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226 Ve Chapter 4: Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals ee pre wo ‘Figure 458: Equivalent representation of s practical S/H circuit, "Note that the frequency response of the discrete-time system is similar in form to that ofthe zero-order hold circuit as given in Eq. (4.81) and shown in Figure 4.55(a). Thus, the discrete-time system of Figure 4.58 acts like a narrowband lowpass filter that performs the averaging operation. If the tacking period e is ‘much smaller compared to the sampling period 7. as is usually the case, the effect ofthe lowpass filter can ‘be neglected, and the practical S/H circuit can be considered as an ideal sampler. 412 Summary Various issues concemed withthe digital processing of continuous-time signals are studied in this chapter. {A discrete-time signal is obtained by uniformly sampling a continuous-time signal, The diserete-time representation is unique if the sampling frequency is greater than twice the highest frequency contained in the continuous-time signal, and the later can be fully recovered from its discrete-time equivalent by passing it through an ideal analog lowpass reconstruction filter with a cutoff frequency that is half the sampling frequency. If the sampling frequency is lower than twice the highest frequency contained in the continuous-time signal, in genera, the latter cannot be recovered from its discrete-time version due to aliasing. In practice, the continuous-time signal is frst passed through an analog lowpass antialiasing filter, with the cutoff frequency chosen as haf of the sampling frequency whose output i sampled to prevent aliasing. Itis also shown that a bandpass continuous-time signal can be recovered from its discrete-time equivalent by undersampling, provided the highest frequency is an integer multiple of the bandwidth of the continuous-time signal and the sampling frequency is greater than twice the bandwidth. A brief review of the theory behind some popular analog lowpass filter design techniques is included, and their design using MaTLan is illustrated. Also discussed are the procedures for designing analog highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters and their implementations using MaTLAB. The specifications of the analog filters are usnally given in terms of the locations of the passband and stopband edge frequencies and the passband and stopband ripples. Effects of these parameters onthe performances ofthe anti-aliasing ‘and reconstruction filters are examined. Other interface devices involved inthe digital processing of continuous-time signals are the sample-and- hold circuit, comparator, analog-to-digital converter, and digtal-to-analog converter. A brief introduction to these devices is included for completeness. 4.13 Problems 4.1 Prove the Poisson's sum formula of Ea, (4.7). 42 Show that ifthe spectrum Ga (0) of go(t) (band-limited to») also contained an impulse at Op, the sampling rate Sr must be greater than 2%» 0 recover fully ga(¢) from the sampled version 43 The Nyauist frequency ofa continuous-time signal ga() is Sq. Determine the Nyquist frequency of each ofthe following continuous-time signals derived from ga(?) @) iC) = galt galt), (©) y2(F) = galt/3). (©) y3(4) = gal31), (A) y4lt) = J, galt — F)gale)dr, 4.43. Problems ae si) = 40. 444 A fnite-energy continuous-time signal gu() is sampled at arate stistying the Nyuist condition of Eg, (4.11), generating a disret-time sequence [i]. Develop the elation between the total energy ofthe continuous-time signal ge(#) andthe total energy Zi ofthe discrete-time signal gin). 45 A.2.5 slong sezment of a continuous-time signa is uniformly sampled without aliasing and generating a finite- length sequence containing S001 samples, What is the highest frequency component that could be present in the continuous-time signal? 466 A continuous-time signal xe(£) is composed ofa linear combination of sinusoidal signals of frequencies 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 1.2 Kile, 2.15 kHz, and 3.5 kil. The signal xq() is sampled at a 2.0-kH rte, and the sampled sequence is ‘assed through an ideal lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of 900 He, generating a continuous-time signal y4() ‘What are the frequency components present inthe reconstructed signal y(#)? 