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Guide to Becoming a Certified

Outsourcing Professional® (COP)

A publication of:

The International Association of

Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®)
The global, standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession.
Copyright and Use Statement
Becoming a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) is an introduction to the value,
requirements, and process for IAOP's Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP).

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to

the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not
engaged in rendering legal or accounting services. If legal or accounting assistance is
required, the services of a competent professional in those fields should be sought.

Copyright © 2009 International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)

All Rights Reserved.

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) is the global, standard-

setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession. Its members are managers
and executives from customer, provider, and advisory organizations involved in outsourcing
as a management practice and as an industry.

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................... 1

Program Overview .................................................... 3

Requirements for Becoming a

Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) ............. 6

The Process for Becoming a Certified

Outsourcing Professional (COP) .............................. 7

Frequently Asked Questions .................................. 11


The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) was formed in

early-2005 by a consortium of leading companies involved in outsourcing as
customers, providers, and advisors. Today, its global membership encompasses
over 1000 organizations from around the world representing almost every industry
type and functional activity. In total, more than 100,000 individual associates work-
ing in the field of outsourcing are members or subscribers to IAOP publications.

IAOP's mission is simple - to improve

the quality and consistency of
outsourcing outcomes through the
enhancement of outsourcing as a
profession and as an industry. Key to
achieving this mission is improving the
capabilities of the business and project
leaders responsible for defining,
implementing, and managing these
highly complex multi-company

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals' (IAOP) Certified

Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program has been developed to accomplish this
goal by:

• establishing a common, globally-recognized set of standards addressing

the experience and knowledge that professionals in this field should
• defining a process through which professionals can demonstrate that
they possess these requisite abilities
• creating a highly-coveted professional designation that distinguishes
those that obtain it as the leaders in the field of outsourcing

To become a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) an individual must be able

to demonstrate both the experience and knowledge needed to design, implement,
and manage outsourcing initiatives with a high probability of achieving the organiza-
tion's intended outcomes. The experience and knowledge areas addressed by the
certification cover the non-domain specific activities common to outsourcing as a
management practice irrespective of the individual's role as a customer, provider, or
advisor. In so doing, the certification creates an experience and knowledge set
common to and shared by all professionals in the field.

Companies that work with Certified Outsourcing Professionals can have a high-
degree of confidence that the individual:

• has both the practical experience and industry knowledge of outsourcing

it takes to achieve a successful outcome
• has a common, industry-recognized understanding of the processes and
steps required to take an outsourcing opportunity from strategic analysis
through to day-to-day operations
• has the leadership and communications skills needed to guide the cross-
discipline and cross-company teams so critical to outsourcing success
• has sufficient expertise in related topics such as balanced scorecards,
financial planning and analysis, contracting, and negotiating to implement
successful outsourcing business relationships
• understands and adheres to a set of industry-wide ethical and business
practice guidelines

The COP designation also enhances the professional standing and earning poten-
tial of the professionals themselves by providing them:

• an objective, industry-recognized designation of competency based upon

current and emerging industry standards
• a program for continuous professional development
• the confidence that when working with fellow certified professionals they
can count on common and compatible process knowledge, skills, and
• access to a continuously enhanced professional body of knowledge
• the ability, as a certified professional, to directly contribute to the
advancement of the field of outsourcing

Program Overview
The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program, which is diagrammed
below, is made up of seven elements beginning with the Outsourcing Professional
Body of Knowledge (OPBOK) and ending with the Certified Outsourcing
Professional (COP) Award Package.

1. The Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK)

The Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK) describes the general-

ly accepted set of knowledge and practices applicable to the successful design,
implementation, and management of outsourcing contracts. It provides:

• a framework for understanding what outsourcing is and how it fits within

contemporary business operations
• the knowledge and practice areas generally accepted as critical to outsourcing
success, and
• a glossary of terms commonly used within the field.

The OPBOK is currently available to IAOP members via the association's website. It is
also available to all COP applicants via the online application.

