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Name of the Enterprise

Munchikan is a company providing munchkins to sell for the students of

Davao City National High School and also outside the school.

Brief Description of the Entrepreneur

In the company, we have positions where we are specialized. Reymark

Perez is the president, Aldrie Mico Bacarro is the assistant of the

president, M-ren Corpuz is assigned to the marketing, Ed John Paul

Salinas and Don Justin Amor are workers. Reymark Perez is an ABM

student while M-ren Corpuz, Aldrie Mico Bacarro, Ed John Paul Salinas

and Don Justin Amor are TVL-Animation students. The subject

Entrepreneurship made us create our company and products. In our 1st

quarter, we are planning and finding what our product will be. In our 2nd

quarter, we have found the product that suites the market taste and we

developed it with special and unique add-ons.

Project’s Contribution to the Economy

Munchkinan contributes to the economy through providing the market’s

wants and satisfying their craving for sweets.

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