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CONSTI LAW 1 ▪ Since 1939, the government has remained in

possession of the estate

Legislative Investigation
- June 29, 1946: San Juan De Dios Hospital sold the
ARNAULT VS NAZARENO estate to Ernest Burt for 5 million pesos

PETITIONERS: JEAN L. ARNAULT ▪ Burt made a Php 10,000 down payment but failed
to pay P500,000 within one year and the
RESPONDENTS: LEON NAZARENO, Sergeant-at-arms, Philippine
remainder in annual installments of P500,000 each
Senate, and EUSTAQUIO BALAGTAS, Director of Prisons,
respondents. On Tambobong Estate

PONENTE: Ozaeta, J. - Original owner was the Philippine Trust Company (PTC)
- May 14, 1946: PTC sold the estate to Ernest Burt for the
ORIGINAL ACTION in the Supreme Court. Habeas corpus.
sum of P1,200,000
FACTS o Burt paid P10,000 down and promised to pay
P90,000 within nine months and the balance of
1) 1949: Philippine Government, through the Rural Progress P1,100,000 in ten sucessive annual instalments of
Administration, bought two estates known as Buenavista and P110,000 each but he never did
Tambobong for the sums of P4,500,000 and P500,000 - Sept 4, 1947: PTC sold the estate to Rural Progress
respectively. Administration
o Court of First Instance of Rizal cancelled Burt's
- A total of P1,500,000 was paid to Ernest Burt, a non-
certificate of title and ordered the issuance of a
resident American, thru his attorney-in-fact, Jean Arnault
new one in the name of the Rural Progress
On Buenavista Estate
2) February 27, 1950: Senate adopted Resolution No. 8 creating a
- original owner was the San Juan De Dios Hospital special committee to investigate the Buenavista and Tambobong
(SJDDH) estate

- the Philippine government held a 25-year lease contract - The resolution stated that Phl government did not have
on said estate, with an option to purchase it for 3 million pesos to purchase the Buenavista Estate and Tambobong Estate
within the same period from 25 years from January 1, 1939. o On Buenavista: because the occupation
government had made tender of payment in the
▪ The Occupation Rep. of the Philippines (during amount of three million pesos which is believed
Japanese occupation) exercised that option by sufficient to vest title of ownership in the Republic
tendering to the owner the sum of P3,000,000 of the Philippines
▪ Upon SJDDH’s rejection, the government deposited o On Tambobong: because it was already practically
the 3,000,000 in court on June 21, 1944, together owned by the Philippine Government by virtue of a
with the accrued rentals amounting to P324,000. deed of sale from the Philippine Trust Company
dated September 3, 1947 (deal with Rural Progress ▪ Three bills:
Administration) (1) prohibiting the Secretary of Justice or any other
department head from discharging functions and
3) The special committee examined various witnesses to
exercising powers other than those attached to his
determine who were responsible for and who benefited from the
own office, without previous congressional
transaction of the government paying to Burt the total sum of
P1,500,000 for his alleged interest of only P20,000 in the two authorization
estates (20,000 since he only paid 10,000 for each property) (2) prohibiting brothers and near relatives of any President
of the Philippines from intervening directly or
- for the committee it is unnecessary and irregular indirectly and in whatever capacity in transactions
in which the Government is a party
4) Petitioner Arnault is among the witnesses examined.
(3) providing that purchases of the Rural Progress
- He testified that he received the P1,500,000 and that he Administration of big landed estates at a price of
was instructed by Burt to give P440,000 to a certain person. P100,000 or more, and loans guaranteed by the
Government involving P100,000 or more, shall not
- When asked to identify the name of that particular
become effective without previous congressional
person, Arnault stated that he forgot the name.
5) May 15, 1950: The Senate deliberated and adopted a resolution c) The determination of the parties responsible for the deal is
which ordered the confinement of Arnault in New Bilibid Prison for incumbent upon the judicial rather than upon the legislative
contempt by not revealing to whom he gave the Php 440,000. branch;
d) Senate lacks authority to commit him for contempt for a
- The Senate also adopted another resolution (No. 16)
term beyond its period of legislative session, which ended
authorizing the Special Committee to continue its investigation of
the Tambobong and Buenavista Estates deal, more particularly to on May 18, 1950;
continue the examination of Jean L. Arnault regarding the name of e) He would incriminate himself if he should reveal the name
the person to whom he gave the P440,000. of the person to whom he gave the P440,000. If that person
(witness) be a public official he might be accused of bribery,
6) May 18, 1950: The first session of the Second Congress was and if that person be a private individual the latter might
adjourned at midnight accuse him of oral defamation.
7) With his imprisonment, petitioner filed the current petition and
contended the following:
1) W/N the information is immaterial to the purported legislation –
a) Senate has no power to punish him for contempt because
the name of the person he paid P440,000 to is immaterial
to the purported legislation; 2. W/N the approval of the bills resulting from the investigation will
b) Senate has already approved the three bills recommended make the information immaterial – NO;
by the Committee as a result of the investigation and that
3. W/N the determination of the parties involved in the deal is
there is no need for it to know the name of the person to
judicial function than the legislative branch – NO
whom the witness gave the P440,000;
4. W/N Senate can imprison the petition for contempt for a period Going back to the issues (the most important parts are
beyond legislative session – YES highlighted)

