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rH ft'fir,,{r EH ?r3 frrrs'S0}E. fr. S. }rfrd. A.

) trrE,
{lre m
srArts couNCIL oF EDUcATIoNAL RESEARcH.uro rhlnvnvc (s.c.E.R.T.)

drfi +drs" qr ffian" zora
Nafional Tatent Seaml Examination Z)18

State Level Test - 2018

arfi dTfr riturrfl - 2018
il{Er eF+ (class D

H.dfF{ fdrs. rfrfirrr
fime:2hours Mar.Markr:l00 XXt:2ul? gislta: roo
Inrtructionr for candidetes : grneretsetu#
l. This examrelates to MentalAbilityTesl
t. fu{fiorE's.drf+str
2. Each question carries mark. Alt questions
ce compulsory.
z. otaqrae"fdat?art rx€qrse3dus r

3. You have been provided with ah answer sheet s. gild;rE {Fdrrsa uEl fueurz igsi arE
(OMR) for this question paper. Darkeri the i Femz t€ *nrrrr4 tsb {Fd e rd Fd

correct option of each question in the answer q artzdd' v.e ts a'syo * sos€ r

sheet (OMR) $,ilh black/bluepall ben.

t. d=r&+fd.jtaT${rg|et'36frE srraeri r

4. Rough work may be done. on the blenk space

provided for this purpose. 5. rb Wrwr{'Es ian'srrd (+drk) tr-drEar
zrfrt t
5. There is no negative marking in this test.
o. 9. *n. rrrro. S-d6" Slu <.eta efugE +
6. Do not ure whlte iuid on OMRAn:wer Sheet. soifrrfSs'i r

7. Halfen hour extra should he given to visually

ihpalred cendidetes only.
z. tgrfic fgferr{-dfu 6; aru ui,i e'mr'=u
f*'e€m r


RoughWork / trteH ,l






' -^);

MENTAL ABLTTY' H-d'fire +dlg'

IXr,ccdon Quationr ir-rrl. *"r" b r nunbcr rcricr li*rtr-rz;ffir*di*n*tiff tssifrv
following e pettern one phcc ir r lcft bLDlL lhd tc
: rmweremongopdonr.
r. 10000, 11000,9900, 10E90,9801, l. tflm, tI000,gqxl, Iffi90,9801,
(1) 10241
' @ l(nEl (r) tuz4t (4 IfiTET
(3) tw2e (4) tq,, gt (3) twx, (4)
J IotB,t

2. 2, 4, ......_.-......, ll, :16 2.2.4.-lt-16

.3 7 2t 3t 37 '21 3I
(l) 6 (2), s (l) .6 Ets
u 9 ll I
(3) e (4) 7 (3) e $7
.17 l3 t7 t3

3. 3,n,n,45,75,108, 3. 3,t2"2:t,4,75,rffi\
(l) te2 8\ 163 (r) tvt (t, l6i
(3) t{t (4) 99 (3) t17 (4) D
4. 480,%,....... ...-...,8,4 4. {80,96,............._&{
(1) 24 (2) E8 o) 24 g,t8
(3) s (4) 30 (3) & (ofi
5. 78,5630, 5. VE%,n,
(4) 20
6- 2,2,5,13,28, 6. 1?- s,t3,N,
t (l) 4e (2) 50 (l) tE @ts
(3) 5l (4) 52 (3) 5l ({)s2
7. 4s,*47,. --.... -. _,ry;$,st
. (l) ,A Q) s2 (l) 'ls @ s2
(3). 55 (4) A (3) s5 14, 62

8. 3,20,63,1{ts',27s, 8. 3, N,63,t44,n5,.. -.. "- --. --.-

(l) 3s2 (2) 468 (r) ,52 14 #E
(3) 548 (4) 662 (3) (4) 62
9. 0.5,0'55,065,0'8, 9. 0-5,C55,065,O&
(l) 0.1 (2) r, (r) Gr EII
(3) 2 (4) 091 (r' 2 14I- oex

to.58969t,81 6y,9654, ro ffi64, tn6t{,w, -.. -. " - -._

(r) tuil,3

(r) lfi)Er , Q) &r54 tr WI

(3) 94fi (1) 6il CI 91ffi (4, ffi
ll. 3,6,15,48, 11.3,6,15,48,
(l) te2 @ re3 (1) te2 @ le1
(3)re4 (4) r95 (3) 194 (4) le5

12./45,221,109,. ,25 12. 445,221,1@,_,25

(l) 4r (2) 46 (r) 4t (2) 46
(3) s3 (4) 58 (3) 53 (4) 58

Dlrectiops Questions (13-17) study the letter sense ffirf n t r r- rzl rffi afi rct S uS f yo' rea us rO t,
and answer the fotlowing. foqgrrgEt

13.. , .,babbbq ................'4-,- 13. , ,bsbbba, a,-, ,

O) ababb @ babbb (1) ababb @ b8.bbb

(3) baaab (4) bbabs (3) baasb (4) bbaba' -
14. BIVD( DNW' FOU,_ 14. BrvDt DNw, FoU,
(l) flPx (2) rrPS (l) HPx (2) IIPS
(3) HPr (4) GPs (3) HPr (4) GPs

ls. B,E,D,4_,H,J,_,L 15. B,E,D,F,_,II, J,_,L

(I) M,I (2) r,M (l) lvI,I ' Q\ I,M
(3) I,N (4) I,M (3) I,N (4) J,M

(1) mnopqr (2) oqrstr (l) mtropqr @ oqrsb

(3) pqrshr (4) qrstup (3) pqrstu (4) qrstup

fi . a25,7Y7,14X9, 23W1 1, 34Y13, r7. 225,TY7, 14X9, 23Wi l, 34Y13,-

(l) 4ru14 @ 2ru24 (r) 4ru14 Q) 27Ll?/l
(3) 45U15 (4) 4rut5 (3) 45ur5 (4) 47Ln5

rF fr{ A $ i ffi tfiraru gse

Direcfion cluer (1&23).Find the miscing term in firafu rpn'tre-23)
pleceofQucrfionMark ilto'r
18. 18.

(r) 180 Q) 59 (t) 180 (2) 59

(3) t26 (4) 88. (3) 126 (4) 88


@.,6. .o. @.,

4 19.


4 "o'

23 6 2 6
(r) s4 (2) 45 (r) s4 (2') 4s
(3) 3s (4) 53 (3) 35 (4) 53

20. 20.

l ? ?
15 15
17 21 17, 21
I (r)
(4) E

21. 21.
13 12 5 13 .12 5
't7 15 8 17 15 8
25 24 ? 25 24 ?
29 21" 20 29 21 20
(1) 6 (2)'t (l) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) e (3) 8 (4) e

7',) 22.

(1) 13 (2) 14 (l) 13 @14

(3) 27 (4) 22 (3) 27 (4) 22
23. r22,, K4J{" I7V, ? ,Hl6& M22P 23. t2Z, K4X, Iry ? ,Hl6& M22P
(l) Illr a\ Lllr (r) Illr @. LllT
(3) Ll2S (4) Lt2T , (3) Lr2S (4) Lt2r
Directlon (2,t-27) NoJwords on the left hand side ffiqrr(zl-zz GJiillfrrra :: Ecli q'ilrtctz nfi rdt
of slgn:: have some relationshlp developing same gE
reletionship on the right hrnd side of sign::
answer the Questions. re&9ecf€r
24.B,C: DI:: DE: ? 24. BC:'DI:: DE: ?
(l) FG A) RU (l) FG (2) RU
(3) PY (4) SK (3) PY (4) sK

25. KS :EL::
GD : ? :: GD : ?
(l) 39 (2) 43 (r) 3e (2) 43
40 49 40 49

(3) 289 (4) 16 (3) 28e (4) 16

169 69 169 69

26.76835 : 5fi13 :i 913?8 : ? 26.76835: 54613 :: 9432E : ?
(l) sx3s (2, 72r0r. (r) s263s 8) 72tN
(3)' il505 (4) 62t17 (3) 8150s (4) 62117

27. Cmmder :Navy :: Brigrdier: ? n.cutzr: gelt'.:: ffi&ari: ?

(l) CsDtain @ Cmooder (l) (2') cHrrd
(3) Air-FqGe (a) Army
(3) u€'Et*s' (4) w*dr i
Dktcden @31) Fhd odd one out ffitzs-al{EdtfuirlmSrAl {i
28.(l) whr Q, Bstcy 28.(r) a?Fa (2t *
(3) Rice (4) Musbld (3) gt?5 (4) f
29. (l) C6l (2\ PetoUrn (Ll A6' (2\ tzilhor
(3) Natmlcas (4) Bio4as
' (3) gFSdlF (4) qq
30. (l) 2:,4 (2' 4:t 30. (l) z:t (2) 428 ..

(3) 10:50 (4) E:32 (3) 10:50 (4) 8:32

31. (1) 15:63 @ x2|9t 31. (l) 15:63 (2) 22,91

(3) 2l:95 (4) 3l:9 (3) 23:95 (4) 3l:.97

Irhcdoe Qucdoi (3r.36) h olunr I rooo glvcn tEleirqrcnz frbfflil

ftr3rrgalrz-r)F.Dr r
wqdl levc ttdr codcr tr odrnl bw uc arnrgcd in
6cruc nurcr. trird thccodcl ud eu;er. muedl+?ndfwaffiEffiOr


$P Dlr SIP mir
ROTAIE lhhpok RotrAIT lLhpok ,,

IYRE nhpk TYRE rhpk

YEAR n kpI YEAN, nt.pI
TIE hrp TID Lrp
COUP moll COUP rolt
(l) liphr (2) ptifr (t) lipk (2) ptjih
(3) hlih (4) jklph (3) rpm (4) ,.Jtlph

33, EASY 33. EASY

(l) ph (2) hps (l) pen (2) hEB
(3) pds ' (4) lps (3) pob (4) hns

34. SOt P 34- SOUP
. (l) osid Q) $jE (r) oqI[ Q> soF
(3) sonj (4) mj (3) smj (4) mu$


(r) htip @*h CI), heie (2, pklih
(3) pih&I (4) r'Llip (3) pael (4) hklip
36. CI,JRE 36. CIIRE
kipj @
iftp O) krpj
(3) ilp
iikp p'aj p'ti

