The Use of Information and Commmunication Technology in Distance Education

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“Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in

IGNOU for distance learning by the students”

A project proposal for MDE-420

Submitted by:
Enrolment No: - 163068051
Programme Code: MADE

Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi


“Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in IGNOU
for distance learning by the students”


The open and distance learning education is now an inseparable part of our education
system as it covers a large number of people for imparting education. This education is
beneficial for those who are unable to attend at the regular class room programme. The science
and technology are now entered into all the field and sectors of society from agriculture to art
and culture, from economics to entertainment. The education system is also now benefited with
the wide application of IT tools and techniques. The IT enabled open and distance learning
education system is now become so sophisticated that one can get his or her desired education
just with a click away. The rapid use of internet and other communication facilities have
brought the open and distance education closer to the student community.


Information and Communication Technology has a wide social application in almost

all domains and activities of modern society. Information and Communication Technology,
spreading throughout the world in a lightening speed has revolutionized each and every sphere
of human activity. Information and Communication Technology is meant for storing,
processing, and manipulating data, knowledge and information. Ultimately all these are meant
for the benefit of society. The fundamental characteristic of such a society is its dynamism and
unending progress. Life long learning is essential for the unending progress of society.
Traditional classroom learning is not possible and not at all desirable for the life long learning.
Moreover, traditional methods of teaching and learning fail to provide efficient and effective
learning. So, there must be sufficient distance learning centres and Open Universities as an
alternative system of education. Application of Information and Communication Technology
application is the only possible way to improve the quality of higher education through distance
mode, for its modernization.

Due to the explosive growth of knowledge and its interdisciplinary nature, the
information handling has become extremely difficult. The advent of digital computers,
advances in telecommunication technology, wide spread use of networking, explosive growth
of internet, mass storage media, virtual reality and databases have opened up new possibilities

in dealing with the collection, organization, and dissemination of information. Now
information can not only be stored, retrieved, communicated, and broadcasted electronically,
in enormous quantities at greater speed, but can also be re arranged, selected and transformed.

Education is the key aspect to human resource development. National policy on

education (1986) rightly pointed out that education is a unique investment in the present and
future. In providing education, formal system has its own limitations. The formal system is
unable to meet the needs of all learners. Thus, open learning system has been initiated in the
country in order to augment opportunities for those who have either been dropped out or
remained deprived of formal education system. Further open and distance education system
also act as an instrument of democratizing education and to make it a lifelong process.

In fact, the universal demand for education, thirst for knowledge and the failure of the
mainstream education system in catering to the increasing popular demand for higher education
were the major contributory factors behind the emergence of the ODL system.

The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has become an integral part of higher
education globally. It is an effective tool for the provision of education to a heterogeneous
group of learners as well as an alternative channel to democratize education all over the world.
The very philosophy of distance education envisages complete freedom from any restraint on
account of jurisdiction from which the conventional Indian Universities suffer. There is no
geographic restriction. Students in distance education system are free to learn at their own pace
and convenience while being away from the institution.

ICT has made it possible for any learner to pursue education from any place and from
any institution. Yet the learners’ geographical mobility from place to place, be it within a
country or across the countries has been causing problems to the learners in pursuing the
program of study, depending upon the nature, duration etc. of the program. To address all these
problems, there is a need for effective network of distance and open education institutions with
provision for transfer of students along with their credits, records and so on between and / or
among all the institutions offering same programs in same media with same or equivalent
syllabus or curriculum. A variety of media such as radio, television, computer and Internet etc.
are being used as a part of learning material by many Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

Rational of the Study:

The use of effective technology is crucial to distance education. The ICT can be helpful
in quality education and distance learning for higher education by implementing it in various
phases of education. It can be employed in formal and Non-formal types of education and may
be socially useful part of the society. By the use of ICT effectively, a lot of quality improvement
can be done after careful and planned implementation of ICT in education. Gupta, Rajendra.
(2017) ICT is helpful to the students to learn effectively which and ICT in Distance Learning
education system help for their effective functioning. Singh, G. and Paliwal, D. (2012).
Implication of ICT makes learning process flexible, accessible, qualitative and cost-effective
education. Osaat, S.D. and Nsereka, L. R. (2012). a greater acceptance of the fact that ICT
supporting lecture setting will effectively lead to academic success in the programme.
Akimkunmi Oluseun O. and Elizabeth Bukunola L. (2015) adoption and use of ICT helps
in a high level of accessibility to educational resources by distance learning students and it
enhanced access to quality education, improved level of knowledge, provision of access to
studying through a variety of methods and, eradication of time constraints or barriers.

