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Italian pianist.
He has studied music at the Conservatory in Perugia getting a first-class cum laude
diploma under the leading of Franco Fabiani. He has studied further with Aldo
Ciccolini on a triennial master course at the academy entitled to him, at the end of
which he got the full marks. He has followed a triennial specialisation course for a
piano duo held by Ennio Pastorino at the Accademia Musicale Umbra and got the
Excellence Diploma. He has followed also specialisation and masterclass courses with
Lya De Barberiis, Paul Badura-Skoda, Dario De Rosa and - at the Accademia
Chigiana in Siena - with Joaquin Achucarro and Katia Labèque.
He has been awarded in many competitions, and playing in the piano duo, he has
won many prizes in national and international competitions, among which the First
Absolute Prize at the International Competition of Chamber Music “Carlo Soliva”.
As soloist and player in chamber orchestras, he has performed in outstanding Italian
music institutions and organisations, such as: Teatro Valli in Reggio Emilia, Sagra
Musicale Umbra, Ravello Festival, Teatro Lirico in Cagliari, Accademia Filarmonica
Romana, Oratorio del Gonfalone, Teatro dell’Opera, Auditorium Parco della Musica
in Rome, Teatro Regio in Parma, Auditorium Verdi in Milan, Teatro Comunale in
Bologna, Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Teatro San
Carlo in Napoli, “Cappella Sistina”.
He has played in Austria (Musikverein/Vienna), Spain, Switzerland (Tonhalle and
ZKO-Haus/Zurich, Konzerthaus/Bern), Canada (Montreal), Egypt (Alexandria),
Principality of Monaco (Monte Carlo), Rumania (Cluj) where he played the national
première of the Concert for two pianos and orchestra by Poulenc, Russia
(Conservatory Cajkovskij/Moscow), Poland (Institute Chopin/Warsaw), Belgium
(Festival van Vlaanderen), France (Orchestre National du Capitole/Toulouse), Japan,
Germany, U.S.A.
As soloist, he played in various Italian and foreign orchestras: Saratov Philharmonic
Orchestra, New Art Ensemble, Transylvania State Symphonic Orchestra, I Solisti
Veneti (Claudio Scimone), Orchestra Sinfonica Verdi di Milano (Richard Hickox),
Zurich Chamber Orchestra (Howard Griffits), Orchestra Sinfonica Rossini (Paolo
Vaglieri), Berliner Symphoniker (Lior Shambadal), Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie
(Andrew Constantine), Moscow Soloists (Yuri Bashmet), Wiener Concert-Verein.
He works regularly with famous musicians and singers: Vadim Brodski, Sebastiano
Brusco, Renato Bruson, Sandro Cappelletto, Max René Cosotti, Fejes Quartet, Kodály
Quartet, Teatro San Carlo Quartet, Raina Kabaivanska, Daniela Mazzucato, Elio
Pandolfi, Marianna Pizzolato, Desirée Rancatore, Michela Sburlati.
Marco Scolastra is Artistic Director of “Amici della Musica di Foligno”.

• Colours and Virtuosity of the 20th Century in Italy - Phoenix Classics
• Wagner Lieder - Brilliant Classics
• The Song of a Life: Tosti Romances - Brilliant Classics
• Inventare il tempo - Rai 5 Television

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