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LLD for Load Report summary

1. Webservice description- From business requirements perspective :

LoadReportSummary WS:

After selecting the filter criterias and the Group details in the 'Report Builder' page, when the user clicks on the
'Save Report' tab,the report will be saved and a ReportQueryID will be generated for that particular report. It is a
pre requisite before going to the next step. When user clicks on 'Load Saved Report' tab in the same page,
'LoadReportSummary' Web Service will be called with the generated ReportQueryID as an input parameter.

Based on the selected Filters,Dataset,Region,Time Period and Groups in the 'Report Builder' page,saved reports
are retrieved.

This WebService is called to show the details of the parameters as selected in the ReportBuilderPage by the user

2. Process Flow:

LoadReport Summary:

This Process shows the details of the selection parameters, based on the user selection, as a report summary
at the top of the ResultReport Page.This process calls the database with the ReportQueryId as an input
parameter and eventually pulls the report summary data from the database.

The process ' LoadReport Summary' is having five subprocesses namely:

i) GroupsOut
ii) FiltersOut
iii) RegionOut
iv) TimePeriod
v) ReportSummary

i) GroupsOut:
This sub process fetches the report data corresponding to group settings of the user.This will fetch the
GroupId,GroupEntityId,GroupEntityName,SubsetId from the transactional DB tables.
This process is having another sub process namely :
FetchGroups - This sub-process gets the required query from the Query Builder. Query Builder is one of
the common processes which take input from the calling process, executes a JDBC procedure call and returns the
corresponding query to the calling process.
After getting the query, each of the sub-processes executes it on the transactional DB to get the values of Group

ii) FiltersOut :
This sub process fetches the report data corresponding to filter settings of the user.This will fetch the
FilterId,FilterName,SubFilterId, SubFilterName,Mapdata,MapName from the transactional DB tables.
This process is having another sub process namely :

FetchFilters - This sub-process gets the required query from the Query Builder. Query Builder is one of
the common processes which take input from the calling process, executes a JDBC procedure call and returns the
corresponding query to the calling process.
After getting the query, each of the sub-processes executes it on the transactional DB to get the values of Filter
settings(FilterId,FilterName,SubFilterId, SubFilterName,Mapdata,MapName).

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LLD for Load Report summary

iii) RegionOut:
This sub process fetches the report data corresponding to Region settings of the user.This will fetch the
(RegionId,RegionName,CountryId, CountryName,CountryUrl, DefaultCountryId) from the transactional DB
This process is having another sub process namely :

FetchRegion - This sub-process gets the required query from the Query Builder. Query Builder is one of
the common processes which take input from the calling process, executes a JDBC procedure call and returns the
corresponding query to the calling process.
After getting the query, each of the sub-processes executes it on the transactional DB to get the values of
Region settings(RegionId,RegionName,CountryId, CountryName,CountryUrl, DefaultCountryId).

iv) TimePeriod :
This sub process fetches the report data corresponding to TimePeriod settings of the user.This will fetch the
(TimePeriodTypeId,TimePeriodTypeName,FromTimePeriod, ToTimePeriod ) from the transactional Db tables.
This process is having another sub process namely :

FetchTimePeriod - This sub-process gets the required query from the Query Builder. Query Builder is one
of the common processes which take input from the calling process, executes a JDBC procedure call and returns
the corresponding query to the calling process.
After getting the query, each of the sub-processes executes it on the transactional DB to get the values of
TimePeriod settings(TimePeriodTypeId,TimePeriodTypeName,FromTimePeriod, ToTimePeriod ).

v) ReportSummary:
This sub process fetches the report data corresponding to Dataset,DeDuplicateAudience,IncludeHouseAds settings
of the user.This will fetch the (DatasetId,DatasetName,DeDuplicateAudience, IncludeHouseAds ) from the
transactional DB tables.
This process is having another sub process namely :

FetchReportSummary - This sub-process gets the required query from the Query Builder. Query Builder is
one of the common processes which take input from the calling process, executes a JDBC procedure call and
returns the corresponding query to the calling process.
After getting the query, each of the sub-processes executes it on the transactional Db to get the values of
DatasetId,DatasetName,DeDuplicateAudience, IncludeHouseAds.

3. Input/Output:

Input/Output for the WebServices:

WS Input Output
LoadReportSummary ReportQueryId, LanguageId, UserId Groups.Filters,TimePeriod,Regions,
and RBFlag Dataset,DeduplicateAudience,Inclu

Input/Output for the processes and sub process used in the above mentioned WebServices:

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LLD for Load Report summary

Process/Sub-Process Input Output

LoadReportSummary ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the

RBFlag LoadReportSummary data for
Report BuilderPage in all the
available languages based on user

GroupsOut ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(GroupsOut) values of Groups details(
yName,SubsetId) of the
reportbuilder page

FetchGroups ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(GroupsOut) values of Groups details(
yName,SubsetId) of the
reportbuilder page

FiltersOut ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName values of Groups details(
) of the reportbuilder page

FetchFilters ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(FiltersOut) values of Groups details(
) of the reportbuilder page

TimePeriod ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(TimePeriod values of Groups details(
) TimePeriodTypeId,TimePeriodType
ToTimePeriod ) of the reportbuilder

FetchTimePeriod ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(TimePeriod values of Groups details(
) TimePeriodTypeId,TimePeriodType
ToTimePeriod ) of the reportbuilder

ReportSummary ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(ReportSum values of Groups details(

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mary) DatasetId,DatasetName,DeDuplicat
Date and LastRundate ) of the
reportbuilder page

FetchReportSummary ReportQueryId,LanguageId,UserId, XML String containing the selected

RBFlag,InterfaceName(ReportSum values of Groups details(
mary) DatasetId,DatasetName,DeDuplicat
eAudience, IncludeHouseAds,
ScheduledReportDate and
LastRundate ) of the reportbuilder

4. Data Base Tables:

Table Description
report_definition Contains Group name & their corresponding
Ids,Entitiesids and EntitiesNames of the reportbuilder
report_filter_type Contains Filter names & their Ids
report_filter_subtype Contains subFilters & their Ids,Names of the
reportbuilder page.
country Contains countries & their Ids, Names, Urls and
DefaultCountryIds of the reportbuilder page.
time_period Contains Time period types & values for the Time
Period Selection Filter for the Report Builder Page

5. Common Components Used

The following are the common components used for the LoadReportSummary WS :

Common Component/Process Name Description

QueryBuilder This Process fetches the required Query from the Transactional
(ORACLE) DB through a procedure call with some input parameters.
ProcessLog This process is used to log the Start and End of various Processes and
Sub-Processes involved in the WebServices.

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6.Connection Parameters:

I. HTTP Connection Parameters:


II. JDBC Connection Parameters:


Database_URL: jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://;SID=db2
JDBC_Password: gabby
JDBC_User_Name: gabby
Log_Timeout_Sec: 0
Maximum_Connection: 10


Database_URL: jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://;SID=adrcoll
Driver: no value
JDBC_Password: adr_dev
JDBC_User_Name: adr_dev
Log_Timeout_Sec: 0
Maximum_Connection: 10

7.Key Challenges:

I. Mapping for the 'End' activity for the process 'LoadReportSummary '.
II. Schema definition for Filters.
III. Schema definition for Regions.

8.Diagram for activity flow:


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