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5 Fig. 5.

1 shows the sequence in which a farmer grows three crops on the same piece of land
over a number of years.

Fig. 5.1

(a) Name a structure always present as part of a fruit that is never present in a seed.


(b) Complete Table 5.2 to show whether each crop is produced as a result of asexual or sexual
reproduction. In each case, explain your answer by stating how each is formed.

Table 5.2

type of

seeds of .......................................................................
bean .......................................................................
2 For

fruits of .......................................................................
maize .......................................................................

tubers of .......................................................................
potato .......................................................................


(c) Explain the importance, other than crop production, of including the bean plant in the sequence
shown in Fig 5.1.







[Total: 9]

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3 For
4 ovary (wall)/pericarp/stigma or style remains or scar; [1]
(A epi-/meso-/endo-)

(b) ‘Mark explanation’ column only if stated ‘type of reproduction’ is correct for that plant
sexual for bean and maize;
(fruits or seeds) develop from flowers/ovaries/ref. fertilisation/pollination/ref.
gametes or meiosis;

(A with ref. either bean or maize)

asexual for potato;

(A no meiosis)

tubers develop from stems or buds (A roots)/only mitosis/no

fusion/fertilisation/pollination/ gametes/not from flowers; [4]

(c) bacteria or named; in root nodules;

N2 fixing (or process described);
part of nitrogen cycle;
(increases) nitrates in soil;
needed to make proteins/amino

for plant growth; [max. 4]

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4 For
2 Fig. 2.1 shows a section through an apple.



Fig. 2.1

(a) (i) Make a drawing to show this cut surface of this apple. Your drawing should be the same
size as Fig. 2.1. Label the seeds and the remains of the sepals.

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5 For

(ii) Draw a line on Fig. 2.1 and measure the part of the apple between X and
X. Record your measurement and units.

........................................................................... [1] Fig. 2.2 shows an

apple that is not suitable for eating.


Fig. 2.2

(iii) Draw a line on Fig. 2.2, in a similar position to the one you have marked on
Fig. 2.1. Measure the length of this line and record below.


Calculate the number of times larger the apple in Fig. 2.1 is compared with the apple shown in
Fig. 2.2.
Show your working.

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6 For
number of times larger ................................................................................................. [4]

3 Fig. 3.1 shows a flowering head of wheat, and individual flowers before and after opening.

flowering head

before flower

individual flowers

after flower

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7 For
Fig. 3.1

The anthers release most of their pollen before the flower opens. The rest is released after the
flower opens.

(a) Name the type of pollination found in the wheat plant before the flower opens.

....................................................................... [1]

(b) (i) Using the information provided by Fig. 3.1, describe pollination in the wheat plant after the
flower opens.






(ii) Wheat pollen is relatively heavy and is released for only a few hours after the
flowers open.

Suggest two disadvantages of this.


(c) Scientists are working to introduce genes into wheat plants to make them resistant to attack
by insect pests (greenfly) and to encourage root nodule bacteria from pea and bean plants
to live in their roots.

(i) Name the type of experimental work in which these scientists are involved.

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8 For
.......................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest how the growth of root nodule bacteria on the roots of wheat plants could reduce
the amount of fertiliser required by a growing wheat crop.



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9 For

3 (a) self (–pollination) ; [1]

(b) (i) (carried by) wind ; [3] Ig ref. to animals

pollen to stigma ;

of another (wheat) plant / flower ;

correct ref. to cross-pollination (now being possible) ;

(ii) wind can’t carry / can’t be carried far / reduced dispersal ; [2] R if ref. to seed / fruit

too much dependence on self-pollination / lack of (genetic)

variation AW ;

wind may not be blowing (over short time period) ;

reduces chances of pollination / fertilisation ;

(c) (i) genetic engineering / genetic modification ; [1] Ig gene transfer / biote

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10 For

(ii) (bacteria) fix / convert / change / turn ; [5]

atmospheric / soil nitrogen ;

(to) ammonium ; R ammonia

(to) nitrates ;

(to make) amino acids / proteins ;

(nitrates) absorbed / (amino acids or proteins) used by plants ;

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