Dlrecfion (37-33) Qu0r6onrA + B mcerrAfu tlc ffi!E(a7-rr)A+Blcrsrr&Be'3kt,A- xry B

ron of B,A-B mernrAir thcwife ofB,Ar B mcu ,tB illE*t, ArB ucEd D?ari,.l* s xffiA r
Aig the brother ofB A + B mc0rr A L frc roitrcn Clflrir
37. Wh.tdoes P+ R-Qmeaas. 37. P+R-e e'aFxwt?
(l) QisthefatherofP (t) q,re'fira'ir
@ QisthcsonofP . (2, e,pegktr
(3) QistheUncleofP (2, q,r e'i'c'er
(4) Q is ttebrottcrofP (4, q,PsTdrtt

38. WhatdoosPxR+Qmeds. 3& PrR+Qe'dllr 6Sa?

O) Pistbehoe€rofR- O) P,Re'GrAt
(2) PirtheryhervofR (4 ERe'-#il
(3) farherofQ.
P is the (3) r,ge'fie'tr
(4) PistheMarqnaluncleofQ. 14 r,qunwtr
39. A&B a,e brothers, C &D ace risten, Ab rm is E|rr 39. A3833'16, C3DazrC, A e.giaeOe'rO't, S€r .

brofrcr, How is B rclated to C'? ca'r*fu't

(l) Gr.asdFd€r (21 fdlr @ firg'
(3) Urdle (4) Bryecr (, 3'C' ({) ifir"

Ilirectton (4G41) QBcdolc nc.d tt. folorfu rrd tndr(re+r)rBiteEtFti$aefi eE l

Sir rtr.nentr A,4 C, D, E rnd f tt dflfog o ile !frFldt,t r, c, D, E & Fkrrftlt w, el r e'
Ground A & B rre ftor NERU EOUS rSIc 6c fr 6furu€rf rdhlr erfr ar0ofra'ut,oi r
rcat b(lo[g, to GANDEI IIOUSE, I) & F rc.tdl
'tflc tilw$n'tl?#+r6, A clD *flac rro€tffi 8r
the dtcf,r.rc rhort ArC & D rc wrrLgderrcr rhb rdlrai6{}'HalludlilEir
theottcrr ere notrcrriry ghscr.

rm. Which Smt satdene of Gedhi llorc ir u *€aring 40. artt o"Ets e ffi E? de * fEfislt-d* *' *dB Efi
(r) (2' @1i6?
F E (r) F (2) E
(3) D (4) c (3) D (4) c
41. Which tall student of Gandhi house is not wearing 41. dltlfra€EfffS$tftfe),rrddtfi.tddfi ET'Aidt?
glasses? (l) D E (2)
(l)D@E (3) F A (4)
(3) F (4) A
A,B& )Lsizfd*otfrafi*s?8Tdl s zr€zaEd
42. A, B & X,S andZ are sifiing in arow. S andZ are in f<viat p i* 3lE ulrr R, ei frtqt *a. t fuep t t

the cente, A and P are ai the ends. R is sitting on the

Tioen who is sitting on the Right
of P?
(4) .z
s t
argiar, xrgrf etfr t irrtc ntg i riat u6 tltrf,
r i azt t l
Alke is older thrn Matr. Gopal ts odter thrn MrIr but
afi rg, unin'g' €rt SFat nr.n'anridil? r
younger then Alkg KA?IL ir younger then Rrm and
43. faro$rdffi'+f?gcrdA?
Metru Malais otderthanRem.'
(1) drrt8 q) irtH
(3) rfsEF (4) Xr6f
43. Whose age is exactly in the middle offive? .
(r) GoPAL @ Ram
(3) Alka (4) Mala'rgfalrr*{Elea'arfu ar,,Arg,RfosSrrialrreatee
t friE fro.r arfrr, tFs g r,id ud frfus t fiii fro't
44. Five boys took Part in race, Raj finished before Mohit misiFstgfff,d'?
Ui UeninO Gaurar Ashish finished before SANJIT (1) arfl (2)
t ilf,€
but behind Mohit, who won the race? (3) Efds (4) r{frr
(1) RAJ (2) Gaurav
(3) Mohit (4) Ashish
45. 60 f€feilrdfur A.tdt 5'6
ff,E f 1! 5El-dt11t, rrElirr{t

45. ln a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys,

€Elau;,rfsEraqsnra*ur? rzFxe'rr3trrre
Kunal ranked sev€nte€nth from the top, If there are
grd"a t rri+ 9 Esctatt ?a gr ffi aA 1rs,?D g q'rile

Nine girls ahbad of Kunal, how many boys after his. fd*Es*ffi?
(t)3. (2) e
(l) 3 (2) e
(3) 12 (4) 2r
(3) t2 (4) 2t
a6. ryfig ysarnr& t'sd 6+ 6 u€i +5. t rie i Y'e rm
46. Amit is now 6 times old as his son Four years after, qqrefurf6€t4t'Qrrate'*a +r rrt€ tgiafirs$
the sum of their ages will be 43 years, Deternrine
Amit's Present age?
(1) 3Oyears (2) 32year8 (l) 3oEtt (2) 32Fs
(3) 34years (4) 3SYears (3) 34 Eris ({) 38 FF

4?. In a row of ten boys, wben Varun was shifted two +2. u rsfardr S ffao'etd ffr q|-€ 6 ffi
tit f, E
places towards the left,'he become Sevonth from the gqr5 lllFq'Ierrr ilt, v ru vi u'E e 13- Esfd - dr
left en4 what was his earliest position fipni the right ilea't 6'er?tr€s ie udgt ffi tI+ ffi rsr6 i
end? fl? "
(l) 6th (2) 4th (l) 6th a) 4th
(3) 2d (4) lst (3) 2nd (4) lst

Dlrecfion Querfi,ons (4S-{9) fhd thc cerrect t;cfr,{xr t*-le) nfiror ob 116 u€t ofer frf e
Gnoup ofdgn*to solve the equadon? 6t{/tk r41ds??
48.24.16*8*32 48.24.16|8]32
(l) +-= (2) +-= (l) + -: (2) +-=
(3) -+- xi= (3) -+= (4)' I-=
49. 9.7)2.3.l0
.t 49.9r7.2*3*10 (l) +x+- (2) -+r=
(l) +x+- (2) -++= (3) +-x= (4) -+x=
(3) +-x= (4) -+x=
A, B t 40 fieddre{isr itr t, ar} c, s t lo fied
50. A is 40 mts. South-Wost of B, C fu 40 mts. South-East dre-3ae#t,fuec,Aefi rrfer{ra?
ofB, Then C is in which direction ofA? (r) _uds (z) rJa{
(l) East @ West (3) gsd-gE (4) dr€
(3) Noht-Bast (4) South
51. Karan &Arjun start simulhneously. fiom 9 O'clock
fuE rrrii ur$ ffi 9Ed fes' fr€ sc+ ud rr{i E+
aad 6 O'olockwith same speod. In clockwig€ and anti-
clock wise direction respectively. Where will be tgarirllitt7foEriIg6euStueirpf?itFEgrlrrrIgafird
I&ran&Arjunaforwalkingfor 15 minutes. irrrrdlarstffi?
(l) NOR[I&E8gt (l) ffaetyoe
(2) South&North (z) dr€igad
(3) Esst & West (ll yorifar
(4) ydqiszd

5i. Asha is going Northwards, She trms right, Movdr sz. agg' $gofs' Eop rfr t 9E r* u'r fsaf Sc El-A
some' dishc€ and again tums to h€r right After efdrf6aif.dtri'rr.iErdi,gcgfi iosFd{ddr8
moving some distance she tums to her left, goes
s.r,re Cr f t u+ trg ilrS t, fntt srg i + f.d di q'i
fonvard md again tums to her le& Now In which
dircotion isAsha going. Heretdtar'E'gefurfiwfiffiti
(l) I.Iorlh (2)South-West
(l) Fd (2) drr€-risr{
(3) South (4) West
(3) dr€ (4) ri5r{

53. The Llut day ofthecentury can notbe? s3. Fd satqrd fsdhuE Fdtr6e,?
(l) Wednesday (2) Monday (1) dqt'd (2) . frt{{-d
(3) Fri&y (4) Thusday (3) dril'd (4) +dt'd

54. Find the day ofthe weak on 5th Novcmber 1999? 54. 5 n€sd 1999 iilfgafr us.ati
(l) Monday @ Wednesday (l) it{€-d a\ $q<rd
(3) Fridsy (4) Safrrday (3) drdc{d (4) Etrsd{rd

55. At what time between 4:ffi P.M & 5:(X) P.M. hande of 55. s'xi e * s si€il?rrnedirri€6Edhttfdqg++ grrd
clockwill coincide? hEntAafr,{t?
(l) 4:21fr P.M. (2) 4:21_ftP.M. (l) 4:2rfrP.M. (2) 4:21ftP.M..

(3) 4: 21fi P.M.

1q r:2rlfm,r. (3) 4:21frP.M. (4) 4:2rl+P.M.
' 55. In ritri:h ceutrry Febmry Yill hBve 29 .frp ftoE i6. t6EM Eif f rEffi Esrdril € zg fsffi t
the following? (l) x2N (2',) 23oo
(I) ?2N @ m
(3) 2M (4) 230,,
Dlrccdon (57{l})A solid cube of ctch dde t cmt' ffiF(52-6o)rEerdtq't hli.ilfi trstrrro*e

hes been pehed Re4 BIue ud Blrctr or pdn of f&rff rririfuirr ft F, u'u, iJita ctrret li tar zrs
oppociG frccs. It lr then cut inft, crtf,cd Uocf,t of E*qfi ern t,Fdt€tfraEt z h,fi l?qesrrrct..

erch ride2 cDt ;.