2. Outsourcing Professional Standards

Outsourcing Professional Standards define the level of experience and knowledge

outsourcing professionals need to possess to ensure consistent, high-quality results
for the organizations that rely upon them to design, implement, and manage their
outsourcing contracts. The Outsourcing Professional Standards essentially set the
evaluation criteria used to determine whether or not an outsourcing professional
has a sufficient experience with and understanding of the Outsourcing Professional
Body of Knowledge to ensure high-quality outsourcing outcomes.

3. Guide to Becoming a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)

The Guide to Becoming a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) documents the

steps that an individual needs to take to become and maintain certification as a
Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). It provides recommendations on the
experiences and training needed to meet the certification requirements, all applica-
ble forms, steps to follow, typical timelines, and requirements for meeting annual re-
certification requirements.

4. Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Preparation Class

The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Webinar is a 60 minute

program held regularly that:

• introduces the structure and content of the Outsourcing Professional Body of

Knowledge (OPBOK)
• provides an in-depth review of the Code of Ethics and Business Practices for
Outsourcing Professionals and the Outsourcing Professional Standards
• takes participants through a step-by-step guide to successfully completing the
application process, including:
-an in-depth review of the evaluation criteria and procedures
-an introduction to the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master
-a self-evaluation checklist creating a personal roadmap to certification

Upon completion of this webinar, individuals will have created a personalized guide
to completing the certification process.

5. Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master Class

The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master Class is a 3-day live or online
program that provides individuals already experienced and working in the field of
outsourcing with a structured, intensive training program based upon the
Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK). Individuals with solid gen-
eral management skills, practical, in-the-field, outsourcing experience, and who
successfully complete this program are generally fully prepared to meet the
Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) requirements.

6. Outsourcing Professional Course Catalogue

The Outsourcing Professional Course Catalogue is an online resource available to

IAOP members. It indexes accredited training programs, whether available from
IAOP or other sources, that deliver against the knowledge and practices defined in
the Outsourcing Professionals Body of Knowledge (OPBOK). The catalogue also
includes IAOP's Accreditation Application used to request review and inclusion of
non-IAOP training programs in this catalogue.

The Outsourcing Professional Course Catalogue is available on IAOP’s website.

7. Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Award Package

The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Award Package is presented to indi-

viduals upon meeting all of the requirements for certification. It includes an award
certificate, guidelines on use of the certification designation, and applicable require-
ments and forms for keeping the certification current and in-force.

Requirements for Becoming a Certified
Outsourcing Professional (COP)
To become a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) an individual must
demonstrate both the practical experience and knowledge it takes to successfully
lead an outsourcing initiative across its strategic, implementation, and management
phases. To do this, 175 specific areas have been identified. These have been
grouped into 49 standards and 10 categories.

To be certified, an individual must complete, and have reviewed by a certification

committee of peers, an application that demonstrates mastery of all categories of
standards. A point system is used allowing the applicant to earn 15 points for each
of the 10 categories of standards for a total of 150 points. At least 50 points (up to
the total requirement of 150 points) must be experience-based. Any remaining
points needed, up to 100, can be earned by demonstrating knowledge and through
education. Applicants must also take and pass the COP Exam.

Experienced-based points are earned by including with the application one or

more project descriptions where one or more of the categories of standards have
been demonstrated during the preceeding 5-year period. In addition, electronic
sign-off from the executive sponsor of the project or an alternate attesting to the
work is required. The points are earned for each of the categories based on the
following scheme for a maximum of 150 points:

• 5 pts: Successfully demonstrate defined abilities one time at one organization

• 10 pts: Successfully demonstrate defined abilities multiple times at one
• 15 pts: Successfully demonstrate defined abilities multiple times at multiple

Knowledge- and Training-based points are earned through:

• 25 points for post-graduate degree within the field of business (i.e., MBA, MPA, JD)
• 75 points for successfully completing the optional live or online COP Master
• up to 25 points for courses/programs in the Outsourcing Professional Course
Catalogue (OPCC) or approved through the COP Bridge Program

To become a COP, you must take and pass the COP Exam. The exam will com-
prehensively test your knowledge and expertise on the OPBOK and Outsourcing
Professional Standards, developed by IAOP and the Outsourcing Standards Board.
The exam is taken online and consists of 200 multiple choice questions. You must
answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass. The allotted time for the exam is
4.0 hours.

