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Eid –ul-Adha and Hajj Celebration, 2019

Alhamdulil Allah what a wonderful Hajj and Eid celebration we had this year. We were also blessed
with a sunny and beautiful weather.
This special journey started long before the actual celebration Day. The children been preparing
themselves for this day. The fifth pillar of Islam is ’Hajj’ which was our main focus at the moment.
The children been very busy with activities related to hajj and Qurbany. They listened the story of
prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismael (AS) repeatedly which helped them began to understand the reason
and meaning of Qurbany/sacrifice. Children helped making sheep with cotton wool to pretend doing
qurbany, They were very interested to do colouring and decorating sheep and Kaba and also
decorating the classrooms. They were excitedly waiting for the celebration to begin.
Eid ul-Adha and Hajj celebration, 2019
Our journey started on the celebration day dressing up with Ihram, waited for hajj bus to go to
Mecca for Tawaf. The rituals of Hajj our children were involved was: go around the Kaba 7 times
saying Talbiyah, stay in Mina for a short time in tent, which we set up earlier, go to Arafah for
special prayer, drink Zamzam water, pretend shaving hair, throwing stones to Satan, those
stones children have collected beforehand, do Qurbany, Run to mountain Safa and Marwa. The
children and teachers brought a plate of food to have shared kai with friends and families.
Children sharing food with friends was our another goal.

All these photos that children were

involved in with special activities
demonstrates that children developing
knowledge about their culture and
The children were also developing
awareness of who they are and where
they belong to.
These also showing that the special
Identity of An-Nur children is as
Muslim which nicely connected to our
term goal. Our term goal for this term
is –’Identity- Language and Culture.”
“Children become capable of making
connection between people places
and wider world,” “They feel
comfortable with the cultures,
customs and regular events” (Te
Written by – Teacher Rosy, August.

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