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Nama : Herliza Tamara

Nim : PO.

1. The North Plate River _______ from Wyoming into Nebraska

A. it flowed
B. flows
C. flowing
D. with flowing water

2. ________ Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning "first peopke".
A. The city of
B. located in
C. It is in
D. The tour included

3. A pride of lions _______ up to forty lions, including one to three males, several females
and cubes.
A. can contain
B. it contains
C. contain
D. containing

4. __________ tea plant are small and white.

A. The
B. On the
C. Having flowers the
D. The flowers of

5. The tetracylines, __________ antibiotics, are used to treat infections.

A. are a family of
B. being a family of
C. a family of
D. their family is

6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulants _______ marginal at best.
A. it is
B. they is
C. is
D. as

7. Hendy Adams, born in Boston ________ famous as a historian and novelist.

A. became
B. and because
C. he was
D. and he became
8. The major cause __________ the pull of the Moon on the Earth.
A. the ocean tides are
B. of ocean tides is
C. of the tides in the ocean
D. the oceans' tides

9. Still a novely in the late nineteenth century, _________ limited to the rich
A. was
B. wa photography
C. it was photography
D. photography was

10. A computerized mpa of the freeways using information gathered by sensors embedded in
the pavement ______ on a local cable channed during rush hours.
A. airs
B. airing
C. air
D. to air

1. In the sentence there is a clear subject, the blank and two phrases. So, there is no main
A. are not correct because it includes a subject (it) reference, and we already have the
B. It is the best answer
C. are not correct because it is really not a verb. We need a form of BE to make it a verb.
Additionally, the sentence expresses a fact, so we cannot use a progressive form.
D. Are not correct because it is a phrase since it starts with a preposition "with".

2. In the sentence we can locate the verb "received" and after it a series of phrases. Before the
verb there is only a name of a place with a blank before it.This leads us to understand
that we need a phrase to complete the subject.
A. It is the best answer
B. Are not correct because the phrase only established the place, but the sentence would
need another subject reference such as a name of a local monument.
C. Are not correct because it is not a completing phrase; it also has a verb.
D. Are not correct because it has a complete subject and verb.

3. The subject is clearly established before the blank. After the bland there is a phrase. This
means we need the main subject of the sentence.
A. It is the best answer
B. Are not correct because it has a subject reference
C. Are not correct it does not match the number form of the subject.
D. Are not correct because it is not really a verb. The "ing" must have a form of BE
before it.
4. The sentence include a form of BE as the main verb. Before the verb there is a subject with
a blank. This means we need a phrase which completes the subject.
A. Are not correct because it is only the article. This means the subject "plant" would not
match the verb "are".
B. Are not correct because it is the same as sentence (A) with the variation of the
C. Are not correct because it is still not completing a subject phrase like the two previous
D. It is the best answer

5. It is clear to see the two commas and the blank inside of them. Also, there is a verb "are" in
the main sentence. This means we have a phrase which gives additional information, so a
phrase starter is needed.
A. Are not correct because it has a main verb
B. Are not correct it does not have a connecting preposition at the end.
C. It is the best answer
D. Are not correct because it has a subject and verb

6. Once we read the sentence, we identify there is no real main verb; it is only a series of
A. Are not correct because it has a subject.
B. Are not correct it has the adverb "there" in a subject position.
C. It is the best answer
D. Are not Correct because it is not a verb.

7. By reading the sentence, we can identify it has a complimentary phrase between commas.
The main subject is complete. After the blank there are phrases only. This means it does
not have a main verb.
A. It is the best answer
B. Are not correct because it has a conjunction.
C. Are not correct because it has a subject.
D. Are not correct because it has a conjunction and subject.

8. In the sentence there is a subject, which seems broken. After the blank there is a series of
phrases. This means we need the main verb and the actual noun of the subject.
A. Are not correct because it has the article "the" and it does not include a connecting
B. It is the best answer
C. Are not correct because it does not have a verb.
D. Are not correct because it does not have a connecting prepositions nor verb.
9. The sentence starts with a series of phrases and a comma. After the blank there is what
could be a verb and its object. This means we need the main subject and possibly the
other part of the verb.
A. Are not correct because it is only a verb.
B. Are not correct because it would create a question in the sentence we have.
C. Are not correct because it does have a connector at the end.
D. It is the best answer

10. We should notice that everything before the blank is a series of phrases :
"using,""gathered," and "embedded" are not verbs because they don't have a preceding
BE verb. After the blank we have more phrases. This means we need the main verb of
the sentence.
A. It is the best answer
B. Are not correct because it is not a verb; it doesn't have a preceding BE verb.
C. Are not correct because it does not match the number form of the main subject "map"
D. Ae not correct because the verb is in infinitive form.

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