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University Of Luzon Graduate School

Dagupan City






4. Adviser: SHEREE G. GANZON, Ph.D


6. Date of Defense: May 28, 2019

7. Background of the Study:

Health behaviors, sometimes called health-related behaviors, are

actions taken by individuals that affect health or mortality (Short &

Mollborn, 2015). There are two broad classes of health behaviors: risk

behavior and positive health behavior. A health risk behavior can be

defined as an activity carried out by people with a frequency or intensity

that increases the risk of disease or injury (Peltzer, Pengpid, Yung,

Aounallah‐Skhiri & Rehman, 2015), whereas positive health behaviors

involve actions that are meant to prevent disease, maintain, improve or

restore one’s health.

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death

globally, and one of the major health challenges of the 21st century. In

2016, 15 million of these deaths were premature (30 to 70 years) (WHO,

2018). It is important for young people to understand NCDs and their

risk factors. Two-thirds of premature deaths in adults are associated

with childhood conditions or behaviors initiated in youth (Retrieved from May 18,


In Dagupan City, due to the weak implementation of alcohol and

tobacco-related city ordinances, these products remain widely available

to young people. Notably, research has shown that outlet density,

proximity and alcohol-related marketing are important determinants of

alcohol consumption among young people (Chen, Grube & Gruenewald,

2010; Swahn, Palmier, Benegas-Segarra & Sinson, 2013; Rowland et al.

2014). In addition, unhealthy fast foods remain widely accessible to

college students.

8. Statement of the Problem:

This study assessed the status and influence of health behaviors

relative to NCDs among university students. The findings of this study

were the bases for proposing a public health awareness program in the

promotion of healthy lifestyle among the young people.

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1. What is the status of health behaviors of university students in

terms of the following:

a. Positive behavior; and

b. Risk behavior?

2. What health behavior influences are identified by the university

students in terms of the following:

a. Familial;

b. Individual; and

c. Sociocultural?

3. What public health awareness program can be proposed in the

prevention of non-communicable diseases and promotion of

healthy lifestyle among the young people?

9. Research Method Used:

This study employed a quantitative-descriptive survey design to

answer the research questions. The descriptive survey design was suited

as it aided the researcher in the analysis and description of the

respondents’ health behavior status and potential health behavior

influence factors. This descriptive research also looked at numerical

descriptions through quantification of the obtained data.

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

The study involved 116 regular first year Nursing students of

University of Luzon and PHINMA University of Pangasinan. The

respondents’ mean age was 18.7 years; their ages ranged from 18 to 23

years old; 29 males (25%) and 87 females (75%). A simple random

sampling was employed in choosing the respondents. The data gathering

tool was a validated survey questionnaire with Scale Validity Index (S-

CVI) of 0.97; Cronbach’s alpha (0.77). Total sample was computed with

90% confidence level and 5% error margin using Epi Info version 7

software. SPSS version 23 software was used for data analysis.

10. Summary of findings:

The following results were obtained after the retrieved data were


Status of Health Behaviors of the University Students

Positive Behaviors. The status of positive behaviors among

university students in Dagupan City is slightly positive with pooled

mean rating of 2.43. This implies that the students sometimes perform

positive behaviors particularly along timely eating, fruit consumption,

fish consumption, pulses consumption, exercise habits and weight

monitoring. The usually performed behaviors among the students

include sleep duration of at least 6 hours, vegetable consumption and

drinking at least 6-8 glasses/cups of water per day.

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

Risk Behaviors. The status of risk behaviors among the

university students in Dagupan City is low risk with pooled mean rating

of 2.49. This implies that the students’ overall risk behaviors along

dietary habits, alcohol use and tobacco use is characterized as low risk.

The usually performed risk behaviors among the university students

include breakfast skipping, eating out, emotional eating as well as

sweets, fried food and fast food consumption.

Health Behavior Influences Identified by the University Students

Familial. Fifty eight point six percent (58.6%) of the students

have at least one family member who smokes cigarettes, seventy eight

point four percent (78.4%) have at least one family member who drinks

alcohol, sixty two point one percent (62.1%) have parents who decide the

foods they eat when they are with them, ninety four percent (94%)

believe their parents are their role models, eighty four point five percent

(84.5%) have parents who discussed the effects of alcohol with them,

eighty three point six percent (83.6%) have parents who discussed the

effects of smoking with them, and sixty two point nine percent (62.9%)

have parents who discussed weight management with them.

Individual. Seventy two point four percent (72.4%) of the students

indicated that they worry too much, sixty nine point eight percent

(69.8%) like to fit in with their peers, sixty point three percent (60.3%) do

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

not believe that drinking alcohol is part of the college life, eighty six

point two percent (86.2%) like fast foods, eighty nine point seven percent

(89.7%) can cook their own meals, fifty four point three percent (54.3%)

have time to exercise, sixty point three percent (60.3%) plan their own

exercise, ninety nine point one percent (99.1%) know the benefits of

exercise, and ninety seven point four percent (97.4%) know the benefits

of a proper diet.