57- How maoy crrbeshavoooty two frcespainted?
(l) I @16 5?. Ef6f{*E?ursuriEqilfEDrt+&aea?t?
(3) N (4) u (r) -E .Q; 16
(3) 20 (4) 24
58. IIow nmy cnbes hove tso fices iainted tld dd
blach and all otherfec€s t4ointed? se. fi*EaqeriEufiirrtiu'o3ars.tdl*s'tfer,Fa
(l) 4 8>8 iFeEdEu,f iidearFd?ar
(3) 16 (4) t2
(l) 4 8)
59. Hm Eily cobcs herrc ody m ftcc FiDtc.I
. rcd (3) 16 (4) 32

(l) 4 Q)8 ss. fffi e?rEr?ffi rritiluru&rfs'afurt3F'
.(, t2 (4) t6 +s'6n'qtfurFii6ror?tfr&
(t) @
60. Howmauycubeshavetmfacespiidodbls.t? (3) 12.
(l) 2 (2)
(3) 8 (4)
Nore co. fill*E?tsurffi +-u'fprra <ror&rtf
Dtntu (6f{D Qufiorr ltir4h rtudr for 0)2(44
(3) 8 (O Aq6fr
Lend ewncd bV n, qnrre rtr* fer fu L*nd
smca fy Bn:ar4h rtu& for$e rrce whelr ffi lFer"t'iNaurig R, rwrd e'
vcgetrblc.ercgrrxrrndcirt*rtrrdcfor$c rreo ,rE T Al ffiE iE ffi H}'lr rf} 3ld t'& t5d
llcretr'-nft rre gnwr" FrEEEerEftEEr

WLic.h lffi&
*prcscos rhc aca ttd bctogr to r. + T 6rufr.€rrfu *cdc' if fr tcu+Egflrdr ?*
b€ih R & T where vqeablcs & fiuits borh re
grcnm? @5
(r) 3 (2', 5 60 ouL
(3) 6 (o t2
Which Numbcr rcpresents the arda which belongc oz. firur *a Ex tsd f i fods'.frdr fd{* R
to R alone and waere botl vegetablcs & ftuits arc
a'erfrst fB? !6t effiartgS 96 -1gTl't
'(r) 2 (2) 3
(l) 2 (2) ?
(3) 4 (4) 5
(3) 4 (4) 5

Dlrectlon (51-55) Quertlonr whtch of the 63. f6ig8 {Ed (63-65) ffidi} aE frF
fifif tutrEr
foltowlng dlrgrrmr correcfly rcprcrcntr the fifee qmrffi f# ae f*d sr€r e"Efr EEEeaE €E
rcladon betrrcen glvcn Orteword* ir

o o :@ o o @
(l) Q) (l) Q)

(3) (4) (3) (4)


: 61. BED,}l'ARD,HOSPTTAL 63. ?r, ard3, i[ruEr6

il. SEH),LEAF,ROOT '54. *fi, ub, rq

65. SEA, MOI'NTAIN, ISI.AND 65. Etrgit, uoef , zrgr

6. Which one word can be formed from the following oc. il fdi rffi* + l,nrd e furs' ft? re Eeab,F m
I.eters. rcetii
a.abcillnoo ort as b c i I I n o o o r t
(I) Collaprible (2) Iacomotive (l) Collapsible (2) Locomotive

, (3) . 'Colour firllers (4) oollaboration (3) Coloufirllcrs (4) collaborotion

67, Arrangewordsastheyoccurindictionagy' 57. . ir5itffi ,rrilefr Er€r f itcEFd eI sreJs',r68 dfr ? I

(1) Pertle (2) Pertlcncr (1) Pptdc 8l Pgdlence ;

(3) Pe of, (1) Pe# (3) Pccter (1) Pert


Perslmtrt (O Pcrcinl,rt
(l) 4,3,r,5,2 @ 3,4,2,s,r (r) 4,3,1,s,2 a) 3,4,2,5,1
(3) s,4,3,2,1 (4) 4,s,r,2,3 (3) 5,4,3,2,1 (4) 4,5,1,2,t /

rffid +a-enre€airoatar# r', 2', 3"tdardg€6

Number of letters skipped-between adjac€trt lett€rs
in the series is in o,rder of l'2, 2', 3', which of the
ai uafaqxl6il drd E*elivde??
follpwing series observe the nrle given above.
(l) Rrwz (2) EGLo
(l) (2) EGI,o (3i cExr (4) EGLP

(3) CEIT (4) EGLP

o g. rfi arffi Of€'itd+ t aardqa-EEeEgtg?
69. Arrange the letters ro..qoiogfirl *ond for-t RT AOUH
RT AOU H 12 3. 4 5 6
t2 345 6 (l) r2436s @ 6341s2
(l) 12436s . @ 6341s2 (3) s2t436 (4) 2sr436
(3) s21436 (4) 2s1436.

I to
zo. *{dErff I J loo daffi fi5rreiei gff fr}Td r
If you write down all the numbers from 100
than how many times do you write 3?
(r) (1) 18 (2\ te
l8 @te (3) m (4) 2t

(3) 20 (4) 2t I

71. A Total No. of 324 coins of 20 parsc an4 25 paise . 7L. efu azl frf+*fuzo titizs tiSurdEfor<nzr
makes a sum ofRs. 7l. TheNo. of25 poise coin is? Eu}Ye€t i gEf+s zs tit ifdt*fif&arl
(r) 120 (2) 124 O) tzo (2) tu
(3) r32 (4) 2ffi (3) r32 (4) 200
?2.. Accrtainno. ofhorses & cameNo. ofmeir arc going f** rt'3 ua ffi' d tr.elfr H dt udl (lirat t ?,fii
somdwhe,re. Half of owncrs on thgir horses Back i
xtsc nflr& Sfardt ee EEa qrat r,{itf} tih,Brt+ f gu
while the remaining ones are walking aloqg leaditrg * uarrgalftrgffi 6n srEf6 zo rlat
their horses. If the No. of legs walking on the pou?*in'saE6aiur of=rrrtGffi r #i
ground is 70, how many horses ate there?

(l) (l) l0 (2) t2

l0 @12 (, t4 (4) l6
(3) t4 (4) 16

Dtrecfion Qrierdon (73-74) The sum ofthe vrluer ffirga tzs-z+) fai fdq f"+ t& il Eftraur guat O
ofbelow brlckr give the value of the brickc which Arrsf,rrl qil* ffi €trt fd-a g,ru * nfaA ffi Arrs r€Cf
is abovp two bdcks?
4+5=9 4+5=9
x'+p= 13 x'+p= 13

A*{: lll)o
120 120

a 4
a?h a 4.

c 30 f Ii3
c 30 f
b 9+t' 13 t' b 9+t' 1.3 I
p+4 9 t' p r+p p+4. 9 f p r+p

P 4- 5 z x p p 1 5 z x p

What will be the value ofp? 73. p dfi'reiltiafr?

(t) s (2) 6 (l) s (2) q
(, (4) e (3) 8 (4) e
74. Find the value ofy? .7 4. y dilrsuerai}?
(l) 2s @4s (r) 25 (2) 4s

(3) 5s (4) 65 (3) 55 (4) 6s

Dtrection (75-7Q Questionr ere glven below with ffi rpzs tzs-26) torfifdlEazt" JrriilffilaEuar
strtement followed by conclusions. You have to E# f€ ?tS+ f tE6' * A Eaefl? f turyrd nb frre Ae
decide which of the glven'conclurlon follows frem ffiele't lauatt f 6a'dgatSrdf Eg I

the given statements, disregarding commonly

knownfacb. zs. ffia-
75. Strtement*. Erd,rha€ ,rfitrgdudt
Some kings are Queens.
All Queeos are beautifirl.
Concluslonrr 0) rrladf,sauar
All kings are beautiful. '(II) Erdr{ rddr+infl
All Queens are kings.
' (I)
Only conclusion I follows. (r) r*e.ffirdtr
Only conclusion tr follows. (21 . rfs.€rfrtr
. (3) Either I or II follows. : (3) ?r*trIntllFfrar
(4) Neither I nor II follows. (4, *rr#iSIar6sudr

76.r .:Strtemcntr:- 76. frzfi,?- l
. MoetLilics are Rosec, fgatrerfiEdtardtqnat ,i

. Some Roses ar€ daffodils. gbgrs'Eeifacurt )
Conclusion* rd+- )
I. Some dafrodils are Roces. L gr3-fsaors'sT6l
tr. Some lilies ar€ d8frodils. II. ErcfuciSiifrsilsl
m. All daffodils ate lilies.. Itr. e'i3iBsffiua i

ru NoHyisadaffodil' ff. EEfird3-fc6Fdt

l. Orly Imdeither II orIV follorqs. '1. O olE rfrttrr,firvffn frfrtil

2. Orly I follows. 2. (tu{.IF&il
3. Either I or IV follows. 3. (d#frrettrEidf*rfrtl
4. , Only I and III follows. 4. GrfilIitrFdlut) I

77 .. \V[41 i5 lfus minimum number of cologrs required 77. ufruiefi3lrdf fe}tr a"s sfd,,l' nr E6rer A qg I
to fill the spaces in the diagram without my trro adjacent 5rg:5ffir{t qraf f ft ffi taa'til .l
spices having same oolour.

A)6 B) 5 A)6 B)s 'l

c)4 D) 3 c)4 D)3 l

78. Countthrc Parallelogramin the givenfigurc 78. fis?AeffidffssEdr#Affiai' "

(A) 23 (B) 22 (A) 23 (B) 22

(c)' 21 (D) l8 (c) 2t (D) 18

79. Select the one which.satisfies the samb 7e. trsd trsE{frgrdFfsr,Ffap{'a tfTffutfEf{
conditignsofplacementofthedotas infg; ( X ) yai (Xl tuke dlr+ Erst gffi{trre'tt€?ilftgnqr
.: if rcur+fr rm* rdfqasrrA t€Ee ?

cx) (l) (21 €) (4) (a (l) (2, (3) (4'

80. A cylhd€r is pointed in 6 colours-grceo,blue, 80. ftkffirdiffit,g:tardrSrA gilr, ?lt6r, rfr.{5r,

yellow, violeg Red md omage. Threcpositions are shorvu ?rCt, urlffi r fs?dfeqtdreua r

below . omoge

@ffi@ (i)

(ii) (iii)

what is the colour in thc emply space qrsf+6ifras'er{'tdt'

(l) Blue (2) Gre€n {1) d?s. 12:, irirr
(3) Violet (4) Yellow (3) tala (4) tfs'

Ilirectiol -.Hnd the 0gure tom the enrwer figrrre ffis- tuliit fi f,sEQeBrruA +e a?fi rr rqd
wHel wlll contnue tne reAni (gf{2) frkreggnrstiltd(er-OZ)

tl ProDlcmfigurr Er qnrfo?c

n s tr s n s tr s
Arrwcrffgure €tddfrb-d

+(l) s +(3) +
(2) (4)
+(l) s s +
Problcn0guro ,E? w6F?d

+ Ff * + Ff *

AuwcrFlgure E?gtra

x hX * x h X(3) x
(l) o) @ (4)
DlrecdonrAll the ffgurel together form r reriec . The ffis -f#aE efrtat ff+ H'fiEs ffae a'e u* ry
uhnumbertd figure merkr the beglnning of rerier !d t rrtkaffi f df E frH if rrorrr et rer€ $uf,s
portdon of 'two figures in the series rre incorrcct.
Series wiII be correct lf ttece are lnterchrnged . The
ffeat fub wrsaE {r ar*dfiI {s€.'t ffu ffif
esrliest oftwo numbercd ffgurcs whosePosifon sreto ufuot Fbe9qdittdFt
be interchrnged h the rnrwcr ( t3-E{)

---/t : \--J' \-7

/\t : : :
.-__--t ---, \*--Jt \--.' :--.t
\--.' r-- J ^l
{-, : \--l \--, I
-/--)r -^. --...-l
o) -
t4 <..- <l- + f- .- 84 7-'+ <ts= .(I- <_ .-
(- {
-----{ --
: F 4 :-.2 -4 : H
+ ---+ ,>
- .> (\ -
- t ,> /1.
- -
(r) a) (3) (4) (5) -; (l) =
(2) (3)
85 85

o o o o o o q o
%6 66 d6 %6 N 66 %6 66 d6 %6 db 66
(i) Q) (3) (4) (s) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Dtnection -tr'lgurer A and B arc releted in rome wey. ffiE - fr?d Arrrg B fobAA t{q rs'fi rstr 9t d s{t e' l

According to seme retrrdonEhip rmong C rnd D ffgures tlrr frbd c ry} D trs Es.firs {d& Ffr .fs{sq €t +c *
choos€ the consont dternative ESEt)
( (16-s8) I

ui 86

tf{{ ?


