
$sql2="update Products set Product_Quantity='
$update_qty' where Product_Name='$prod_name'";


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//echo $address;
$sql4="update Cart set Buying_Status='Y', Delivery_Address='$address' where
Product_Name='$prod_name' and User='$username'";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Product Ordered Successfully')</script>";

catch(Exception $e) {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Failed')</script>";


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<th>SL No.</th>
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$sql = "select c.SL_NO,c.Product_Name,c.Product_Quantity,p.Product_Price from cart c,
Products p where c.Product_Name=P.Product_Name and c.user='$username' and

echo"<tr class=rem1>
<td class=invert>".$count."</td>";
Echo"<td class=invert>".$row['Product_Name']."</td>";
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❖ 5.2 Standardization of Project :
➢ Benefit of coding standard :
Coding standards define a programming style. A coding standard does not usually
concern itself with wrong or right in a more abstract sense. It is simply a set of rules and
guidelines for the formatting of source code.

➢ Common aspect of a coding standard :

• File Naming and Organization
• Formatting and Indentation
• Comments and Documentation
• Classes, Functions and Interfaces
• Pointer and Reference Usage
• Testing
Sometimes a coding standard is an accepted practice for a particular language.
For instance, programmers generally accept that when writing php source code they will write
parameters and private and protected fields using Camel casing. They will write all other
identifiers using Pascal casing. What this means for the php programmer is that they can look at
a piece of php source code written by another and quickly indentify segments. This increases
readability substantially.

The other common type of coding standard is the one used in or between
development teams. Consider that professional code does not simply perform a job. Professional
code performs a job in such a way tha t it is easy to maintain and debug.

In professional environments, the benefits of coding standards are

readability, maintainability and compatibility. Any member of a development should be able to
read the code of another member. The coder who maintains a piece of code tomorrow may not be the
coder who programmed it today. In addition, today’s enterprise solutions are so complex that multiple
development teams unite to build a singular enterprise software application. With coding standards,
distinct teams can rely on the way that they can interface with the code built by a separate team.

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❖ 6.1 Testing Technique and Strategy Used :

To perform testing in a planned and systematic manner, software testing
strategy is developed. A testing strategy is used to identify the levels of testing which are to
be applied along with the methods, techniques, and tools to be used during testing. This
strategy also decides test cases, test specifications, test case decisions, and puts them together
for execution.
The design and architecture of the software are also useful in choosing testing strategy. A
number of software testing strategies are developed in the testing process. All these strategies
provide the tester a template, which is used for testing. Generally, all testing strategies have
following characteristics.

➢ Types of Software Testing Strategies :

There are different types of software testing strategies, which are selected by the testers
depending upon the nature and size of the software. The commonly used software testing
strategies are listed below.

Analytic testing strategy: This uses formal and informal techniques to access and prioritize risks that
arise during software testing. It takes a complete overview of requirements, design, and
implementation of objects to determine the motive of testing. In addition, it gathers complete
information about the software, targets to be achieved, and the data required for testing the software.

Model-based testing strategy: This strategy tests the functionality of the software according to the
real world scenario (like software functioning in an organization). It recognizes the domain of data and
selects suitable test cases according to the probability of errors in that domain.

Methodical testing strategy: It tests the functions and status of software according to the checklist,
which is based on user requirements. This strategy is also used to test the functionality, reliability,

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usability, and performance of the software.

Process-oriented testing strategy: It tests the software according to already existing standards such as
the IEEE standards. In addition, it checks the functionality of the software by using automated testing

Dynamic testing strategy: This tests the software after having a collective decision of the testing
team. Along with testing, this strategy provides information about the software such as test cases used
for testing the errors present in it.

Philosophical testing strategy: It tests the software assuming that any component of the software can
stop functioning anytime. It takes help from software developers, users and systems analysts to test the

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❖ 6.2 Testing Plan Used :

A TEST PLAN is a document describing software testing scope and activities. It is the basis for
formally testing any software/product in a project.
The format and content of a software test plan vary depending on the processes, standards, and test
management tools being implemented. Nevertheless, the following format, which is based on IEEE
standard for software test documentation, provides a summary of what a test plan can/should contain.

➢ Test Plan Identifier:

• Provide a unique identifier for the document. (Adhere to the Configuration Management System
if you have one.)

