Actividad en Ingles

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1. Watch “paperman” video and answer these questions in Writting or oral form
to describe activities people are doing on it.

Paperman – short film
1. Vocabulary.

Predict what the short film is about. Look at the words below, they might help you.
a platform to fold paper a pile of paper revolving door
to follow someone an accountant the office
train lipstick wind

2. Watch the video and answer the questions

a. What’s happening in the first part of the video?

b. Do you think the girl and the boy like each other? Why (not)?
c. What is the boy doing to attract the girl’s attention?
d. What is happening to his "letters"?
− Letter 1:

− Letter 2:

− Letter 3, 4, 5, 6:
− Letter 7:

− Last letter:
e. What is the boy trying to scape from?
f. what are the letters doing with the boy. Where are they taking him?
3. Speaking/ Writing. What do you think is the continuation of this story?

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