(l) Q) (3) I a\

E7 A(A)
Yn (B)
Ei, A Yn ?

tE tn tlr {U
88 tn UI {U ,|

A (B) A) (B) (c) (D

nt rlr nl UI nt UI RI t_*t

Diredfion -Amoig five figures four figurec ere simillr ffiE -fd!' org s ts?at fifu yrE F?e *nrr tsb fi{se
in r cerdrla wey. Flnd the dilferent 0gur€ (8940)
f rolua-frafCge++€d(sg.eo)


A(l) tr O ffi A
a) (3)
(3) (4 (s)
A (l)
tr o ffi A
(2) (3) (4) (5)

4 *g 4 + *e 4 *g .< ry >9
#Q\ #.
# ffi
(4) 6)
#(2) #(3) #(4) ffifu

Direction- In question 9l-93) qrertion ffgure is frrEe -{En ( cr-e3) fr-k {E?r frbd, gsdftu t + fci
enbedded in one of the enrwer flguftc. Find the Eh f .b dor AEilr A t ft F ffi tud dq'd' iferF t gE A
cbrrect one in which tt fu embedded. +sd-

91 9t

92 92

93' ' 93

Direction- In quesfion (94) square /clrculer papbr hrr ffi- qp 1r+l frb iilq r@r /ild arils + 3lai f fit-C
been fotded as rhowtr wlth the dotted llnes in the given !qr.+ ! atorrgifunF fdrryt, fr r+f?trsdtr gu"fery.
figurres. The lart ffgure (2) rhows how the prper has EEHI rl'qf ff-d (z) la6ie'efarrrfo'r
fdIrrr A, i r
' been cut. flow would the pepcr look like whcn E otstfgguisfiriifTq'u-itro' t

94 94

S (l)
E S rq
(4) (D (4)

Directou Q (9$C6) In ofthe foliwlrg qucfionr ftt €E:{En(e5.e6liafrt{E5}frb ffin : ?d}{+€
there ii e rtteflonrhlp befiTecn tro ffgurtt on tie left fr
FH f,qqmngll ntt ufr t ifprtt frb + $fr ftq
rlde of the sine :: , thc nme rchdonrhlp cdrtr m'firsr€iltfc!)rE tuguffif dt tucu'rA t€aiil
between the two r to the rtg[t rlde ofrlgn :: Ftnd the
correct dtemrdvc. .

95 Quertron igure 95 {Enfid?d

EE::llaf;l gafrk
:lEIBl ',m
96 Quodon fgurt 96 $irFlu

- Anrrerffgur: SreF?d

ot @ (.1
o) (4(q(4

v, vt
0.0 0 0.0 0
00 00 Y?
If the mlnol lmrgc of thc ebove ffgurc li rot tcd to $reraRAtyare{dlilrilqaf {brgdhrCtftrrnrs
90' ln ctockrvire direction , It rvill look like': gdturrr€anqfdfirfi rtFmlrta' r

oc loo
ca !o (?)
c. a

I ooN I
(3) (
go to) ":l) (3)
gE (.)

98. tr'ind the water image of given ftgure eB . fdal it fiE?e s u.€t fCu qStu dlr
gDr6b 96
tr T-
%6 0) %g
l. -... Aq6il(3)
sFe (.)
Aq6b (3)
SMP (4)

' gg. Find the water imege of given figure ss. fifgA!trsde'uqfifubtf$frs#
Workno.lhrrd TYorkno.lhard. , .

(1) l^otlruo'Jp8rq (2) raoq(no'wrtq . (1) ly\ollruo'Iprlq (2) rnoqruo'Ipilq

(3) ,t\otl0o:IrlBrq (4) ,t\otFro'I[ttq (3) (4) ,l\oryr[o'Iprrq

100. Given belbw are three difrerent porlfionr of 1oo. }6+ 3'€lr 13€I ) C}7f ft6 i!ilrdr aruilr,ti
dice" Find the number of dots on the fece fo opposite alirs'* nE ifraf m rfrgfttirt
*rrrt al +ffi eiror8 En
the face bearing (3) three dots ? ff*frgrfa'ts'foo'i*at t


$$$ (1)




0 0



- -egifr.,i- ..;;-.

"_: . I

urf, fifir,F ur Ir3 fmrsd tlre 0aE.

fr. s. rr.o" d.) tn s, ffi

: *rfi frdrg'B-e rfifilap 2e1s

National Talent Search Examination 201g

State Level Test - 201lB

ilrt,ri[fr rfrnrx{' - 2oLB
HlrErer€T (class x) \


f€fg,r{i 1f| ii-dts. rfrftf}rf'
fime:2hourc Mar.Marks:100. mrt:24? gfurtse : ror)
Instructlons for candldeter :
l. This exam relates to ScholasticAptitudeTest.
1. frottftrrlrrt€frrytfr i-ars.?r.E*t€t I

2. lt consists of questions related to Science,

Mathematics and Social Science. 2. fu rsfirr{rHgfafurr,f"r, drfusrrr3EHrfud
figfur,{r dgfrtrsfgfury' t !tF6E fi{gud r
3. Each question caries one park All questions
are compulsory. s. otaqmufdilrftaA rmtrgsrydus r

4. You have been provided with an answer sheet +. go5; fw qra fsd RS gsd tre
fdjt ars
(OMR) for this qupstion paper. Darken the - t rFctrat6*n,arryl fCs$rsirfr fud
: ,', correct.option of each question in thc answer
sheet(OMR) withblack/blueballpen.
6ar*zfB'vutaasm&ior€ r
s. ais'A{fi#tar8c'ipitsi+*srirres't t
5. Rough work may be done on the blank space .

provided for this purpose.

6. fE tsfiru{' f+u fr€-arrd (+&E-e) H'df*o
6. There is no negative marting in this test.

7. Do not use white fluid on OMRAnswer Sheet

z. .8. firr. z'o. Sydm" fird ='eiz 6nrgr A
8. Helfari hour ertra shoutd be glven to visually
impaired candidates only. 4.. . t€EMcf<ftnrmtaf paftr4? e'fft

:i*rfi,! I
RoughWork / frr&{


L A body is thrown vertically upwads against 1. fa srg f ilSs' ss ffiq ft't Srd =k 6 u +dr
gravity alone irith velocity \r'. The greatest.
height'h'to which it will rise and time taken Y to
r'g dT?,r Hrs ir erg eB tar iq 3 ffi +
attain this height is givco by
ffi h' rra fsr ffi
s{ ugsc sd Edrr Ert'
(1) .!! 2rt (2) u, u (l) u,2u (2) u., u
s CE 29 .e gc
,^-- (4)
(3) u, 2u
(4) u', u (3) u,zu u', u
c c 2ee EE 2ee
2. What is the equivalent resistance between A and 2. A ,r} B f Eef,dfi qfaluat t*r r



(l) 16() Q) lo (l) 16() @lo

(3) 70 (4) 3()
(3) 7Q (4) 3()
3. ff{rjirgfo{il-e$saremor&r*ir@free'
3. A lady is standing in front of a magic mirror. She
rgdfiv rfro trfo mr u qSEr qaqirr{r.F
fnds the imagc of her head bigger, the middle =a',
portion ofher body of eame size and that oflegs e' ts k u* s qdfu ear r*6 ufgr Ar ilgel
smaller. Which of the following is the correct E r€ SrdR A6i =o iu ffi rygx'a*-Eu silr€i'
order of combination for the magic mirror from +Erfu3stEr,{.i r fua" fuRf*r*g}rutrfr iI
the top. (1) Fna6,ftE,arrg6
(l) \2) frr,nt36,ur€J8
Plane, Conrre;g Concave
Convex, Plane, Concave
(3) Er36,rrfg36,frE;
(3) Plane, Concave, Convex (4) ar<a5,Etf36,$vu
(4\ Concave, Plane, ConVex

An electric Kettle oonsumes I

KW of electric
4. k{ffi M f *€ zzov 3 Yu'fezr ft t
si fEd I Kw ffi rc$ d uusrrS t faxifrar
power when operated * 220.Y. A fuse wire of

what rating must be used for it.

d fe
Y-c fu f Yere uf $udar r&lt srffi
(1) IA (2) 2A
(l) rA (2) 2A
(3) 5A (4) 4A (3) 5A (4) 4A

srii.. ii, .., rni:!. &a -

. .,--..i.rr . ,, !".r, ..--. .