In total, a successful application demonstrates 150 total points, at least 50 of which

are from experience, and a passing score on the COP Exam.

The Process for Becoming a Certified
Outsourcing Professional (COP)

What is the process for becoming a COP?

Applicants will be asked to successfully demonstrate that they possess the

necessary knowledge and experience to be considered a COP. This knowledge and
experience can be demonstrated through a combination of the following:

Comprehensive Work Experience in the field of outsourcing as demonstrated by

employment on one or more projects across one or more firms.

Knowledge Assessment through passing the COP Examination developed by the

Standards Committee.

Education including successful completion of the COP Master Class and/or holding
a relevant post-graduate degree.

Applications will be reviewed and scored by the Training & Certification Committee.
All are encouraged to attend a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)
Preparation Class to learn more about the process of becoming a COP.

How long is the application process?

This will vary for each individual. However, for someone that already has extensive
experience in each area of the standards, completion of the application itself should
take less than two weeks calendar time and a day or two days of personal time.

For someone with sufficient, but not extensive experience, then additional time to
complete the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master Class - roughly 5
days of personal time over a two to three month period.

Someone lacking sufficient experience in outsourcing will also need to take on

assignments designed to give them the needed experience which could require six
to 12 months.

Candidates will be allowed 18 months to complete the application. If more time is

required, please contact COP Program Services at +1.845.452.0600 ext.123 or

Application Fees

The certification application requires a $600 non-refundable processing fee, which

includes access to the COP Exam. Bi-annual recertification costs $50 for IAOP
professional members and $250 for non-members.

Notification and Award Process

Once your online application is submitted, you will receive automated notification
that your application is in the queue to be processed. Within two weeks of receiving
this notification, you will receive an email communication letting you know if your
application is complete.

If your application is found to be incomplete, you will be notified via email about
which specific information is missing. Additionally, your electronic application will be
switched to live status so that you can edit it appropriately. Within two weeks of
re-submission, you will receive an email communication letting you know if your
application is complete.

Once your application is deemed complete, it will be forwarded to the Application

Review Board for review. Board members, most who are COP’s and all who sign
NDA’s will review and evaluate the content of your application and confirm that the
required 150 points have been earned. The review process itself will take between
30 and 60 days.

Once the review process is complete, all successful applicants will be notified via
email and mailed the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Award Package.
This package will contain your award certificate, guidelines for use and applicable
requirements and forms for keeping your COP designation current. If your
application is not considered acceptable, an electronic notification will be sent with
further instructions.

Training &Certification Committee

The Training & Certification Committee is comprised of previously certified profes-

sionals serving on the committee as part of their continuing education require-

Application Audit

All applications are subject to audit. Submission of an application indicates agree-

ment to comply with audit terms. Please be advised that while the selection process
for audit is primarily random, COP Program Services does reserve the right to man-
ually select any candidate to be audited at any time, including after an Award has
been bestowed. Candidates who are selected for audit will receive an email notifi-
cation with detailed information on how to comply with audit terms. For example,
candidates may be asked to submit supporting documentation, such as copies of
their transcripts, degree or global equivalent, or additional documentation from
executives signing off on projects documented in the Experience section of your

Appeals Process

Applicants may appeal decisions related to their application. Appeals must be sub-
mitted no more than 90 days after the application's date of rejection. Mail written
requests to:

% COP Program Services
2600 South Rd.
Suite 44-240
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

The COP Appeals Committee will review all appeals and make a final written deci-
sion based on existing policy.

Recertification Requirements

Recertification is every two years and requires 20-hours per year of continuing edu-
cation credits to maintain. Once you have been awarded certification, you will gain
immediate access to your electronic recertification application. We recommend that
you keep this application current by regularly documenting earned education and
industry contributions.

COP Program Services will send you an electronic reminder within 60 days of your
recertification anniversary.

