Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt

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Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt

Oleh : Rini Zahraini Nurajmi / 11190700000017 / 1A

Suicide is an action (by and on themselves) to end of life in various ways, motif,
and factors. Suicide is basically a reality that has been happened in around us, but due to
busyness and routine, they assumed suicide was something that passes, without a trace.
In fact, that reality storing and giving messages for us to learn more about life.
Suicide has become an acute reality that has not yet been obtained by a panacea.
In psychology, suicide is categorized as an asocial act, in the concept of religion it crashes
into religious norms because it precedes Divine Nature. Why does suicide become the
ultimate way? The results of this study are expected to be introspective, aware, and
grateful for Allah's blessings, proven by not committing suicide (Dervic et al., 2004).
South Korea was one of the most suicide attempt country. 56.9% of their
population were unaffiliated, that means they didn’t have any religions. The Korean Times
noted, suicide is the number four cause of death in South Korea. World Economic Forum
data also states that South Korea is an APEC member country, which has the most
suicides. In 2012, there were no less than 15,000 suicides. That means, every day found
30-40 cases of suicide!
a. Suicide Warning Signs and Risk Factors
 Negative view of self
 A sense of hopelessness
 No hope for the future
 Feeling like a burden to others
 Drastic changes in mood and behaviour
 Relationship problems
 Mental health condition
 Physical disability or illness
 Isolation or feeling alone
b. What to Do If You Out of Control
 Identify trusted adults at school and home.
 Avoid drugs and alcohol
 Consider downloading helping apps like Virtual Hope Box, MY3, or A Friend
 Approach yourself to Allah
 Get help. You can’t do it alone: Tell a psychologist, counsellor, teacher,
parents, or your close friends.
c. Reminders for Friends
 Connect. Listen, be accepting, don’t judge.
 Confirm. Ask if they have thoughts of dying or of suicide.
 Protect. Take any threats they make seriously. Do not agree to keep a
secret! Tell someone.
 Stay. Do not leave alone a person you are concerned about being at
imminent risk. You might be their lifeline.
 Act. Call for help immediately.
d. Religious Functions
According to William James, religion is how individuals see themselves as
related to something great or divine. James also mentioned two psychological
qualities that can be obtained from religion, namely the passion for life and a
sense of security, love, and peace. Religious observance is often associated with
one's psychological state, including the tendency to self-harm or suicide.
Behavior that related to suicide, including suicidal ideation, where
individuals begin to plan and think about ending their lives; and suicide attempts,
the phase in which individuals attempt to end their lives (Klonsky, 2016). These
behaviors can be reduced or even eliminated through religious assistance, both
through personal beliefs (perceptions, religious practices) and through social
assistance (interactions in religious communities).
In daily life, religion is considered to have a protective function for
individuals in carrying out various actions. Individuals who have religious
obedience have low aggressiveness and can control themselves well when
inadvertently having hopes or encouragement to commit suicide (Burke, 2004). In
religion, individuals are always taught to always do good and not hurt anyone,
including yourself. This causes a person to tend to forget and cancel the initiative
to hurt himself. In addition, actively practicing religious teachings in daily life has
also proven to be effective in dealing with negative feelings, such as excessive
sadness and anxiety. Religious individuals will always feel protected by a great
force, or commonly called God, and actively try to make changes to these negative
feelings (Barksdale, 2006).
e. Religious Views on Suicide
 Islam:
Muslim scholars and clerics consider suicide forbidden, including
suicide bombing.
A verse in the Quran instructs:
i. And do not kill yourselves, surely God is most Merciful to
you. Qur'an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayat 29
ii. The prohibition of suicide has also been recorded in statements of
hadith (sayings of Muhammad); for example:
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "He who commits suicide by
throttling shall keep on throttling himself in the Hell Fire (forever) and he
who commits suicide by stabbing himself shall keep on stabbing himself in
the Hell-Fire."— Sahih al-Bukhari, 2:23:446
 Judaism:
Suicide is forbidden, a violation of Leviticus 19:14 ("Do not put a
stumbling block before the blind"), which is understood as prohibiting
tempting to sin as well as literally setting up physical obstacles.
 Christianity:
According to the theology of the Roman Catholic Church, suicide is
objectively a sin which violates the commandment "Thou shalt not kill".
Suicide is regarded generally within the Orthodox Tradition as a
rejection of God's gift of physical life, a failure of stewardship, an act of
despair, and a transgression of the sixth commandment, "You shall not kill"
(Exodus 20:13).


Active membership in religious influence behaviors related to suicide, such as

planning and attempted suicide. Religion has a protective function, which is to protect
humans from being aggressive behaviors, such as self-harm. Religious devotion also help
individuals to cope with negative feelings and problems in life. In addition, the teaching
of religion also gives meaning to life, that is by helping each other and sharing kindness
with others. Roles that religion will be more effective if the exercise of religion, people
get positive support from the social environment, especially the immediate family. No
attachment to religious teachings will make it difficult for people to communicate with
God. Giving meaning of life is also quite confusing to do in the absence of an idea of how
to live life to achieve happiness in life after death.

Ending life because 'feeling broken' affects the dynamics of life that are not always
'defending' into an acute challenge. Our readiness for this matter must be prepared
immediately so that it can be brought alone does not become a 'Subscription' news that
we can watch in the mass media. Religion Making a shield/shield to witness a suicide. In
addition to high lifestyle, low income is an equally interesting factor for contributors to

Barksdale, C. M. (2006). Religious Coping and Suicidal Behaviors Among African American Adolescents.
Journal of Black Psychology, 32(3), 366-389.

Burke, A. K. (2004). Religious affiliation and suicide attempt. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(12),

Klonsky, E. D. (2016). Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Suicidal Ideation. Annual Review of Clinical
Psychology, 12, 307-330.

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