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Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96

Divergence time estimates for major cephalopod groups: evidence

from multiple genes
Jan Strugnell1,2,3,*, Jennifer Jackson1, Alexei J. Drummond1 and Alan Cooper1
Molecular Evolution, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK; 2School of Biology and Biochemistry, MBC, 97 Lisburn
Road, Queen’s University, Belfast, BT9 7BL, UK; 3British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK
Accepted 7 October 2005


This is the first study to use both molecular and fossil data to date the divergence of taxa within the coleoid cephalopods (octopus,
squid, cuttlefish). A dataset including sequences from three nuclear and three mitochondrial genes (3415 bp in total) was used to
investigate the evolutionary divergences within the group. Divergence time analyses were performed using the Thorne ⁄ Kishino
method of analysis which allows multiple constraints from the fossil record and permits rates of molecular evolution to vary on
different branches of a phylogenetic tree. The data support a Paleozoic origin of the Orders Vampyromorpha, Octopoda and the
majority of the extant higher level decapodiform taxa. These estimated divergence times are considerably older than paleontological
estimates. The major lineages within the Order Octopoda were estimated to have diverged in the Mesozoic, with a radiation of many
taxa around the Cretaceous ⁄ Cenozoic boundary. Higher level decapodiform phylogenetic relationships appear to have been
obscured due to an ancient diversification of this group.
 The Willi Hennig Society 2006.

The fossil record is inevitably an incomplete account Doyle et al., 1994; Doguzhaeva et al., 1996; Doguzha-
of life that once existed on earth. Due to the nature of eva, 1999; Vecchione et al., 1999).
fossilization, organisms that possess hard parts are Fossilized statoliths (paired, aragonitic stones) found
better represented in the fossil record than those that are within the cartilaginous skulls of coleoids provide the
soft-bodied. As a result, most coleoid cephalopod taxa only definite fossil evidence of the Order Teuthoidea
rarely fossilize well. The Subclass Coleoidea is divided (Clarke and Maddock, 1988).
into two Superorders: Decapodiformes, currently con- The lack of preservable hard parts within members of
taining the Orders Teuthoidea (most squids), and the Order Octopoda (with the exception of Argonauta
Sepioidea (cuttlefishes, Ram’s Horn, pygmy, bottletail shells) means that only two definite fossil octopod
and bobtail squids) and the Octopodiformes, containing species have been described, the Cretaceous Paleoctopus
the Orders Vampyromorpha (vampire ‘‘squid’’) and (Woodward, 1896) and the Carboniferous Pohlsepia
Octopoda (octopuses). (Kluessendorf and Doyle, 2000). The discovery of the
Most fossil coleoid cephalopods are known only from latter pushed the date of the oldest octopod fossil back
their highly reduced internal shell (gladius [chitinous 100 Ma, illustrating the poor quality of the fossil record.
and feather shaped] or phragmocone [conical and Evidence of octopod predatory activities is also present
chambered]), which is often only partially preserved in the fossil record (Bromley, 1993). Bromley (1993)
and very difficult to classify (Bandel and Leich, 1986; described octopod drill holes in scallop shells from the
Upper Pliocene.
Recently, molecular studies by Strugnell et al. (2005)
*Corresponding author: Jan Strugnell, British Antarctic Survey, reported the resolution of a number of higher level
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK. relationships within the Coleoidea. These phylogenies
E-mail address:

 The Willi Hennig Society 2006

90 J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96

can be used in conjunction with known fossil constraints octopodiform topology was also analyzed using only
to estimate the divergence times of coleoid cephalopod nuclear genes.
Traditionally, methods of estimating divergence times Branch length estimation
have been based on a molecular clock which assumes
that genes evolve at a constant rate over time (Kimura, The baseml program in the PAML package (Yang,
1968). However, this assumption is often violated and 1997) was used to obtain estimates of the trans-
studies have shown that divergence time estimation is ition ⁄ transversion ratio, and the rates for site classes
very sensitive to assumptions about evolutionary rates under the discrete-gamma model of rates among sites
(Takezaki et al., 1995; Yoder and Yang, 2000). To under the F84 model for each partition. These values
circumvent the assumption of a molecular clock both were then used to estimate branch lengths using the
maximum likelihood (ML) (Kishino and Hasegawa, estbranches program (Thorne et al., 1998). The Octopo-
1990; Sanderson, 1997; Rambaut and Bromham, 1998; diformes were used as the outgroup to investigate
Yoder and Yang, 2000; Yang and Yoder, 2003) and divergence times within the Decapodiformes and vice
Bayesian methodologies (Thorne et al., 1998; Huelsen- versa, as it is well established that these two superorders
beck et al., 2000; Kishino et al., 2001; Thorne and are reciprocally monophyletic (Young and Vecchione,
Kishino, 2002) have been developed which allow variable 1996; Carlini et al., 2000). To estimate the root of the
rates among lineages in divergence time estimations. Subclass Coleoidea, sequences from the Subclass
The aim of this study was to use a Bayesian approach Nautiloidea would be required. Unfortunately, nauti-
to estimate the divergence times of coleoid cephalopod loid sequences for these genes were not available for this
taxa using fossil and molecular data. Thorne and study as the primers used to sequence the genes
Kishino’s (2002) method was selected to allow the use rhodopsin, octopine dehydrogenase and 12S rDNA were
of multiple genes with correlated but different rates. not successful on nautiloid DNA and attempts to
develop primers specific to Nautilus were also unsuc-
cessful. This is likely to be due to a large number of
Materials and methods differences between the DNA sequences of nautiloids
and coleoids in these genes caused by the ancient
Gene and taxon sampling diversification of these taxa.
In Strugnell et al. (2005), the third codon positions of
The dataset contains three nuclear (octopine dehy- ODH and COI sequences were RY coded to resolve base
drogenase [ODH], pax-6, rhodopsin) and three mitoch- composition heterogeneity. Multidivtime is unable to use
ondrial (12S rDNA, 16S rDNA and cytochrome oxidase RY coded data and so the normal nucleotide data of the
I [COI]) genes (together comprising 3415 bp) for 35 ODH third codon positions were used. COI third
coleoid cephalopods including representatives of all positions were removed from the analyses, as when
major coleoid cephalopod taxa (Fig. 1). not RY coded, these positions were highly saturated
This dataset was used in the largest phylogenetic (Strugnell et al., 2005).
study of coleoid cephalopods to date (Strugnell et al.,
2005). This study showed that the strongest phylogenetic Divergence time estimation
resolution for the Octopodiformes was obtained from
analyses using all six genes partitioned by gene and The program multidivtime was used to estimate
codon. Two topologies were presented for the Decapo- divergence times (Thorne et al., 1998). Monte Carlo
diformes, one resulting from analysis of nuclear genes Markov Chain (MCMC) analyses were run for 1 million
(all three codon positions) partitioned by codon, the generations and sampled every 100 generations. A burn-
second resulting from only the first and second codon in of 100 000 generations was required to allow Markov
positions (not partitioned). The current study estimates chains to approach stationarity. Convergence of the
divergence times using these three topologies and also MCMC algorithm was monitored by repeating each
the same partitions used in Strugnell et al. (2005). analysis at least twice.
To determine the effect of differences between mit- Multidivtime requires a value for the mean of the prior
ochondrial and nuclear genes on dating estimates, the distribution of the time separating the ingroup root from

Fig. 1. Molecular time scale for the orders of coleoid cephalopods based on a mean prior of 400 ± 100 Ma for the coleoid root. (a)
Decapodiformes, three nuclear genes only, all three codon positions partitioned by codon (b) Decapodiformes, three nuclear genes only 1st + 2nd
codon positions only (c) Octopodiformes, three nuclear genes and three mitochondrial genes partitioned by gene and codon (not including 3rd
positions). Numbers on internal nodes (in red) are cross referenced with fossil constraints. The first presence of characteristics of coleoid cephalopods
are indicated with bold arrows. The letters A1 and A2 denote the base of the Suborder Oegopsida.
J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96 91
92 J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96

