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5-15: If Ms.

Maynard displays the characteristics of the Directive communication style, how

should Ray conduct himself during the meeting? Be specific as you describe those behaviors that

would be admired by Ms. Maynard. Ray will have to associate with Ms. Vera in a professional

way. He should not act informal at all. Ms. Vera displays Directive communication style so Ray

must adjust to her communication style. He needs to first ask questions then take note of her

responses. His style should be business professional. Ray should be structured and well

organized. He needs to provide accurate information and potential possibilities of success for the

land. Ray can see a good opportunity for a medium-sized shopping center on 26 acres in the

growing residential neighborhood. (Manning G. L., 2018, p. 112) He should talk business and

present Ms. Vera with correct facts.

5-16: If Ms. Maynard wants to build a rapport with Ray Perkins, what behavior should she

display? Ray’s friends said they like to spend time with him because he is a good listener. He

also is a quiet, amiable person who displays a supportive communication style. (Manning G. L.,

2018, p. 112) Ms. Vera should display supportive behavior to Ray. She will have to avoid the

potential of flaunting the “power” she has over him. Ms. Vera should have a friendly business

relationship/personality towards Ray, where he can feel comfortable telling her his opinions

about the property. She will have to show that she is listening and paying attention to his

personal views and respect his feelings. She must display a professional but friendly

communication style because people with supportive personalities like to do business with

someone with friendly behavior.

5-17: It is not a good idea to put a label on someone and then assume the label tells us everything

about the person. As Ray attempts to build a rapport with Ms. Maynard, what other personal

characteristics should he try to identify? As Ray tries to build a connection with her, he should
not assume she is a certain way because his assumption could be all wrong. It depends on how

she acts. “Ms. Vera is the president of Mondale Growth Corporation, a firm in specializing in

development of shopping centers. One week later, he received a letter from Ms. Vera requesting

more information. Shortly after receiving Ray’s response, Mrs. Vera called to set up an

appointment to inspect the property” (Manning G. L., 2018, p. 112) Just by that Ray should

identify her as she likes to get things done, she is not a procrastinator and that she is very

professional. She is a powerful and hardworking woman. She is very goal oriented and well

educated. Ms. Vera has characteristics of seeing potential in properties like Ray does. She has

characteristics of the Directive communication style. You should never assume how someone is

in the business aspect and in life in general.


Manning, G. L., Ahearne, M., & Reece, B. L. (2018). Selling Today Partnering to Create Value.

New York, NY: Pearson.

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