➢ Introduction:

• Provide an overview of the test plan.

• Specify the goals/objectives.
• Specify any constraints.

➢ References:

• List the related documents, with links to them if available, including the following:
o Project Plan
o Configuration Management Plan

➢ Test Items:

• List the test items (software/products) and their versions.

➢ Features to be Tested:

• List the features of the software/product to be tested.

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• Provide references to the Requirements and/or Design specifications of the features to be tested

➢ Features Not to Be Tested:

• List the features of the software/product which will not be tested.

• Specify the reasons these features won’t be tested.

➢ Approach:

• Mention the overall approach to testing.

• Specify the testing levels [if it’s a Master Test Plan], the testing types, and the testing methods
[Manual/Automated; White Box/Black Box/Gray Box]

➢ Item Pass/Fail Criteria:

• Specify the criteria that will be used to determine whether each test item (software/product) has
passed or failed testing.

➢ Test Deliverables:

• List test deliverables, and links to them if available, including the following:
o Test Plan (this document itself)
o Test Cases
o Test Scripts
o Defect/Enhancement Logs
o Test Reports

➢ Test Environment:

• Specify the properties of test environment: hardware, software, network etc.

• List any testing or related tools.

➢ Estimate:

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• Provide a summary of test estimates (cost or effort) and/or provide a link to the detailed

➢ Schedule:

• Provide a summary of the schedule, specifying key test milestones, and/or provide a link to the
detailed schedule.

➢ Staffing and Training Needs:

• Specify staffing needs by role and required skills.

• Identify training that is necessary to provide those skills, if not already acquired.

➢ Responsibilities:

• List the responsibilities of each team/role/individual.

➢ Risks:

• List the risks that have been identified.

• Specify the mitigation plan and the contingency plan for each risk.

➢ Assumptions and Dependencies:

• List the assumptions that have been made during the preparation of this plan.
• List the dependencies.

➢ Approvals:

• Specify the names and roles of all persons who must approve the plan.
• Provide space for signatures and dates. (If the document is to be printed.)

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❖ 6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases :

UNIT TESTING is a level of software testing where individual units/ components of a software are
tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed. A unit is the
smallest testable part of any software. It usually has one or a few inputs and usually a single output. In
procedural programming, a unit may be an individual program, function, procedure, etc. In object-
oriented programming, the smallest unit is a method, which may belong to a base/ super class, abstract
class or derived/ child class. (Some treat a module of an application as a unit. This is to be discouraged
as there will probably be many individual units within that module.) Unit testing frameworks, drivers,
stubs, and mock/ fake objects are used to assist in unit testing.

Acceptance Testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Unit Testing

SYSTEM TESTING are the third phase in the Testing Lifecycle. System Tests are the test of the end-
user functionality. System Tests verify the correct functioning of all the required features as given in the
specification document.

Since prior testing phases have tested the internal logic of the application, System Tests should
not repeat detailed, exhaustive testing. Instead System Tests verify that all subsystems are cooperating
successfully to yield the final desired features.

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System tests are usually "black box" tests since we are testing the application without seeing the source
code. Create the test cases following the guidelines in the textbook, the black box techniques studied in
class, as well as your own experience or intuition about verifying program correctness. Number each
test case and write it in HTML (or Wiki) format.

Prepare the test cases according to these directions: System Test Case Format
The QA manager is responsible for creating the Test Matrix, which is a grid with Requirement Numbers
on one axis and Test Case Numbers on the other. It shows which test cases cover which requirements.
Use this which shows which test cases were written by which team member and has a link to the test

• Every functional requirement in the specification has at least one test case.
• Purpose provides specific detail of the behavior or function being tested.
• Actual input data and expected output data are provided. The expected output is precise and
detailed enough to be implemented as an "oracle" for automated testing. The data needs to run
on the actual software being released.
• User Action description is clear and specific enough for independent testers to follow the
• The test case will correctly verify the requirement.
• Cross-reference is correct.

