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Marxism “a theory in which class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social change in

Western societies.” A system of economic, social, and political philosophy based on ideas that

view social change in terms of economic factors.

1. the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without
appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering
behaviour patterns.
o treatment involving the practical application of the theory of behaviourism.

1. economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by
private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

1. the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
a person who supports feminism.

1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of
production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a

 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period (450–1066)

 Middle English Period (1066–1500)
 The Renaissance (1500–1660)
 The Neoclassical Period (1600–1785)
 The Romantic Period (1785–1832)
 The Victorian Period (1832–1901)
 The Edwardian Period (1901–1914)
 The Georgian Period (1910–1936)
 The Modern Period (1914–?)
 The Postmodern Period (1945–?)

1Old English literature (c. 450–1066)
 2Middle English literature (1066–1500)

 2.1Medieval theatre
 3English Renaissance (1500–1660)

 3.1Elizabethan period (1558–1603)

o 3.1.1Poetry
o 3.1.2Drama
 3.2Jacobean period (1603–1625)
o 3.2.1Drama
o 3.2.2Poetry
o 3.2.3Prose
 3.3Late Renaissance (1625–1660)
o 3.3.1Poetry
 4Restoration Age (1660–1700)

 4.1Poetry
 4.2Prose
 4.3Drama
 518th century

 5.1Augustan literature (1700–1750)

o 5.1.1Poetry
o 5.1.2Drama
o 5.1.3Prose, including the novel
 5.2Age of Sensibility (1750–1798)
o 5.2.1Precursors of Romanticism
 6Romanticism (1798–1837)

 6.1Romantic Poetry
o 6.1.1Second generation
o 6.1.2Other poets
 6.2Romantic Novel
 6.3Romanticism in America
 7Victorian literature (1837–1901)

 7.1The Victorian novel

o 7.1.1American novel (From Romanticism to realism)
o 7.1.2Genre fiction
o 7.1.3Children's literature
 7.2Victorian poetry
o 7.2.1American poetry
 7.3Victorian drama
 820th century

 8.1Modernism (1901–1922)
 8.2Modernism (1923–1939)
 8.3Post–modernism (1940–2000)
o 8.3.1The novel
o 8.3.2Drama
o 8.3.3Poetry
o 8.3.4Literature from the Commonwealth of Nations
o 8.3.5American writers
 8.4Genre fiction in the twentieth-century
 8.5Literary criticism in the twentieth century
 9Nobel Prizes in English literature
 10See also
 11Notes
 12References
 13Bibliography

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