Nature of Business

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2Nature of business

Nature of Business Manufacturer

Additional Business  Wholesaler
 Service Provider
 Supplier

Legal Status of Firm Partnership


Relationship with Children : of all ages

Marketing and Brand Building
Strong Distribution
Expertise in Flavor Technology
Advanced Manufacturing Facility
Efficient Management of the Production and Market environments will be
harnessed further to bring to the Global consumers, technologically superior
products in fruits, vegetables, beverages, confectioneries... to be a world leader in
the Processed Food Industry. A Present focus is towards bringing to the Global
Consumers Ethnic recipes and Food Products from India
RMM food products is looking for potential collaborators for bringing unique and
value added products to the Global Markets through appropriate co-operative
efforts like Joint Ventures
Technology Transfers
Marketing Collaborations etc.
We have adequate and in-depth knowledge & information on Market sizes and
behaviours, Growth prospects, Project Viabilities, Government Policies, Finances
etc. and access to more, enabling us to respond fast to any proposal with suitable
recommendations. We believe that there is a huge and emerging market for RMM
food products kind of product range, all over the world. RMM food products is
capable of managing global sized manufacturing set-ups working on the most
advanced technologies to cater to the huge markets, nationally and globally.



According to Tom peter and Robert Waterman, organization change is not simply a
matter of structure, although structure is significant variable in the management of
change. It is also not a simple relationship between strategy and structure. Strategy is also
a critical aspect. Organizational change may be understood to be a relationship between
strategy, structure, system, style, skills & shared values. The first three elements-strategy,
structure &system are considered the "hardware" of success. The next four – style skills,
staff, and shared values are called the "software". The complex relationship is diagramed
presented below:

The 7-s
rk for
management analysis was developed by the respected consulting firm of Mc Kinseyss
and company. This approach has gained in popularity partly because it became the basis
for the research behind two best – selling books, the Art of Japanese Management and in
search of excellence.
The McKinney’s 7S framework essentially looks at seven elements of an organization that must
be understood when seeking to work out how it works and how to bring about any sort of
change in the organization. These are: -
 Style
 Systems
 Staff
 Structure
 Strategy
 Shared vision
 Skills

These seven elements play a significant role in any organization and the McKinney 7S
framework gives an insight into the integration of these significant elements. The
outstanding feature of the 7S framework is that it has been tested extensively by
McKinney consultants in their studies of many companies. At the same time this
framework has been used by respected business schools such as Harvard and Stanford.
Thus, theory and practice seem to support each other in the study of management. It's all
very well devising a strategy, but you have to be able to implement it if it's to do any
good. The Seven S Framework first appeared in "The Art Of Japanese Management" by
Richard Paschal and Anthony Athos in 1981.

They had been looking at how Japanese industry had been so successful, at around the
same time that Tom Peters and Robert Waterman were exploring what made a company
The Seven S model was born at a meeting of the four authors in 1978. It went on to
appear in "In Search of Excellence" by Peters and Waterman, and was taken up as a basic
tool by the global management consultancy McKinsey: it's sometimes known as the
McKinsey 7S model.

Managers, they said, need to take account of all seven of the factors to be sure of
successful implementation of a strategy - large or small. They're all interdependent, so if
you fail to pay proper attention to one of them, it can bring the others crashing down
around you. Oh, and the relative importance of each factor will vary over time, and you
can't always tell how that's changing. Like a lot of these models, there's a good dose of
common sense in here, but the 7S Framework is useful way of checking that you've
covered all the bases.


The 7s model are a frame work for analyzing organizations and their effectiveness. It
looks at seven key elements that make the organization successful, or not; a structure; a
system, skills, shared values.
Consultants at Mckensey’s and company developed by 7s models in the late 1970s to
help managers address the difficulties of the organization change. The model shows
organizational immune system and the many inter connected variables involved make
change complex, and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

The 7s model is a tool for managerial analysis and action that provides structure with
which to consider a company as whole, so that the organizational problems may be
diagnosed and a strategy may be developed and implemented.

The seven diagrams illustrates the multiplicity interconnectedness of elements that

organization’s ability to change. The theory helped to managers thinking about how
company could be improved. It says that it is not just a matter of devising a new strategy
and following it through. Nor is it a matter of setting a new system and letting them
generate improvements?

