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TITLE: Perception of San Pableños to Uplifting Police Morality

AUTHOR: Surigao, John April H.

PROGRAM: Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Way back Philippine Constabulary’s time when they dropped

their trust rating because of some few violations of laws most of

them are about brutality and abused of power. And in the early

2000’s where the Philippine National Police also dropped its

trust rating because of bribery and corruption. And now, where

President Rodrigo Duterte is uplifting Police Morality, there are

lots of surveys says that the trust rating of the Philippine

National Police increases.

There are a few factors that we can be considered why this

happens, why is the trust rating to Philippine National Police

increases. Some say because of increasing PNP personnel’s salary,

some say because of Pres. Duterte’s leadership. But in this

study, we will determine those factors by asking San Pableños of

their perception to uplift the Police Morality.

This study is to define what are the good images that our

Philippine National Police is building and what are the negative

traits that the community noticed for the police for them to
avoid those negative traits and to continue to do those beautiful


This study is also to determine the trust rate of the San

Pableños to the Philippine National Police. And for the San

Pableño to appreciate the good works of our policemen to increase

their trust, respect, and love not only to the Philippine

National Police but also to our Country


1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age
b. gender
c. occupation
d. educational background
2. What is the perception of the respondents about the

positive characteristics of Philippine National Police

personnel? In terms of;

2.1. Leadership
2.2. Safety
2.3. Loyalty
3. How does the respondents perceive the negative

characteristics of Philippine National Police personnel?

4. Is there any significant difference with the perception of

the respondents about how the good police image built?


• Research Design and Methodology

The descriptive survey research method will be used

in the study since it sought to determine the perception

of San Pableños to uplifting police morality. The

research is primarily based on a survey questionnaire and

informal type of interview which served as supplemental

data in the accomplishment of this study

• Population and Locale of the study

There is only one group of respondents who will be

participating in the study they are the San Pableños,

those people who are the residents of San Pablo City


• Data Gathering Tools

In this study, a checklist survey questionnaire will

be used in determining the perception of San Pableños to

uplifting police morality. The said questionnaire will be

originally formulated in the English language and will be

formulated in the Filipino language, a local language

understood by the majority in the area of study. It will

be translated for the convenience of the respondents.

Likewise, the study required the clarifying

questions by conducting an informal type of interview

after the respondents answer the survey questionnaire to

clarify their answers which serve as supplemental data in

the completion of the study.

• Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researcher will prepare a questionnaire

that will be checked and verified by the research adviser

and members of the panel. After which, a letter of

request will also be prepared for the permission to

conduct the study and allocate questionnaires, conduct

surveys and informal interview among the respondents

which will be subject to the approval of the thesis

adviser and concern grouped/agencies.

The questionnaire will be given to the respondents

and they will be by the researcher to explain the term

and/or question/s that may not be understood by the

respondents. After this, the questionnaires with the

corresponding answers will be collected and reviewed.

Then, the researcher will conduct an informal interview

to clarify answers that will be reflected in the survey

questionnaire then the data will be recorded. After this,

it will be tallied, tabulated, statistically analyzed,

evaluated, and interpreted for the data to be presented

in graphical form with its corresponding interpretation

as well.

• Treatment of Data
The quantitative and frequency count will be used in

the treatment of data of the study. Likewise, the general

weighted mean will be utilized to determine the

perception of San Pableños to uplifting police morality.

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