5. W/N petitioner can validly invoke the right against self- ISSUE NO. 1: No, the name is pertinent to the matter under
incrimination – NO inquiry.

HELD AND RATIO ➢ Once an inquiry is within the jurisdiction of a legislative body, the
investigating committee has the power to require a witness
✓ Before ruling on the issues, it was discussed how the power of to answer any question pertinent to that inquiry, subject to
inquiry is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the the right against self-incrimination.
legislative function. ✓ The inquiry, to be within the jurisdiction of the legislative
• A legislative body cannot legislate wisely in the absence body, must be material or necessary to the exercise of
of information respecting the conditions which the legislative power
legislation is intended to effect or change. ✓ It is not necessary for the legislative body to show that
every question is material to any proposed or possible
o If the legislative body does not itself possess the legislation
requisite information, recourse must be had to ✓ What is required is that it is pertinent to the subject matter
others who do possess it under inquiry.
o Some means of compulsion is essential to obtain ✓ When questions are not pertinent to the matter under
information needed because mere requests are inquiry a witness rightfully may refuse to answer
often unavailing, and also because information
which is volunteered is not always accurate or ➢ IN THE CASE AT BAR, the court finds that the question to Arnault
complete is pertinent to the subject matter because the special committee
was created to investigate the parties responsible for the
• The fact that the Constitution expressly gives to Congress Buenavista and Tambobong estates deal
the power to punish its Members for disorderly behavior, does not o The name of the person to whom the witness gave
exclude the power to punish for contempt any other person who are the P440,000 involved in said deal is pertinent to be
not members. determined
o However, no person can be punished for contumacy ISSUE NO. 2: No, the approval of the bills resulting from the
as a witness, unless: (1) his testimony is required investigation does not make the information immaterial
in a matter into which that (2) House has
jurisdiction to inquire. ➢ The bills have not yet been approved by the lower house and by
✓ The court also noted that in the present case, the jurisdiction of the President
the Senate to investigate the Buenavista and Tambobong Estates ➢ They may be withdrawn or modified if after the inquiry is
deal is not challenged because of Resolution no. 8. completed they should be found unnecessary or inadequate
➢ There is nothing to prevent the Congress from approving other
measures it may deem necessary after completing the
ISSUE NO. 3: No, the determination of parties involved is not session because it was a creature merely of an Act of the
judicial function but legislative function Congress and not of a Constitution adopted by the people
o He emphasized that the legislative body ceases to
➢ The petitioner has not challenged the validity of Senate exist on the moment of its adjournment or periodical
Resolution No. 8, and that resolution expressly requires the dissolution. It follows that imprisonment must
committee to determine the parties responsible for the deal. terminate with that adjournment.
➢ Kilbourn vs. Thompson is not applicable, contrary to what the ✓ The quotations relied upon by Justice Malcolm are obiter dicta,
petitioner claimes not applicable to the case
✓ The subject of the inquiry in Kilbourn, which related to a o Anderson vs. Dunn was an action of trespass and
private real-estate pool or partnership, was not within the the question regarding the duration of the penalty
jurisdiction of either House of Congress. was not involved.
o In the present case, the subject of the inquiry which o In Marshall vs. Gordon, the question presented was
is a transaction involving a questionable whether the House had the power under the
expenditure by the Government of public funds is Constitution to deal with the conduct of the district
within the jurisdiction of the Senate attorney in writing a vexatious letter as a contempt
✓ In Kilbourn, there was pending adjudication by the court of its authority
o In the present case, the interposition of the judicial ▪ The petitioner here was discharged from
power on the subject of the inquiry cannot be custody because the House had no such
expected until after the Senate shall have power as the writing of the letter did not
determined who are the parties responsible obstruct the performance of legislative duty
➢ Marshall vs. Gordon is applicable but not in support of the ADJOURNED.
petitioner’s contention but of the respondent’s ✓ The applicable case is McGrain vs. Daugherty
✓ In Marshall, the contempt involved consisted in the district o In this case, the Senate created a select committee of five
attorney's writing to the chairman of the committee an senators to investigate various charges of misfeasance and
offensive and vexatious letter, while in the case at bar the nonfeasance in the Department of Justice
contempt involved consists in the refusal of the witness to o The ruling was that the Senate, as a continuing body, may