47 A continuous-time signal x(t is composed of a linear combination of sinusoidal signals of frequencies Fy Hz, Py Ha, F3 He, and Fs Hz, The signal q(t) is sampled at an 10-KHEz rate, and the sampled sequence is then passed ‘though an ideal lowpass filter with a culo frequency of 4 kHz, generating a continuous-time signal yq(t) composed of three sinusoidal signals of frequencies 350 Hz, 575 Hz, and 815 Fz respectively. What are the possible values of| F,, Pay Py and Fy? Is your answer unique? If not, indicate another set of possible values ofthese frequencies. 48 The continuous-time signal xa(t) = 4 sin(20zrt) — Scos(24xt) + 3sin(120xt) + 2ecos(176z4) is saraped at @ 50 Hz rate, generating the sequence x{n}. Determine the exact expression of x(n). 49 The left and right channels of an analog stereo audio signal are sampled at a 45-KHz rate, with each channel then ‘being converted into a digital bit stream using a 12-bit A/D converter. Determine the combined bit rte of the two channels after sampling and digitization, 4.10. Show thatthe impulse response h(t) of an idea lowpass filter as derived in Eq, (4.19) takes the value hy (nT) 3{n] for all nif the ewoff frequency &- = Gr /2, where Gy is the sampling frequency. 4.11 Consider the system of Figure 4.2, where the input continuous-time signal x(t) as a band-limited spectram Xo(®), as sketched in Figure P4.1(a) and is being sampled atthe Nyquist rate. The diserete-time processor is ‘an ideal lowpass filter witha frequency response H1(e!®), as shown in Figure P4.1(b), and has a cutoff frequency p = Sq T/3, where T isthe sampling period. Sketch as accurately as possible the spectrum ¥(j2) of the output continuous-time signal ya(). Xa(i2) Hei) 1 228 ‘Chapter 4: Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals Sra agnor ach ofthe fllowing es of values ofthe bandoges 2 and 9, Sketchthe Fooner wanetonn Shine enn version xin] obtained by sampling x() atthe smallest sampling rate Fp andthe frequcey eer ‘of the ideal reconstruction fter needed to fully recover s(t) for each care (@) 21 = 1001, = 150m; (b) 9 sm; (6) 2) = 110m, 2 807, oy 0 a Figure P42 Teer ih st of dese peak passband deviation a andthe minimum stopband atenuation ay of an analog Jowpass filter given below, determine the conespondng passband and stopband ripples, 3p andy @ap=O0214B, a = 524B; (o)ap = 00348, a, = 69AB; (Cay = 0.330. a, 578 4.14 Show thatthe analog transfer function sta Fane renass magnitede response with a monotonically decreasing magnitude respoate with {H(J0)] = 1 and Veo) Determine the 3-€B cwof frequency Q. at which the gin sponse is 3 GB helen te maxon value of OB at © = Has a>, 42) 4.15 Show thatthe analog transfer function cea" Te eeeRsss mastiude response with 2 monotonically increasing magninule response with |Gq(j0)) = 0 and Gedo) 4 petermine the 3-4B cuof frequency at which the pin respons fs 3 dB belea the mannan Value of 0 4B at 2 = oo, 2x0, Gao 7 493) SAG. lowpass wansfer function Ha(s) of Eg, (492) andthe highpass transfer funtion G(s) of, (4.98) can be ‘expressed in the form 2400) ~ Ar6)}, Gals) Hels) Hao) + 41), ‘where Ao(s) and, (s) ace sable analog allpass transfer funetons, Determine Ap(s) and Ay (). 4.17 ‘Show that the analog transfer function a Maz, x0, (99 ate pa oe. ‘has a bandpass magnitude response with \Ha(j0)| = \Ha(joo)| = 0 and (Hg (jp)| = 1, Determine the. frequencies 1 tnd 2 at which the gains 3B below the maximum value of dB at 2p. Show tae S002 3. The difference 221 is called the 3-48 bandwidth ofthe bandpass transfer function. Show that b= fy Oy 4.13, Problems a ae 4.18 Show thatthe analog transfer function 229 Dees 95 Feber a hhas a bandstop magnitude response with 1Ga(J0)| = |Gatjoo)| = 1 and \G4(j25)| = 0. Since the magnitude is ae ese th cede ch sen and Ga) wofen ced ae vane theca nt ae ea which he gin 3.8 bolo te maninum ee of Saar ee that hi The ditercce a sealethe 3 sch bandh of eens asa SO that