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Lesson 1 – Key to Breakthrough

If you can attack – do it.

Goals of the attack:

• King
• Material (pawns, pieces)
• Activity

Forcing moves:
• Check
• Capture
• Attacking move

“How can I go to the opponent’s half of the board and take or attack something there?”

If you can take (win) material – do it.

Lesson 2 - The Most Important Chess Rule

Principle of the Least Active Piece:

Find your least active piece, and improve its position.

Plan for an opening:

1. Develop minor pieces.

2. Castle.
3. Connect the rooks.

Extra rules for an opening:

• Develop knights before bishops.

• Don’t move the same piece twice.

LAP in an endgame:
Bring your king into play (centralize it).

Lesson 3 - Maximize Your Power

Principle of Maximum Activity:

Move your piece to the most forward available square.

Go forward!
Don’t go back.

If you can move either a pawn or a piece – move a piece.

Lesson 4 - Becoming a Chess Terminator

Principle of Neutralization:
If there’s an opponent’s piece on your half of the board – neutralize it.

2 ways to neutralize an opponent’s piece:

• Exchange it
• Attack it (push it away)

Lesson-5 – Limitation Is Domination

Principle of Limitation:
Restrict the opponent’s activity.

2 methods of limitation:
• Get space advantage (advance central pawns)
• Restrict the opponent’s pieces (blockade his pawns, limit his pieces).

Lesson-6 – How to Control the Center

Principle of the Center:

• Go towards the center.
• Fight for the center, occupy it.

Lesson-7 – The Key to Your Stable Progress

Anti-blunder Check

1. After an opponent’s move, check if it’s dangerous. Ask yourself: “What’s his idea?”

2. Before playing your move, check if it’s safe.

Ask yourself: “What attacking replies can he play?”
Lesson-8 – Practice

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