Thermo Cheat Sheet

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Thermodynamics Cheat Sheet

Basic thermodynamic processes

p: pressure [Pa] γ: cp /cV
V , ∆V : volume, change in volume [m3 ] Wg : work done by the gas [J]
T , ∆T : temperature, change in temperature [K] Q: heat transferred to the gas [J]
m: mass [kg] h i ∆U: change in internal energy [J]
cp , cV : specific heat at constant pressure, volume kgK

Process Definition Work done by the gas Heat transfer Change in internal energy

isobaric p = const. Wg = p∆V Q = cp m∆T ∆U = Q − Wg

isochoric V = const. Wg = 0 Q = cV m∆T ∆U = Q

V2 V2
isothermal T = const. Wg = nRT ln Q = −nRT ln ∆U = 0
V1 V1

p2 V 2 − p1 V 1
adiabatic Q=0 Wg = − Q=0 ∆U = −Wg

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