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits equal to 20 credit hours of education or industry

contribution per year are required for recertification.

Education credits can be satisfied by attending or instructing relevant courses,

training, workshops and conferences. It is key that these education requirements
be at the level of industry professional learning and post-graduate study.
Professionals attending one of these programs will receive one educational credit
per hour, and those instructing will receive two educational credits per hour. The
following options count toward satisfaction of education requirements:

• Conferences presented by IAOP, including The Outsourcing World Summit

• Post-graduate university/college courses
• Courses or programs offered by employer or company-sponsored programs
• Courses or programs offered by training companies or consultants
• Courses or programs offered by distance-learning companies
• IAOP Chapter Meetings with an educational component
• Courses offered in the Outsourcing Professional Course Catalogue

The following does not satisfy education requirements:

• Self-study

Industry contribution hours can be acquired by:

• Serving on an IAOP Committee (10 credit hours per calendar year)

• Writing substantive articles or papers on the topic of outsourcing that appear in
either industry magazines with an editorial board or in conference proceedings.
One credit hour is awarded for each individual article. Include an electronic link or
citation to each article being claimed for points and a copy of the editorial review
board page when applicable.
• Serving on the Application Review Board (2 credit hours per application)

All recertification applications are subject to audit. See the section of this document
titled Application Audit for details.

How to Apply

The online application is located at:

Once you have created login information you will have access to the full application
as well as the COP Exam. Exam instruction and associated URL can be found in
the “Knowledge & Training” section of the application.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)?
Benefits of Certification
At-A-Glance The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) is the global
• Higher wages for employees in the standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession. As a
form of bonuses, education assistance
or higher salary. membership-based organization it is helping to shape the future of outsourcing as a
management practice, as a profession, and as an industry. To find out more, visit
• A more productive and highly trained
workforce for employers, which is
attractive to potential partners.

• Prestige for the individual and a com- What is the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program?
petitive advantage over non-certified
individuals in the same field.

• Enhanced employment opportunities. The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) designation distinguishes individuals
as leaders in the field of outsourcing possessing the experience and knowledge it
• Assisting employers in making more
informed hiring decisions. takes to design, implement, and manage outsourcing initiatives that have a high
• Assisting customers in making probability of achieving the organization's intended outcomes.
informed decisions about qualified
This professional designation is equally valuable to individuals working as
• A common language based on profes-
sional standards for individuals in the customers, providers, or advisors and helps foster an environment where all parties
outsourcing field. have a common and shared professional expertise and commitment.

Why has IAOP created the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)


Study after study suggests that executives, although outsourcing more, are less
than fully satisfied with the results. As a result, as organizations increasingly rely
upon outsourcing for much of their business operations, the need for better, more
consistent results is paramount.

The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program addresses this need by

focusing on enhancing the skills and abilities of the individuals who lead
outsourcing initiatives. By bringing greater professional rigor to their work,
organizations will be able to have greater confidence in the ultimate outcomes.

Individuals who work as customers, providers, or advisors should include the COP
designation into their performance and career development programs. Companies
that buy, supply, or advise on outsourcing should similarly build the COP program
into their employee development programs.

Who should become a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)?

Customers, providers, and advisors who play a leadership role in any aspect of the
strategic planning, design, implementation, or management of outsourcing business

relationships should consider certification:

Customers include functional executives and managers with significant outsourced

operations reporting to them, executives and managers in centralized 'sourcing'
groups, internal consultants, and professionals in specialized areas such as
finance, human resources, legal, and purchasing who frequently work on their com-
pany's outsourcing initiatives. The certification is equally applicable to any function-
al area being outsourced (research and development, manufacturing,
technology, real estate, back-office operations), to any industry, to companies of
any size, and to companies independent of their country(ies) of operations.

Providers include sales and business development professionals, deal team

members, engagement managers, and professionals from specialized areas such
as finance, human resources, and legal. As with customers, applicability is
independent of functional area, industry, or geography.

Advisors include consultants, lawyers, brokers and others who facilitate outsourcing
relationships on behalf of their customers or who work as outsourcing advisors to
customers or providers.

