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Project Build Company Limited Month: February, 2019

Monthly Safety Statistics Report OHSAS 18001:2007


Location of Project: AL KHOBAR, KSA
Gypsum board work at Hospital Building, Plumbing , Electrical, Firefighting and HVAC works
at Hospital building. Granite stone cladding at exterior wall of Hospital building , Water proof
cement works at Ground,1st & 6th floor of hospital building, Aluminum frame fixing for
glazing works at hospital building. Hollow core installation at front of Hospital Building. Block
Project Stage:
work at Ground floor of Parking Building and at service building, Painting work at Parking
building. Installation of power cable, Power Cable termination and testing at service
building. Boundary fence casting work. Water Proofing work. Atrium steel beam work.
Installation of chiller at 4th floor of Hospital Building.
Safety Walkthrough Conducted? How many personnel? N/A

Management Team Join the Walkthrough? How many personnel? N/A

Areas of Improvement: N/A
SI Description This Month Data Cumulative Data (Year to Date)
1. Safe Man-hours worked on Projects 201,220 2,721,330
2. Total Man-hours worked on Projects 201,220 2,721,330
3. Man Power during this month 20,122
4. Safe man days 20,122 274,062
5. Fatal Accidents 0 0
6. Lost Work Injury (LTI) 0 0
7. Restricted Work Cases (RW) 0 0
8. Medical Treatment (MT) 0 0
9. First Aid Cases (FAC) 5 10
10. Health Incidents 0 0
11. Property Damage (PD) 0 0
12. Fire / Explosion 0 0
13. Illness/Health 0 0
14. Security Incident 0 0
15. Near Miss 2 2
16. Safety Action Memo /SOR/NCR 0 0
17. Environment (EN) 0 0
18. Number of days lost because of LWI 0 0
19. Number of Restricted / Job Transfer days 0 0
20. Total Days Lost 0 0
21. Total Recordable Cases 0 0


1 Removal of Debris and garbage’s from collection point February,2019
2 Conducted General Toolbox meeting February,2019

3 Conducted Housekeeping around office area & at work site February,2019

4 Installation of chiller at parking Building February,2019
Date of Commencement : August 25, 2016
Total No. of workers during the Month : 20,122
Total No. of days during the Month: 24
No. of work hours per day : 10 hours/day
Total Man-hours worked on Projects = No. of Workers x No. of works hours.
= (20,122) (10)
= 201,220
Safe Man-hours worked on Projects = The total Worker Man hour Without injuries in the whole month.
= 201,220
Safe man days = The total worker days are safe in the whole month or without injuries. ( Safe Manhours )
= 201,220/10 = 20,122 Work hrs/day
Project Build Company Limited Month: February, 2019

Monthly Safety Statistics Report OHSAS 18001:2007

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