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Name : Fajar Mubarak

NIM : 11710414380
Class : 5 B
Subject: Curriculum and Course Design


EFL course design is the process and methodology of creating quality learning
environments and experiences for EFL students. Trough deliberate and structured expose to
instructional materials, learning activities, and interaction, students are able to access information,
obtain skills, and practice higher levels of thinking. Effective course design begins with
understanding who your students are, deciding what you want them to learn; determining how you
will measure student learning; and planning activities, assignments and materials that support
student learning.
Although courses may vary in size, subject matter or level, a systematic process will help
you plan and structure your course and syllabus to effectively reach desired instructional goals.
This paper provides information that will guide you to create an effective and systematic course.
There are some points that describe about what are the factors that can influence in making
an EFL course design. That means it can give some impacts to the quality of the course design
Linked to classical humanism
The term was coined by theologian Friedrich Niethammer at the beginning of the 19th
century to refer to a system of education based on the study of classical literature (classical
humanism). Generally, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human
freedom and progress. That means the course design must be suit with the capability of human
intelligence and the students will not to be constrained in your class. This factor divided into one
point of view: language-centered view. It is called “type A syllabi” that can be the objectives
model. In language-centered view, there are some points that you need to understand before you
make an EFL course design:
1. Structural or grammatical. The grammatical view is a view of the student ability in English
skill to produce the correct structure in writing, speaking, listening and reading.
2. Functional or notional. This view is talk about how the students propose their ideas or
perspectives while they learn in your class.
3. Situational. As the teacher, you may be able to understand your students’ emotion and
control your class to be comfortable for them receive your lesson.
4. Topical. As the teacher, you should be able to choose the topic that related to your course
5. Content-based. It is conduct materials that you should give to the student and related to
your course design.
6. Skill-based. From the materials that you give for the students, you need to adjust what skills
that you want to them to increase their ability and related to your course design.
Linked to reconstructionism
Also known as Social Reconstructionism, this theory claims to be the true successor of
progressivism and declares that the chief of purpose of education is to “Recontruct” society in
order to meet the cultural crisis brought about by social, political and economic problems. This
factor has one point of view: skills-centered view. In skill-centered view, there are two points:
1. Competency-based. It is an approach to teaching and learning more often used in learning
concrete skills than abstract learning.
2. Product-oriented approach. In this approach, the focus is on the knowledge. This approach
becomes the part of ESP course design that can create content-based syllabus and skills-
based syllabus.
Linked to progressivism
Progressivism is an educational movement started by John Dewey that says that students
learn through their own experiences. Progressivism revolves around the students’ needs, including
teaching students to be good citizens as well as good learners, a concept known as focusing on
whole child. It is called “Type B syllabi”. This factor is divided into four approaches.
1. Task-based. It is an approach in which learning revolves around the completion of
meaningful tasks.
2. Process. It is one of the important point to be required to reach the goals of your course.
3. Project. It is the way to test how big the impact of your course design to your student. If
you find an improvement with you students’ skill it can be an ideal course or it is not suit
with your student if you cannot reach the goals.
4. Process-oriented approach. In this approach, the focus is on the learning. This approach
also becomes an ESP course design and it can create a method-based syllabus.
ESP Course Design
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course design has grown to become one of the most
prominent areas of EFL teaching since the early 1960’s. Hutchinson and Water states that ESP is
not a planned and coherent movement, but rather a phenomenon that grew out a number of
covering tends. According to Munby, ESP course design are determined in all essentials by the
prior analysis of the communication needs of the leaarners.

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