How will certification help my company?

Every field benefits from certified professionals - and outsourcing is certainly no

exception. Certified professionals achieve better, more consistent results because
of the depth and breadth of their knowledge and experience. They have demon-
strated - against independently developed standards - their ability, giving their
employers and/or customers greater confidence. No certification can guarantee
results, but it does ensure a demonstrated level of competence in the field.

Whether the organization is a customer, provider, or advisory firm, having certified

professionals working on a project also demonstrates a commitment to outsourcing
- and to doing it right - that commands greater respect and leads to a more
professional and productive business environment.

How will certification help me?

A Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) can command greater professional

recognition and compensation. Studies in other fields have shown a 20% salary-
differential or more for certified professionals. A 2005 survey by American
Marketing Association found that 79 percent of 1,300 hiring managers and execu-
tives recruiters nationwide believe that certified professionals are higher-quality
candidates with more experience and education.

By having all key members of the deal team - customer, provider, and advisor -
certified, each of the professionals operates within a framework of shared lexicon
and process understanding, enabling each of the individuals to focus their time on
the unique aspects of the deal at hand, not on educating and guiding lower-skilled
participants. The resulting better outsourcing outcome enhances the careers of all
of the professionals involved.

What will be covered by the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)

Preparation Class?

The interactive three hour class will cover the requirements for earning industry-
professional designation including:

• the Code of Ethics and Business Practices

for Outsourcing Professionals
• the Outsourcing Professional Standards
• a step-by-step guide to successfully
completing the application process
• an in-depth review of the evaluation criteria
and procedures
• an introduction to the Certified Outsourcing
Professional Master Class
• a self-evaluation checklist creating your
personal roadmap to certification

Program faculty includes experienced outsourcing practitioners and guest

speakers from various specialty backgrounds.

What does certification cost?

The certification application requires a $600 non-refundable fee which includes

access to the COP Exam. Bi-annual recertification costs $50 for IAOP professional
members and $250 for non-members.

Complimentary Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Preparation Class webi-

nars take a candidate through the application process - saving time, and accelerat-
ing the overall process. The optional Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)
Master Class, which is worth 75 points toward certification, is delivered as a 4-day
program or as an online class. Registration fees vary depending on the courses
geographical location. IAOP Members also receive a substantial discount. The
COP Master Class is an optional way of earning points.

Bi-annual recertification requires 20-hours of continuing educational credits per year

which can be earned through IAOP or other programs.

How do I get more information?

Information on the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program is available

on IAOP’s website at For more information email or phone +1.845.452.0600

2600 South Rd.
Suite 44-240
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845.452.0600
Fax: 845.452.6988
Certified Outsourcing
Professional® (COP)

Roadmap to Certification

A publication of:

The International Association of

Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®)
The global, standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession.
Copyright and Use Statement
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to
the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not
engaged in rendering legal or accounting services. If legal or accounting assistance is
required, the services of a competent professional in those fields should be sought.

Copyright © 2007 International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)

All Rights Reserved.

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) is the global, standard-

setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession. Its members are managers
and executives from customer, provider, and advisory organizations involved in outsourcing
as a management practice and as an industry.

Overview of Requirements for Becoming a
Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP)
To become a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) an individual must be able to demon-
strate both the experience and knowledge needed to design, implement, and manage out-
sourcing initiatives with a high probability of achieving the organization's intended outcomes.
The experience and knowledge areas addressed by the certification cover the non-domain
specific activities common to outsourcing as a management practice irrespective of the indi-
vidual's role as a customer, provider, or advisor. In so doing, the certification creates an
experience and knowledge set common to and shared by all professionals in the field.

In addition to passing the COP Exam, individuals must complete, and have reviewed by a
certification committee of peers, an application that demonstrates mastery of all 10 cate-
gories of standards. A point system is used enabling the applicant to earn up to 15 points for
each of the 10 standard categories for a total of 150 points. At least 50 points (up to the total
requirement of 150 points) must be experience-based. Up to 100 points can be earned by
demonstrating knowledge or through education.

