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1. A college degree is essential for getting a good job.

2. THR religion being taught in schools.

3. THS coaching institutes for preparation of competitive exams.
4. THS LGBTQIA+ inclusive sex education in schools.
5. THR the prioritization of STEM in indian educational system over Humanities.
6. THBT education should be privatized
7. THR gun control.
8. THBT religious institutions should pay taxes.
9. THBT Britain owes reparation to India.
10. THR patriotism.
11. THBT Santa Clause is evil.
12. THBT that appreciating the art of artists who are known sexual offenders is morally
13. THBT countries should purchase land on Mars
14. THR feminists who wax.
15. THBT marijuana should be legalized
16. THBT everyone should be vegan in light of the irreparable climate damage.
17. THR automation because of decreasing jobs
18. THBT human cloning should be legalized
19. TH will bring make India a communist state.
20. TH will legalize gay marriage.

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