b= Gy 8 Hals) = HAd(s)— A163). Gate) HAg(s) +41(5)}, ‘hers Ao() and As) ate stable analog alps transfer functions, DeemineAo() and A, aga et elceetcien allpas wane function AG) is dene by {ACJ}? — 1, where AU®) is the ‘magnitude function of the transfer function, {© Show tat an anslogrea-coeficiencawsal and sible allpas anafr function A() is aiven by (486) where Ret) <0 0 gn tle atc! cal ad leper fon AG) sere eving oper <1 ferRee) won|) fener 21 forkeg) 20. Sah, Ni thatthe fr 2N — 1 derivatives of the squared-magnizde response Ma(j8)? ofa Bunerworth fier of onder N as given by Eq. (433) are equal to zero at Sr 0 T5 tre nk E2435), determin the lowest rr ofa lowpass Buterwort ler with a 02548 cutoff frequency at 15 Klis anda minimum atenuation of25 dB at 6 KHz Veuty jour lt ning ory 328 Using Ea. (4.37), determine the pole Toctions andthe coefficients af a sith-oner Butterworth polynomial with unity 3B catof frequency. secant thatthe Chebyshev polynomial Tiy(2) defined in Ea. (440) sass the ecunrence relation given in Eq. (441) with To(M) = 1, and 71(0) = 2, 425 Using Ea, na ate lesordrofslorpass ype Chebyshev iter witha 0.25 Bett equncy ‘S¢15 Kis ands minimum atemsaion of25 4B a6 Kix. Verify your eset ie ee aa DatE Ea (458) determine the lowest order of lowpasellite iter with a025-dB cutoff frequency at LS kHz and minimum atenuation of 25 dB at 6 kHz. Verify your real wing el vince ‘427 Determine te Bessel polysomials By) forthe following values of W:() N =4and ON =5, ean 230 Chapter 4: Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals 428 ‘The transfer function ofa third-order analog Butterworth lowpass filter with a passband edge at 0.24 Ha and a passband ripple of 0.5 dB is given by 0 9) = STAI SBS ETO Determine the transfer function Hz p(s) of an analog highpass filter with passband edge at 3 Hz and a passband ripple of 05 dB by applying the spectral transformation of Eg, (4.62), 429 ‘The transfer function ofa thind-onder analog Butterworth highpass filter with a passband edge at 0.9 Fiz and @ passband ripple of 1 4B is given by 949.2835? + 40.0875 + 100 Determine the transfer function H,, p(s) of an analog lowpass filter with a passband edge at3 Hz anda passhand ripple ‘of 1 dB by applying the special transformation of Ea. (4.62). Hyp) = 430 The transfer function of a second-order analog elliptic lowpass filter with a passband edge at 0.25 He and a passband ripple of 0.5 dB is given by 0.0165? +367.93) Me) = F726 + 3.895 Determine the transfer function Hy p(s) of an analog bandpass filtee with a center frequency at 3 Hz and 2 bandwidth (0f 0.5 Hz by applying the spectral transformation of Eq, (4.68) 431 A Buterworth analog highpass filter is to be designed withthe following specifications: Fp = 6.5 kHz, fs = 15 Kitz, ap = 0.5 JB, and a = 40 dB. What are the bandedges andthe order ofthe corresponding analog lowpass fltor? What is the order of the highpass fer? Verify your results using the function buttor a. 432. An cliptic analog bandpass filter isto be designed with the following specifications: passband edges at 20 kHz and 45 KH, stopband edges at 15 ki and 50 kHz, peak passhand ripple of 0.25 4B, and minimum stopband attenuation ‘of 50 dB. What are the bandedges andthe order ofthe corresponding analog lowpass filter? What is the onder of the ‘baydpass filter? Verify your results using the funtion e1 Spor, 133 A Type I Chebyshev analog bandstop filter is tobe designed withthe following specifications: passband edges at 10 Miz and 70 Mz, stopband edges at20 MHz and 4 MH? peak passband ripple of 0.5 dB, and miniraum stopband attenuation of 30 dB. What ae the bandedges and the order of the corresponding snalog lowpass filter? What isthe ‘order ofthe bandstop filter? Verify your results using the fmetion chebtor a. 434 Verify Table 4.1 425 Derive Eo, (4.76) 436 Derive Eg (4.77). 437 An altemiative to the ze0-order hold circuit of Figure 4.54 used for signal reconstrction atthe output of & D/A converter is the first-order hold circuit, which approximates ya(t) according tothe following relation: ODOT Ne ary, ar st

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