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1. The statement (x +y) + z = z + (x + y) illustrates which property of real numbers?

a. closure
b. commutative *
c. transitive
d. associative

2. What is the identity element for addition?

a. 0 *
b. -1
c. 1
d. 2

3. If a = b = a. This illustrates which axiom in Algebra?

a. Transitive axiom
b. Reflexive axiom
c. Symmetric axiom *
d. Associative axiom

4. The function whose value at any number x is the greatest integer less than or equal to x is
called the
a. floor function *
b. ceiling function
c. upper rounding
d. lower rounding

5. A _______ matrix is a matrix that is its own inverse so that when multiplied by itself
results to the identity matrix.
a. skew-symmetric
b. Hermitian
c. involutory *
d. anti-symmetric

6. This refers to the ratio of two quantities whose ratio is equal to the ratio of their sum to
larger of two quantities, i.e., a/b = (a+b)/a
a. Golden ratio *
b. Plastic ratio
c. Silver ratio
d. Iron ratio

7. A function f(x) of a variable x for which f(-x) = -f(x).

a. odd function *
b. onto function
c. even function
d. prime function
8. Two sets A and B are said to be _______ if they have no elements in common.
a. disjoint *
b. complementary set
c. universal set
d. null set

9. A given function is said to be a/an ________ if and only if every element y in Y has a
corresponding element x in X such that f(x) = y.
a. one-to-one function (injective)
b. onto function (surjective) *
c. one-to-one correspondence (bijective)
d. Any of these are correct

10. A curve traced out by a point of a circle as it rolls in another circle of the same radius.
a. hypocycloid
b. cycloid
c. epicycloid
d. cardioid *

11. What is the equivalent of 459° in mils?

a. 2500
b. 3200
c. 8160 *
d. 9800

459° × = 8160 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑠

12. When you divide 𝑥 4 − 𝐴 𝑥 3 + 𝐵𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 6 by 𝑥 − 2, the remainder is 16. When you

divide by 𝑥 + 1, the remainder is 10. Determine A.
a. 5 *
b. -5
c. 7
d. -7


Since f(2) = 16: 16 = (2)4 – A(2)3 + B(2)2 + 7(2) + 6

8A – 4B =20

Since f(-1) = 10: 10 = (-1)4 – A(-1)3 + B(-1)2 + 7(-1) + 6

A + B =10

By simultaneous equations: A = 5, B = 5
13. Rationalize the expression:
√𝑎− √𝑎𝑏
1− √𝑏
a. 1+𝑏
𝑎− √𝑏
b. 𝑎+𝑏
1+ √𝑏
c. *
𝑎+ √𝑏
d. 𝑎−𝑏


√𝑎 √𝑎 √𝑎 + √𝑎𝑏 𝑎 + 𝑎√𝑏 1 + √𝑏
= × = =
√𝑎 − √𝑎𝑏 √𝑎 − √𝑎𝑏 √𝑎 + √𝑎𝑏 𝑎 − 𝑎𝑏 1−𝑏

3 −4 0 7
−2 6 5 4
14. Determine the determinant of A = [ ]
1 0 −2 3
−3 5 −4 1
a. -440
b. -370 *
c. 525
d. 370


By cofactor expansion method:

6 5 4 −2 5 4 2 6 4 −2 6 5
det A = 3 |0 −2 3| − (−4) | 1 −2 3| + 0 | 1 0 3| − 7 | 1 0 2|
5 −4 1 −3 −4 1 −3 5 1 −3 5 −4
det A = 3 (175) + 4(-110) – 7(65)

det A = -370

15. Simplify: (2xy)5 (-3x2y3)4 (-5x3y4)3

a. 325000 x22y29
b. -324000 x22y29
c. 324000 x17y19
d. -324000 x17y19


(2xy)5 (-3x2y3)4 (-5x3y4)3 = (32x5y5) (81x8y12) (-125x9y12) = -324000 x22y29

16. Joy’s barn houses and chickens and pigs. In order to determine the exact number of each
kind of animals in the barn, the owner told a visitor to simply count the total number of
heads and legs. The visitor did so and reported 60 heads and 140 legs. How many
chickens were there?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 50 *


Let x = no. of chickens y = no. of pigs

Equation 1: x + y = 60

Equation 2: 2x + 4y = 140

By simultaneous Equations: x = 50, y = 10

17. A curve has the equation y = 8cos2x. In comparison to this curve, which of the following
functions has twice the period and thrice the amplitude?
a. y = 24cos2x
b. y = 24cosx *
c. y = 24cos4x
d. y = 16cos6x

2𝜋 2𝜋 2𝜋
B2 = 2𝑇
= 2𝜋 = 2𝜋 =1 A2 = 3A = 3(8) = 24
2( ) 2( )
𝐵 2

18. A trapezoid has an area of 360 m2 and an altitude of 20 m. Its two bases have ratio of 4:5.
What are the lengths of the bases?
a. 13, 16
b. 8, 12
c. 9, 11
d. 16, 20 *


Using area of trapezoid:

𝑎+𝑏 𝑎+𝑏
𝐴= ℎ 360 = (20) 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 36
2 2

From the ratio of the bases 4:5:

4x + 5x = 36 x=4

a = 4x = 16

b = 5x = 20
19. A hyperbola has an equation of 16x2 – 9y2 – 128x – 90y – 113 = 0. Determine the
coordinates of the center of the hyperbola.
a. (-4, 3)
b. (4, -5) *
c. (5, -4)
d. (-5, 4)


16x2 – 9y2 – 128x – 90y – 113 = 0

16 (x2 – 8x) – 9 (y2 + 10y) = 113
16 (x2 – 8x + 16) – 9 (y2 + 10y + 25) = 144
16(x - 4)2 – 9(y + 5)2 = 144
(𝑥 − 4)2 (𝑦 + 5)2
− =1
9 16

Center = (-4, 5) a=3 b=4

20. Given A = <5, -2, 6> and B = <8, -4, -4>, find A + B.
a. <4, 5, -5>
b. <10, 8, 15>
c. <13, -7, 2> *
d. <21, 3, 3>


A + B = <5+8, -2-5, 6-4> = <13, -7, 2>

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