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1. Choose who are these statements true for: Harper, Kirsten, Rick or Charlie?

(you can write

more than one name)

has a terrible boss -

is poor -

has a gay flatmate -

has a friend who gets engaged -

has to do stupid tasks all day -

has to work late -

doesn’t have time for their partner -

has a lot of money -

is a sports reporter -

has never had a partner -

is getting divorced -

2. Answer the questions about the story.

What tasks do the assistants have? (mention at least 2)

Why do they want their bosses to meet each other?

What are their first 2 ideas to set them up? Are these successful attempts?



What do the assistants do with their newly found free time?

What are the assistants’ dream jobs? What would they like to do?

What is the best dinner Harper has ever had?

How do the assistants react when they first hear about the Rick and Kirsten’s wedding?

Why do Harper and Charlie have a fight at the jeweller’s?

What does Harper do after she gets fired?

What does Charlie realise in the fancy restaurant with Suze?

How does the story end? What happens to the characters?

3. Explain these expressions with different words.

to have a crush on somebody

to dick around

when they are boning, we are free

she has Cyrano’d us

a meet cute


4. How are the expressions in task 3. in connection to the film?

5. Match the words with their Hungarian equivalent.

megbízás, mez, pozsgás, takarító, szarvasgomba, ecetes uborka







6. How are the expressions in task 5. in connection to the film?

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