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Death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted

of a capital crime. This penalty must be executed to a person who are using prohibited drugs,

against human rights and many more.

This is the common issue debated by the senators of the Philippines or even around the

world. Death penalty aims to execute person who are committed to as a suspect of killing and

rape which is against human rights but this penalties as well is against human rights.

All of the families of raped victims and the victims of injustice killings are for sure in

favor of this kind of penalty. But how about the family of the accused suspect of such crime,

maybe the accused suspect is being accused of a crimes which he did not do.

I want to know, no, every people in this world want know why this kind of punishment

must be approved. What will this penalty contribute to lessen inhuman crimes, while this

punishment is also inhuman?

Bayan Muna Representative Crispin Beltran says, in the current state, the system of

justice in the country is fit to carry out the death penalty. There are too many flaws in the justice

system, and the balance is often tipped in favor of the rich and the influential. The poor, being

unable to pay for the services of good lawyers, are often left at the mercy of unscrupulous judges

or to the weaknesses of the system itself.

According to Mr. Beltran, the poor cannot afford to have good lawyers that may defend

himself from accusations of heinous crimes he did, but think of first the reasons why does this

unfortunate people commit such heinous crimes.

Most people who experience poverty, no work, and alcohol and drug abuse are all

connected in explaining why people commit crimes; rape, user and pusher of illegal drugs, and

other crimes that is against human rights.

My point here is, these people can make no crimes which are inhuman if these people

have things to do, like having work. If the government only give these people something to be

busy with, they will not commit such heinous crimes.

There are many methods of death penalty but it is still inhuman. Otherwise, if the death

penalty will be not approve, where is the justice in our country? I understand that the death

penalty is against human rights, but how about those people that can be a victim of rape, and

these possible suspect of heinous crimes can have a better life.

I, as one of the people of the country of the Philippines, is not against death penalty. If

these is the only and possible way to lessen the criminals, to make them fear of making crimes.

But I only wish that the current government will support every people that resides in this

country, so that we can prevent unexpected number of people that may be executed to such

penalty. Support in a way of, giving some lectures every month or maybe once a year of what are

the available work a person can enter to be busy with, free scholarship for some unfortunate

children that cannot afford to enter any school.

Death penalty is against every human’s right yet we must think of the positive results

these can bring to us.

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