the present (rttm). A value of 400 Ma was used because 8. Minimum of 151 Myr for the split between the
although this value is not accurately known for coleoid Family Ommastrephidae and other oegopsids (node 8)
cephalopods the rttm must be between the ages of the based on the Upper Jurassic Plesioteuthis (Naef, 1922;
oldest definite Decapodiform or Octopodiform (Pohlse- Donovan and Toll, 1988; Doyle et al., 1994). Dono-
pia mazoensis from the Carboniferous, 307 Ma), and van and Toll (1988) argued that Plesioteuthis is an
oldest cephalopod (505 Ma) (Benton, 1993). Because of ancestral ommastrephid due to remarkable similarities
the uncertainty in determining this prior, a standard in their gladii. In contrast, Bandel and Leich (1986)
deviation (rttmsd) of 100 million years was chosen. To and Engeser and Bandel (1988) argue for a Vampy-
determine the sensitivity of our results to this prior, we romorpha affinity of Plesioteuthis. They claimed that
also performed a repeat analysis with a prior rttm of the arms of Plesioteuthis were held apart by a web
600 Ma. Such a large value was mainly chosen to test out similar to that of Vampyroteuthis (Bandel and Leich,
the effect of this prior, although we believe that it is still 1986). The age of the fossil Vampyronassa rhodanica is
within the realms of possibility. older than that of Plesioteuthis, so the date of
The prior values of brownmean, brownsd Plesioteuthis was not used as a constraint on the
and the mean (rtrate) and standard deviation Vampyromorpha.
(rtratesd) of the prior distribution for the rate of 9. Minimum of 295 Myr for the divergence between
molecular evolution at the ingroup root node were the Spirulidae ⁄ Sepiidae clade and either the Sepiolidae
selected using the recommendations within the manual (node 9) or the Loliginidae (node 9) based on the Late
for using multidivtime (Appendix 1). There was no Carboniferous fossil Shimanskya (Doguzhaeva, 1999).
reason to expect that each of the partitions would have Investigation of the shell ultrastructure of this fossil led
an identical expected rate variation over time and thus to its reclassification in the Order Spirulida, due to the
common brown was set to 0. absence of a nacreous layer in the shell. However, the
The following fossils were used to provide constraints nacreous layer could have been lost more than once in
on divergence times (node numbers are for cross the course of evolution, leaving a question over whether
referencing with Fig. 1). Where the specific age of a Shimanskya is on the same lineage as the extant
fossil was not given, the mid-point of the epoch ⁄ age of phragmocone-bearing Spirula.
the fossil was used as a constraint according to the
geological timescale as determined by the International
Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS): Results
1. Minimum of 87 Myr for the split between the
Suborders Cirrata and Incirrata (node 1) based on the Divergence estimates of decapodiform and octopodiform
fossil of Paleoctopus from the Coniacian, Cretaceous taxa
(Woodward, 1896).
2. Minimum of 29 Myr for the Tremoctopus-Argona- Figure 1 depicts a time scale for the origins of coleoid
uta divergence (node 2) based on the Obinautilus pulchra cephalopod taxa based on a 400 Ma prior, without the
from the Oligocene (Kobayashi, 1954). Shimanskya and Plesioteuthis fossil constraints. A repeat
3. Minimum of 162 Myr for the base of the Order analysis using different starting states for the Markov
Vampyromorpha (node 3) supported by the discovery of chain was almost identical and gave divergence esti-
the vampyromorph, Vampyronassa rhodanica from the mates within one million years.
Lower Callovian of the Jurassic (Fischer and Riou, 2002). The mean divergence of almost all of the major lineages
4. Minimum of 44 Myr for the origin of Loligo (node 4) leading to the extant decapodiform taxa are estimated to
based on loliginid statoliths found from the mid-Eocene have occurred in the Paleozoic in both of the two
(Clarke and Maddock, 1988). decapodiform topologies presented (Fig. 1, Table 1).
5. Minimum of 3 Myr for the diversification of the The divergence of Spirulidae ⁄ Sepiidae (node 6) is the
Family Ommastrephidae (node 5) based on Omma- one exception, estimated to have occurred in the
strephid statoliths found from the Late Pliocene (Clarke Mesozoic for the decapodiform topology using 1st +
and Maddock, 1988). 2nd codon positions only. The earliest mean divergences
6. Minimum of 44 Myr for the split between the leading to modern lineages are estimated to have occurred
Families Sepiidae and Spirulidae (node 6) based on the in the Devonian. Interestingly, some diversification with-
fossil of Belosaepia from the mid-Eocene (Donovan in the Suborder Oegopsida (nodes A1 and A2) already
pers. comm.). appears to have occurred around the Paleozoic ⁄ Mesozoic
7. Minimum of 19 Myr for the divergence of the boundary.
Family Sepiidae (node 7) (D.T. Donovan, pers. comm.). Despite the early origin of the sepiid and loliginid
Two more phylogenetically controversial fossils were lineages, much of the diversification leading to extant
also used in some analyses to test the effect of the fossils taxa within these groups appears to have occurred in the
on various date estimates on the tree. late Mesozoic or early Cenozoic (Fig. 1, Table 1).
J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96 93