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❖ 6.4 Testing Procedure:

The main objective of the testing here is to execute a program and find the errors, so that software can
function according to specification specified for behave and performance requirement of the software.
1.Testing Techniques: We have used the following testing technique for finding errors in this software:
(A).White Box Testing Technique: We have used this method to exercise the internal program logic.
During the course of white box testing, I have done the following work.
 All independent paths within a module are exercised at least once.
 All logical decision on their true and false side is also exercised.
 All loops were executed at their boundaries and within their operation bounds.
 Validity of internal data structure was also exercised.
Some of white box testing techniques, which we have used for this software, are: -
1. Basis Path Testing: The basis path methods enable me to derive a logical complexity
measure of a procedure design and this measure is used for defining a basis set of execution
path. This path ensures to execute every statement in a program at least once.
2. Control structure testing: Since the basis path testing was not enough, hence the control
structure testing is used to exercise the logical condition in a program module
During the course of testing, I have done the following activities,
Which are described below:-
▪ After testing all conditions, we have found some errors like:
▪ Boolean variable error in the module cost benefit analysis.
Case:-In cost benefit analysis, we have used the concept of relative cell referencing in this contact; we
have taken two types of cell
(i) Variable cell
(ii) Function

Based constant value cell. Only user can modify variable cell but function value cell only display
manipulated value. If cell is functional cell, its return TRUE else FALSE. During course of testing, we
have found this function not return value properly. So we have separately tested this function for
Boolean errors.

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(B). Black Box Testing: This method is used to test the functional requirements of the software as
specified in the section of S.E. Requirement Specification. By using this technique I have found errors
in the following categories:
• Incorrect or missing functions Interface errors
• Errors in data structure
• Behavior or performance errors and
• Initialization and termination errors
Testing Strategies: Testing strategy, which I have used here to integrate software test case design
methods into a series of steps, can be categorized into two spectrums: -
Code Testing.
Specifications testing.

The testing strategies, which I have used here, have the following generic characteristics:-
 First component level testing are performed and then we moved towards the integration of
the entire software.
 During the course of various types of testing, user involvements are also considered.
 Different types of testing are performed at different points of time.

• Integration Testing:- During this phase we have combine all the module and perform
integration sting for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to
uncover errors associated with interfacing. In order to integrate all the modules we have used
Bottom up approach.
• Validation Testing:-After the completion of integration testing removal of interfacing problem,
we have conducted validation testing according to reasonable expectation of user specified in the
S.E.Requirement specification documents. Since this s/w is designed for management, of the
software according to their needs.

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➢ Data Integrity & Constrain :
Introduction to Data Integrity :-
It is important that data adhere to a predefined set of rules, as determined by the database administrator
or application developer. As an example of data integrity, consider the tables Patient and Doctors and
the business rules for the information in each of the tables.

Types of Data Integrity :- This section describes the rules that can be applied to table columns to
enforce different types of data integrity.

Null Rule :- A null rule is a rule defined on a single column that allows or disallows inserts or updates
of rows containing a null (the absence of a value) in that column.

Unique Column Values : - A unique value rule defined on a column (or set of columns) allows the
insert or update of a row only if it contains a unique value in that column (or set of columns).

Primary Key Values : - A primary key value rule defined on a key (a column or set of columns)
specifies that each row in the table can be uniquely identified by the values in the key.

Referential Integrity Rules : - A referential integrity rule is a rule defined on a key (a column or set of
columns) in one table that guarantees that the values in that key match the values in a key in a related
table (the referenced value). Referential integrity also includes the rules that dictate what types of data
manipulation are allowed on referenced values and how these actions affect dependent values.

The rules associated with referential integrity are:

Restrict: Disallows the update or deletion of referenced data.
Set to Null: When referenced data is updated or deleted, all associated dependent data is set to NULL.
Set to Default: When referenced data is updated or deleted, all associated dependent data is set to a
default value.

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Introduction Integrity Constraints : -

Oracle uses integrity constraints to prevent invalid data entry into the base tables of the database. You
can define integrity constraints to enforce the business rules you want to associate with the information
in a database. If any of the results of a DML statement execution violate an integrity constraint, then
Oracle rolls back the statement and returns an error.

NOT NULL Integrity Constraints : -

By default, all columns in a table allow nulls. Null means the absence of a value.
A NOT NULL constraint requires a column of a table contain no null values. For example, you can
define a NOT NULL constraint to require that a value be input in the last_name column for every row of
the doctors table.

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8. Project Cost Management & Estimation Guide

Creating a project budget is an extremely crucial part of any project management.

