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Classical music and modern music vary in many aspects.

The most obvious

difference is in the time of birth and development. Classical music was born
before the 19th century, while modern music came after the 19th century. The
two styles of music differ in many ways, including musical instruments, forms,
performing styles, purpose and creative method.

First, Instruments. Typically, classical music is performed by groups of

acoustic instruments. These include violin, viola, cello, flute, contra bass, piccolo,
tuba, trombone, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone. While all of these
instruments appear in large orchestras, smaller classical bands use only some
above, typically string quartets, brass sets and wood sets.
Modern music uses instruments like electric guitar, electric bass and piano. While
both classical and modern music use percussion instruments, classical music
often uses a percussion with many players each playing individual instruments,
while modern music often has a musician playing the drum kit. , sometimes with
one or two other percussions.
Second, Form. Classical music consists of works composed primarily of
different parts. A symphony is a prime example of a classical work, consisting of
four chapters. Other forms of classical music include concerto, rondo, mass,
oratorio, and sonata. These can last from a few minutes to several hours.
Modern music uses much smaller forms than classical music, usually lasting a
few minutes. Modern music has fewer forms, including songs that include lyrics
and chorus with arrangements.
Third, Style. Classical music has more style and nuance than modern music.
In classical music, the focus is on the expressive and even, requires the emotional
communication of the musicians specified in the music. In addition, classical
music has a rich and varied tempo and will often speed up the rhythm or slow
down in different chapters.
Meanwhile, modern music often expresses emotions through the singer,
emphasizing improvisation and more variation in classical music.
Forth, Purpose. The purpose of classical music in general is to bring
entertainment to the audience sitting under the enjoyment as well as stimulate the
emotions and wisdom of the audience. While some modern music works have a
similar purpose, it also distinguishes them from classical music in important
respects. Many modern pieces of music are created simply for dancing, which is
not common with classical music except ballet. In addition, while both classical
and modern music has been used commercially, this purpose is much more
popular with modern music than classical music.
Final, Creative Method. The composition of each type of music varies greatly.
With classical music forms being performed for a long time, composers take
years, even decades, to complete a work. Classical music is often created by
introducing many themes and details that are slowly developed throughout a
In contrast, modern music often uses fewer details and ideas. In addition, because
modern music often focuses on one singer, starting from the vocal is common
when a musician begins to compose. In classical music, composers often write
music with a piano and imagine all of the orchestra's instruments playing different
Although classical and modern music have different characteristics, both of
these types help us to expand our understanding of music, and understand more
about how music has become a part of literature, chemistry and our lives today.

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