To be effective, your Organisation must have degree of fit or internal alignment among
all the 7s. Each S must be consistent with the reinforcement of the other ‘S’. All ‘S’ are
interrelated so a change in one has a ripple effect on all others. Its is impossible to make
progress on one without making progress on all. Thus, to improve the organization you
have to master system thinking and pay attention to all of the seven elements at the same
time. There is no starting point or implied hierarchy different factors may drive the
business in any one organization.
The structure defines former relationship and the use of people in the organization. In
today’s complex and ever changing environment, successful organization may take
temporary structural change to cope with specific strategic tasks without abandoning
basic structural division throughout the organization. Organizational structure with results
from the organizing process is the basic frame work within which the decision making
behavior of an executive takes place. It is an establishment pattern of relationship among
the components of the organization.

In the IIFL each and every department is empowered with the officer, clerk and sub staff.
The authority is delegated to officer/manager to extract work from the staff. The each
department consists of members based on its requirements. Thus it is having an effective
work on the various activities efficiently and effectively. The board of directors, chair,
and managing director (CMD)
 Top management is responsible for all the organizational activities and also they are
responsible for decision making and performance taken by each department.
 Middle level management is concerned about their respective departmental activities.
The departmental managers communicate with their respective department activity to
the top level management regularly or weekly. Marketing department,
HR department, finance department constitute this level of management. Each of
these departments is headed by respective director and they are responsible for
their departmental activities.
 The lower level management consists of assistant manager of each department. They
will communicate and report their performance and activity to the middle level
 Structure is the hierarchy of the organization that comprises of the authority and
responsibility relationship in the firm. Structure is the organizational chart and
associated information that shows reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up
and integrated. It is concerned with direction of the delegation of authority and the
 IIFL Gold Loan is a democratic and well organized structure in itself. The lower level
and function level managers are consulted and consultations are analyzed before the
top management takes any decisions.
 IIFL adopted the concepts, its objectives.

 Radically improve the process and make in the way business is done.
 Integrate and align all business processes and sub processes.
 Reduction of cycle time a reducing cost for all business transactions.



Zonal Manager

Regional Manager

Retail Marketing Alternative Chanel Operation Chanel Human Resource

Territory Manager Territory Manager Team Manager HR Executive

Branch Manager Branch Manager Operation Manager

Asst. B.M. Channel Executive

Business Dev. Mgr.

Sales Dev. Mgr.

It refers to the systematic action and allocation of resource to achieve company’s aims.
Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy is plan
an organization formulates to reach identified goals, and a set of decision and actions
aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over the competition. It is the art and science of
planning resource for effective use.

This department should by finance manager.
The company audit will be conduct at private auditors.

Finance manager accountant assistants

This department should handled by the marketing manager. In this department is
identifying customer needs, demands, loyalty, consumer wants, and trying to obtain those
details in the customer order.
The IIFL uses the multi distribution system and all materials store. The quality manual
approved by the general manager approved by the general manager.

Marketing manager junior manager Assistant

It is the main heart of the company. The main aim of HR development is to establish and
create a healthy, harmonious human relationship.

RH manager Administrator Staff


To be the most respected financial services company in India.

- Not necessarily the largest or most profitable

These are procedures and processes such as, information systems, manufacturing
processes, budgeting and control processes. The process of gold loan business starts right
from the recruitment of gold loan consultants. They are given training according to the
requirements of Accounting and administration and also gold testing, they will be given
business and gold testing training in the company’s training centers. And also giving the
business development training.

Systems define the flow of activities involved in the daily operation of business,
including its core processes and its support system. They refer to the procedures,
processes and routine that is used to manage the organization and characterized how
important work is to be done.
IIFL follows participative management, where in each major decision regarding the
company is taken in tip down fashion and other decision like targets and growth aspects
IIFL follows bottom up style. We think it is important to distinguish between the basic
personality of a top management team and the way the team comes across to the
“Style “refers to the kind of leadership style followed in the organization.
Generally the term style refers to the particular arrangement in the organization for
smooth running of business. There are many types of leadership styles followed in
different organization. The different leadership styles have different impact on the
performance of employee in the company. Hence the company needs to bear certain
important things in mind before deciding style of leader.
The leadership style has different merits and demerits. The types of leadership
style followed by centralized style and decentralized style. It has certain pros and cons.

CENTRALIZED LEADERSHIP style means where the sub-ordinates have on option

to take part in decision making process of company or top level management takes
decision without giving priority to the subordinates. Here it very fast in decision making.
But subordinates are ignored.

DECENTRALIZED LEADERSHIP style means where the subordinates takes part in

decision making of company or sub-ordinates has option to involve in decision of the
company. Here it is late in decision making. But subordinates given importance.
Here in case of the IIFL gold loan adopted centralized leadership style [top level to
bottom level] of the follow of the information without any distribution in the company.
IIFL gold loan follows strictly centralized leadership style.