5. A person calmot $ee objects distinctly kept S. ft4age1fi Zm 3 fflr{rer ge e'rd},tt Er6
=rE}rtt S
beyond 2m. This def€ct can be con€cted by the r# tu rcg fu @ t fr e' grd rea ei$ &r*
which type ofthe lens and ofwhar power ofits. 6fam{},r3Ei*iliiiaftt
(1) €gc*Ffi,
(l) Convex Lens D ,t 0.5 (2) urE6*6t,+0.5D
(2) Concavekns,+0.5 D
(3) Convexkns,-0.2D (3) 9gs*rs, -o.zo
(4) Concave Lens, - 0.5 D (4) ,rrrEElg&Ffi, -0.5D

6. Action and Reaction aacording to Newton's third 6. fdge6 g ari e # faqr rr{6rd'kf?,{r },r3
law act on. qflfaforumEaerl
Samebody in opposite direction. (1) fife<r*Bue$rafuE fds
Differcntbodiesinsameditection, (2') arddr}rrdarerc+3uof#fes'fds
(3) Different bodies in opposite direction.
(4) Sarhebody in same direction
(3) rrgtrrrddrrrst Brra g['zfuE frt
:' (4) f#=rgBar3fi#ailfes'Hu
7. Apassenger, in a moving bus tosses aioin which rl
falls behind him. It meani that motion of the bus 7. Igar EIEri,t gFet fi FriI IFEII BErEer u rfirgr
ts: ffifrir}ffire irfu?g'eik: I

(l) Uniform
(1) qEfEE}lrdiarr"nardrerfitr I
(2) Accelerated t2) usiarYqfr{'ir
(3) Retarded' (3) qre'iaruiafrstt i

(4) Circular motion (4) . qETdAq-dilaqoedir


8. A current of 2 amp is drawr by a filament by an

8. ffr ffi sEE e' fuorrt? z errp e" ate tts, i r

electric bulb. No. of electrons passing through a e EM f+€.ffi fir6't" trif frB fir}rq'r tur
cross section of the filament in 8 seconds would HreitIr
be approximately.
(l) 10" (2) 10"
(l) lo2' A) l0'? (3) to32 (4) lo10
(3) lo3r (4) l0{0
r. ErnhfutrfucrgEr:
9. Thevolagecanbewrittenas :
(1) afrJatffr x 3r6a x ffi
Wotkdonexchargextime Q, afrgrErdB x EHr
Wortdone x time qfs
(3) fsrarffr
(3) Workdine ate x rxt
CuriEnt x time
(4) Workdone x charge
(4) frsaTd* x ry
10. The stnength of magnetic field inside a long 10. H? tii frit arf,a rryq x'ta'fw fEst ffi tsd
current carrying straight solenoid is : ds(S:
.u) riqfrsutziurai6ir
(l) Minimuminthemiddle
Q) eEdrBfrfdrilrtiq0$ir
@. More at the ends than at the cenEe
(3). uoflfittffixmffitt
(3) Sarne at all pohs :

(4) . Found to increase tom one end to the (4) fEcfni'-gifni,'t'u<cde'6ir


ll. tn which of the following situatioms the distance 11, td firfin{t f€if far EH f+if $r 6n* gil ry}
moved and the nagnitud€ of displtrcement are fresqrafEEx.agiutrl
(1) tra0?sxililSfCil
A Pendulum is movingto and fro
Moon is revolving amundthe earth
(2) &t$[dfr grd"tdrdryda131frt
(3) A hoyissittinginmovingmerrygoround (3) ffitrstAffiAg8frrear$*eOilr
(4) A bus is moying on a staightroad- ) f&vrdtrtfr rsc9rrear$rog#r

12. Oceaothermale,nergrisdueto : t.z. Ef,sd srrrgrrreraredit

(l) Energ stuedbywaves inthe ocean (1 ) Etrsdfdsufu Arrtt gl{rarilri(EAd)6fgil
(2) Pressue difference at difrefent levels in
the ocean. $aent
(3)' Tidesarisingoutinth6oceaa
(2') Ef,gdf+sd{-rf crfuoleqfrrre,rf,€|-dr
(4) (3) xUrge rTefdeT€rfsre
Temperature diference at diferent levels
in the oceans.
(4) EEsdf<fu d{-t'{ri Tdlstu{rde'rtrsdt

13. The major problem. in. harnessing nuclear ra. faffiara $m. f Tdf f€s fu,r{'gE s6 rr ?
Energrishowto: ialmfrrrrrfgdtf4-
(l) Splitnucleus (1) faltrdrrrrf3*rr
Q) Sustain the rpaction Q) fdgasfrfufar' v'giat;er|
(3) Disposeofrspentfuelsafely (3) erlitftffiios'use'Efr farfad' r
(4) Convert nuclear energr into electrical
(4) , ftrgad frc+n e'' lM ffi' P€s
qfusdTr' I

14; Calculate the number of atorDs in 0.2 mole of 14. Bdilrrx aREt" Gr-cceF o. 2 FE foTfi fA6
Sodium Carbonate (NqCQ).
(l) l.2i2ilx.ldtatoms (l) 7.2264x1f'qtp
@ l2.044xl08atoms (2) 12.044x l0Pprgi
(3) 6.022x l08aroms (3) 6.{z2xloeqngr
(4) 1.505x lOPatoms
(4) 1.505x lop{lng
15. Which of the following radioactive isotope ir rs. A16 ffi rroi aal6Ha nrse'rdc €i Tdii dtrd
used in the treatment ofCancer?
' (l) Iodine- l3l
@ Uranium-235 ryfifEl'd-r3l
(3) Sodium-24 (2) gilrror-zas
(4) Cobalt-60 (3) i:a,/Dt-24
(4) ilwre-eo
16. In the given reaction the oxidizing agent is
16.fEFfu fo,{'f-srrr-afiq'd{fTu+il-
Br2+2f---------> )Bf +1, Brr+2f ------------r llfal,
(l) (BrJ (2) G) (l) (BrJ @ G)
(3) (Bf) (4) (D (Bf)
(3) (4) c)

.:-sir d,.*J2iji,
--I:-' - --;;,i*f;r -.' i .-

17. While cooking, if the.bottom of utonsil is gettiirg rz. rre, ssrQr} xrT *rc q-6-sS s.d? q'n' i' rg t,
blackened on the outside, it means that:- fu3frs'€i:-
(l) thc food is not cookedcompletely (1) iffidgiluata'safidTam t

@ the fuel isaotbuming comPletelY

Q) a'rcgfreetrurfieofuo't
(3) the tuel is wet
(3) s'trsfdfs.t
(4) thefuelisbumingcompletely
(4) ' srrerrd gA+

rrgrUfCgri t I

I 8. Which ofthe following is not base? 1 8 . t6fi sfr rtrtrfTif fru* v-c rfi il
NaOH (2) KOH (l) NaoH (2)

(3) NE (4) crHroH (3) NHr (4) C,H5OH

19. When 200 ml of a gas at constant plessure is rs. ffi Ex'a ffi i fird Bee iIF 6 ne o=cg
heated fiom OoC to 1000C, the volume must be I oo'c, iq ildlr ats atg t, s fw g u'fssd T6
multipliedby:- fistfCiffarsore i?ar-
fl)0 (2) 100
(l) 0 @ l0o
100 0
100 0
(3) 273 (4) 373
(3) 273 (4) 373
373 n3 373 273

20. You are given the following chemical equation:- 20. t6i f*n aL ax'figfa mfra-ecfrE s{t S fqfd',tr
Mg., + CuO,,, -----------+ MgOro+ C\.r.
This equation represents:
, Mq.y+ Cuola-----------+ Mgo,., + Cq.,.
(l) Decomposition and displacement
(1) Dnnrrary3f<ge"f5fsf@{. t
@ Combination arid double displacement (D fiil*carigrof<re'urfirFor" I

reaction. (3) fes'qF',r3fuEs"&tfufary t

(3) Redox and displacement reactim. (4) po.f<x<,rrarrrSfsstrrfifo,r t

(4) Double displacement and redox reaction.

21. A metal 'X forms a u/ater-soluble salt )O'Iq. z r. i&qB'x' urd rgg rgreglu fcroirq qE
When. an aqu€ols solution of )O{O, is added to tr sE rnvo, i *srr8 rrrr E xucr gc i frs fE€
common salt solution, then a white precipitate of u.E rt' il'e. A si riAefdr + r.tu gg' lff eI'Y'
. compound 'Y
is formed along with sodium F*rr{r{ E @ g rita gag t qts'x'fof,d A
nitrate solution. Metal 'x is said lo be the best ',f3
eoqductor of electricity and it does not evolve
rs 3 ffar sE i lr3 EF f ust urAEFBfeE
hydrogen when put in dilute hydrochloric acid'
,rnrs fi# u€a 3 o'6.Fd AF rfr ffi t q.g
What is metal 'X, salt )G.IO, and compound 'Y? 'x', Ent xNo, Df3 rElfara Y g a+rdi t?
(l) Metal 'X is Silver (Ag), SaIt is Silver ( 1) qrsx st6frfggisd),Ei€fE6sd?r6?rrfJ
Nitrate and compound 'Yi is Silver Efrc'vfrsseqta'e?str
(2) Metal X' is Magnesium (Mg), Salt is Q) uex ffifimr,6cMmao+56q7
Magnesium Nitrate and compormd 'Y is

Magnesium Chloride. (3) rr'=r x'lfu, Ei€ #E Ef?e r,€ qfrta
Metal 'X'is Irad (Pb), Sdt is tradNitrate
and compound Y' is Lead Chloride. v#aarffisir
(4) ' Metal X'is Copper (Cu), Salt is Copp€r (4) qrs'xairrd,EiEqfrrd5 f?err}trfild'y
Nitrate and compound 'Y' is Copper cr{-dilEaetsir

22. The salt which will give a neutral solution on 22.t6firt f€ii'krslrn?tt fCsBf6A Qe'frd
dissolving in waterwill bei qsfE-oA'-
(l) Cr[COONa @ NII.CI
(3) KCI (4) NqCO, (r) cH,cooNa @ NIr.Cl
(3) KCI (4) NccQ
23. Which of the following is the correct electrronic 23. +d ffi, fCtf fdalir far e, *a za i, S
configuration of Nickel with an atomic number

(l) lszs',2p'3s',3p5d'o (l) ls2s2p3s3pbd'o

@ ls2s'2p'3s'3p5d @ ls2s2p5s'3p'3d'o'
(3) ls2s'2po3s'3p3d'%s' (3) ls2s'2p'3s'3p'3d'o4s'
(4) ls'2s2p3f3p63dr4s'z (4) ls2s',2p'3s',3p'3d'4s'

24. Which of the following gives the correct 24. ufa E{dErlfi +fi'E * * srffi }mr e'
increasing order of acidic strength? dre'qnbfiFfrfr{tf+iffr{s.i:-
(l) Water,Aceticacid,HydrochloricAcid t rr,aiffzcfrfus,uffifT{}*irg
(2) Water, Hydrochloric acid,Acetic acid
Q) urc1,uffifurlifrr,lefrf"fr )r?fusi
(3) Acetic acid, Water, Hydrochloric acid ( 3) ) rrlfrfarifrs, uel, orffirrBfaa:ilfra'
Hydrochloric aci{ Water, Acetic acid
(4) uls5?fitfd{flfrr,rr"al,flilfa*fra
25. Which of the following metals form an zs. A'd fufi{r{r f+if ffi q's ffi?fcq arrrfu
. . amphoteric oxide:- T6€€i-
(1) Na Q) Ca
(l) (2)
(3) (3) \a
Al (4) Ca
Al' (4) cu
26. A common metal which is highly resistant to 26. ffr rrx qE f ra* tcrsCt rgs il Erail-
coroslon rs:-