Experienced-based points are earned by including with the application one or more project
descriptions where one or more of the standard categories have been demonstrated. In
addition, sign-off on the project descriptions is required from the executive sponsor of the
project (executive sponsor is someone you worked with on the project who can attest to your
work). The points are earned based on the following scheme:

- 5 pts: Successfully demonstrated category one time at one organization

- 10 pts: Successfully demonstrate category multiple times at one organization
- 15 pts: Successfully demonstrate category multiple times at multiple organizations

Knowledge- and Training-based points are earned through:

- 25 points for post-graduate degree within the field of business (i.e., MBA, MPA, JD
or international equivalent)
- 75 points for successfully completing the COP Master Class
- up to 25 points for courses/programs approved through IAOP’s COP Bridge

In total, a successful application demonstrates 150 total points, at least 50 of which are from
experience. Applications are reviewed and scored by the Certification Committee which can
request amendment and/or resubmission of the application based upon their review.

Outsourcing Experience Outsourcing Knowledge

Certified Outsourcing
+ =
At least 50 points (up to Up to 100 points can be
Professional (COP)
the total requirement of earned by demonstrating
150 points) must be knowledge or through
150 Points
experience-based. education.

Documenting Outsourcing Experience
The key to efficiently completing the Experience section of the application is gaining a firm
understanding the depth and breadth of your experience in relation to the Standard
Categories. The Standard Categories are organized to cover outsourcing's end-to-end
process. Depending upon your role in the various organizations and projects for which you
are documenting experience, you may find that you have concentrated your time in certain
areas. For example, if you are an executive who has spent a lot of time developing and
communicating outsourcing business requirements, selecting service providers, developing
financial analysis' and pricing outsourcing opportunities, and negotiating outsourcing
agreements, you may find that you will be concentrating most or all of your points on the four
standard categories that correspond to these experiences. Therefore your strategy will be to
document your experience for each of these Standard Categories for two to three companies
each, giving you around 60 points.

On the other hand, if you have been responsible for designing and managing your firm's
end-to-end outsourcing process, you may be able to document experience in each of the
Standard Categories. If so, you may be able to obtain close to 50 points (5 points for each of
the 10 Standard Categories) just for documenting your experience on one project. If you can
do the same for an additional project at the same company, you can obtain upwards to 100
points. If you can also do so for another company, you may even be able to accumulate
close to (or all of!) the 150 needed to become a COP.

Use the Experience Worksheet to assess your project experience.

Experience Worksheet Part I
Application Tip

Common Pitfall: Write a brief outline of the top five projects that you have worked on in the last five years*.
Project documented is not an
actual outsourcing project.
Project 1
Outsourcing relationships typically Company Name
involve a much more integrated and
sustained business relationship than the
traditional use of resources through sup-
plemental staffing, contracting for con-
sultants or staff augmentation.

The Outsourcing Professional Body of

Knowledge (OPBOK) defines outsourc-
ing the following way: Project 2
Company Name
Outsourcing: A long-term, results-orient-
ed relationship with an external service
provider for activities traditionally per-
formed within the company. Outsourcing
usually applies to a complete business
process. It implies a degree of manage-
rial control and risk on the part of the

See the OPBOK for additional informa-

Project 3
tion to help you determine whether the Company Name
projects that you have chosen are
indeed outsourcing projects.

Project 4
Company Name

Project 5
Company Name

* Please note that the projects that you choose must only have end-dates in the past five
years, and that you can claim points on work that was done on these projects prior to the

Experience Worksheet Part II
For each Standard category, place an "X" in the box of each project in which you feel you
have a high degree/adequate amount of experience. This tool will help you assess which
projects and standard categories will earn you the most points on the application. For more
details on each standard category, refer to the Outsourcing Professional Standards.

Please note that you can only take credit for your work on three projects for each Standard
Category, so therefore can only check off three Xs per row.

