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Islamiat Notes compiled by Miss Asma

Hadith 1:
Religion is sincerity, “We said to whom?” The Prophet said, “To Allah, his book,
his messenger, the leader of the muslims and to the common man.”
a) Main Theme:
This hadith deals with the individual person’s social life in a society. This
hadith highlights the importance of the belief in article of faith. Sincerity to
Allah means that a person believes in Allah. He doesn’t associates any
partners with him and knows that, “There is no God, but he.” It also
instructs us to believe in the Prophet (pbuh) as the seal of the Prophets.
This hadith commands Muslim’s to follow the path shown by the Prophet’s
Sunnah and to refrain from the acts he forbids. As the holy Prophet (pbuh)
said, “Nobody believes till I become dearer to him than his parents, his
children and of whole mankind” Moreover it tells us that we must be
sincere with Allah and fulfill all he commands us to do. Further, it also
teaches us to obey the muslim leaders and to help them in pursuing the
truth. It also guides the mankind to respect everyone even a muslim or a
b) Importance (Implementation):
Muslims should have sincerity in all that they do and they must be honest
towards each other. Muslims should fulfill all the religious obligations
according to the commandment as the Holy Prophet (pbuh) led his life
according to the aspects of faith sincerely. It also orders muslims to obey
the Caliphs and Muslim rulers as the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoso
obeys my commander obeys me and whoso disobeys my commander
disobeys me.” Muslims should obey their leaders but when they are
deviating from the path of righteousness then they should be advised to
follow the right path.

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