Sociocultural. Sixty seven point two percent (67.2%) of the

students worry about peer pressure, sixty point three percent (60.3%)

have at least one friend who smokes cigarettes, eighty six point two

percent (86.2%) have at least one friend who drinks alcohol, fifty four

point three percent (54.3%) do not have friends who pressure them to

eat particular foods, eighty one percent (81%) have friends who tell them

when they gain weight, seventy point seven percent (70.7%) do not think

alcohol advertisements on television are interesting, and seventy six

point seven percent (76.7%) do not think that alcohol posters are


Based on the results of the study, a public health awareness

program was proposed to promote healthy lifestyle, in the prevention of


University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

12. Conclusion:

In light of the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that:

The lifestyle practices of the adolescent students relative to NCD’s

and their primary prevention were found to be unsatisfactory. Their

health behaviors put them at risk for overweight/obesity and weight-

related NCDs such as diabetes and heart diseases. However, the

students do not practice either healthful or risk behaviors with complete

consistency. Notably, the two types of health behavior can sometimes

coexist; that is, participation in risk behaviors may not necessarily imply

non-participation in positive behaviors and vice versa. In relation to

potential health behavior influences, the presence of factors such as

family members’ and friends’ smoking/drinking habits may increase the

students’ likelihood of smoking initiation and alcohol abuse. School

authorities need to acknowledge student health behaviors as a priority

and their role in providing a supportive environment for positive health

behavioral change.

13. Recommendations:

Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommends

the following:

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

1. Students may plan and regulate their food intake on a daily basis to

prevent emotional eating which could lead to diet-related non-

communicable diseases.

2. School administrators may implement the proposed awareness

program to increase student awareness on NCDs and behavioral risk


3. Future researchers may conduct a follow-up study to validate findings

of this study.

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City


Abstract i

List of Tables xii

List of Figures xiii

Acknowledgement xiv

Dedication xvi

Chapter PAGE


Rationale 1

Conceptual Framework 9

Statement of the Problem 14

Assumptions of the Study 15

Scope and Delimitation 15

Significance of the Study 17

Definition of Terms 18


Conceptual Literature 21

Research Literature 50


Research Method Used 73

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

Locale of the Study 74

Respondents of the Study 77

Instrumentation 78

Data Gathering Procedure 79

Statistical Treatment of Data 80



Status of Health Behaviors among 82

University Students

Positive Behaviors 82

Risk Behaviors 86

Health Behavior Influences Identified by 92

the University Students

Familial 93

Individual 96

Sociocultural 100

Proposed Public Health Awareness Program to 104

Promote a Healthy Lifestyle among the Young People


Findings 114

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

Conclusions 116

Recommendations 117



a. Letters of Request 139

b. Letter to Validators 142
c. Questionnaire 143
d. Content Validation Form 146
e. Computation of SCVI 150

Curriculum Vitae 151

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City


NO. Description Page

1 Distribution of Respondents 77

2 Status of Health Behaviors of the University 83

Students in terms of Positive Behaviors

3 Status of Health Behaviors of the University 87

Students in terms of Risk Behaviors

4 Health Behavior Influences Identified by the 93

University Students in terms of Familial Factors

5 Health Behavior Influences Identified by the 97

University Students in terms of Individual Factors

6 Health Behavior Influences Identified by the 100

University Students in terms of Sociocultural Factors

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City


NO. Description Page

1 Stokols’ Social Ecological Model 10

2 Paradigm of the Study 13

3 Site Map of UL and UPANG located in Dagupan City 76

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City


Above all, the researcher gives all thanks and adoration to the

Almighty God for grace, protection, wisdom, provisions and guidance. To

Him he gives all the glory. The contributions of several people have made

this thesis possible. Expressions of warmest gratitude and appreciation

are extended to the following individuals who have contributed to the

realization of this study:

To Dr. Sheree G. Ganzon, Thesis Adviser, the researcher expresses

his special attention and sincerest gratitude for her steadfast support,

untiring assistance, patience, motivations, and constant encouragement

throughout the course of this project.

To Dr. Carmelo John E. Vidal, Panel Chairman, whose research

expertise was invaluable during the defense, for his detailed and

constructive comments and suggestions towards enrichment of the


To Dr. Maria Teresa A.Estrada, and Dr. Maribeth J. Dulnuan, the

panelists, for their detailed suggestions, advices, and sharing their wide

knowledge towards successful revisions and improvement of this work;

To Prof. Ellen P. Gabriel, Dean, College of Nursing at University of

Luzon and Dr. Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, Dean, College of Nursing at

University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City

University of Pangasinan (PHINMA), for allowing the researcher to

conduct the study;

To the Respondents, who extended their immense help by

providing the required information, which in turn helped the researcher

in achieving the objective of this study;

To Adaoma, for her financial assistance and support.

To his parents, Mr. Jonathan Ejimofor and Mrs. Agnes Ejimofor for

their unending love, emotional, moral and financial support.

To Kingsley, Dr. Lucas, Dino-Clichy, Emeka Egege, Francis, Sir

Tega, Emmanuel, Juliet, Toni, Lailanie, Mary, and Cee-Jhay;

To all his classmates at the Graduate School;

Lastly, to the academic and non-academic staff at the Graduate


University Of Luzon Graduate School
Dagupan City


This book is dedicated with love and gratitude to the God of

Chosen for His grace throughout this endeavor, as well as to my family,

Mr. Jonathan Ejimofor, Mrs. Agnes Ejimofor, Blessing, Esther, Wisdom,

Vivian, and Nancy for their unending love, continued belief, confidence,

steadfast support and prayers.

Ejimofor Godswill C.

(God of Chosen na Baba!)

University of Luzon

Dagupan City

May 2019


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