Standard Category Top Five Projects

1 2 3 4 5
1. Standards for Defining and Communicating
Outsourcing as a Management Practice

2. Standards for Developing and Managing an

Organization's End-to-End Process for

3. Standards for Integrating Outsourcing into an

Organization's Business Strategy

4. Standards for Creating and Leading

Outsourcing Project Teams

5. Standards for Developing and Communicating

Outsourcing Business Requirements

6. Standards for Selecting Outsourcing Service


7. Standards for Developing the Financial

Analysis and Pricing an Outsourcing

8. Standards for Developing and Negotiating the

Contract for an Outsourcing Agreement

9. Standards for Managing the Transition to an

Outsourced Environment, Including
Outsourcing's Impact on Employees and

10. Standards for Outsourcing Governance

Total Number of Xs in each column __ __ __ __ __

Assessing Results

Add up the total number of Xs for all columns and multiply that number by 5 to get an idea of
how many points you will be able to obtain for Experience.
Total # of Xs _______ x 5 = _______

Keep in mind that this number will serve only as a baseline. When filling out the actual COP
application, you will have the opportunity to use more than five projects and may therefore
be able to earn more points. You may also find that you cannot demonstrate sufficient work
to qualify for a Standard Category initially identified above.

Knowledge and Training
A maximum of 100 points can be earned by demonstrating knowledge or through

25 points for post-graduate degree within the field of business

Degrees such as an MBA, MPA, JD and others with a business concentration or
focus will qualify, as will their global equivalents

75 points for successfully completing the COP Master Class

The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master Class is a 3-day program that
provides individuals already experienced and working in the field of outsourcing with
a structured, intensive training program based upon the Outsourcing Professional
Body of Knowledge (OPBOK). Individuals with solid general management skills,
practical, in-the-field, outsourcing experience, and who successfully complete this
program are generally fully prepared to meet the Certified Outsourcing Professional
(COP) requirements. The Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Master Class
is offered in selected cities throughout North America and elsewhere globally.

Up to 25 Points for approved COP Bridge courses/programs

IAOP has created a process for building a “bridge” between qualified programs and
the COP by approving programs to count as “points” towards COP certification
and/or recertification. Total point allotment is based upon a review of the programs
of IAOP’s Outsourcing Professional Standards and Professional Skills as defined in
Appendix D of IAOP’s Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK).
Once the candidate program is approved and points are allotted, the program will
be included in the Outsourcing Professional Course Catalog, enabling global partici-
pants to quickly and easily pinpoint sources of points.

A Note on The COP Examination

Though it does not have a point value, this 200 multiple choice question exam will
comprehensively test your knowledge and expertise on the Outsourcing
Professional Body of Knowledge (OPBOK) an Outsourcing Professional Standards,
developed by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and
the Outsourcing Standards Board and is required. The exam is offered online and
the allotted time for the exam is 4 hours.

Knowledge and Training Assessment

Please indicate the number of points earned in each category, and provide the total for all

Post-graduate Degree 25 Points

COP Master Class 75 Points
COP Bridge Program up to 25 Points per course

Total Points_____________

Where Do I Go From Here?
You should now have a more accurate idea of how many points you can earn through docu-
menting Experience and how many points you have already earned for Knowledge and
Training. How you decide to proceed will depend in great part on the number of Experience
points that you estimate you can earn.

Case A - If you project that you will earn less than 50 Experience points, you will want

• devise a plan to gain more experience in outsourcing. This may include taking on
more projects and responsibilities in areas in which you are less practiced.

• enroll in the COP Master Class (75 points) to round out and enhance the depth of
your knowledge on the topic of outsourcing. Docment a post-grad degree if

Case B - If you project that you will earn 75 Experience points, you will want to:

• enroll in the COP Master Class (75 points) to round out and enhance the depth of
your knowledge on the topic of outsourcing.

Case C - If you project that you will earn almost all of your required 150 points
through Experience, you will want to:

• document a post-grad degree/participate in a COP Bridge course/program

Further information on the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) Program is

available on IAOP's website,, by calling
+1.845.452.0600 x104, or by emailing

2600 South Rd.
Suite 44-240
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: +1.845.452.0600
Fax: +1.845.452.6988

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