Statement of the Problem:

Considering the Importance ICT in the Distance Learning the Present study is stated as
“Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in IGNOU for distance
learning by the students”

Operational definition of terms used:


ICT Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to

technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It means all the
device through which we can store, retrieve, convert, process, share, present and communicate
information in a digital form through a variety of electronic media.

Distance learning:

Distance learning is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to

be carried out remotely. A method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes are
conducted by correspondence or over the Internet, without the student's needing to attend a

school or college. Also called distance education. Where teacher and students from different
location connected by means of electronic communication.

Objective of the Study:

The purpose of the study has been broken down into the following specific objectives such as:

1. To find out the perception of students about the educational usefulness of ICT in the
learning process.
2. To find out the frequency of ICT use for distance learning by the students.
3. To identify the different problems of using ICT for learning by the students.

Research Question:

1. What is the perception of students about educational usefulness of ICT in the learning
2. What is the Frequency of ICT use for distance learning by the students?
3. What are the problems of using ICT for learning by the students?

Design and Methodology:

Considering the nature of the Problem the investigator will use Descriptive Survey
research as method of study which is commonly used in educational research to study existing
condition or the phenomenon.

Population and Sample:

In the Present study the investigator will take all the students of Jharsuguda District
who are enrolled in IGNOU at Bhubaneswar Regional Centre as the population of the study.
Out of which the researcher will select 100 students enrolled under different programmes as
sample of the study by means of convenience or accidental sampling technique. A convenience
or accidental sample is a type of non-probability sampling method where the sample is taken
from a group of people easy to contact or to reach.

Tools and Technique of data collection:

The investigator will develop a questionnaire related to students Perception about
Educational usefulness of ICT, Frequency of ICT use for Learning and Problems of ICT use in
learning in consultation with expert in the field of Educational Technology and that will be
used for the process of data collection.

Statistical Tools and Techniques:
In the present study the researcher will use various statistical techniques like-
frequency, mean, median, standard deviation, Graph etc. as per the requirement of the study
for analysing the collected data.

Delimitation of the Study:

The present study is delimited to Jharsuguda district and all the students of Jharsuguda
who are enrolled in IGNOU at Bhubaneswar Regional Centre.

ICT has the potential to enhance the teaching learning situation. More particularly it
can lead the distance education system to a new height. With the help of ICT teaching
community can reach the students of remote areas and learners are able to access quality
education from anywhere at any time. The teaching community should use ICT which will
encourage the students also to use the same. Only through Information and Communication
technology the world can meet the challenges of education in the globalised world.

Reference and Bibliography:

Gupta, Rajendra. (2017). “Impact of ICT in distance education and teacher perception
towards knowledge of ICT tools.” International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah,
5(1), 163-171.

Kalita, Sima and Das, Samarjit (2015). “Use of ICT in distance higher education with special
reference to institute of distance and open learning of Gauhati University.” (JPMNT)
Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International. 3, No. 3.

Akimkunmi Oluseun O. and Elizabeth Bukunola L. (2015). “Information and

Communication Technology Adoption and Use Among Students of a Nigerian
University for Distance Learning.” Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).

Rahman, Habibur (2014). “The role of ICT in open and distance education.” Turkish Online
Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 15 Number: 4

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through distance education programmes at Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU): Roles
of ICT in learning through distance education programmes. Turkish Online Journal of
Distance Education. 14. 64-74.

Singh, G. and Paliwal, D. (2012). “Higher Education to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

Through Open and Distance Learning in India.” International Journal of Academic
Research in Progressive Education and Development, January 2012, Vol. 1, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

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Open and Distance Learning.”

Ghosh, S. & Nath, J. & Agarwal, S. & Nath, A. & Chaudhuri, A.K. (2012). “Open and
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of an alternative education system.” Journal of Global Research in Computer Science.
3. 53-57.

Osaat, S.D. and Nsereka, L. R. (2012). “Impact of Information and Communication

Technology on Distance Education: The case of National Open University of Nigeria.”
An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia Vol. 6 (1), Serial No. 24, January,
2012 ISSN 1994-9057, DOI:

UNESCO, (2002). “Open and Distance Learning Trends, Policy and Strategy Considerations”.

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