Various things are taken in consideration while calculating budget for project like labor costs, necessary
equipment acquisition, material costs, etc.

Project Cost Management :

Project Cost Management is the process of planning and controlling the project cost effectively. It
defines what costs are required for each deliverable. The cost of the project can be estimated from
various process sources like

• Creating WBS

• Develop Schedule

• Plan human resources

• Identifying risks

The inputs of cost management include,

• Project management plan

• Project charter
• Enterprise environmental factors
• Organizational process assets

➢ Project Cost Estimation :

The Project Cost Estimation is the process of approximating the total expenditure of the project.

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The accuracy of the cost estimation depends on the accuracy and details of the project scope, which is
the scope baseline. The scope will also define any constraints like date, resources or budget.

The risk register will help to estimate types of costs, the expenses made behind the contingent action and
the expenses made to cope with risks.

To estimate the cost of project you have to categorize various cost types into categories like

• Labor cost
• Equipment cost
• Cost of supplies
• Travel cost
• Training cost
• Overhead cost

Techniques used to estimate project cost :

To estimate project cost formally there are few techniques used

Analogous Estimating : This estimating technique is based on expert judgments and information based
on similar previous projects. Where previously done similar project cost is considered with plus or
minus of 20% for existing project.

Parametric estimating

Past data or record is used to estimate cost for the current project.

Bottom-up estimating : Once you have defined the scope of the project, it is the most reliable form of
technique. In this technique, based on WBS, you estimate the cost for each resource or deliverables.
Likewise, there are other techniques which could be useful for estimating cost like PERT
estimating, vendor bid analysis, etc.

➢ Project Budget Planning :

The main purpose of this activity is to allocate and authorize the monetary resources required to

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complete the project. The main output for determining the budget includes cost performance baseline. It
not only specifies what cost will be incurred but also when costs will be incurred. The inputs for
determining budget includes

• Activity cost estimates

• Basis for estimates
• Scope baseline
• Project Schedule
• Resource calendars
• Contracts
• Organizational process assets

The output of this process is

• Cost performance baseline

• Project funding requirements
• Project document updates

The project budgeting is performed in parallel with the project scheduling process. It is highly dependent
on three component –

• Cost estimation
• Task durations
• Allocated resources

During project budgeting, project manager communicates with different people responsible for
managing the work efforts as well as estimating project costs : He will use various project prospects like
work breakdown structure of the project, the cost estimates, historical data and records, resource
information, and policies.

Without risk assessment, the budgeting process is not completed. Risk assessing process considers
factors like time shortage, availability of resources, development team experience, the technology used,
etc. The risk assessment can be an amount between 25 and 30 percent of the overall project cost.

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The scope of project include that what all future enhancement can be done in this system to
make it more feasible to use .

• Database for different products range and storage can be provided.

• Multilingual support can be provided so that it can be under stable by the person of any
• More graphical can be added to make it more user friendly and under stable.
• Manage and backup version of documents online.

❖ Benefit :

• Manage Track Sales

• Manage contact
• Manage account
• Manage Opportunities
• Track product issue
• Manage issue priority
• Track product feature
• Manage Product Lifecycle

❖ Drawbacks and Limitations :

• The system is not capable of handling more than 6 user at a time.

• Some keyword in system are difficult to understand so the admin n operator person
should understand them through to use the accuracy.
• Graphs could have been added in order to get the record more clearly.

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The following books were referred for completing this project. This includes books for front end part
and books for back end part.

The following are the list of books referred:

➢ Software Engineering – By Roger S. Pressman
➢ Core PHP Programming by Leon Atkinson : Pearson publishers
➢ Beginning PHP 5.3 by Matt Doyle - By Wrox Publication
➢ The complete Reference PHY by Stever Holzner : McGrow Hill
➢ MySql Bible by Steve Suehring Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

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While developing the system a conscious effort has been made to create and develop
a software package, making use of available tools, technique and resource - that would be
generate a proper support system.
While making the system , an eye has been kept on making its user - friendly, as cost
effective and flexible as possible. As such one may hope that the system will be acceptable to
any user and will adequately to any user will meet her needs.
As in the case of my system developed process where there a number of shortcoming in the
development of this system also.

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a. Front Cover Page

b. Approval Letter
c. Bio Data
d. Certificate of Originate

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