Table 1
Comparison of divergence estimates within the Decapodiformes obtained with different data partitions using a 400 Ma prior. Estimates both with
and without Shimanskya and Plesioteuthis fossil constraints are shown

3 nuclear genes partitioned by codon 3 nuclear genes not partitioned

(all 3 codon positions) (1st +2nd codon positions)

400 Ma rttm prior 400 Ma rttm prior

400 Ma rttm prior (with Shimanskya & Plesioteuthis) 400 Ma rttm prior (with Shimanskya & Plesioteuthis)
Base of Sepiidae 90 (47–154) 108 (67–167) 137 (67–245) 169 (100–272)
Base of Myopsida 155 (87–251) 186 (130–269) 172 (91–300) 210 (127–328)
Base of Sepiolidae 171 (98–272) 205 (148–294) 214 (115–356) 262 (181–383)
Base of Idiosepiidae 262 (154–408) 311 (243–429) 390 (236–596) 463 (355–630)
Base of Spirulidae 260 (154–402) 313 (244–432) 206 (109–345) 254 (171–375)
Base of Oegopsida 338 (205–515) 402 (315–548) 282 (161–454) 344 (251–488)
Decapod root 362 (222–549) 430 (346–581) 390 (236–596) 463 (355–630)

In contrast to the Decapodiformes, the diversification extant Ommastrephidae to be 279 Ma (all three codon
of most taxa within the Octopodiformes is estimated to positions) or 171 Ma (1st and 2nd codon positions)
have occurred much more recently (Fig. 1, Table 2). The (node 8). Both of these estimates suggest that the fossil
mean divergence of Vampyromorpha and the Octopoda Plesioteuthis 151 Ma could feasibly fall along this
is estimated to have occurred in the upper Paleozoic lineage as suggested by Naef (1922); Donovan and Toll
(node 3), whilst the origins of the rest of the major (1988) and Doyle et al. (1994).
Octopoda lineages is estimated to have begun in the Similarly, the estimated divergence times are also
Mesozoic. The diversification of many of the lineages consistent with the fossil Shimanskya, 295 Ma, being
leading to extant taxa appears to have occurred just placed on the Spirulidae-Sepiidae lineage (Fig. 1) offer-
below the Cretaceous ⁄ Cenozoic boundary. ing support to Doguzhaeva (1999) (node 9).
To ensure that the use of the relatively fast evolving To test the effect that the addition of these two fossils
mitochondrial genes is not making the estimated dates would have upon the estimation of divergence times
of divergence younger than would occur when nuclear within the Decapodiformes, the analyses were repeated
genes are used alone, divergence times within the with the addition of these two fossils.
Octopodiformes are also estimated using nuclear genes The results show a notable extension of the mean age
alone. The estimated divergence times within the Oct- of divergence of each of the nodes (Table 1). However,
opoda are found to be slightly older (but not signifi- the mean estimates are still well within the 95%
cantly different) than when only nuclear genes are used confidence intervals of the estimates without Shiman-
(Table 2), showing that the mtDNA is not biasing the skya and Plesioteuthis. (Fig. 1, Table 1).
results downwards.
Effect of the prior?
Shimanskya and Plesioteuthis
Increasing the mean of the prior distribution for the
The divergence estimates in Fig. 1 show the mean time separating the ingroup root from the present to
estimate for the divergence of the lineage leading to 600 Ma also notably extends the divergence time