answer questions pertinent to the subject of an inquiry continue its committees through the recess following the
which the Senate has the power and jurisdiction to make. expiration of a Congress
✓ It was recognized that the House of Representatives has
implied power to punish a person (although he/she is not ➢ Senate is a continuing body which does not cease exist upon the
its member) of contempt periodical dissolution of the Congress or of the House of
ISSUE NO. 4: Yes, the Senate can imprison the petitioner for Representatives.
contempt for a period beyond legislative session. ✓ There is no limit as to time to the Senate's power to
punish for contempt in cases where that power may
➢ The contention is based on the opinion of Justice Malcolm in the constitutionally be exerted as in the present case
case of Lopez vs. De los Reyes ✓ By refusing to answer the questions, the witness has
✓ Justice Malcolm argued that Philippine Legislature had no obstructed the performance by the Senate.
power to punish contempt beyond the period of legislative
✓ The Senate has the power to remove the obstruction by RULING: Petition is DENIED.
compelling the witness to answer the questions thru
restraint of his liberty until he shall have answered them DISSENT by TUASON, J
✓ That power subsists as long as the Senate, which is a
continuing body, persists in performing the particular ➢ The power of legislative bodies to punish for contempt is not
legislative function involved. absolute. Punishment must be resorted to for the efficient
➢ To hold that it may punish the witness for contempt only during exercise of the legislative function.
the session in which investigation was begun, would be to o The question to be answered by the petitioner has
recognize the right of the Senate to perform its function but at nothing to do with any matter within the
the same time to deny to it an essential and appropriate cognizance of the Congress
means for its performance ▪ The statement of the committee in its
✓ Also, if the power to punish for contempt terminates report that the information sought to be
upon the adjournment of the session, the Senate obtained would clear the names of the
would have to resume the investigation at the next persons suspected of having received the
and succeeding sessions, and repeat the contempt money, is, on the surface, the most or only
proceedings which would be absurd and thus, plausible reason that can be advanced
should be avoided. ▪ It is outside the concern of the
Congress to protect the honor of
ISSUE NO. 5: No, the petitioner cannot invoke right against self- particular citizens except that of its own
incrimination members' as a means of preserving
respect and confidence in that body
➢ The answers of the witness to the important question were
➢ The object of the question is to prepare the way for a court
obviously false.
✓ His insistent claim before the bar of the Senate that if he
o Senate wants the witness to give names because
should reveal the name he would incriminate himself,
necessarily implied that he knew the name. the fiscal or the courts will not initiate an action
✓ It is unbelievable that he gave the P440,000 to an unknown against parties who should be prosecuted.
person. o The institution of a criminal or civil suit is not one of
✓ Testimony which is obviously false or evasive is equivalent the duties of the Congress to look after.
to a refusal to testify and is punishable as contempt o The Congress is at full liberty to make any
➢ Since according to the witness himself the transaction was investigation for the purpose of aiding the fiscal or
legal, and that he gave the P440,000 to a representative of Burt the courts, but this liberty does not carry with
in compliance with the latter's verbal instruction, there is no basis it the authority to imprison persons who
in his claim that to reveal the name of that person might refuse to testify.
incriminate him. ➢ The disputed question is not only irrelevant but moot
✓ It is the province of the court to determine whether a direct o The committee has submitted its final report and
answer to a question may criminate or not recommendation, and a bill has been approved by
✓ The fact that the testimony of a witness may tend to show
the Senate calculated to prevent recurrence of the
that he has violated the law is not sufficient to entitle him
anomalies exposed.
to claim the protection
➢ It is true that the committee continues to sit during the recess of
Congress, but the sole object of the extension of the committee's
sittings is to receive the witness' answer.
➢ According to Justice Tuason, the committee entertains a moral
conviction that Antonio Quirino, the brother of President
Quirino, was the recipient of a share of the proceeds of sale
o In light of this information, he argued that the
House of Representatives and the President are
absolutely independent of the Senate, in the
conduct of legislative and administrative inquiries,
and the power of each House to imprison for
contempt does not go beyond the necessity for
its own self-preservation or for making its
express powers effective.

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