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2019 10 Minute Debrief Rubric (worth 4 marks):

The rubric for marking the 10 Minute Debrief task is provided below. The assessment tests learning goals of knowledge (PLO1) and communication (PLO3).
The maximum score is 4, the minimum is 0. Tick the box that corresponds to the quality of knowledge and communication. Add the value of the ticks to
obtain a mark out of 4. You may award half (0.5) marks.
For example, 2+2=4 =100% (perfect answer).
Does not meet expectations Meets expectations Exceeds expectations
0 marks 1 mark 2 marks

PLO1: Identify and Does not correctly identify or select Identifies/selects (and explains where Accurately identifies/selects (and
explain relevant relevant disciplinary or interdisciplinary necessary) some key relevant explains where necessary) all key
disciplinary or knowledge. disciplinary or interdisciplinary relevant disciplinary or interdisciplinary
interdisciplinary knowledge. knowledge, indicating a breadth of
knowledge understanding.

PLO3: Combines • Does not adapt communication with • Adopts appropriate conventions for • Expertly applies appropriate
information and consideration of audience and purpose audience and purpose conventions for audience and purpose
communication skills to • Inappropriate use of language for • Uses language appropriately for • Actively engages audience through
effectively address a audience and context audience and context use of language
specific audience and • Does not clearly articulate central • Clearly articulates central message, • Achieves purpose of communication
purpose message, key points and / or conclusion key points and / or conclusion through effectively sharing central
message, key points and / or
conclusion with audience

Total marks /4

MARK1012 T1, 2019. 10 MD Rubric created by Tania Bucic

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