Staff (in the sense of people, not line/staff) is often treated in one of two ways. At the
hard end of the spectrum, we talk of appraisal systems, pay scales, formal training
program and the like. At the soft end, we talk about morale, attitudes, motivation and
behavior. The IIFL is in the course of cutting down the cost of service. If it starts
recruiting, the selection is done based on the education qualification first class degree.

Staff is the important source of asset of any organization. So the organization must be
very careful I choosing right person to the right job. “Staff” refers to the numbers and
types of personnel with the organization and how companies develop employees and
shape basic values. The functions are a mixture of behavior analysis, policy formulation
and maintenance of good interpersonal relations. In this company, we are going to focus
on all of these functions: the staffing, personnel management, or (as it’s usually called
today) human resource management function.

 CONDUCTING JOB ANALYSIS (determining the nature of each employee’s job)

planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates, selection job candidates Orienting
and training new employees in the employees.
 MANAGING WAGES AND SALARY (how to compensate employees) providing
incentives and benefits Apprising performance communication (interviewing,
counseling, disciplining) training and development building employee commitment.
Equal opportunity and affirmative action.

Unlike the other six S’s, super ordinate goals don’t seem to be present in all, or
even most, organizations. They are, however, evident in most of the superior performers.
The value shared by the members of an enterprise is known as the shared values. The
organization of IIFL is having a strategy of sharing values. The significant meaning or
guiding concepts that an organization induces in its members.
Shared values are commonly held beliefs, mindsets, and assumptions that shape
how an organization behaves – its corporate culture. Shared values are what engender
strut. They can interconnect center of the 7s model. Values are the identity by which a
company is known throughout its values.
The interconnecting center of McKinsey's model is:

Shared Values. What does the organization stands for and what it believes in.
Central beliefs and attitudes.

To be the most respected financial services company in India.

- Not necessarily the largest or most profitable

From an entrepreneurial start-up in 1995, we have steadily grown to emerge as one of
India’s leading financial services group. Ever since our inception, our strategy has been
to align our capabilities and market insights to the country’s rapidly changing business
environment. Our growth trajectory has only served to reinforce our focus on our domain
of financial services.


IIFL (India Info line) is committed to placing the Investor First, by continuously striving to
increase the efficiency of the operations as well as the systems and processes for use of corporate
resources in such a way so as to maximize the value to the stakeholders. The Group aims at
achieving not only the highest possible standards of legal and regulatory compliances, but also of
effective management.

 To provide good quality of product.
 To meet the demand to growing demand.


 Diagnostic tool for understanding organizations that is ineffective.
 Guides organizational change.
 Combines rational and hard elements with emotional and soft elements.
 Managers must act on all Ss in parallel and all Ss are interrelated.

It is a more reputed gold loan company, as it is providing financial solution of where to
mortgage, how to mortgage and number of schemes with having more benefits to gold
loaner . It has reputed customers who are loyal to the organization. The service given to
the customer’s are accomplished as per their requirements. Financial services generally
do mass supporting services are rendered to all types (classes) of customers. More over
the people feel their task is in safe hands of the industry.

“Skills” refers to the dominant distinctive capabilities and competencies of the personal
or of the organization as a whole. Through skills how the training needs are satisfied to
the employees of different grades. The different on job and off job training giving to the

Generally skills refer to the ability of individual of particular activity. As all fingers in the
hand are not same similarly the ability of individual differs from person to person. What
the company does best, the distinctive capabilities & competencies that reside in the


In the class just we can assume how the corporate world is but it is completely
different when I started to go to the company. In the class just we will read, learn and
same thing we will write in the exam and we will get pass but when we go for searching
job really we will feel the heat of outside world, regarding pressure for target
achievement, competition for jobs etc…

During my stay in the organization I was exposed to the actual working of the
organization. I learnt how the different departments of an organization functions and
coordination for overall smooth function.

That was a wonderful experience to me in that IIFL. I learnt so many things there,
what is the real corporate culture, How much we have to be smart, How much talented
we should, How we should achieve our target, what is our responsibility. I could also
analyze how McKinsey’s model contributes to effective working of the organization.
During this short period, by interacting with my guide and other key persons, it enables
me to know about the functions of various departments. Their workflow, discuss and
responsibilities of respective heads.


 Organizational behaviour - Appanaya Reddy,

 Indian Gold Loan Market – Cognizant

 The Economic Times IIFL General Leasing Finance Limited

 From IIFL branch, Factsheets of various companies, like ICICI Prudential,

Reliance, etc.






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ಮಮಮಮ ಮಮಮಮಮಮಮಮ,
Minority development Minister,
Karnataka Chief minister,

ಮಮಮಮ ಮಮಮಮ
ರರರರರರರರರರ ರರ.

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