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Dear Self,

Friend. A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself – A simple quotation that will reminds you how
important friends are, sometimes you may forget who they are and what kind of person they are but in your heart and soul, they are not just a
simple person but a friend, a friend that will support and help you in anything. Maybe sometimes they are not around to help you but always
remember that one mistake cannot modify so much meaningful things they did for you. Don’t make jealous, displeasure and specially don’t build
dissatisfaction to them, teach yourself not to make any issues regarding about their failure and mistakes. You know that there is a time that some
friend of yours will criticize and judged you and no matter how many times it is, prove them that they are wrong, their judgement and words cannot
define and declare you as a person.

Family. Always remember that treat a family like a precious gem, no one can replace them. Treat them like a gift, a gift that for the rest
of your life you will keep. Every moment we have shared with each other is the only thing you always want to remember. They give you and power
and they are the only reason why I am here. You know that when it comes in family, comparison is always taking place, looks like no one is proud
of you, no one loves you, and no appreciates you, but whatever they have done to make you down, always reach up, be proud to yourself, you are
your number one fan in anything. Consider them as your armor, your protector and your light in your life. As an armor that will help you to destroy
any obstacles in your life and in different challenges that will hit you, as a protector that will protect you in any harm, remember when you were a
child, they care for you in the way that they forget about themselves. And as a light, they give you light whenever you are in the dark. If there is
sometimes that they are angry with you, in what you will do, just is their own way to show love and concerns to you, respect them no matter how
loud their voices are, just listen to them. If the time will come that they are too old to take care of themselves, take care of them, clean their trash,
wash their clothes and be the light to guide them. Appreciates your family’s effort, sometimes you didn’t know what they have to go through just to
keep your family happy, specially you, as their child. You should always remember that no family is perfect, we argue, we fight, we even stop talking
to each other at ties but in the end, family is always a family, the love will always be there.

God. He is the one and only reason why you’re here in this world, he created you as who you are and what you are. Never questioned him
every time you feel that you are a failure person and if you have problems in your life, remember that God creates not to questioned him but to trust
him in any plan he has for you. Never deny your mistake in your life, just tell to him and he will forgive you. You are his son, no matter how big the
problem you have, just pray and he will help you to find out solutions. You must remember that he will not give you hindrances and problems in
your life if he knows that you will be destroy from those hindrances and if he knows that you cannot find any solution to your problems. God always
love you, take care of you, protect you, trust you and believe in you. The love that you have shared comes from him, it is the unconditional love you
have. Be one of the soldiers of God, salute him and he will salute you for being a who you are. If you feel that you are alone and you are abandoned
by him, think that he trusts you, he knows that you are strong enough to handle things, wise enough to find solution to your problems, and capable
enough to persevere. Be thankful to him for everything he has done for you.

Jenilyn D. Basa

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