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NAME: Ghiorghiu Ioana Mirabela

DATE: 05.03.2017
CLASS: 7th
SHOOL: Gimnaziala Nr.1 Telesti
TEXTBOOK: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate
TIME OF LESSON: 45 minutes
UNIT: 12
LESSON: Active and Passive Voice; Farming Today
LESSON AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students will have:
-learned and transformed sentences from Active to Passive Voice
-practiced and developed reading for general comprehension
-learned and used new vocabulary, new phrases

MATERIALS: - the textbook

- handouts

LESSON STAGES: 1.WARM-UP: greeting, marking the absents

2. HOMEWORK CHECKING: check homework
3. INTRODUCTION: introduce the title
5. PRACTICE: Ex. 6/72
6. PRODUCTION: Paperwork
7. BEFORE READING: picture exploitation, new vocabulary
8. READING: “Farming Today”
10. HOMEWORK: Write a short composition about the ideal
No. Stages of the Time Modes of Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity Objectives
lesson interraction
1. Warm-up 2’ T-Ss T greets the Ss, marks the absents: ‘Hello!’ To check
‘Hello!’ ‘Fine, thank you!’ attendance
‘How are you?’ ‘Today is absent…’
‘Who is absent today?’
2. Homework 3’ T-Ss ‘Who wants to read the Ss will read the homework To check
checking Ss-T homework?’ homework
3. Introduction 2’ T-Ss T introduces and writes on the Ss listen. To attract Ss’
blackboard the title of the new attention
‘Please open your books at page
72. The title of our lesson for today
is “The passive: present and past

4. Introducing 10’ T-Ss T introduces and writes on the To create

grammar Ss-T blackboard the title of the new theoretical base
grammar lesson: ‘Today we are
going to learn about active and
passive sentences.’
T gives some examples on the BB
and tells SS that they mustn’t write, SS pay attention to the T
just pay attention.
1. Breakfast is served from
2. We serve breakfast from
3. The eggs were delivered this
4. They delivered the eggs this
‘What resemblance do you notice ‘The verbs do not change their
between the verbs?’ tense: if the verb is at Present
Tense, it remains at Present Tense,
T elicits from SS the answers only the voice is changed.’
guiding them with questions: Ss answer.

‘In which sentences do we know ‘In the second sentence and in the
who does the action?’ fourth sentence.’
‘Do you think it’s called active or ‘Active’.
passive voice?’
‘In which sentences we don’t know ‘In the first sentence and in the
who does the action?’ third one.’

‘How is passive voice formed? ‘Passive is formed with the verb

‘Look at the verbs, let’s underline TO BE and the third form of the
them.’ verb.’
‘Now look at the direct object in ‘Subject’.
the active, it becomes what in the
passive? ‘
‘All right.’
‘When do we use the Passive?’ ‘When we are interested or not in
who or what causes something to
‘Very good. The Passive is also
used for formal or informal
‘Write these situations when the
Passive can be used.’
T dictates theory in their notebooks
(in red), then SS copy the answers Ss write.
from the BB.

5. Practice 5’ T-Ss T tells SS that they will practice ‘1.Where do you keep the hens? To fix the
Ss-T passive voice :‘We are going to The hens are kept in the yard. theoretical
solve exercise 6 from page 72. You 2. How often do they milk the information
have to rewrite the questions more cows?
formally in the passive.’ How often are the cows milked?
3. Why did you sell the horses?
Why were the horses sold?’...

6. Production 3’ Ss-T T gives Ss a handout and tells them Ss solve the exercises from the To check Ss’
that they must solve the exercises handout. understanding of
given. the Passive
‘Here you have some handouts
with exercises regarding Passive
Voice. You must solve the exercises
in 5’.

7. Before reading 4’ T-Ss T starts a discussion about the

Ss-T lesson :
Picture exploitation
‘Look at the pictures. What do you ‘A hen kept in a cage, an egg…
‘The cage in which the hen is kept
is called “battery cage”, this term
being used especially for this kind
of cages. To help Ss find
‘How does the hen look? ‘She has rare feathers, it doesn’t out what to focus
look good.’ on when reading
‘For what reason could she look ‘Because it is kept in a cage.’
‘Is it normal for hens to be kept in ‘No.’
a cage?’
‘Where should hens live?’ ‘Hens should live on a farm with a
big yard where they can run and
do the things that hens normally
‘Why should hens live in such a ‘Because they would be healthier,
place?’ the eggs they produce would be
also healthier…’
‘What do you think, why are then ‘To be enough for the great
hens kept in batteries?’ number of demands for meat and
‘This “battery hen” system belongs eggs.’
to the “factory farming” term.
What do you think factory farming ‘It means that hens are treated as if
means?’ they were on a production line in
a factory.’
‘As you found out from the
previous lesson, there still are
farms where hens are not kept in ‘Because the free-range products
cages, in order to produce free- are more expensive than the other
range eggs. Why do you think there ones’.
are less free-range hens than the
hens kept in cages?’
‘Very good’.
8. Reading 12’ T-Ss ‘Now you will read the text. Who Ss will read the text. To develop Ss’
Ss-T wants to read first?’ reading skills
‘Now you will read the text again;
after each sentence you will Ss read and translate.
translate it.’
9. Check 5’ T-Ss T elicits the answers to the To check Ss’
comprehension Ss-T questions from exercise 9/72 comprehension of
a)‘You have to guess the meaning the text.
of these words:
‘What do you think “corn” means? ‘Porumb’…
c) ‘Now you have to answer to
these questions: Where were hens ‘In the past, hens were kept on the
kept in the past?’ open farmyard.’…

‘Very good’.

10. Homework setting 1’ T-Ss ‘Write a short composition about Ss write down what they have to To develop Ss’
the ideal farm’ do for next time. writing skills


1. Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. They grow this fruit in very hot countries.

2. They carried the children all the way home.
3. Someone found Emily's bike in the river.
4. The gardener planted some trees.
5. Doctor Brown gave you some advice.
6. Someone remade that film.
7. Someone gave me a puppy for my 10th birthday.

2 Rewrite each sentence in the passive. Start each sentence with the words

1 Three people saw the thief.

The thief was seen by three people.
2 He fed the cat.
3 Tom won the game.
4 Our football team won the Cup.
5 We read Romeo and Juliet.

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