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Summary Product Distribution: The basics

Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Fase de análisis

Evidencia 4

Tecnología en gestión logística

Cristian David Doncel Borja

Santiago de cali 05 de diciembre de 2018

Summary Taken from Smarta Startuploans. (s.f.) Product Distribution: The basics.

In the article reference is made in the modes and means of transport when
choosing transportation networks, whether you have a small or large business, you
must take into account the place where the shipment was made to choose the
network of safer transport, it is also suggested to be attentive in the type of
merchandise that is going to be transported, perishable, dangerous, fragile and
cost. "The speed of transport is also important: if you have perishable items."

It is suggested to choose the correct transport mode for your products, depending
on the size and urgency of your shipment, the damage of the products during
transit, it is usually the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the shipments
are properly packaged and labeled for reduce the risk.

Modes of transport

Road transport is cheaper, flexible comfortable but does not comply with the care
of the environment and is subject to dimensions of load, weight and sometimes

"Rail transport is fast, respectful of the environment and not (always) subject to
congestion or delay, but it is inflexible and can be very expensive."

Air transport is the fastest way to transport your products over long distances, but it
is expensive and not very environmentally friendly. Air transport is usually charged
per kilogram. Please note that you will also have to incur costs, including
management fees, fuel and risk surcharges, customs and security fees, as well as
VAT tariffs if you are importing.

Maritime transport compared to air transport, shipping your products by sea is

relatively cheap, especially if you are shipping large volumes. It is slow and quite
inflexible however, there are relatively few ports and you will probably need to
make arrangements to move your products inside.

1 security seguridad
2 transport transporte
3 products productos
4 Distribution distribucion
5 Maritime maritimo
6 distances distancias
7 usually generalmente
8 shipping envio
9 choosing eligiendo
10 networks redes
11 especially especialmente
12 respectful respetuoso
13 environment ambiente
14 business negocio
15 dangerous peligroso
16 speed velocidad
17 importing importador
18 arrangements arreglos
19 sometimes algunas veces
20 suggested sugirio

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