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Learn How To Totally Crush Any Objection

To Your Network Marketing Business In 60
Seconds Flat And Never Feel Rejected

Go For No Invitation
Only Tele-seminar
Training Guide

By Tim Wilson
Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 1


Hi, my name is Tim Wilson and since 2005 I have

had an opportunity to see over three million
distributors and customers come into an
organization while at the same time I was a
founding distributor of the fastest company in US
history to reach one billion dollars in sales.

I am the creator of a new training series called OBJECTION

CRUSHER 1.0 and what I do is help people understand and build
the skills to handle the rejection so many people deal with in the
network marketing profession by learning to CRUSH any

While there are tips and secrets that I have been able to uncover,
which I will share with you, there is much more to crushing
objections and building a successful business than simply learning
what to say.

As a matter of fact, what to say is kind of standard to some

degree and is not that much different than other sales or
marketing professions.

We will get into that and I will even give you some of those tips
later. Additionally, I will give you possibly the very best single line
objection crushing response I have ever heard or used that is
guaranteed to crush any objection flat when used properly.

However, before I do, I want to congratulate you on investing in

yourself and spending this time with me right now. I really am

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 2

honored to be able to connect with you.

When I was 13 my dad gave me a watch with a second hand.

After putting it on, my dad asked me to watch the second hand
for 60 seconds. He then asked what I did with the 60 seconds.
When I said “nothing” my dad advised me to never let it happen

More than anything, I wish I had always followed that advice. It

taught me a great lesson, one that stuck with me and became the
driving force to control my own time.

You are going after something, investing your time in personally

growing and becoming more so I wanted to take a second and
congratulate you before we get started.

I honestly don’t think there is anything else you can do that will
give you the potential to compound your time, experiences and
ultimately your personal growth for financial benefits like
becoming a professional in the network marketing industry.

Congratulations - To Your Success!

Tim Wilson

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 3


It’s important that you understand the key concepts to the

OBJECTION CRUSHER System. You should have a 10,000 foot
view of what it will take to become a 6 and 7 figure earner,
eventually becoming a professional networker.

Often times when we begin a new endeavor, because we are

human we suffer from the old “can’t see the forest for the trees”
syndrome. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details and not be
able to see the progress we are actually making or have an
overall understanding of what it really does take to go where we
want to go.

By starting with these key concepts, it will help your prospective

about the OBJECTION CRUSHER System and the importance it
will play in your success. Be A CRUSHER - Do The Work!


1. Learn how to crush objections - both

and .

2. Learn and develop the understanding that success is

a .

3. Learn to focus on for becoming

successful. 1) 2)______________
3) 4) CORE Activities

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 4

$1,000,000 MINDSET

lead to feelings, feelings lead to and lead to results.



Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 5


A. Always work to maintain or .

B. People operate from their not from the truth.

C. Maintain a and .

D.. You have a personal in any real relationship.



“There is a huge difference between reacting and

responding - one you are playing defensive the other you
are playing offensive”

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 6

Learn The 3S Formula



S _______________________

T _______________________

O _______________________

P _______________________




Learn the one phrase that works 95% of the time to crush
any objection.

“That’s “



Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 7

“Is that one of those pyramid schemes?”

SUPPORT I appreciate you asking me that?


I appreciate you sharing that with me.

S.T.O.P. A lot of other sharp people on my team thought

the same thing before they got the correct

SHOW And, that’s why you should take a look at the


Other additional objections covered in specific detail in the

Objection Crusher course.

I don’t have any time.

I don’t have any money.

I have never been successful in net working or anything else.

I’m not really a sales person.

I’m really not that interested.

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 8


Lets examine some of the things you will learn in the OBJECTION
CRUSHER components.
Focus on the fact that your success is about the “process” not a
signalized event. The core idea and concept of OBJECTION
CRUSHER 1.0 is to help you stay focused on this fact - the

MODULE 1: Mindset
Learn How To Develop A $1,000,000
Mindset Today And Start Living Your
Dreams Tomorrow

Session 1: Discover The Difference

Between A Dreamer Who Succeeds And
A Frustrated Daydreamer

MODULE 2: People
Discover The Secret Of How To Deal
With People So You Never Feel Out Of

Session 1: 4 Keys To Connecting With

People For Effective Relationships

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 9

MODULE 3: Objections
Learn How To Crush Any Objection So
You Are Never At A Disadvantage Or
Afraid To Talk To Any Prospect

Session 1: Part I - Learn The 3S


Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 10

PTM (Practice Training Module) & Crusher

Today you decide to take control of your own business and really
begin to do the work of becoming a true CRUSHER!