(1) hon (2) Copper

(1) &r O) EIrrfiI
(3) Aluminium (4) I,Iagnesirim (3) *fln?tur{ (4) ffi*aor

.: r::}r--,.' , .ie* ,'"ir**i:.. ,

.: ++;

27. Mitochondria anit Plasti& are able to synthesize 2?. H'o?a,rdtflt rrrg rs'sErs Err Wt6 E6'€E i
some oftheir proteins because they have wuilffdtgeudftGfaffi trsttptr
(r) DNA (r) ,.463
(2) RNA
tzl trre.*a.t
(3) DNAandRibosomes (3) ,.rr?6.EaBat6mx
(4) RNAandRibosomes
(4) ,{rd.*F},,Ba'S!ili
28. Which ofthe following starem. eot is coirect about 2s . ilafufurr{} fEif feu tfr},{r sA krs' asarfi t t
Cardiac Musoles.
(l) Cardiac Muscles are uninucleate and (1) feu tnor fft *et{ n g nts.tos fgnt
(2) Cardiac Muscles arc Multinucleate and irSl
(zl festftrqriEerariamfirs0e?t{iu;t
(3) Cardiac Musclcs are uninucleete and (3) fe6t61rilrfdaaEfitrSs'ftrsfdrrf T6r
branched. (4) .fe6tfrl{"TEaEd{rrrgEfirsffirrf a6r
(4) Cardiac Muscles are Multinucleate and

29.The correct pathway of blood in circulatory zr. uE te-eqadt ffYrg erfi q<'ofrract t?
syste"|r is: ..

( 1) ar*frco-->ldcc+ottl|->frr-
(l) Auricles->V€ntsicles->Art€ry->Veins <D i6su->rrifrqu->frat->ordt
@ Ventricles->Auricles->Veins+Artery (3) Sadlqs-> fre'->rrrfte6-->ofl{t
(3) Ventricles->Veins-->Auricles->Altery
t+) u*frco->on{t->firo>rldrai
(4) Auricles->Artery->Veins->Vloticles

30. Which one ofthe following is an incorrectmatch. ao. ts fu fi ort ffefua+firc'sFfi rdTt t

(l) Ovary-Estrogen (1) tffis-ffica

A\ Pancreas - Ineulin lD ds'-fi6fur
(3) Pituit ryglad-Adrenalinc (3) ttgsddlf-rffir
(ol uag-2nffiar
' (4) Testis-Testocterone
31. Cmcenhatim of urine dcpelrds m the presence a r. yire0ure' ............. efrr-dredA?
(l) Thyroxine
(1) @s
(2) ?EFdiis
ADH (Antidirrctic lrormoae)
(3) rfmgefao"oizr(ADlD

32. Which leaves have parallel venation 32 . frTtrfu frbrr+tsers'afe'it

(l) Peepallecves (1) fifu6tti3
A) Hibiscus leaves
t2) U+dsefi
(3) Bgnenaleaves (3) a*fqa
(4) Banyanleaves
(4) trsetrg
33. Which of the following equation is the sumnrary 33. T6 16grr{' EH1q'65' ffii reU3r rg'r ffire er xra
ofphotosynthrcsis, ii
(l) 6CO,+12HrO
Chlorophyll (r) oco,*rzx,o$,c.H,,o.+6o,+6H,o
Su;tisEl C.H,O+6O!+6I!O rff,IltrrF
Ql 6Cq+12H,O-----+ qH!,Or+60,+6Hp @ 6CO,+ l211rg r qH!rO.+6O,+6Hp

(3) Chtorcohvll
6CQ+5l,gsGiis[.t C.Hnq+6Ori6Hp (3)
(4) 6cq+Hio c.H!,q+@,+0tto_ (4) 6cor+Hro.--;;! qHaq+6o'+6HP

34. The breakdown of Pynrvate to give Carbon rr'@e i frtazr rrs a-oga sdarExrfg, uriel
dioxide, water and energ5r take6 place in ..........
ar3 au $ea' +c 6 rfskfdtr........ fdE.rre6
(l) Cytoplasn Q) Mitochondria ti
(3) Chloroplast (4) Nucleus (1) n6?usqx e) xrEledrd3d)ili.
(3) ilBiftIgrye @)
35. Choose the correct statements.
es. nfsqds+€rse:
(l) The femalegamete is calledzygote.
@ TWins fre always Idetrtical. (rr r{ErgaDf{EiEIdI}ttETfeUdt
(3) GregorMendelisthefrtherofGenetics. e) fE=tairf#firi0tuar
(4) In human beings sex iri deterrrine by (3) dronar$rg+mra.e'firE ks'e'etr
. presence ofX andyChromosome (4) fiSdrf'dg.r€;rfdtftbx rrrS vSpegeai
(l) Statement I and 2 arc correct. rqidir
(2) Stat€ment 2 and 3 ar€ corr@t.
(3) Statement 3 and 4 are correct. (r) qg61,,f328fiU6 I
(4) Stat€ment t and 4 arc conect. Q) aq?r2r,r33rfrudI
(3) Eq53r,fJ4Ffia?rt
G) aqarrrllirduat
36, The nature ofnerve impulse is . ., . . . .. .. . ...
36. driilndar(Nerve impulse) erfrrrr........ fe't r

(l) Chemical
(1) irF[Efe?
@ Ir[agnetic (2) Erd
(3) Electrochemical
(3). fffiae'fsfE?
(4) Electromapetic
Q) trnlrf3l.laol
37. Which of the following are called. Amphibians
sz. i.a fisfior fsE f*r ;! -rie' rora t rov5 59,
(l) Bryophytes a) Pteridophytes
(3) Thallophytes (4) Gymnosperms (r) qmffiar Q) tdBir.fa"
(3) aSE fet (4)

l--:,.- ,A dt^
38. The Cenhe ofsense ofsmell inbrainis: 38. texrdfl r-g6q ff rtirar er sgdlErtrEt i?

(l) Midbnin a) Olfrctorylobas (1) tfrfu{'dI 121 f,uretr

(3) Cerebellum (4) Ce,rebrum (3) Fdqstf (4) ilfiw{
39. A tissrre which makes up the husk ofcoconut and 3e. gu -frE i' 5'frtt6 e' fant{' T€'€t T5 ftF +
whose cells aredea{ elongatedanilignifiedis : F6fi ts{, tgeaui rignmea uaBE ..............ir6 I

(l) Chlorenchyma A) Collenchyma (1) a6arc€lx' 'Ql ffi}r'

(3) ParenchYma (4) Sclerenchyma (3) tarcaqdr'r. (4) irBaetadx'
40. Which of the following is not a part of male 40. td fisfi{nrt fE.if fcu* ardI nUrr Hs re firrm
reproductive systern in human being. tdsa'arr#it (D qI2zqfr
(1) rgi
(l) Testes (2)' Prostateglaot
g*a-g=ffi (4) e&firrsf€q

(3) Vasdeferens (4) Fallopiantube

41. Three digit numbers are fomred using the digis t

+r. rfiat o, 2 lrf} s fuat gdd€ fgr rffi'E 6t{t
0,2 and 5 without repetition. Find the probabilrty frfi{atEr E€'6r,F ararrr.r fw irfl {nrg gtr
that the number is divisible bY 5.
ifiri{rd€ furgdrrrstat fiffi*nr" Efif',t= s rtu
(l) 3 (2) I (l) 3 a)l
4 2 4 a

(3) I (4) 0
(3) I (4) 0
4 4
+{d o r,rA p F,nrt€ 2f - 3x + 4 = 0e UruiEst
42. Ifa and p are the roots ofthc gquation 2* -ly+ 1 42.
= 0, then findthe equation whose roots are
q'' and EliTrcuS'EE fitFg grrchri ff t H
tr. fl) 4xr+7x+l:0 (2) 4x'+7x+6:0
(l) 4x'+7x+l =0 (2) 4x'?+7x+6=0 i31 +*'*7**to=o (4) 4x'2-7x+16=o
tli a*'*z**to=o (4) 4x'-7x+16=o
e'6rre {ar}q+ lE + te 3t gF
ls. *{rfa* a.p.
43. Ifpt term ofanA.P. isf, andq'teryis f then
(pq)n term ofthfu A.P. willbe.
(l) l. Q)9
(l) I (2) 0 pq o-o
(3) p+q tn, pq
(3) pq (4) p-q
p+q 44. fd.d tano+stns=p ,rr3 tan O
_:8t1r= q s-5.
da rg'
44. Iftan o + sins = p atrdran o-sino= q, thedd-d l-q"wrret?ar': ,

is equal toi (2) 4./fr'

(l) 4pq @ 4"/-Pq (1) 4Pq
(3) zPq (4) 2.J-pq (3) 2g (4)
45. If mid- point of the line segment joining the 45. +frd frglf A(3, 4) ,,r3 B(k, 6) S fi{glgE ?I}
pointsA(3,a) andB(h 6) is P(x, y) andx +y- 10 iu'taerafrgP(x,y1ry$* 1 r- lo : o A+$ U
= 0, then the value of 'k' is. sLisi*or-
(1)-7@7 (1) -7 @
(3) r0 (4) 13 (3) r0 (4) 13
3 3
46. The average age of a group of eight persons is +o.#a: f=irqsfrnf t ap frb frra f<r,rr$ 6 gr g
same as it was 3 year3 Bgo, wheNr a young member uis grrd + tra f€rrffS ro rsc'3 fir nfo d
is subsdtuted for an old member of the group. ,ilrs-grrd gd il t, fffi yc€ nfo A f*i rry
How many years the new member is younger to
the orrtgoing member.
uffi ',tFs $ru frr fu 4p Es Ef,{s rg
fcrrr*$ d $ru, 41-u Hif e-a E"B' Ear*S m 9rro
(l) ll years (2) 28years ?f{*x'ouiata
(3) l6years (4) 24years (1) 1lE iu (2) 28 Ert
(3) 16EiF G) 24trt
47. Iff +i=211r*valueof x'+l is 47. *rd x'+$= ztiat x'tleryftrtlm:-

(l) -r,2 (2) 1,2 ir) -t,z (2) 1,2

(3) -r,:2 (4) , r,-2 (3) -1,-2 (4) t,-2
48. kr the given figure, IfA, B and C are the three 48. fC? Hsd frb*ree, e ar} c fgr fifgr, tra d{d
points on a circle such that the angles subtended ' fare" i?e 'o't, B fsry{t EFsrtlfd ff€.€t
.bythe chordsAB andAC at ceirre'O'are 600 and
AB DrlAc fisFg*uciqr€ra69"lr3 roo" eria
lfl)orcspectively, then findthevalue of ZBAC.
verQdrf te, at Zf aC e' furra a?