Table 2
Comparison of divergence estimates within the Octopodiformes obtained with different data partitions using a 400 Ma and a 600 Ma prior

all 6 genes partitioned by gene & codon 3 nuclear genes partitioned by gene and codon

400 Ma rttm prior 600 Ma rttm prior 400 Ma rttm prior 600 Ma rttm prior
Base of Octopodinae 79 (50–125) 145 (92–216) 88 (49–147) 148 (89–229)
Base of Pareledone & 67 (43–107) 123 (78–184) 88 (50–146) 149 (92–229)
Vitreledonella ⁄ Japetella
Base of clade containing 100 (66–155) 182 (120–266) 120 (70–196) 201 (127–300)
Octopodidae &
Vitreledonella ⁄ . Japetella
Base of Argonautoidea 105 (67–166) 192 (121–284) 118 (66–196) 198 (118–305)
Base of Incirrata 136 (92–208) 247 (165–353) 176 (106–277) 295 (194–425)
Base of Octopoda 174 (118–262) 315 (215–440) 217 (133–336) 362 (244–512)
Octopod root 252 (175–369) 459 (328–615) 319 (206–476) 532 (382–707)
94 J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96

Table 3
Comparison of divergence estimates within the Decapodiformes obtained with different data partitions using a 600 Ma prior. Estimates both with
and without Shimanskya and Plesioteuthis fossil constraints are shown

3 nuclear genes partitioned by codon 3 nuclear genes not partitioned

(all 3 codon positions) (1st +2nd codon positions)

600 Ma rttm prior 600 Ma rttm prior

600 Ma rttm prior (with Shimanskya & Plesioteuthis) 600 Ma rttm prior (with Shimanskya & Plesioteuthis)
Base of Sepiidae 141 (81–224) 210 (115–343) 207 (109–346) 243 (158–369)
Base of Myopsida 245 (156–358) 262 (150–419) 257 (142–418) 288 (174–437)
Base of Sepiolidae 270 (173–388) 327 (208–491) 321 (194–487) 358 (241–511)
Base of Idiosepiidae 411 (280–573) 596 (435–499) 589 (416–794) 636 (488–821)
Base of Spirulidae 413 (278–575) 316 (196–480) 311 (182–478) 365 (298–504)
Base of Oegopsida 534 (375–728) 433 (291–623) 425 (266–620) 469 (331–645)
Decapod root 573 (407–771) 596 (435–799) 589 (416–794) 636 (488–821)

