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Youth for Future Era.

Good morning I say to all my friend, all contestant, all attendant guest, and especially
all respected judges. Before I deliver my speech, I want to introduce my self, my name is
Fadlan Amada Faturoni, and I came from Junior High School 6 Tasikmalaya.
First of all, let us give thanks to God for all His blessings and kindness, so that we can
gather here today to join the speech competition. Secondly, may sholawat and salam be with
our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness ito the brightness in the
world as well as in the next world. Then, I am really grateful for giving me time. In this
opportunity, I want to deliver my speech with topic "Youth for Future Era".
My brothers and sisters,
There is no way we can deny that the quality of our youth generation is the reflection
of our nation’s future. It is said that a nation will be a loser nation if its youth generation fails
to guide themselves to become youths who have morality and capability. Maybe it is too far
away for all of you to think of the nation, yet what really matters today is that you must begin
to think of your future. What kind of person you want to be in the future? Is it a success or
failed person? Everything is started from today. It’s all because of everything you will reach
in the future time is the result of what you have done today.
Today is young, tomorrow will be a leader.
It is quite a right decision if you start today by preparing yourselves in order to be
able to compete as well as take some other bigger role. You have to be prepared by having
the presence of mind to develop your morality. You need to be fully aware to possess the
skills so that you can compete in achieving the success.
My brothers and sisters,
All you can do from now on is study well. Join the activities that you are interested in.
All the advantages from it will come to you. If you plant from today then you will definitely
pick the happiness later.
Associate in positive environment and surroundings. Stay away from drugs. For my
female sisters, please be careful. It’s because there have been many news of our country that
told about the female students who had love affairs and ended up getting pregnant outside of
marriage. Please, have pity on yourselves by avoiding negative deeds and social-intercourses.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Through this occasion I would like to suggest the young generation who will be a
leader of nation. From this moment, let’s roll up our sleeve. Step forward to reach the bright
future. Develop more potentials to improve the human resources quality! Sensitize the sense
in order to strengthen our faith! Concentrate the mind to increase your knowledge! Do the
exercise to make your body healthy! Learn to manage your bussiness! And work to multiply
the productivity.
Last but not the least, I would like to call you to prepare our generation in order to be
able to replace the elder in the future. We have to stay away from the bad actions, and
develop our skill and potency to make a brighter future.
Well, I think that’s all of my speech. I apologize if there’re mistakes in my speech that
may insult or hurt you in some way. Thank you for listening, good morning.

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