/ l-\
r t

(l) 2oo (l) 2d ol

(3) 80'
(3) 80' (+i 500
49. 'A'takes 6 days less the time taken by'B"to
fnish a piece of work. If bothA and B toget[er
4e.'A' fEE{r{ 3m aec uf r' * e
di k e' uiam{r
rore t r *rs e ry} B fir6A fsr *lr f 4 fuil fdE
can finish it in 4 daysr find the iime tdken by ts'to
finish the work.
yo ae tt
ta, at rrs' dE' fu g' ffi' fuF Alr 6
(l) 2days Q) l2days
(3) 6days (4) lOdays (r) 2fe6 (2) t2 fu6
50. Findthe value of,-
(3) 6 fie?t (4) lo fud
cos'(.450 +e) + cos' (450- o)
50. cos'(4{ + g) + cos'_(45'-€) vfurra,atr
tan10O'+elan1fO'-e; t8n (600 +0)bn(300-0)

o)2 Q) I
(1) 2 @l
(3) 'l (4) I (3) I (4) I
3 ,3

,. ,], .{, ,*

5l. In a circleof diametell0 cm, the length of the 51.,t0 fuFF q'8 fEa +rd A fd? fr€' € d;q'6
chord is 20 cm. Find the length of the minor arc zo cm tt fEr *c' * tsrs qg mr 6 d;sd rrs )

corr€sponding to the chord.

(r) 2a
'3 @ zOn
(r) 2E (2) 2on
(3) 10tr (4) lotr (3) 1@
3 3

52. Ifrhe roots of the polynomial x'- 3x2 + x + I are

(a-b), a and (a + b) then find the v,alues of 'a' and 52. flaufi[}s3Rf€S)r{rfrEdt G - b), a ,,r3 (a+ u) ils
b'. gi'8'nr3 u etub u€,"rrit

(l) a=l,b=2 '

6=1{2,b= I a) (1) a=!./2,b=1 @ a=l,b=2

(3) a:2,b=+42 (4) a= l,b:t{2 (3): a,=2, b=+'J2 (4) a= l,b-+r/2

53. Ifsec s - tan s.= 2, then the value ofsec s * tan o 53. *6rir s€c s -tan o = 2 i€3t sec s + tan o et5fu il
will be equals to (Where o is an acute anED: i'€ar'? tfdt s fda
(l) I a\ I (1) I @l
,E .E
(3) (4) ,1
(3) (4) I
2 2

54. Two diccs are thrown together, find ihe s4. E rr.t fifa} d? ui, fgrsprrs' 6tB fu €+,r'frn t
probability that zum of numberg of both up si&s
+ Srdrrrr*r,f ffi Frfr€i e' *sffi gra ure i'* t
ofboth dices is np€rfect cube.

(l) 6 (2) 7 (l) 6.

-T (2\ 7
36 '36 36
(3) 0 (4) 5
(3) 0 (4) 5


55. 'B' tuth in 75% cases aod'A' speaks tuth

speaks s5. fCs 's' ar3 eor v515r4t f+-s 'n'
z5% xrlfsr,,ri
in 80% cases. Find the probability that they rsft re't rcE Eraafi tni'di fr gEA e ?rdiiEa

contadict eac.h other in a stot€ment is:- fdrct uqEAt "

(1) t3 Q) 3 (l)
'205 13
(2\ 3
20 5
(3) 2 (4) (3) 2 (4) 7
5 a 7
5 r -20

56. Ashok, Usha, Rani and Sonu have. to give s6. r,{Ea, gF, ar} i'$ t auw fifs e'rc }s
dd it
speeches in a class. In how many difrerelrt ways' ,rfo,,rfua €t5i ct trqTfr f ftt'F f-+€mr dIs
the teacher can alrange the order of their geis€Fd€'ir

(rl , a\ n (l) 4 (2) iz

(3) 256 (4) 24

(3) 2s6 (4) 24

57. ForanyAABC,findthevalueofcos(A+B+C) sz. friAABCu6g.r (A+ZB+c) etuisrrs'air
(r)r(2)l 2
(3) 3 (4) 0

,** sa. *ro =x ii s',x'er !fu uE qtt

5E. If = x thcn fiiod the value ofY
3+-r -
7 7
(3) r (4) E

7 sg.frfrdiroso?"da.sdEiril, zqo.tfszttt
59. The capacity of a cylindrical tank is 26.4 titses.
fud ?4 d ffi I fae tt st fE.F t er
f-ffirrs'Eti "rrq'd
If til fiddiitor-d;i tJl metes, then what is
diamet€r ofib bsse?
(r) r.+tfae o\ zlsl{red
(l) l.4m (2) 2.8m (3) l4rtred Q)
(3) l4m (4) 28m ,: zettrae

60. If tlie area of a squared field is 69696 cm'z. Thcn eo. *eaffigeora'otoe'tadu6og696 G)fi.F!+
what is the length ofits diagonal.
, Erfer+f=rfc$ffi fri#AiEfr?
(l) 313.296cm @'353.2963cin (r) ars'zgelArfied
(3) 373.296w i;i tgl'.Tgi-"il Q)353.2s6ff€ttfi4.
. (, sts.zgeilAfla{ (l)es:.zgcflA}f,ed
61. Aus, Aman and Boro, grown tbrice in a year arc 61. rilX, 11111511} 6 35 fufr6r erUi fe$ fur rro
thetlpesof_crop. ert faxnt ur fr fu E s ft's fg?r
f,iCtnriTd? "-O'ffi6
(l) Minzr Q\ Rice
(4) Wheat (1) ,rd.t e) td'
(3) Ftirt (4) Ae.r

62. Which type ofsoil is also knom as Regur Soil'? rsoil'? ez. krfaxn*fri6f?Udfiif6fud'f,re't?
(l) BlackSoil (2) Rcdsoil (1) {'dtfria (z) u'rrfiid
(3) SandySoil (4) YellowSoil (3) MftrA (4) rffifif,A

63. The firstc€menJplant oflndiawas established at :

(1) Murnbai @ mmaaaUoa (r) 8qA lD .rrtfartwg

(3) Madurai (4) CheNrnni
(3) rfgd.rts t4) wt
64. In which state the 'Kaziranga Sanctuary' is 64.'sr#tdrritrid"fqr M ffi atgfdE Efusi?

(l) Iammu&Kashmir (2) Assam (1) *tJl,flqEna (D tfrErtf

(3) Haryana (4) Kerala (3) Ufatftct (4) +d6

65. What is the population density of India as per the 65. Eri6 2011 6 ffiAEF rGiErd Sri'lt a T5.ffifi{'
census 201l? trragffi't?
(l) . 82 person per sq. kilometer (1) 3s2f€rrr{4{Ssf,dIffirfiae
(2) 4S2personpersq.kilometer Q) cez Fnr{S{SlardlfuB}fieit
(3) I 5S2personpersq.kilometer (3) 582f3diid{Arf,drffi}fr.d
(4) 682 person per sq. kilometer (4) 682f<Drddr{SreIfuE}fiza
66.'Ko*an Railways' stelches along the 66.'*ilc i6? firirdr fidt fari rrs-r'clH adt
(1) Northemplains (2) Eastcoast
(3) Westcoast (4) Crreat Itrdiao iles€rt
(1) g-frFe'5 (2) yds+
(3) riafid" (4) TirE elfi rdxEEnS

67. Which sea existed at the Place of thgesent 67. fu1flfuryt uawt t ran J ufiuu+, Qr ff e fiilE
Himalayas? rdrdf€rfr?
(l) Arctic Q) Tethys
(1) r,firdeE Q) .?*n
(3) Alps (4) Andes (3) *6tIF (4) lafrf,
68. Which of the following is the rinain tree of 6E.'gEs Fer E{rdcdmr# ett'u gdrs i-
Tropical Evergreen vegetation?

(l) Coconut (2) Accecia

(1) E'd,rf!t (2\ fdTd
(3) SilverFur (a) Mahogany (3) frsrece (4) r{ffi
69, Which river is called'sorlow' ofWest Bengal? or. ffi 16 6r
ri=rfi ta.u g'rotrr- fuo' argr te

(l) Narmadariver @ TaPiriver (1) Fdtfs?r6 Q) Eafi:rg

(3) Damodarriver (4) Indusriver
. (3) e'fsdtlil (4i frqFS
70. On which tee the Silhrorms arp reared? 70. eglf e *f=at+ S ffi sd{se urfufi , ile.t?
(l) Tahri (2) Accecia
' .(1) ?-dd Qt fitu
(3) Mulbery (4) Mango
(3) Ef{Erg ntq

71. Whichplaceisknownas'SiliconValley'oflndia? 71. srds*slgfralsure?fdFqrilrf{J'if€ri?

(l) Bangaluru (2) Mumbai ' (1) PrrFE (2) 8sa
(3) Ahmedabad (4) Nagpur (3) afurgq.e (4) srdrgd
72. Who made the law'for the security of forests ih 72. 1855 6. i-g ga eI fifi{r Esr rilrd a'iid rsE
1855A.D. ? F5?

(l) IordDalhousie (2) LordComwalis (1) 6rr5rcrail Q) atgaYrssfur

(3) LordRippan (4) LordWellesley
(3) Urrsf'nrl' (4) sfdse6fid

73. 'Safirj Movement' was related to which category .'FE+fr ,frBd EHrfi + farTrdrdsfigfqs
73 ffi ?
ofthe society?

