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Topic: Some people believe that sport is an essential part of school life for children,

while another feel it should be purely optional. Discuss these opposing views and
give your own opinion.


The issue of whether sport should be embedded in the school curriculum or not is a
controversial debate. I will discuss both sides and give my personal belief.

On the one hand, some people hold an opinion that sport is time-consuming since
those time can be spent on learning academic subjects, or preparing for
examinations. Additionally, not all children have interest in sports; therefore, they
should not be forced to play sport at school. Not to mention that there have been
some news lately regarding to drugs and corruption in sport industry, which display
such a bad image and create an unethical role model for young children. Besides,
children may face with injuries and accidents while playing sport, which may impact
on their studies.

On the other hand, sport plays an imperative role in supporting children’s health and
development. To be more specific, participating in sport will encourage children to
develop and enhance their muscles and gross motor skills. Furthermore, sport helps
children release stress after hard-studying period of time. The researchers also
emphasize the importance of balancing time between sports and other academic
subjects. Moreover, school sport frames skills that will be essential for them in
adulthood. For instance, team spirit and collaboration are elements that can be
learnt from engaging in sport activities.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the advantages of school sport outweigh its
drawbacks. It does not only promote children’s physical development but also
boosts up their intellectual activities. Schools should ensure the safety for children
during sport classes, so it will not affect their learning. Therefore, I personally
advocate for putting sport into school curriculum as a compulsory subject.

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