You have gained understanding and you know that in order to

improve, you must practice.

Have you ever tried to role play and practice with a spouse or
friend? What about a team member or upline?

It’s interesting that in a room of 1000 people you can mention

the phrase “now we are going to role-play and practice”, what
happens? There is an inevitable tension that roles through the

The PTM will give you the ability to use provided Objection
Crushing scripts and and walk through each objection and
virtually role-play until you have the formula completely

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 11

There will be no joking around or someone acting like you are
stupid for wanting to become better and improve your skills.

There is only one way to improve and that is to practice, (train).

“An amateur try’s - a professional trains.” - R.G. III

Objection Crusher 1.0 Dashboard

Have you ever invested in some type of course and been

frustrated because it just wasn’t easy to use, well organized or
simple to continuously return to?

As a Crusher, you will always have access to all of your training

and additional ongoing support material as well as any monthly
training modules or special series.

The Objection Crusher course is basically 3 courses all in one and

it will always be just a few clicks away.
Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 12

Additional support material and other training reports will be

available to the lifetime members as we produce them.


• Insider Interviews

• Success and Results Experts in Personal Development

• Articles and Reports Reserved For Subscription Based


• Archive of All Recorded CRUSHER Training Call’s and Web


Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 13

Bonus VIDEO For The Go For No Teleseminar

Learn the most common mistakes made that will prevent you
from becoming successful.

1. Quitting.

2. Focusing too much on the dream and not enough on

WHO you need to become to achieve your dream.

3. Not practicing and therefore not being prepared.

4. Not treating the business as a real business - treat it

like a carrier and it will pay you like a carrier.

5. Overcomplicating the process - not staying in the

startup stage of building.

6. Ignoring the need for change - no Growth.

7. Not being plugged into a community and catching the

vision of the 6 & 7 figure earner.

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 14


It’s my deepest desire to see anyone and everyone who wants to

live a life of financial independence and become a network
marketing professional to reach their dreams.

I have had an opportunity to live this dream and see thousands of

people reach the highest ranks in this industry. For me there is no
greater pleasure I can experience than seeing people “get it”.

By “get it” I mean what someone experiences once they realize

they are in control of their own success. The point the anticipated
hope starts to materialize and become something real and

If you challenge yourself and do the work to become a CRUSHER,

you to will discover the freedom found in living as a 6 and 7
figure income earner.

To your success,

Tim Wilson

“Be A CRUSHER - Do The Work!”

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 15

Making money in any endeavor requires work and there are no such things as get
rich quick or something for nothing opportunities you can participate in.

While all, any and every effort of every kind have been to provide accurate
representation of possibilities and the potential that is found in any type of sales
including but not limited to online marketing and network marketing otherwise
know as direct sales. or any representative is
guaranteeing that you will produce any results using these techniques and or ideas
in the printed, online or spoken versions of any
content. Nothing, including the examples in any materials should be interpreted as
a promise or guarantee of earnings or performance. Any and all earning potential
is entirely based own the person, persons or groups using the content. As stated this is not a get rich scheme.

When and if any claims of stated or implied income are made or given as examples
are based on personal experiences and average rank income. Anyones level of
success in reaching any results claimed either one time or on an averaged time
frame depends on the time and effort devoted, as well as the potential, implied and
actual performance of any additional company in direct relation with and to the
effort applied. Skill must be developed and and the development of stated or
implied skills varies greatly from individual to individual as well as from company
to company on occasion no one can guarantee any type of success or income.
Additionally nor anyone representing as an associate, joint venture partner or employee or
owner is or can be responsible for the actions required to produce any results.

Any and all earnings statements in this book or any materials by or associated with, printed or electronic as in appearing online are for an
intention of expressed potential and are not a guarantee of any type, implied or
otherwise. Results will always vary on many factors including projected and
unforeseen situation and circumstances. Many factors will be important in
determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve
results similar to ours or those stated by anyone in any type of association with online or offline, electronic or printed materials. No
guarantees are made that indicate you will achieve and results from our ideas,
advice, teaching or techniques.

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved OBJECTION CRUSHER Page 16

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