(1) Children (2) Women

(1) dfs,|lr (2) ,rlrs+
(3) Men (4) Oldpeople
'(3) !'dE+ (4) r6rrdttl

74. Which Siltr Guru Satib compiled Tap Sahib'? 24. ?Br Erfdd A ava' far6 rfor I hr
(l) ShriGuruNanakDevji (1) {qgr'acfu+ft
(2) ShriGuruIlargobindRaiji tz) dwucfrfreafem
(3) . Shricurucfobindsinghji (3) Swilfrefiurifi
(4) ShriGuruTegBahadurji tl) dggSorrorve+fr.
75. When did'Tlte tueaty ofBhqirowal' take place? zs. 'a+€"s6ffagi6?
(1) 24Dec.l846A.D. (r) 24dEdls46S.
(2) 25Dec.l846A.D Ol 2sefTdr846$.
(3) 26Dec.l846A.D. (3) 26dqd1s466.
(4) 27Deo,.tM6A.D Q) 27dTd18466.
76. Wheir did Vietram beeomc a United Country ? 76. +rrGrdrxag fEq EgFs +EEfor,{'?

(l) l5thApril l974A.D: (1) rsu{urezl6.5;

(2) 30thApril1975A.D. e| 36,,I{rrszs$.6;
(3) 3OthApril1973A.D. (3) 30rr{q619738. E
(4) lsthApril 1976A.D. (4) 1srrfE61976E. O.
77. Karl Marx was against: 77. ?

(l) Democracy (2) Capitalism (1) ffisde Q) ftr.e+

(3) Communism (4) Socialisq i3) m5e'r<'et (4) Ex'ffi-e+
78, Whowas'Giuseppe I\rlazzini'? 78. 'fdr€fi1fir{ffi#dEfr?
(l) AnltalianEconoinist (1) ffir et,rfdqErEgd
@ AGermanNationalist 12) fafdga,raUEd
(3) AGennan Professor (3) --d*derqerd
(4) An Italian Nationalist Q) firdsaryar<rg
79. Which among the following cities is hub of the 79. +6fufiftriHtallrr.*err*fraE sfudii
new print culture

(l) (r) urdEtdl (2) ffi

HongKong @ Tokyo
(3) frt{'4 ffi
Shanghai (4) Chicago ' Q)


.. i&
80. Whfuhisiheb€stlit€rarywortofPnemChaod? 80. qHtreS Fr3.frrirFfu€dt€a' fa* U
(l) DoBiifuZameen (2) Godsn; (1) Efrtrilflr
,rrFErid E) As'a
(3) AnadMeth (4) SewaSadao (3) (4) i+rs
81. Whoformetl'Youngltaly' a secret society ? I 1 . trdrfr rd? st A Elrrg ffi fdE* E€'A?

(l) Bismarck (2) WiltctmWolfr (r) fqm{'dn (2) fiEgfugl{='Ft

(3) lo{azzirrt (a)
(3) x' (4) ftedfat

82. Whichoftbe fotlowing is the Presideocy city- az. to tuft nF totf tf 3tfi gfi rd trf;' tt
(l) Luclhnow (2) Delhi (1) urfirg ' (21 fddt
(3) Bombay (4) Ahmedabad (3) Sqdl (4) ,tttd}re$e

83. UnderwhichArticle Untouchability' is abolished aa.'1rrlrr-5d qrfd.t qen ii' dtfi t t figrBrea ? Er
and its practice is prmishable ? gaqrrn qBrr,fri?t{Ef#et rretilt
(l) Article-I5 (2) Articld-l7 (1) qnil-ls (D P-rz
(3) Article-16 (4) Article-l9 (3) Oiil- 16 (4) rFilr- 19

84. An iodividual who is not a member- of either E4. trfrdaa f€ryf$ f,ret frF lton' t rse tt
house ofparliarnent, can be appointed a mernber ffi
q'sflg gr f tffi *t5 fCs Fxr F furyr
of council of Ministers; but he has to b€conc a He st 9rS tu6 8* tr€ MEr (fre CD H
member of eitherhouse within aperiod 9f ......-. rgfra?

(1) onemonth (2) 3months (1) fs{}rfr5. (2) 3rd*

(3) lyear (4) 6tsonths (3) lErF (4) 6rda

85. who is regarded as the srry'reure commmder of Es. 3-fs fris itr firTr s Arudn an"ro il'c rtraar
the defence forceil ir Indis? flrsra?
(l) President (1) alEtar$ (2) rFltsd
(2) PrimeMinister (3) fio{r)Tgfi (4) *d'Ufo
(3) DefenceMinister
(+; chiefofdefenceforces.

E5. Which ofthe following institrrions is not aport of 86. td fu{ilr ffi ffif fuadt fiEqr 'tIP Eqr6{
the Rural'local selfGovernme, rt? rt-g'lrdC!?#il
(l) NagarPanchaYat
(2) Panchayat (1) rtrdtsrE tzl ffs
(3) PanchayuSrmiti (3) ffiEfirS (4) frqrtiEs
(4) ZilaParishad

87. How maoy members are elected from Punjab in 87 . rlf,'sf rE tqq ti il*sg ilEud?
(1) 7 Qt 13
(l) 7 @13 (3) 2L (4) t7
(3) 2t (4) t7
88. Under which Fundamental Right in Indian
Constitution 'Right to free anJ compulsory
Es.'Urrs 3 urilfr fr'fiorr et rt{ffi
grf* ffuqr5 t
Educatiom' hasbeengiven ? ffi'Ffu{t {foA-drrr66 gryg:qtrgr frI},1t tr
q) Under-Righttoequality (r) EHr.'Sr+,rffu6frdaffidt
\2-l _Under-Rightagiafustexploitarion Q, Ereffirffoq.dl{fr6
!1) U_nder-RighttoRetigiousFreedom (3) qEfifiElf,grE +rrffo{rdrilfrd
(4) Under-RighttoFreedom (4) El$yrsr+ryfod-d,,ffrd
89. \ilhen was the charter of Unitpd Nation
89. s r iEr GfgErs dEed fur sr grfed {g retdrd
organizatioi, accepted by 5l counties?.
fgriaft{rrn ?

(l) 24thoctob€r1945 (r) 24W'rilEE ts4s

@ 26thJune1945 Ql 26i6Le4s
(3) I0thAugustlg3g (3) rorflitmr 1939
(4) 24thApdttgi4 (4) 24rrfq61e54
90. Who was the president of constifircnt
A$€rnbly ;o. md
oflndia? a r-=qr6Egit{q-6dErar?

(l) ft. JawaharlalNehru rL uksr<uouf$rrq

@ Dr.B.R.AmHkar t2i f.S.?r;rd.rtfigq.d
(3) Sardarvalabhabhaipdrel
rir a-a€it-Frgreiqb
(4) Dr.Rajendraprasad.
91. Who has said these,words regarding tte .(4)
sr. tffiEfmttsi, n ffiqffsudfirt ETefqF* qA?
?anchsheel' principles,.,'By Implernenting
Principles, there will be permanent worldpeacer,. "furdr frrqEi A u'r€" aird drsxqdlM dB,
f<E<Eiil Eq'firs616 sr r*g1 il,
(l) IMaharnaGandhi ('

Q) Dr.B.R.AmHkar (r)' )fiIritt{inrfr

(3) ShriLalBahadurShastri Q) 3lr. fr.rrfrd.rrltifq3
(4) PanditJawaharlalNebnr (3) dururureoa'rail
(4) tker<-ucuurfu
92. Which of the following features is
not a federal
feature oflndian constitution?
s2. JdA if-q'?r. A,rF t6 furt,fr fuirsEr fCif
'i ffif?irs'fru.etrdfitri?
(l) Supremacy ofthe constitution
@ Dishibution of p6wers between cenhe (1) ffuq"rAEilESrE
and sCotes.
(3) Appointnent of Governors by president Q) afdia.f, tf€?gra.€frr,{f tfr+5
(3) arFarrS dd arf, r n anrrur 6
oflndia 6og1
(4) Independent Judiciary. d) a=go- fdrytrffgAt
93. Which ofthe followingis the corect
equatioil ga. tafufiorrfdilffi E fiqrddqi?
(l) Savings: Income + Consumption
Q) Savings : Consumption- Income
itr dgo-alxga+Brriar
\b fsq=Sr-dr-rrfD{e?t
Income = Savings + Consumlfi@ (3) ryryga.t'Yg+Qrrior
(4) Consumption = Income + Savings 14i grriar-ry+rga+rso

-=.=ry.rr -!:-:
- ' :*i - -:

94. Whicli group belongs to all direct taxes?

(l) Incometax;Gift tax,Saletax (1) amfgSaB,$rd-r{e,-sqd

Q) lncometa:r,Wealthtax Saleax o) tFlr6ail,Ita5dit,+g a
(3) Gift tax,Wealthtax,Saletax (3) Qrroteee,usra,?ero
(4i lncometax,Giftta:qWealthtax (4) r{r}r6ra,flug"ere'maa

CentalBankoflndia? e5. lrrirssfaiE rlEarrfr irdil

95. Whichisthe

(l) ' Q) RBI (1) tzi'6'

(4) ICICI i;; ,}*il.fl".fi . irl .',41'6'atd
e6. ln{firg?fnir++Jda,frrfdsEgrSE q?;r A sd3
96. ln which sector, nahral sources are used for

(1) f€'tsd Q)
(l) ServiceSector SecondarySector
i;; li"g'rr, f-sttad
(3) PrimarYSector (4) FinancialSector

9?. Monetary Policy has one component

of' poliry ,r . fn:A *A ofigartror1daltr

(l) BaokRatE (Int€resD (1) fEamge Ql F6errs{iltt{96

Q) Public Income (3) rrgsfrc*n (l) qemf+3fT{Es'
(3) PublicWorks
(4) DeficitFinancing

(MGNREGA) 2oo5 fqE

gg-E ?t'5
98. MGNREGA 2005 was initiated
with the aim to e8. ftdft'?il
(1) gffiIrd
(l) EmPloYment (2') trrJrgrs'
izl Health Facilities (3) trT{rrrr$rst
ili EducationFacilitie's (4) ffirgrat
i4i lnigationFacilities
related to tho basic e9. t6f,5f,rf f€r€t i{tfrra5'rrrarm;aai
99. Whicb service is not

(l) (2) Education (1) fsrd lzt trn{,t'

Inigation (a) Banking (3) frfs€ (4) tftdl

balance of 1oo. {frgu <urdsrfr E dt?t fir&fr xre'

nr3 fr
100. What is the efrect of rmfavourable
ta;rle on Foreign Exchange Reserves? rg'<iutt
(1) arnu'Btfii
(l) Itreduces (2\ r'q'fgi
(2) Itfuicreases (3) i6{s'{?rfr
(3) No efrect
(4) Itremains same (4) It{64tr€rt


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