estimates within the Decapodiformes (Table 3). A prior extant decapodiform taxa and the divergence of the
of 600 Ma places the root of the Decapodiformes within Octopoda and Vampyromorpha.
Precambrian times and the early divergences within the This raises the question of why fossils have not been
group within the Ordovician and Cambrian (Table 3). discovered in the fossil record during this era? It is well
understood that fossil coleoids, apart from belemnites
and aulacocerids (hard shelled cephalopods) are very
Discussion rare in later Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks (Donovan,
1977). Under the majority of sedimentary conditions
95% confidence intervals during this era even the relatively hard parts of
coleoids—the gladii and phragmocones—stood little
The large 95% confidence intervals surrounding the chance of preservation (Donovan, 1977). Most coleoid
dating estimates in this study are not surprising. Only fossils come from a small number of localities and also
eight cephalopod fossils could be used as constraints originate from a small selection of geological horizons
with any certainty. Furthermore, no fossils could (mostly Lower Jurassic and upper Cretaceous) (Dono-
provide upper constraints on divergences with any van, 1977) where peculiarly favourable preservation
certainty. It is very difficult to ensure an upper conditions applied.
constraint is placing an accurate boundary on a node. Previous morphological and molecular studies have
This is because fossils are unlikely to be direct ancestors usually found strong support for the monophyly of the
of the taxa in question and are more likely to be sister decapodiform taxa, Sepiidae, Loliginidae and Sepioli-
taxa (Fortey et al., 2003). The incorrect use of upper dae; however, they have struggled with resolution at the
fossil constraints will tend to underestimate the true date suprafamilial level (e.g., Bonnaud et al., 1994, 1997;
of the divergence, causing evolutionary rates to be Carlini et al., 2000; Strugnell et al., 2005). The present
overestimated (Rambaut and Bromham, 1998). study suggests that suprafamilial phylogenetic relation-
The lack of upper constraints means this analysis is ships may have become obscured due to the ancient
highly dependent upon the rttm. This is shown when the diversification of these groups, with both morphological
analyses were repeated using a 600 Ma prior, and and molecular characters becoming saturated over the
notably larger mean divergence estimates are obtained. last 300 million years. This also has particular resonance
However, the prior of 400 Ma with a standard deviation with the lack of phylogenetic resolution within the
of 100 Ma seems realistic given the oldest Octopodiform Oegopsida (Young et al., 1998; Carlini et al., 2000).
(or Decapodiform) Pohlsepia (307 Ma) (Kluessendorf Such an early diversification may provide some insight
and Doyle, 2000) and oldest cephalopod (505 Ma) into the high levels of morphological diversity within the
(Benton, 1993). group.
The Paleozoic origin of the major groups of Decapo-
Divergence estimates diformes suggested in the present study means that
Plesioteuthis and Shimanskya could feasibly be placed
The results of the present study suggest a much earlier on the ommastrephid and spirulid lineages, respectively.
origin for each of the major decapodiform and octopo- Inclusion of these fossils as constraints did not signifi-
diform lineages than previous studies (Naef, 1921–1923; cantly change the divergence time estimates, but pushed
Donovan, 1977; Engeser and Bandel, 1988; Doyle et al., mean divergence estimates of the major Decapodiform
1994; Young et al., 1998) and are the first to suggest a lineages back to the Devonian and Silurian, which seems
Paleozoic origin of many of the lineages leading to paleontologically plausible.
J. Strugnell et al. / Cladistics 22 (2006) 89–96 95

Cretaceous ⁄ Cenozoic divergence? explanation of how the Argonaut got its shell (see
Hewitt and Westermann, 2003 for a review), the
Previous studies have argued for a relatively recent present study estimates that the Argonautoidea lineage
diversification of the Sepiidae & Loliginidae. Khromov originated in the Jurassic, with Argonauta and Trem-
(1998) suggested that the Sepiidae only emerged in the octopus diverging in the Cretaceous, thus suggesting
Old World after the Belosaepiidae became extinct in the that the ammonoids and ancestral argonauts at least
Oligocene. coexisted.
Doyle et al. (1994) and Engeser (1997) also placed the
origins of the Loliginidae in the Cenozoic, with Young
et al. (1998) suggesting that the lineages leading to Acknowledgments
extant loliginids may be a recent innovation, derived
from a stem lineage that separated from other Decapo- We thanks Desmond Donovan at University College
diformes deep in the Mesozoic. Young et al. (1998) also London for invaluable information on coleoid cephalo-
suggested that considerable cephalopod diversity arose pod fossils. This work was supported by the Rhodes
in the Cenozoic, and that this may coincide with the Trust and BBSRC grant no. (43 ⁄ G16942).
extinction of the abundant belemnoids at the Meso-
zoic ⁄ Cenozoic boundary.
The present study largely supports these theories and References
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Monatshefte, Jahrgang, 1986, 129–148.
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within a relatively short period between the late Creta- Carboniferous spirulid coleoid from the Southern Mid-continent
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Appendix 1

Prior values used within the multidivtime analyses

rttm rttmsd rtrate rtratesd brown mean brownsd common brown

Decapodiformes 400 100 0.0002 0.0002 0.004 0.004 0
Nuclear genes by codon 600 100 0.0003 0.0003 0.003 0.003 0
(all 3 codon positions)
Decapodiformes 400 100 0.0002 0.0002 0.004 0.004 0
Nuclear genes (1 + 2 codon) 600 100 0.0001 0.0001 0.003 0.003 0
Octopodiformes 400 100 0.0008 0.0008 0.004 0.004 0
All genes by gene and codon 600 100 0.0005 0.0005 0.003 0.003 0
Octopodiformes 400 100 0.0005 0.0005 0.004 0.004 0
Nuclear genes by gene and codon 600 100 0.0003 0.0003 0.003 0.003 0

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